HNOF :: Volume #13

#1211: Among Kunlun Mountains flies Purple Qi, holds a sword the Under the Heavens not counting year

Luo Qingwu the Profound Clear Sword traverse kneecap, then takes along spirit pill, the careful expiration and inspiration, makes up for the loss Sword Qi Magic Force. 洛轻舞玄澈剑横放膝头,然后服用随身灵丹,细细吐纳,弥补损耗的剑气法力 She does not grow perceptibly by Magic Force vigorously, but sword Dao Divinity Tongwei strength formidable, murders sharply, loses regarding own Magic Force is quite then huge. 她不以法力雄浑见长,但剑道神通威力强大,杀伐犀利,对于自身法力损耗便极为巨大。 Zhuge Zhan looks to Luo Qingwu, vision slightly flashes, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength is greatly strengthened, the meaning of murdering is imposing, one, will then die carelessly under the sword. 诸葛战看向洛轻舞,目光微微闪动,仙天太初剑阵之力极强,其中杀伐之意更是凛然,一个不慎,便会死在剑下。 Although Luo Qingwu Mystical Ability Magic Force far ultra common Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator, finer excels at Sword Dao, the sword defeats Mount Shu numerous Divine Origin Cultivation Realm big sword cultivator, but faces directly Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength, abnormal risk. 洛轻舞虽然神通法力远超寻常元婴期修士,更精擅剑道,剑败蜀山一众元神境界的大剑修,但直面仙天太初剑阵之力,也异常危险。 Regarding Luo Qingwu cultivation base Cultivation Realm, his many somewhat understood that at this moment feels Luo Qingwu whole body Sword Intent, already approximately understand her what wants to do. 对于洛轻舞修为境界,他多少有些了解,此刻感受洛轻舞周身剑意,已经大致明白意欲何为 before one's eyes purple clothes young girl, at the process after the Mount Shu Sword Cultivator war, harvests disputes with other people Fighting Technique is bigger. 眼前的紫衣少女,在经过与蜀山剑修的大战之后,收获比跟其他人斗法较量更大。 She must attempt to open the door of that leaf of Divine Origin at this moment impressively! 她此刻赫然是要去尝试推开那扇元神之门! But faces directly Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength, then must guarantee that oneself can treads steadily that step, achievement Divine Origin Heaven and Earth body boundary. 而直面仙天太初剑阵之力,则更是要确保自己可以稳稳踏出那一步,成就元神天地一体之境 Must say that Zhuge Zhan disposition, to the choice of Luo Qingwu without a doubt is the appreciation, but he is Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Guest Official Elder, usually quite receives Lin Feng and Luo Qingwu Master and disciple courteous reception, its female Zhuge Wanqiu is indebted the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect guidance. 要说诸葛战的性格,对洛轻舞的选择毫无疑问是欣赏的很,但他身为玄门天宗客卿长老,平时颇受林锋洛轻舞师徒礼遇,其女诸葛婉秋更是承蒙玄门天宗教导。 This time comes Mount Shu, Zhuge Zhan to have the duty to ensure the Luo Qingwu security on own initiative. 这次来蜀山,诸葛战自觉有义务确保洛轻舞的安全。 He knows is very clear, before one's eyes young girl is the Profound Gate's Master Lin Feng youngest disciple, even may is the closing disciple, usually in Profound Gate Heavenly Sect high and low, from Lin Feng. Next to Xiao Yan, Zhu Yi, Wang Lin, Shi Tianhao and other Senior Brother. Senior Sister Yue Hongyan, loves to her. 他可是知道的很清楚,眼前少女玄门之主林锋最小的弟子,甚至有可能就是关门弟子,平日里在玄门天宗上下,上至林锋。下至萧焱朱易汪林石天昊师兄师姐岳红炎,都对她宠爱有加。 She is born with Pure Yin Physique, since entering Profound Gate Heavenly Sect throughout running free with the current, cultivate advancement speed or Fighting Technique strength, unusual person in peer. 她生就纯阴之体,自入得玄门天宗以来始终顺风顺水,不论是修练进境速度还是斗法实力,在同辈人中都少有人及。 