HNOF :: Volume #13

#1218: Burns down Mount Shu

Among Heaven and Earth, the sound of non-stop echo Xiao Yan's big drinking, the Green Dark Sword Venerable vision closely is staring at Xiao Yan, complexion unprecedented ice-cold. 天地之间,萧焱的大喝之声不停回响,苍冥剑尊目光紧紧盯着萧焱,脸色前所未有的冰冷。 That thin and small old body stands at this moment in Void, is similar to the eye of wind of one storm is the same, sends out the frightening palpitation Aura. 那瘦小苍老的身躯这一刻站在虚空中,就如同一个风暴的风眼一样,散发出令人恐惧心悸的气息 The Green Dark Sword Venerable surface sinks like the water, in the hand a Ancient Sword Green Dark pendulum, immediately is a type azure deep sword escapes toward Xiao Yan rushes to comes. 苍冥剑尊面沉如水,手中古剑苍冥一摆,立刻就是一式青冥剑遁向着萧焱杀奔过来。 Xiao Yan laughs, the right hand palm stretches out forward, the in the palm of the hand red light flashes, ferocious Aura from there reveals. 萧焱大笑一声,右手手掌向前伸出,掌心中红光闪动,一股穷凶极恶之气息从中流露出来。 Heaven and Earth Domain in this moment as if in turbulent, rogue Underworld Sea, is away from endless Void , seems near at hand, opens the eye of oneself in this moment, is gazing at Green Dark Sword Venerable. 天地界域在这一刻仿佛都在动荡,凶恶的冥海,隔着无尽虚空,却又仿佛近在咫尺,在这一刻睁开自己的眼睛,注视着苍冥剑尊 In Underworld Sea that myriad disaster tribulations surge, there is scarlet red Light Avatar non-stop to surge, as if must gather in together, forms a giant pillar. 万千灾劫涌动的冥海之中,有赤红色光影不停涌动,似乎要汇聚在一起,形成一根巨大的支柱。 This moment these scarlet-red Light Avatar, part was inspired, changes to the surging mighty waves, shuttle Domain Space, gathers in the Xiao Yan palm. 此刻这些赤红光影,其中一部分被引动,化作滚滚波涛,穿梭界域空间,聚拢于萧焱掌心之中。 Green Dark Sword Venerable is staring at Xiao Yan, was drunk scolding to let his heart anger surging by Xiao Yan in the presence of everyone, did not know many years not by such shame. 苍冥剑尊盯着萧焱,被萧焱当众喝骂让他心头怒火滚滚,已经不知有多少年没有受过此等羞辱。 If there is traded other situation, Green Dark Sword Venerable so will not be angry. 若是换了别的情况,苍冥剑尊还不会如此愤怒。 But Xiao Yan said that was not only to Green Dark Sword Venerable individual before this all denials diligently, was to then starts to calculate from Mount Shu Sword Sect opening the mountain Sect Founder sword ancestor Ren Changmei, downward all previous Mount Shu older generation's denial, even to Mount Shu Sword Sect from the Ancient Era time continuously until now the denial of faith. 萧焱所言,不仅仅是对苍冥剑尊个人此前所有努力的否定,更是对自蜀山剑宗开山祖师剑祖任长眉便开始算,一路向下历代蜀山先辈的否定,甚至是对蜀山剑宗上古纪元时代一直到如今信念的否定。 Is experiencing the confused confusion of war of Mount Shu. Remoulds sword heart to establish Green Dark Sword Venerable of path, at this moment braves the great misdeed of Under the Heavens, even detains current Sect Master Ji Wenrui. Intersects over ten thousand years of fellow Ancient Elder Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper wars with Mount Shu another, mental state many relapses struggle, the bystander is hard to know. 在经历蜀山之战的迷茫混乱。重塑剑心确立道路的苍冥剑尊来说,此刻甘冒天下之大不韪,甚至扣押现任宗主姬文睿。与蜀山另一位相交上万年的同门宿老天罡剑尊大战,其中心境多少次反复挣扎,外人难以知晓。 In this case, is he is then calm open-minded , a Buddha ascended to heaven by the Xiao Yan air/Qi, two Buddha leaves the hole. 在这种情况下,便是他再冷静豁达,也被萧焱气得一佛升天,二佛出窍。 Big sword cultivator that but he is Medieval Era then obtained enlightenment, although Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper same has not participated in War between Two Worlds. But the life Fighting Technique experience similarly is also rich. 