HNOF :: Volume #13

#1216: You said that whom you can cut?( in addition, thank gaining across the board of troyglxx pledge to hit to enjoy!)

Chu Yang Divine Origin Avatar in Void launches, golden color of Ancient Sword transformed into expresses a light cry, then suddenly is divided into nine, transform into nine stream of light. 褚阳元神化身在虚空中展开,所化金色古剑发出一声轻鸣,然后突然一分为九,化为道流光 This Nine Paths Sword Light flashes, then as if nine shining Heavenly River, well up toward Green Dark Sword Venerable, among wave light flashing, deducts numerous Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. 九道剑光一闪,便仿佛九条明晃晃的天河,朝着苍冥剑尊涌去,波光闪烁之间,演绎众多天地大道于其中。 Above nine Heavenly River, has the phenomenon to appear respectively, since some appear round shining Ardent Sun from the river water, some present layer upon layer Shadow from the river water above, some raise on the water surface a giant drying furnace, the layer upon layer phenomenon to mention just a few. 九条天河之上,各有异象出现,有的自河水上浮现起一轮金灿灿的烈日,有的自河水之上出现重重暗影,有的在水面上则升起一座巨大烘炉,重重异象不一而足。 These nine Heavenly River are in one in airborne again suddenly, all kinds Grand Dao belongs, in shining Heavenly River radiance sparkle, not only water glare, and Sword Light. 这九条天河在空中猛然又重新合为一体,万般大道归于一路,明晃晃的天河之中光辉闪耀,既似水光,又似剑光 But those who make Green Dark Sword Venerable care, in this Heavenly River, actually appears the faint scarlet, above has the white mist to wind around. 而更让苍冥剑尊在意的是,这天河之中,竟然浮现淡淡血色,其上更有白色云烟缭绕。 That white mist, is actually at to be specious, is somewhat similar to Mount Shu Sword Sect Immortal Sky Sword Qi. 白色云气,竟然在似是而非间,与自家蜀山剑宗仙天剑炁有几分相似。 Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan attack also attacked similarly toward Green Dark Sword Venerable at this time, but beside Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper offensive was similarly getting more and more anxious. 洛轻舞诸葛战攻击同样也在这时向着苍冥剑尊攻去,而仙天太初剑阵之外,天罡剑尊的攻势同样越来越急。 Green Dark Sword Venerable old face last this moment full is the cold severe color, his layer upon layer snort|hum, just liked the flat land crack the one thunderclap. 苍冥剑尊苍老的脸上这一刻满是冷厉之色,他重重哼了一声,犹如平地炸响一个焦雷。 Chu Yang and Nine Heavens Sword have gotten out of trouble from Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, Green Dark Sword Venerable also no longer suppresses simply, waves, sends in the Sword Formation core Absolute Beginning Sword Stone directly, gathers soldier one with Immortal Sky Sword. 褚阳九天剑已经从太初剑石中脱困,苍冥剑尊索性也不再予以压制,一挥手间,直接将太初剑石送入剑阵核心,与仙天剑合兵一处。 Although the Immortal Sky Sword carrying out thoroughly recast, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation was still imperfect, but Immortal Sky Sword and Absolute Beginning Sword Stone and nine big sword sect Sword Formation Strength integration these three big essential factors have gotten together. Sword Formation Strength under the stimulation of movement of Green Dark Sword Venerable, displays arrived current pinnacle immediately. 虽然仙天剑尚未彻底完成重铸,仙天太初剑阵仍然不完满,但是仙天剑太初剑石、九大剑宗剑阵之力统合这三大要素已经齐聚。剑阵之力苍冥剑尊的催动下,立刻发挥到了当前极致 The sword is murdering, although Immortal Sky Sword Qi cannot be used for the protection defense by no means. But its sharpest place, throughout or lies in the attack. 剑乃杀伐之器,虽然仙天剑炁并非不能用来护御防守。但其最犀利之处,始终还是在于进攻。 In the wink of an eye, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, then changes from defensive to offensive, in Immortal Sky Sword Domination, counter-attacks toward Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 瞬息之间,仙天太初剑阵便即反守为攻,在仙天剑统御之下,朝着天罡剑尊反攻过去。 