HNOF :: Volume #12

#1198: Great Qin decision-making

Great Qin Dynasty national capital Western Hill City at this moment, the atmosphere is auspicious, Qin Emperor Shi Yu passed away, Great Qin Cultivator goes to the news that the Heaven Desolate Land expeditionary force nearly is annihilated, was blocked strictly. 此刻的大秦皇朝国都西陵城里,氛围还算祥和,秦帝石羽驾崩,大秦修士天荒广陆的远征军近乎全军覆没的消息,被严密封锁。 But in Western Hill City, in imperial palace, is a cloud of gloom is dreary, reveals the tranquility of dead similar, the atmosphere constrains the arrived extreme. 西陵城中,皇宫之内,则是一片愁云惨淡,流露出死一般的宁静,气氛压抑到了极点。 Although Great Qin Dynasty, even if in this moment, displayed the greatly strengthened control strength, making internal unlikely fall into the aspect of chaotic non- handling, but imperial palace, still there is several points of flustered feeling. 虽然大秦皇朝即便在这一刻,也表现出了极强的掌控力,使得内部不至于陷入混乱无措的局面,但皇宫内部,也仍然有了几分人心惶惶的感觉。 In the imperial palace center main hall, the several people, each other face-to-face sit at this moment, in their side, some Mana Projection, that has the heavy responsibility in the body, Great Qin Dynasty top Expert Mana Projection that is unable to arrive by oneself, participates this to Great Qin Dynasty, important meeting. 在皇宫中心正殿里,此刻正有几个人,彼此面对面坐着,在他们身旁,还有一些法力投影,那是有重任在身,无法亲身到场的大秦皇朝顶尖强者们的法力投影,来参加这场对大秦皇朝而言,至关重要的会以 No matter Honourable to this or Mana Projection here, the vision of people would delimiting in the main hall unintentionally that empty Dragon Throne, then sighed secretly. 不管是真人到此还是法力投影在此,众人的目光都总会有意无意划过正殿上那空荡荡的龙椅,然后暗自叹息。 Divine Origin Soul Formation Cultivation Realm Imperial Clan old man is stroking the beard of oneself, said in a soft voice: „Before then defers to His Majesty just before leaving the last words conduct.” 一名元神化神境界皇族老者捋着自己的胡须,轻声说道:“便按照陛下临行前的遗命行事吧。” Although Qin Emperor Shi Yu fallen, but the in War between Two Worlds royal cart drafts, is Shi Yu has Immortal Dragon City not to guarantee completely safe in the body. 秦帝石羽虽然陨落,但在两界战争中御驾亲征,便是石羽不朽龙城在身也不一定能保万全。 Although unlucky, but stems from the responsible angle, Great Qin includes Shi Yu in person up and down , must make all kinds of plans, naturally including various quite bad plans. 虽然不吉,但出于负责任的角度,大秦上下包括石羽本人在内,也必然要做各种各样的预案,其中自然包括各种比较坏的打算。 For example Qin Emperor Shi Yu fallen, or Immortal Dragon City is damaged is as for is destroyed. 例如秦帝石羽陨落,又或者不朽龙城受损乃至于被摧毁。 And naturally also includes the worst possibility. Qin Emperor Shi Yu and Immortal Dragon City lose in pairs. 其中当然也包括最坏的可能性。秦帝石羽不朽龙城双双失落。 Here involves, after Qin Emperor Shi Yu passed away, the outside big situation is relaxes or to be tense. War between Two Worlds overall war regarding Great Qin Dynasty whether critical. 这里又牵扯到,在秦帝石羽驾崩之后,外部大局势是缓和还是紧张。两界战争整体战局对于大秦皇朝而言是否危急。 The present actual situation, without doubt is the most awful result. 眼下的实际情况,无疑是最糟糕的结果。 In this case, can take on the person of Great Qin Dynasty heavy burden, without a doubt is not at present only Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation base regent Crown Prince Shi Chongyun. 在这种情况下,能够担起大秦皇朝重担之人,毫无疑问不是目前只有元婴后期修为的监国太子石崇云 Great Qin Dynasty three big Dao Fusion Expert, Qin Emperor Shi Yu fallen, Gunyang King Shi Zongmao severe wound, now strength strongest. Then only remaining before this remains behind Western Hill City Southern Bright King Shi Zongtang. 