HNOF :: Volume #13

#1212: Beside Executes the Heaven, Profound Gate Sword Dao

layer upon layer purple light sword image flashes in Heaven and Earth, collides with green radiance of surroundings unceasingly, that azure light seems enraged similar by the purple light that on Luo Qingwu Divine Origin transformed into Supreme Ultimate Diagram flashes. 重重紫光剑影天地之间闪动,与周围的青色光辉不断碰撞,那青光仿佛被洛轻舞元神所化太极图上闪动的紫光所激怒一般 But that sharp spirited purple light, in scale, although there is inferior, is in the quality actually as if even better, making a great show of one's talents Sword Intent and Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation azure light is in sharp opposition, is without making any mutual concessions. 但那锐利昂扬的紫光,在规模上虽然有所逊色,可是品质上却仿佛更胜一筹,锋芒毕露的剑意仙天太初剑阵的青光针锋相对,互不相让。 Zhuge Zhan is Luo Qingwu plunders in one side, feels initially formed Divine Origin young girl that original and mysterious Sword Intent, again and again nod: initially formed Divine Origin, then so extraordinary.” 诸葛战在一旁为洛轻舞掠阵,感受初成元神少女那独到而又玄奥的剑意,也连连点头:“初成元神,便如此不凡。” Profound Clear Sword and Seven Treasures Bamboo Fire Stick were curled up by Supreme Ultimate Diagram altogether, that Supreme Ultimate Diagram in Void turning round revolution, purple Sword Light fills the air, again changes to the Luo Qingwu appearance. 玄澈剑七宝竹火杖都被太极图一并卷起,那太极图在虚空中滴溜溜一转,紫色剑光弥漫之间,重新化作洛轻舞的模样。 young girl sets up in void, was still a purple clothes, pitch-black long hair after the brain only simple lived with a white jade hairpin fixedly. 少女于虚空中,仍然是一袭紫衣,乌黑长发在脑后只简单的用一支白玉簪子固定住。 At this moment her on beautiful hair, flashes the luster purple light. 此刻她一头秀发上,也闪动起莹莹紫光。 The young girl show face smiles, is really cheerful, in this flash happy likely child: Master, Little Wu succeeded.” 少女展颜一笑,甚是欢快,在这一瞬间开心的像个孩子:“师父,小舞成功了。” She is emptying right hand stretches out averagely forward, black ice crystal again appears on her palm, the congealment was handle Ice Sword, the sword blade whole body was still jet black, sends out Strength Domain of Supreme Yin extreme cold Extreme Darkness. 她空着的右手平平向前伸出,黑色冰晶重新在她手掌上出现,凝结为一柄冰剑,剑身仍然通体漆黑,散发至阴至寒至暗力量意境 But was different from the past, Profound Clear Sword at this moment, that clear pure actually did not reflect slightly in the ray sword blade edge, flashed unexpectedly faintly the one path purple class sunshine. 但不同于以往,此刻的玄澈剑,那澄澈洁净却又不反射丝毫光芒的剑刃中,竟然隐隐闪动一道紫色流晖。 The sword blade center that as if the black ice crystal congeals, left ice marrow similar much. 就仿佛黑色冰晶所凝结的剑身中心,多出了冰髓一般 purple radiance calmly flashes in the black sword blade edge, drifts from place to place. ice cold chill in the air and Sword Intent that but in Profound Clear Sword reveals, even more is profound, even more ice-cold. 紫色光辉黑色剑刃中静静闪动,飘忽不定。但玄澈剑中流露出来的凌冽寒意与剑意,却更加深邃,更加冰冷。 Sword Intent Aura pasts in all around Space. As if going trim Heaven and Earth together frozen, falls into forever in the dreariness of Darkness. 剑意气息在四周空间中流转。仿佛将要整片天地一起冰封,陷入永远黑暗的沉寂之中。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others look dignified, knows that Luo Qingwu this is oneself Life Source Sword Instrument, when achievement Divine Origin , the sacrifice practices together, here, making Life Source Sword Instrument refine Magical Treasure. 太阴剑尊等人都神情凝重,知道洛轻舞这是将自己本命剑器,在成就元神的时候,也一起祭练,借此机会,让本命剑器炼成法宝 Those who let the Mount Shu people care is. Luo Qingwu this handle Profound Clear Sword, her own Sword Intent. Original Strength that Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Technique and her Pure Yin Physique contain, the perfect sacrifice practices together, although Magical Treasure initially formed, but bone-chilling cold power and influence. Has surpassed in this world unexpectedly most Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure. 