HNOF :: Volume #13

#1213: Victory and defeat key

Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Immortal Sky Sword Qi and Luo Qingwu stimulation of movement Origin Extremes Spirit Sword to bumping, both sides are without making any mutual concessions, non-stop to bumping. 仙天太初剑阵所催动之仙天剑炁洛轻舞元极灵剑对碰,双方互不相让,不停对碰。 In the Sword Formation sky-filling azure light, spreads the one as if rolling thunder to roar suddenly the similar old sound: Your this Sword Dao... Quite strange.” 剑阵漫天青光中,突然传出一个仿佛滚雷咆哮一般的苍老声音:“你这剑道…好生诡异。” Actually the precisely Green Dark Sword Venerable sound, his thin and small body at this moment places the position that the Sword Formation core is, in void sits cross-legged to sit, front together 4 sides black stone, precisely Absolute Beginning Sword Stone. 正是苍冥剑尊的声音,他瘦小的身躯此刻身处剑阵核心之所在的方位,于虚空中盘膝而坐,面前一块四方黑石,正是太初剑石 Absolute Beginning Sword Stone surrounding white radiance surrounds, sky over this 4 sides black stone, sees handle white jade Long Sword calmly float. 太初剑石周围一圈白色光辉环绕,在这块四方黑石上空,就见一柄白玉长剑静静悬浮。 Above path after path ray fall on white jade Long Sword, Long Sword is clear, the sword blade edge peak wraps in the ray. 一道又一道光芒落在白玉长剑之上,长剑晶莹温润,剑刃顶端包裹在光芒之中。 Also has the path after path ray fall on shiny black Absolute Beginning Sword Stone surface from white jade Long Sword on, both sides happen collides, exudes an intermittent grinding sword sound. 白玉长剑上又有一道又一道光芒落在黑黝黝的太初剑石表面,双方发生碰撞,发出一阵阵磨剑声。 But in this handle white jade Long Sword, more and more clear Strength feels from there to spread, is not the Magic Force simulation, is not Mystical Ability evolves, but as if really has a Natural World to stand erect there. 而这柄白玉长剑中,越来越清晰的力量从中传出,并非法力模拟,也非神通演化,而是仿佛真的有一方造化世界屹立在那里。 sword tip, Great Thousand World infinite Spiritual Qi seems turning toward this sword to gather, these endless Spiritual Qi, in this transform into Formless point. 剑锋所向,大千世界无穷灵气似乎都在向着此剑汇聚,那些无穷无尽灵气,在此化为无形锋芒。 Absolute Beginning Sword Stone still dark, but in this moment , the flashing shiny smooth gloss, just likes transparent, Absolute Beginning Sword Stone at this moment, the one person's shadow sits in impressively obviously. 太初剑石仍然黝黑,但在这一刻,也闪动莹润光泽,犹如透明,此刻的太初剑石内部,赫然可见一个人影坐于其中。 The that path form, once for a while transforms between the human form and ensiform, first comes up shortly seems a person's shadow, but next moment actually turns into handle Ancient Sword, looks again , the form of again transform into person. 那道身影,时不时在人形与剑形之间转换,第一眼看上去仿佛是个人影,但下一刻却变成一柄古剑,再看的时候,又重新化为人的身影。 When transform into person, is actually the black clothed youth who one both eyes shuts tightly. precisely Chu Yang. 化为人时,却是一个双目紧闭的黑衣青年。正是褚阳 But when transform into sword. Then is Ancient Heaven Gate loses the treasure, Good Fortune Magical Treasure that true refining has not become, Nine Heavens Sword! 化为剑时。则是上古天门遗宝,尚未真正炼成的造化法宝,九天剑 Once was considered that most had the possibility to fight with Immortal Sky Sword, even threatened the Immortal Sky Sword sword Dao Technique treasure, what a pity actually along with Ancient Heaven Gate destroy, became the Meteor similar legend. 曾经被认为最有可能与仙天剑争锋,甚至威胁仙天剑的剑道法宝,可惜却随着上古天门破灭,也成为流星一般的传说。 Now had again the appear opportunity, but was sealed at this moment actually in Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation and Absolute Beginning Sword Stone. 如今有了再出世的机会,但此刻却被封于仙天太初剑阵太初剑石之中。 