Sword Formation formed light sphere diverges suddenly vanishes, white Immortal Sky Sword Qi breaks open Domain, inspires the entire Great Thousand World gathering. As if Heaven and Earth changes to handle Giant Sword completely, cuts to fall toward Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 剑阵所成光球忽然散去消失,白茫茫的仙天剑炁破开界域,引动整个大千世界汇聚。仿佛天地完全化作一柄巨剑,朝着天罡剑尊斩落。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper unemotionally. Wields the Heavenly Dipper sword, similar type swift and fierce Sword Dao counterattacks. 天罡剑尊面无表情。挥动天罡剑,同样一式凌厉剑道还击。 Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation totally gives up protection Strength, no longer maintains Sword World, inspires nine big sword sect Mountain Gate Great Formation Strength. Fully attack Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 仙天太初剑阵彻底放弃护御之力,不再维持剑界,引动九大剑宗山门大阵之力。全力攻击天罡剑尊 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper counting on the fingers light shell oneself Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper, on the sword blade resounds a low and deep echo immediately. 天罡剑尊屈指轻弹自己古剑天罡,剑身上顿时响起一阵低沉回响。 That sword whining noise not clear distant, instead low and deep heavy, as if the space stars explode to be the same. 那剑鸣声并不清脆悠远,反而低沉厚重,仿佛天上星辰爆裂开来一样。 His sword falls, Heavenly Sword Star River rewinds, just likes the mercury flows swiftly, Mount Shu in the Void non-stop disruption of this a side Great Thousand World, with that completely by Sword Light transformed into Star River surging, completely fearless Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation power and influence. In order to attack to attack. 他一剑落下,天剑星河倒卷,犹如水银泻地,蜀山所在这一方大千世界虚空不停碎裂,伴随着那完全由剑光所化星河滚滚而下,完全无惧仙天太初剑阵的威势。以攻对攻。 Green Dark Sword Venerable sends out a sigh suddenly: If can, I do not find out this bad plan, but Heavenly Dipper Senior Brother. At this time this place, appointed no one can prevent the Immortal Sky Sword recast!” 苍冥剑尊突然发出一声叹息:“如果可以,我真不想出此下策,但天罡师兄。此时此地,任谁也不能阻止仙天剑重铸!” A border defense, his palm is turning, there is stream of light flies the horizon suddenly. 一边守着,他手掌一翻,突然有道流光飞上天际。 That radiance is not powerful, but coincides after Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, the entire Sword Formation surface as if covers one Layer dim radiance. That is only hard to speak, is inenarrable. Is beyond description, but actually mysterious formidable, immeasurably deep. 光辉并不强盛,可是与仙天太初剑阵相合之后,整个剑阵表面仿佛都蒙上一层朦胧光辉。那光难以言说,难以描述。难以形容,但却玄奥强大,深不可测。 radiance and Sword Formation coincide, Sword Formation Strength launches loudly, sky-filling Sword Light dances in the air, blocks Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 光辉剑阵相合,剑阵之力轰然展开,漫天剑光飞舞,将天罡剑尊挡住。 In Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper both eyes erupts astonishing appearance radiance, was staring at Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation stubbornly, his line of sight as if transcends Sword Formation, on straight fall on Green Dark Sword Venerable. 天罡剑尊双目之中爆发出惊人的神采光辉,死死盯着仙天太初剑阵,他的视线仿佛穿越剑阵,笔直落在苍冥剑尊身上。 Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation no longer separates Space, Chu Yang, Luo Qingwu, Zhuge Zhan and the others was delivered from oppression, Zhuge Zhan also can once more opens access receives and instructs Yang Luminary - Sun star stars Strength. 仙天太初剑阵不再隔断空间,褚阳洛轻舞诸葛战等人重见天日,诸葛战可以再次畅通无阻的接引日曜太阳星星辰之力 But three people of not because of this feel relaxed, Luo Qingwu gazes in the sky that flashing inexplicable radiance Sword Formation, the heart was saying: In the past after the war of Mount Shu, Supreme Void Temple Supreme Elder Dao Venerable Jade Abyss goes to Mount Shu, afterward in Supreme Void Temple's Sword Dao integrates the Mount Shu Sword Sect Immortal Sky Sword Qi true line.” 