HNOF :: Volume #13

#1208: Sword broken Mount Shu!

Feels in before one's eyes Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation surging forward, making a great show of one's talents Sword Intent, Zhuge Zhan turn the head and looks to Luo Qingwu: I form the deadlock with Sword Formation Strength at this moment, in short Time everyone can't beat anyone, you, although also not completed Divine Origin, perhaps but Mystical Ability cultivation base by far common Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator, some can achievement, I will resist the Sword Formation pressure for you.” 感受眼前仙天太初剑阵内汹涌澎湃,锋芒毕露的剑意,诸葛战转头看向洛轻舞:“我此刻与剑阵之力形成僵持局面,短时间内谁也奈何不得谁,你虽然还未成元神,但一身神通修为远胜寻常元婴期修士,或许可以有些作为,我会为你抵挡剑阵压力。” Luo Qingwu serious nod: On road that Eldest Senior Brother in catching up, but the before one's eyes situation is fast changing, perhaps somewhat overreaches oneself, but Junior also has to strive tries, had Mr. Lao Zhuge.” 洛轻舞郑重点头:“大师兄已经在赶来的路上,但眼前局势瞬息万变,或许有些不自量力,但晚辈也只好勉力一试,有劳诸葛先生了。” Once Immortal Sky Sword the recast is successful, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and battle between Green Dark Sword Venerable, is finally hard to expect. 仙天剑一旦重铸成功,天罡剑尊苍冥剑尊之间的争斗,结果便难以预料。 Although does not know that Immortal Sky Sword needs long Time to be able again to cast, but Thunderbolt Sword Sect, Heavenly Connection Sword Sect Mountain Gate Sword Qi was being extracted absorb by non-stop, so the situation continues, will lose naturally to be only getting bigger and bigger. 虽然不知道仙天剑需要多长时间才能重新铸就,但霹雳剑宗,通天剑宗山门剑气都在被不停抽取吸纳,如此局势持续下去,损失自然只会越来越大。 Let alone Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper leaves area the Southern Wasteland Domain channel, only remaining Zhu Yi one person and Shen Dragon King confront, if were looked through Reality and Illusion by Shen Dragon King, will attack immediately then. 更别说天罡剑尊离开南荒界域通道一带,只剩下朱易一人申龙王对峙,若是被申龙王看破虚实,立刻便会攻进来。 Luo Qingwu deeply inspires, top of the head there is radiance flashes suddenly, one big Giant Light Avatar appears above her body. 洛轻舞深吸一口气,头顶突然有光辉闪动,一个高大的巨人光影出现在她身体上方。 That Giant whole body is all black, lives four first eight arms, eight arms search into in Void, mixes the Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Lake Eight Trigrams physical image. 巨人通体纯黑,生得四头八臂,八条手臂探入虚空中,搅动天、地、风、雷、水、火、山、泽八卦物象。 Four heads are slurred, but in each face to front in Void, then respective float handle Sword Instrument. 四个头颅模糊不清,但在每一张面孔所对前方的虚空中,则各自悬浮着一柄剑器 Some such as Flowing Wind similar invisible and without shape, some such as raging fire similar burning fiercely, some as if wave same non-stop ripples. Some sink to congeal heavy like the earth. 有的如流风一般无形无相,有的如烈火一般熊熊燃烧,有的仿佛水波一样不停荡漾。有的则如大地般沉凝厚重 This Giant stands there, has not revealed the how sharp point, but actually as if produces the resonance with entire Heaven and Earth. 这个巨人站在那里,并没有显露多么锐利的锋芒,但是却仿佛与整个天地产生共鸣。 Different from Immortal Sky Sword Qi Myriad Creations of Heaven and Earth is front. Also is different from Heaven Punishment Sword Qi in society hostility is the sword. 