HNOF :: Volume #13

#1206: Mount Shu changes

The Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper facial expression changes, the line of sight changes the Mount Shu direction, his indistinct can felt that by oneself transform into Nine Heavens Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, as if changed the original design. 天罡剑尊神情微变,视线转向蜀山方向,他隐约可以感到,被自己化为九天太初剑阵仙天太初剑阵,似乎又变回了原样。 The person who this moment Mount Shu high and low can achieve this point, only has Green Dark Sword Venerable. 此刻蜀山上下能做到这一点的人,唯有苍冥剑尊 Before the restlessness of in the heart, as if changed the formed reality in this moment, but however Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper knit the brows was, he felt that Heaven and Earth Grand Dao vibrated, as if Immortal Sky Sword must once more appear. 之前心中的不安,在这一刻仿佛变成了现实,而更然天罡剑尊皱眉的则是,他感到天地大道震动,仿佛仙天剑要再次出世 As Mount Shu Sword Sect nowadays cultivation base highest big sword cultivator, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper regarding the sensitivity of Immortal Sky Sword, without a doubt. 作为蜀山剑宗现如今修为最高的大剑修,天罡剑尊对于仙天剑的敏感,毋庸置疑。 Not is only he, his sword Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper, vibrates in non-stop, seems cheering similar. 不仅仅是他个人,他的佩剑古剑天罡,也在不停震动,仿佛在欢呼一般 Zhu Yi also met arrived Thunderbolt Sword Venerable and Sword Venerable Flowing Light sound transmission communication at this time, they do not determine the situation, but felt that the development is somewhat unusual, was saving some vigilantly, this moment even more alert. 朱易这时也接到了霹雳剑尊流光剑尊传音通讯,他们不确定情况,但感到事态发展有些反常,本就存着一些警惕,此刻更加戒备。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, Your Excellency and Mount Shu does there, currently have the relation?” Zhu Yi turn the head and looks to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper: Does not know Mount Shu that side, what situation the present is?” 天罡剑尊,阁下蜀山那里,现在有联系吗?”朱易转头看向天罡剑尊:“不知蜀山那边,现在是什么情况?” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper unemotionally, the vision is gazing at the Mount Shu direction, then line of sight again returns front Domain channel entrance. 天罡剑尊面无表情,目光注视着蜀山方向,然后视线重新转回面前界域通道入口 Almost does not need to ponder that about Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper that Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation has known similarly, first Time understand came the Mount Shu that side what happened matter. 几乎不用细想,对仙天太初剑阵同样有所了解的天罡剑尊,第一时间就已经明白过来蜀山那边发生了什么事情。 However his Clone is at this moment weak, Domain channel another side Shen Dragon King is staring at Divine Great Land here sound there. 但是此刻他却分身乏术,界域通道另一边申龙王就在那里盯着神州浩土这边的动静。 Although is calm, different in Kun Dragon King and other Dragon Clan, but does not mean Shen Dragon King is really timid. That Dragon Clan Expert, just in static waiting opportunity. 虽然性格沉稳,迥异于坤龙王龙族,但绝不意味着申龙王真的是胆怯。那位龙族强者,只是在静静等待机会罢了。 When really the opportunity approaches, he will not have slightly hesitant. Begins not to have any scruples. 真当机会来临时,他不会有丝毫犹豫。动起手来也不会有任何顾忌。 Zhu Yi stands above Paramita Golden Bridge, the double hand back in behind, the vision is staring at Domain channel entrance similarly: Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper , if there is matter anxiously processing, might as well first goes, here by stares below is being.” 朱易站在彼岸金桥之上,双手背在身后,目光同样盯着界域通道入口:“天罡剑尊若是有事急着处理,不妨先去,这里由在下盯着便是。” Mount Shu distance here, although also some distances, but compared with Western Hill City must nearly, the round-trip also faster.” 