HNOF :: Volume #12

#1200: Nether fights Supreme Void!

Above Divine Great Land, some massive radiance fill the air, in entire Great Qin World, as if covers under misty light fog at this moment. 神州浩土之上,有大量光辉弥漫,整个大秦世界中,此刻仿佛都笼罩在一片蒙蒙光雾之下。 The Human Race Cultivation World all parties Expert attention, was attracted the direction that White Cloud Mountain is at this time. 人族修真界各方强者的注意力,这时都被吸引到白云山所在的方向。 There has been Divine Great Land since Ancient Era, Human Race first Holy Land whereabouts, the prestige will spread the eternity. 那里是神州浩土上古纪元以来,人族第一圣地的所在之处,威名传扬千古。 No matter how to the impression of that place, all people to approve the formidable strength that its has, since inheritance, stands erect Immortal. 不管对那个地方的观感如何,所有人都认可其拥有的强大实力,传承至今,屹立不朽 But now, White Cloud Mountain launches own Strength, is really shocking surely in Void, made person surprised, understood that the people of inside story know, Supreme Void Temple main forces were still detained in Profound Sea now, White Cloud Mountain at this moment, from Supreme Void Temple own, actually very empty. 而现在,白云山将自身力量展开,也果然震撼着千万里虚空,令人侧目,了解内情之人都知道,太虚观大多数主力现在都仍然滞留玄海之中,此刻的白云山,从太虚观自身而言,其实非常空虚 formidable Strength that but even if so, it shows, makes on Divine Great Land all Human Race influences deeply touch. 但即便如此,其展现出来的强大力量,也让神州浩土上所有人族势力深有触动。 Since huge Array Formation of White Cloud Mountain sky revolution, then has been Supreme Void Temple continuously defending mountain Great Formation, Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation. 白云山上空运转的巨大法阵,便是太虚观一直以来的守山大阵,太上虚空阴阳大阵 In huge Array Formation, black and white air current non-stop circles, visibles faintly the 12 light group, as if Cosmic World in Void 12 Starry Sky is the same, shining. 巨大的法阵之中,黑白气流不停盘旋,其中隐约可见十二个光团,仿佛宇宙虚空中十二星天一样,熠熠生辉 Among broad Heaven and Earth, as if there is 12 Dao Light class to be partly visible, extends from Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation, toward extends in all directions, is connected with entire Divine Great Land. 广阔天地之间,仿佛有十二道光流若隐若现,从太上虚空阴阳大阵中延伸出去,向着四面八方延伸,与整个神州浩土相连。 That light stream flashing, as if Divine Great Land had oneself Life, in slowly pulsation. 光流闪烁,就仿佛神州浩土有了自己生命,在徐徐脉动似的。 The massive Spiritual Qi passing 12 Dao Light class, gathers in Array Formation together, during Array Formation revolutions. A both eyes eyeball as if in gaze entire Great Thousand World. 大量灵气通过者十二道光流,一起汇聚到法阵之中,法阵运转间。一双眼睛仿佛在注视整个大千世界 But White Cloud Mountain transformed into, Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower of giant and illusory light group appearance, under covering of Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation. A in void revolution, vanishes on Divine Great Land, the whole enters in endless Void. 白云山所化,巨大而又虚幻的光团模样的太虚九重天阙,在太上虚空阴阳大阵的笼罩之下。于虚空中一转,在神州浩土上消失,整体进入无尽虚空之中。 In Void, as if the unprecedented bright giant stars, hang in the Great Thousand World zenith, bird's eye view all living things. 虚空里,仿佛有一颗前所未有明亮的巨大星辰,高悬于大千世界的天顶,俯瞰众生。 Huan Ri Nether behind that two big Nether Beast, facial features are quite old. slowly said: Clan Lord, gives us is.” 幻日幽都身后那两头高大的幽都兽,其中一头面容较为苍老的。缓缓说道:“族主,交给我们便是。” Fast changing. Does not wait for us.” Huan Ri Nether shook the head: Long hatred between my clan and Supreme Void Temple, does not have the victory not military matter.” “瞬息万变。