Becoming Supreme Dao Root , sets up Supreme Pill Cauldron, when Core Formation is also Purple Core lives the phenomenon the marvelous sight. arrived afterward achievement Nascent Soul, cultivated Good Fortune Divine Light, the past and present are rare. 至尊道基,立至尊丹鼎,结丹时也是紫丹生异象的奇景。到了后来成就元婴,更修得造化神光,古今罕见。 Some significance, after entering Profound Gate Heavenly Sect becomes Lin Feng Direct Disciple, Luo Qingwu may be called the collection myriad loves in one, day that entire Divine Great Land Human Race Cultivation World, have several arrogant female. 某种意义来说,自入得玄门天宗成为林锋亲传弟子之后,洛轻舞堪称集万千宠爱于一身,整个神州浩土人族修真界,有数的天之骄女。 But after the pay respects to join Lin Feng disciple scholarship, Luo Qingwu is also the level road, the future is immeasurable. 而在拜入林锋门下学艺之后,洛轻舞也是一路坦途,前程无量。 To other people. Divine Origin boundary of countless sufferings and hardships, Luo Qingwu, by her natural talent, by the assiduousness that she in displayed in those days, by her present status, achievement Divine Origin does not say ninety percent sure. But is not successful. Difficult too to be instead many compared with success wanting. 对旁人来说。千难万难的元神之境,于洛轻舞而言,以她的天资,以她往日里表现出来的勤勉,以她现在的身份地位,成就元神不说十拿九稳。但不成功。比起成功反而要难太多了。 A today war, although the situation is eternally changing, is not bright, but has not worsened to needing Luo Qingwu faces directly Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, taking the big risk to seek the breakthrough degree. 今日一战,虽说局势变化万千,并不明朗,但并没有恶化到需要洛轻舞直面仙天太初剑阵,冒大风险寻求临阵突破的程度。 Green Dark Sword Venerable entered, if transfers here from Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper that side the attention temporarily, Luo Qingwu at any time has possibility direct fallen here. 苍冥剑尊已经入阵,若是把注意力从天罡剑尊那边暂时转来这边,洛轻舞随时都有可能直接陨落在这里。 Zhuge Zhan looks at before one's eyes purple clothes young girl: Girl, can you be clear? First did not say not necessarily needs you to take such big risk, the even if need, on road that your Eldest Senior Brother Xiao Yan in catching up.” 诸葛战看着眼前的紫衣少女:“妮子,你可想清楚了?先不说未必需要你冒这么大的风险,就算需要,你大师兄萧焱已经在赶来的路上了。” On the Luo Qingwu face shows lively happy expression: Mr. Zhuge concern. Junior is deeply grateful, but Junior does not flaunt for a while the spirit.” 洛轻舞脸上露出轻快的笑意:“诸葛先生关爱之情。晚辈感激不尽,但晚辈并非逞一时意气。” Master, Senior Brother Senior Sister, with Mr. Zhuge you guys, to my concern, I have known that does not have Master and you guys, does not have my today.” 师父,还有师兄师姐,和诸葛先生你们,对我的关爱,我一直都知道的,没有师父你们,也没有我的今天。” Master he once had the word, he can protect me for a while, can protect my first.” During the Luo Qingwu vision is tranquilly gentle, is containing firm and resolute: This is Master's is aggressive, is my luck, but if I survive under the Master's wing asylum for a lifetime, like the little girl of not being able to grow up, I is giving Master to discredit, is not the path that my oneself wants to take.” 师父他老人家曾经有言,他能护我一时,也能护我一世。”洛轻舞目光平静柔和之中,却蕴含着坚毅:“这是家师的霸气,也是我的幸运,但如果我一辈子在师父的羽翼庇护下生存,像个长不大的小女孩一样,那我便是在给师父抹黑,也并非我自己想走的道路。” In Master front, I forever is a child, but walks outside arrived, I am the Master's disciple, when is Sect holds sharply!” “在师父面前,我永远都是个孩子,但走到了外面,我是师父的弟子,当为宗门执锋锐!” Luo Qingwu both eyes closed, the facial expression is tranquil: Eldest Senior Brother truly is catching up, but before this cannot become I do not step back the reason, when is not my heart lives the dependent lazy excuse, Sect needs, I am duty-bound.” 