HNOF :: Volume #12

#1197: Most appropriate pretence

Zhu Yi in the past stands by the principle of Light and Darkness Two Extremes said that but along with the cultivate process to Heaven and Earth Grand Dao studies the understanding unceasingly, then has the new change. 朱易昔年光暗两极之理立道,而随着修练过程中对天地大道的不断修习理解,便又生出新的变化。 Light transform into is bright, dark transform into dark, the night and day change, deducts the Heaven and Earth highest good. 化为明,暗化为晦,晦明变化,演绎天地至理。 Bright, refers to clearly, obviously, can was understood by the cognition thing. 明,指清晰的,可见的,可以被理解被认知的事物。 dark, refers to obscurely, invisible, is unable to understand unable the thing of sensation. 晦,指晦涩的,不可见,无法理解无法感知的事物。 Both unite, is actually known and unknown, obviously among opposition and unification with invisible. 两者合一,其实是已知与未知,可见与不可见之间的对立与统一。 Then is since the Cultivation World development, still there is endless thing unknown, but the knowledge learning is boundless, knowledge is infinite, in the process of person discovery learning, melts unknown for unceasingly known, in various methods once is unable the thing and truth of sensation sensation, once is unable to understand understood the thing and truth that once is unable to grasp grasps the thing and truth that is the process that the humane situation goes forward incessantly. 便是修真界发展至今,仍然有无尽事物是未知的,而学海无涯,学无止境,在人不断探索学习的过程中,化未知为已知,以各种方法把曾经无法感知的事物和道理感知,把曾经无法理解的事物和道理理解,把曾经无法掌握的事物和道理掌握,便是人道大势不断前进的过程。 Unknown is understood as known, known extends many unknown, both mutual promotion, endless, contained all known and unknown all. 未知被理解为已知,已知又延伸出更多的未知,两者相生,无穷无尽,包含了所有已知和未知的一切。 This Two Complements Path, is Zhu Yi in the future the cultivation path and direction, has swept clean the front dense fog in him at this moment successfully, takes this path officially, takes the oneself first step successfully. 这条两仪之道,便是朱易日后修行的道路与方向,在此刻他已经成功扫清面前迷雾,正式踏上这条道路,成功迈出自己第一步。 Continues to hold up the head to lead the way, Future is limitless. 继续昂首前行,未来不可限量。 compared with Zhu Yi is going against Kun Dragon King and Profound Sea receives and instructs the ritual pressure, the Behead Green Sky Dragon King success, he comprehension on Dao Technique, makes Lin Feng feel joyful for him with comforting. 相较于朱易顶着坤龙王玄海接引法仪的压力,斩杀碧空龙王的战绩,他在道法上的领悟,更让林锋为他感到欣喜与宽慰。 But while is the oneself disciple comforts, Great Qin Dynasty bitter experience, makes Lin Feng sigh. 但在为自己弟子宽慰的同时,大秦皇朝的遭遇,也让林锋叹息。 Some significance. Qin Emperor Shi Yu fallen, with losing of Immortal Dragon City, very much does not need. Belongs to under various factor combined actions, one is completely unexpected, simultaneously helpless result. 某种意义上来说。秦帝石羽陨落,和不朽龙城的失落,都很没有必要。属于多种因素共同作用下,一个完全出乎预料,同时让人无奈的结果。 Shi Xingyun unexpectedly is Primordial time Heavenly Dragon Jin Soul Remnants reincarnation, this matter also stems from Lin Feng to be unexpected, but Shi Yu by it offering sacrifices Immortal Dragon City, presents huge surprise because of Shi Xingyun not completed Divine Origin, is includes Shi Yu in person. Matter that everyone not previously expects. 石星云竟然是太古时代天龙瑾残魂转生,此事也出乎林锋预料之外,而石羽以之献祭不朽龙城,却因为石星云未成元神而出现巨大意外,更是包括石羽本人在内。谁都不曾料到的事情。 