HNOF :: Volume #13

#1215: the blue sea turn into mulberry fields earth and dust, in white clouds dark green dog dream really

Nine Heavens Sword changes to Treasure Light, in it that Instant that runs out of Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, Sword Formation center Immortal Sky Sword expresses a light cry. 九天剑化作宝光,在其从太初剑石中冲出的那一刹那,剑阵中心的仙天剑就发出一声轻鸣。 This called, entire Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation transformed into World slightly vibrated, even beside the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper heart including Sword Formation had a feeling. 这一鸣动,整个仙天太初剑阵所化世界微微震动了一下,甚至连剑阵之外的天罡剑尊都心有所感。 In Sword Formation, Green Dark Sword Venerable compels to draw back Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan, among a personal appearance revolution, the obstruct Nine Heavens Sword sword image way, the one path azure light then covers it. 剑阵内,苍冥剑尊迫退洛轻舞诸葛战,身形一转之间,阻住九天剑剑影去路,一道青光便将其笼罩住。 Under the azure light oppression, in Nine Heavens Sword spreads Chu Yang stuffy hum, that Ancient Sword Light Avatar non-stop vibrates, as if a little selects radiance to reappear. 青光压迫下,九天剑中传出褚阳的闷哼声,那古剑光影不停抖动,其中仿佛有点点光辉浮现。 Green Dark Sword Venerable must by own Sword Intent, be away from Nine Heavens Sword to extinguish unexpectedly forcefully kills Chu Yang Nascent Soul. 苍冥剑尊竟然是要以自身剑意,隔着九天剑强行灭杀褚阳元婴 Chu Yang unites with Nine Heavens Sword at this moment completely, union close unprecedented, Green Dark Sword Venerable extinguishes at this moment kills his Nascent Soul, meets the create damage to Nine Heavens Sword sword image, but he actually could not give a thought to that many at this moment. 褚阳此刻与九天剑完全合一,结合之紧密前所未有,苍冥剑尊此刻灭杀他的元婴,对九天剑剑影也会造成损伤,但他此刻却顾不了那么多了。 Although does not know that newcomer can be Xiao Yan, but saw Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan, Green Dark Sword Venerable then also knows that Profound Gate Heavenly Sect will have mostly also Expert to catch up, to him, Time is similarly urgent. 虽然不知道来者会是萧焱,但见了洛轻舞诸葛战,苍冥剑尊便也知道,玄门天宗多半还会有强者赶来,对他而言,时间同样紧迫。 Before this Nine Heavens Sword sword image mutation, has let the Immortal Sky Sword recast always mighty waves. 此前九天剑剑影的异变,已经让仙天剑的重铸平生波澜。 But at the same time, Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan have attacked to come once more, above Luo Qingwu Supreme Ultimate Diagram Sword Light flashes, Sword Dao Domain suddenly changed the appearance. 但与此同时,洛轻舞诸葛战已经再次攻上前来,洛轻舞太极图上方剑光闪动之间,其中剑道意境突然变了模样。 Sword Light of Origin Extremes Spirit Sword vanishes, another one wipes formidable Sword Intent to reveal, numerous Technique Grand Dao, the non-stop gathering, in fuse with this sword, a sword chops to fall, then as if Heavens Grand Dao together lowers Divine Punishment. 元极灵剑剑光消失,另一抹强大剑意则流露出来,众多法门大道,不停汇聚,融于此剑之中,一剑劈落,便仿佛诸天大道一起降下神罚 Impressively is Ancient Heaven Gate Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword direct line Technique! 赫然是上古天门大九天神剑嫡传法门 Among Green Dark Sword Venerable vision flashes. Immediately knows well, did not feel that by Absolute Beginning Sword Stone that in he seals up, the vibration of Nine Heavens Sword sword image is even more fierce. Echoes with Sword Dao of Luo Qingwu inside and outside. 苍冥剑尊目光一闪间。立刻知道不好,就感觉到被他封住的太初剑石内,九天剑剑影的震动越发剧烈。与洛轻舞剑道内外呼应。 In this moment, peripheral Void shivers together, myriad Heaven and Earth Grand Dao are indistinct, as if also in turbulence. 在这一刻,周边虚空一起颤抖,万千天地大道隐约间,似乎也在动荡。 