HNOF :: Volume #13

#1202: Aspect of being in a dilemma

Shi Zongtang sits well above Dragon Throne not to set out, but both palms Secret Technique non-stop fluctuates, five colors light stream gathers in together, transform into shining Dao Fruit. 石宗堂端坐龙椅之上没有起身,但双掌法诀不停变幻,五色光流汇聚在一起,化为一枚金灿灿的道果 This Dao Fruit rises toward place above imperial palace main hall top, lines after lines light stream toward extends in all directions. 这枚道果向着上方皇宫大殿顶部升去,一道道光流向着四面八方延伸出去。 Talisman and Diagram that Great Qin Dynasty national capital Western Hill City, as if overall transform into huge Array Formation, is hard to count at this moment spell to be linked to each other, changes to one to cover entire City Array Formation. 大秦皇朝的国都西陵城,此刻仿佛整体化为一座巨大的法阵,难以计数的符箓图纹拼连在一起,化作一副覆盖整个城池法阵 Array Formation radiance non-stop spreads toward four around fills the air, as if must extend to cover entire Great Qin Dynasty area territory. 法阵光辉不停向着四周围扩散弥漫,仿佛要延伸覆盖整个大秦皇朝疆域领土似的。 But this giant Array Formation center, naturally is the Great Qin imperial palace. 而这巨型法阵的中心,自然便是大秦皇宫。 The Great Qin imperial palace at this moment, there is lines after lines golden light to rise straight from the ground, as if hundred and thousand of hold up the sky props, together with Heaven and Earth. 此刻的大秦皇宫之中,有道道金光拔地而起,仿佛成百上千根擎天支柱,连同天地 In sky-filling golden light, as if personal appearance huge incomparably five claw Golden Dragon are circling to dance in the air in non-stop. 漫天金光之中,仿佛有一条身形无比庞大的五爪金龙正在不停盘旋飞舞。 Above the imperial palace main hall, the giant Array Formation core, one completely the giant disc comprised of golden light, non-stop revolving, directs to gather 4 sides Qi of Dragon Veins hence. 皇宫正殿之上,巨型法阵的核心,一个完全由金光组成的巨大圆盘,正不停旋转,引聚四方龙脉之气至此。 But at this moment, the rotation of this golden light disc, seemed actually disturbed, is inclining to shake unceasingly, scarlet, azure, yellow, black and white five colors Dragon Qi drains in the non-stop dissipation. 但此刻,这个金光圆盘的转动,却仿佛受到干扰,正在不断倾斜震荡,赤、青、黄、黑、白五色龙气不停散逸流失。 Dragon Qi of these dissipations, across endless Void, in turning toward another one direction gather, in the pulsation process, the five colors light dragon gradually changed the appearance, removes the respective original color in abundance, but changes makes purple golden color. 这些散逸的龙气,穿过无尽虚空,都在向着另一个方向汇聚,在脉动过程之中,五色光龙渐渐变了模样,纷纷褪去各自原先色彩,而变作紫金色 The purple golden light dragon submerges in Void in abundance, in profound in Void, as if there is destiny to turn over, directing True Dragon to gather. 金光龙纷纷没入虚空之中,在深邃的虚空中,仿佛有天命所归,引真龙聚集。 But above the remote Great Zhou Dynasty area. Then also some massive Qi of Dragon Veins, in all directions together turn toward the Sky Capital City gathering from the Great Zhou Dynasty national territory. 而在遥远的大周皇朝疆域之上。则也有大量龙脉之气,从大周皇朝国土四面八方一起向着天京城汇聚。 Great Zhou Qi of Dragon Veins transformed into light dragon, precisely purple golden color. The purple golden light dragon gathers with Sky Capital City , the Sky Capital City above this time was also covering one giant Array Formation, covering the sky and blocking the Sun, massive Dragon Qi were directed to gather in this huge Array Formation. 大周龙脉之气所化的光龙,正是金色。条条紫金光龙聚拢与天京城中,天京城上方这时也正笼罩一个巨型法阵,遮天蔽日,大量龙气被引聚到这个巨大的法阵之中。 