HNOF :: Volume #13

#1201: Dragon vein mutation

Above black brilliance fall on Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, immediately as if boiling water cleaning the snow similar, massive eliminate Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower massive brilliance all around. 黑色光华落在太虚九重天阙之上,顿时仿佛滚汤沃雪一般,大量消融太虚九重天阙周遭的大量光华 That nondescriptive mysterious radiance, after contacting black brilliance, as if suddenly becomes radiant dazzling, becomes clear bright. 那难以名状的玄奥光辉,在接触到黑色光华之后,仿佛突然间变得璀璨耀眼,变得澄澈明亮。 However lost that is unknowable, invisible, inaudible, is inexpressible, mysterious Strength Domain that cannot be described. 但是却失去了那不可知,不可见,不可闻,不可言说,不可形容的玄奥力量意境 As if drops this world from the clouds, seems like dazzling bright up, but does not have any difference with other rays again, just liked vanishes however the people in those days, lost unusual refined. 仿佛从云端跌落凡尘,看似耀眼明亮起来,但却也与其他光芒再无任何差异,犹如泯然众人,失去了往日的超凡脱俗。 Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower surrounding radiance as if fluctuates in non-stop, just likes the ocean waves of tumbling, was passed through by black brilliance gradually. 太虚九重天阙周围的光辉仿佛在不停起伏,犹如翻滚的海浪,被黑色光华渐渐贯穿。 That terrifying black light, as if can destroys to resemble, making the will of the people ancient banner turbulent. 恐怖黑光,仿佛可以摧毁一切似的,令人心旌动荡。 Different from in the past Tian Hai Nether Nether Dark Magnificence, this belongs to Huan Ri Nether Nether Profound Magnificence, although was inferior to Nether Sovereign Tian Hai to rule the Under the Heavens power and influence in the past, but also shocked Nine Heavens Ten Earths, Great Thousand Good Fortune. 不同于昔年天海幽都幽都冥华,这是属于幻日幽都幽都玄华,虽然不及幽皇天海当年君临天下的威势,但也震撼九天十地,大千造化 That shakes Heaven and Earth Grand Dao terrifying Strength, in non-stop attack Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, as if must break out this White Cloud Mountain transformed into god country Immortal Realm from there, divides into two. 那撼动天地大道恐怖力量,在不停攻击太虚九重天阙,仿佛要将这白云山所化的神国仙境从中间劈开,一分为二。 Other Nether Expert looks at this of observing, in slightly nod: Supreme Void Temple's Heaven Forming Supreme Void Profound Light truly extraordinary, particularly is used to defend the imperial guard, was really the wondrous use is infinite, has traded other people, even if the Strength level were close, only feared that also instantaneously was punctured by Clan Lord Nether Profound Magnificence.” 观战的其他幽都强者看着这一幕,都在微微点头:“太虚观的成天太虚玄光确实不凡,尤其是用来守御护身,实在是妙用无穷,换了其他人,哪怕力量层次相近,只怕也瞬间被族主幽都玄华打穿了。” Time issue.” Under Huan Ri Nether, strongest big two Nether Beast one of the on the scene said indifferently: Moreover Time is very short. Under premise that or in we do not meddle.” 时间问题而已。”幻日幽都之下,在场最强大的两头幽都兽之一漠然说道:“而且时间很短。还是在我们不插手的前提下。” His behind Nether calmly said: „Do we want to begin? Before Clan Lord, has said that must fight a battle to force a quick decision as far as possible.” 身后一头幽都静静说道:“那我们到底是否要动手?族主之前说过,要尽量速战速决。” Although both sides battle place in Void outside Great Thousand World Domain, but that formidable Strength fluctuation or is shocking entire Divine Great Land Human Race World. Is affecting the mind of Human Race Cultivation World all people. 虽然双方交战地点是在大千世界界域之外的虚空之中,但是那强悍力量波动还是震撼着整个神州浩土人族世界。牵动着人族修真界所有人的心神。 On the Southern Wasteland earth, the one path golden color rainbow spans in Heaven and Earth, as if connection horizon, precisely Zhu Yi's Paramita Golden Bridge. 