HNOF :: Volume #13

#1207: To cast Immortal Sky by Nine Heavens!

The that path person's shadow coerces during the flowing light, falls into Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper fixes the eyes on to look, is actually the one black clothed youth. 那道人影裹挟在流光之中,落入仙天太初剑阵里,天罡剑尊定睛看去,却是一个黑衣青年。 This youth has not lost the consciousness, but he regarding the oneself present situation, not any means may say, but his look is usual, the vision is calm, does not appear flurried. 这青年并没有失去意识,但他对于自己眼下的处境,并无什么办法可言,不过他神色如常,目光冷静,不显得慌乱。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper does not know before one's eyes this youth, but after his Divine Consciousness has swept, immediately realizes the issue. 天罡剑尊并不认识眼前这个青年,但他神识扫过之后,顿时察觉问题。 This youth within the body seems containing one path unexpectedly illusory vigorous Sword Intent of probability body, made the person palpitation. 这青年体内竟仿佛蕴含着一道似虚幻又似实体的蓬勃剑意,令人心悸。 That as if great as the sky, a sword holds myriad Grand Dao Sword Intent, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, although has not contacted actually, is actually well-known for a long time: Ancient Heaven Gate Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword? Not is only Sword Dao Sword Intent, contained other to exist, this feeling......” 那仿佛宏大如天,一剑容纳万千大道剑意,天罡剑尊虽然没有实际接触过,却也闻名已久:“上古天门大九天神剑?不仅仅是剑道剑意,更蕴含了其他存在,这种感觉……” The bonus was Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper usually landslide in Qian was without turning a hair, can make his rude matter unusually, at this moment also cannot help but changed complexion: „...... In that handle hearsay does not have genuinely to cast, but had Nine Heavens Sword of foundation?!” 饶是天罡剑尊素来山崩于前而面不改色,少有能令他失态之事,此刻也不由得变了脸色:“……那柄传闻中没有真正铸成,但已经有了基础的九天剑?!” His shocking looks at Green Dark Sword Venerable: Where do you find such one person?!” 他震惊的看着苍冥剑尊:“你从哪里找来这样一个人?!” Green Dark Sword Venerable faint said: In you go to Heaven Desolate Land after the mountain, I also once left Mount Shu, in all directions roaming.” 苍冥剑尊淡淡说道:“在你离山赴天荒广陆之后,我也曾经离开蜀山,四处漫游。” He looked at Ji Wenrui and Sword Venerable Li Xiong on and Sword Venerable Lesser Yang an eye below Mount Shu: You should know, after I remould sword heart restores cultivation base, if I really want to conceal, Wenrui they could not realize that anything, Wenrui dispatched Lesser Yang to monitor me, but futile effort.” 他看了下方蜀山上的姬文睿离凶剑尊少阳剑尊一眼:“你该知道,在我重塑剑心恢复修为之后,如果我真想隐瞒,文睿他们察觉不了什么,文睿少阳来监视我,不过徒劳而已。” Green Dark Sword Venerable shook the head: I the state of mind did not have at that time thoroughly stable. in the heart still also many confusedness, then simply left Great Thousand World, the not in Divine Great Land stay. Also your similar depart Heaven Desolate Land, I at will do not walk in Heavens in Void, flaneries.” 苍冥剑尊摇了摇头:“我当时心绪还没有彻底稳固。心中仍然还有诸多迷茫,便索性离开了大千世界,不在神州浩土停留。也不似你一般去了天荒广陆,我就在诸天虚空中随意行走,漫无目的。” Who once thinks that in one in Thousand World, looks at arrived this child unexpectedly by Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword Sword Dao Behead Monster Race, he pours also discretely, completely avoids other people. The scene also does not keep any living witness, but but one Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator. How can also realize my existence? I watch, for a while under is curious, then took him.” “谁曾想,竟然在一处中千世界中,看到了此子大九天神剑剑道斩杀妖族,他倒也谨慎,完全避开他人。现场又不留任何活口,但不过一个元婴期修士。又如何能察觉我的存在?