洛轻舞双目闭合,神情平静:“大师兄确实正在赶来,但这不能成为我却步不前的理由,更不是我心生依赖怠惰的借口,宗门需要之时,我责无旁贷。” Zhuge Zhan heard this, has a good laugh: Good! Good that said that to old man appetite! Such being the case, your oneself be careful, so the future immeasurable sword, can not probably fold here.” 诸葛战闻言,仰天大笑:“好!说的好,对老夫胃口!既然如此,你便自己小心,如此前程无量之剑,可莫要折在这里。” finished speaking, his Magic Force changes, then had the lines after lines green ray from the seven colors of the spectrum rainbow thoroughly, on fall on Luo Qingwu. 说罢,他法力一变,便有道道青色光芒从七色长虹中透了进来,落在洛轻舞身上。 The Luo Qingwu show face smiles: My sword tip, does not fear the rain Snow Wind frost to corrode, does not fear the cold ice raging fire to quenching, does not fear the bend damage.” 洛轻舞展颜而笑:“我之剑锋所向,不惧雨雪风霜侵蚀,不惧寒冰烈火淬炼,不惧弯折损毁。” If breaks off in light of this, that only proved before me, or extremely weary, eventually rotten wood, but the non- fine iron, practices the doesn't come out good sword.” “若是就此折断,那只证明我之前还是太过惫懒,终究朽木一根,而非精铁,练不出好剑。” Green radiance adds the body, surges in Luo Qingwu body surface non-stop. 青色光辉加身,在洛轻舞身体表面不停涌动。 These rays seem like not sharp, is actually Sword Light that Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength under Green Dark Sword Venerable actuation forms, nearly destroys the hardest defenses, although majority of Strength is used for the sacrifice to practice Immortal Sky Sword and resists Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, the Zhuge Zhan control intensity, impossible one time will also put too Sword Light to come. 这些光芒看似不锐利,却是苍冥剑尊驱动下的仙天太初剑阵之力所形成的剑光,近乎无坚不摧,虽然大部分力量都用来祭练仙天剑和抵御天罡剑尊,诸葛战也会控制强度,不可能一次性放太多剑光进来。 But azure light genuinely near that moment of body, Luo Qingwu or feels the pressure. 但青光真正临身的那一刻,洛轻舞还是感觉到压力。 Especially her Nascent Soul leaves the hole, this moment Nascent Soul faces directly Sword Light, only felt that oneself as if places in indistinct World, 4 sides is empty, but the top of the head deep blue sky cage covers the dome. 尤其她元婴出窍,此刻元婴直面剑光,只感觉自己仿佛身处一处缥缈世界之中,四方空无一物,而头顶湛蓝天空笼盖穹窿。 In World of this being empty, actually filled all over the body lived cold Sword Qi Sword Intent. 这个空无一物的世界中,却充满了令人遍体生寒的剑气剑意 As if Formless does not have the trace, but actually actually is everywhere, compared with it Greater Yin Sword Instrument peak Greater Yin Four Noes Sword World even more terrifying many. 仿佛无形无踪,但其实却无处不在,比之太阴剑器巅峰太阴四无剑界还要恐怖得多。 Sword Intent in Greater Yin Four Noes Sword World, as if ten thousand dust, seize every opportunity, do not have not in. 太阴四无剑界中的剑意,仿佛万点尘埃,无孔不入,无所不在 But in this Sword Light World, Sword Intent Sword Qi actually as if changes the air of formed people everyday breath, the follower usually expiration and inspiration Spiritual Qi, this all, at this moment as if completely comprised of endless Sword Qi, closely surrounds in which all Life in World, does not have the slight oversight slit. 而在这个剑光世界中,剑意剑气却仿佛变成了人们日常呼吸的空气,修炼者平时吐纳的灵气,这所有一切,此刻仿佛完全都由无尽剑气组成,将世界中的所有生命都紧紧包围其中,没有丝毫疏漏缝隙。 This is the genuinely non- mark may seek, actually is everywhere, seizes every opportunity. 这才是真正的无迹可寻,却又无处不在,无孔不入。 Don't said the breath, is motionless, in 36,000 pores also some feelings, as if innumerable sword tip add body similar. 莫说呼吸,便是不动,身上36000个毛孔里也都有感觉,仿佛无数剑锋加身一般 The Luo Qingwu look infects, top of the head one Light Avatar, is similar to her in person appearance, at this moment in the azure light, dances lightly unexpectedly. 