HNOF :: Volume #12

#1199: The war of White Cloud Mountain

Along with Shi Zongtang with is Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm kneeling down and bow respect with both hands clasped of Gunyang King Shi Zongmao, other Great Qin high-level Expert, sets out in abundance, makes the similar movement. 随着与石宗堂同为合道境界衮阳王石宗茂的下拜,其他大秦高层强者,也纷纷起身,做出同样动作。 Shi Chongyun silent did not speak, finally also stood up from the chair, then turned toward Shi Zongtang to prostrate oneself. 石崇云默然不语,最后也从座椅上站起,然后向着石宗堂拜倒。 Was the date, Great Qin Dynasty informs the national, circular Shi Yu passed away, and spread the news that new emperor succeeded to the throne. 是日,大秦皇朝昭告国民,通传石羽驾崩,并传出新帝继位的消息。 Although Great Qin Qi of Dragon Veins still gathered in Western Hill City, but actually inevitably falls into the disorder. 大秦龙脉之气虽然仍汇聚于西陵城,但却不可避免陷入紊乱之中。 A lines after lines scarlet, yellow, azure, white and black five colors light dragon raises from the area of Great Qin land, then shuttle Void, toward the Great Qin Country Western Hill City gathering. 道道赤、黄、青、白、黑五色的光龙从大秦全国各地的疆域上升起,然后穿梭虚空,向着大秦国西陵城汇聚。 These light dragon as if Formless, is the people of many Dao Cultivation, is hard to realize its physique, but actually can also feel moving restlessly faintly. 这些光龙仿佛无形,便是许多修道之人,都难以察觉其形体,但是却也能隐隐感受到其中的躁动。 During this moves restlessly, contained the deep dignity, as if the destiny turns over, all living things prostrate oneself. 而在这躁动之中,却也蕴含了深深的威严,仿佛天命所归,众生膜拜。 The Great Qin Dynasty subjects when War between Two Worlds just started, then massively drew, this moment these nationals knew the news that Qin Emperor passed away, falls into the terrified panicked and disorderly unavoidably, although there is new emperor succeeds to the throne, but wants the returning to normal will of the people, actually also needs Time. 大秦皇朝的子民在两界战争刚刚开始的时候,便已经被大量收拢,此刻这些国民得知秦帝驾崩的消息,难免陷入惶恐惊乱之中,虽然有新帝继位,但想要平复人心,却还需要时间 Great Qin Dynasty naturally wants to block off the flow of news, is capable of such doing, but for the contract of Qi of Dragon Veins, actually also can only publish the news. 大秦皇朝自然想要一直封锁消息,也有能力这么做,但为了龙脉之气的承接,却也只能公布消息。 The arrival of new War between Two Worlds, the world institute all knows, when the war had not ended, transmits the news that the emperor passed away first, Great Qin people naturally will have many guesses, even more will of the people are not then steady. 新一次两界战争的到来,世所皆知,在战争尚未结束期间,传来先帝驾崩的消息,大秦民众自然会有诸多猜测,也便越发人心不稳。 Great Qin Dynasty at this moment before experiencing newly round the exterior crisis, must first deal to smooth internal turbulence. What but is lucky, this this is Great Qin Dynasty is worst anticipated has the matter of arrangement, carries on up. Also is considered as Kamii there is foreword reluctantly. 大秦皇朝此刻在经历新一轮外部危机之前,首先要应对抚平内部的动荡。不过万幸的是,这本也大秦皇朝最坏预期中有过安排的事情,进行起来。勉强也算得上井然有序。 however this moment external environment, brings to the attention of Great Qin Dynasty on even more, Great Qin is genuinely Wind and Rain sways now, in the beset with difficulties both at home and abroad situation, the consequence is dreadful. 只不过此刻外部环境,就更加引起大秦皇朝的注意,大秦现在是真正风雨飘摇,内外交困的情况下,后果不堪设想。 new emperor Shi Zongtang at the process after Shi Zongmao and the others the discussions, finally makes the important decision, inviting Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Cultivator to come Western Hill City. 