But makes the Green Dark Sword Venerable heart startled is, beside Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper suddenly changed the strategy, no longer constantly storm. But starts to seep Sword Formation by own Immortal Sky Sword Qi. 但更让苍冥剑尊心惊的则是,仙天太初剑阵之外,天罡剑尊突然变了策略,不再一味强攻。而是开始以自身仙天剑炁渗透剑阵 On having the understanding to Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation grasps, Green Dark Sword Venerable wins Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. But Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper cultivation base Cultivation Realm is higher, if Green Dark Sword Venerable be careful does not care, may be won the Sword Formation domination by Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 论起对仙天太初剑阵的理解掌握,苍冥剑尊更胜天罡剑尊。但天罡剑尊修为境界毕竟更高,苍冥剑尊若是不小心在意,也有可能被天罡剑尊夺走剑阵控制权。 At this time, Green Dark Sword Venerable also can only clench teeth to stand firm Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation first. But Absolute Beginning Sword Stone suppresses Nine Heavens Sword, and fought with Luo Qingwu, Zhuge Zhan and the others, then only has takes the defensive first, only strove for being able Nine Heavens Sword sword image to continue suppression temporarily in Absolute Beginning Sword Stone then. 这种时候,苍冥剑尊也只能咬牙先稳住仙天太初剑阵。而太初剑石这边压制九天剑,并与洛轻舞诸葛战等人交手,便唯有先采取守势,只求暂时能将九天剑剑影继续镇压太初剑石中即可。 The both sides situation reaches the impass at once, but Green Dark Sword Venerable started again to live in Sword Formation gradually stably, that white jade Long Sword in Sword Formation, inspiring infinite Immortal Sky Sword Qi, locates non-stop to extract Sword Qi Spirit Power from other major sword sect Mountain Gate, starts again to prevent the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper footsteps. 双方局势一时之间陷入僵局,但苍冥剑尊已经开始渐渐重新稳固住剑阵,那白玉长剑剑阵中,引动无穷仙天剑炁,从其他各大剑宗山门不停抽取剑气灵力,开始重新天罡剑尊的脚步阻挡住。 But at this moment. Green Dark Sword Venerable, Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan from that supress the seal Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, feel renouncing Will. 但就在这时。苍冥剑尊洛轻舞诸葛战都从那镇封太初剑石中,感受到一股决绝的意志 Nine Heavens Sword sword image in that the flash, as if the congealment is the entity. Massive radiance from there surge, the one person's shadow shoots up to the sky from Sword Light, precisely Chu Yang! 九天剑剑影在那么一瞬间,仿佛凝结为实体。大量光辉从中涌动,一个人影从剑光中冲天而起,正是褚阳 His Fleshly Body Divine Soul falls from the sky all, Nascent Soul and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol also caused heavy losses, but in this Life and Death life or death moment, experiences the layer upon layer pressure to whet. As if finally removes all dust, just likes sharp sword unsheath. Shines the brilliance greatly. 肉身神魂尽数陨灭,元婴天地法相也受到重创,但在这生死存亡关头,经历重重威压磨砺。仿佛终于褪去身上所有尘埃,犹如利剑出鞘。大放光彩。 Chu Yang always not previously feels before this that Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is away from oneself such near, as if the tentacle may. 褚阳此前从来都不曾感觉到,天地大道距离自己如此之近,仿佛触手可及。 But similarly, the abyss of death was also at this moment near at hand, he as if placed between Nine Heavens and Yellow Spring, that marvelous feeling, making his heart Spirit Platform distracting thoughts grow thickly, but had the one path miraculous glow, was similar to the Eternal tall ladder, stood erect in his front, to clouds. 但同样,此时此刻,死亡的深渊也近在咫尺,他仿佛身处九天黄泉之间,那奇妙的感觉,让他心头灵台杂念丛生,但却有一道灵光,如同永恒天梯,矗立在他面前,通向云端。 In there, big door calmly stands there, shoves open that big door, all are not same. 