The Great Qin rulers and ministers look in Western Hill City is dignified, besides new emperor Shi Zongtang, other Great Qin Expert, stands up. Changes to one path stream of light, departs outside imperial palace main hall. Arrives in the imperial palace in respectively several other important constructions. 西陵城中的大秦君臣都神色凝重,除了新帝石宗堂以外,其他大秦强者,都纷纷站起身来。化作一道道流光,飞出皇宫正殿之外。分别来到皇宫中其他几处重要建筑中。 Under their stimulation of movement, in imperial palace also has the Nine Paths giant light beam to shoot up to the sky, forms to surround and protect potential to the imperial palace main hall, in addition holds Western Hill City protection Formation together. Helps new emperor Shi Zongtang live in Great Qin Qi of Dragon Veins stably, prevents by Zhou Emperor Liang Pan and Supreme Imperial Palace interception. 在他们的催动下,皇宫中又有九道巨大光柱冲天而起,对皇宫正殿形成拱卫之势,一起加持西陵城的守护阵法。帮助新帝石宗堂稳定住大秦龙脉之气,防止被周帝梁盘太皇宫截取。 The Shi Zongtang look sinks to congeal, he is new emperor succeeds to the throne, the inheritance of Qi of Dragon Veins has not been completed, the first emperor Shi Yu royal cart drafted actually died in battle in Heaven Desolate Land, to the Great Qin people will of the people create impact, making the inheritance of Qi of Dragon Veins exceptionally unstable. 石宗堂神色沉凝,他是新帝继位,龙脉之气的传承尚未完成,先帝石羽御驾亲征却战死于天荒广陆,更对大秦民众人心造成冲击,使得龙脉之气的传承变得异常不稳定。 If Time is enough, then depends on protection Formation that the Western Hill City all previous dynasties accumulation builds, only if Great Zhou Dynasty clarifies the carriages and horses to come direct storm Western Hill City. Otherwise when Great Qin can crossed this tribulation safely. 如果时间足够,那么依托西陵城历代积累打造的守护阵法,除非大周皇朝摆明车马来直接强攻西陵城。否则大秦可以平安渡过此劫。 But after Supreme Imperial Palace returns is complete, unexpectedly unexpected can gathers entire Divine Great Land Qi of Dragon Veins, immediately makes the Great Qin Dynasty situation in imminent danger. 太皇宫重归圆满之后,竟然出乎预料的可以聚拢整个神州浩土龙脉之气,顿时就让大秦皇朝的局势变得岌岌可危。 Supreme Sovereign. Primordial time last Human Sovereign, is the Heaven Primal World fission is Divine Great Land and Heaven Desolate Land, enters Ancient time later Human Race first position Human Sovereign. 太皇太古时代最后一位人皇,同时也是天元大世界分裂为神州浩土天荒广陆,进入上古时代之后的人族第一人皇 The Good Fortune Magical Treasure Supreme Imperial Palace of building, after the experience initial heavy losses, returned in the present finally completely, has given immediately Great Qin Dynasty silent heavy losses. 其打造的造化法宝太皇宫,在经历当初的重创之后,终于在近日重归圆满,立刻就给了大秦皇朝一记无声的重创。 Different guards the compatriot from Immortal Dragon City. Guards the thought of Human Race, Supreme Imperial Palace receives from the thought of Supreme Sovereign. Wants Dominate all living things, nobody dares to disobey, is the Heaven and Earth Paramount leader, time only ruler. 不同于不朽龙城守卫同胞。守卫人族的意念,太皇宫秉承自太皇的意念。是要统御众生,莫敢不从,做天地至高领袖,时代唯一主宰 Then is Great Qin Dynasty has not lost Immortal Dragon City, in competes for in the Qi of Dragon Veins issue purely, facing having Supreme Imperial Palace Great Zhou Dynasty, wants fall on leeward. 便是大秦皇朝没有失落不朽龙城,在单纯争夺龙脉之气的问题上,面对拥有太皇宫大周皇朝,也要落在下风。 If there is Immortal Dragon City, Shi Zongtang by the Immortal Dragon City resistance, supported was crossing just took a seat, the Time of Qi of Dragon Veins inheritance, resisted the leeway that socialized. 若是有不朽龙城,石宗堂凭借不朽龙城抵御,支撑着渡过刚刚即位,龙脉之气传承的这段时间,还有抵挡周旋的余地。 But now, even though stimulates to movement pinnacle Western Hill City Array Formation, actually also can only , but looks at Qi of Dragon Veins still non-stop drained, is hard to recall. 