HNOF :: Volume #13

#1209: Beats him in the domain that opponent most excels at!

That huge Bamboo Staff, along with the Luo Qingwu finger, the length reduces to lightly rapidly less than one foot, thick or thin also but just may endure grasps, overall appearance as if no sword hilt of sword blade edge sword jaw. 那根巨大的竹杖,随着洛轻舞手指轻点,长度迅速缩短到不足一尺,粗细也不过刚刚可堪一握,整体模样就仿佛一段没有剑刃剑颚的剑柄似的。 Luo Qingwu left hand holds sword hilt Bamboo Staff, then aims at its one to Mount Shu new generation Sword Venerable Shao Shang that the oneself extremely fast attacks. 洛轻舞左手抓住剑柄似的竹杖,然后将其一段对准向自己极速攻过来的蜀山新一代少商剑尊 In her hand the Magical Treasure Seven Treasures Bamboo Fire Stick peak, has the green flame to flash before immediately, flame of burning fiercely non-stop caper, unexpectedly in sword tip of Seven Treasures Bamboo Fire Stick peak congealment formed about one foot length. 她手中法宝七宝竹火杖的顶端,顿时有青色火光闪现,熊熊燃烧不停跳跃的火光,竟然在七宝竹火杖顶端凝结成了一尺左右长短的剑锋 After Kshitigarbha True Fire, Pure Yang True Fire, True Solar Fire and Southern Bright Hexagram Fire emerge in turn, changes to the ruler Long Sword blade edge that the color varies respectively, the docking, almost in the flash, then forms a handle four chi (0.33 m) length in turn sword tip. 地藏真煌后,纯阳真火,太阳真火南明离火依次涌现,分别化作颜色不一的尺长剑刃,依次相接,几乎在一瞬间,便形成一柄四尺长短的剑锋 from there spreads extremely terrifying explosive Strength, making Sword Venerable Shao Shang complexion that the front surface attacks immediately change. 从中传出极为恐怖的爆炸性力量,让迎面攻来的少商剑尊脸色顿时为之一变。 Sword hold up the sky Seven Gods Edge, Great Four Symbols Executing Immortal Sword, Seven Fires Heaven-Supporting Sword! 一剑擎天七神锋,大四象斩仙剑,七火擎天剑 Is inferior to Nine Yin Ocean Sword to be mammoth, was inferior that Heavenly Wind Invisible Sword spirit fluctuation is changeable, but pure lethality and explosive force, actually above these two swords. 不如九阴瀚海剑声势浩大,不如天风无形剑灵动多变,但纯粹的杀伤力与爆发力,却更在这两剑之上。 Gets together in 7 Great True Fires, refining up seven chi (0.33 m) sword tip, just now is the peak of this sword, however holds True Fire to have the limit concerned about Luo Qingwu own current cultivation base and Seven Treasures Bamboo Fire Stick, therefore temporarily has four chi (0.33 m) sword tip. 七大真火齐聚,炼成七尺剑锋,方才是此剑的巅峰,只不过碍于洛轻舞自身当前修为七宝竹火杖容纳真火有极限,所以才暂时只得四尺剑锋 But even if so, this terrifying sword, made Sword Venerable Shao Shang change immediately complexion. 但即便如此,这恐怖一剑,也顿时让少商剑尊变了脸色 Almost is instantaneous, his then appears oneself Divine Origin Avatar, the whole person changes to a handle is ten meters, the shutter width, heavy is vigorous, verve overbearing bronze Giant Sword. Urges vigorous Sword Light that sends to coincide with Missing Deal Sword Instrument, actually even more is vigorous, meets the approaching enemy Luo Qingwu Seven Fires Heaven-Supporting Sword. 几乎是瞬间,他便显化自己元神化身,整个人化作一柄长达十米,门板般宽,厚重雄浑,刚猛霸道的青铜巨剑。与少商剑器所催发的雄浑剑光相合,其实更加雄浑,迎击洛轻舞七火擎天剑 His Missing Deal Sword Instrument for vigorous is famous verve. defense is not his manager, only has positive meeting the tough head-on with toughness, has the opportunity of win. 