蜀山距离这里虽然也有些路程,但比西陵城要近多了,往返也更迅捷。” Zhu Yi said: Moreover Mount Shu that side is not Great Monster rebels. Heavenly Dragon Shen resulted in the news inconveniently not saying that even if has resulted in the news. Also not necessarily dares to readily believe that he also under guarding against us the wrap ambushes him.” 朱易说道:“而且蜀山那边不是大妖作乱。天龙申得消息不便不说,就算真得了消息。也未必敢轻信,他也一直在防备我们下套伏击他。” In situation that Your Excellency fast returns at once, so long as Southern Wasteland the doesn't come out momentous change, in short Time may guarantee the no worries.” 阁下速去速回的情况下,南荒这边只要不出大变动,短时间内可保无虞。” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper heard this. Silent has flickered, Divine Consciousness thought in Void reverberation: I will return to Southern Wasteland quickly, before this is handled by Your Excellency on the junction.” 天罡剑尊闻言。沉默了一瞬,神识意念在虚空中回荡:“我很快会回返南荒,此前就交由阁下处置。” finished speaking, his whole person changes to one path Sword Light, leaves from Paramita Golden Bridge, flies to escape to go toward the Northwest. 说罢,他整个人化作一道剑光,从彼岸金桥上离开,向着西北方飞遁而去。 Is rushing to Western Hill City road Shi Tianhao and the others on, at this moment also receives the arrived rumor, although unclear detailed circumstances, but also knows that the matter is unusual. 正在赶往西陵城路上的石天昊等人,此刻也收到了风声,虽然不明具体情况,但也知道事不寻常。 Shi Tianhao looks to Luo Qingwu: Little Junior Sister. We then here separate to move.” 石天昊看向洛轻舞:“小师妹。我们便在这里分开行动吧。” His goes to Western Hill City, provides against contingencies, goes to save others. If there is matter, inevitably is the big danger, Luo Qingwu and the others with him, unavoidably will suffer as an innocent bystander. 他此去西陵城,是为防万一,前去救人。若真有事,必然是大危险,洛轻舞等人跟着他,难免会受池鱼之殃。 Other Luo Qingwu or Junior disciples, this time come out for to gain experience, some surpass their area of competence too many aspects obviously. naturally upward will not collect on own initiative. 不论是洛轻舞还是其他晚辈弟子,这次出来是为了历练,有些明显超出他们能力范围太多的局面。自然不会主动往上凑。 Therefore before this Shi Tianhao and the others debated discussed appropriately, will be led Luo Qingwu and the others to return to Kunlun Mountain range by Zhuge Zhan. But Shi Tianhao oneself goes to Western Hill City, the only Lu Yuan Great Saint accompaniment, to do to take care. 所以此前石天昊等人辩已经商议妥当,将由诸葛战带着洛轻舞等人返回昆仑山脉。而石天昊自己前往西陵城,只有卢源大圣陪同,以作照应。 Great Qin Dynasty provides the general publics to go to Kunlun Mountain range, to be cautious, Xiao Yan left Kunlun Mountains, arrives around the Great Qin area to greet. 大秦皇朝输送普通民众前往昆仑山脉,为了稳妥起见,萧焱离开了昆仑山,来到大秦疆域附近迎接。 Mount Shu causes trouble, primarily will affect the Southern Wasteland situation, Xiao Yan, Zhu Yi, Shi Tianhao and the others after communicate, basically recognized that Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper should is credible, but actually Mount Shu left anything to change, was actually hard to expect. 蜀山生变,首先就会影响到南荒局势,萧焱朱易石天昊等人在沟通之后,都基本认定,天罡剑尊应该可信,但蜀山究竟出了什么变化,却难以预料。 If Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper then is also involved from the beginning, all are the arrangement plan, then the situation will be serious. 如果从一开始天罡剑尊便也介入其中,一切都是安排计划好的,那么事态就会非常严重。 Xiao Yan during the arrangement greets Great Qin Cultivator, already toward Mount Shu direction moving. 萧焱在安排迎接大秦修士的同时,已经朝着蜀山方向移动 But in situation unclear situation , not good to display to former in War between Two Worlds good Mount Shu Sword Sect demonstrated clearly does not trust, particularly Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper personally returned to the Mount Shu situation. 但事态不明的情况下,也不好对之前在两界战争中表现不俗的蜀山剑宗表现出明显的不信任,尤其是天罡剑尊已经亲自返回蜀山的情况下。 