Zhu Yi comprehend oneself Two Complements Path and brand-new Mystical Ability, in Kun Dragon King and other Dragon Clan Expert pressure next temporary breakthrough. Leeway that anything has not been opportunistic. 朱易参悟自己两仪之道和全新神通,是在坤龙王龙族强者的压力下临时突破。没有什么取巧的余地。 If Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper can early arrives at the moment, Qin Emperor Shi Yu then be forced, ahead of time carries on the Dragon Soul sacrifice, there is following surprise. 而如果天罡剑尊可以早到片刻,秦帝石羽便不会迫于无奈,提前进行龙魂祭礼,以至于有了后面的意外 But in fact. Entering the war of Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, originally in all people plan beside. 但事实上。天罡剑尊的参战,本来就在所有人计划之外。 No matter, is unable to blame Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, otherwise that on formed unreasonable venting anger. 不管是谁,都无法怪罪天罡剑尊,否则那就成了无理的迁怒。 however regarding nowadays Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator under layer upon layer pressure, some youngster perhaps is unable the so calm ponder. 只不过对于现如今重重压力之下的大秦皇朝修士来说,有些年轻人或许无法如此冷静的思考。 Then is Zhu Yi's breakthrough, strives to turn the tide, perhaps in the thoughts of some people, will also turn keeps the strength before this intentionally, harbors evil intentions. 便是朱易的临阵突破,力挽狂澜,或许也会在一些人的思维中,变成此前故意保留实力,居心叵测。 In situation that in oneself bears the tremendous pressure. Vents anger in other people, often is simplest mediates the pressure the method, although in fact completely no helps. Even will bring is more troublesome, but always some people always enjoy. 在自身承受巨大压力的情况下。迁怒于旁人,往往是最简单的排解压力的方法,虽然实际上完全于事无补。甚至会带来更多麻烦,但总有人乐此不疲。 This also belongs to the way things should be but actually, Lin Feng does not care, the Great Qin Dynasty bitter experience, he also regretted. 这倒也属于人之常情,林锋并不是太在意,大秦皇朝的遭遇,他也为之惋惜。 In recent years, Lin Feng felt indistinctly. Relations between Great Qin Dynasty and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, although still unusual goodwill. But Great Qin Dynasty senior leaders the mood of headed by Qin Emperor Shi Yu, is very complex. 近些年来,林锋已经隐约感觉到。大秦皇朝和自家玄门天宗之间的关系,虽然仍非常亲善。但以秦帝石羽为首的大秦皇朝高层领袖们的心情,恐怕是复杂得很。 on one hand, bilateral relations are always friendly, the relation is close, but on the other hand, the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect strength, the influence and influence, made person chest cavity be dumbfounded by one type, the unbelievable speed grew. 一方面,双方关系一向友善,联系密切,但是另一方面,玄门天宗的实力,势力和影响力,都以一种令人膛目结舌,难以置信的速度增长。 Regarding Great Qin Dynasty, relations between localization oneself and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, become one are how getting more and more important, issue that also more and more has a headache about. 对于大秦皇朝来说,如何定位自己玄门天宗之间的关系,成为一个越来越重要,同时也越来越头疼的问题。 arrived Qin Emperor Shi Yu and Great Qin Dynasty such position, must say their content to be below others, Lin Feng one does not believe. 到了秦帝石羽大秦皇朝这样的位置,要说他们甘居人下,林锋一个就不会相信。 If Qin Emperor Shi Yu is the person of content to be below others, in the past the wartime of Western Hill City, his impossible and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, Purple Firmament Dao, Beirong Royal Court was as for all along has the Great Zhou Dynasty composition union camp of contradiction, common resisting at that time the layout of Supreme Void Temple to Divine Great Land Human Race Cultivation World. 