不过他到底是中古纪元便已得道的大剑修,虽然不似天罡剑尊一样参加过两界战争。但一生斗法经验也同样丰富。 The violent anger and other negative mood vanish quickly do not see, but the Green Dark Sword Venerable in both eyes ice-cold killing intent almost congealment is the essence. 暴怒等负面情绪很快消失不见,但苍冥剑尊双目中冰冷的杀意几乎凝结为实质。 Angry hatred and other mood. At this moment completely the precipitation is ice-cold, must cut in Jiandi Xiao Yan. 愤怒憎恨等情绪。这一刻全部沉淀为一片冰冷,要将萧焱斩于剑底。 Under the vault of heaven immortal sword True Fruit stimulation of movement, the azure deep sword escapes to launch, sword momentum spreads top of the sky to kill to Xiao Yan. That terrifying momentum, lets Xiao Yan behind Chu Yang, Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan and the others is imposing. 苍穹仙剑真果催动之下,青冥剑遁展开,剑势天盖地杀向萧焱。那恐怖声势,让萧焱身后褚阳洛轻舞诸葛战等人都为之凛然。 Xiao Yan inspires Heavenly Calamity Strength in Underworld Sea, blocks Green Dark Sword Venerable Sword Light 1 by 1, both sides in Shu above the mountain, under Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, launch a war immediately. 萧焱引动冥海中的天厄之力,将苍冥剑尊剑光一一拦下,双方在蜀山之上,仙天太初剑阵之下,顿时展开一场大战。 Green Dark Sword Venerable coldly is gazing at Xiao Yan, the in the heart consideration: „A Supreme Void Temple people inspires Underworld Sea Strength, the direct breaks open Underworld Sea slit, making the Underworld Sea disaster tribulation arrive at Great Thousand World. Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Cultivator displays, the power and influence in Mystical Ability Magic Force level, then can compares favorably with Realm of Dharma-Ending Expert.” 苍冥剑尊冷冷注视着萧焱,心中思量:“太虚观中人引动冥海之力,会直接破开冥海缝隙,使得冥海灾劫降临大千世界合道境界修士来施展,在神通法力层面上的威势,便可以媲美末法之境强者。” this child Divine Origin Soul Formation boundary. Mystical Ability Magic Force formidable may contend with Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Cultivator, that strange red light Strength that but he stimulates to movement, has not been the Realm of Dharma-Ending level actually.” 此子元神化神之境神通法力强大可与合道境界修士相抗衡,但他催动的那诡异红光力量,倒是还没有达到末法之境的层次。” But he does not have the breaks open Underworld Sea crack, is he makes not arrive, cannot bear the Underworld Sea pressure, or he cares about here is Divine Great Land. Hasn't acted independently? just his red light strange very much, compared with a Supreme Void Temple people must the direct breaks open Underworld Sea crack. Also left many changes.” “可他却也没有破开冥海裂缝,是他做不到,承受不住冥海的压力,还是他顾及这里是神州浩土。没有放手施为?只是他那红光诡异得很,比起太虚观中人必须直接破开冥海裂缝。又多出了许多变化。” The Xiao Yan vision is staring at Green Dark Sword Venerable, has not turned head to say to the Luo Qingwu three people: Little Junior Sister, Mr. Zhuge, Fellow Daoist Chu, you guys three withdraw.” 萧焱目光盯着苍冥剑尊,没有回头对洛轻舞三人说道:“小师妹,诸葛先生,褚道友,你们三位退后。” His right hand red light flashes, blocks Green Dark Sword Venerable attack, but the left hand palm spreads out in side. 右手红光闪动间,将苍冥剑尊攻击拦下,而左手手掌则在身旁摊开。 His five fingers separate, above five fingers, presents the flaming flame immediately, but those who make the people fearful and apprehensive is, that five groups of raging fire, various. 其五指分开,五根手指之上,顿时出现熊熊火光,而让众人心惊肉跳的是,那五团烈火,各不相同。 To positive, Supreme Yang, to pure, as if the source of myriad fires ancestor of myriad fires Cream-colored flame, that is Pure Yang True Fire. 至正,至阳,至纯,仿佛万火源头万火之祖乳白色火焰,那是纯阳真火 Similar to Sun similar is dazzling, the flame such as the pure golden color flame of this person of point, that is True Solar Fire. 