但三人并没有因此感到轻松,洛轻舞注视着天空中那闪动莫名光辉剑阵,心道:“当年蜀山之战过后,太虚观太上长老玉渊道尊前往蜀山,事后太虚观的剑道之中融入蜀山剑宗仙天剑炁真传。” Now looks like, both sides exchanged at that time, in even more the expectation is more thorough, this radiance clearly is Supreme Void Temple's Heaven Forming Supreme Void Profound Light, this radiance is in Supreme Void Temple also only minority top-notch Powerhouse Cultivator builds, other people, is numerous Supreme Elder Council Member, is unable to stimulate to movement.” “现在看来,双方当时的交流,比预想中还要更深入,这光辉分明是太虚观的成天太虚玄光,此光辉便是太虚观中也只有少数最顶尖大能修士才修成,其他人,便是众多太上长老会成员,也无法催动。” This donation Mount Shu Sword Sect radiance, is perhaps hard-won, Supreme Void Temple Cultivator as if has not seen to be able this Treasure Light to refine the crystallization storage spare, so rare and valuable, no wonder can trade Immortal Sky Sword Qi.” Luo Qingwu vision flashes: „When but this Dao Light splendor, keeps in the mark to see with Master his Light Avatar Supreme Void Temple Expert that displays, as if also has the difference.” “这道赠予蜀山剑宗光辉,恐怕得来不易,太虚观修士似乎都没见过能将这宝光炼成结晶储存备用,如此希贵,难怪能换得仙天剑炁。”洛轻舞目光一闪:“不过道光辉,和师父他老人家的光影留痕里看到的太虚观强者施展时,似乎还有不同。” Luo Qingwu cultivation base Cultivation Realm after all also limited, has understanding in some surfaces regarding Heaven Forming Supreme Void Profound Light also just, knows limitedly, although thinks to have the difference, but is hard to distinguish carefully. 洛轻舞修为境界毕竟还有限,对于成天太虚玄光只是有一些表面上的了解,所知有限,虽然觉得有差别,但难以仔细分辨。 but her in the heart hidden has a feeling, is different after Supreme Void Temple has resulted in Immortal Sky Sword Qi can estimate, although is not necessarily able to build completely, but can from there derives the nutrient, nourishes oneself Sword Dao. 不过心中隐有所感,不同于太虚观得了仙天剑炁后能加以揣摩,虽然未必能完全修成,但可以从中汲取养分,滋养自家剑道 The Heaven Forming Supreme Void Profound Light that Mount Shu obtains, wants to estimate mysteriously, the difficulty feared must be higher. 蜀山得到的这成天太虚玄光,想要揣摩其中奥妙,难度怕是要高出许多。 In the past after the war of Mount Shu, the Mount Shu potential was weak, the Supreme Void Temple potential was big, has this difference, is also expected. 当年蜀山之战以后,蜀山势弱,太虚观势大,有此差别,也在意料之中。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper leaves Mount Shu, before going to Heaven Desolate Land, has not walked this profound band of light, kept Shu above the mountain, finally in fall on Green Dark Sword Venerable hand. 天罡剑尊离开蜀山,前往天荒广陆之前,没有将此玄光带走,留在了蜀山之上,结果落在苍冥剑尊手中。 however Green Dark Sword Venerable cannot attend to continue keep this profound light now to estimate slowly, holds its in addition directly above Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation. 只不过苍冥剑尊现在也是顾不得继续留着这玄光慢慢揣摩了,直接将其加持在仙天太初剑阵之上。 Using Supreme Void Temple Strength, or is used with fellow Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Fighting Technique, regarding Green Dark Sword Venerable, feels the mood to be despondent, but the critical moment, he could not attend to that many again. 利用太虚观之力,还是用来与同门天罡剑尊斗法,对于苍冥剑尊而言,也感到心情抑郁,但关键时刻,他也再顾不上那许多了。 Stimulates to movement Sword Formation Strength to meet head-on Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, but Green Dark Sword Venerable oneself left hand holds up high, one path Sword Light still towed Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, stimulates to movement Sword Formation Strength and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper fights, but his right hand averagely stretches out to the side, spreads out the palm. 催动剑阵之力迎战天罡剑尊,而苍冥剑尊自己左手高高举起,一道剑光仍然牵引仙天太初剑阵,催动剑阵之力天罡剑尊相斗,而他的右手则向侧面平平伸出,摊开手掌。 Sees one path broad Sword Light falls from the sky, as if Heavenly Pillar, Sword Qi Sword Intent expands toward 4 sides, great as the sky. The cage covers the dome. 