大秦皇朝三大合道强者,秦帝石羽陨落,衮阳王石宗茂重伤,如今实力最强者。便只剩下此前留守西陵城南明王石宗堂 Blocks by Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper in Shen Dragon King, but Nether Clan has not arrived in the Divine Great Land situation. Great Qin situation unlikely is extremely critical at present. 申龙王朱易天罡剑尊所阻,而幽都一族又没有降临神州浩土的情况下。大秦眼下局势还不至于太过危急。 In this case, perhaps some people will also propose that the Shi Zongtang temporary regent government, supports the Great Qin general situation. 这种情况下,或许还会有人提议石宗堂暂时摄政,支撑大秦大局。 But now Nether Clan arrives, although the priority target is Supreme Void Temple. But including Great Qin Dynasty in other inside influences, has to enhance vigilance, is ready in full battle array. 但如今幽都一族降临,虽然首要目标是太虚观。但包括大秦皇朝内的其他势力,也不得不提高警惕,严阵以待。 To direct to gather Qi of Dragon Veins, must ascend the throne for the emperor is good, presently the situation could not allow Shi Chongyun to ascend the throne, to concentrate Great Qin Dynasty present complete Strength, by the strongest stance alert foreign enemy, this can only be Southern Bright King Shi Zongtang extremely. 想要引聚龙脉之气,必须登基为帝才行,当前局势已经容不得石崇云登基,为了集中大秦皇朝眼下的全部力量,以最强姿态戒备外敌,极为这只能是南明王石宗堂 Before Qin Emperor Shi Yu just before leaving in losing imperial edict, similarly clear words. In a particular case, the Southern Bright King Shi Zongtang automatic promote position was sovereign Taishu, became the Great Qin first cis-position successor. 秦帝石羽临行前的遗诏中,同样明言。在特定情况下,南明王石宗堂自动晋位为皇太叔,成为大秦第一顺位继承人。 Does not need to exploit the loopholes in any language. At this moment nobody will also deny that present situation, without doubt is the particular case that Shi Yu said. 不需要钻任何语言上的空子。此刻也没人会否认眼下的局势,无疑就是石羽所言的特定情况。 Person who perhaps loses only, is Shi Chongyun, but he as at this moment attending only one Divine Origin Cultivation Realm following Cultivator, at this time also just unemotionally, is silent. 或许唯一失落的人,便是石崇云,但他作为此刻与会的唯一一个元神境界以下修士,这时也只是面无表情,沉默不语。 Southern Bright King Shi Zongtang sits on the people the first position. The his line of sight has not looked at Dragon Throne above steps, similarly is silent. As if thinking deeply about anything. 南明王石宗堂坐在众人上首位置。他的视线也没有看阶梯之上的龙椅,同样沉默不语。似乎在思索着什么。 In him opposite, is one Mana Projection, came from Great Qin Dynasty another Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Expert, Gunyang King Shi Zongmao. 在他对面,则是一个法力投影,来自于大秦皇朝另外一位合道境界强者,衮阳王石宗茂 The however this moment Shi Zongmao condition is very bad, even if just Mana Projection , can see his to be weak, this regarding always strong Great Qin Gunyang King, is really a very rare matter. 只不过此刻石宗茂的状态很差,即便只是法力投影,也能让人看出他的虚弱,这对于一向强硬的大秦衮阳王来说,实在是一件非常少见的事情。 Shi Zongmao coughs, slowly said: Has a plan for the present, my Great Qin only has contracts defense fully, is not light with anybody the outbreak of war, first crossed this War between Two Worlds to say again.” 石宗茂干咳一声,缓缓说道:“为今之计,我大秦唯有全力收缩防御,不与任何人轻起战端,先渡过这次两界战争再说。” Side him Great Qin Ancient Elder sighed was saying: His Majesty and Immortal Dragon City lose together, since my Great Qin has fallen into for several thousand years the weakest time, the previous Two Worlds Great War later accumulation almost consumes, then crossed this Two Worlds Great War, later the situation also changes constantly, my does Great Qin work as what course to follow?” 