蜀山众人在意的是。洛轻舞这柄玄澈剑,将她自身剑意玄门天宗法门和她纯阴之体所蕴含的独到力量,一起完美祭练,法宝虽然初成,但其中凛冽威势。竟然已经远超这世上大多数孕灵级数法宝 Similarly is the sword, the Sword Intent ice is cold, but Luo Qingwu this gets sick Spirit Gestation grade Profound Clear Sword, the might as if exceeds in the past Heavenly Lake Sect that handle manifestation grade Magical Treasure Ice Soul Vast Cloud unexpectedly. 同样为剑,剑意冰寒,但洛轻舞这病孕灵级数玄澈剑,威力竟似乎更胜过昔年天池宗那柄化生级数法宝冰魄云缈 It is not as good perhaps in the Strength level, is sharp Sword Intent, with bone-chilling cold chill in the air still have it. 力量层面或许稍逊,可是其中锋锐剑意,和凛冽寒意犹有过之。 The Luo Qingwu look is indifferent to fame or gain, looks at Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others, slightly smile, then in the hand Profound Clear Sword sword tip directs. Immediately one path purple Sword Light then crosses Void, cut toward Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others. 洛轻舞神色恬淡,看着太阴剑尊等人,微微一笑,然后手中玄澈剑剑锋一引。顿时一道紫色剑光便横贯虚空,向着太阴剑尊等人斩去。 The Sword Venerable Greater Yin look changes, stimulates to movement arrived pinnacle own Greater Yin Sword Instrument. Trillion Qi Thread circle to dance in the air in Heaven and Earth, gathers in the same place, changes to the fog appearance, attempts obstruct Luo Qingwu this sword. 太阴剑尊神色微变,将自身太阴剑器催动到了极致。亿万气丝天地间盘旋飞舞,聚拢在一起,化作云雾模样,试图阻住洛轻舞这一剑。 But Luo Qingwu purple Sword Light in airborne flashes, after before contacting the Sword Venerable Greater Yin body , the fog, sees to be quietly. All Greater Yin Sword Instrument Sword Intent transformed into Qi Thread, completely were then frozen seals. The congealment is the purple ice crystal. 洛轻舞紫色剑光在空中一闪,接触到太阴剑尊身前云雾之后,就见悄无声息间。所有太阴剑器剑意所化气丝,便全部被冻封。凝结为紫色的冰晶。 These ice crystals, putting in order group fog freeze, but is that trillion Qi Thread, each Qi Thread alone frozen, ice crystal silk thread that changes to winding. 这些冰晶,并非是将整团云雾冻结,而是那亿万根气丝,每根气丝都被单独冰封,化作一根根蜿蜒的冰晶丝线。 Although Qi Thread originally twines to circle closely, but under the color Sword Light function, a faint trace obtains at this moment unexpectedly clearly, was distinguished frozen. 气丝原本虽然紧密缠绕盘旋,但此刻在在色剑光作用下,竟然一根根,一丝丝都分得清清楚楚,被分别冰封。 just, although obtains clearly, but all Qi Thread actually cannot change the same destiny. 只是,虽然分得清楚,但所有气丝却都改变不了相同的命运。 Any Qi Thread that contacts purple Sword Light, all was frozen. 凡是接触到紫色剑光气丝,都尽数被冻结。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin sees that complexion immediately changed, does not dare to have hesitant, raises the Guan Chong sword slightly once more, changes Greater Yin Sword Instrument is Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument, by the Guan Chong sword Strength stimulation of movement, Mount Shu 6 Lineages Sword Instruments most excels at defense Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument Strength, promotes to the limit that his can display. 太阴剑尊见状,脸色顿时变了,不敢有丝毫犹豫,再次擎起关冲剑,变太阴剑器关冲剑器,以关冲之力催动,将蜀山六脉剑器中最擅长防御关冲剑器力量,推动到其自身所能施展的极限。 lines after lines pitch-black Sword Light rises straight from the ground, as if layer upon layer City similar protected Sword Venerable Greater Yin and Sword Venerable Guan Chong and the others. 道道乌黑剑光拔地而起,仿佛重重城池一般太阴剑尊关冲剑尊等人护住。 purple Sword Light that but Luo Qingwu sends as if turns a blind eye to similar, still non-stop advanced, formidable Strength in this flash, making Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others place oneself that Yin-Yang separation once more strange World. 