可是现在,纵使将西陵城法阵催动到极致,却也只能无奈看着龙脉之气仍然不停流失,难以挽回。 Those who make Shi Zongtang, Shi Zongmao and other Great Qin Expert complexion turn green, in drew in the protects Great Qin Country people by them ahead of time, the unstable popular sentiment, at this moment even more was volatile. 更让石宗堂石宗茂大秦强者脸色发青的是,在被他们提前收拢护佑大秦国民之中,本就不稳定的民心,此刻越发动荡。 In the Qi of Dragon Veins each other connected situation, there is one sound resounds in the Great Qin Country popular sentiment bottom. 龙脉之气彼此相连的情况下,赫然有一个声音在大秦国民心底响起。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu, craves greatness and success, expedites Heaven Desolate Land blindly, the oneself body falls, the Great Qin officers casualty incalculably, loses national treasure Immortal Dragon City, causes to govern the common people also to be implicated, falls into the danger, Great Qin wrongdoing, then by this tribulation.” 秦帝石羽,好大喜功,盲目远征天荒广陆,以至于自己身陨,大秦将士死伤无算,更失落国宝不朽龙城,使治下百姓亦受牵连,落入危险之中,大秦失德,遂遭此劫。” Now Monster Race rebels, is calamity Divine Great Land, I receive the Mandate of Heavens, when shelters my Human Race subjects......” “今妖族作乱,为祸神州浩土,朕奉天命所归,当庇护我人族子民……” That impressively is the Zhou Emperor Liang Pan sound, is calm, but great dignified, as if timely exhortation to virtue and purity similar, layer upon layer rap in the heart of everyone. 那赫然是周帝梁盘的声音,语气平静,但宏大威严,仿佛晨钟暮鼓一般,重重敲击在每个人的心头。 Obviously is the old enemy Great Zhou Dynasty monarchy, obviously just some ordinary words, but as if has strange Strength, touches the mind of Great Qin common people, lets their absent-minded, cannot give a thought to the ponder words the content, cannot help bow head bowing politely, submits to under in Qi the dignity. 明明是宿敌大周皇朝的君主,明明只是些很普通的话语,但却仿佛有奇异的力量,触动大秦平民百姓们的心神,让他们一阵恍惚,顾不得思考话里内容,就忍不住要俯首叩拜,臣服于其威严之下。 The Great Qin public opinion popular sentiment, in seemed being twisted by the induction of strange at this moment. 大秦的民意民心,在此刻仿佛被诡异的诱导扭曲着。 That marvelous Strength, does not have any attack nature, keeping Western Hill City defense Formation from resisting. 那奇妙的力量,并不产生任何攻击性,让西陵城防御阵法也无从抵御。 Has not returned to Western Hill City, but also Gunyang King Shi Zongmao on road, by Mana Projection in the Western Hill City imperial palace main hall, he hears the Liang Pan sound at this moment, air/Qi shouts abuse: Liang Pan this evildoer!” 尚未返回西陵城,还在路上的衮阳王石宗茂,以法力投影西陵城皇宫正殿中,他此刻听到梁盘的声音,不由气得破口大骂:“梁盘这贼子!” Zhou Emperor Liang Pan, this clarified has bullied Great Qin Dynasty to lose Immortal Dragon City, is unable to form the resistance to Supreme Imperial Palace marvelous Strength Domain, removed firewood from under the pot directly, must dig the Great Qin Dynasty foundation. 周帝梁盘,这就是摆明了欺负大秦皇朝失了不朽龙城,无法对太皇宫的奇妙力量意境形成抵御,直接釜底抽薪,要挖断大秦皇朝的根基。 The Great Qin new emperor Shi Zongtang also surface sinks like the water at this moment, is even more unstable along with the Great Qin popular sentiment, the Great Qin Qi of Dragon Veins outflow speed is also getting more and more fast, stops cannot stop. 大秦新帝石宗堂此刻也面沉如水,随着大秦民心越发不稳定,大秦龙脉之气流失速度也越来越快,止都止不住。 Must solve, the means are also simple, Great Qin stops directing to gather immediately own Qi of Dragon Veins, so firstly, Zhou Emperor Liang Pan not really breaks through Western Hill City, is unable to continue to poison people's minds, even if from exterior intercepted Great Qin Qi of Dragon Veins, in the efficiency can also miss. 