在那里,有一座大门正静静立在那里,推开那扇大门,一切都再不相同。 Chu Yang had abandoned the beforehand in the heart all consideration at this time suddenly, is similar to gets rid of the layer upon layer shackles, only depends on the spirit that in the heart sends excitedly, launches the impact that renounces toward that big door. 褚阳这时突然摒弃了之前心中所有思虑,如同摆脱重重枷锁,只凭心中一股勃然而发的气概,向着那座大门发起决绝的冲击。 his Nascent Soul and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol coincide, change to stream of light, non-stop rise. 他的元婴天地法相相合,化作一道流光,不停上升。 During this process, that radiance non-stop shivers, non-stop scatters, as if at any time will collapse the disintegration. 在此过程中,那光辉不停颤抖,不停散落,仿佛随时都会崩溃解体。 Chu Yang in the heart raises one Layer Enlightenment: My comprehension has sufficed, I can shoves open that big door successfully, but my this moment condition Supreme Void was weak, shoves open that big door at the same time, my oneself total collapse fallen, the card can not that Divine Origin boundary.” 褚阳心中升起一层明悟:“我的领悟够了,我可以成功推开那座大门,但我此刻状态太虚弱了,推开那座大门的同时,我自身也会彻底崩溃陨落,证不得那元神之境了。” Although in the heart understand, but Chu Yang has not stopped the footsteps, but continues the impact that launches that hopeless and renounces, pours into own all Will in this, motionless does not swing. 虽然心中明白,但褚阳并没有停下脚步,而是继续发起那无望而又决绝的冲击,将自身所有意志都灌注于此,不动不摇。 In this moment, Nine Heavens Sword Sword Light is suddenly dim, the entity sword blade edge in the wink of an eye once more changes to sword image, is in one with the Chu Yang transformed into flowing light. 在这一刻,九天剑剑光突然黯淡下来,实体般的剑刃瞬息之间再次化作剑影,与褚阳所化的流光合为一体。 Thunders during Chu Yang consciousness resounds, his finally succeeded merit breaks open the gate of that Divine Origin. 一声轰鸣在褚阳意识之中响起,他终于成破开了那座元神之门。 Dark, resonance of mysterious Heaven and Earth Grand Dao near his ear, his personal appearance transformed into breaks open of flowing light in the nihility, changes to lines after lines Talisman, undergoes the Heaven and Earth truth the baptism. 冥冥之中,玄而又玄的天地大道在他耳边共鸣,他身形所化的流光在虚无之中破开,化作一道道符箓,经受天地道理的洗礼。 before one's eyes jet black one piece, is Absolute Beginning Sword Stone internal World, at this moment also has Principle Domain, receives and instructs absorb in this moment altogether by Chu Yang and Nine Heavens Sword. 眼前漆黑一片,是太初剑石内部的世界,此刻却也有条条道理意境,在此刻一并褚阳九天剑接引吸纳 Houseboy!” In entire Darkness World, resounds Green Dark Sword Venerable the sound of reprimanding, just likes the rolling thunder non-stop echo, prolonged. “竖子!”整个黑暗世界内,都响起苍冥剑尊的斥责之声,犹如滚雷不停回响,经久不息。 Immortal Sky Sword Qi arises at the historic moment, must extinguish Chu Yang in Absolute Beginning Sword Stone kills. 仙天剑炁应运而生,就要在太初剑石内部将褚阳灭杀。 In Chu Yang transformed into sky-filling Talisman, some massive Sword Light shine suddenly, as if the Heavens Myriath Paths resonance, Sword Light gathers together, again changes to the Ancient Sword appearance, Immortal Sky Sword Qi that with attacking to bumping. 褚阳所化漫天符箓之中,突然都有大量剑光亮起,仿佛诸天万道一起共鸣,剑光聚集在一起,重新化作古剑模样,与攻来的仙天剑炁对碰。 Ancient Sword Light Avatar is dim, was struck retreat, but Immortal Sky Sword Qi actually also by obstruct. 古剑光影黯淡下来,被击得后退,但仙天剑炁却也被阻住 That flashes innumerably Sword Light Talisman, gathers in this moment loudly, changes to handle appearance plain Long Sword, the sword blade edge surface has a lines after lines light mark circulation. 那无数闪动剑光符箓,在这一刻轰然间聚集,化作一柄模样古朴的长剑,剑刃表面有一道道光纹流转。 Nine Heavens Sword sword image falls, fuses only with this handle Long Sword, Long Sword shakes gently, exudes a distant resonant sword whining noise. 