洛轻舞所发的紫色剑光对此似乎视若无睹一般,仍然不停推进,强大力量在这一瞬间,使得太阴剑尊等人再次置身那阴阳分隔的诡异世界 The place of purple Sword Light filling the air, the faintly visible ice blue dark green White Light splendor appears. 紫色剑光弥漫之处,隐约可见冰蓝色的苍白光辉出现。 But in Space that outside the purple light, Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others placed, has the brilliance ascension of black smog shape. 而紫光以外,太阴剑尊等人身处的空间里,却有黑色烟雾状的光华升腾。 During the brilliance sparkles of these black fog shapes, becomes with Luo Qingwu purple Sword Light is caught in a crossfire potential, grinds Sword Light that Sword Venerable Greater Yin Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument stimulates to movement continuously. 这些黑雾状的光华闪耀之间,与洛轻舞紫色剑光成内外夹攻之势,将太阴剑尊关冲剑器所催动的剑光连续碾碎。 That as if indestructible heavy sinks to congeal Sword Light, as if was very frail at this time. 那仿佛坚不可摧的厚重沉凝剑光,在这时却仿佛无比脆弱。 The bonus is Sword Venerable Greater Yin non-stop stimulates to movement own Sword Intent Magic Force, but new born becomes the Sword Light speed, actually cannot compare Sword Light by the speed that Luo Qingwu destroys. 饶是太阴剑尊不停催动自身剑意法力,但新生剑光的速度,却远比不上剑光洛轻舞摧毁的速度。 Finally, Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument Sword Intent of pitch-black dignified, heavy clumsy non- labor was destroyed by Luo Qingwu this sword all, above that terrifying peerless attack then direct fall on Guan Chong sword. 终于,乌黑凝重,重拙不工的关冲剑器剑意尽数被洛轻舞这一剑摧毁,那恐怖绝伦的攻击便直接落在关冲剑之上。 A Guan Chong sword Mount Shu Six Lineage Immortal Swords, then exudes the wail sound that is unable to withstand the load instantaneously. 蜀山六脉仙剑之一的关冲剑,瞬间便发出不堪重负的哀鸣声。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others eye socket want to crack, sees in Guan Chong sword that heavy broad sword blade surface, at the naked eye clearly discernible speed, presents the massive fissures. 太阴剑尊等人目眦欲裂,就见关冲剑那厚重宽阔的剑身表面上,以肉眼清晰可见的速度,出现大量裂痕。 Although Sword Venerable Greater Yin in person cultivate Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument just minoring, but he stimulates to movement this manifestation grade Magical Treasure by Void Return boundary cultivation base, the might that can play also sufficiently made person surprised, but faced Luo Qingwu this sword at this moment, actually can only looks at oneself gradually move toward the dead end helplessly. 虽然太阴剑尊本人修练关冲剑器只是兼修,但他以返虚之境修为催动这件化生级数法宝,能发挥出来的威力也足以令人侧目,可是此刻面对洛轻舞这一剑,却只能眼睁睁看着自己一步步走向末路。 Fast draws back!” In the Sword Venerable Greater Yin lowly shouted sound, Sword Venerable Shao Shang and Sword Venerable Shaoze do not dare to hesitate, immediately goes to retreat, the Sword Venerable Guan Chong vision is staring at the Guan Chong sword stubbornly, a personal appearance revolution escaped the human form directly, appears Divine Origin Avatar, the Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument Strength stimulation of movement, then in addition holds on the Guan Chong sword, must die to fight with Luo Qingwu. “速退!”太阴剑尊低喝声中,少商剑尊少则剑尊不敢犹豫,立刻向后退去,关冲剑尊目光死死盯着关冲剑,身形一转直接脱了人形,显现元神化身,将关冲剑器之力催动,然后加持在关冲剑上,要与洛轻舞死战到底。 But Luo Qingwu urges purple Sword Light that sends to rise suddenly in this moment ray, Sword Intent Magic Force promotes once more, that mysterious and terrifying Strength erupts, shakes from the Guan Chong sword Sword Venerable Guan Chong Divine Origin Avatar directly is separated. 洛轻舞所催发的紫色剑光在这一刻光芒暴涨,剑意法力再次提升,那玄奥而又恐怖力量爆发出来,直接将关冲剑尊元神化身关冲剑上震得脱离。 The purple light mist has delimited the horizon in this moment, directly cuts in two at the waist Sword Venerable Guan Chong, Sword Venerable Shao Shang and Sword Venerable Shaoze Divine Origin! 