In on Immortal Sky Sword of recast. Every time sends out a Dao Light splendor, the fall on Absolute Beginning Sword Stone surface, imitates Buddhist Scripture to undergo one time to whet, becomes stronger, the Absolute Beginning Sword Stone sacrifice practices Nine Heavens Sword that has not taken shape thoroughly, its Strength Domain and Grand Dao Essence, feeds back to Immortal Sky Sword together, enabling Immortal Sky Sword constantly to obtain the baptism promotion. 正在重铸的仙天剑上。每散发出一道光辉,落在太初剑石表面,都仿佛经历一次磨砺,变得更强,太初剑石则祭练尚未彻底成型的九天剑,将其力量意境大道精华,一起反馈给仙天剑,使得仙天剑不断得到洗礼提升。 But Immortal Platform Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength, was supplied Immortal Sky Sword massively. Helps its again appear. 仙台太初剑阵力量,则大量被供给仙天剑。助其重新出世 Green Dark Sword Venerable assumes the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation center, the majority of energy place recast Immortal Sky Sword and deal with on Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, but among his intention revolution, still is is about to have discovered in Sword Formation, when Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan with Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others fought, the war changes suddenly. 苍冥剑尊坐镇仙天太初剑阵中枢,大部分精力都放在重铸仙天剑和应对天罡剑尊身上,但他心念一转间,还是很快发现了剑阵内,洛轻舞诸葛战太阴剑尊等人交手时,战局突变。 Mystical Ability Magic Force after Luo Qingwu achievement Divine Origin boundary. Then was Green Dark Sword Venerable sees. Also frowns. 洛轻舞成就元神之境后的神通法力。便是苍冥剑尊见了。也为之蹙眉。 Xiao Yan, Zhu Yi, Wang Lin, Shi Tianhao and the others the achievement Divine Origin later strength, Green Dark Sword Venerable had understood, Luo Qingwu when at this moment compared with their past Profound-extinguishing War Divine Origin initially formed, feared that also has inferior, but it is sword cultivator, in astonishing Sword Dao strength fall on Mount Shu people eyes, even more is without doubt alarmed. 萧焱朱易汪林石天昊等人成就元神之后的实力,苍冥剑尊已经有所了解,此刻的洛轻舞比起他们当年灭玄一战元神初成时,怕是还有所逊色,但其身为剑修,一身惊人剑道实力落在蜀山众人眼中,无疑更加触目惊心。 Regarding Green Dark Sword Venerable like this big sword cultivator, Luo Qingwu although at this moment the sword presses Mount Shu other people, actually is also not his opponent, but Luo Qingwu Origin Extremes Spirit Sword Sword Dao fall on in his eyes. Makes this Mount Shu Supreme Elder in the heart imposing. 对于苍冥剑尊这样的大剑修而言,洛轻舞此刻虽然剑压蜀山其他人,却还远不是他的对手,但洛轻舞元极灵剑剑道落在他眼中。却让这位蜀山太上长老心中凛然。 This sword quite strange, this feeling... This feeling, her sword, as if with his close connected at the same time, actually each other independent, Sword Intent and Heaven and Earth coincide, person actually feel alienated beside Heaven and Earth, this actually...” “此剑好生诡异,这种感觉…这种感觉,她的剑,仿佛与其自身紧密相连的同时,却又彼此独立,剑意天地相合,人却疏离于天地之外,这究竟…” Beside Sword Formation, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack is getting more and more violent, but in Sword Formation, Luo Qingwu matches Immortal Sky Sword Qi by Origin Extremes Spirit Sword, the Zhuge Zhan body rainbow, then curls up Luo Qingwu , to continue thorough Sword Formation. 剑阵之外,天罡剑尊攻击越来越猛烈,而剑阵之中,洛轻舞元极灵剑敌住仙天剑炁,诸葛战身化长虹,便即卷起洛轻舞,继续深入剑阵内部。 A Luo Qingwu Sword Light revolution, as if Immortal finger of road similar, the breaks open layer upon layer azure light, the direction points to Green Dark Sword Venerable and Immortal Sky Sword and Absolute Beginning Sword Stone in the position. 洛轻舞剑光一转,仿佛仙人指路一般,破开重重青光,方向直指苍冥剑尊仙天剑太初剑石所在位置。 Green Dark Sword Venerable cold snort|hum, as if in flat land crack one thunderclap. 苍冥剑尊冷哼一声,仿佛平地里炸响一个焦雷。 Before was to fear to damage and these Sword Formation, causing Sword Qi that the Immortal Sky Sword recast needed to be insufficient, now recast ritual crosses the stage of most starting, actually did not need to continue to care.” Green Dark Sword Venerable left hand pinches one Sword Secret Art, Sword Secret Art directs, then Ancient Sword Green Dark in right hand flies to the hand, breaks in the boundless azure light upwardly straightly. “之前是怕损及那些剑阵,导致仙天剑重铸所需的剑气不足,现在重铸法仪已经过了最开始的阶段,却无需继续在意了。”