HNOF :: Volume #13

#1219: The roaring flame burns Dark Night!

Xiao Yan just now one strike, coincides by five colors Fire Lotus and Heavenly Calamity Strength, that wild Strength, is Beginning Calamity Tribulation-Facing Stage Cultivator is not then able to withstand, Green Dark Sword Venerable also in these time to bumping is injured, caused heavy losses. 萧焱方才一击,以五色火莲天厄之力相合,那狂暴的力量,便是初劫历劫期修士都无法承受,苍冥剑尊也在这一次对碰中受伤,遭到重创。 If not Green Dark Sword Venerable also stimulates to movement arrived pinnacle own Strength, just now that time to spelling, he is damaged even more to be heavier. 若非苍冥剑尊也将自身力量催动到了极致,方才那一次对拼,他受创还要更重。 Although Ancient Sword Green Dark Strength is strong, but this moment sword blade surface also has a close crack, if before is not, Green Dark Sword Venerable Divine Origin will send the sword, Ancient Sword Green Dark will destroy directly in the Xiao Yan subordinate. 古剑苍冥力量虽强,但此刻剑身表面也出现条条细密的裂缝,如果不是之前苍冥剑尊元神寄剑,古剑苍冥会直接毁在萧焱手下。 but, the Xiao Yan's situation is worse, Magic Force Aura not restrainable dim getting down. 不过,萧焱的情况更糟,法力气息不可抑制的黯淡下去。 Regarding present him, five colors Fire Lotus might, although is strong, the pressure is also very big, to his own Divine Origin create damage. 对于现在的他来说,五色火莲威力虽强,压力也很大,会对他自身元神造成损伤。 He not fuses Fire Lotus by Hell Evil Fire and Black Heaven Calamity Flame these two most violent unstablest True Fire, this enables him not only to stimulate to movement Firmament Fire Lotus quickly, oneself unlikely thorough oil completely lamp is also dry. 他没有以幽冥邪煌玄天劫焰这两种最暴烈最不稳定的真火来融合火莲,这使得他不仅能更快催动苍穹火莲,自身也不至于彻底油尽灯枯。 But Mystical Ability Magic Force, in inevitable stalemate trough. 神通法力,都不可避免的陷入低谷之中。 Then inspires Heavenly Calamity Strength, becomes lacks the ability to do what one would like, Heavenly Calamity red light also gradually low and deep dim. 便是引动天厄之力,都变得力不从心,天厄的红光也渐渐低沉黯淡。 Own condition is unsatisfactory, wants the breaks open Underworld Sea crack, becomes extremely difficult. 自身状态不佳,想要破开冥海裂缝,也变得极为困难。 With Green Dark Sword Venerable that it fights, realized in first Time regarding all these naturally that in his long laughter, restrains by force own injury, gather one's courage , to continue to attack toward Xiao Yan. 与之交手的苍冥剑尊,对于这一切自然第一时间察觉,他长笑声中,强压自身伤势,鼓起余勇,继续向着萧焱攻去。 Green Sword Light flashes again and again, shuttle Void, violent storm similar launches the assassination to Xiao Yan. 青色剑光连连闪动,穿梭虚空,狂风暴雨一般萧焱展开刺杀。 Junior, you can have such strength by Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm, may endure to acclaim, but today must block my Sect Immortal Sky again appear. You also miss far!” Regarding the Xiao Yan Firmament Fire Lotus good and bad points, sometimes to today, already nearly well-known. Although Green Dark Sword Venerable long Time defends against a siege Mount Shu, actually also clearly knows. “小辈,你以元神化身境界能有如此实力,可堪赞叹,但今日要阻本宗仙天重新出世。你差得还远!”对于萧焱苍穹火莲的优缺点,时至今日,已经近乎世人皆知。苍冥剑尊虽然长时间困守蜀山,却也清楚知道。 Xiao Yan strong one strike can't beat he, then wants certainly, appointed he rubbed to pinch. 萧焱绝强一击奈何不得他,接下来便要任他揉捏了。 The Green Dark Sword Venerable attention at this moment, instead partial replacement place above with Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation there of Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper dogfight, was paying attention to Chu Yang, Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan three people. 苍冥剑尊此刻的注意力,反而有一部分放回了上方正与天罡剑尊缠斗的仙天太初剑阵那里,同时也在关注褚阳洛轻舞诸葛战三人。 At this moment although he there is grasps will fall into the trough condition Xiao Yan Behead, but his oneself is also wounded, the Luo Qingwu three people attacked at this time. Perhaps still can't beat he, but he thinks strike to kill Xiao Yan. Also is difficult. 