南荒大地上,一道金色长虹横亘于天地之间,仿佛连接天际,正是朱易的彼岸金桥 At this moment on Paramita Golden Bridge, is standing three people, besides Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, one tall youth. 此刻在彼岸金桥上,站着三个人,除了朱易天罡剑尊以外,还有一个身材高大的青年。 This youth wears Purple Clothes. The personal appearance is tall and straight, tall and strong obviously is not extremely fat. The look is quite handsome, a mild-mannered black hair throws over fall on behind. 这青年身着一身紫色劲装。身形挺拔匀称,魁梧却不显臃肿。相貌极为英俊,一头柔顺的黑发披落在身后 precisely under Lin Feng's tutelage disciple, Shi Tianhao. 正是林锋座下弟子,石天昊 Shi Tianhao at this moment, on the face did not have past optional. The corners of the mouth do not see slightly the smiling face, vision appears ice-cold, calmly is gazing at distant place Divine Great Land and Heaven Desolate Land connected Domain channel. 此刻的石天昊,脸上没有了往日的随意。嘴角不见丝毫笑容,目光显得冰冷,静静注视着远方神州浩土天荒广陆相连的界域通道。 Although cannot see, is unable the sensation, but Shi Tianhao knows that near the channel another side exit / to speak, achievement Realm of Dharma-Ending Heavenly Dragon occupies there, confronts with channel here oneself one line. 虽然看不见,也无法感知到,但石天昊知道,在通道另一边出口附近,正有一条成就末法之境天龙盘踞在那里,与通道这边的自己一行人对峙。 Shi Tianhao is silent, but whole person as if an active volcano of at any time possibly eruption. Made other people feel that constrained with unlucky. 石天昊沉默不语,但整个人就仿佛一座随时可能爆发的活火山。令旁人感到压抑和不祥。 Even if clearly knows that opposite opponent is achievement Realm of Dharma-Ending Dragon Clan Great Monster Shen Dragon King, Shi Tianhao silk not at all conceals the in the heart hostility. 哪怕明知道对面的对手是成就末法之境龙族大妖申龙王,石天昊都丝毫不掩饰心中敌意。 News that after knowing Gu Lei and Mr. and Mrs. Li Kuiyin died, the Shi Tianhao's mood then drops the valley immediately. 在知道顾雷李葵音夫妇遇难的消息之后,石天昊的心情顿时便跌落谷底。 Luckily Yue Hongyan already direct murderer Extreme Teeth Dragon King Behead. Otherwise Shi Tianhao's mood even more is more awful. 幸好岳红炎已经将直接凶手绝牙龙王斩杀。否则石天昊的心情还要更糟糕。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper turned the head to look at Shi Tianhao an eye, side this youth, when just now, Extreme Teeth Dragon King Dragon Body that in seeing Yue Hongyan brought back, was in front of all people directly, gobbled up Extreme Teeth Dragon King Fleshly Body more than half. That terrifying imposing manner, was lived Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper of long years. Knits the brows. 天罡剑尊转头看了石天昊一眼,身旁这个青年,就在方才,在见到岳红炎带回的绝牙龙王龙身时,直接当着所有人的面,将绝牙龙王肉身吞吃过半。那恐怖的气势,便是已经活了漫长岁月的天罡剑尊。都为之皱眉。 In that moment, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper only felt that oneself front seems standing human form Ferocious Beast. 在那一刻,天罡剑尊只感觉自己面前仿佛站着一头人形凶兽 The strength is astonishing, potential even more is astonishing, although nowadays also just Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm cultivation base, but Mystical Ability Magic Force has let entire Heaven Primal World for it surprised sufficiently. 实力惊人,潜力更加惊人,虽然现如今还只是元神化身境界修为,但一身神通法力已经足以让整个天元大世界为之侧目 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper ponders oneself when Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm, is not opponent of immediately Shi Tianhao. 天罡剑尊自忖自己合道境界时,都不是当下的石天昊对手 This discovery makes Realm of Dharma-Ending Expert Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper have to face up to before one's eyes this youngster, although the opposite party cultivate year, do not say compared with his age one odd change, including the one odd change of his disciple child grand-disciple age also not necessarily and on, but its strength and potential are actually beyond control Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper to neglect. 