时不我待。”幻日幽都摇了摇头:“我族与太虚观之间的宿怨,不存在胜之不武这回事。” At the same time was saying, his imposing manner rises suddenly crazily. 一边说着,他身上的气势猛然狂涨。 Only in in the wink of an eye, the original White Cloud Mountain position. Surrounding Divine Great Land Heaven and Earth Void, extinguishes all broken, transform into is destroyed. 只在瞬息之间,原先白云山所处位置。周围神州浩土天地虚空,尽数碎灭,化为乌有。 on top side Great Thousand World Domain as if also together breaks open, the Void annihilation is Primordial Chaos, all do not exist, only the remaining that may the alone bright stars. 顶上大千世界界域仿佛也一起破开,虚空湮灭为混沌,一切都不复存在,只剩下那可孤零零的明亮星辰。 The Huan Ri Nether look is tranquil, the body to rising, stretches out the palm of oneself toward that as if stars same giant light group. 幻日幽都神色平静,身体向上升去,朝着那颗仿佛星辰一样的巨大光团伸出自己的手掌。 Flies high to grasp by the giant palm of radiant purple light constitution, huge. As if must pinch the Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower transformed into transformed into giant light group unexpectedly directly in the palm. 一只由璀璨紫光构成的巨大手掌凌空抓出,庞大至极。竟然仿佛将太虚九重天阙所化所化的巨大光团要直接捏在掌心之中。 Among Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation one revolution, is lines after lines golden light downward chops to fall immediately, each one path golden light. Sufficiently Behead one Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Human Race Expert, or one Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Great Monster . 太上虚空阴阳大阵一转之间,顿时就是一道道金光向下劈落,每一道金光。都足以斩杀一个合道境界人族强者,又或者一个星魂合一境界大妖 But these golden light are the grading falls continuously, but actually in in Void continually becomes, as if a handle Splitting the Heaven great blade edge, must chop into pieces the purple light big hand directly. 而这些金光虽然是次第连续落下,但却在虚空中里连成一线,仿佛一柄开天巨刃,要将紫光大手直接劈碎。 But that purple light palm in airborne grasps, presses firmly between the fingers this golden color Splitting the Heaven great blade edge directly. golden light non-stop flashes, as if innumerable sharp knife blade in Void lasing. Only is remaining golden light that scatters, then the Void stroke path after path slit. 但那紫光手掌在空中一握,直接将这金色开天巨刃捏住。金光不停闪动之间,仿佛无数利刃在虚空中激射。光是散落出来的残余金光,便将虚空划出一道又一道缝隙。 Whatever but golden light is how violent, is actually not able the giant palm of breaks open that purple light transformed into. 可是任由金光如何猛烈,却无法破开那紫光所化的巨大手掌。 In Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation, 12 light sphere sparkles together, black and white air current non-stop interweaves revolving, Strength as if no end similar, supplies the golden color Splitting the Heaven great blade edge continuously. 太上虚空阴阳大阵之中,十二光球一起闪耀,黑白气流不停交织旋转,力量仿佛没有尽头一般,源源不断供给金色开天巨刃。 Meanwhile, the vision in that Array Formation, as if suddenly bright up, is similar to the transform into essence, on fall on Huan Ri Nether. 与此同时,那法阵之中的目光,仿佛陡然明亮起来,如同化为实质,落在幻日幽都身上。 in Void as if produces mysterious and marvelous Strength, in suppression Huan Ri Nether Monster Strength. 虚空中仿佛产生一种玄奥而又奇妙的力量,在镇压幻日幽都妖力 From the 12 Dao Light class that in Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation extends outward, is even more clear, as if a 12 rope, is towing anything, comes toward Huan Ri Nether suppression together. 太上虚空阴阳大阵里向外延伸的十二道光流,越发清晰,仿佛十二条绳索,在牵引着什么,一起朝着幻日幽都镇压过来。 The Huan Ri Nether look is invariable, the purple light transformed into giant palm surface, suddenly presents the massive black light marks, engraves on the purple light palm. 