苍冥剑尊左手一个剑诀,剑诀一引,右手中的古剑苍冥便即离手飞起,向上笔直冲入茫茫青光之中。 Green Dark Sword Venerable left hand Sword Secret Art toward has delimited around Absolute Beginning Sword Stone around, regarding then turns toward surroundings non-stop to expand in Absolute Beginning Sword Stone surrounding white radiance, the lines after lines light beam fires into the horizon together. 苍冥剑尊左手剑诀向着绕着太初剑石周围划了一圈,围绕在太初剑石周围的白色光辉便向着周围不停扩展开来,道道光柱一起冲向天际。 you guys then together helps Old man, resists Heavenly Dipper Senior Brother.” The Green Dark Sword Venerable finger selected on Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, Absolute Beginning Sword Stone then also to rising, integrated in the azure light. 你们便一起助老朽,抵御天罡师兄吧。”苍冥剑尊手指在太初剑石上点了一下,太初剑石便也向上升去,融入青光内。 The Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation ray puts greatly, in continuously white Sword Qi that in the azure light winds around, starts to gather, then curls up ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) light mist, sweeps across Heaven and Earth. 仙天太初剑阵光芒大放,在青光中缭绕的一缕缕白色剑气,开始汇聚,然后卷起万丈光岚,席卷天地 Looks from Sword Formation that sees that huge green light sphere peak, has one path thick white Sword Qi to poke head from light sphere gradually, top above Heavenly Sword Star River that in Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper cuts. 剑阵外面看去,就见那巨大青色光球的顶端,渐渐有一道粗大的白色剑气光球中探出头来,顶在天罡剑尊斩下的天剑星河之上。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper unemotionally, under Sword Secret Art directs, just likes Milky Way rewinds Sword Light , to continue to cut swiftly and fiercely. 天罡剑尊面无表情,剑诀一引之下,犹如银河倒卷般的剑光,继续凌厉斩下。 That just white Sword Qi that ran out of green light sphere, immediately started non-stop to disintegrate the disruption. 那刚刚从青色光球中冲出的白色剑气,顿时开始不停瓦解碎裂。 However, at the same time, Heavenly Connection Sword Sect Mountain Gate in Heavenly Connection Mountain, Flowing Light Sword Sect Mountain Gate in imaginary Yunshan lineage/vein Passing Clouds Peak, Vast Sea Sword Sect Mountain Gate in the overseas Immortal Mountain immeasurable island... Major sword sect Mountain Gate Great Formation, fiercely shake up, as if at any time will extinguish broken! 但是,与此同时,通天剑宗山门之所在通天山,流光剑宗山门之所在幻云山脉行云峰,沧海剑宗山门之所在海外仙山无量岛…各大剑宗山门大阵,都剧烈震荡起来,似乎随时都会碎灭! This makes various host defend mountain Great Formation Heavenly Connection Sword Venerable, Sword Venerable Flowing Light, Sword Venerable Blue Wave and the others, is startled, stimulates to movement Formation Strength hastily fully, resists this sudden attack. 这让主持各家守山大阵通天剑尊流光剑尊碧波剑尊等人,都大为吃惊,连忙全力催动阵法之力,抵御这突如其来的袭击。 Before was various defends mountain Sword Formation Strength to be reassigned massively, at this moment suddenly was actually attacked, making Heavenly Connection Sword Venerable and the others Time somewhat unable to feel the brains, in the heart has the innumerable suspicions. 之前是各家守山剑阵力量被大规模抽调,此刻却又突然遭受袭击,让通天剑尊等人一时间也有些摸不着头脑,心中生出无数疑窦。 Defends mountain Great Formation relative strength weak Desolate Sword Sect, Blazing Sword Sect and other Sect, Formation is is almost been staver by one strike. 守山大阵相对实力较弱的大荒剑宗烈火剑宗宗门,阵法更是差点被一击破碎。 In attack Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, was realizing immediately does not suit. 正在攻击仙天太初剑阵天罡剑尊,立即察觉到其中不对劲。 Regarding the understanding of Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, although was inferior that Green Dark Sword Venerable is so profound, but Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper also gradually many years on this Sword Formation. Immediately responded. understand Green Dark Sword Venerable has made anything. 