HNOF :: Volume #13

#1214: Does Immortal Sky reappear?

Although a large number of energy are also used to give dual attention to Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, but Green Dark Sword Venerable this moment True Body arrives, that makes a great show of one's talents Immortal Sky Sword Qi that destroys the hardest defenses, still let Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan feels the great stress. 虽然相当一部分精力还用来兼顾仙天太初剑阵,但苍冥剑尊此刻真身降临,那锋芒毕露无坚不摧的仙天剑炁,也仍然让洛轻舞诸葛战感到压力巨大。 Was different from before is Immortal Sky Sword Qi that in Sword Formation drifted away, what at this moment they faced was a distance ended Beginning Calamity only one pace Mount Shu Supreme Elder thoroughly, Medieval Era then already big sword cultivator of stranger. 不同于之前是剑阵中游离的仙天剑炁,此刻他们面对的是一位距离彻底完了初劫只有一步之遥的蜀山太上长老,中古纪元便已经生人的大剑修 Green Dark Sword Venerable is staring at Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan, right hand pinches Sword Secret Art, a sword meets a sword to puncture. 苍冥剑尊盯着洛轻舞诸葛战,右手捏动剑诀,一剑接一剑刺出。 That white Immortal Sky Sword Qi seems like gentle breeze drizzle, but actually destroys the hardest defenses, a sword falls, as if periphery Space completely will block, compels the Luo Qingwu two people nowhere to avoid, can only meet hardly. 那白茫茫的仙天剑炁看似和风细雨,但却无坚不摧,一剑落下,更仿佛将周围空间全部封死,迫得洛轻舞二人无处躲避,只能硬接。 Luo Qingwu Mystical Ability Magic Force is astonishing, far from common Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm Cultivator may compare, under Zhuge Zhan in Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm is top Expert, Fighting Technique strength aggressive, two people collaborates similarly, melts that lines after lines Immortal Sky Sword Qi, but Green Dark Sword Venerable attack as if no end to be the same, attacks continuous. 洛轻舞神通法力惊人,远非寻常元神化身境界修士可比,诸葛战合道境界同样是顶尖强者,斗法实力凶悍,两人联手之下,将那一道道仙天剑炁化解,但苍冥剑尊攻击仿佛没有尽头一样,连绵不绝攻来。 Luo Qingwu steadily deals, collaborates to resist with Zhuge Zhan, although was pressed by Green Dark Sword Venerable in leeward, however in the process of it fencing, Luo Qingwu sword Dao Divinity, even more clear freely, the point is also instead getting more and more abundant. 洛轻舞沉着应对,和诸葛战联手抵御,虽然被苍冥剑尊压在下风,但是在与之斗剑的过程中,洛轻舞一身剑道神通,反而越发圆润自如,锋芒也越来越盛。 Facing the Green Dark Sword Venerable pressure, initially formed Divine Origin Luo Qingwu, in the rapid growth, the rapidness of speed, is not only is Zhuge Zhan of companion for it before one's eyes one bright, including the Green Dark Sword Venerable also brow micro pressed, in the vision reveals the color of admiring greatly. 面对苍冥剑尊的压力,初成元神洛轻舞,在飞速成长,速度之快,不仅仅是身为同伴的诸葛战为之眼前一亮,连苍冥剑尊也眉头微蹙,目光中露出激赏之色。 „When is really cultivates the Sword Dao good seedling, Old man initially formed Divine Origin, does not have your so ability.” Green Dark Sword Venerable is calm. Words sound as always as if surging thunder. “实在是个修剑道的好苗子,老朽初成元神之时,没你这般能耐。”苍冥剑尊语气平静。话语声一如既往仿佛滚滚雷霆。 In his mouth was saying, under the hand the offensive is getting more and more anxious: what a pity Old man does not have Time to accompany you to sharpen the sword, my Sect Immortal Sky Sword soon again appear. Old man cannot allow you guys to disturb to act unruly.” 他口中这么说着,手底下攻势则越来越急:“可惜老朽时间陪你磨剑,本宗仙天剑即将重新出世老朽容不得你们捣乱撒野。” Green Dark Sword Venerable to refer to generation of swords, sword momentum suddenly changes, white Immortal Sky Sword Qi in Void has delimited, suddenly changed the appearance, changes as if covers the dome the heaven, falls toward Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan. 苍冥剑尊以指代剑,剑势陡然一变,白茫茫的仙天剑炁在虚空中划过,陡然变了模样,化作仿佛笼罩穹窿的苍天,朝着洛轻舞诸葛战落下。 That spreads the top of the sky place Sword Light, in the layer upon layer azure light with this moment Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation seems somewhat similar. 那铺天盖地的剑光,与此刻仙天太初剑阵中的重重青光看上去有些相似。 