少商剑器以雄浑刚猛著称。防御并非其所长,唯有正面硬碰硬,才有取胜之机。 Missing Deal Sword Instrument boundless Sword Light, just likes Heavenly River similar is enormous and powerful, distant does not see the end, the Heavenly Fire hold up the sky sword of trivial four chi (0.33 m) length, as if completely differs so much as to be beyond comparison in its front. Just likes the point is tiny. 少商剑器磅礴的剑光,犹如天河一般浩荡,遥遥不见尽头,区区四尺长短的天火擎天剑,在其面前仿佛完全不成比例。犹如针芒般渺小。 But when that Instant of both sides formal contact, the green, Cream-colored and point same pure gold, flashes red blue two color rays golden color. The raging flame blasts open together! 但当双方正式接触的那一刹那,青色、乳白色、针芒一样的纯金、闪动红蓝二色光芒的金色。熊熊烈火一起炸裂开来! The flame continuously, is bringing Destruction Strength, under the sharp Sword Intent stimulation of movement, changes to the imposing manner compared with Missing Deal Sword Instrument even more verve broad cut the sky Giant Sword. Strikes with the Missing Deal Sword Instrument Sword Light junction in the same place. 火光此起彼伏,带着毁灭般的力量,在锋锐剑意催动下,化作气势比少商剑器更加刚猛恢宏的斩天巨剑。与少商剑器剑光交击在一起。 That as if Heavenly River radiant concise Sword Light, by flame congealment form Giant Sword, loudly cut off in Heaven and Earth! 那仿佛天河般璀璨凝练的剑光,被由火光凝结而成巨剑,在天地间轰然斩断! Sword Light was shattered, vigorous verve Sword Qi Sword Intent in airborne toward in all directions the non-stop lasing, but has not waited for them to proliferate, then by Fire Sea engulf, burning down completely. 剑光破碎,雄浑刚猛的剑气剑意在空中向着四面八方不停激射,但还不等它们真的扩散开来,便被火海吞没,焚烧殆尽。 In this wild raging fire, there are belongs to Luo Qingwu Sword Intent alone, coincides with the raging fire. Sweeps across the proliferation toward surrounding Heaven and Earth. 在这狂暴的烈火中,有独属于洛轻舞剑意,与烈火相合。向着周围天地席卷扩散。 In a low and deep resounding sound, Sword Venerable Shao Shang Divine Origin transformed into bronze Giant Sword struggles is running out from Fire Sea, but on sword blade densely covered fissure. Similar to spider web similar. 一声低沉的鸣响声中,少商剑尊元神所化的青铜巨剑挣扎着从火海里冲出,但剑身上密布裂痕。如同蛛网一般 Although each slit seems like is tiny, but many slits densely covered in the same place, then causes originally verve vigorous Giant Sword, seems as if the one brittle chinaware. 每道缝隙虽然看似都非常细小,但是诸多缝隙密布在一起,便使得本来刚猛雄浑的巨剑,看上去仿佛一个易碎的瓷器。 The Giant Sword surface has radiance to flash through, the spider web fissure vanishes immediately, sword blade edge again restores smoothly. 巨剑表面有光辉闪过,蛛网般的裂痕顿时消失,剑刃重新恢复平整。 But on sword blade originally bright Sword Light. Also vanishes together does not see, entire handle sword. As if suddenly becomes obsolete decayed, is no longer sharp. 但剑身上原先明亮的剑光。也一起消失不见,整柄剑。就仿佛突然间变得陈旧腐朽,不再锐利。 Sword Venerable Shao Shang Divine Origin again appears the human form, complexion pale like the paper, in both eyes loses the appearance, shocking looks at Luo Qingwu. 