幻日幽都神色不变,紫光所化的巨大手掌表面,突然出现大量黑色的光纹,镌刻在紫光手掌上。 Among Heaven and Earth as if resounds Grand Dao wail sound, a wild Strength feeling spreads from Huan Ri Nether on hand, by the golden color great blade edge that he presses firmly between the fingers, starts the non-stop disruption unexpectedly. 天地间仿佛响起大道哀鸣声,一股狂暴的力量感从幻日幽都手上传出,被他捏住的金色巨刃,竟然开始不停碎裂。 As if boundless Void Heaven and Earth suppression in Huan Ri Nether Strength, starts to be rebounded together at this moment massively. 仿佛无边虚空天地一起镇压幻日幽都身上的力量,此刻也开始被大量反弹。 This Nether Great Monster palm has made the movement of one recycling gradually, shook Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation unexpectedly, as if must pull that huge Array Formation to oneself. 幽都大妖手掌渐渐做了一个回收的动作,竟然撼动了太上虚空阴阳大阵,仿佛要将那巨大的法阵扯向自己 Not is only Array Formation, Void that extends the 12 Dao Light class that tows including of the same generation Array Formation on, in as if must be driven by Huan Ri Nether at this moment. 不仅仅是法阵,连同辈法阵上延伸出去的十二道光流所牵引的虚空,在此刻似乎都要被幻日幽都拖动。 Under Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation, greatly light rolled appearance Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, radiance flashed, then saw massive brilliance from there to run out, the transform into one path giant tide, welled up toward Huan Ri Nether. 太上虚空阴阳大阵下方,巨大光团模样的太虚九重天阙,光辉闪动了一下,然后就见大量光彩从中冲出,化为一道巨大浪潮,朝着幻日幽都涌来。 radiance that fills, submerges together with that purple light palm Huan Ri Nether instantaneously together. 那弥漫的光辉,瞬间将幻日幽都连同那只紫光手掌一同淹没。 Giant purple light palm, in sea tide same radiance, tends disintegrates gradually, but Huan Ri Nether itself to similarly is radiance be stranded. 巨大的紫光手掌,在海潮一样的光辉中,也渐渐趋于瓦解,而幻日幽都本身则为同样为光辉所困。 just places in this radiance, the Huan Ri Nether look is tranquil, as if strolls similar, the body massive purple light flash, the purple light surface carves the black engraved inscription, just likes the essence. 只是身处这光辉之中,幻日幽都神色平静,仿佛漫步一般,身上大量紫光闪动,紫光表面则镂刻黑色铭文,犹如实质。 Under the sea tide radiance impact, these purple radiance and black light mark massively is also dispelling. 在海潮般的光辉冲击下,这些紫色光辉黑色光纹也在大量消解。 Huan Ri Nether lifts the hand claw of oneself, in airborne wields, in Void presents the one path sad and shrill scar immediately, by minute sea potential, breaks out before one's eyes radiance big tide forcefully. 幻日幽都抬起自己的手爪,在空中一挥,虚空里顿时出现一道凄厉的伤痕,以分海之势,强行将眼前光辉大潮劈开。 But in this moment Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation, then also has Dao Divinity light straightly shoots at him. 而此刻太上虚空阴阳大阵中,则又有一道神光笔直的射向他。 The that path divine light institute and place, Void annihilates immediately, in the divine light edge, then some innumerable chaotic storms raise, spreads toward four around, broader Heaven and Earth will destroy. 那道神光所及之处,虚空顿时湮灭,在神光边缘,则有无数混乱风暴掀起,向着四周围蔓延,将更广阔的天地摧毁。 But this complementary waves institute and place, obviously was actually inferior that divine light itself terrifying, by the goal that divine light cover decides, as if definitely is unable to move aside, how regardless to avoid, will be hit by divine light, even if places oneself in peerless imaginary, will be wiped to disappear the True and False Reality and Illusion boundary, forcefully Insta-kill. 