Similarly is everywhere. Stops at nothing, Sword Light then as if World itself. Made one be hard to avoid, is hard to resist, but the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength Don't said that now is used to resist Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper completely, was beforehand majority of Strength is also used by Green Dark Sword Venerable with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Fighting Technique and sacrifice practices Immortal Sky Sword. 同样无处不在。无所不至,剑光便仿佛世界本身。令人难以躲避,难以抵挡,但仙天太初剑阵力量莫说现在全部用来抵御天罡剑尊,便是之前大部分力量也被苍冥剑尊用来与天罡剑尊斗法和祭练仙天剑 At that time Sword Formation in view of Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan pressure. Was inferior that this moment Green Dark Sword Venerable personally displays the this move azure deep sword to escape. 那时剑阵针对洛轻舞诸葛战的压力。远不如此刻苍冥剑尊亲自施展这一式青冥剑遁。 Like Xin Longsheng Great Thousand Sword World with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Heavenly Sword Star River, this is in the Green Dark Sword Venerable cultivate Immortal Sky Sword Qi foundation, blends understanding of oneself Grand Dao regarding Sword Dao and Heaven and Earth, is based on Immortal Sky Sword Qi formidable Sword Dao that displays. 天罡剑尊天剑星河辛龙生大千剑界一样,这是苍冥剑尊修练仙天剑炁的基础上,融汇自己对于剑道天地大道的理解,以仙天剑炁为基础,施展的强大剑道 Sword Light, Heaven and Earth covers all, sky over sees a Dao Light splendor to pass through, is connected Heaven and Earth. 剑光所向,天地尽数为之覆盖,就见一道光辉直贯上空,将天地相连。 radiance flashes through, all Space between day and place as if in instantaneously together collapsed and destroyed. Heaven and Earth coincides, Behead in society Myriad Things. 光辉闪过,天与地之间的一切空间仿佛在瞬间一起崩灭天地相合,斩杀世间万物 Zhuge Zhan lowly shouted said: Old man walks horizontal, you walk the vertical stroke!” 诸葛战低喝道:“老夫走横,你走竖!” Luo Qingwu heard this immediately understand his idea. Has not hesitated, Sword Light of Supreme Ultimate Diagram Divine Origin transformed into, a revolution, Sword Light of Origin Extremes Spirit Sword changes to one path radiant radiance immediately, projects straightly. 洛轻舞闻言立即明白他的意思。没有丝毫迟疑,元神所化剑光太极图,当即一转,元极灵剑剑光化作一道璀璨光辉,笔直射出。 But Zhuge Zhan appears oneself Sun Divine Light Dao fruit, Ardent Sun War Spear in Void one horizontal. The Sun Divine Light Dao fruit was shattered, as if one small Sun in Void appears. In the dazzling ray, Ardent Sun War Spear across the sky has delimited, Sun just likes blasts open, endless ray in addition holds all on Ardent Sun War Spear. 诸葛战显化自己太阳神光道果,烈日战矛在虚空中一横。太阳神光道果破碎,仿佛一个太阳在虚空中出现。耀眼光芒中,烈日战矛横空划过,太阳犹如炸裂开来,无尽光芒尽数加持在烈日战矛上。 As Zhuge Zhan this across the sky wields lance, immediately the one path shining light stream in the sky border has delimited, just likes the one path golden color ocean waves. 随着诸葛战这横空一挥长矛,顿时一道金灿灿的光流在天际划过,犹如一道金色海浪。 This golden color light stream, with Luo Qingwu Sword Light of Origin Extremes Spirit Sword, interlocks behavior in Heaven and Earth, able to move unhindered exists side by side, forms the one huge cross. 这道金色光流,与洛轻舞元极灵剑剑光,在天地间交错而行,纵横并立,形成一个巨大的十字。 This huge cross, under Zhuge Zhan and Luo Qingwu operation, sets up up in Heaven and Earth of collapse suddenly, mysterious and formidable Strength already, the stability lived as if to heal forcefully in the together day and place, matched the Green Dark Sword Venerable this move azure deep sword to escape stiffly. 这个巨大的十字,在诸葛战洛轻舞操纵之下,于塌缩的天地之间猛然树立起来,玄奥而又强大力量已经,强行稳定住了仿佛要愈合在一起的天与地,硬生生敌住了苍冥剑尊这一式青冥剑遁。 Green Dark Sword Venerable unemotionally, shook the head, although he remoulds sword heart, from the in the past peak or has the disparity slightly, at this moment also does not have Ancient Sword Green Dark in hand, otherwise that sword, vertical cannot win a moment ago immediately, must let Zhuge Zhan and Luo Qingwu many antipoint wounds. 