不同于仙天剑炁天地万物为锋。也不同于诛天剑炁化世间戾气为剑。 Giant Light Avatar as if regards Myriad Creations of Heaven and Earth to be possible to be a sword, oneself actually with it coinciding, instead does not form a special resonance, each other is independent, actually accompanies mutual promotion. 巨人光影仿佛视天地万物皆可为剑,自身却并不与之相合,反而形成一种特异的共鸣,彼此独立,却相伴相生 Four heads forehead, a little ray calmly is flashing, ice-cold and quiet. 四个头颅的眉心处,都有一点光芒在静静闪动,冰冷而又沉寂。 That Giant naturally is Luo Qingwu achievement Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivation Realm. Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol that builds. 巨人自然便是洛轻舞成就元婴后期境界。所修成的天地法相 Jet black ice-cold Profound Clear Sword fall on Luo Qingwu pure white such as in the palm of jade, her sword tip directs. Among Heaven and Earth resounds the sound of sea tide immediately. 漆黑冰冷的玄澈剑落在洛轻舞洁白如玉的手掌中,她剑锋一引。天地间顿时响起海潮的声音。 Meanwhile, that huge Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, a face right, hangs handle Sword Instrument in Void also to vibrate up. 与此同时,那巨大的天地法相,其中一张面孔所对,悬于虚空之中的一柄剑器也震动起来 Boundless endless black ocean appears in Heaven and Earth. Changes the black ocean waves that roared, picked up Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan together, to leading the way. 无边无尽的黑色汪洋出现在天地间。化作咆哮的黑色海浪,将洛轻舞诸葛战一起托起,向前行去。 That sea water, endless dark and cold, gloomy and cold bone-chilling, as if Devouring all radiance, Supreme Yin extreme cold Extreme Darkness. 那海水,无尽森寒,阴冷刺骨,仿佛吞噬一切光明,至阴至寒至暗 Innumerable huge black Ice Sword, sword tip is similar to the small mountain peak similar size, sends out ice cold chill in the air Sword Qi. Raises from the black sea tide, by topple the mountains and overturn the seas potential, cuts to before one's eyes Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation. 无数巨大的黑色冰剑,剑尖如同小山峰一般大小,散发凌冽寒意剑气。从黑色海潮中升起,以排山倒海之势,斩向眼前仙天太初剑阵 Luo Qingwu Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol front. Sword Instrument of that vibration, as if dances lightly in Void in this moment like surging tides, has a unique rhythm aesthetic sense. 洛轻舞天地法相面前。那如潮水般震动的剑器,在这一刻仿佛于虚空之中翩翩起舞,产生一种独特的韵律美感。 Zhuge Zhan launches own Mystical Ability Magic Force, matches Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation White Light, then and Luo Qingwu together just likes the endless black sea tide along with that goes forward toward the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation deep place. 诸葛战将自身神通法力展开,敌住仙天太初剑阵白光,然后便和洛轻舞一起随着那犹如无尽的黑色海潮,向着仙天太初剑阵深处前进。 One Sword Light cold sea ten thousand area units. Nine Yin Ocean Sword in precisely Luo Qingwu Great Four Symbols Executing Immortal Sword. 剑光寒海万顷。正是洛轻舞大四象斩仙剑中的九阴瀚海剑 Just likes continuous endless sea tide transformed into jet black ice-cold sword tip, leads Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan forwards. Marches into the Sword Formation deep place. 犹如连绵无尽般的海潮所化之漆黑冰冷的剑锋,带动洛轻舞诸葛战一路向前。步入剑阵深处。 Some Zhuge Zhan quite surprise looks to Luo Qingwu: This girl......” 