少商剑尊元神重新现出人形,脸色苍白如纸,双目中失去神采,震惊的看着洛轻舞 After Sword Venerable Shaoze, he actually does not have the suspense to defeat under the before one's eyes young girl sword, moreover sword Dao Divinity that the opposite party displays, is entirely different from Heavenly Wind Invisible Sword. 少则剑尊之后,他竟然也毫无悬念败在眼前少女剑下,而且对方施展的剑道神通,与天风无形剑截然不同。 In order to fluctuate peerless, after spirit fluctuation fast Heavenly Wind Invisible Sword broken goes to Mount Shu fastest Lesser Principle Sword Instrument, Luo Qingwu once more directly meets the tough head-on with toughness, broken goes to Mount Shu to be most vigorous by verve violent Seven Fires Heaven-Supporting Sword verve Missing Deal Sword Instrument! 以变幻无方,灵动迅捷的天风无形剑破去蜀山最为迅捷的少则剑器之后,洛轻舞再次正面硬碰硬,以刚猛暴烈的七火擎天剑破去蜀山最为雄浑刚猛的少商剑器 Sword Venerable Shao Shang and Sword Venerable Shaoze are staring at Luo Qingwu stubbornly, before one's eyes this seems like light, as if never has any point to be possible purple clothes young girl of word, just now actually showed a reserved aggression and arrogance. 少商剑尊少则剑尊死死盯着洛轻舞,眼前这个看似平淡,仿佛从来没有什么锋芒可言的紫衣少女,方才却展现出了一种内敛的霸气与傲气。 Beats the opposite party in the domain that opponent most excels at! 对手最擅长的领域击垮对方! Visits Mount Shu when with its teacher Lin Feng in the past, the sword meets Mount Shu numerous Expert, spirit that Lineage succeeds one another. 与其师尊林锋昔年踏足蜀山,剑会蜀山一众强者时,一脉相承的气概。 young miss, must imitate made the master in the past, can spread my Mount Shu all sword? what a pity, you have not made master such strength.” one appearance thin middle-aged man appears in Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation the personal appearance, the vision is gazing at Luo Qingwu. “小姑娘,是要效仿当年令师,会遍我蜀山诸剑吗?可惜,你没有令师那样的实力。”一个容貌清癯的中年男子仙天太初剑阵内现出身形来,目光注视着洛轻舞 His whole body Sword Qi such as fog such as imaginary, gentle and reserved is changeable, one of the precisely Mount Shu 6 Lineages Sword Instruments, Greater Yin Sword Instrument Lineage Sword Lord grandmaster, Sword Venerable Greater Yin. 他周身剑气如雾如幻,阴柔多变,正是蜀山六脉剑器之一,太阴剑器一脉剑主宗师,太阴剑尊 however compared in those days, the Sword Venerable Greater Yin vision at this moment somewhat was quite cloudy sad, making the heart of person observing live unlucky. 只不过相比起往日,此刻的太阴剑尊目光颇有些阴恻恻的,令人观之心生不祥。 Was arrested Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Profound Heavenly Seal Divine Flag in predecessor Sword Venerable Shao Shang, after Sword Venerable Shaoze and Sword Venerable Guan Chong Void Return Dharma Body was shattered, in the original Mount Shu 6 Lineages Sword Instruments major Sword Lord Grandmaster, the Void Return Cultivation Realm Expert also remaining three people, are succeed predecessor Sword Venerable Lesser Yang Ji Wenrui of position of Sect Master, Sword Venerable Li Xiong and Sword Venerable Greater Yin. 在前任少商剑尊被拘上玄门天宗玄天封神旗,少则剑尊关冲剑尊返虚法体破碎之后,原先的蜀山六脉剑器各大剑主宗师里,返虚境界强者还剩下三人,便是继任宗主之位的前任少阳剑尊姬文睿,离凶剑尊太阴剑尊 Sword Venerable Greater Yin look gloomy and cold is staring at Luo Qingwu, the Luo Qingwu facial expression is tranquil, faint said: My naturally cannot compare Master, cannot compare Xiao Yan Senior Brother, but does not wait for us, must do everything possible, asking Sword Venerable Greater Yin to grant instruction.” 