HNOF :: Volume #13

#1210: One the sword divides the Yin-Yang

Sword Venerable Guan Chong described skinnyly, the appearance was older compared with past years, complexion wax yellow, the eyeball was completely motionless, did not have the slight appearance, whole person on as if clay sculpture woodcarving. 关冲剑尊形容枯瘦,模样比起当年更苍老了许多,脸色蜡黄,眼珠子完全不动,也没有丝毫神采,整个人就仿佛泥塑木雕似的。 in the past he had been broken to pieces Void Return Dharma Body by Lin Feng at the Sky Ridge Peak sword meeting, later in Profound-extinguishing War, caused heavy losses by Xiao Yan, relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, hereafter the war of severe wound Mount Shu has almost not recovered, sword heart was broken again. 昔年他被林锋天辙峰剑会上碎了返虚法体,之后灭玄一战中,又被萧焱重创,差点形神俱灭,此后蜀山之战重伤未愈,剑心再遭破碎。 The accident, causes this originally continually in the Mount Shu 6 Lineages Sword Instruments Sword Lord grandmaster, qualifications rank highest Ancient Elder loses seriously. 连番变故,使得这位原本在蜀山六脉剑器剑主宗师中,资历辈分最高的宿老损失惨重。 Nowadays he seems like also remoulds sword heart, the injury restores, but he life-long hopeless spirit refining Void Return, to have been doomed to halt in Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm actually once more for a lifetime. 现如今的他看似也重塑剑心,伤势恢复,但其实他已经终生无望再次炼神返虚,注定一辈子止步于元神化身境界 Sword Venerable Guan Chong at this moment, as if mourns in one's heart, if dies, but whole body reveals extremely dangerous Aura. 此刻的关冲剑尊,仿佛心丧若死,但是全身上下又流露出一股极度危险的气息 When on his vision fall on Luo Qingwu, the wooden eyeball has rotated finally, the body erupts astonishing Sword Intent, sharp. 他的目光落在洛轻舞身上的时候,木然的眼珠子终于转动了一下,身上爆发出惊人的剑意,锐利至极。 That was completely different in the past Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument point, absorbed the person heart and soul, evil different. 那是完全迥异于往日关冲剑器的锋芒,摄人心魄,邪异非常。 In his hands, is an immortal sword of handle seven chi (0.33 m) length, whole body pitch-black, without any gloss, sword tip does not operate the blade edge, instead extremely heavy, looks as if as if together narrow long heavy iron plate. 在他手中,则是一柄七尺长短的仙剑,通体乌黑,没有任何光泽,剑锋不开刃,反而极为厚重,看起来就仿佛一块窄长的厚铁板。 Plain simple and artless, greatly skillful non- labor, is actually Mount Shu Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument Lineage inherits supreme treasure, Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument in Six Lineage Immortal Swords. 古朴稚拙,大巧不工,却是蜀山关冲剑器一脉传承至宝,六脉仙剑中的关冲剑器 This is also in Six Lineage Immortal Swords only 1 by 1 also preserves in Mount Shu on hand Sword Instrument, in the war of in the past Profound-extinguishing also suffers the great misfortune, was almost patted broken by a Xiao Yan palm. 这也是六脉仙剑中唯一一件还保存在蜀山手上剑器,昔年灭玄之战中也遭大劫,几乎被萧焱一掌拍碎。 These years Mount Shu also works hard to repair. Finally makes this manifestation grade peak Magical Treasure again restore on the same day the point. 这些年来蜀山也下力气修复。终于让这件化生级数巅峰的法宝重新恢复当日锋芒。 Sword Venerable Guan Chong low shouts, in hand Guan Chong sword thorn to Luo Qingwu, speed quickly like lightning. But actually heavily exceptionally. 关冲剑尊喝一声,手中关冲剑刺向洛轻舞,速度快如闪电。但却沉重异常。 another side Sword Venerable Shao Shang and Sword Venerable Shaoze, although is also wounded, but gather one's courage, together attacks. 另一边少商剑尊少则剑尊虽然也负伤,但都鼓起余勇,一同攻上。 Just and Luo Qingwu of Sword Venerable Greater Yin dogfight deeply inspires, right hand Profound Clear Sword sword tip forwards, but the left hand palm horizontally has been blocking from oneself both eyes. 正和太阴剑尊缠斗的洛轻舞深吸一口气,右手玄澈剑剑锋向前,而左手手掌则横着遮住了自己双眼 next moment, on her sparkling stone White Light clean forehead, shines one path black light. 