如同太阳一般耀眼,火苗如根根此人针芒似的纯金色火焰,那是太阳真火 fire intensity is precise, flashes the caper red blue two color rays, oneself is actually the golden color flame, that is Southern Bright Hexagram Fire. 火势凝炼,闪动跳跃红蓝两色光芒,自身却是金色的火焰,那是南明离火 Great heavy, as if the congealment is solid, just likes the earth similar green flame, that is Kshitigarbha True Fire. 宏大厚重,仿佛凝结为固体,犹如大地一般的青色火焰,那是地藏真煌 Similar to lotus flower blossoming is in full bloom, as if must cross the person to enter the Samsara red flame, that is Red Lotus Karmic Fire. 如同莲花般朵朵盛开,仿佛要渡人入轮回的红色火焰,那是红莲业火 Five top True Fire get together, light appears together, instantaneously has actually burnt through peripheral Void. 五种顶尖真火齐聚,光是一起出现,却瞬间烧穿了周边的虚空 Xiao Yan calmly said: My Mystical Ability Magic Force extremely violent, if blasts out here, Divine Great Land this area was affected, will have the huge damage, long Time is hard manifestation to restore, is not inferior to the Underworld Sea direct dehiscence, the big tide baptism.” 萧焱静静说道:“我的神通法力太过暴烈,若是在这里炸开,神州浩土这一带地区遭到波及,也会有巨大损伤,长时间难以化生恢复,不亚于冥海直接开裂,大潮洗礼。” Your Excellency receives the hand now, but also with enough time, otherwise Mount Shu completely destroys.” 阁下现在收手,还来得及,否则蜀山尽毁。” The Green Dark Sword Venerable air/Qi instead smiles extremely: today Immortal Sky does not get again appear, my Mount Shu also enters Eternal Night not to see radiance, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, there is what significance?” 苍冥剑尊气极反笑:“今日仙天不得重新出世,我蜀山也入永夜不见光明,苟延残喘,又有何意义?” Immortal Sky is popular again, no one can prevent!” 仙天重兴,谁也不能阻止!” finished speaking, Green Dark Sword Venerable is a sword attacks toward Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan sees that slightly sneers: Has traded other times, I accompany you to play slowly, but the situation is special today, we are agile.” 说罢,苍冥剑尊便是一剑朝着萧焱攻去,萧焱见状,微微冷笑:“换了其他时候,我陪你慢慢玩,不过今天情况特殊,咱们就利索点。” finished speaking, his left hand five fingers close up, pinch one Secret Technique, five big True Fire then gather the fusion above his left hand. 说罢,他左手五指合拢,捏一个法诀,五大真火便在他左手之上聚集融合。 sky-flooding fire intensity almost in then instantaneously vanishes, but in Xiao Yan's left on hand, then presents a strange base of lotus flower. 滔天火势几乎在瞬间便即消失,而在萧焱的手上,则出现一朵诡异的莲座。 That base of lotus flower lowest level is the green, as if the lotus leaf, above one Layer is the red, the dazzling beauty, again upward one Layer is pure golden color, flashing point dazzling radiance. 那莲座最底层为青色,仿佛荷叶,上面一层为红色,艳丽夺目,再向上一层则为纯金色,闪动针芒般刺眼的光辉 Most top layer is Cream-colored, as if seed case of lotus flower similar, above has two golden color stamens and pistils to drag against the wind, flashes respectively the red blue two color rays. 最顶层则是乳白色,仿佛莲蓬一般,其上有两根金色花蕊迎风摇曳,分别闪动红蓝二色光芒。 This base of lotus flower just a appearance, was Green Dark Sword Venerable also slightly knit the brows, can from there feel pinnacle Destruction nature Strength. 这莲座刚一出现,便是苍冥剑尊微微皱眉,能从中感到一种极致毁灭力量 Such formidable Strength, has surpassed the Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Cultivator limit, making Green Dark Sword Venerable such Beginning Calamity Tribulation-Facing Stage big sword cultivator have to treat seriously. 这样强大力量,已经超越合道境界修士的极限,让苍冥剑尊这样初劫历劫期的大剑修也不得不郑重对待。 