新帝石宗堂在经过和石宗茂等人的商议之后,终于做出重要决定,邀请玄门天宗修士前来西陵城 After the Wang Lin experience and Zhu Jian Great Saint fights. Although success Behead Zhu Jian Great Saint, but oneself also carries the severe wound. Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper guard the Southern Wasteland Domain channel together, confronts with Dragon Clan Shen Dragon King, Xiao Yan assumes the place of Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Kunlun Mountains north foundation. 汪林经历与诸犍大圣一战之后。虽然成功斩杀诸犍大圣,但自己也身负重伤。朱易天罡剑尊一起镇守南荒界域通道,与龙族申龙王对峙,萧焱则坐镇玄门天宗昆仑山北麓根基之处。 but also has the good news to transmit, was detained Heaven Desolate Land Shi Tianhao one line. Finally again returns to Divine Great Land, under Zhu Yi support, by way of Southern Wasteland Domain channel return trip. 不过也有好消息传来,原本滞留天荒广陆石天昊一行人。终于重新返回神州浩土,在朱易接应下,经由南荒界域通道返程。 With Shi Tianhao colleague, besides his Junior Sister Luo Qingwu, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Guest Official Elder Ardent Sun Dao Venerable Zhuge Zhan, as well as Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Great Monster Lu Yuan Great Saint. 石天昊同行者,除了他师妹洛轻舞以外,还有玄门天宗客卿长老烈日道尊诸葛战,以及星魂合一境界大妖卢源大圣 Let Great Qin Dynasty feeling at ease, Shi Tianhao and Luo Qingwu takes Profound Gate's Master Lin Feng Direct Disciple, after arriving in Western Hill City, other intentions intrude on the person of Western Hill City. Then must have scruples the Profound Gate's Master Lin Feng's manner. 大秦皇朝心安者,石天昊洛轻舞作为玄门之主林锋亲传弟子,在抵达西陵城之后,其他意图进犯西陵城之人。便必须要顾忌玄门之主林锋的态度。 But in Shi Tianhao, Luo Qingwu and the others still when the road, another influence bigger matter, attracted Great Qin Dynasty and attention of Divine Great Land all Human Race influences. Let them have to pay attention. 但在石天昊洛轻舞等人还在路上之时,另外一件影响更大的事情,吸引了大秦皇朝神州浩土所有人族势力的注意力。让他们不得不关注。 Nether Clan, arrives at White Cloud Mountain! 幽都一族,降临白云山 In the past in all day long the white clouds mist for Divine Mountain that wound around, at this moment during fell into to be quiet. 往年里终日为白云雾气缭绕的神山,此刻陷入沉寂之中。 But in mountain peak above Void, in Space presents massive brilliance to flash, the infinite purple light spreads, all around Great Thousand World all will dye piece of purple. 而在山峰上方的虚空里,空间中出现大量光华闪动,无穷紫光散布开来,将周遭大千世界尽数染成一片紫色 Infinite radiance Rune in Void inscribes. Makes this a side Domain as if twist. 无穷光辉符纹在虚空中铭刻。使得这一方界域仿佛都在扭曲。 Under the White Cloud Mountain surrounding fog in the purple light shines diverges all, then has gentle White Light to shine. As if fluctuation of lines after lines Aura in Heaven and Earth, covers White Cloud Mountain, coordinates with each other across a great distance with the purple light. 白云山周围的云雾在紫光照耀下尽数散去,然后有柔和的白光亮起。仿佛一道道光环天地波动,笼罩白云山,与紫光遥相呼应。 one seems about 20 -year-old handsome youth, wears a white clothing, appears in the White Cloud Mountain top, tranquil looks at on top spatial Void crack. 一个看上去20岁左右的俊朗青年,身着一袭白衣,出现在白云山顶,平静的看着顶上空的虚空裂缝。 In beside him, is standing Supreme Void Temple present age Temple Master Yan Nanlai, two people behind is Supreme Void Temple three Supreme Elder, besides Qingning Dao Venerable and Fu Yunkong, one seems as if the child appearance, but vision incomparably old person, precisely Supreme Void Temple radical faction big shot Kuang Heng. 