Therefore after consultation, as Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Sword Dao direct line, the status is heavy, but cultivation base somewhat low Luo Qingwu, was also arranged to go to Mount Shu to attend the ceremony, finds out. 于是经过协商之后,作为玄门天宗剑道嫡传,身份地位够重,而修为还偏低的洛轻舞,便被安排前往蜀山观礼,一探究竟。 Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Expert Zhuge Zhan will accompany her to go together, but Xiao Yan awaits the news in the West Shu peripheral zone. 合道境界强者诸葛战会陪同她一起前往,而萧焱就在西蜀边缘地带等候消息。 Shi Tianhao looks at Luo Qingwu, said earnestly: Little Junior Sister, so the arrangement, actually has the risk, Eldest Senior Brother, although takes care of outside, Second Senior Brother also possibly sharply goes to Mount Shu, but if some people take risks, you and safety of Mr. Zhuge, does not have the completely safe safeguard.” 石天昊看着洛轻舞,认真说道:“小师妹,如此安排,其实有风险,大师兄虽然在外照应,二师兄也可能急赴蜀山,但若真有人铤而走险,你和诸葛先生的安全,并没万全保障。” He said that naturally refers to the worst possibility, namely Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper also has problems, all from the beginning are trap. 他这么说,自然是指最坏的可能,即天罡剑尊也出问题,一切从一开始就是圈套 So long as Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper doesn't come out issue, even if Green Dark Sword Venerable causes trouble, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper also can coerces him, at least will make the situation not lose control thoroughly. 只要天罡剑尊不出问题,那即便是苍冥剑尊生变,天罡剑尊可以压服他,至少使得局势不会彻底失控。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Green Dark Sword Venerable these two Mount Shu nowadays strongest has no time to Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan take action, then faces Mount Shu other people, the Luo Qingwu two people then sufficiently protect oneself. 天罡剑尊苍冥剑尊这两个蜀山现如今最强者无暇对洛轻舞诸葛战出手,那么面对蜀山其他人,洛轻舞二人便足以自保。 Worst, can support to Xiao Yan overtakes. 最不济,也能支撑到萧焱赶过去。 Luo Qingwu looks to Shi Tianhao, holds the fist in the other hand seriously a ritual: Little Senior Brother, I understand, I will pay attention.” 洛轻舞看向石天昊,郑重抱拳一礼:“小师兄,我明白,我会注意。” Shi Tianhao looks to Zhuge Zhan: Mr. Zhuge, my Little Junior Sister troubles you to take care of 1 or 2, the tour of this Mount Shu, the work you ran one.” 石天昊看向诸葛战:“诸葛先生,我小师妹麻烦您看顾一二,这次蜀山之行,劳你跑一趟了。” Zhuge Zhan beckons with the hand: doesn't need to be polite, the old man already entered my Sect, something, but duty-bound.” 诸葛战摆摆手:“无需客气,老夫既入了本宗,些许事情,不过分内而已。” Old man temper always dispersed, in Revered Master and past the let alone old man, the current political situation is also intense at present, old man naturally will not be coming by the temper again.” “老夫性子一向疏散惯了,尊师和诸位往日里也都放任老夫,眼下时局紧张,老夫自然不会再由着性子来。” After both sides said goodbye, Shi Tianhao and Lu Yuan Great Saint continued to go to Western Hill City, but Zhuge Zhan and Luo Qingwu went to Mount Shu. 双方道别之后,石天昊卢源大圣继续前往西陵城,而诸葛战洛轻舞则前往蜀山 disciple various Junior disciples, then still went to Kunlun Mountain range, first converges with Xiao Yan, then returns to Cloud Peak Mirror Lake. 门下晚辈弟子,则仍然前往昆仑山脉,首先与萧焱汇合,然后返回云峰镜湖 Zhuge Zhan launches oneself Escape Technique of rainbow ascend, Sun divine light flies the heaven alarming rainbow, bringing Luo Qingwu to go to Mount Shu together. 诸葛战展开自己的化虹飞升遁法,太阳神光化飞天长虹,带起洛轻舞一同前往蜀山 When they are good to Mount Shu one generation of boundary, then Zhuge Zhan stopped the footsteps, complexion dignified looks at distant place Void, the line of sight of Luo Qingwu looks similarly to there, sees only among Heaven and Earth to have one path broad White Light to pass through the vault of heaven, the huge white light beam occupying land area is vast, covers entire Mount Shu, as if piece of independent World. 