秦帝石羽如果是甘居人下之人,当年西陵城之战时,他就不可能玄门天宗,紫霄道,北戎王庭乃至于一贯有矛盾的大周皇朝组成联合阵营,共同抵制当时太虚观神州浩土人族修真界的布局。 Zhou Emperor Liang Pan , is the same character, therefore had the matter of past years, however along with the struggle of Oceanic Sea with the war of Profound-extinguishing, create Divine Great Land big pattern non-stop fluctuated, caused the standpoint gradually happen displacement of Great Zhou Dynasty. 周帝梁盘,也是同样的人物,所以才有当年之事,只不过随着瀛海之争和灭玄之战,造成神州浩土大格局不停变幻,才导致大周皇朝的立场渐渐发生偏移。 Perhaps external embodiment the style is different, but essentially, no matter Qin Emperor Shi Yu or Zhou Emperor Liang Pan, is the same person. 或许外在表现出来的风格不同,但从本质上来说,不管是秦帝石羽还是周帝梁盘,都是同样的人。 In the past Qin Emperor Shi Yu joined in the joint camp to resist the Supreme Void Temple's layout resolutely, then along with the non-stop enhancement of Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, he was complex regarding the view of Profound Gate Heavenly Sect day after day, this was expected the matter. 当年秦帝石羽毅然投身联合阵营抵制太虚观的布局,那么随着玄门天宗不停增强,他对于玄门天宗的看法日渐复杂,本也是预料之中的事情。 Promotes Great Qin Dynasty own strength, is Qin Emperor Shi Yu and pursue and goal of Great Qin audiences Expert. 提升大秦皇朝自身实力,一直是秦帝石羽大秦强者的追求与目标。 The opportunity needs oneself to strive, simultaneously opportunity also often follows the danger, this needed policy-maker oneself to map out strategic plans in an army tent. 机遇需要自己争取,同时机遇也往往伴随着危险,这就需要决策者自己运筹帷幄了。 In War between Two Worlds, simultaneously contained the huge danger and opportunity without doubt, in the previous war, enters Profound Sea when Supreme Void Temple, the Lin Feng method harnesses Spirit Abyss Mountain, Great Qin Dynasty in Heaven Desolate Land with irresistible force, goes smoothly everywhere, the harvest is many. 两界战争中,无疑同时蕴含了巨大的危险与机遇,此前的战局中,在太虚观玄海,林锋法驾灵渊山之时,大秦皇朝天荒广陆一路势如破竹,无往不利,收获颇丰。 All as if are turning toward the good direction to develop, but next moment, the situation develops rapidly after a sudden turn instantaneously. 一切仿佛都在向着好的方向发展,但下一刻,局势瞬间急转直下。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu and the others the thoughts, Lin Feng can guess correctly approximately that this is also the way things should be, but in his opinion, Great Qin Dynasty and Qin Emperor Shi Yu in person, this time the performance in War between Two Worlds slightly obviously was irritable, although not Golden Peng Great Saint such unrestrained gambling, but after is was inferior before Shi Yu, displays is so calm. 秦帝石羽等人的心思,林锋大致能猜到,这也算是人之常情,但在他看来,大秦皇朝秦帝石羽本人,这次在两界战争的表现都稍显急躁了一些,虽然不似金鹏大圣那样的豪赌,可是终归是不如石羽以前表现出来的那么沉稳。 The incisiveness that War between Two Worlds brutal shows at this moment, a misstep, possibly is the abyss, present Great Qin Dynasty is a foot takes near the cliff. 两界战争的残酷性此刻展现的淋漓尽致,一步踏错,可能就是万丈深渊,现在的大秦皇朝已经是一只脚迈出悬崖边上了。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu fallen, Immortal Dragon City loses, the Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Expert Gunyang King Shi Zongmao severe wound, other people such as Anliang King Shi Zongyue, Jinfang King Shi Lin and other Great Qin Dynasty top Expert also died in battle. 秦帝石羽陨落,不朽龙城遗失,合道境界强者衮阳王石宗茂重伤,其他人安良王石宗岳,靖方王石林大秦皇朝顶尖强者也都战死。 The Great Qin Dynasty strength, is away from pre-war, buckle most, top-notch Expert only remaining remains behind Western Hill City Southern Bright King Shi Zongtang. 