As Xiao Yan own Mystical Ability Magic Force constantly strengthens, except for is even more skilled to the control of Firmament Fire Lotus, has words at fingertips and writes with facility including five colors Fire Lotus outside, its Firmament Fire Lotus might, significantly promotes. 随着萧焱自身神通法力不断增强,除了对苍穹火莲的掌控愈发熟练,连五色火莲也信手拈来以外,其苍穹火莲的威力,也大幅度提升。 Was hit by his this move Firmament Fire Lotus steadily, Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Cultivator is unable to escape by luck, was likely extinguished by one strike kills. 被他这一式苍穹火莲稳稳命中,合道境界修士都无法幸免,很可能被一击灭杀。 This one strike, can has threatened the Beginning Calamity Tribulation-Facing Stage Powerhouse Cultivator security. 一击,已经可以威胁到初劫历劫期大能修士的安全。 But Green Dark Sword Venerable does not dread, he knows Xiao Yan this move Mystical Ability, although violent, contains greatly strengthened Strength of Dao Extinction, the might is strong, but also because of this, Xiao Yan current Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm, displays five colors Fire Lotus, only one strike Strength. 苍冥剑尊对此并不畏惧,他知道萧焱这一式神通虽然暴烈至极,蕴含极强灭道之力,威力强劲,但也正因为如此,萧焱当前元神化身境界,施展五色火莲,只有一击之力 Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm Cultivator and a Heaven and Earth body, at any time takes to accept Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, Magic Force is nearly infinite, but Xiao Yan stimulates to movement five colors Fire Lotus at this moment, can injure and own Divine Origin, and in short Time is hard to restore, after causing he displays type five colors Fire Lotus, will then fall into to escape the strength the condition. 元神化身境界修士天地一体,随时取纳天地灵气,法力近乎无限,但萧焱此刻催动五色火莲,会伤及自身元神,并且短时间内难以恢复,使得他施展一式五色火莲之后,便会陷入脱力的状态。 Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Cultivator, even Xiangliu Great Saint and Ning Wange such just started facing Tribulation Expert mostly anti- not under Xiao Yan this one strike, but by Green Dark Sword Venerable cultivation base, actually under not in words. 合道境界修士,甚至似相柳大圣宁晚歌那样刚开始历劫强者都多半抗不下萧焱一击,但以苍冥剑尊修为,却不在话下。 But what makes Green Dark Sword Venerable dread, Xiao Yan right hand, but also has inspired Heavenly Calamity Strength. 但让苍冥剑尊忌惮的是,萧焱右手,还引动了天厄力量 Employs two methods to achieve one goal, is the Green Dark Sword Venerable also great stress. 双管齐下,便是苍冥剑尊也压力巨大。 He deeply inspires, throws directly Ancient Sword Green Dark, then stimulates to movement vault of heaven immortal sword True Fruit, in addition holds above Ancient Sword Green Dark. 他深吸一口气,直接将古剑苍冥抛起,然后催动苍穹仙剑真果,加持在古剑苍冥之上。 Finally, his whole person flying apsaras, Divine Origin changes to the one path azure light, integrated in Ancient Sword Green Dark. 最后,他整个人都飞天而起,元神化作一道青光,融入了古剑苍冥中。 Ancient Sword Green Dark in Void flashes, vanishes instantaneously. 古剑苍冥在虚空中一闪,瞬间消失。 Divine Origin sends the sword, stimulates to movement pinnacle Green Dark Sword Venerable own sword Dao Divinity Strength, under in Void flashes, then attacks toward Xiao Yan. 元神寄剑,将自身剑道神力量催动到极致苍冥剑尊,在虚空中一闪之下,便朝着萧焱攻去。 World of green Sword Light formed, Heaven and Earth closed, the collapse becomes the one plane, the plane boundary vanishes, the congealment is one. 青色剑光所成世界,天地闭合,塌缩成一个平面,平面界限消失,凝结为一线。 But this radiance, under flashes, vanishes does not see, all, the collapse becomes the one tiny point. 而这一线光辉,一闪之下,也消失不见,所有一切,都塌缩成一个细小的点。 World Annihilation, only this point exists, this point completely has as if disregarded the Void distance, disregarded Time to pass, since that moment that he presented that already arrived Xiao Yan front! 