要解决,办法也简单,大秦立刻中止引聚自家的龙脉之气,如此一来,周帝梁盘不真的攻破西陵城,便无法继续蛊惑人心,就算从外部截取大秦龙脉之气,效率上也会差了许多。 But thus, fell into the trough and dangerous moment Great Qin Dynasty, Strength without doubt further feeble, situation even more is difficult. 这样一来,本就陷入低谷和危难关头的大秦皇朝,力量无疑会更进一步衰弱,局势更加艰难。 If there is top Expert in Great Monster to attack, did not say that has the total destruction instantaneously, is extremely difficult to resist. 若有大妖中的顶尖强者来攻,不说瞬间就有灭顶之灾,也极难抵御。 But if this way, our but is in vain is supporting the enemy, most Qi of Dragon Veins will absorb by Liang Pan and Supreme Imperial Palace.” Shi Zongtang deeps frown. “但如果继续这样下去,我们不过是在白白资敌罢了,大多数龙脉之气都会被梁盘太皇宫摄走。”石宗堂眉头紧锁。 A mistake, is step by step wrong, under the present such precipitous environment, all people mutually is staring each other, once there is a side to make mistakes, finally then can be one after another disaster, will infiltrate the perdition until making mistakes, very difficult has the opportunity that the respite stands up from failure. 一步错,步步错,在如今这样险峻的大环境之下,所有人都在互相盯着彼此,一旦有一方犯错,结果便会是接二连三的灾难,直到将犯错者打入万劫不复之地,很难有喘息翻身的机会。 Shi Zongtang just took a seat, Great Qin Dynasty then immediately welcomes the new crisis, falls into the predicament of being in a dilemma. 石宗堂刚刚即位,大秦皇朝便立刻迎来新的危机,陷入进退维谷的窘境。 The termination directs to gather Dragon Qi, no doubt resisted the dark hand of Great Zhou Dynasty temporarily, but did not have the profit to Great Qin oneself, then in War between Two Worlds, strength insufficient they can only meet one's fate with resignation, will pray not to have Monster Race Expert to get the gate secretly. 终止引聚龙气,固然暂时抵御住了大周皇朝的暗手,但对大秦自身毫无益处,接下来在两界战争之中,实力不足的他们只能听天由命,暗自祷告不会有妖族强者打上门来。 Shi Tianhao and the others, although will catch up with Western Hill City, but after the war falls into intensified, no one is able to safeguard completely safe. 石天昊等人虽然会赶来西陵城,但战争陷入白热化之后,谁也无法保障万全。 Great Qin Dynasty that the even if Profound Gate Heavenly Sect violent anger, was attacked before loses is also inevitable, how afterward to retaliate again, the person died died, was hard to come back to life. 就算玄门天宗事后暴怒,之前遇袭的大秦皇朝损失也是必然的,事后再如何报复,人死了就是死了,难以复生。 Continues to direct to gather Dragon Qi, most Qi of Dragon Veins will be stolen by Great Zhou Dynasty, Shi Zongtang can only retain few parts, the issue that is resigned to first did not say whether limited Strength of this growth can play the role , the number of still unknown. 继续引聚龙气,大多数龙脉之气都会被大周皇朝劫走,石宗堂只能保留少部分,甘不甘心的问题都先不说,这增长的有限力量能否起到作用,也还是未知之数。 Gunyang King Shi Zongmao looks to Shi Zongtang on Dragon Throne, the two people look is very serious, Shi Zongtang slowly said: I and emperor, you are same as Imperial Elder Brother first, does not like holding others on hand the destiny junction, but we also only had to trust Profound Gate's Master and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect at this moment.” 衮阳王石宗茂看向龙椅上的石宗堂,两人的神色都无比沉重,石宗堂缓缓说道:“朕和先帝,和皇兄你一样,都不喜欢把命运交托到别人手上,但此刻我们也唯有信任玄门之主玄门天宗了。” At this moment bears patiently, will leave behind a final opportunity for my Great Qin in the future, always exceeded now in vain cheaply Great Zhou Dynasty!” “此刻隐忍,为我大秦将来留下最后的一线机会,总胜过现在白白便宜了大周皇朝!” Shi Zongmao looks at Shi Zongtang, sighed: Also only had so.” 石宗茂看着石宗堂,叹了一口气:“也唯有如此了。” Shi Zongtang immediately then of a direction to main hall float golden color Dao Fruit, Dao Fruit slightly flashed, again changed to the five colors flowing light, toward in all directions dissipation. 