大秦皇朝的实力,距离战前,折损大半,最顶尖强者只剩下留守西陵城南明王石宗堂 Qin Emperor Shi Yu passed away, his son, Great Qin Crown Prince Shi Chongyun at this moment actually also only Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation base, still not completed on Divine Origin, if said in usually also some that but in on War between Two Worlds, being doomed is hard to take on at this moment greatly duty. 秦帝石羽驾崩,他的儿子,大秦储君石崇云此刻却还只有元婴后期修为,尚未成元神,若是在平时还有的说道,但在此刻正逢两界战争之时,注定难以担当大任。 Great Qin Dynasty following what course to follow, difficult expectation. 大秦皇朝接下来何去何从,殊难预料。 Although Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper guard the Southern Wasteland Domain channel together, will replace Kun Dragon King to come this's Shen Dragon King to block, but Great Qin Dynasty the crisis does not relieve completely, Nether Clan arrives at Divine Great Land, the priority target no doubt is White Cloud Mountain, but other Human Race influences are similarly negligent can not. 虽然朱易天罡剑尊一起镇守南荒一带的界域通道,将替换了坤龙王来此的申龙王挡住,但大秦皇朝的的危机并非完全解除,幽都一族降临神州浩土,首要目标固然是白云山,但人族其他势力同样大意不得。 But in this case, Great Zhou Dynasty will have the what kind action, then made the person quite care. 而在此情况下,大周皇朝会有何等举动,便让人颇为在意了。 in War between Two Worlds starts to Great Qin Dynasty attack, seizes the chance to pick up a bargain, this matter Great Zhou Dynasty is not necessarily able to do actually, but if has such idea, has other more temperate method to think. 在两界战争中发动对大秦皇朝攻击,趁机捡便宜,这种事情大周皇朝倒是未必会做,但如果真有如此想法,却有其他更为温和的手段可想。 That is Divine Great Land all living things Qi of Dragon Veins! 那便是神州浩土的众生龙脉之气 In more than 4000 years ago previous War between Two Worlds, Great Zhou Dynasty has not risen, a but Great Qin border region small country, at that time Great Qin Dynasty Dominate the Divine Great Land most ordinary territory, was almost gathering entire Divine Great Land dragon vein destiny in Western Hill City together, showed formidable Strength in the wartime. 4000多年前的上次两界战争中,大周皇朝尚未崛起,不过大秦边陲一小国,彼时的大秦皇朝统御神州浩土大半世俗疆土,几乎将整个神州浩土龙脉气运共同汇聚于西陵城,在战时展现出强大力量 After that War between Two Worlds, Great Qin fell into the trough, but Great Zhou started to rise gradually, when to Zhou Emperor Liang Pan this generation, Great Zhou rose potential to erupt thoroughly, became with the formidable dynasty strength of Great Qin Dynasty equality, afterward the Time national strength even dominated above Great Qin. 后来随着那次两界战争之后,大秦陷入低谷,而大周渐渐开始崛起,待到周帝梁盘这一代,大周崛起之势彻底爆发出来,成为和大秦皇朝平等的强大皇朝实力,后来有一段时间国力甚至凌驾于大秦之上。 In this process, Sky Capital City and Great Zhou Dynasty, the powerful intercepted to carve up had rushed Western Hill City and Great Qin Dynasty some dragon vein destiny. 在这个过程中,天京城大周皇朝,强势截取瓜分了原来涌向西陵城大秦皇朝的部分龙脉气运 In recent years crushes the east wind along with westerly wind again, the Great Zhou strategic contraction policy, but Great Qin again gets the winning side, Great Qin high and low also has been seeking actually Qi of Dragon Veins again of this Divine Land Dominate all living things recaptures. 近些年来随着西风重新压倒东风,大周战略收缩而大秦重新占据上风,大秦上下其实也一直在谋求将这神州统御众生的龙脉之气重新夺回。 Now, Great Qin Dynasty naturally was incapable of continuing formerly idea, but the westerly wind declined, east wind again blew, perhaps this Great Zhou kept thinking about Great Qin. 