而这余波所及之处,却显然不如神光本身恐怖,被那神光罩定的目标,仿佛完全无法躲闪,无论怎么回避,都会被神光命中,哪怕置身于无方幻界内,也会被抹消真假虚实的界限,强行秒杀 The Huan Ri Nether eyelid lifts, in both eyes is also two purple light beams projects immediately, from the sky merges into one organic whole, purple abates, instead turns into a fuzzy transparent color. 幻日幽都眼皮一抬,双目之中顿时也是两道紫色光柱射出,在空中融为一体,紫色消退,反而变成一片模糊透明之色。 In this fuzzy transparent light beam, as if some massive black Diagram dance in the air in non-stop revolving, common composition light beam core. 这道模糊透明的光柱内,仿佛有大量黑色图纹不停旋转飞舞,共同组成光柱的核心。 The transparent light beam and Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation send divine light to clash in the same place, finally is divine light that Array Formation urges to send comes impressively shatter! 透明光柱与太上虚空阴阳大阵所发之神光对撞在一起,结果赫然是法阵所催发的神光破碎开来! But such one was harassed, the Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower ray sea is even more boundless, again roll towards Huan Ri Nether, and non-stop eradicates purple brilliance that he protects oneself. 但被这样一扰,太虚九重天阙的光芒海洋越发磅礴,重新卷向幻日幽都,并且不停破除他护身的紫色光华 This ray, seems boundless endless Heaven Forming Supreme Void Profound Light gathers in the form sea, fills all around Void, endless boundless. 这光芒,仿佛是无边无尽的成天太虚玄光汇聚而成的海洋,弥漫周遭虚空,漫漫无垠。 Mysterious radiance still did not appear dazzling, but at this time actually as if among Heaven and Earth only reality, only existence, only truth. 玄奥的光辉仍然不显得耀眼,但这时却仿佛天地间唯一的真实,唯一的存在,唯一的道理。 Sea tide passes, only has the ray to last forever, other, transform into is all destroyed. 海潮过处,唯有光芒永存,其他一切,尽数化为乌有。 Then is these always eyes looking at the top Nether Great Monster , at this moment is gazing at that ocean of light and Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, the look also becomes serious up. 便是那些一向眼高于顶幽都大妖们,此刻注视着那光之海洋太虚九重天阙,神色也变得郑重起来 In Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation, black and white air current non-stop blends the circulation, the repeat in cycles, Strength just likes endless, Dao Divinity light was broken, as if has not come under any influence, immediately is another Dao Divinity light sends out. 太上虚空阴阳大阵之中,黑白气流不停交融流转,循环往复,力量犹如无尽,一道神光被破,仿佛没有受到任何影响,立即又是另一道神光发出。 Huan Ri Nether was stranded by this radiance, looks at peripheral as if limitless ocean of light, as well as toward divine light that the oneself overhead hits, actually instead shook the head. 幻日幽都被这光辉所困,看着周边仿佛无边无际的光之海洋,以及朝着自己当头打来的神光,却反而摇了摇头。 „After Supreme One is the Sovereign Tian Hai brother injures, in recent years, hasn't in the end still trained second to display the Heaven Beyond Heaven Secret Art Supreme Void Temple Cultivator?” Huan Ri Nether that with person not different, the just body surface appears on the faces of many purple light marks, at this time faint showed the one smiling face unexpectedly: but is also, after Wen Chiyang, for these years, but left one Supreme One.” 太一天海皇兄所伤之后,这些年来,终究还是没有培养出第二个能施展天上天诀的太虚观修士吗?”幻日幽都那与人无异,只是体表浮现许多紫色光纹的脸上,这时竟然淡淡露出一个笑容:“不过也是,闻赤阳之后,这么多年来,也才不过又出了一个太一罢了。” At the same time was saying, Huan Ri Nether sends out Heaven-shaking to roar suddenly. 一边说着,幻日幽都猛然发出一声震天咆哮。 His roar, is not only Void, together with Divine Great Land, together with Heaven Desolate Land, entire Heaven Primal World seemed shaken by slightly. 他这一吼,不仅仅是所处虚空,连同神州浩土,连同天荒广陆,整个天元大世界仿佛都被微微撼动。 