紫色光岚在这一刻划过天际,直接将关冲剑尊少商剑尊少则剑尊元神腰斩! Sword Venerable Greater Yin in great surprise, sees the Guan Chong sword in oneself hand, sword blade non-stop presents the crack at the same time, covers one Layer ice frost, as if moves toward the dead end. 太阴剑尊大惊,就见自己手中的关冲剑,剑身不停出现裂纹的同时,也蒙上一层冰霜,仿佛走向末路。 At this moment, surroundings Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation appears azure light World, vibrated suddenly, one great Will as if finally branched out on some attention fall on Luo Qingwu. 就在这时,周围仙天太初剑阵显化的青光世界,陡然震动了一下,一个宏大的意志仿佛终于分出些许注意力落在洛轻舞身上。 next moment, in the azure light in white Sword Qi of many dissociation, branches out one suddenly, then turns toward Luo Qingwu to cut. 下一刻,青光中诸多游离的白色剑气中,突然分出一丝,然后便向着洛轻舞斩来。 That that path white Sword Qi looks as if is quite weak, as if faint mist, as if breeze. 那道白色剑气看起来极为微弱,仿佛淡淡云烟,又仿佛一阵微风。 But contains one type to pierce cuts the Splitting the Heaven place great Strength Domain, may evolve myriad Sword Dao, after is not only the myriad swords normalizing, sublimation of pinnacle , after is myriad Sword Dao gets to the bottom the initial station and source. 可是其中却蕴含一种洞穿切开天地的宏大力量意境,可演化万千剑道,既是万剑归一后极致的升华,也是万千剑道追根溯源后的起始点与源泉 Initial beginning, is the end home to return. 既是初始的起点,也是终结的归宿。 precisely Mount Shu Sword Sect Paramount gives up study, Immortal Sky Sword Qi! 正是蜀山剑宗至高绝学,仙天剑炁 Sword Intent purely and plain, simple, but terrifying, wants breaks open front all barriers, pierces opponent, all impediments, just futile effort. 剑意纯粹而质朴,简单而恐怖,要破开面前一切障碍,洞穿对手,一切阻隔,都只是徒劳。 that path white Sword Qi, fall on Luo Qingwu urges above purple Sword Light that sends, purple Sword Light shakes immediately, as if falls into during the stagnation, but that white Sword Qi starts to unexpectedly gradually breaks open purple Sword Light. 那道白色剑气,落在洛轻舞催发的紫色剑光之上,紫色剑光顿时一震,仿佛陷入停滞之中,而那白色剑气竟然开始要渐渐破开紫色剑光 Sword Venerable Greater Yin sees that a heart loosen: This female Sword Dao, although formidable, but cannot compare Heaven Punishment Sword Qi of his master, cannot compare my Sect Immortal Sky Sword Qi, breaks its Sword Dao just to start, will happen one day, the sword of my Mount Shu will exceed the sword of Profound Gate, again ascends a height to get a broad view this Heaven Primal World Sword Dao peak!” 太阴剑尊见状,心头一松:“此女剑道虽然强悍,但到底比不得其师的诛天剑炁,也比不得本宗仙天剑炁,破其剑道只是开始,终有一天,我蜀山之剑将胜过玄门之剑,重新登临这天元大世界剑道巅峰!” While he relaxes, actually saw Luo Qingwu suddenly changed sword momentum. 正当他松一口气的时候,却见洛轻舞猛然变了剑势 Her counting on the fingers light shell oneself Profound Clear Sword sword blade edge, sends out low and deep resounding, then her personal appearance in airborne one revolution, then escaped the human form, appears oneself Divine Origin Avatar. 她屈指轻弹自己玄澈剑的剑刃,发出一声低沉的鸣响,然后她的身形在空中一转,便已经脱了人形,显化自己元神化身 The Supreme Ultimate Diagram area of Sword Light sparkle is vast, the in Void slowly rotation, then sees this Supreme Ultimate Diagram to raise up gradually, faces that path Immortal Sky Sword Qi and Sword Venerable Greater Yin directly. 剑光闪耀的太极图面积辽阔,在虚空中缓缓转动,然后就见这太极图渐渐竖起,正面面对那道仙天剑炁太阴剑尊 Along with revolving of Supreme Ultimate Diagram, wipes the glimmer to find out from the Supreme Ultimate Diagram center gradually outward, the tendency is slow, seemed extruded reluctantly by greatest Strength, but actually reveals to absorb the person heart and soul the sharp feeling. 随着太极图的旋转,一抹微光渐渐从太极图中心处向外探出,势头缓慢,仿佛被莫大力量勉强挤压出来,但其中却流露出摄人心魄的锐利之感。 That wipes radiance, seems Formless seems to be colorless, just is quite bright dazzlingly, just likes handle sharp sword slowly unsheath. 