诸葛战颇有些意外的看向洛轻舞:“这小妮子……” Although becomes the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Guest Official Elder many years, when with Luo Qingwu also has the contact, but Zhuge Zhan not previously has seen before this also the Luo Qingwu fully take action appearance, at this moment saw, somewhat is unavoidably surprised: Although already knew her Mystical Ability Magic Force by far common Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator, but did this also exceed too?” 虽然成为玄门天宗客卿长老多年,同洛轻舞也时有接触,但诸葛战此前还不曾见过洛轻舞全力出手的模样,此刻见了,也难免有些吃惊:“虽说早就知道她的神通法力远胜寻常元婴后期修士,但这也胜过太多了吧?” „Different from Sect Master Heaven Punishment Sword Qi, is different from Mount Shu Sword Dao, is different in this previous life all random Sword Dao......” “不同于宗主诛天剑炁,也不同于蜀山剑道,不同于此前世间所有的任意一种剑道……” Luo Qingwu launches Nine Yin Ocean Sword, constantly advances toward the Sword Formation deep place. 洛轻舞九阴瀚海剑展开,不断朝着剑阵深处推进。 At this moment, in Sword Formation the ray flashes, there is Sword Light flashes through suddenly, punctures toward the Luo Qingwu overhead. 就在这时,剑阵内光芒闪动间,突然有剑光闪过,朝着洛轻舞当头刺来。 That Sword Light such rapidness, completely has as if surmounted the Space impediment, in the wink of an eye, then arrived at Luo Qingwu front. 剑光如此之快,仿佛完全超越了空间阻隔,瞬息之间,便已经来到洛轻舞面前 Mount Shu Lesser Principle Sword Instrument! 蜀山少则剑器 The person of imperial sword is the one appearance scholarly, middle-aged man that the corners of the mouth belt smiles, one of the precisely Mount Shu 6 Lineages Sword Instruments, Lesser Principle Sword Instrument Lineage Sword Lord Sect Master, Sword Venerable Shaoze. 御剑之人乃是一个面目儒雅,嘴角带笑的中年男子,正是蜀山六脉剑器之一,少则剑器一脉剑主宗主,少则剑尊 This old in the past spirit refining Void Return, but in the war of Profound-extinguishing, was actually destroyed Void Return Dharma Body by Luo Qingwu Senior Brother Shi Tianhao, drops Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm. 此老昔年炼神返虚,但却在灭玄之战里,被洛轻舞师兄石天昊打碎返虚法体,以至于跌落回元神化身境界 Although after recuperating injury, he was still the Lesser Principle Sword Instrument Lineage Sword Lord grandmaster, was still Lesser Principle Sword Instrument Lineage strongest, but wanted again spirit refining Void Return, when actually did not know to. 虽然在养好伤势之后,他仍然是少则剑器一脉剑主宗师,仍然是少则剑器一脉最强者,但想要重新炼神返虚,却不知道要何年何月了。 Although he at this moment was still with smile on the face, but how that smiling face saw that somewhat is strange, the appearance of scholarly is the slightly distortion. 他此刻虽然仍面带微笑,但那笑容怎么看都有几分怪异,儒雅的面貌更是微微扭曲。 „The my Sect Immortal Sky Sword recast nears, how can make you delay? How can make you guys delay? How can make anybody delay?!” In the Sword Venerable Shaoze lowly shouted sound, the personal appearance shakes suddenly, body surrounding Void twists up, the innumerable Space layer upon layer pack, surrounds up Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan. 本宗仙天剑重铸在即,怎能让你耽误?怎么能让你们耽误?怎么能让任何人耽误?!”少则剑尊低喝声中,身形猛然一震,身体周围虚空都扭曲起来,无数空间重重叠叠,将洛轻舞诸葛战都包围起来 Overlapped Space is similar to sparkling transparent walls, as if a one mirror surface, all appears in these mirror surfaces the Sword Venerable Shaoze form, unpredictable, is hard to distinguish. 