九天剑剑影落下,与这柄长剑融合唯一,长剑轻轻一震,发出一声悠远嘹亮的剑鸣声。 In the sword whining noise, as if some people in a soft voice long recited. 剑鸣声中,仿佛有人轻声长吟。 the blue sea turn into mulberry fields earth and dust, in white clouds dark green dog dream . The idea is endless I from toward, Heavenly River far away sword startled god.” 沧海桑田土与尘,白云苍狗梦里真。心路漫漫我自往,天河迢迢剑惊神。” Although coincides with Nine Heavens Sword sword image, but in Sword Light actually as if held contained massive unique Domain, was similar to past Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword, was different, has filled mysterious Strength Domain. 虽然与九天剑剑影相合,但是剑光之中却仿佛容纳包含了大量独特意境,同昔日的大九天神剑相似,却又迥异,充满了玄奥的力量意境 Is sword cultivator Green Dark Sword Venerable and Luo Qingwu, felt that in the heart moves slightly. 身为剑修苍冥剑尊洛轻舞,都感到心中微动。 Was I was old, did the or time change? In one day, sees two Sword Dao top rare talents......” the Green Dark Sword Venerable vision to send unexpectedly continuously coldly, but outside Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper create pressure is getting bigger and bigger, diverts firmly Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength. “是我老了,还是时代变了?一日之内,竟然连续看见两个剑道顶尖奇才……”苍冥剑尊目光发寒,但外面天罡剑尊造成的压力越来越大,牢牢将仙天太初剑阵力量牵制住。 Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan attack non-stop, in Absolute Beginning Sword Stone Sword Intent surges, three big Expert with joint forces, imprisonment of one path Sword Light finally breakthrough Absolute Beginning Sword Stone! 洛轻舞诸葛战攻击不停,太初剑石剑意涌动,三大强者合力之下,一道剑光终于突破太初剑石的禁锢! Among the Sword Light circulations, officially appears that Long Sword appearance, sword height nine chi (0.33 m) nine cuns (2.5cm), a width six cuns (2.5cm) handle extravagant sword, the sword blade edge surface carves the golden color engraved inscription, above the engraved inscription has the scarlet design and white design, non-stop of mysterious radiance on the sword blade flows, deep blue like water, imitates, if Heavenly River. 剑光流转间,正式现出那长剑模样,剑身长九尺九寸,宽六寸的一柄阔剑,剑刃表面镂刻金色铭文,铭文之上更有血色图案和白色图案,玄奥的光辉在剑身上不停流淌,湛蓝如水,仿若天河 Green Dark Sword Venerable and Luo Qingwu vision simultaneously flashes: Ancient Heaven Gate Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword Sword Dao proves Divine Origin Avatar, should be handle length nine chi (0.33 m), a sword blade edge width nine cuns (2.5cm) sword, the appearance characteristics also has the difference......” 苍冥剑尊洛轻舞目光同时一闪:“上古天门大九天神剑剑道所证之元神化身,该是一柄长九尺整,剑刃宽九寸之剑,外貌特征也有差别……” One of Ancient Heaven Gate Nine Treasures, by Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword Sword Dao formed on the Magical Treasure Azure Heavenly Dao Sword appearance, then is about Heaven Gate Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword Sword Dao proves the Divine Origin Avatar outward appearance. 上古天门九宝之一,以大九天神剑剑道所成就的法宝苍天道剑的模样,便大致是天门大九天神剑剑道所证之元神化身的外观。 A that handle Ancient Sword in Void radiance revolution, then the appearance of again transform into one black clothed youth, precisely Chu Yang. 那柄古剑在虚空中光辉一转,便重新化为一个黑衣青年的模样,正是褚阳 Chu Yang treads Void fully, on the face facial expression confuses becomes aware, in both eyes eye of radiance interlocks darkly, the non-stop change, then slowly belongs to tranquilly. 褚阳足踏虚空,脸上神情似迷似悟,双眼中目光明暗交错,不停变化,然后慢慢归于平静。 Unclear is previous life, or is the dreamland, once his willful behavior, got angry by the heart happily, renounced and biased, in both eyes can only see oneself the thing that wanted to see. 