苍冥剑尊面无表情,摇了摇头,他虽然重塑剑心,但距离昔年巅峰之时还是稍有差距,此刻又没有古剑苍冥在手,否则刚才那一剑,纵不能立刻取胜,也要让诸葛战洛轻舞多少负点伤。 but Green Dark Sword Venerable mental state not slightly fluctuation, after a sword, immediately is a type azure deep sword escapes, overbearing is full. 不过苍冥剑尊心境没有丝毫波动,一剑之后,立刻又是一式青冥剑遁,霸道十足。 Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan can only continue defense, but is hard to counter-attack, Green Dark Sword Venerable attack is extremely sharp, they counter-attack, could have the result, but own danger is bigger. 洛轻舞诸葛战只能继续防御,而难以反攻,苍冥剑尊攻击太过犀利,他们反攻,或许能有成效,但自身危险更大。 Under the long time defends must lose, the enemy who especially faces is attack murders sharp big sword cultivator, but Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan do not grow perceptibly by defense. 久守之下必有所失,尤其面对的敌人乃是攻击杀伐犀利的大剑修,而洛轻舞诸葛战也都不以防御见长。 two people also in seeking the opportunity of counter-attacking, but Green Dark Sword Venerable instead eagerly has not striven for victory now, after sealing up the Luo Qingwu two people of ways, starts to fight steadily. 两人也在寻求反攻之机,但苍冥剑尊现在反而不急于求胜了,封住洛轻舞二人的去路之后,开始稳扎稳打。 On his line of sight fall on left hand fingertip that green light sphere, sees the light sphere surface cracking to be getting more and more, this indicates that Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation then must be broken through from outside by Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper quickly. 他视线落在左手指尖那个青色光球上,就见光球表面裂缝越来越多,这预示着仙天太初剑阵很快便要被天罡剑尊从外面攻破。 But on Green Dark Sword Venerable this moment face instead shows several points of faint happy expression, because he clearly felt that Sword Formation central Immortal Sky Sword transformed into white light sphere, this moment ray is contracting slowly. 苍冥剑尊此刻脸上反而露出几分淡淡笑意,因为他分明感到,剑阵中央仙天剑所化白色光球,此刻光芒正在慢慢收缩。 The Immortal Sky Sword recast, soon will be at this moment also completed! 仙天剑的重铸,此刻也即将完成! Green Dark Sword Venerable deeply inspired, the heart said: So firstly, then only need that Nine Heavens Sword remnant sword and Absolute Beginning Sword Stone......” 苍冥剑尊深吸了口气,心道:“如此一来,便只需将那九天剑残剑与太初剑石……” He is thinking, suddenly the look changes: Um?” 他正这么想着,突然神色微变:“嗯?” In Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, among the azure light white fog, together 4 sides black stone suddenly slowly appears, from there has the massive rays to flash. 就在仙天太初剑阵之内,青光白雾间,一块四方黑石突然缓缓浮现,从中有大量光芒闪动。 That as if infinite Sword Light flashes together, character Absolute Beginning Sword Stone shines through, sees the 4 sides black stone at this moment just likes transparent similar, the one person's shadow sits cross-legged sitting well in. 那仿佛无穷剑光一起闪动,字太初剑石内部透射而出,就见四方黑石此刻犹如透明一般,其中一个人影盘膝端坐其中。 In his on top side, a handle great Sword Light shade float, on the sword blade edge the radiance circulation, as if Heavens Myriath Paths together gathers, but around this Giant Sword, then nine handle scarlet Long Sword revolve, how these scarlet Long Sword seem is not sharp, is actually evil different. 在他头顶上方,一柄巨剑光影悬浮,剑刃上光辉流转,仿佛诸天万道一起汇聚,而在这巨剑周围,则有九柄血色长剑围绕,那些血色长剑看上去并不如何锋利,可是却邪异至极。 That person's shadow precisely Chu Yang. Under his top of the head Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, but also is sitting well one another one small Light Avatar, seems is the youth of 15 and six years old of age sizes. The five senses appearance and Chu Yang in person is similar, is actually his Nascent Soul. 那人影正是褚阳。在他头顶天地法相之下,还端坐着一个一个小一些的光影,看上去是个15、六岁年纪大小的少年。五官外貌与褚阳本人相似,却是他的元婴 But another one noticeable place lies , the Chu Yang form is slurred, impressively is also one group of Light Avatar, still fluctuated between the human form and ensiform unceasingly. 而另一个引人瞩目的地方在于,褚阳的身影模糊不清,赫然也是一团光影,仍然在人形与剑形之间不断变幻。 This time Chu Yang, impressively already completely lost Fleshly Body, only remaining Divine Soul and Nascent Soul. 