重叠的空间如同一面面亮晶晶的透明墙壁,又仿佛一个个镜面,在这些镜面中全都浮现少则剑尊的身影,变幻莫测,难以分辨。 Luo Qingwu actually knows that before one's eyes Sword Venerable Shaoze stimulates to movement his current pinnacle Lesser Principle Sword Instrument Strength, is not Reality and Illusion True and False fluctuates Path, but is Space and in the Time truth extremely excellent big Dao Technique gate. 洛轻舞却知道,眼前少则剑尊少则剑器力量催动到其自身当前极致,并非虚实真假变幻之道,而是空间时间道理上极为上乘的大道法门。 He likes at this moment simultaneously stands in many space and time levels, has represented the innumerable possibilities, drifts from place to place, but each possibility, really exists. 他此刻有如同时站在许多个时空层面中,代表了无数种可能,飘忽不定,但每一种可能,都是真实存在。 With the Sword Venerable Shaoze lowly shouted sound, numerous forms then together turned toward the Luo Qingwu assassination in the past. 随着少则剑尊低喝声,众多身影便一起向着洛轻舞刺杀过去。 But White Light that at the same time, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation expedites is also sparkling, oppresses Zhuge Zhan, keeping him from having the ample force to look after Luo Qingwu. 而与此同时,仙天太初剑阵催生出的白光也在闪耀,压迫诸葛战,让他无法有余力照顾洛轻舞 The Zhuge Zhan eyebrow twists. In the sneering sound, the whole body is similar to seven rainbow rosy cloud radiance, suddenly changes. again changes to gloriously radiant Ardent Sun, toward explodes in all directions loudly, isolates White Light outside all. 诸葛战眉毛一拧。冷笑声中,周身如同七彩虹霞般的光辉,猛然一变。重新化作光芒万丈烈日,朝着四面八方轰然爆开,将白光尽数隔绝于外。 He while this opportunity, looks hastily to Luo Qingwu, actually sees Luo Qingwu footsteps non-stop, stimulates to movement Nine Yin Ocean Sword continues to tow two people of leading the way at the same time, in the hand Profound Clear Sword in Void directs. 他趁此机会,连忙看向洛轻舞,却见洛轻舞脚步不停,催动九阴瀚海剑继续牵引二人前行的同时,手中玄澈剑在虚空中一引。 lines after lines verve swift and fierce Formless Astral Wind from the sword tip lasing. Said the Astral Wind non-stop fold compression innumerably, precise. Is changed to bright radiant Heavenly Wind Sword Light by invisible and without shape. 道道刚猛凌厉的无形罡风剑锋激射而出。无数道罡风不停折叠压缩,凝炼至极。由无形无相化作明亮璀璨的天风剑光 These Heavenly Wind Sword Light, a in Void revolution, again belong to Formless, in Void suddenly hidden suddenly hidden. Gathers suddenly disperses suddenly, Sword Light splits up variably, the whereabouts is uncertain, invisible and without shape, was actually full of the circle to melt the pleasant feeling, the advantage of destroying the hardest defenses. 这些天风剑光,在虚空中一转,重新归于无形,虚空中忽隐忽隐。忽聚忽散,剑光分化无常,行踪不定,无形无相,却又充满了圆融如意之感,无坚不摧之利。 Sword wind has 99 unreliably, Great Four Symbols Executing Immortal Sword, Heavenly Wind Invisible Sword! 一剑风起99玄,大四象斩仙剑,天风无形剑 And is Luo Qingwu early has deduced pinnacle, results in 81 to say the Formless Sword Light return to origin Formless sword! 并且是洛轻舞早已经推演到极致,得九九八十一无形剑光归元无形剑! Interlocks able to move unhindered. Sword Light is evasive, is hard visual, but actually as if is everywhere. Camouflages entire Void. 交错纵横之间。剑光不可捉摸,难以目视,但却仿佛无处不在。遮蔽整个虚空 Assassination of Sword Venerable Shaoze from same Time, is Formless Sword Light blocks in all directions all, does not get the little advance. 