洛轻舞神色感染,头顶一个光影,与她本人模样相似,此刻在青光之中,竟然翩翩起舞。 Then in this process, the green Sword Light unexpectedly unceasingly happen change, that azure light World gradually changed the appearance, again changes to handle green Light Sword, waves with Luo Qingwu Nascent Soul in Void together. 便在这个过程中,青色剑光竟然不断发生变化,那青光世界逐渐变了模样,重新化作一柄青色光剑,与洛轻舞元婴一起在虚空中舞动。 Time sees only Sword Light to circle, the clothes belt flutters. 时间只见剑光盘旋,衣带飘飞。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin, Sword Venerable Shao Shang, Sword Venerable Guan Chong and Sword Venerable Shaoze see that immediately then also awakens: „Can this female prove the Dao Divine Origin unexpectedly in my Sect Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation?” 太阴剑尊少商剑尊关冲剑尊少则剑尊见状,立刻便也都醒悟过来:“此女竟然要在本宗仙天太初剑阵证道元神吗?” other people fortunately said that on the Sword Venerable Guan Chong consistent wooden face shows the facial expression that the startled anger occurred simultaneously, in the vision is meaning that flashes before to find it unbearable to recall. 其他人都还好说,关冲剑尊一贯木然的脸上露出惊怒交加的神情,目光中更是闪现出不堪回首的意味。 before one's eyes this, inspired that deeply to engrave in his heart memory. 眼前这一幕,不禁引动了那深深镌刻在他心头的记忆。 In the past Xiao Yan then hit the waste Guan Chong sword in a palm, after he also made into the severe wound, faces the pressure that Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Expert Jie Luoshi created, in the battlefields, the breakthrough bottleneck, success prove the Dao Divine Origin, later by Divine Origin initially formed Body, compelling Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm big sword cultivator Jie Luoshi not to dare to pursue. 当年萧焱便是在一掌打废关冲剑,将他也打成重伤之后,又面对合道境界强者解落石带来的压力,在战阵之间,突破瓶颈,成功证道元神,之后更以元神初成之身,逼得合道境界剑修解落石不敢追击。 This moment Luo Qingwu action, then as if yesterday reappeared is the same, making Sword Venerable Guan Chong recall the past events that the past years could not withstand. 此刻洛轻舞的举动,便仿佛昨日重现一样,让关冲剑尊回忆起当年不堪的往事。 Goes too far!” Sword Venerable Greater Yin Sword Secret Art directs, Greater Yin Sword Instrument changes to trillion filaments, once more attack to Luo Qingwu, his side Sword Venerable Guan Chong three people are also the same movements. “欺人太甚!”太阴剑尊剑诀一引,太阴剑器化作亿万细丝,再次攻向洛轻舞,他身旁的关冲剑尊三人也是相同动作。 But Zhuge Zhan cold snort|hum, one hand lifts upwardly, the azure light that obstruct Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation sends, another hand turns toward Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others to lay out. 诸葛战冷哼一声,一手向上托举,阻住仙天太初剑阵所发的青光,另一只手则向着太阴剑尊等人拍出。 The one path rainbow has delimited the horizon, immediately changes to the seven colors of the spectrum ray to separate, as if seven colors vary, to be entirely different radiance long river gallops abreast in row. 一道长虹划过天际,顿时化作七色光芒分开,仿佛七道色彩不一,泾渭分明光辉长河并排奔腾。 Among these seven rainbow glow analysis and synthesis, reveal Reality and Illusion to fluctuate Strength Domain, spans in Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others front, attempts under them the attack to Luo Qingwu attack all truncation. 这七道彩虹霞光之间分分合合,流露出虚实变幻之力量意境,横亘在太阴剑尊等人面前,将他们试图攻向洛轻舞攻击尽数截下。 Then is Sword Venerable Greater Yin that boundless many Qi Thread, was pestered by the seven colors of the spectrum rainbow, is hard to withdraw. 便是太阴剑尊那茫茫多的气丝,也被七色长虹纠缠住,难以脱身。 