那抹光辉,看上去仿佛无形无色,只是极为明亮耀眼,犹如一柄利剑徐徐出鞘 Sword Venerable Greater Yin studies Sword Dao entire life, even if Sword Dao outside Mount Shu, he looks on also many to see some details, the sword that but in looks at Luo Qingwu Divine Origin Avatar finds out now, feels inexplicable soul-stirring. 太阴剑尊一生修习剑道,哪怕是蜀山之外的剑道,他旁观也多少能看出些底细,但现在看着洛轻舞元神化身中探出的这一剑,却感到莫名的惊心动魄。 Then is not same as Heaven Punishment Sword Qi and Immortal Sky Sword Qi, not Heaven Punishment Sword Qi like that ominous offense, but seems actually vacillating Immortal Sky Sword Qi fundamental. 那与诛天剑炁仙天剑炁都不相同,不似诛天剑炁那般凶戾,但却仿佛在动摇仙天剑炁根本 Turns Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi into the front, Myriad Things is Immortal Sky Sword Qi of sword, when facing this sword, surroundings Great Thousand World as if in together turbulent, causing Immortal Sky Sword Qi is unable to direct to gather Heaven and Earth Strength. 天地灵气为锋,万物为剑的仙天剑炁,在面对这一剑的时候,周围大千世界似乎在一起动荡,使得仙天剑炁无法引聚天地之力 In Supreme Ultimate Diagram spreads the Luo Qingwu gentle sound: This sword Origin Extremes Spirit Sword, is my prove the Dao Divine Origin formed on it Sword Secret Art Technique, asking Mount Shu Sword Sect Senior to point out mistakes.” 太极图中传出洛轻舞平缓的声音:“此剑名元极灵剑,乃我证道元神所成就之剑诀法门,请蜀山剑宗前辈指正。” That wipes Sword Light to project from Supreme Ultimate Diagram center, changes to one path straight radiance, Immortal Sky Sword Qi that welcomed to attacking. 那抹剑光太极图中心处射出,化作一道笔直光辉,迎向攻来的仙天剑炁 White Immortal Sky Sword Qi and Luo Qingwu Origin Extremes Spirit Sword Sword Light in Void to bumping, point of intersection Space twists up immediately. 白茫茫的仙天剑炁洛轻舞元极灵剑剑光在虚空中对碰,交点处的空间顿时扭曲起来 There Void not shatter, but during distortion revolving, as if the vortex is the same, tows the surrounding Spiritual Qi non-stop gathering, is similar to abyss that one is unable to fill up throughout. 那里的虚空没有破碎,但是扭曲旋转间,却仿佛漩涡一样,牵引周围灵气不停汇聚,如同一个始终无法填满的深渊。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin saw, complexion immediately extremely ugly: Besides that Heaven Punishment Sword Qi, in Profound Gate Heavenly Sect leaves one to be possible with my Sect Immortal Sky Sword Qi to fight Sword Dao unexpectedly?!” 太阴剑尊见了,脸色顿时难看至极:“除了那诛天剑炁以外,玄门天宗中竟然又出一门可与本宗仙天剑炁争锋之剑道?!” Although that Immortal Sky Sword Qi a just faint wisp, although just Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper anti- at the same time, one path Sword Qi that temporarily divides, is actually genuine Immortal Sky Sword Qi, as if can breaks open Heaven and Earth, in society Myriad Things is difficult to keep off its point. 仙天剑炁虽然只是淡淡一缕,虽然只是仙天太初剑阵天罡剑尊相抗的同时,临时分出来的一道剑气,却是货真价实仙天剑炁,仿佛可以破开天地,世间万物难挡其锋芒。 But at this moment was received by Luo Qingwu Origin Extremes Spirit Sword, is difficult to jump over perimeter one step. 但此刻却被洛轻舞元极灵剑接下,难越雷池一步。 But before one's eyes this appears Divine Origin Avatar young girl of purple clothes, but is initially formed Divine Origin, its Origin Extremes Spirit Sword was also the achievement just. 眼前这个显化元神化身的紫衣的少女,不过初成元神而已,其元极灵剑亦是刚刚成就。 Although inside story of not the transparent this sword, but Sword Venerable Greater Yin clearly can feel clearly that this Sword Dao also just initially formed, still had the potential can excavation, constantly enhances along with Luo Qingwu own cultivation base, estimates with own Sword Dao to Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is profound day by day, this Origin Extremes Spirit Sword Strength finally will be also getting stronger and stronger! ( to be continued ) 虽然不明了此剑之底蕴,但太阴剑尊分明能清楚感到,这剑道只是初成,仍有潜力可以挖掘,随着洛轻舞自身修为不断提高,对天地大道与自身剑道揣摩日益精深,这元极灵剑力量也终将越来越强!(未完待续)
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