太阴剑尊神色阴冷的盯着洛轻舞,洛轻舞则神情平静,淡淡说道:“我自然比不得家师,也比不得萧焱师兄,但时不我待,总要尽力而为,请太阴剑尊赐教。” Heard the Luo Qingwu words, the Sword Venerable Greater Yin eyebrow jumped jumping immediately. 听到洛轻舞的话,太阴剑尊眉毛顿时跳了跳。 On the eve of the war of in the past Profound-extinguishing, Beyond the Heaven Mountain emergency time, he by Void Return Cultivation Realm cultivation base, actually does not beat Nascent Soul Late Stage Xiao Yan finally, drove out his defense by a Xiao Yan palm, but also inside Great Virtue Dhyana Master one path Great Extrication Dhyana Light. 昔年灭玄之战前夕,天外山事变的时候,他以返虚境界修为,最终却不敌元婴后期萧焱,被萧焱一掌轰开他的防御,还中了大德禅师一道大解脱禅光 If not has the Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Supreme Elder Jie Luoshi Sword Intent Sword Qi guard, he withdrew at that time continually difficultly. 若非身怀合道境界太上长老解落石剑意剑气护身,他当时连脱身都困难。 But at this moment, appears in the person of his front, is actually Profound Gate's Master one Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivation Realm Direct Disciple. 而此刻,出现在他面前之人,却是玄门之主一个元婴后期境界亲传弟子 Sword Venerable Greater Yin sword momentum launches, Sword Intent Sword Qi changes to the a white sheet boundless fog, in the fog, is overlapping, non-stop circles to revolve, compared with sending silk also thin Qi Thread, the number by trillion ideas, pesters together. 太阴剑尊剑势展开,一身剑意剑气化作一片白茫茫的云雾,云雾之中,是层层叠叠,不停盘旋围绕,比发丝还细的气丝,数以亿万计,纠缠在一起。 This each one path silk thread, is by Greater Yin Sword Instrument Sword Intent Sword Qi concise form, pliable but hard to break, from the sky walks randomly rocks, as if has oneself Life and thought that gathers in the same place, is similar to fog similar. 这每一道丝线,都是由太阴剑器剑意剑气凝练而成,柔韧至极,在空中游走晃动,仿佛拥有自己生命与思想,聚拢在一起,如同云雾一般 Saying of Sword Venerable Greater Yin coldly: today, is you brings upon oneself.” 太阴剑尊冷冷的说道:“今日,皆是你自找的。” During the speeches, massive Qi Thread as if violent storm, by spreading top of the sky potential, shoots down toward Luo Qingwu. 说话间,大量气丝仿佛狂风暴雨似的,以铺天盖之势,向着洛轻舞射落。 Luo Qingwu Nine Yin Ocean Sword launches, the black sea tide just likes endless, wraps up trillion Qi Thread all, that Supreme Yin extreme cold Extreme Darkness sea water, as if coldly ices Underworld, will inject Qi Thread to freeze all. 洛轻舞九阴瀚海剑展开,黑色海潮犹如无穷无尽,将亿万气丝尽数兜住,那至阴至寒至暗的海水,仿佛寒冰地狱,将射入其中的气丝尽数冻结。 The black sea tide, as if divides the transform into innumerable [say / way] current of water in this moment, said Sword Intent innumerably, gathered in together, was in sharp opposition with the Greater Yin Sword Instrument attack. 黑色海潮,在这一刻仿佛分化为无数道水流,无数道剑意,汇聚在一起,针锋相对与太阴剑器对攻。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin vision condensation, complexion even more gloomy gloomy. 太阴剑尊目光冷凝,脸色更加晦暗阴沉 If he with Sword Venerable Shaoze, Sword Venerable Shao Shang same is also Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm, he also likely defeats under Luo Qingwu this sword at this moment unexpectedly. 