下一刻,她莹白光洁的额头上,亮起一道黑光 This black divine light spreads toward all around. The radiance institute and place, silence reigns. All radiance and heat degree vanish all, in disappearing will belong to the sounds will be forever dark, will move toward the end. 黑色神光向着四周蔓延。光辉所及之处,万籁俱寂。一切光明和热度尽数消失,在消无声息之间归于永暗,走向终结。 Does not have heaven shaking Earth-moving imposing, does not have the soul-stirring cataclysm. But all so are silent trend to perish, in ice-cold with Darkness, falls into the thorough dreariness. 并没有惊天动地的轰烈,也没有惊心动魄的灾变。但一切就这么无声无息间走向灭亡,在冰冷和黑暗之中,陷入彻底的沉寂。 precisely Luo Qingwu Good Fortune Divine Light, Solitary Nothing Divine Light! 正是洛轻舞造化神光,寂无神光 This radiance appearance, first felt uncomfortable that person, instead is Luo Qingwu one path Zhuge Zhan. 光辉一出现,首先感到不舒服的人,反而是与洛轻舞一道诸葛战 Sun Divine Light Dao that he cultivates, happen to opposes with Luo Qingwu Solitary Nothing Divine Light. 他所修炼的太阳神光道,正好与洛轻舞寂无神光相对立。 but Luo Qingwu Good Fortune Divine Light naturally not attack to Zhuge Zhan, but that as if glittering and translucent divine light of black ice crystal, does not have attack to Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others. or concentrates not to send, surrounds in oneself all around the body. 不过洛轻舞造化神光自然不会攻向诸葛战,但那仿佛晶莹剔透黑色冰晶似的神光,却也没有攻向太阴剑尊等人。还是凝而不发,环绕于自己身周 Similar to in solid state ice crystal divine light, innumerable Divine Mark Talisman surge. But is quietly, instead makes people feel fearful. 如同固态冰晶似的神光中,无数神纹符箓涌动。但悄无声息,反而让人感到心寒。 The Divine Consciousness thought extends the exploration, as if will be frozen. 神识意念延伸探索,仿佛都会被冻结。 Shao Shang, Shaoze withdraws! Guan Chong for my protection!” Sword Venerable Greater Yin in both eyes cold light rises crazily, is Void Return Cultivation Realm he also feels in the heart to be restless, immediately stimulates to movement Greater Yin Sword Instrument to attack. 少商,少则退后!关冲为我护御!”太阴剑尊双目中寒光狂涨,便是返虚境界的他也感到心中不安,当即催动太阴剑器攻上。 Sword Venerable Shao Shang and Sword Venerable Shaoze surface presently the color of hesitation. heard this stops the footsteps decisively, on the Sword Venerable Guan Chong face the muscle twitches. in the end still receives the sword to stand, by the Guan Chong sword stimulation of movement, launches own Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument, concentrates to stand like the mountain, attacks with Sword Venerable Greater Yin defends to coordinate. 少商剑尊少则剑尊面现犹疑之色。闻言果断停下脚步,关冲剑尊脸上肌肉抽动一下。终究还是收剑而立,以关冲剑催动,将自身关冲剑器展开,凝立如山,与太阴剑尊一攻一守相配合。 But in this flash, Luo Qingwu lowly sighed one, in as if silent death, only sound. 但就在这一瞬间,洛轻舞低叹一声,仿佛寂静永眠之中,唯一的声息。 next moment, Profound Clear Sword in her hand then changes to stream of light, coincides with all around the body Solitary Nothing Divine Light. 下一刻,她手中的玄澈剑便化作一道流光,与身周寂无神光相合。 In Darkness glacier similar divine light, there is one path purple bright radiance emerges suddenly, this purple radiance is bright, but with Annihilation Return to Nothing Solitary Nothing Divine Light about in the same place, does not think unusual, both sides are quite instead harmonious. 黑暗冰川一般神光之中,突然有一道紫色的明亮光辉涌现,这道紫色光辉明亮耀眼,但与寂灭归无寂无神光合在一起,却不觉得反常,双方反而极为融洽。 that path purple radiance lasing, then in proliferates Heaven and Earth instantaneously. 那道紫色光辉激射而出,然后在瞬间就遍布天地之间。 Then in this moment, no matter Sword Venerable Greater Yin or Sword Venerable Guan Chong or Sword Venerable Shao Shang and Sword Venerable Shaoze they, felt that emerges a biting cold chill in the air from top to bottom. 