此刻他虽然有把握将陷入低谷状态的萧焱斩杀,但他自己也负伤,洛轻舞三人这时攻上。或许仍奈何不得他,但他想击杀萧焱。却也困难。 Green Dark Sword Venerable in the heart, is prompted by a sudden impulse faintly, has a restless feeling. 苍冥剑尊心中,隐隐心血来潮,有种不安的感觉。 source of this feeling then lies in front Xiao Yan, this urges him not to do hesitates slightly. Must strangle the threat as soon as possible. 这感觉的源泉便在于面前萧焱,这促使他不做丝毫迟疑。要将威胁尽快扼杀。 Some Xiao Yan complexion grey defeats, but the facial expression is tranquil, the vision is dedicated, transfers oneself to survive Magic Force calmly, and directs to gather as far as possible the Heavenly Calamity Strength guard, sees to incur to open to incur, resists Green Dark Sword Venerable attack. 萧焱脸色有些灰败,但神情平静,目光专注冷静,沉着调动自己残存法力,并尽可能引聚天厄力量护身,见招拆招,抵挡苍冥剑尊攻击 That rogue peerless red radiance shines once more, blocks Green Dark Sword Venerable green Sword Light. 那凶恶绝伦的红色光辉再次亮起,将苍冥剑尊的青色剑光挡住。 however, this red light is even more powerful wild. Reveals the chaotic not steady situation gradually. 只不过,这红光越发强盛狂暴。渐渐流露出混乱不稳的态势。 Xiao Yan condition at this moment, wanting freely to control to inspire Heavenly Calamity Strength, has lacked the ability to do what one would like. Forcefully result of inspiring, is Strength out-of-control. 萧焱此刻的状态,想要自如掌控引动天厄力量,已经力不从心。强行引动的结果,便是力量失控。 The Green Dark Sword Venerable offensive is getting more and more anxious, his eyesight is vicious, saw that the Xiao Yan issue is, so long as he maintains enough pressure, Xiao Yan is forced to inspire Heavenly Calamity Strength forcefully. Result of Strength out-of-control, Xiao Yan oneself first then can by that vicious overbearing red light Devouring. 苍冥剑尊的攻势越来越急,他眼力老辣,看出萧焱问题之所在,只要他保持足够的压力,萧焱被迫强行引动天厄之力力量失控的结果,萧焱自己首先便会被那凶狠霸道的红光吞噬 But the situation is favorable for him. The Green Dark Sword Venerable in the heart restless feeling even more is but intense. 但局势虽然对他越来越有利。可是苍冥剑尊心中不安的感觉却越发强烈。 this child, if then just stimulates to movement this strange Strength from the beginning, socializes with me in other methods, even though is hard to win me, is actually not necessarily able to defeat, the situation possibly falls into to refuse to compromise, why does he want so to dig one's own grave?” The Green Dark Sword Venerable eye narrows up, cold light non-stop surges. 此子若是一开始便只是催动这奇异力量,以其他手段与我周旋,纵使难以胜我,却也未必会败,局势更可能陷入僵持,他为何要如此自掘坟墓?”苍冥剑尊眼睛眯缝起来,寒光不停涌动。 The situation has refused to compromise, is actually favorable for Xiao Yan, the Green Dark Sword Venerable energy was constrained by him, does not divert attention, in another a side battlefield Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper confronts Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, more and more will be in the upper hand. 局势一直僵持,其实对萧焱有利,苍冥剑尊的精力被他拖住,分心不得,另一方战场上天罡剑尊对阵仙天太初剑阵,就会越来越占上风。 Immortal Sky Sword cannot return thoroughly completely, Sword Formation does not have the Green Dark Sword Venerable management, is unable long Time to resist Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper such Realm of Dharma-Ending big sword cultivator eventually, even may be won the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation domination by Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper finally. 仙天剑未能彻底重归圆满,剑阵也没有苍冥剑尊主持,终究无法长时间抵挡天罡剑尊这样末法之境的大剑修,甚至有可能最后被天罡剑尊夺走仙天太初剑阵的控制权。 Xiao Yan one strike divides the victory and defeat eagerly action, looks like extremely unusual in Green Dark Sword Venerable, considers oneself as except for Xiao Yan too high, the anxious merit advances recklessly outside, finds other doesn't come out excuses again. 