我看在眼里,一时好奇之下,便拿了他。” Result inspects carefully, I discovered. He not only studies Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword sword Dao Divinity, actually also has Nine Heavens Sword sword image that Ancient Heaven Gate has not cast, and has offered a sacrifice to practice successful half.” “结果仔细检查,我才发现。他不仅仅是修习大九天神剑道神通,竟然还身怀上古天门未铸成的九天剑剑影,并且已经祭练成功一半了。” Green Dark Sword Venerable has smiled one: No matter Supreme Void Temple, or we, or other people, searches for many years of Nine Heavens Sword, travel far and wide looking for something, finally only to find it easily, my also surprise.” 苍冥剑尊笑了一声:“不管是太虚观,还是我们,又或者其他人,搜寻多年的九天剑,踏破铁鞋无觅处,结果得来全不费工夫,我也意外的很。” He looks all around 4 sides Darkness Void: It seems like. Dark, has Grand Dao True Meaning, should my Sect Immortal Sky Sword again appear.” 他环顾四方黑暗虚空:“看来。冥冥之中,自有大道真意,合该本宗仙天剑重新出世。” Green Dark Sword Venerable was saying at the same time. Some complexion slightly gloomy: Profound Gate's Master delivers my Sect Immortal Sky Sword enter extinction by Sword Dao, I and others definitely is unable unexpectedly recast Immortal Sky Sword.” 苍冥剑尊一边说着。脸色微微有些阴沉:“玄门之主剑道本宗仙天剑入灭,以至于我等竟然完全无法重铸仙天剑。” Then is before one's eyes Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, even if recast Immortal Sky Sword, but whether also to reappear the Immortal Sky Sword previous point, was still the unknown number, not to mention bring it up a level.” “便是眼前仙天太初剑阵,即便重铸了仙天剑,还能否重现仙天剑此前的锋芒,仍然是未知之数,更别提更上一层楼。” Green Dark Sword Venerable shook the head: Thunderbolt. Heavenly Connection they, although has breakthrough again. But currently speaking, root also my Mount Shu Immortal Sky Sword Qi here, but this Nine Heavens Sword is different.” 苍冥剑尊摇了摇头:“霹雳通天他们,虽然再有突破。但目前来说,根源还在我蜀山仙天剑炁这里,而这九天剑则不同。” Offers sacrifices Sword Instrument that this handle has not completed, just now can genuinely recast Immortal Sky Sword, enables Immortal Sky Sword to have possibility make further progress to go a step further.” “将这柄尚未完成的剑器献祭,方才可以真正重铸仙天剑,更使得仙天剑有可能百尺竿头更进一步。” That is stranded youth during flowing light, precisely Beyond the Heaven Mountain Chu Yang. 那困于流光之中的青年,正是天外山褚阳 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper looks at Chu Yang, quite surprise: „Does this child actually have Nine Heavens Sword? Nine Heavens Sword unexpectedly also again appeared?” 天罡剑尊看着褚阳,颇为意外:“此子竟然身怀九天剑九天剑竟然也重新出世了?” Green Dark Sword Venerable said: This sword has not built up thoroughly, at this moment also coincides with this youngster Divine Soul, if not investigates specially, is You and I usually an eye has swept, is unable to realize so secret, but, after at this moment by my Sword Qi restrictions, all, actually took in everything at a glance.” 苍冥剑尊说道:“此剑尚未彻底炼成,此刻还与这年轻人神魂相合,若非特意探查,便是你我平时一眼扫过,也无法察觉如此隐秘,不过,此刻被我剑气禁制之后,所有一切,却都是一览无余了。” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Divine Consciousness sweeps Chu Yang whole body, brow slightly has shaken suddenly: Besides Nine Grand Heavens Divine Sword Sword Dao, but also has the way that the Blood River Dao series and Sword Dao fuse? But the Dao Technique background, is actually Beyond the Heaven Mountain......” 天罡剑尊神识扫过褚阳全身上下,眉头突然微微一抖:“除了大九天神剑剑道之外,还身怀血河道统与剑道融合的路数?但道法底子,却是天外山的……” Regarding Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, Beyond the Heaven Mountain tiny is not worth mentioning completely, is Beyond the Heaven Mountain these years most attaches to the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect middle-and-small influence, when still can not Green Dark sword sect such Expert of he and cares. 