此时的褚阳,赫然已经完全失去了肉身,只剩下神魂元婴 His present facial expression. Tranquil fills firm and resolute, is containing also several points of openness. 他现在的神情。平静中充满坚毅,却又蕴含着几分豁达。 Chu Yang Nascent Soul both hands Secret Technique fluctuates together. Then toward an under his Divine Soul point, its Divine Soul then gradually thoroughly removes the human form, changes to handle Ancient Sword, Divine Soul Strength integrates in the sword all. 褚阳元婴双手法诀一起变幻。然后向着下方他的神魂一点,其神魂便渐渐彻底褪去人形,化作一柄古剑,神魂之力尽数融入剑中。 But his Nascent Soul suddenly shakes. In surrounding Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation massive Sword Qi Sword Intent start to gather toward Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, then emerges, above fall on Chu Yang Nascent Soul. 他的元婴则猛然一震。周围仙天太初剑阵中大量剑气剑意开始向着太初剑石聚拢,然后涌入其中,落在褚阳元婴之上。 Almost just shortly, Chu Yang Nascent Soul and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol become tattered and torn, but in Ancient Sword of that handle empty probability, has spirited Sword Intent to thrive. 几乎只是顷刻间,褚阳元婴天地法相就变得千疮百孔,但那柄似虚似实的古剑中,却有昂扬剑意勃发。 Although appears illusory indistinct, but is not real, but that myriad paths become one sword, myriad techniques become one sword, one sword gives birth to myriad techniques. one sword gives birth to myriad paths formidable Strength Domain, as if silk not at all lets Immortal Sky Sword monopolize the limelight unexpectedly. 虽然显得虚幻缥缈而不真实,但那万道成一剑,万法成一剑,一剑生万法一剑生万道强大力量意境,竟仿佛丝毫不仙天剑专美于前 Although that Ancient Sword was not entity, but radiance was getting more and more abundant. Chu Yang Nascent Soul and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol swept, then changes to the dazzling flowing light together, non-stop in Absolute Beginning Sword Stone shuttles back and forth, wants broken to seal! 古剑虽然仍不是实体,但光辉越来越盛。将褚阳元婴天地法相一起卷了,然后便化作耀眼流光,在太初剑石不停穿梭,直欲破封而出! Green Dark Sword Venerable sees that vision flashes: How possibly to make your such little thing go bad the important matter?” 苍冥剑尊见状,目光一闪:“怎么可能让你这么个小东西坏了大事?” Nine Heavens Sword truly extraordinary, but in the final analysis. Has not cast.” finished speaking, Green Dark Sword Venerable has abandoned Zhuge Zhan and Luo Qingwu temporarily. Flies high a direction to Absolute Beginning Sword Stone. 九天剑确实不凡,但说到底。还没有铸成呢。”说罢,苍冥剑尊暂时舍了诸葛战洛轻舞。凌空一指点向太初剑石 The azure light concentrates, the vibration of Absolute Beginning Sword Stone stabilizes immediately. 青光一凝之间,太初剑石的震动顿时安定下来。 4 sides black stone inside Ancient Sword, the ray is gradually gloomy, Chu Yang places, Fleshly Body and Divine Soul has fallen from the sky, only Nascent Soul and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, in together gradually on the wane. 四方黑石内的古剑,光芒渐渐暗淡,褚阳身处其中,肉身神魂都已经陨灭,只余元婴天地法相,也在一起渐渐凋零。 But the Chu Yang facial expression is tranquil, does not see the depressed meaning. 褚阳神情平静坦然,不见沮丧之意。 Its was affected, Absolute Beginning Sword Stone separates from Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation temporarily, entire Sword Formation vacillates up immediately, outside the array Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper first Time then realized changes. 受其影响,太初剑石仙天太初剑阵内暂时分离,整个剑阵顿时动摇起来,在阵外天罡剑尊第一时间便察觉其中变化。 That huge Sword Star contracts loudly, toward the central collapse, endless Sword Light Sword Intent toward the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation extrusion, World of azure light transformed into covers entirely the crack together, creakies, as if at any time will extinguish broken. 那巨大的剑星轰然收缩,向着中央塌缩,无尽剑光剑意一起朝着仙天太初剑阵挤压,青光所化世界布满裂纹,摇摇欲坠,仿佛随时都会碎灭。 Green Dark Sword Venerable up, finger or flies high serious finally once more, in Sword Formation, white radiance restraining, appears handle white jade Long Sword. 