当他们一路行至蜀山一代地界附近时,诸葛战便即停了脚步,脸色凝重看着远方虚空,洛轻舞的视线同样看向那里,就只见天地间有一道恢宏白光直贯苍穹,巨大的白色光柱占地辽阔,将整个蜀山笼罩在其中,仿佛一片独立世界 Although Luo Qingwu cultivation base is low, but estimates carefully, can feels terrifying Sword Intent that in that White Light contains clearly, as if wants heaven splitting earth shattering similar. 洛轻舞修为虽然较低,但细细揣摩,可以清楚感到那白光之中蕴含的恐怖剑意,仿佛要开天辟地一般 Immortal Sky Sword Sword Intent......” Luo Qingwu eyebrows slightly is also pressed, then raises the head looks at to White Light to Void: Mr. Zhuge, some there as if people at battle.” 仙天剑剑意……”洛轻舞双眉微微蹙起,然后抬头看向白光通向的虚空之中:“诸葛先生,那里似乎有人在争斗。” Zhuge Zhan nodded: Two extremely formidable sword cultivator, it seems like were Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Green Dark Sword Venerable.” 诸葛战点了点头:“两个极为强大剑修,看来便是天罡剑尊苍冥剑尊了。” Luo Qingwu mutter to oneself: Really is Green Dark Sword Venerable had problems?” 洛轻舞喃喃自语:“果然是苍冥剑尊出了问题吗?” Be that as it may said that but Luo Qingwu eyebrows instead Shu launches, between the Mount Shu two big giants in happen fights, that at least showed that the worst possibility does not have happen. 话虽如此说,但洛轻舞双眉反而舒展开,蜀山两大巨头之间发生内斗,那至少证明最坏的可能性没有发生 She stares at before one's eyes as if infinite Sword Qi Sword Intent to gather form White Light carefully: This is Nine Heavens Absolute Beginning Sword Formation...... No, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation? so that's how it is, Green Dark Sword Venerable uses the foundation that Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper has built, by Sword Formation Strength recast Immortal Sky Sword!” 她仔细盯着眼前仿佛无穷剑气剑意汇聚而成白光:“这就是九天太初剑阵……不,仙天太初剑阵吗?原来如此,苍冥剑尊是利用了天罡剑尊打下的基础,以剑阵之力重铸仙天剑!” Zhuge Zhan snort|hum: This Sword Formation domination, perhaps in the Green Dark Sword Venerable hand, give-and-take that can therefore hit with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper.” 诸葛战哼了一声:“这剑阵的控制权,恐怕是在苍冥剑尊手中,所以才能和天罡剑尊打的有来有往。” Luo Qingwu is staring at Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, said slowly: Although Sword Formation Strength was extracted, but Immortal Sky Sword still in the recast, unexpectedly the can diverting attention dual purpose, the price perhaps massively extracted other sword sect Mountain Gate Great Formation Strength.” 洛轻舞盯着仙天太初剑阵,徐徐说道:“虽然剑阵之力被抽取,但仙天剑仍然在重铸,居然可以分心两用,代价恐怕是更大规模抽取其他剑宗山门大阵力量。” The basic principle of Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, she also knows, the careful observation, then probably have several. 仙天太初剑阵的基本原理,她也知晓,仔细观察,便大概有数。 Zhuge Zhan said: Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper had been constrained by Green Dark, like this continues, the situation will be getting more and more bad, informing Xiao Yan to come, old man here must begin first.” 诸葛战说道:“天罡剑尊苍冥拖住了,这样继续下去,局势会越来越坏,通知萧焱过来吧,老夫这里要先动手了。” Green Dark Sword Venerable no doubt may resist Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper taking advantage of Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength, but he must with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Fighting Technique, as well as to cast the sword, facing other changes, the leeway that unavoidably has not diverted attention. 苍冥剑尊固然可借仙天太初剑阵力量抵御天罡剑尊,但他既要与天罡剑尊斗法,又要铸剑,面对其他变化,难免就没有分心的余地。 If Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation were broken or affected, Green Dark Sword Venerable then does not have enough Strength to resist Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 若是仙天太初剑阵被破或是受到影响,苍冥剑尊便没有足够力量抵御天罡剑尊 The Zhuge Zhan fist lifts, immediately is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) radiance sparkles, as if round Ardent Sun raises, then outrageously turns toward before one's eyes White Light to pound. 