这个发现让末法之境强者天罡剑尊也不得不正视眼前这个年轻人,虽然对方修练的年头,不要说比他年纪一个零头,连他徒子徒孙年纪的一个零头也未必及得上,但其实力和潜力却由不得天罡剑尊忽视。 Although regarding present Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, Shi Tianhao is also not opponent, but opposite party these years the growth path, had indicated that its Future is limitless. 虽然对于眼下的天罡剑尊来说,石天昊还不是对手,但对方这些年来的成长轨迹,已经预示其未来不可限量。 But another side Zhu Yi, is the similar truth, even advanced compared with Shi Tianhao successfully half step. 另一边朱易,也是同样道理,甚至已经比石天昊成功先行半步。 With Kun Dragon King and a Green Sky Dragon King wartime, the Zhu Yi's strength is increased suddenly, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper did not determine whether he has retained before this, but that as if to all strange Technique of being crystal clear, lets Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper can't avoid caring about it. 坤龙王碧空龙王一战时,朱易的实力突然提升,天罡剑尊不确定他此前是否有所保留,但那仿佛对一切洞若观火的诡异法门,让天罡剑尊不得不在意 Zhu Yi looked at Shi Tianhao an eye, sinking sound said: Heavenly Dragon Shen, wants to be calmer than Heavenly Dragon Kun, mental state gentle simply not like was Dragon Clan.” 朱易看了石天昊一眼,沉声说道:“天龙申,比天龙坤要沉稳许多,心境平和的简直都不像龙族了。” Before you guys came from Heaven Desolate Land that side, I and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper was half beat behind specially support you guys, the so good opportunity, his don't agree take action attack, other opportunities were more difficult to look.” “之前你们天荒广陆那边过来,我和天罡剑尊特意慢了半拍接应你们,如此好的机会,他都不肯出手袭击,其他机会便更难找了。” Although seems the mood is tranquiler, positive news that but after knowing Gu Lei and Li Kuiyin died, Zhu Yi is angry similarly. 虽然看上去情绪平静许多,但在知道顾雷李葵音遇难的确切消息之后,朱易同样感到愤怒。 Shi Tianhao said: Second Senior Brother, you and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper defend here, has given that dragon not small pressure, was inferior that we leave simply first, rush to White Cloud Mountain, then the midway strikes back one, if that Dragon Clan must seize the chance attack Great Qin, happen to can directly stops up him, even if cannot butcher, causes heavy losses to him.” 石天昊说道:“二师兄,你和天罡剑尊守在这里,也给了那条龙不小压力,不如我们索性先离开,赶往白云山,然后中途杀一个回马枪,如果那龙族要趁机攻击大秦,正好可以迎头堵住他,就算宰不掉,也重创他。” Although the mood is bad, but Shi Tianhao has not lost calmly, by their current strength, wants to prey on Realm of Dharma-Ending Primordial Heavenly Dragon thoroughly, the opportunity is limited. 虽然心情恶劣,但石天昊并没有失去冷静,以他们当前实力,想要彻底搏杀一头末法之境太古天龙,机会有限。 Only if Heavenly Dragon Shen dies to fight does not draw back, otherwise his wholeheartedly want to escape words, want it staying behind very difficult. 除非天龙申死战不退,否则他一心想跑的话,想将之留下很难 If Heavenly Dragon Shen keeps the dying war, that wants to prey on him, even if the superiority benefits the ambush, price that oneself one line of must pay will not be small. 如果天龙申真的留下来死战,那想要搏杀他,哪怕是优势地利伏击,自己一行人要付出的代价的也不会小。 But regarding Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, although there is risk, but is actually one the proposition that is worth considering. 但对于朱易天罡剑尊来说,虽然有风险,但却是一个非常值得考虑的提议。 Nether Clan revisits Divine Great Land. Attacks Supreme Void Temple Mountain Gate White Cloud Mountain, but White Cloud Mountain at this moment is in the relative empty situation, the situation is critical. 幽都一族重临神州浩土。攻打太虚观山门白云山,而此刻的白云山正处于相对空虚的情况下,局势非常危急。 