少则剑尊来自四面八方同一时间的刺杀,尽数为无形剑光所阻,不得寸进。 Luo Qingwu top of the head Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, a face to in Void, a handle as if by Formless Flowing Wind concise form Sword Instrument, is dancing lightly in the midair. With Heaven and Earth without a trace, stopping at nothing Formless Sword Light coordinates with each other across a great distance. 洛轻舞头顶天地法相,其中一张面孔所对的虚空中,一柄仿佛由无形流风所凝练而成剑器,正在半空中翩翩起舞。与天地间无影无踪,无所不至的无形剑光遥相呼应。 Sword Venerable Shaoze heart imposing between. Then listens to Luo Qingwu calmly saying: Broken.” 少则剑尊心头凛然之间。便听洛轻舞静静说道:“破。” The voice has not fallen, Formless Sword Light counter-attacks outrageously, 81 said Formless Sword Light, as if suddenly united in this moment, actually as if transform into endless, was hard to count again. 话音未落之间,无形剑光悍然反攻,九九八十一无形剑光,在这一刻仿佛骤然合一,却又似乎化为无尽,再难以计数。 But in the wink of an eye, is similar to places a lot of World, the trail is hard Sword Venerable Shaoze that is definite, actually in same Time by innumerably the Formless Sword Light attack. 但瞬息之间,如同身处千百世界,踪迹难以确定的少则剑尊,却在同一时间遭受数不清的无形剑光袭击。 In stuffy hum, the Sword Venerable Shaoze personal appearance falls to draw back backward, seals up Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan lines after lines folds the wall of Space formed, was defeated all. 哼声中,少则剑尊身形向后跌退,封闭洛轻舞诸葛战的一道道折叠空间所成之墙壁,被尽数击破。 That as if sparkling transparent wall similar folding Space, at this moment just likes the shatter ice surface, the unceasing embrittlement comes. 那仿佛亮晶晶透明墙壁一般的折叠空间,此刻犹如破碎的冰面,不断脆裂开来。 Together with Sword Venerable Shaoze form, one shatter. 连同其中少则剑尊的身影,一个个破碎。 All Space disrupt together, the Sword Venerable Shaoze personal appearance fluctuates, returns gradually is one, his sword hands over left hand, right hand cuts off by the complete wrist impressively, wound place big radiance sprinkles, just likes the blood. 所有空间一起碎裂,少则剑尊的身形变幻之间,渐渐重归为一,他剑交左手,右手赫然被齐腕斩断,伤口处大蓬光辉洒落,犹如鲜血。 Sword Venerable Shaoze raises the head, is staring at front purple clothes young girl stubbornly, Lesser Principle Sword Instrument that oneself cultivates, so will be unexpectedly defeated, this makes him startled and anger. 少则剑尊抬头,死死盯着面前的紫衣少女,自己所修炼的少则剑器,竟然会如此落败,这让他又惊又怒。 He knows the before one's eyes female is Profound Gate's Master under Lin Feng's tutelage smallest Direct Disciple Luo Qingwu, knows that this female is expert in Sword Dao in under Lin Feng's tutelage various disciples, but he knows similarly that Luo Qingwu does not follow Lin Feng to study that to let Heaven Punishment Sword Qi that all Mount Shu Sword Cultivator are shamed directly. 他识得眼前女子乃是玄门之主林锋座下最小的亲传弟子洛轻舞,也知道此女在林锋座下诸弟子中专精剑道,但他同样更知道,洛轻舞并不是直接跟随林锋修习那让所有蜀山剑修蒙羞的诛天剑炁 Mentioned accurately, Luo Qingwu under the Lin Feng direction, was based on Heavenly Dao Virtuous Scripture, oneself studied comprehend to belong to her sword Dao Technique gate. 准确说来,洛轻舞是在林锋指点下,以天道德经为本,自己修习参悟属于她个人的剑道法门。 