诸葛战拳头一抬,立刻便是万丈光辉闪耀,仿佛一轮烈日升起似的,然后就悍然向着眼前白光砸去。 Among Heaven and Earth suddenly resounding rolling thunder low sinking sound sound: Profound Gate Heavenly Sect?” 天地间突然响起滚雷般的低沉声音:“玄门天宗吗?” That precisely Green Dark Sword Venerable sound, his at this moment in Void and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Fighting Technique. 正是苍冥剑尊的声音,他此刻正在虚空中天罡剑尊斗法 Among Mount Shu Sword Sect present age two strongest big sword cultivator, launches a war, hits a piece Void Domain in confusion. 蜀山剑宗当代两名最强的大剑修之间,展开一场大战,将虚空界域打得一片狼藉。 Green Dark Sword Venerable cultivation base Cultivation Realm, is away from the Realm of Dharma-Ending only one pace, after remoulding sword heart, when reaches not arrive in the past is prosperous, but also differs not far, the strength is strong. 苍冥剑尊修为境界,距离末法之境只有一步之遥,重塑剑心后虽然达不到昔年鼎盛之时,但也相差不远,实力强劲。 however he early did not ascend a height to get a broad view eventually Realm of Dharma-Ending opponent of Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, fortunately has Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength to assist, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper is the injury that Kun Dragon King injures has not convalesced, the Green Dark Sword Venerable then can support resists. 只不过他终究不是早已经登临末法之境天罡剑尊对手,所幸有仙天太初剑阵之力相助,天罡剑尊坤龙王所伤的伤势也没有痊愈,苍冥剑尊这才可以支撑抵挡。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper looks at front Green Dark Sword Venerable, bilabial tight sip, the Divine Consciousness thought reverberates in Space: Green Dark, calls a halt!” 天罡剑尊看着面前苍冥剑尊,双唇紧抿,神识意念在空间中回荡:“苍冥,停手!” Facing this acquaintance over ten thousand years of fellow Junior Brother, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper in the end still does not endure to use Dharma-Ending Calamity Strength. 面对这位相识上万年的同门师弟,天罡剑尊终究还是不忍动用末法浩劫之力 By his Sword Dao accomplishments and cultivation base Cultivation Realm, an eye then can saw, although Green Dark Sword Venerable was the same with some time ago Green Sky Dragon King, only missed one path Dharma-Ending Calamity then can thoroughly to end Beginning Calamity. 他的剑道造诣修为境界,一眼便可以看出,苍冥剑尊虽然和不久前的碧空龙王一样,都是只差一道末法浩劫便可以彻底完了初劫 But currently the Green Dark Sword Venerable condition, by one path Dharma-Ending Calamity, besides fallen, will again not have at the scene the second possibility. 但现在苍冥剑尊的状态,挨一道末法浩劫,除了当场陨落以外,不会再有第二个可能。 not like Green Sky Dragon King also can wrestles, Green Dark Sword Venerable at this moment is doomed to cross the but this last tribulation. 不像碧空龙王可以搏一搏,此刻的苍冥剑尊注定渡不过这最后一劫。 Green Dark Sword Venerable tranquil looks at Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper: Heavenly Dipper Senior Brother, the Immortal Sky Sword recast, will not be I use, that just pearl covered in dust, this sword casts, on this occasion under the War between Two Worlds dangerous environment, is controls this sword by you inevitably.” 苍冥剑尊平静的看着天罡剑尊:“天罡师兄,仙天剑重铸,不会是我来使用,那只是明珠蒙尘罢了,此剑铸成,值此两界战争的险恶环境下,必然是由你来掌控此剑。” At the same time was saying, Green Dark Sword Venerable waves suddenly, makes a stream of light downward, falls into Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation without consulting anybody. 一边说着,苍冥剑尊突然挥手,向下打出一道光流,径自落入仙天太初剑阵之内。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper fixes the eyes on to look, in that path light stream, is containing a Daoist shade. ( to be continued ) 天罡剑尊定睛看去,那道光流中,包含着一道人影。(未完待续)
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