But at the same time, Luo Qingwu takes out one small porcelain bottle, after the porcelain bottle mouth opens, Luo Qingwu inspires lightly, then has one path mist to depart, was swallowed by her. 而与此同时,洛轻舞取出一个瓷瓶,瓷瓶口打开后,洛轻舞轻吸一口气,便有一道云气飞出,被她吞下。 Luo Qingwu Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol also presented at this time her behind, covers for boundless green Sword Light similarly. 洛轻舞天地法相这时也出现在的她的身后,同样为茫茫青色剑光所笼罩。 Under the pressures of these azure light, on Luo Qingwu Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol even starts to present the slight fissure. 在这些青光的压力下,洛轻舞天地法相上甚至开始出现细微的裂痕。 But young girl this moment heart Spirit Platform, is actually a clarity, unprecedented clear understanding. 少女此刻心头灵台,却是一片澄澈,前所未有的清明 In her in the mind, galloping-horse lantern flashes through pictures, the memory most profound matter, after is past Heavenly Yin Gathering Spiritual Bead was stave, in the family tastes completely the clouds to fall into the valley the taste, after that pay respects to join Lin Feng disciple, can actually remould the Pure Yin Physique process. 在她脑海中,走马灯似的闪过一幅幅画面,记忆最深刻之事,便是当年天蕴阴灵珠破碎后,在家族中尝尽云端跌入谷底的滋味,其后拜入林锋门下,却得以重塑纯阴之体的经过。 Remembers that look indifferent to fame or gain temperate purple clothes youth stands in oneself front, tranquil smile. 记得那个神色恬淡温和的紫衣青年站在自己面前,平静微笑。 Does not know that is what reason, obviously is the major rises, the matter of greatly sad great happiness, but under this purple clothes youth tranquil smiling face, as if all becomes calm. 不知是何缘故,明明是大起大落,大悲大喜之事,但在这个紫衣青年平静的笑容之下,仿佛一切都变得波澜不惊。 The Luo Qingwu oneself corners of the mouth also overflow the smooth and level static smiling face, said in a soft voice: Master, the graciousness of restoration, always does not forget.” 洛轻舞自己嘴角也溢出一抹平静笑容,轻声说道:“师父,再造之恩,永世不忘。” She sits cross-legged to sit the place Fleshly Body this is stands up suddenly, then leans on the sword to prostrate oneself in the Kunlun Mountains direction. 她盘膝坐地的肉身这是突然站起,然后拄剑朝着昆仑山方向拜倒。 In this flash, she felt that gate of department of pediatrics fuzzy Divine Origin was very once clear, Nascent Soul and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol fuse, drives out that big door together! 在这一瞬间,她感到那曾经模糊的元神之门此儿科无比清晰,元婴天地法相融合,一起轰开那座大门 Across Void big door, accepts the Heaven and Earth big Dao Technique baptism, the Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol disintegration of Luo Qingwu, changes to Talisman seeds, in each seed, has infinite Sword Light to flash before, shining. 穿过虚空大门,接受天地道法则洗礼,洛轻舞天地法相崩解,化作一颗颗符箓种子,每一颗种子中,都有无穷剑光闪现,熠熠生辉 next moment these Talisman seed then in Void transform into huge Supreme Ultimate Diagram, half black half white, two-level blends, slowly rotation. 下一刻这些符箓种子便在虚空中化为一幅巨大的太极图,半黑半白,两级交融,徐徐转动。 On Supreme Ultimate Diagram, lines after lines Sword Light shoots up to the sky, in layer upon layer Sword Light, as if has one Light Avatar to dance lightly, but entire World, and she for partner. 太极图上,也有一道道剑光冲天而起,重重剑光内,仿佛有一个光影在翩翩起舞,而整个世界,都在与她为伴。 A singing sound then like this resounds in Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, the sound is clear. 一阵歌声便这样在仙天太初剑阵之内响起,声音清脆悦耳。 On Yin-Yang Sea changes the sword, half in dust half in the sky. Among Kunlun Mountains flies Purple Qi, holds a sword the Under the Heavens not counting year.” 阴阳海上换刀剑,半在尘埃半在天昆仑山间飞紫气,仗剑天下不计年。”
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