若他和少则剑尊少商剑尊一样也是元神化身境界,那他此刻竟然也很可能败在洛轻舞这一剑之下。 As for them, if is also Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivation Realm, how then confronts to be with Luo Qingwu the one result, Sword Venerable Greater Yin does not even have the thoughts to get down. 至于他们如果也是元婴后期境界,那与洛轻舞对阵会是怎样一个结果,太阴剑尊甚至都没心思想下去。 His Sword Secret Art directs, Greater Yin Sword Instrument the concise form Qi Thread fine lace, spirit fluctuation, the quantity are also more and more getting more and more, takes place of the fallen, as if must level the Luo Qingwu Nine Yin Ocean Sword transformed into black sea directly. 剑诀一引,太阴剑器所凝练而成气丝细线,越来越灵动,数量也越来越多,前仆后继,仿佛要直接填平洛轻舞九阴瀚海剑所化黑色海洋。 Luo Qingwu vision slightly moves: Is Void Return Cultivation Realm big sword cultivator.” 洛轻舞目光微微一动:“到底是返虚境界的大剑修。” Her right hand Profound Clear Sword sword tip directs, left hand received Seven Treasures Bamboo Fire Stick, pinches one Sword Secret Art, one path Annihilation dim ice blue Sword Light shines, in the black desert looms the pale white light magnificent non-stop circulation. 右手玄澈剑剑锋一引,左手收了七宝竹火杖,捏一个剑诀,一道寂灭黯淡的冰蓝剑光亮起,黑色瀚海中隐隐出现惨白光不停流转。 The mighty waves of tumbling, then shortly the integration will have made the glacier suddenly, ices in the blue glacier, is flashing the pale white light glow! 翻滚的波涛猛然顿了顿,然后顷刻间整体化作冰川,冰蓝色的冰川中,闪动着惨白光芒! Great Four Symbols Executing Immortal Sword, Nine Yin Ocean Sword, melts Innate Six Directions Sword Dao, Ten Earth Absolute Yin Sword! 大四象斩仙剑,九阴瀚海剑,化先天六合剑道,十地绝阴剑 Two swords unite, then that quiet cold Annihilation Sword Intent launches, flashes the blue glacier of pale white light splendor, changes to huge Ice Sword, immediately sweeps away Void, the Qi Thread of freeze massive Greater Yin Sword Instrument transformed into. 两剑合一,那幽冷寂灭剑意便即展开,闪动惨白光辉的蓝色冰川,化作巨大冰剑,顿时横扫虚空,将大量太阴剑器所化气丝冻结。 These were frozen as the ice crystal Qi Thread, in the next moment transform into dust, the annihilation does not have the trace. 这些被冻结为冰晶的气丝,也在下一刻化为尘埃,湮灭无踪。 But next moment, Ice Sword bursts, a red light as if startled great wild goose one presently, arrives at Sword Venerable Greater Yin in person front instantaneously, making him have the pinnacle chill in the air from the bottom of the heart. 下一刻,冰剑破裂,一点红光仿佛惊鸿一现,瞬间就来到太阴剑尊本人面前,让他从心底产生极致的寒意。 Innate Six Directions Sword Dao, Eastern Lesser Yin Sword! 先天六合剑道,东方少阴剑 Said innumerably Qi Thread gathers before the Sword Venerable Greater Yin forehead, circles rapidly, intercepts the one path radiant dazzling red light. 无数道气丝太阴剑尊眉心之前汇聚,飞速盘旋,将一道璀璨耀眼的红光拦截下来。 The red light penetrates the obstruction of Qi Thread unceasingly, lines after lines Qi Thread break destroy, then also has new Qi Thread non-stop to make up, wears down the red light. 红光不断穿透气丝的阻截,一道道气丝断裂破灭,然后又有新的气丝不停补上,消磨红光。 The Sword Venerable Greater Yin oneself personal appearance backward is also flying to draw back, the danger danger receives Luo Qingwu this move Eastern Lesser Yin Sword. 