Although Zhu Yi and Shi Tianhao received Master Lin Feng the message that returns to from Heaven Desolate Land. But war at this moment is confusing, actually to move toward where, no one is able to know in advance. 虽然朱易石天昊都已经接到师父林锋天荒广陆返回的消息。但此刻的战局扑朔迷离,究竟会走向何方,谁也无法预知。 To a certain extent loses Human Race Cultivation World of offensive opportunity, wanting again to draw the situation , to continue to cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle, without doubt is unrecommendable, fell behind in half step situation. Many that more and more no matter let alone, can only fall behind. 一定程度上失去先手之机的人族修真界,想要重新扳回局势,继续以不变应万变,无疑是不可取的,已经落后半步的情况下。放任不管,只会落后的越来越多。 Seeks breakout on own initiative. Can stop the inferiority effectively, recaptures offensive. 主动谋求破局。才能有效止住劣势,夺回先手。 Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper confront with Shen Dragon King Southern Wasteland here, let the opposite party does not dare to act rashly at the same time, was equal to being diverted by Shen Dragon King. 朱易天罡剑尊南荒这里与申龙王对峙,让对方不敢轻举妄动的同时,也等于是被申龙王牵制住了。 In this case. Zhu Yi and the others naturally must try to change this aspect, before this Shi Tianhao and the others return from Heaven Desolate Land, they have then made an attempt, just Shen Dragon King is steady, has not swallowed the bait. 这种情况下。朱易等人自然要设法改变这个局面,此前石天昊等人自天荒广陆返回,他们便做了一次尝试,只是申龙王稳得很,没有上钩。 Shi Tianhao's idea, is tries to lure the enemy in deep, Zhu Yi said: Only if obtains us to appear in the White Cloud Mountain battlefield, has handed over the positive news that begins with Nether Clan, otherwise Heavenly Dragon Shen or will not act rashly mostly.” 石天昊的意思,是设法诱敌深入,朱易说道:“除非得到我们出现在白云山战场,与幽都一族已经交上手的确切消息,否则天龙申多半还是不会妄动。” „After the Immortal Dragon City mutation thorough is calm and steady. Mark that Second Senior Brother you and Heavenly Dragon Kun leave behind can play the role, that general need long Time?” Shi Tianhao Magic Force sound transmission asked that Zhu Yi same Magic Force sound transmission replied: In short-term will not be calm and steady.” 不朽龙城的异变彻底安稳下来之后。二师兄你和天龙坤留下的印记才能发挥作用,那大概需要多长时间?”石天昊法力传音问道,朱易则同样法力传音回答:“短期内是不会安稳下来的。” Shi Tianhao nodded. Has not said anything again, holds the fist in the other hand to Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper: Here gives Senior Brother you guys, I rush to Western Hill City now.” 石天昊点了点头。没有再说什么,向朱易天罡剑尊抱拳:“这里交给师兄你们,我现在赶往西陵城。” Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper nod the head express best wishes, Zhu Yi said: On road be careful, takes care of Little Junior Sister and Little Huang and Wanqiu they.” 朱易天罡剑尊都颔首致意,朱易说道:“路上小心,照应好小师妹小黄婉秋他们。” Shi Tianhao replied: This is naturally.” 石天昊答道:“这个是自然。” finished speaking he then prepares to leave, but suddenly felt the Heaven and Earth strenuous vibration. 说罢他便准备动身,但突然感到天地剧烈震动了一下。 side Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper naturally also feels the arrived difference. Surprise raises the head look at the sky. 身旁的朱易天罡剑尊自然也感觉到了异样。都诧异的抬头望天 At their eyesight, naturally can sees in the sky. Qi of Dragon Veins of Great Qin Dynasty area territory, congealment is light dragons, on in the sky non-stop shuttles back and forth. 以他们的眼力,自然可以看到天空中。大秦皇朝疆域领土的龙脉之气,凝结为一条条光龙,在天不停穿梭。 Light dragon that but at this moment, these Qi of Dragon Veins condense, as if happen the change of difference, has appeared disorderly and is unstable. 但此刻,这些龙脉之气所凝聚的光龙,却仿佛发生了异样的变化,显得凌乱而又不稳定。 