苍冥剑尊神情严肃起来,手指终于还是再次凌空一点,剑阵中,白色光辉收敛,现出一柄白玉长剑 This sword, Chu Yang of Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan together with being trapped in Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, feel the pressure sudden growth. 此剑一出,洛轻舞诸葛战连同受困于太初剑石中的褚阳,都感到压力猛增。 Although has not achieved initially the Immortal Sky Sword terrifying power and influence, but also sufficiently makes the people on the scene feel the pressure. 虽然还没有达到当初仙天剑恐怖威势,但也足以让在场众人感到压力。 Along with the Green Dark Sword Venerable procedure, Immortal Sky Sword of carrying out thoroughly recast has not integrated in the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation inside layer upon layer azure light gradually, sky-filling Sword Light color immediately changes, changes pure white. 随着苍冥剑尊做法,尚未彻底完成重铸的仙天剑渐渐融入仙天太初剑阵内的重重青光中,漫天剑光色泽顿时为之一变,化作纯白。 The azure light diffusion completely, among Heaven and Earth sees only white one piece, as if mist, non-stop rolls up and pushes along, isolates the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper offensive outside. 青光散尽,天地间只见白茫茫一片,仿佛云气,不停卷动,将天罡剑尊的攻势隔绝于外。 In this moment, white jade Long Sword has substituted for Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, becomes the leadership of entire Sword Formation, has been short of the relay of Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, Sword Qi from major sword sect Mountain Gate Great Formation, starts to restore the oneself original appearance, changes to the thunder raging fire, Vast Sea starlight wait / etc. different Strength, surges in white Immortal Sky Sword Qi. 在这一刻,白玉长剑取代了太初剑石,成为整个剑阵的主导,少了太初剑石的中转,来自各大剑宗山门大阵剑气,开始恢复自己本来模样,化作雷霆烈火,沧海星光等等不同力量,在白茫茫的仙天剑炁中涌动。 But these Strength are still not able to be separated from Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, but under the guidance of Immortal Sky Sword , to continue with the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack. 但这些力量仍然无法脱离仙天太初剑阵,而是在仙天剑的引导下,继续与天罡剑尊对攻。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper is blazing with anger, in looks at Sword Formation that handle white jade Long Sword, the bonus is he is calm all along, at this moment the facial expression is also complex, in the heart with complex feelings. 天罡剑尊目光如炬,看着剑阵中那柄白玉长剑,饶是他一贯镇定,此刻也神情复杂,心中五味杂陈 Green Dark Sword Venerable puts out a hand to grasp toward Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, Immortal Sky Sword completes the final sacrifice to practice, then good fall on Absolute Beginning Sword Stone and on Nine Heavens Sword sword image. 苍冥剑尊则伸手向着太初剑石抓去,仙天剑完成最后祭练,便好落在太初剑石和其中的九天剑剑影上。 But Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan also understand this truth, immediately changes from defensive to offensive obviously. 洛轻舞诸葛战显然也明白这个道理,当即反守为攻。 Although two people strength Cultivation Realm is lower than Green Dark Sword Venerable, but launches attack actually cannot be underestimated at this moment, Green Dark Sword Venerable cold snort|hum, must stop the footsteps to turn round a type azure deep sword to escape Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan attack blocks. 两人实力境界虽然低于苍冥剑尊,但此刻展开攻击不容小觑,苍冥剑尊冷哼一声,只得停下脚步回身一式青冥剑遁将洛轻舞诸葛战攻击拦下。 Such delays, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Stone once more turbulent up, radiant Sword Light from there transmission. 就这么一耽搁,仙天太初剑石再次动荡起来,璀璨剑光从中透射而出。 this treasure after is not Return to Origin Scabbard, lost Green Dark Sword Venerable and Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation in addition holds, is unable to lock in it facing Nine Heavens Sword sword image for a long time, Sword Light flashes, was curled Chu Yang from there to run out by Nine Heavens Sword sword image unexpectedly together! ( to be continued ) 此宝毕竟不是归宗剑鞘,失了苍冥剑尊仙天太初剑阵的加持,面对九天剑剑影也无法长久将其锁住,剑光闪动间,竟然被九天剑剑影卷着褚阳一起从中冲出!(未完待续)
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