太阴剑尊自己身形也在向后飞退,险之又险接下洛轻舞这一式东方少阴剑 But a quick Luo Qingwu sword tip revolution, lines after lines pale brilliance dances in the air in Heaven and Earth, as if time long river, every marches into the river one after another, the time fluctuates now fast and now slow, unpredictable. 但很快洛轻舞剑锋一转,一道道苍白的光华天地间飞舞,仿佛一条又一条时光长河,凡步入河中者,时光变幻忽快忽慢,令人捉摸不定。 Truly Luo Qingwu cultivates Western Greater Yin Sword in Innate Six Directions Sword Dao. 确实洛轻舞所修先天六合剑道中的西方太阴剑 This sword momentum, to Sword Venerable Greater Yin Greater Yin Sword Instrument, immediately makes that the circle under the Sword Venerable Greater Yin control transfer pleasant lines after lines Qi Thread becomes so is no longer agile. 这一路剑势,对上太阴剑尊太阴剑器,顿时让那原本在太阴剑尊掌控下圆转如意的道道气丝变得不再那么灵便。 Sword Venerable Greater Yin vision micro cold, Sword Dao changes, Greater Yin Sword Instrument actually changes to Lesser Principle Sword Instrument, leaves from the Luo Qingwu Western Greater Yin Sword dark green White Light central China, then again changes to Greater Yin Sword Instrument in again , to continue attack to Luo Qingwu. 太阴剑尊目光微寒,剑道一变,太阴剑器却化作少则剑器,从洛轻舞西方太阴剑的苍白光华中脱出,然后再重新重新化作太阴剑器,继续攻向洛轻舞 The both sides non-stop change fights, Sword Qi Sword Intent able to move unhindered, non-stop in Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation shuttles back and forth. 双方不停变化交手,剑气剑意纵横,在仙天太初剑阵不停穿梭。 Above Sword Formation, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and between Green Dark Sword Venerable also makes True Fire, Green Dark Sword Venerable is forced to extract Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength massively, making the Zhuge Zhan pressure reduce greatly, instead builds the rainbow, tows Luo Qingwu to approach the Sword Formation deep place line to go together. 剑阵上方,天罡剑尊苍冥剑尊之间也打出真火,苍冥剑尊被迫大量抽取仙天太初剑阵之力,让诸葛战的压力大为减轻,反而架起长虹,牵引着洛轻舞一起向剑阵深处行去。 Sword Venerable Shao Shang and Sword Venerable Shaoze see that gather one's courage, attacks to come hastily once more. 少商剑尊少则剑尊见状,连忙鼓起余勇,再次攻上前来。 In Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan way, there is one path Sword Light to shine, dignified deep, is actually Sword Venerable Guan Chong, grasps the Guan Chong sword to block the way! 洛轻舞诸葛战的去路上,又有一道剑光亮起,凝重深沉,却是关冲剑尊,手持关冲剑拦路! The Luo Qingwu vision has swept Sword Venerable Guan Chong, Sword Venerable Shao Shang and Sword Venerable Shaoze, deeply inspires, right hand holds the sword, the left hand palm horizontally in front, has blocked from oneself both eyes. ( to be continued ) 洛轻舞目光扫过关冲剑尊少商剑尊少则剑尊,深吸一口气,右手持剑,左手手掌则横在面前,遮住了自己双眼。(未完待续) ps: Thank the book friend to unite the black ink Dao Venerable 10,000 coins to hit to enjoy, thanked other to subscribe this book, hit to enjoy this book, throws friends who the monthly ticket gave this book, thank you! ps:感谢书友戮墨道尊的10000点币打赏,也感谢其他订阅本书的,打赏本书,投月票给本书的朋友们,谢谢大家! Thanks! 谢谢!
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