便在这一刻,不管是太阴剑尊还是关冲剑尊又或者少商剑尊少则剑尊他们,都感到浑身上下涌现出一阵彻骨的寒意。 They already achievement Divine Origin, and extraordinary embryo human body, but at this moment actually there is cold feeling. 他们都已经成就元神,并非凡胎肉体,但此刻却赫然有了寒冷的感觉。 The people catch the eye to look, sees big Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol of Luo Qingwu that four first eight arm, changes to the flowing light unexpectedly, integrates in her Profound Clear Sword completely. 众人抬眼望去,就见洛轻舞那四头八臂的高大天地法相,竟然也化作流光,完全融入她的玄澈剑中。 Purple clothes young girl foot sharp light, dances lightly in that sky-filling purple light with Profound Clear Sword together, is not only Profound Clear Sword, then links the Luo Qingwu form also gradually to vanish in the purple light. 紫衣少女足尖轻点,与玄澈剑一起在那漫天紫光中翩翩起舞,不仅仅是玄澈剑,便连洛轻舞的身影也渐渐消失于紫光之中。 But that purple Sword Light, actually as if great as the sky, the cage covers four wildly. 而那紫色剑光,却仿佛宏大如天,笼盖四野。 black Solitary Nothing Divine Light, then plates in that purple Sword Light surface, black light of ice crystal similar solid state, actually impressively quietly pasts in the rosy cloud similar purple light surface at this moment. 黑色寂无神光,则镀在那紫色剑光的表面,冰晶一般固态的黑光,此刻却赫然在云霞一般的紫光表面悄然流转。 This strange unusual picture, actually revealed an extraordinary harmonious feeling at this time, as if among Heaven and Earth most mysterious and unpredictable truth. 这幅奇诡反常的画面,这时却流露出一种出奇的和谐感觉,仿佛天地间最为玄奥莫测的道理。 This......” Sword Venerable Greater Yin terrified one startled, suddenly discovered that oneself and the others set to place, a warm piece. “这……”太阴剑尊悚然一惊,突然发现自己等人所置身处,暖洋洋的一片。 The environment is warm, oneself feels biting cold extraordinarily cold, Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others raises the head look, sees only purple radiance of that more sky-filling border, as if the World separation is Yin-Yang Two Extremes similar. 周围环境温暖,自身却感到彻骨奇寒,太阴剑尊等人抬头望去,就只见那弥漫天际的紫色光辉,仿佛将世界分隔为阴阳两极一般 Luo Qingwu holds by the Solitary Nothing Divine Light in addition, Innate Six Directions Sword Dao last sword, Nine Heavens Pure Yin sword! 洛轻舞寂无神光加持,先天六合剑道最后一剑,九天纯阴剑! The non-stop of sky-filling purple light in Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation surges, turns toward Sword Venerable Greater Yin and the others to attack. 漫天紫光在仙天太初剑阵不停波荡,也向着太阴剑尊等人攻去。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin and Sword Venerable Guan Chong feel in that radiance mysterious endless Sword Intent, slightly changed complexion, Sword Venerable Greater Yin retreat, lowly shouted said immediately: Guan Chong, the sword gives me!” 太阴剑尊关冲剑尊感受那光辉中玄奥无尽的剑意,都微微变了脸色,太阴剑尊立刻后退,低喝道:“关冲,剑给我!” Sword Venerable Guan Chong complexion extremely ugly, but still has given Sword Venerable Greater Yin the Guan Chong sword. 关冲剑尊脸色难看至极,但还是关冲剑交给了太阴剑尊 Sword Venerable Greater Yin received Greater Yin Sword Instrument, then displays Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument, by the Guan Chong sword stimulation of movement, appears lines after lines black Giant Sword, the sword blade edge does not have the front, the heavy clumsy non- labor, as if City Wall similar keeps off other Sword Venerable Greater Yin and Mount Shu Sword Cultivator in behind together. 太阴剑尊收了太阴剑器,转而施展关冲剑器,以关冲剑催动,显化道道黑色巨剑,剑刃无锋,重拙不工,仿佛城墙一般太阴剑尊和其他蜀山剑修一起挡在后面。 Luo Qingwu Nine Heavens Pure Yin sword Sword Light, holds in the Solitary Nothing Divine Light in addition, seems like as if light fog similar, on fall on Sword Venerable Greater Yin fully defense Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument. 