世界寂灭,唯此一点存在,这一点仿佛完全无视了虚空距离,无视了时间流逝,在他出现的那一刻起,就已经到了萧焱面前 Contacts the Heavenly Calamity red light to cover range, this point the manner sees, making that dazzling red light also start the non-stop collapse to disintegrate. 接触到天厄的红光笼罩范围,这一点才为人所见,使得那耀眼红光也开始不停崩溃瓦解。 Xiao Yan believes that if not Heavenly Calamity radiance blocks, this point will appear on his Divine Origin directly, then breaks open his Divine Origin. 萧焱相信,若非天厄光辉所阻,这一点会直接出现在他的元神上,然后破开他的元神 This sword, is Green Dark Sword Venerable stimulates to movement Ancient Sword Green Dark strongest one strike, on this one strike, before Green Dark Sword Venerable re-enters oneself past sword heart broken most in peak condition, showed one to be away from the Realm of Dharma-Ending only one pace Sword Dao Expert, that certainly strong attack strength. 这一剑,是苍冥剑尊催动古剑苍冥最强一击,在这一击上,苍冥剑尊重回自己昔日剑心未破之前的最巅峰状态,展现出了一个距离末法之境仅一步之遥的剑道强者,那绝强的攻击力。 In this flash, in pure explosive force between a swords, almost can has compared favorably with Realm of Dharma-Ending Powerhouse Cultivator. 在这一瞬间,一剑之间的纯粹爆发力上,几乎已经可以媲美末法之境大能修士 But at this moment, Xiao Yan left hand Firmament Fire Lotus, gathers with right hand Heavenly Calamity radiance suddenly, then turns toward the Green Dark Sword Venerable transformed into green luminous spot to eject. 而就在这时,萧焱左手苍穹火莲,与右手天厄光辉猛然一合,然后向着苍冥剑尊所化的青色光点击出。 Silent, Void lacked one immediately, in society all disappeared all, only remained Primordial Chaos. 无声无息之间,虚空顿时缺了一块,世间一切尽数泯灭,只剩混沌 That one green dot, then in a flash launches loudly, transform into, then the generating plane, subsequently reappears Heaven and Earth, but this azure light World starts non-stop to be stave immediately. 一个青色小点,一瞬间便即轰然展开,化为一线,然后展成平面,继而重现天地,但这青光世界立马开始不停破碎。 The azure light dances in the air, there is a endless raging fire, non-stop in Heaven and Earth spreads with the sky-filling red light, sweeps away the surrounding all, besides range that above Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation covers, in society Myriad Things was destroyed all. 青光飞舞之间,有无穷无尽的烈火,和漫天红光也在天地不停扩散,横扫周围一切,除了上方的仙天太初剑阵所笼罩的范围外,世间万物尽数被摧毁。 Luo Qingwu, Chu Yang and Zhuge Zhan three people, if not obtains Xiao Yan to remind, ahead of time withdraws, at this moment was involved in this storm, cannot run away to be good. 洛轻舞褚阳诸葛战三人若非得到萧焱提醒,提前退后,此刻被卷入这风暴中,也逃不了好去。 Without any Mount Shu group peak of protection, large surface area avalanche, if not the person of Mount Shu has taken in Sword Formation by Green Dark Sword Venerable before this completely, this time under affects, inevitably is the total destruction. 没有任何保护的蜀山群峰,大面积崩塌,如果不是蜀山之人此前已经被苍冥剑尊全部摄入剑阵之中,此番波及之下,必然是灭顶之灾。 Blue light World was shattered, Ancient Sword Green Dark again appears, under the infinite raging fire and rogue red light bombardment, Green Dark Sword Venerable Divine Origin was shaken stiffly from Ancient Sword Green Dark! 青光世界破碎,古剑苍冥重新出现,在无穷烈火和凶恶红光轰击之下,苍冥剑尊元神被硬生生从古剑苍冥之中震出来! So wild to the bang, is Green Dark Sword Venerable was also then wounded. 如此狂暴的对轰之下,便是苍冥剑尊也负了伤。 But he actually laughs, suppresses the oneself injury forcefully, a right hand move, Ancient Sword Green Dark again starts, then turns toward Xiao Yan to attack once more! ( to be continued ) 但他却哈哈大笑,强行压住自己的伤势,右手一招,古剑苍冥重新入手,然后向着萧焱再次攻去!(未完待续)
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