道不清是前世,亦或者是梦境,曾经的他恣意而行,喜怒由心,决绝而又偏执,双眼之中只能看见自己想要看到的东西。 In Instant that as if dream finally awakens, he pledged that must protect all that once lost. 在那仿佛南柯一梦终觉醒的刹那,他发誓要守护曾经失去的一切。 The youth who past renounced pleased no longer saw again, displacing, was one bears patiently the restraint personal preference, the happy anger did not show, the person of deep plan. 昔日快意决绝的青年再不复见,取而代之者,是一个隐忍克制个人好恶,喜怒不形于色,深沉谋划之人。 In this in society, Expert are too many, but Sect Beyond the Heaven Mountain is too weak, then might as well once remember that such perishes in plan of Wu Qingrou, perishes in the conflict between Great Zhou and Mount Shu, at any time may be hit by the total destruction in the gambling conflicts of other big influences. 在这世间,强者太多,而师门天外山太弱,便是不如曾经记忆中那样灭亡于伍轻柔的谋划,灭亡于大周蜀山之间的争端,也随时有可能在其他大势力的博弈争端中遭受灭顶之灾。 Along with the passage of Time, the development of situation gradually with the oneself memory in no longer same, but Chu Yang or in be careful cautiously is planning, helping oneself Sect be cautious, finally arrives at today. 随着时间的推移,事态的发展渐渐与自己记忆中不再相同,但褚阳还是小心翼翼的谋划着,帮助自己师门如履薄冰,终于走到今天。 Made a great show of one's talents, the person of pleased love and hate, but to protect the Sect homeland, constrains the romantic of natural disposition, to one's heart's content can not, pleased not be possible, bright tomorrow's tall Haikuo in before one's eyes, will actually be willing to tie up in the square inches. 本是锋芒毕露,快意恩仇之人,但为了守护宗门家园,压抑本性之浪漫,纵情不得,快意不可,明明天高海阔在眼前,却甘愿自缚于方寸之间。 Only has just now that Instant, Chu Yang genuinely abandons all, the wholeheartedly entire intent is only Divine Origin boundary attacks, all plan to hesitate throw various after the brain. 唯有方才那一刹那,褚阳真正抛开一切,全心全意只为元神之境而冲击,一切算计踟蹰尽数抛诸于脑后。 Now finally succeeded on Divine Origin boundary, one step bridges over all living things long-awaited checkpoint, results in Longevity to be comfortable. 如今终于成元神之境,一步跨过芸芸众生梦寐以求的关卡,得长生自在。 Then in the Chu Yang memory, his also not previously has arrived at so the position, this unprecedented manifestation, making him feel marvelous at the same time, pleased. 便是在褚阳曾经的记忆中,他也不曾走到过这般位置,这前所未有的体现,让他感到奇妙的同时,也快意至极。 but, after carefree of flash, Chu Yang mental state again is quiet, as if point of the handle peerless Divine Sword after startled great wild goose one presently, again takes back in the scabbard. 不过,在一瞬间的畅快之后,褚阳心境重新沉静下来,仿佛一柄绝世神剑之锋芒在惊鸿一现之后,又重新收归剑鞘之中。 Once all, me, never were the shackles, that was I most precious all.” Chu Yang slightly smiles: All efforts, result in Divine Origin boundary including card, will be as for will continue in the future, to no longer lose this most precious all.” “曾经的一切,于我而言,从来不是枷锁,那是我最珍贵的一切。”褚阳微微一笑:“所有的努力,包括证得元神之境,乃至于日后继续前行,都是为了不再失去这最宝贵的一切。” My Master, Sect,...... She.” “我的师父,师门,还有……她。” The line of sight of Chu Yang has not looked to Luo Qingwu that side, he face upwards clear roar, Divine Origin Avatar that just built then escaped the human form, changes to nine chi (0.33 m) nine cuns (2.5cm) golden color Ancient Sword once more, scarlet Diagram and white Diagram interweaves, among deep blue Sword Light flashes, then and Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan turn toward Green Dark Sword Venerable to attack shoulder to shoulder! ( to be continued ) 褚阳的视线并没有看向洛轻舞那边,他仰天清啸一声,刚刚修成的元神化身便脱了人形,再次化作九尺九寸长的金色古剑,血色图纹白色图纹交织,湛蓝剑光一闪之间,便和洛轻舞诸葛战并肩向着苍冥剑尊攻去!(未完待续)
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