他身旁,则站着太虚观当代观主雁南来,两人身后则是太虚观三位太上长老,除了青宁道尊傅云空之外,还有一个看上去仿佛孩童模样,但目光无比苍老的人,正是太虚观激进派大佬匡恒 In Kuang Heng and Qingning Dao Venerable and Fu Yunkong side, is standing the one black clothing youth, is actually the Yan Nanlai disciple, Lin Daohan. 匡恒青宁道尊傅云空身旁,则站着一个青衣青年,却是雁南来的弟子,林道寒 numerous Supreme Void Temple Cultivator raises head the looks at in Void that path giant slit. 一众太虚观修士都仰头看着虚空中那道巨大的缝隙。 In that slit, there is one to resemble the human form, but Three horns growing in the head, the canine advantage tooth dragon wolf-like form from there grading takes a step. 在那缝隙之中,有一个个酷似人形,但是头生三角,尖牙利齿似龙似狼的身影从中次第迈步而出。 These formidable lives, the back is throwing over the long silver white hair, big tail drags in behind, the skin surface to cover entirely purple Rune completely. 这些强大的生灵,背后都披着长长的银白毛发,一条大尾巴拖在身后,皮肤表面全部布满紫色符纹 precisely once Heaven Desolate ruler, Nether Clan. 正是曾经的天荒主宰,幽都一族 Is head Nether Beast of that most formidable, such as person similar erectness, stature medium, the vision is gentle, calmly is overlooking below White Cloud Mountain, precisely Nether Clan present age Clan Lord, Nether. 12. Huan Ri. 为首的那头最为强大幽都兽,如人一般直立,身材中等,目光平和,静静俯视着下方的白云山,正是幽都一族当代族主,幽都.十二.幻日 He does not have to restrain oneself Strength specially, has not shown oneself to exist specially, on just tranquil standing there, when actually as if Heaven and Earth center similar. 他没有特意收敛自己力量,也没有特意彰显自身存在,就只是平静的站在那里,当却仿佛天地中心一般 But at this time as if had the Formless pressure to press toward White Cloud Mountain, let around White Cloud Mountain fluctuation Aura, twisted. 但此时就仿佛有无形的压力朝着白云山压了过去,让白云山周围波动光环,为之扭曲。 Profound One Dao Venerable and Yan Nanlai slightly frowns, eye presently dignified color. 玄一道尊雁南来微微蹙眉,目现凝重之色。 Yan Nanlai looks to Profound One Dao Venerable: Profound One Martial Uncle, this Nether, as if experienced more than once the Middle Calamity appearance.” 雁南来看向玄一道尊:“玄一师叔,这头幽都,似乎已经历了不止一次中劫的样子。” Profound One Dao Venerable slowly nod: Truly more than once...... Now wants to come, when previous Spirit Sea test of strength, perhaps this Nether was just undergoing Middle Calamity, is at oneself weakest condition, or has other factors, does not have take action.” 玄一道尊徐徐点头:“确实不止一次……如今想来,上次灵海角力之时,这头幽都恐怕刚好正历了中劫,处于自身最虚弱的状态,又或者有其他因素,才没有出手。” Yan Nanlai looks at Huan Ri Nether behind Nether Clan Expert that goes out of crack one after another, the look is dignified: Previous war, after Tian Hai Nether fallen, then Nether Clan is hidden, although at that time also some numerous Nether Beast by Behead, but their past foundations, were really too heavy, since training, experts as common as the clouds.” 雁南来看着幻日幽都身后从裂缝中接连走出的幽都一族强者,神色凝重:“上次大战,天海幽都陨落之后,幽都一族便即隐没,虽然当时也有众多幽都兽斩杀,但他们当年的根基,实在是太厚重了,修养至今,强者如云。” Huan Ri Nether tranquil looks at below White Cloud Mountain, in his behind, two is tall, similarly such as person similar erectness Nether Beast, calmly was sizing up Mountain Gate of number one enemy to be in the past. 幻日幽都平静的看着下方的白云山,在他身后,两头身材高大,同样如人一般直立的幽都兽,也在静静打量当年头号大敌的山门之所在。 Behind them, is three big Nether Beast, the vision stared below White Cloud Mountain, in the line of sight has been being full of the meaning of being eager to try, overbearing and aggressive. 