对于仙天太初剑阵的了解虽然不如苍冥剑尊那样精深,但天罡剑尊也在这剑阵上浸淫多年。马上反应过来。明白苍冥剑尊做了什么。 speaking of which, this this is one of the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation functions, but makes Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper fly into a rage at this moment. 说起来,这本也仙天太初剑阵的作用之一,但此刻却让天罡剑尊勃然大怒。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper immediately sword momentum changes, no longer concentrates at one point, but launches own Sword Intent, boundless Sword Light spreads the top of the sky place, binds unexpectedly directly Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation transformed into green light sphere. 天罡剑尊当即剑势一变,不再集中于一点,而是将自身剑意展开,茫茫剑光天盖地,竟然直接将仙天太初剑阵所化的青色光球裹住。 Incomparably huge Sword Star. Directly isolates thoroughly green light sphere and atmospheric World, then myriad Sword Light just like rainstorm Meteor similar, attacks toward green light sphere crazily. 一颗无比巨大的剑星。直接将青色光球和大气世界彻底隔离开来,然后万千剑光犹如暴雨流星一般,朝着青色光球狂攻。 Green Dark Sword Venerable look regrettable shaking the head of Sword Formation: Really or cannot stump Heavenly Dipper Senior Brother.” 剑阵中的苍冥剑尊神色遗憾的摇了摇头:“果然还是难不住天罡师兄。” Although can guide Mountain Gate of other eight big sword sects by Sword Formation Strength Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack, but this moment Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack no longer limits at one point, makes the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation guiding function effect sell at a discount greatly. 虽然能以剑阵之力天罡剑尊攻击导向其他八大剑宗的山门,但此刻天罡剑尊攻击不再局限于一点,就让仙天太初剑阵的导引功能效果大打折扣。 Although Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack also therefore disperses no longer concentrates, but he after is Realm of Dharma-Ending big sword cultivator, Green Dark Sword Venerable depends on Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength, can in the Strength level forces purely with it contending, but on subtle Sword Dao accomplishments. in the end still was inferior. 天罡剑尊攻击虽然也因此分散不再集中,可是他毕竟是末法之境的大剑修,苍冥剑尊依托仙天太初剑阵之力,在纯粹力量层面上可以勉强与之抗衡,但在精微剑道造诣上。终究还是不如。 So works, or Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, exposes weaknesses mostly first. 如此进行下去,多半还是仙天太初剑阵,先露出破绽。 Green Dark Sword Venerable deeply inspires, in Void stands up: but, strives for some arrived Time, is these Time. Then sufficiently decides the key of victory and defeat.” 苍冥剑尊深吸一口气,在虚空中站起身来:“不过,到底多争取到了一些时间,就是这些时间。便足以决定胜负之关键。” Immortal Sky Sword changed to the one white light group at this moment completely. Static float in Sword Formation transformed into azure light World. 仙天剑此刻已经完全化作一个白色光团。静静悬浮在剑阵所化青光世界中。 Although does not have Absolute Beginning Sword Stone and Sword Formation Strength continues to whet, Strength Domain more and more heavy that but in Immortal Sky Sword contains, at this moment is similar to carrying on final sleeping soundly, when he from dying regained consciousness, experienced again just likes the quenching final sacrifice practices, then when was is clear. 虽然没有太初剑石剑阵之力继续磨砺,但仙天剑中蕴含的力量意境越来越厚重,此刻就如同在进行最后的安眠,当他自长眠中苏醒,再经历犹如淬火似的最后祭练,便是一切见分晓之时。 Time of being of great success will soon arrive, before then...” Green Dark Sword Venerable in both eyes cold light flashes, is moved, the personal appearance vanished from the side of Immortal Sky Sword. “大功告成的时刻即将到来,在此之前…”苍冥剑尊双目中寒光闪动,一动念之间,身形已经从仙天剑之侧消失。 