萧焱急于一击分胜负的举动,在苍冥剑尊看来极为反常,除了萧焱自视过高,急功冒进以外,再找不出其他理由。 But the Green Dark Sword Venerable intuition felt, although Xiao Yan is rigid, is actually not true the person of crude non- wisdom. 苍冥剑尊却直觉感到,萧焱虽然刚直,却并非如此鲁莽不智的人。 Like this is thinking, Green Dark Sword Venerable Long Sword shakes, stimulates to movement oneself vault of heaven immortal sword True Fruit once more, in addition holds above Ancient Sword Green Dark, then displays Divine Origin to send the law of sword once more, stimulates to movement pinnacle Strength. 这样想着,苍冥剑尊长剑一震,再次催动自己的苍穹仙剑真果,加持在古剑苍冥之上,然后再次施展出元神寄剑之法,将力量催动到极致 He first a sword blocks Luo Qingwu, Chu Yang and Zhuge Zhan three people of offensive, then immediately engages in self-examination a sword, the person the sword coincides, changes to the infinite azure light, spreads top of the sky to attack toward Xiao Yan. 他首先一剑将洛轻舞褚阳诸葛战三人的攻势拦住,然后立刻反身一剑,人剑相合,化作无穷青光,铺天盖地向着萧焱攻去。 That azure light World collapse becomes, cuts to fall toward Xiao Yan vicious. 那青光世界塌缩成一线,朝着萧焱凶狠斩落。 Red radiance non-stop sparkle of Xiao Yan all around the body, obstruct Green Dark Sword Venerable this sword. 萧焱身周的红色光辉不停闪耀,阻住苍冥剑尊这一剑。 But withstands Green Dark Sword Venerable violent attack red radiance, starts to lose control gradually, was rogue the unusual ray, no longer takes orders in Xiao Yan wholeheartedly defense, but starts to change from defensive to offensive, attacks toward Green Dark Sword Venerable. 但承受苍冥剑尊猛烈攻击的红色光辉,渐渐开始失控,本就凶恶异常的光芒,不再听命于萧焱一心防御,而是开始反守为攻,向着苍冥剑尊攻去。 But lets Xiao Yan places the dangerous situation is this red light not only foreign, starts internal, endangers the Xiao Yan itself safety. 而更让萧焱身处险境的则是这红光不仅对外,更开始对内,危及萧焱本身安危。 Although that azure light under the wild bombardment of red radiance, starts again to return to original state, is no longer concise, Green Dark Sword Venerable and Ancient Sword Green Dark also withstands its attack in non-stop. 虽然那一线青光在红色光辉的狂暴轰击下,开始重新还原,不再凝练,苍冥剑尊古剑苍冥也在不停承受其攻击 But loses red light protection, even encounters red light backlash, as well as Green Dark Sword Venerable formidable attack Xiao Yan, situation even more is critical, eye looks at then wants fallen in this! 但失去红光护御,甚至遭到红光反噬,以及苍冥剑尊强悍攻击萧焱,局势更加危急,眼看着便要陨落于此! Xiao Yan sent out a long and loud cry, Divine Origin escaped the human form instantaneously, changed to the flame Supreme Ultimate Diagram appearance, 7 Great True Fires changes to a one small flame, composed covering the sky and blocking the Sun huge Supreme Ultimate Diagram together. 萧焱发出一声长啸,元神瞬间脱了人形,化作火焰太极图的模样,七大真火化作一个个小火苗,共同组成遮天蔽日的巨大太极图 The multi-colored flame establishes separately Yin-Yang, the non-stop rotation in Heaven and Earth, the just actually lost past vigor and brilliance, appeared an extremely feeble the condition. 五彩缤纷的火光分立阴阳,在天地不停转动,只是失去了往日的活力与光彩,显现出一种极度虚弱的状态。 On Supreme Ultimate Diagram emerges lines after lines golden light suddenly, golden light covers entire flame Supreme Ultimate Diagram, the radiance direct impact horizon, isolates Heavenly Calamity backlash red radiance and Green Dark Sword Venerable Sword Light outside together. 太极图上突然涌现出道道金光,金光覆盖整个火焰太极图,光辉直冲天际,将天厄反噬的红色光辉苍冥剑尊剑光一起隔绝于外。 In the thick golden color light beam, the innumerable engraved inscriptions carve Void, from there spread mysterious Strength Domain. 粗大的金色光柱中,无数铭文镂刻虚空,从中传出玄奥的力量意境 Green Dark Sword Venerable saw this golden color light beam, cannot help but for it stunned: Divine Descent Heavenly Protection Treasure Light? Supreme Void Temple's Divine Descent Grand Dao Golden Pill?!” 