在他们后方,又是三头高大的幽都兽,目光盯着下方的白云山,视线中充满了跃跃欲试之意,霸道而又富有侵略性。 After these three Nether, is other Nether stands, looks all around, takes a fast look around Divine Great Land Heaven and Earth. 在这三头幽都之后,则是其他幽都站在一起,环顾四周,扫视神州浩土天地 Profound One Dao Venerable and Yan Nanlai and the others looks at these Nether Expert, the vision concentrates. 玄一道尊雁南来等人看着这些幽都强者,目光微凝。 The spoken language already did not have the significance at this moment, both sides only fight, Profound One Dao Venerable sinking sound said: Array!” 言语此刻已然没有意义,双方唯战而已,玄一道尊沉声说道:“列阵!” Beside Yan Nanlai, Kuang Heng, youth Dao Venerable, Fu Yunkong and Lin Daohan four people of personal appearance, vanish in the White Cloud Mountain top, at the same time, on White Cloud Mountain another eight Dao Light magnificent shoot up to the sky. 雁南来之外,匡恒,青年道尊,傅云空林道寒四人的身形,都在白云山顶消失,与此同时,白云山上另有八道光华冲天而起。 These eight Dao Light magnificent, coincide with Kuang Heng and Lin Daohan four people of Magic Force, forms huge Array Formation sky over White Cloud Mountain instantaneously. 这八道光华,同匡恒林道寒四人的法力相合,在白云山上空瞬间形成一座巨大的法阵 Sees in Array Formation, one black and one white two mist non-stop revolving interweave, give birth infinitely change, but on that black and white vortex, then there is lines after lines golden light flashing. 就见法阵之中,一黑一白两道云气不停旋转交织,生出无穷之变,而在那黑白漩涡上,则有道道金光闪烁 The shining ray is not dazzling, but give people by the infinite lofty feeling, as if is very indistinct, is hard to contact, is hard to hope to attain. 金灿灿的光芒并不耀眼,但却给人以无限崇高的感觉,似乎无比缥缈,难以接触,难以企及。 In this moment, sky over White Cloud Mountain as if presents a pair of eye, one black and one white, one yin one yang, simple, actually deducts the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao highest good. 在这一刻,白云山上空仿佛出现一对眼睛,一黑一白,一阴一阳,简简单单,却演绎天地大道至理。 But in this pair of eye, as if no any mood fluctuation, is similar to Paramount Heavenly Dao similar, sits looks at the white clouds dark green dog, the humans affair change, is by no means unkind, but treats impartially. 但这对眼睛之中,似乎没有任何情绪波动,如同至高天道一般,坐看白云苍狗,世事变迁,并非不仁,而是一视同仁。 This vision as if is everywhere, transcends all Time and Space, in society all, all in the take in line of sight, are unable to prevent, is unable to avoid. 这目光仿佛无处不在,穿越一切时间空间,世间一切,都尽数纳于视线之中,无法阻挡,也无法躲避。 Profound One Dao Venerable side presents two old man forms, one top of the head as if transparent as Ancient Bell, another one top of the head at the same time big drum, precisely Void Yin-Yang Clock and Supreme Formation-Breaking Drum respective Magical Treasure Original Spirit, Yin-Yang Old Man and Supreme Drum Immortal. 玄一道尊身旁出现两个老者的身影,一个头顶一口仿佛透明似的古钟,另一个则头顶一面大鼓,正是虚空阴阳钟太上破阵鼓各自的法宝元灵,阴阳翁太鼓仙 Has work 2 Elders.” Profound One Dao Venerable finished speaking, Yin-Yang Old Man and Supreme Drum Immortal look dignified nodded, then the personal appearance vanishes, Void Yin-Yang Clock and Supreme Formation-Breaking Drum go against immediately the happen change in White Cloud Mountain. “有劳二老。”玄一道尊说罢,阴阳翁太鼓仙都神色凝重的点了点头,然后身形消失,虚空阴阳钟太上破阵鼓白云山顶立刻发生变化。 Folding Space launches all, the endless golden light non-stop sparkle, mist stirs rapidly, an incomparably broad golden color palace rises straight from the ground, arrives huge in the extreme, in the palace spreads praising of innumerable Immortal Buddha to sing the sound, as if the one sacred state arrives at the White Cloud Mountain top, precisely Good Fortune Magical Treasure, Supreme Void Sanctuary. 