洛轻舞九天纯阴剑光,在寂无神光的加持下,看似仿佛轻飘飘的云雾一般,落在太阴剑尊全力防守的关冲剑器上。 A handle handle as if mountain similar indestructible non- front heavy sword, the surface presents the fissure one after another, starts the non-stop disruption. 一柄柄仿佛山岳一般坚不可摧的无锋重剑,表面纷纷出现裂痕,开始不停碎裂。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin complexion gloomy: If had not lost Greater Yin Sword in the past......” 太阴剑尊脸色阴沉至极:“若是当年没有失了太阴剑……” He does not dare to divert attention, Rushing Mountain Pass Sword Instrument Sword Dao Sword Intent stimulates to movement fully, a handle another handle black heavy sword shoots up to the sky, fills the gap that the shatter black sword leaves behind, resists Luo Qingwu Sword Light attack fully. 他不敢分心,关冲剑器剑道剑意全力催动,一柄又一柄黑色重剑冲天而起,填补之间破碎黑剑留下的缺口,全力抵挡洛轻舞剑光攻击 At this moment, Zhuge Zhan face upwards drinks greatly, the whole body has dazzling Sun divine light to flash up and down once more, then changes to seven color rainbows, the Sword Light impediment of Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, then continues to be inferior to the Sword Formation deep place. 就在这时,诸葛战仰天大喝,周身上下再次有耀眼太阳神光闪动,然后化作七彩长虹,将仙天太初剑阵剑光阻隔,然后继续不如剑阵深处。 in Void outside Sword Formation above Domain, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper at this moment just and Green Dark Sword Venerable fierce struggle. 剑阵上方界域之外的虚空中,天罡剑尊此刻正和苍冥剑尊激斗。 Endless Heavenly Sword Star River launches, spans entire Void, presses Green Dark Sword Venerable can't raise the head. 漫漫天剑星河展开,横亘整个虚空,压得苍冥剑尊抬不起头来 Green Dark Sword Venerable also escapes to display arrived pinnacle the oneself azure deep sword, uses Immortal Sky Sword Qi as the foundation, Sword Light is enormous and powerful, as if must wrap up entire Void, must also surround Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Heavenly Sword Star River. 苍冥剑尊也将自己的青冥剑遁施展到了极致,以仙天剑炁为根基,剑光浩荡,仿佛要将整个虚空都包裹起来,要将天罡剑尊天剑星河也包围住。 In his hand handle plain bronze Long Sword, sword blade edge surface radiance fills the air, vast, but is not dazzling, imitates, if dome, precisely and Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper stand side by side, under Mount Shu Immortal Sky Sword of Ancient Sword Green Dark strongest two swords. 他手中一柄古朴的青铜长剑,剑刃表面光辉弥漫,浩大而不耀眼,仿若穹窿,正是古剑天罡并列,蜀山仙天剑之下最强两剑之一的古剑苍冥 Green Dark Sword Venerable cultivation base is inferior to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, but relies on below Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength continuous supplies, lines after lines White Light integrates in before one's eyes azure deep World, then made him match Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack temporarily. 苍冥剑尊修为不及天罡剑尊,但凭借下方仙天太初剑阵之力源源不断的供给,道道白光融入眼前的青冥世界之中,便让他暂时敌住了天罡剑尊攻击 But two people can felt, in Sword Formation, Immortal Sky Sword Sword Intent is getting more and more clear, grows out of nothing, from weak ones to strong ones. 两人可以感到,剑阵内,仙天剑剑意越来越清晰,从无到有,从弱到强。 As if one peerless Expert, from sinking during the dormancy regains consciousness, returns alive the recovery from dead World. 仿佛一个绝世强者,正从沉眠之中苏醒,从死者世界生还复苏。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper unemotionally, the offensive is getting more and more anxious, Green Dark Sword Venerable is actually not willing to extract Sword Formation Strength, delays the Immortal Sky Sword recast. 天罡剑尊面无表情,攻势越来越急,苍冥剑尊却不愿意更多抽取剑阵之力,以至于延缓仙天剑的重铸。 Facing pressure that Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper creates, Green Dark Sword Venerable suddenly clear roar, then green Sword Light transformed into World, receives suddenly, with Green Dark Sword Venerable transform into one, sinks to below Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation together rapidly. 