就见一道恢宏剑光从天而降,仿佛天柱,剑气剑意向着四方扩展,宏大如天。笼盖穹窿。 Handle bronze Ancient Sword appears in the Green Dark Sword Venerable palm, Green Dark Sword Venerable wields gently, all around Heaven and Earth immediately shakes. As if was separated, precisely Ancient Sword Green Dark. 一柄青铜古剑出现在苍冥剑尊掌中,苍冥剑尊轻轻一挥,周遭天地顿时一抖。仿佛被割裂开来,正是古剑苍冥 Green Dark Sword Venerable stares at Chu Yang, Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan three people, coldly was saying: „Can the grand occasion that my Sect again rises, how make you guys go bad the important matter?” 苍冥剑尊盯着褚阳洛轻舞诸葛战三人,冷冷说道:“本宗重新崛起的盛况,怎能让你们坏了大事?” At the same time was saying, is a type azure deep sword escapes to cut, under a sword, green Sword Light spreads the top of the sky place. As if vault of heaven collapse similar, covers the Chu Yang three people. At this moment, the Void between day and place as if not exist, must cave. 一边说着,便是一式青冥剑遁斩出,一剑之下,青色剑光天盖地。仿佛苍穹塌陷一般,将褚阳三人笼罩。这一刻,天与地之间的虚空仿佛不复存在,要为之塌陷。 Green Dark Sword Venerable this sword, displays by Ancient Sword Green Dark. The might compared with formerly immediately greatly was increased, a sword wields, Heaven and Earth change. 苍冥剑尊这一剑,以古剑苍冥施展。威力较之先前顿时大为提升,一剑挥出,天地变迁。 Ancient Sword Green Dark such Enlightenment peak grade Magical Treasure, itself can go against one Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Expert, but in the big sword cultivator hand of fall on Green Dark Sword Venerable such Beginning Calamity Tribulation-Facing Stage, the might is rare, both sides Strength Domain coincides, whether there is the alternate growth, as if there is prestige of heaven splitting earth shattering. 古剑苍冥这样大乘巅峰级数法宝,本身就顶得上一个合道境界强者,而落在苍冥剑尊这样初劫历劫期的大剑修手中,威力更是超乎寻常,双方力量意境相合,互生有无,仿佛有开天辟地之威。 Then about Chu Yang, Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan three people of Strength. Also is hard to resist. 便是合褚阳洛轻舞诸葛战三人之力。也难以招架。 Chu Yang stuffy snort|hum, the Ancient Sword of fierce shake Divine Origin transformed into, refining up in Sword Light. Suddenly appears one path sword image. 褚阳闷哼一声,元神所化古剑剧烈震荡,匹炼般的剑光中。突然浮现一道剑影 That sword image seems like fabricated, but there is a flash that by empty revolutions reality, from a Dao Light shade, transform into entity, in this flash. Welcomed the Green Dark Sword Venerable azure deep sword to escape. 剑影看似虚妄,但有那么一瞬间,由虚转实,从一道光影,化为实体,就在这一瞬间。迎上了苍冥剑尊的青冥剑遁。 Both sides to bumping, are in Heaven and Earth of landslide suddenly static. Then horizon place becomes distortion was shattered. 双方对碰一下,正在塌方的天地陡然静止。然后地平线处变得扭曲破碎。 One after bumping, that Long Sword changes from entity again phantom, then flies upside down in Chu Yang Divine Origin. 一下对碰之后,那长剑从实体重新变回虚影,然后倒飞回褚阳元神中。 By such slow, Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan depended on as usual the law once more, two people of Mystical Ability walked to set upright walks horizontal, interlocked to send, azure light Heaven and Earth that breaks open before one's eyes as if must close up. 被这么缓了一下,洛轻舞诸葛战再次依照旧法,二人神通一走竖一走横,交错而发,破开眼前仿佛要合拢的青光天地 Chu Yang clenches the teeth secretly: Nine Heavens Sword not completed, is not really convenient to this old ghost or.” 褚阳暗自咬紧牙关:“九天剑未成,对上这老鬼还是不甚便利。” Green Dark Sword Venerable left hand pinches Sword Secret Art, under the Sword Intent hauling, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation passes the burden the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack pressure to other major sword sect Sect defending mountain Great Formation undertakes together. 苍冥剑尊左手捏个剑诀,剑意牵引之下,仙天太初剑阵天罡剑尊攻击压力转嫁给其他各大剑宗宗门的守山大阵一起承担。 Almost only in instantaneous, several relatively weak Sword Formation, almost thoroughly were crashed. 几乎只在瞬间,就有几个相对较弱的剑阵,差点被彻底压垮。 