他侧面的一位大秦宿老叹息着说道:“陛下不朽龙城一起失落,我大秦陷入数千年以来最为虚弱的时刻,上次两界大战之后的积累几乎消耗一空,便是渡过这次两界大战,之后局势也是风云变幻,我大秦当何去何从?” After this old man slightly hesitant one next, said in a soft voice: Is it possible that did only reverse to Profound Gate Heavenly Sect really?” 老者稍微犹豫了一下之后,轻声道:“莫非,只有真的倒向玄门天宗了吗?” Great Qin high-level Expert simultaneously silence on the scene. 在场的大秦高层强者齐齐一默 How with that even more powerful, making oneself the ally that is hard to follow be together gradually, is the matter that Great Qin Dynasty had a headache about in recent years. 如何与那个越发强盛,让自己渐渐都难以望其项背的盟友相处,本来就是大秦皇朝近年来头疼的事情。 Nowadays this issue, unexpectedly as if has been easily solved, but this resolution format, may let Great Qin high and low happy not up. 现如今这个问题,竟似乎迎刃而解了,但这种解决方式,可着实让大秦上下愉快不起来 Other leeway that but arrived before one's eyes at this moment, as if they have not chosen. 到了眼前这一刻,似乎也已经没有他们选择的其他余地了。 „Does not fall down to Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, reverse to Great Zhou Dynasty?” That old man opposite one middle-aged person curled the lip: Although is truly unwilling, but Profound Gate Heavenly Sect currently speaking, does not only interfere me and other internal affairs, has not whipped on to control me constantly and others idea.” 不倒玄门天宗,难道倒向大周皇朝?”那老者对面一个中年人撇了撇嘴:“虽然确实不甘,但玄门天宗仅从目前来说,并不干涉我等内政,也并没有一味驱策驾驭我等的意思。” Beirong Royal Court is the same with my Great Qin, is gains experience of the world the extremely deep influence, idea that but Profound Gate Heavenly Sect has not grasped to them thoroughly.” 北戎王庭和我大秦一样,都是涉世极深的势力,但玄门天宗对他们也没有深入掌握的意思。” This middle-aged person snort|hum: Now the enemy of our protection, is Great Zhou Dynasty, although is carrying on War between Two Worlds at present, who knows that Zhou Emperor Liang Pan can take risks, after all regarding Great Zhou, the present is to annex my Great Qin best opportunity.” 这中年人哼了一声:“现在我们最该防备的敌人,乃是大周皇朝,虽然眼下正在进行两界战争,但谁知道周帝梁盘会不会铤而走险,毕竟对于大周来说,现在是吞并我大秦最好的时机。” People nodded on the scene, Great Zhou Dynasty throughout is the enemy who they most alert, even if in recent years the low key is dormant, Zhou Emperor Liang Pan ambition, always cannot be underestimated. 在场众人都点了点头,大周皇朝始终都是他们最为戒备的敌人,哪怕近些年来低调蛰伏,周帝梁盘的野心,也从来不容小觑 At this time, had one old man to hesitate suddenly is looking to Gunyang King Shi Zongmao, asked: Uncle Gunyang King, you had the word before, His Majesty there war, as if there is quite a lot questionable point......” 这时,有一个老者突然迟疑着看向衮阳王石宗茂,问道:“衮阳王叔,您之前有言,陛下那里的战局,似乎有颇多疑点……” The Shi Zongmao look is dignified: Old man is also listens to the simple description of Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, His Majesty fallen, Immortal Dragon City to fall to the enemy, the primary cause is Dragon Soul sacrifice happen surprise, causing the situation to slide to not the steerable abyss.” 石宗茂神色凝重:“老夫也是听天罡剑尊的简单描述,陛下陨落,不朽龙城失陷,主要原因是龙魂祭礼发生意外,导致事态滑向不可控制的深渊。” „The Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper appearance was later, causing His Majesty has to the soldier risk danger incurs, but this no wonder Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, just Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Zhu Yi, its strength at this war around, there is an obvious change.” 