面对天罡剑尊带来的压力,苍冥剑尊猛然清啸一声,然后青色剑光所化世界,猛然一收,与苍冥剑尊共同化为一线,飞速沉入下方的仙天太初剑阵内。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper facial expression even more is serious, stimulates to movement Heavenly Sword Star River to pursue. 天罡剑尊神情更加严肃,催动天剑星河一路追去。 But Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation suddenly changes, White Light that in Sword Formation flashes, changes to the azure light in this moment completely. 仙天太初剑阵陡然一变,剑阵中所闪动的白光,在这一刻完全化作青光。 Entire Sword Formation changes to one independent World thoroughly, as if one huge green light sphere, in light sphere sees a Immortal Sky Sword Qi encirclement circulation of lines after lines white. 整座剑阵彻底化作一个独立世界,仿佛一个巨大的青色光球,光球中就见一道道白色仙天剑炁环绕流转。 Above Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Heavenly Sword Star River fall on that green light sphere, sees infinite Sword Star Sword Light to rupture, but green light sphere was also hit the light stream splash, although withstood Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack, but also great stress. 天罡剑尊天剑星河落在那青色光球之上,就见无穷剑星剑光爆裂开来,而青色光球也被打得光流飞溅,虽然承受住了天罡剑尊攻击,但也压力巨大。 but places the Sword Formation inside Green Dark Sword Venerable look not to change, the change of both hands Sword Secret Art non-stop, stimulates to movement Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation continuously, resists Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack at the same time , to continue to refine Immortal Sky Sword. 不过身处剑阵内的苍冥剑尊神色不改,双手剑诀连续不停的变化,催动仙天太初剑阵,抵御天罡剑尊攻击的同时,继续炼化仙天剑 But Sword Formation at this moment, Luo Qingwu removed sword momentum of Nine Heavens Pro­found Yin sword suddenly, the purple light diverged, again appeared her oneself and Profound Clear Sword personal appearance. 而此刻的剑阵之内,洛轻舞突然撤了九天玄阴剑的剑势,紫光散去,重新现出她自己玄澈剑的身形。 Although Zhuge Zhan is perplexed, but still continued to resist Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation. 诸葛战虽然不明所以,但仍然继续抵御仙天太初剑阵 Sword Venerable Greater Yin and Sword Venerable Guan Chong and the others same slightly relaxed, their attention fall on changed above Sword Formation of appearance, the feeling changes, under the heart understands clearly: Green Dark Elder must depend on Sword Formation to resist Heavenly Dipper Elder completely, this instead expressed the Immortal Sky Sword recast, was getting more and more smooth, already on right track!” 太阴剑尊关冲剑尊等人同样稍微松了一口气,他们的注意力落在变了模样的剑阵之上,感受其中变化,都心下了然:“苍冥长老是要完全依托剑阵来抵御天罡长老,这反而表示仙天剑重铸,越来越顺利,已经上了正轨!” one's thoughts arrived to this, their also no longer blind attack, but closely defends the way, prevents Zhuge Zhan and Luo Qingwu continues thorough Sword Formation. 一念至此,他们也不再盲目攻击,而是紧紧守住去路,防止诸葛战洛轻舞继续深入剑阵 You how?” Zhuge Zhan asked to Luo Qingwu, actually saw Luo Qingwu to sit cross-legged to sit, Profound Clear Sword again traverse above knees, top of the head radiance flashed, the one person's shadow appeared, was actually Nascent Soul leaves the hole. “你怎么了?”诸葛战洛轻舞问道,却见洛轻舞盘膝而坐,玄澈剑重新横放于双膝之上,头顶光辉闪动间,一个人影出现,却是元婴出窍。 In Luo Qingwu both eyes has inexplicable radiance to flash, said in a soft voice: Mr. Zhuge, please let loose little Sword Formation Strength, fall on on me.” 洛轻舞双目之中有莫名光辉闪动,轻声说道:“诸葛先生,请放开少许剑阵之力,落在我身上。” The Zhuge Zhan brow selects: Your this girl, big courage.” ( to be continued ) 诸葛战眉头一挑:“你这小妮子,好大的胆子。”(未完待续)
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