This Nether Great Monster , the silver white long neck hair of whole body, started to lengthen the thickening at this time, the massive spreads, the purple light mark of body surface was covered by the silver white hair gradually, at the same time endless silver light in Void flashing. 这头幽都大妖,全身上下的银白鬃毛,在这时开始变长变粗,大量蔓延,体表的紫色光纹渐渐被银白毛发覆盖,与此同时无穷无尽的银光在虚空中闪烁 Silver light surface, then has covered one Layer magnificent beautiful purple radiance, as if the one huge silver light group surface, emerges one path purple ring of light. 银光表面,则镀上了一层瑰丽妖艳的紫色光辉,仿佛一个巨大的银色光团表面,涌现一道紫色光圈 But on purple ring of light, some massive black light marks appear, proliferates the purple light surface. 而在紫色光圈上,又有大量黑色光纹浮现,遍布紫光表面。 That Heaven-shaking Earth-moving wild Strength, making before one's eyes Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower as if be overshadowed in this moment. 撼天动地的狂暴力量,让眼前太虚九重天阙在这一刻仿佛都黯然失色。 No matter Profound One Dao Venerable and Yan Nanlai in Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, or Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation Kuang Heng, Lin Daohan and the others, in the heart slightly feel fuzzy at this moment. 不管是太虚九重天阙中的玄一道尊雁南来,还是太上虚空阴阳大阵中的匡恒林道寒等人,此刻都心中微微发沉。 Huan Ri Nether finally appears oneself primary form True Body, formidable of its Strength, really alarmed. 幻日幽都终于显化自己的原形真身,其力量强大,果然令人触目惊心。 But this most has not let the place that they care about, no matter Profound One Dao Venerable or Yan Nanlai or Kuang Heng, by oneself had fought with Nether Clan each Cultivation Realm Expert in the past repeatedly, the experience are substantial. 但这还不是最让他们在意的地方,不管是玄一道尊还是雁南来或者匡恒,当年都曾经亲身与幽都一族各个境界强者交手过多次,经验不少。 They deeply know, this race, most terrifying place where! 他们深深知道,这个种族,最为恐怖的地方在哪里! Almost just in the wink of an eye, the Kuang Heng, Lin Daohan and other 12 people, then operate Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation to go to the whereabouts, huge Array Formation entire integrated in Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower. 几乎只是瞬息之间,匡恒林道寒十二人,便操纵太上虚空阴阳大阵向下落去,巨大的法阵整个融入了太虚九重天阙之中。 But Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower Strength also therefore once more crazily rises, during endless radiance sparkles, as if ground god country, Heavens Immortal Realm. 太虚九重天阙力量也因此再次狂涨,无尽光辉闪耀之间,仿佛地上神国,诸天仙境 But in this moment, Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower has instead restrained oneself Strength, massive mysterious radiance all centralized in oneself, forms fully the defense situation. 但在这一刻,太虚九重天阙反而收敛了自己力量,大量玄奥光辉尽数集中于自身,形成全力防御的态势。 At this time, in Void resounded the Huan Ri Nether tranquil sound: Nether Profound Magnificence!” 这时,虚空之中响起幻日幽都平静的声音:“幽都玄华!” The one path radiant as deep black light beam appears, follows this black light present world, Heaven and Earth Grand Dao exudes the clear and grating wail sound in this moment, lines after lines brilliance interweaves to flash in Void, then breaks. 一道似璀璨似深沉的黑色光柱出现,伴随这道黑光的现世,天地大道在这一刻发出清晰而又刺耳的哀鸣声,道道光华虚空交织闪现,然后破碎。 As if no any Time to be separated, transcends endless space and time, this black light in appearing since that moment, then immediately shells above Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower! ( to be continued ) 仿佛没有任何时间间隔,穿越无尽时空,这道黑光在出现的那一刻起,便立即轰击在太虚九重天阙之上!(未完待续)
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