对于天罡剑尊而言,天外山渺小的完全不值得一提,便是天外山这些年是最依附玄门天宗的中小型势力,也仍然当不得他和苍冥剑宗这样的强者在意。 however, experienced they, under the Dao Technique general way or understanding of most Sect regarding throughout the world, usually completely do not care, will not take the thoughts to remember, if there is a need, immediately can place the information that turns out to need from Sea of Consciousness. 只不过,见多识广的他们,对于普天之下绝大多数宗门道法大概路数还是认识的,平时完全不放在心上,也不会占用心思记忆,但一旦有需要,立刻就能从识海身处翻出所需要的信息。 Green Dark Sword Venerable nodded: good, the this child really is Beyond the Heaven Mountain disciple, who once thinks that including small low-lying muddy land that in the shallow water is not, raises a small flood dragon unexpectedly?” 苍冥剑尊点了点头:“不错,此子确实是天外山门人,谁曾想到,连浅水都算不上的小泥洼中,竟然养出一条小蛟?” Beyond the Heaven Mountain these years are following close on Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, others look at the unusuality of doesn't come out this child, Profound Gate's Master can definitely look that but he always keeps this youngster place this sword, does not have other looking, whatever it runs its own course.” 天外山这些年紧跟着玄门天宗,别人看不出此子的异常,玄门之主肯定能看出来,不过他却将此剑始终留在这年轻人处,却也没有别的关照,任由其自生自灭。” Was actually bumped into by me in today, all are the divine intervention.” “却在今日被我撞见,一切皆是天意。” Green Dark Sword Venerable face upwards smiles: I have inspected, on this child not the Profound Gate's Master reservation institution, today really should my Sect Immortal Sky Sword revisit Great Thousand World!” 苍冥剑尊仰天一笑:“我已检查过,此子身上并无玄门之主预留机关,今日果然合该本宗仙天剑重临大千世界!” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper looks at he, seems looking at the one completely strange person: Green Dark did Junior Brother, in your in the heart deep place, lose the confidence to my Sect Sword Dao thoroughly?” 天罡剑尊看着他,仿佛在看一个完全陌生的人:“苍冥师弟,在你心中深处,已经彻底对本宗剑道失去信心了吗?” Present you, were the same with initial Luoshi!” “现在的你,和当初的落石一样了!” Green Dark Sword Venerable shakes the head: I never lose the confidence to my Sect Immortal Sky Sword Qi, but blind insistence and confidence, but is arrogant, all rivers run into the sea, swallows anything and everything uncritically, why not?” 苍冥剑尊摇头:“我从未对本宗仙天剑炁失去信心,但盲目的坚持与自信,不过是自大而已,海纳百川,兼收并蓄,有何不可?” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper bilabial tight sip, has not made the sound, but Divine Consciousness thought actually in Void echo: all rivers run into the sea, from may, but in your moral nature deep place, the sea no longer be the sea all.” 天罡剑尊双唇紧抿,没有发出声音,但神识意念却在虚空中回响:“海纳百川,自无不可,但在你心底深处,海已经不再是海了。” Green Dark Sword Venerable indifferent saying: Heavenly Dipper Senior Brother, talks too much uselessly, the fact will show that I am correct.” 苍冥剑尊漠然的说道:“天罡师兄,多言无益,事实会证明,我才是正确的。” His right hand holds Ancient Sword Green Dark, left hand Sword Secret Art directs, the Chu Yang form disappeared in Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, sky-filling White Light is even more vast. 右手古剑苍冥,左手剑诀一引,褚阳的身影已经消失在仙天太初剑阵之中,漫天白光越发浩渺。 A Green Dark Sword Venerable right hand Long Sword finger, as if Green Dark Green Sky Sword Light spreads top of the sky to launch immediately, takes away as many things as possible toward Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 苍冥剑尊右手长剑一指,顿时仿佛苍冥碧空般的剑光天盖地展开,向着天罡剑尊席卷而去。 Had been separated from Great Thousand World, places oneself in endless in Void, but this moment two people top of the head as if covers blue sky. 本来已经脱离大千世界,置身于无尽虚空中,但此刻两人头顶仿佛又笼罩一片蓝天。 But Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation radiance coincides with Green Dark Sword Venerable Sword Intent, causes its Strength significant growth. 仙天太初剑阵光辉则与苍冥剑尊剑意相合,使得其力量大幅度增长。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper unemotionally, similarly inspires Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper in hand, immediately is one path Star River across the sky, with the Green Dark Sword Venerable Sword Intent fight in the same place. 天罡剑尊面无表情,同样一振手中的古剑天罡,立刻便是一道星河横空,与苍冥剑尊剑意斗在一起。 But after Chu Yang and Nine Heavens Sword sword image sent in Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, Sword Formation Strength got up for several points to change obviously, while becoming shake, and unstable, actually also even more mysterious formidable. 但在褚阳九天剑剑影被送入仙天太初剑阵后,剑阵之力明显起了几分变化,在变得震荡且不稳定的同时,却也愈发玄妙强悍 Mountain Gate Great Formation Strength of nine big sword sects, by absorb to Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, each Sect Formation Strength, had been surpassed in those days the limit continuously completely, lets these Formation original masters, the sentiment of in the heart doubts suspicion is getting more and more heavy. 九大剑宗的山门大阵之力,被源源不断吸纳仙天太初剑阵里,各个宗门阵法力量,全部都已经超过往日极限,让这些阵法的原主人,心中疑惑猜忌之情越来越重。 In Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, an intermittent grinding sword sound is even more resonant, more and more formidable Sword Intent from there spreads, as if must nearby Heaven and Earth entire transform into Sword Qi World. 仙天太初剑阵内,一阵阵磨剑声越发嘹亮,越来越强大剑意从中传出,仿佛要将附近天地整个化为剑气世界 But at this moment in attack Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Zhuge Zhan, then feels the arrived matter change immediately. 而此刻正在攻击仙天太初剑阵诸葛战,则立刻感觉到了事情变化。 An eyebrow of his pair of pale golden color pressed up: Um? Sword Formation Strength strengthened, while assisting Green Dark Sword Venerable resists Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, really also has the ample force to deal with attack of old man?” 他一对淡金色的眉毛蹙了起来:“嗯?剑阵之力加强了,在协助苍冥剑尊对抗天罡剑尊的同时,竟然还有余力应对老夫的攻击?” This old is also with the strong crabby, seeing that both hands immediately takes back the front, Secret Technique fluctuates continuously, whole body thousand Myriath Paths Sun divine light gather, appears oneself Sun Divine Light Dao fruit. 此老也是个遇强则强的暴脾气,见状双手顿时收回胸前,法诀连续变幻,周身千万道太阳神光聚拢,显化自己太阳神光道果。 The Zhuge Zhan Sun Divine Light Dao fruit flies airborne, Vault of Heaven opens wide immediately, reveals the Yang Luminary - Sun star, among Heaven and Earth one for it dark, formidable Strength non-stop surges, strongest Mystical Ability that precisely Zhuge Zhan cultivates, Bright Sun Holy Blaze. 诸葛战太阳神光道果飞上空中,天穹顿时洞开,露出日曜太阳星,天地间为之一暗,强大力量不停涌动,正是诸葛战所修的最强神通,辉日圣烨 Endless Heaven and Earth, boundless Void, the Star Sea Milky Way, as if all hidden enters in Darkness at this moment, is always has existed likely on not previously. 无尽天地,茫茫虚空,星海银河,这一刻仿佛全部都隐入黑暗中,像是从来就不曾存在过。 Only has Sun, is the only magnificence, only reality, Paramount radiance, Paramount ruler. 唯有太阳,才是唯一的辉煌,唯一的真实,至高光明,至高主宰 On the Mount Shu earth, besides Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation White Light, surrounding piece of Darkness, is similar to falls into Eternal Night, does not have other radiance again, saw only above the Vault of Heaven one path radiant radiance to rumble straightly. 蜀山大地上,除了仙天太初剑阵白光之外,周围一片黑暗,如同陷入永夜,再无其他光明,就只见天穹之上一道璀璨光辉笔直轰了下来。 The Zhuge Zhan palm turns, Ardent Sun War Spear holds up in in hand, then receives and instructs Bright Sun Holy Blaze radiant radiance, sends out certainly strong one strike, hits above Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation. 