苍冥剑尊见了这金色光柱,不由得为之愕然:“神临天护宝光太虚观的神临大道金丹?!” In Instant that Divine Descent Heavenly Protection Treasure Light presents, Xiao Yan again lives in the out of control stably Heavenly Calamity Strength, is inferior Strength will reduce, belongs to under the oneself control once more. 神临天护宝光出现的刹那,萧焱重新稳定住失控的天厄之力,然后逊色将其中力量降低,再次归于自己掌控之下。 Red radiance again gathers, coincides with golden color Divine Descent Heavenly Protection Treasure Light, resists Green Dark Sword Venerable attack together. 红色光辉重新聚拢,和金色神临天护宝光相合,一起抵御苍冥剑尊攻击 Green Dark Sword Venerable recovers, cold -ly snorted and said: Divine Descent Heavenly Protection Treasure Light so what? 苍冥剑尊回过神来,冷哼道:“神临天护宝光又如何? His attack is more anxious, although there is Heavenly Calamity Strength again helps defense, but golden color Divine Descent Heavenly Protection Treasure Light or fast was worn down. 攻击更急,虽然有天厄之力重新帮助防御,但金色神临天护宝光还是飞快被消磨。 Under Green Dark Sword Venerable attack, golden color Divine Descent Heavenly Protection Treasure Light vanishes gradually, but Heavenly Calamity Strength, Xiao Yan is not the enhancement, finally is that red radiance also gradually is then broken through by the azure light. 苍冥剑尊攻击下,金色神临天护宝光渐渐消失,而天厄之力,萧焱并非增强,结果便是那红色光辉也渐渐被青光攻破。 lines after lines green Sword Light starts to pass through red light, on fall on Xiao Yan Divine Origin transformed into flame Supreme Ultimate Diagram, genuinely wound and Xiao Yan's Divine Origin. 道道青色剑光开始贯穿红光,落在萧焱元神所化的火焰太极图上,真正伤及萧焱的元神 blossoming flame extinguishes, a lines after lines scar appears on Supreme Ultimate Diagram, rips the one crack gap. 朵朵火苗熄灭,一道道伤痕在太极图上出现,撕出一个个裂缝缺口。 As if forced to be the same, rogue red light that around flame Supreme Ultimate Diagram, Heavenly Calamity Strength forms, finally once more powerful up. 仿佛被迫一样,火焰太极图周围,天厄之力所形成的凶恶红光,终于再次强盛起来 But this red radiance while resisting Green Dark Sword Venerable attack, gradually once more step to out-of-control and confusion. 但这红色光辉在抵御苍冥剑尊攻击的同时,渐渐再次步向失控与混乱。 But on Xiao Yan Divine Origin transformed into Supreme Ultimate Diagram, actually spreads the long deep sigh: Fruit such as Master said that I needed to bring the hone of Life and Death crisis together, helping me accelerate the comprehend Heavenly Calamity mystery, was helps me distinguish clearly the following path thoroughly.” 萧焱元神所化太极图上,却传出悠悠一声长叹:“果如师父所言,我需要一块能带来生死危机的磨刀石,帮我加速参悟天厄的奥秘,也是帮我彻底辨明接下来的道路。” Is hard in the people visual, only has in Underworld Sea that Xiao Yan can sees, the boundless disaster tribulation, in dim Heaven and Earth, red Light Avatar more gathers is thicker, although did not have again the appearance that restores Heavenly Calamity Stone to live before this, but started to have the shape gradually. 在众人难以目视,唯有萧焱可以看见的冥海之中,茫茫灾劫,昏暗天地中,红色光影越聚越浓,虽然仍没有重新恢复此前天厄石住的模样,但渐渐已经开始有了形状。 In this incomparably rogue Good Fortune Magical Treasure, although Heaven Punishment Sword such does not renounce, but fills to destroy world Strength of Dao Extinction similarly, as if must bring disaster destroy to Great Thousand World. 这件无比凶恶的造化法宝中,虽然不似诛天剑那样决绝,但同样充满毁世灭道之力,仿佛要给大千世界带来灾难破灭 But itself, contains Good Fortune Strength and unique Principle Domain, in the process of this moment meeting again physique, evolves its achievement Good Fortune once more, the achievement Grand Dao process. 但其本身,却又蕴含造化之力和独特道理意境,在此刻重聚形体的过程中,再次演化其成就造化,成就大道的过程。 Before War between Two Worlds, Xiao Yan has been detained in Underworld Sea, besides communicate Heavenly Calamity and Underworld Sea Strength, has then been observing and emulating this advancement, the comprehend truth. 