Three people simultaneously look down to ground, they can feel under the earth clearly Southern Wasteland region the air/Qi of land features, coincided with Qi of Dragon Veins, with drawing back, produces the resonance. 三人同时低头看向地面,他们能清楚感觉到大地之下南荒地带的地脉之气,本来是与龙脉之气相合,同进同退,产生共鸣。 But at this moment, is not only the Qi of Dragon Veins transformed into light dragon, then links land features Spiritual Qi in earth to flow, at this moment becomes does not stabilize up. 但此刻,不仅仅是龙脉之气所化的光龙,便连大地之中的地脉灵气流动,此刻也变得不稳定起来 „The confusion of by no means purely losing control, but some people are affecting the change forcefully, making it fall into another path, because of the former path happen conflict, therefore appears unstable.” Zhu Yi vision flashes, deeply inspires: At this time......” “并非单纯失控的混乱,而是有人在强行影响更改,使之落入另一种轨迹中,因为与之前的轨迹发生冲突,所以才显得不稳定。”朱易目光一闪,深吸口气:“这种时候……” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Shi Tianhao do not need him to remind, understand comes immediately: Is Great Zhou Dynasty! They lie in Great Qin compete for Qi of Dragon Veins!” 天罡剑尊石天昊不用他多提醒,也立刻明白过来:“是大周皇朝!他们在于大秦争夺龙脉之气!” The Western Hill City Great Qin Dynasty imperial palace main hall at this moment, numerous Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator is also startled and anger: How does the opposite party achieve?” 此刻的西陵城大秦皇朝皇宫正殿内,一众大秦皇朝修士也是又惊又怒:“对方是如何做到的?” Has ascended the throne is new emperor, wears imperial robe royal crown Shi Zongtang sits on Dragon Throne that top in the main hall steps, is gazing above the main hall stubbornly. 已经登基为新帝,身着龙袍冠冕的石宗堂坐在大殿阶梯顶的龙椅上,死死注视着大殿上方。 In there, had infinite Qi of Dragon Veins from the 4 sides area gathering in this, then in addition holds on his. 在那里,本来有无穷龙脉之气四方疆域汇聚于此,然后加持在他的身上。 But Qi of Dragon Veins of this moment these gatherings, actually turn toward other directions to drain, was intercepted by others. 但此刻这些汇聚的龙脉之气,却向着其他方向流失,被别人截取。 Supreme Imperial Palace! Supreme Imperial Palace restored to be in peak condition to the past years!” Gunyang King Shi Zongmao complexion feels fuzzy: just always also not previously has the excessively similar case, we do not know that Supreme Imperial Palace really also has such effect.” 太皇宫太皇宫恢复到当年巅峰状态了!”衮阳王石宗茂脸色发沉:“只是从来也不曾出现过类似情况,以至于我们都不知道,太皇宫竟然还有如此功效。” When Supreme Sovereign reigns, is Divine Great Land only Sovereign, Ancient first position Human Sovereign, but after Supreme Sovereign fallen, Supreme Imperial Palace also caused heavy losses, before today not previously has restored to own peak, no one knows that Supreme Imperial Palace in peak condition, can direct gathering entire Divine Great Land Qi of Dragon Veins unexpectedly forcefully. 太皇在位时,是神州浩土唯一的皇者,上古第一人皇,而在太皇陨落之后,太皇宫也遭重创,直到今日之前一直不曾恢复至自身巅峰过,以至于谁也不知道,巅峰状态的太皇宫,竟然能强行引聚整个神州浩土龙脉之气 Has Great Qin Dynasty Ancient Elder facial expression slightly to be grieved: Supreme Sovereign, conceited Supreme Sovereign! Good one Supreme Sovereign!” 大秦皇朝宿老神情微微惨然:“太皇,唯我独尊的太皇!好一个太皇啊!” Shi Zongtang said solemnly above Dragon Throne: My Great Qin manages after all for many years, even though Liang Pan has Supreme Imperial Palace, we have the hitting back leeway, cannot make him prevail!” ( to be continued ) 龙椅之上的石宗堂沉声道:“我大秦毕竟经营多年,纵使梁盘太皇宫,我们也不是没有还手余地,不能让他得逞!”(未完待续) ps: Thank 10,000 coins of book friend w red chamber dream to hit to enjoy, thanked other dozens to enjoy this book, subscribed this book, throws friends who the monthly ticket gave this book, thank you! ps:感谢书友w红楼一梦的10000点币打赏,也感谢其他打赏本书,订阅本书,投月票给本书的朋友们,谢谢大家! Thanks! 谢谢!
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