折叠的空间尽数展开,无尽金光不停闪耀,云气飞速鼓荡,一座无比恢宏的金色殿堂拔地而起,庞大到无以复加,殿堂内传出无数仙佛的颂唱声,仿佛一个神圣国度降临白云山顶,正是造化法宝,太虚圣殿 Profound One Dao Venerable sits cross-legged to sit in the White Cloud Mountain top, one hand ties law seal, another hand selects above the White Cloud Mountain summit ground. 玄一道尊盘膝坐于白云山顶,一手结法印,另一只手则点在白云山山顶的地面之上。 His whole body high and low radiance flashes, entire giant white clouds Immortal Mountain, sends out the dazzling brilliance at this moment. 他周身上下光辉闪动,整座巨大的白云仙山,这一刻也散发出耀眼的光彩。 White Cloud Mountain vanishes gradually does not see, the Profound One Dao Venerable form also disappears does not see, among the infinite brilliance circulations, entire White Cloud Mountain as if changes to the one giant and illusory light group. 渐渐白云山消失不见,玄一道尊的身影也消失不见,无穷光华流转之间,整个白云山仿佛化作一个巨大而又虚幻的光团。 In the light group visibles faintly nine heavy illusion, one Layer is higher than one Layer, delightful Immortal Sound winds around, as if there is Heavens group immortal to praise together sings big Dao Technique. 光团中隐约可见九重幻境,一层更比一层高,悦耳仙音缭绕,仿佛有诸天群仙一起颂唱大道法则。 From the First Layer shutter, to Second Layer stars, arrives at Third Layer to open wide the Domain crack again, is upward, Fourth Layer as if giant palm similar covers 4 sides vast World, the cloud layer that Fifth Layer golden color lightning ray proliferates, the Sixth Layer huge Celestial Immortal city, Seventh Layer as if six heavy World coincide keeps colored ring of light, Eighth Layer Immortal sound reverberates mysterious Immortal Realm. 第一层的光门,到第二层的繁星点点,再到第三层洞开界域的裂缝,一路向上,第四层仿佛巨大手掌一般笼罩四方的浩瀚世界,第五层金色雷光遍布的云层,第六层巨大的天上仙城,第七层仿佛六重世界相合的留个彩色光圈,第八层仙音绕梁的玄妙仙境 Is as for until Ninth Layer, cannot see any specifically tangible thing, has that not to be radiant, is not dazzling, is not great, does not shock, but is indescribable, as deep as a well, is beyond description, unreadable mysterious radiance. 乃至于直到第九层,看不见任何具体有形的东西,却有那不璀璨,不耀眼,不宏大,不震撼,但难以言喻,难以捉摸,难以形容,难以理解的玄奥光辉 precisely Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, but at this moment, entire White Cloud Mountain, as if changes to Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower. 正是太虚九重天阙,而此刻,整座白云山,都仿佛化作太虚九重天阙 Good Fortune Magical Treasure Supreme Void Sanctuary, launches in this moment loudly, changes to Supreme Void Wonderful Immortal Land that Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower Eighth Layer is similar, coincides transformed into Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower Eighth Layer to coincide with Profound One Dao Venerable and White Cloud Mountain completely. 造化法宝太虚圣殿,在这一刻轰然展开,化作与九重天阙八层相仿的太虚妙有仙境,与玄一道尊白云山相合所化太虚九重天阙八层完全相合。 But Yan Nanlai lifts oneself left hand, on the left hand hand back Supreme Void Mark flashing inexplicable radiance, precisely Heaven Forming Supreme Void Profound Light, this radiance covers the Yan Nanlai whole body, picks up Yan Nanlai, falls into Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower Ninth Layer together, in that endless mysterious radiance. ( to be continued ) 雁南来则抬起自己左手,左手手背上太虚刻印闪动莫名光辉,正是成天太虚玄光,这光辉笼罩雁南来全身,托起雁南来,一起落入太虚九重天阙九层,那无尽的玄奥光辉之中。(未完待续)
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