天罡剑尊到场迟了一些,导致陛下不得不兵行险招,但这怪不得天罡剑尊,只是玄门天宗朱易,其实力在这场大战的前后,有明显变化。” After His Majesty fallen and fallen, this Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Elder Zhu strength, is inconsistent, but is actually not spirit refining Void Return, breakthrough Cultivation Realm.” “在陛下陨落前和陨落后,这位玄门天宗朱长老的实力,并不一致,但却并非是炼神返虚,突破境界。” Shi Zongmao deeply inspired: Although cannot repel the Mystical Ability Magic Force aspect also to have the breakthrough possibility, but around this difference, has to care.” 石宗茂深吸了一口气:“虽然不能排斥神通法力方面也有临阵突破的可能性,但这前后差异,不得不让人在意。” numerous Great Qin Cultivator is silent, at this time, sat in the Shi Zongtang one strike palm on head, the other people line of sight looks gently to him. 一众大秦修士都沉默下去,这时,坐在上首的石宗堂轻轻一击掌,其他人视线都望向他。 Shi Zongtang calmly said: No matter whether has the trick, at this moment compares, we most reliable ally, throughout or Profound Gate Heavenly Sect.” 石宗堂静静说道:“不管其中是否有猫腻,此刻相较而言,我们最可靠的盟友,始终还是玄门天宗。” Nether Clan arrives at Divine Great Land, the Supreme Void Temple's Master strength and Clear Sky Mirror gets sucked into Profound Sea to be hard to return, even can said that including White Cloud Mountain Profound One Dao Venerable, on Divine Great Land all people, must count on now Profound Gate's Master True Body returns from Heaven Desolate Land, my Human Race Cultivation World has enough assurance to meet head-on Nether.” 幽都一族降临神州浩土,太虚观主力和昊天镜深陷玄海难以返回,甚至可以说,包括白云山玄一道尊在内,神州浩土上所有人,现在都要指望玄门之主本尊天荒广陆回归,我人族修真界才有足够把握迎战幽都。” Supreme Void Temple left surprise in in Profound Sea, oneself Mountain Gate becomes the Nether Clan most possible attack goal, after this War between Two Worlds, Supreme Void Temple likely by heavy losses, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, although also fortune and misfortune difficult material, but only from the present, the prospect is obviously superior to Supreme Void Temple.” 太虚观玄海中出了意外,自家山门又成为幽都一族最可能攻击的目标,这次两界战争之后,太虚观很可能受到重创,玄门天宗虽然也祸福难料,但仅从眼下来看,前景明显优于太虚观。” Great Zhou Dynasty these year and Supreme Void Temple relates even more closely, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect eventually is we at present the most reliable choice.” 大周皇朝这些年与太虚观联系愈发紧密,玄门天宗终究是我们眼下最可靠的选择。” The people on the scene, including Gunyang King Shi Zongmao, nodded, have one person suddenly turn the head and looks to Shi Zongtang and Shi Zongmao, cannot help but starts to speak but hesitates. 在场众人,包括衮阳王石宗茂在内,都一齐点了点头,有一人突然转头看向石宗堂石宗茂,不由得欲言又止。 Shi Zongtang actually as if knows that in his mind thinks, calmly said: For all that but we are not suitable to welcome Shi Tianhao for the emperor.” 石宗堂却仿佛知道他心中所想,静静说道:“虽然如此,但我们并不适合迎石天昊为帝。” That person sees Shi Zongtang to bring to light words, then simply said: Since has decided to reverse to Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, that might as well be simply thorougher, chips is bigger!” 