But these Sword Formation Strength by the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation extraction, were blended in one's body, experiences tempering of Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, dispelled the oneself raging fire thunder, the Vast Sea starlight original appearance, all transform into white Immortal Sky Sword Qi, under Immortal Sky Sword eagerly anticipates, attack to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 而这些剑阵力量则被仙天太初剑阵抽取,融汇于己身,经历太初剑石的磨砺,消解了自己烈火雷霆,沧海星光的本来模样,尽数化为白茫茫的仙天剑炁,在仙天剑引领下,攻向天罡剑尊 First has solved you guys here, then slowly socializes with Heavenly Dipper Senior Brother.” Green Dark Sword Venerable coldly looks at Chu Yang: You, although achievement Divine Origin, but Old man, but still the pig iron of not completed, Don't said the point together, the sword embryo is not.” “先解决了你们这里,然后再慢慢与天罡师兄周旋。”苍冥剑尊冷冷看着褚阳:“你虽成就元神,但于老朽而言,也不过一块尚未成器的生铁罢了,莫说锋芒,连个剑胚都算不上。” That Nine Heavens Sword sword image still coincided with your Divine Origin, Old man now practices my Sect Immortal Sky Sword your Divine Origin and sword image altogether sacrifice, the effect will be only better than before!” “那九天剑剑影仍然与你元神相合,老朽现在将你的元神剑影一并祭练本宗仙天剑,效果只会比之前更好!” The his line of sight changes Luo Qingwu, the vision is cold: Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, truly extraordinary, besides your Master that Sword of Heaven Execution, many another Sword Dao, but you, eventually are not your Master.” 他的视线转向洛轻舞,目光冷然:“玄门天宗,确实不凡,除了你师父诛天之剑以外,又多了另一门剑道,但是你,终究不是你师父。” You have Nine Heavens Sword brat to be the same with that at this moment also however is a good iron, wanting achievement genuinely sword tip, you guys also to fall far short.” “你和那身怀九天剑小子一样,此刻都还只不过是块好铁罢了,想要成就真正剑锋,你们还差得远。” „After is the Immortal Sky Sword recast, Old man this has no intention immediately with your Profound Gate Heavenly Sect for the enemy, but today you guys must block my Sect Immortal Sky again appear, under that Old man must have wants the cruel methods, completely cut you guys in this!” “便是仙天剑重铸之后,老朽本也无意立刻与你玄门天宗为敌,但今日你们要阻本宗仙天重新出世,那老朽也少不得要下狠手,将你们尽斩于此了!” Green Dark Sword Venerable non-stop echo of sound as if thunder similar in Heaven and Earth, he seems like in the thin and small body is containing boundless Strength. 苍冥剑尊的声音仿佛雷霆一般天地不停回响,他看似瘦小的身躯中却蕴含着无边力量 At the same time was saying, Green Dark Sword Venerable is a sword wields, the azure light again covers Heaven and Earth immediately, cuts toward Chu Yang, Luo Qingwu and Zhuge Zhan. 一边说着,苍冥剑尊便又是一剑挥出,青光顿时重新笼罩天地,朝着褚阳洛轻舞诸葛战斩去。 You said that whom you can cut?” “你方才说,你要斩谁?” But at this moment, the in Void there is one sound resounds suddenly, outside one throws over the black robe, wears the martial-looking youth towering emergence of purple clothes before the Luo Qingwu body, sneers is looking to Green Dark Sword Venerable, then stretches out a palm forward. 但就在这时,虚空中然有一个声音响起,一个外披黑袍,身着紫衣的英武青年突兀的出现在洛轻舞身前,冷笑着看向苍冥剑尊,然后向前伸出一只手掌。 In the his palm, the there is red light flashes suddenly, from there spreads intermittent not life the sound of roaring, heaven shaking Earth-moving. ( to be continued ) 他的掌心之中,突然有红光闪动,从中传出阵阵不似生灵的咆哮之声,惊天动地。(未完待续) ps: Thank troyglxx pledge 100,000 coins to gain across the board to hit to enjoy! ps:感谢troyglxx盟的100000点币飘红打赏! troyglxx pledge formidable might! troyglxx盟威武 Because is 100,000 gains across the board, therefore in addition two, this is first. 因为是100000飘红,所以加两更,这是第一更。 Also thanked other to subscribe this book, hit to enjoy this book, throws friends who the monthly ticket gave this book, thank you! 也感谢其他订阅本书,打赏本书,投月票给本书的朋友们,谢谢大家!
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