The Zhuge Zhan vision in Sword Formation is fixing the eyes on before one's eyes azure light World, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation in view of the his pressure. In just now in the wink of an eye suddenly vanishes. 剑阵之中的诸葛战目光紧盯着眼前的青光世界,仙天太初剑阵针对他的压力。在方才瞬息之间突然消失。 Saw with own eyes that Sword Formation had not been stopped, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper has not broken through Sword Formation, the experienced Zhuge Zhan heart not only has not relaxed, instead even more enhances vigilance. 眼见剑阵并未被停止,天罡剑尊也没有攻破剑阵,经验丰富的诸葛战心头不仅没有放松,反而更加提高警惕。 Luo Qingwu is also in the heart one cold, sound that just now suddenly resounds, then belongs to Green Dark Sword Venerable. 洛轻舞也是心中一凛,方才突然响起的声音,便是属于苍冥剑尊 Almost then in this flash, one path overbearing, surpasses beforehand Immortal Sky Sword Qi, then the lasing from the layer upon layer azure light, cuts toward Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan! 几乎便在这一瞬间,一道霸道之极,远超之前的仙天剑炁,便从重重青光之中激射而出,朝着洛轻舞诸葛战斩来! Zhuge Zhan and Luo Qingwu look becomes dignified, Zhuge Zhan launches the seven colors of the spectrum rainbow, Reality and Illusion mutual promotion, avoids that Immortal Sky Sword Qi. 诸葛战洛轻舞的神色都变得凝重,诸葛战展开七色长虹,虚实相生,避开那仙天剑炁 But white Sword Qi cuts the broken Reality and Illusion space and time in this moment, still attack to two people. 但白茫茫的剑气在这一刻斩破虚实时空,仍然攻向二人。 Zhuge Zhan in both eyes flashes through the stern countenance, inspires Ardent Sun War Spear, Sun Divine Light Dao Mystical Ability Magic Force stimulates to movement pinnacle, meets the approaching enemy that Immortal Sky Sword Qi. 诸葛战双目中闪过厉色,一振烈日战矛,太阳神光道神通法力催动到极致,迎击那仙天剑炁 Luo Qingwu not slightly negligent, the Supreme Ultimate Diagram center that Divine Origin Avatar appears, one path radiant Sword Light projects, with Zhuge Zhan Ardent Sun War Spear one above Immortal Sky Sword Qi. 洛轻舞也没有丝毫大意,元神化身显现的太极图中央,一道璀璨剑光射出,与诸葛战烈日战矛一在仙天剑炁之上。 The Strength in Void fierce collision of both sides, mixes the green radiance non-stop sparkle, endless Sword Qi flies to shoot the dissipation in Heaven and Earth. 双方的力量在虚空中剧烈碰撞,搅动青色光辉不停闪耀,无穷无尽剑气天地间飞射散逸。 The Supreme Ultimate Diagram in Void slightly distortion of Luo Qingwu transformed into vibrates, table face is like with ocean waves fluctuating similar, is unassuageable for a very long time. 洛轻舞所化太极图在虚空中微微扭曲抖动,表面如同海浪起伏一般,久久不能平息。 But Zhuge Zhan is also stuffy snort|hum one, clenches teeth to look all around, after entering Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, Formation seriously is cut off he to receive and instruct the Yang Luminary - Sun star Strength. 诸葛战也是闷哼一声,咬牙环顾四周,入了仙天太初剑阵之后,阵法严重阻隔他接引日曜太阳星的力量 In the two people front layer upon layer azure light, the one figure is slim, look chilling old man from there goes out gradually, precisely Green Dark Sword Venerable. 两人面前重重青光中,一个身材瘦小,神色冷硬的老者从中缓步走出,正是苍冥剑尊 Green Dark Sword Venerable empties both hands, left hand is pinching one Sword Secret Art, on the fingertip one green light sphere static float, just light sphere surface each place, non-stop has ripples, seems undergoing from attack in all directions, on light sphere presents the close fissure. 苍冥剑尊空着双手,左手一个剑诀,指尖上一个青色光球静静悬浮,只是光球表面各个地方,都正不停有涟漪点点,仿佛正经受来自四面八方的打击,光球上更出现许多细密的裂痕。 but Green Dark Sword Venerable also doesn't care, just is staring at Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan with eye coldly, then Index and Middle fingers exists side by side like the sword, then a in Void gently stroke. 不过苍冥剑尊对此并不在意,只是拿眼睛冷冷盯着洛轻舞诸葛战,然后食中二指并立如剑,便在虚空中轻轻一划。 Immediately is one path Immortal Sky Sword Qi emerges, attacks toward the Luo Qingwu two people. 立刻便又是一道仙天剑炁涌现,朝着洛轻舞二人攻来。
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