那人见石宗堂已经把话挑明,便索性说道:“既然已经决定倒向玄门天宗,那不如索性更彻底一些,下注更大一些!” If my Great Qin I am unable to rise in Divine Land, becomes Paramount unsurpassed existence, but Profound Gate Heavenly Sect can sweep away the whole wide world in the future , under we win over into them to preside the strongest influence.” “若我大秦朕无法崛起于神州,成为至高无上之存在,而玄门天宗日后真能横扫八荒,那我们就争取成为他们统辖之下的最强势力。” One of Desolate Heaven Venerable this is under Profound Gate's Master's tutelage Four Heroes, he becomes my Great Qin Desolate Celestial Emperor, my Great Qin Dynasty in the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect subordinates domain, will occupy a strongest corner/horn in the future diligently is.” That person of sound somewhat feels fuzzy: Otherwise, even if we reverse to Profound Gate Heavenly Sect thoroughly, in the future will develop still the difficult material, Beirong Royal Court in recent years to progress by leaps and bounds and not raise, Desolate Heaven Venerable Eldest Senior Brother Xiao Yan, the his wife, is the Ancient Sovereign Lineage descendant!” 荒天尊本就是玄门之主座下四杰之一,他成为我大秦荒天帝,我大秦皇朝在日后玄门天宗麾下版图中,努力占据最强一角便是。”那人声音有些发沉:“否则,就算我们彻底倒向玄门天宗,日后发展仍然难料,北戎王庭近些年来突飞猛进且不提,荒天尊大师兄萧焱,他的妻室,可是古皇一脉后裔!” Although does not have to spread wantonly, Longevity Ancient Realm also enough secret, but Lin Feng goes to the matter of Longevity Ancient Realm discussing marriage with Xiao Yan, or has flowed out the news. 虽然没有大肆传扬,长生古界也足够隐秘,但林锋萧焱长生古界提亲之事,还是流出了消息。 Great Qin Dynasty, naturally was first Time is attracted the attention. 大秦皇朝对此,自然第一时间被吸引了注意力。 Shi Zongtang shook the head: First did not say Shi Tianhao impossible accepts the matter of adopting certainly, even if our can accepts vertical collateral branch Bloodline for the emperor, can accepts Profound Gate Heavenly Sect closely related Direct Disciple for the emperor, the sense of belonging of Shi Tianhao to Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, far strong to Shi Family, let alone my Great Qin Dynasty.” 石宗堂摇了摇头:“先不说石天昊不可能接受过继之事,就算我们可以接受立旁支血脉为帝,可以接受玄门天宗传弟子为帝,石天昊玄门天宗的归属感,也远强于对石氏家族,更别说我大秦皇朝了。” Although there is some are difficult, but he to my Great Qin, does not have any sentiment and sense of belonging actually may say, Imperial Clan people who whole nation, he relates most goodwill, is Xingyun.” “虽然有些难以启齿,但他对我大秦,其实没什么感情与归属感可言,举国上下,他关系最为亲善的皇族中人,是星云。” That Great Qin high-level Expert heard this, on face reveals the color of regret, the beforehand suggestion also no longer much raises. 大秦高层强者闻言,脸上露出遗憾之色,之前的建议也不再多提。 Shi Zongmao said in one side sinking sound: First crossed this War between Two Worlds inexorable fate to say diligently again, we need some Time to make the people accept the news that the sovereign passed away first, establishes new emperor, again directs to gather Qi of Dragon Veins, these must be as soon as possible good.” 石宗茂在一旁沉声言道:“先努力渡过此次两界战争的劫数再说吧,我们需要一些时间让民众接受先皇驾崩的消息,确立新帝,重新引聚龙脉之气,这些都必须要尽快才行。” He looks to Shi Zongtang: Special period, the ritual of ascending the throne also has to conform to simplicity, to avoid confusion, is unable to invite other Fellow Daoist to come to attend the ceremony.” 他看向石宗堂:“特殊时期,登基之礼也只好从简,为了避免混乱,也无法邀约其他同道前来观礼了。” By rights ought to so.” Shi Zongtang nodded, stands up, arrives at center main hall, Dragon Throne that looks at that keeps aloof, said slowly: Informs Profound Gate Heavenly Sect the news , etc. with the influence that my Great Qin is on good terms, we also start to prepare.” “理当如此。”石宗堂点了点头,站起身来,走到大殿正中,看着那高高在上的龙椅,徐徐说道:“将消息告知玄门天宗等与我大秦交好的势力,我们也开始做准备吧。” In the main hall Gunyang King Shi Zongmao Mana Projection first stands up, after silent one next, prostrates oneself toward Shi Zongtang slowly. ( to be continued ) 大殿中衮阳王石宗茂法力投影首先站起,沉默了一下之后,向着石宗堂缓缓拜倒。(未完待续)
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