石宗堂当即便一指点向大殿上方那枚悬浮着的金色道果,道果微微闪动了一下,重新化作五色流光,向着四面八方散逸。 Including Qi of Dragon Veins that gathers from the Great Qin territory, at this moment slightly, gradually tends to be tranquil. 连从大秦疆土四周汇聚的龙脉之气,此刻都微微一顿,渐渐趋于平静。 But at this moment, the one sound resounds sky over Western Hill City: Nether revisits, the entire Divine Great Land crisis-charged, I also to as far as possible concentrate my Human Race Cultivation World Strength, resist Nether Clan together, this is the matter that my Human Race Cultivation World all people are duty-bound.” 但就在这时,一个声音在西陵城上空响起:“幽都重临,整个神州浩土都面临危机,朕也是为了尽可能集中我人族修真界力量,共同抵御幽都一族,这是我人族修真界所有人都责无旁贷的事情。” „If there is more desire than energy, my naturally will not force someone to do something against his will, but Great Qin still had the ample force obviously, actually must not stick one's neck out, under this then non- wisdom, how could it not be heard, turns out in full strength, had nothing the egg?” “若是心有余而力不足也就罢了,朕自然不会强人所难,但大秦明明尚有余力,却要明哲保身,这便不智了,岂不闻,倾巢之下,无有完卵?” Shi Zongtang and the others complexion slightly changes, that sound precisely Zhou Emperor Liang Pan sends. 石宗堂等人脸色微微一变,那声音正是周帝梁盘所发。 Whole body Qi of Dragon Veins loose Shi Zongtang, then has not felt then immediately right, through hauling Qi of Dragon Veins, his can felt impressively that other side transmits the extremely huge pressure! 然后周身龙脉之气未散的石宗堂,立刻便感到不对,通过牵引的龙脉之气,他赫然可以感到,彼方传来极为巨大的压力! That wild Strength, by destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth potential, along Qi of Dragon Veins that has not cut completely off toward Western Hill City! 那狂暴的力量,以毁天灭地之势,沿着尚未彻底断绝的龙脉之气向着西陵城袭来! Qi of Dragon Veins is unable to interrupt at this moment directly forcefully, but that wild Strength actually can along Qi of Dragon Veins attack to Western Hill City, Shi Zongtang eyes flashes moves, understand comes suddenly: Liang Pan, do you lead arrived White Cloud Mountain Supreme Imperial Palace and Qi of Dragon Veins Strength?” 龙脉之气此刻无法直接强行中断,但那狂暴的力量可以沿着龙脉之气攻向西陵城,石宗堂目光闪动间,猛然明白过来:“梁盘,你将太皇宫龙脉之气力量到了白云山?” Zhou Emperor Liang Pan is moderate: Meets again in a big hurry Qi of Dragon Veins, otherwise present Western Hill City, cannot withstand Nether Strength, is not only you, entire Western Hill City may be razed.” 周帝梁盘语气平和:“快快重聚龙脉之气吧,否则现在的西陵城,承受不起幽都力量,不仅仅是你个人,整个西陵城都有可能被夷为平地。” As if in confirming him said not empty, covered Western Hill City Array Formation to start to vacillate up at this moment fiercely, but sky over the Great Qin imperial palace of Array Formation center, was the ray non-stop sparkle, revealed that Wind and Rain swayed potential, as if at any time could the avalanche. 仿佛是在验证他所言不虚,笼罩西陵城法阵此刻开始剧烈动摇起来,而法阵中心的大秦皇宫上空,更是光芒不停闪耀,显露出一种风雨飘摇之势,仿佛随时都会崩塌。 Occupies 4 sides to stimulate to movement Array Formation Strength Great Qin Expert together, feels the eccentric pressure completely, the cultivation base slightly weak one, even is unable to withstand the load, Divine Origin started to be damaged. 占据四方共同催动法阵之力大秦强者,全部都感到了压力,修为稍弱者,甚至不堪重负,元神已经开始受损。 In the imperial palace main hall, Gunyang King Shi Zongmao looks the unwilling color, the face upwarding rave, his Mana Projection is not even able to maintain, directly in light of this shatter. ( to be continued ) 皇宫正殿内,衮阳王石宗茂面露不甘之色,仰天狂吼,他的法力投影甚至无法维持,直接就此破碎。(未完待续)
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