诸葛战手掌一翻,烈日战矛在手中,然后接引辉日圣烨的璀璨光辉,发出绝强一击,打在仙天太初剑阵之上。 Although Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation is strong, but majority of Strength is used to assist Green Dark Sword Venerable and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Fighting Technique, at this moment was stabbed by Zhuge Zhan this lance, vast White Light was ripped open the one path gap unexpectedly forcefully. 仙天太初剑阵虽强,但大部分力量都用来协助苍冥剑尊天罡剑尊斗法,此刻被诸葛战这一矛刺中,浩渺的白光竟然被强行撕开一道缺口。 Green Dark Sword Venerable vision slightly round of cold outside Domain: Although does not think thoroughly to have no consideration for face with Profound Gate Heavenly Sect now, but already arrived at this time......” 界域之外的苍冥剑尊目光微微发寒:“虽说不想现在彻底与玄门天宗撕破脸,但都已经到了这个时候……” He is just thinking, opposite Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Sword Intent Sword Qi becomes even more is suddenly wild, the ear broadcasts the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper sound: Green Dark, do not compel me to kill you!” 他正想着,对面天罡剑尊剑意剑气陡然变得更加狂暴,耳边传来天罡剑尊的声音:“苍冥,别逼我杀你!” today matter succeeds, all different! The today matter defeats, you do not kill me, does not kill Greater Yin they, from being able to discriminate the human desire takes our life to be then quick, at the appointed time you and Wenrui and the others, how from place?” Green Dark Sword Venerable cried loud and long, wielded a sword to fight with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, while finger toward a Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation point. 今日事成,一切不同!今日事败,你不杀我,不杀太阴他们,自有别人欲取我们性命而后快,到时你和文睿等人,又如何自处?”苍冥剑尊长啸一声,一边挥剑与天罡剑尊相斗,一边手指向着仙天太初剑阵一点。 The Sword Formation Strength revolution is getting more and more anxious, but is actually not attack Zhuge Zhan, but further stimulates to movement Formation recast Immortal Sky Sword. 剑阵之力运转越来越急,不过却不是攻击诸葛战,而是进一步催动阵法重铸仙天剑 Green Dark Sword Venerable coldly said: Dies under your sword, or dies in others hand, my not care about, but Immortal Sky Sword again appear, I do not die with injustice unredressed!” 苍冥剑尊冷冷说道:“死在你剑下,还是死在别人手里,我不在乎,但仙天剑重新出世,我死不瞑目!” Mount Shu current cultivation base rank highest two big Ancient Elder, hits the earth-shattering in in Void that above Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation links up, but above under Divine Great Land, after a Zhuge Zhan forcefully breaks open Sword Formation corner/horn, surging White Light raids once more forcefully to him. 蜀山当前修为辈分最高的两大宿老,在仙天太初剑阵上方贯通的虚空中打得天崩地裂,而下方神州浩土之上,诸葛战强行破开剑阵一角之后,滚滚白光再次向他强行袭来。 Zhuge Zhan whole body Sun divine light changes to seven colors of the spectrum rainbow, the fuzzy Reality and Illusion boundary, prevents White Light outside. 诸葛战周身太阳神光化作七色长虹,模糊虚实界限,将白光阻挡于外。 Other source relies on the Bright Sun Holy Blaze formidable explosive force to rip open the gap Sword Formation temporarily, but if cannot continue to forward, under refuses to compromise, vigorous heavy Sword Formation, the endurance must be stronger than him eventually. ( to be continued ) 他方才凭借辉日圣烨强大爆发力暂时将剑阵撕开缺口,但如果不能继续向前,僵持之下,雄浑厚重剑阵,耐久力终究比他个人要更强。(未完待续) ps: Thank the book friend dwelling female day idle 10,000 coins to hit to enjoy, thanked other to subscribe this book, hit to enjoy this book, throws friends who the monthly ticket gave this book, thank you! ps:感谢书友宅女天闲的10000点币打赏,也感谢其他订阅本书,打赏本书,投月票给本书的朋友们,谢谢大家! Thanks! 谢谢!
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