两界战争前,萧焱一直滞留冥海之中,除了沟通天厄冥海力量以外,便是在一直观摩这一进程,参悟其中道理。 These Principle Domain, while verifies Xiao Yan oneself to practice Two Complements Return To Origin Scripture thinks to become aware unceasingly, is Xiao Yan sweeps clean the before one's eyes dense fog gradually, shows a clear path. 这些道理意境,在不断印证萧焱自己修炼两仪归元真经思悟的同时,也渐渐为萧焱扫清眼前的迷雾,展现出一条清晰的道路。 But before this Xiao Yan's cultivate comprehend falls into the bottleneck gradually, but also misses this last not previously to take. 但此前萧焱的修练参悟渐渐陷入瓶颈,还差这最后一步不曾迈出。 But at this moment, before one's eyes path finally thorough clear, Xiao Yan starts to visit before one's eyes this piece of brand-new Heaven and Earth officially! 而此刻,眼前的道路终于彻底清晰,萧焱开始正式踏足眼前这片崭新的天地 In the long howl, the flame of Supreme Ultimate Diagram center Xiao Yan Divine Origin transformed into, there is point Light Avatar flashes before suddenly, seems like dim, even more is bright. 长啸声中,萧焱元神所化之火焰太极图中心,突然有点点光影闪现,看似黯淡,却愈发明亮。 In fire of high-piled firewood that as if burns through, suddenly also has spark to jump shoots, then again combustion up, the spark, changes instantaneously sets the prairie afire potential! 就仿佛燃尽的火堆中,突然又有火星迸射,然后重新燃烧起来,星星之火,瞬间化作燎原之势 Entire flame Supreme Ultimate Diagram, as if again shines with the brilliance at this moment, fire intensity sky-flooding, swept formerly the dispirited weak air/Qi, was getting more and more exuberant, was getting more and more wild. 整个火焰太极图,这一刻仿佛重新焕发光彩,火势滔天,一扫先前颓丧虚弱之气,越来越旺盛,越来越狂暴。 Green Dark Sword Venerable in the heart distributes suddenly sinks, is staring at Xiao Yan's Divine Origin stubbornly, by him the understanding and story experience to Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, feels the Xiao Yan Divine Origin Magic Force Aura change, quick then understand comes: Strength of Dao Birthing?! Moreover is ultra common Strength of Dao Birthing, world rare, in this Cultivation Realm Cultivator, fundamental not previously has seen Strength of Dao Birthing!” 苍冥剑尊心中猛然发下一沉,死死盯着萧焱的元神,以他对天地大道的理解和阅历经验,感受萧焱元神法力气息变化,很快便明白过来:“生道之力?!而且是远超寻常的生道之力,世所罕见,在他这个境界修士中,根本不曾见到过的生道之力!” Follows Xiao Yan Divine Origin to rally awe-inspiring, Heavenly Calamity Strength of its inspiring also suddenly grows, isolates Green Dark Sword Venerable attack all. 伴随萧焱元神重振雄风,其引动的天厄之力也猛然增长,将苍冥剑尊攻击尽数隔绝。 But what even more terrifying is, a flame base of lotus flower, condenses on Supreme Ultimate Diagram. 更加恐怖的是,一朵火焰莲座,在太极图上凝聚。 Creamy white, pure gold, bluish violet, green, black, five colors, mean Pure Yang True Fire separately, True Solar Fire, Hell Evil Fire, Kshitigarbha True Fire, Black Heaven Calamity Flame. 乳白,纯金,蓝紫,青色,黑色,五种颜色,分别意味着纯阳真火,太阳真火,幽冥邪煌,地藏真煌,玄天劫焰 Before this is compares Xiao Yan, five colors Fire Lotus of first time actuation, even more even more overbearing, even more formidable Fire Lotus! 这是比萧焱之前第一次促动的五色火莲,还要更加霸道,更加强大火莲 And implication extinguish Dao World-extinguishing Strength, making Green Dark Sword Venerable also fearful. 其中蕴含的灭道灭世之力,让苍冥剑尊也为之心寒。 In flame Supreme Ultimate Diagram spreads recites long in a drawn-out voice: birth and death of [say / way], the torch is endless, burn the Heaven and extinguish the Earth, tribulations the cinders remaining years of life.” 火焰太极图中传出曼声长吟:“道之生灭,薪火不尽,焚天灭地,劫烬余生。” Long recited in the sound, that terrifying Firmament Fire Lotus departed, hits to Green Dark Sword Venerable, the sky-filling raging fire shoots up to the sky, vault of heaven blue sky tearing! ( to be continued ) 长吟声中,那恐怖苍穹火莲飞出,打向苍冥剑尊,漫天烈火冲天而起,将苍穹青天撕裂!(未完待续)
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