If there is defeated facing Heaven Punishment Sword Qi, Sword Venerable Shaoze also can accepts, but loses to under Sword Dao that Luo Qingwu studies at this moment unexpectedly, loses to the one Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator sword bottom by Divine Origin boundary cultivation base, this makes Sword Venerable Shaoze only feel that has a dizzy spell. 若是面对诛天剑炁败了,少则剑尊可以接受,可是此刻竟然败于洛轻舞所修习的剑道之下,以元神之境修为败于一个元婴期修士剑底,这让少则剑尊只感觉到一阵头晕目眩。 Mount Shu Sword Dao, does not accommodate the light shame, the yellow mouth young child rests crazily, meets my this sword!” Calls out the sound to get up, one path refining up Sword Light, by minute day potential toward Luo Qingwu. 蜀山剑道,不容轻辱,黄口小儿休狂,接我这一剑!”暴喝声响起,一道匹炼般的剑光,以分天之势朝着洛轻舞袭来。 endless Sword Qi Sword Intent was compressed in together Sword Light of transform into thousand zhang (3.33 m) length, the Sword Light completely congealment is the essence, as if handle peerless Divine Sword, spans the sky, is very precise, incomparably violent! 无穷无尽剑气剑意被压缩在一起化为千丈长短的剑光,剑光完全凝结为实质,仿佛一柄绝世神剑,横亘天空,无比凝炼,无比暴烈! precisely Missing Deal Sword Instrument! 正是少商剑器 Mount Shu Sword Sect original Sword Venerable Shao Shang was Lin Feng seizes, arrests Profound Heavenly Seal Divine Flag, at this moment appeared in the person of Luo Qingwu front, was actually Mount Shu post-war new generation Sword Venerable Shao Shang, although also cannot spirit refining Void Return, but cultivation base is Mount Shu Sword Sect Missing Deal Sword Instrument Lineage current strongest. 蜀山剑宗原先的少商剑尊林锋所擒,拘上了玄天封神旗,此刻出现在洛轻舞面前之人,却是蜀山之战后新一代少商剑尊,虽然还没能炼神返虚,但一身修为已经是蜀山剑宗少商剑器一脉当前的最强者。 At this moment he stimulates to movement arrived pinnacle own Sword Dao Strength, attacks toward Luo Qingwu vicious. 此刻他将自身剑道之力催动到了极致,朝着洛轻舞凶狠攻来。 Luo Qingwu raises the head looks to him, faint said: Although once lost to Master hand, but I still very much admired to Mount Shu Sword Dao, but, resembles you guys this kind of person, actually not in this row.” 洛轻舞抬头看向他,淡淡说道:“虽然曾经败于家师之手,但我对蜀山剑道仍然是很佩服的,不过,似你们这等样人,却不在此列。” Saying, her right hand was holding Profound Clear Sword, a left hand move, Bamboo Staff appeared in the midair. ( to be continued ) 说着,她右手玄澈剑,左手则一招,一根竹杖出现在半空中。(未完待续) ps: Today this chapter of renewal late, apologized to everybody. ps:今天这章更新晚了,向大家道歉。 Explained, this time has not related with mother anything, my issue. 说明一下,这次跟点娘没啥关系,我个人的问题。 The chapter that originally written, sent to be good, but before sending, I had the new idea regarding the following plot, therefore started from this chapter, the content has then made the large scale revision, nearly in recomposition. 本来已经写好的章节,发一下就行了,但是发之前,我对于后续剧情有新想法,所以从这一章开始,内容便进行了大幅度的修改,近乎于重写。 Daytime wants to write was too difficult, can only write, pulls out Time to write, slowly writes, not having the efficiency may say, therefore has towed now. 白天想写太难了,只能偷着写,抽时间写,慢慢写,毫无效率可言,所以一直拖到现在。 The chapter that later writes cannot use, or must make the big revision. 之后写好的章节也不能用了,或者说也要进行大修改。 Individual feeling from the content, rewrites or to be worth, but made everybody wait for a long time in the morning, but also please excuse me. 个人感觉从内容上来说,重写还是值得的,不过上午让大家久等了,还请见谅。
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