现在,大秦皇朝自然无力继续先前的想法,但西风衰落,东风重新刮起,恐怕该大周惦记大秦这边了。 Great Qin Dynasty simultaneously loses Qin Emperor Shi Yu and Immortal Dragon City at this moment, although may choose new emperor to succeed to the throne receives to enjoy Qi of Dragon Veins, but Qi of Dragon Veins of freely Dominate Great Qin territory, actually also needs Time completely. 大秦皇朝此刻同时失去秦帝石羽不朽龙城,虽然可选新帝继位承享龙脉之气,但完全自如统御大秦疆土的龙脉之气,却还需要时间 In addition, from completely neutral point of view, after losing Immortal Dragon City, Great Qin Dynasty at present cultivation base highest person, although is Qin Emperor Shi Yu with is Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Southern Bright King Shi Zongtang, but he controls the role that Qi of Dragon Veins can play, might as well have Supreme Imperial Palace Zhou Emperor Liang Pan obviously. 此外,从完全中立的角度来看,在失去不朽龙城之后,大秦皇朝目前修为最高的人,虽然是和秦帝石羽同为合道境界南明王石宗堂,可是他驾驭龙脉之气所能发挥的作用,明显不如拥有太皇宫周帝梁盘 This or Zhou Emperor Liang Pan and Supreme Imperial Palace independent load bearing Great Qin Qi of Dragon Veins situation, if Great Qin and Great Zhou Qi of Dragon Veins again unification gathering, then Strength naturally even more is powerful. 还是周帝梁盘太皇宫单独承载大秦龙脉之气的情况,如果将大秦大周龙脉之气重新统一汇聚,那么力量自然更加强盛。 Arrives at Divine Great Land today in Nether, entire Divine Great Land is facing the giant crisis. 幽都降临神州浩土的今天,整个神州浩土都在面临巨大危机。 But the danger and opportunity always coexist, regarding Zhou Emperor Liang Pan, before one's eyes while facing danger, without doubt also has the huge opportunity. 但危险与机遇总是并存的,对于周帝梁盘来说,眼前在面对危险的同时,无疑也存在巨大的机遇。 War between Two Worlds environment, no doubt will restrict the domestic dispute between Human Race audiences Expert influences, actually also can turns into the most appropriate pretence. 两界战争的大环境,固然会制约人族强者势力之间的内部争端,却也可以变成最合适的幌子。 Said acts according to the special circumstances, temporarily borrows, but the result meets without a doubt does not borrow. 说是事急从权,暂时借用,但结果毫无疑问会是一借不还。 From current Great Qin Dynasty, the only good news is, although they also once participated in previous Two Worlds Great War in the past, but between Nether Clan not specially big enmity. 从目前的大秦皇朝来说,唯一的好消息是,虽然他们当年也曾参加了上次两界大战,但与幽都一族之间并没有特别大的仇怨。 Mentioned accurately, was Great Qin Dynasty in the past under loses in Dragon Clan and Nether Clan seriously, directly caused own flourishing and decaying, by recent years, before this War between Two Worlds, gradually had the shape of resurgence. 准确说来,是大秦皇朝当年在龙族幽都一族手下损失惨重,直接导致自身盛极而衰,直到近些年来,此次两界战争以前才渐渐有了中兴之象。 Speaking of the enmity, was Great Qin Dynasty hates Nether Clan to be right. 说到仇怨,是大秦皇朝怨恨幽都一族才对。 but, they definitely will not go at this moment to provoke Nether Clan on own initiative, but otherwise, although Great Qin Dynasty is the exceptionally feeble condition now, but Nether Clan priority target, or White Cloud Mountain. 不过此时此刻,他们肯定不会去主动招惹幽都一族,而反之,虽然大秦皇朝现在属于异常衰弱的状态,但幽都一族的首要目标,还是白云山 Lin Feng sits well on Jade Capital Mountain, in Void flies escapes to transfer at the same time, in the heart also in non-stop thinking nowadays situation. ( to be continued ) 林锋端坐玉京山上,在虚空中飞遁挪移的同时,心中也在不停思索现如今的局势。(未完待续) ps: Reorganizes the following plot the program, this chapter of renewal late, everybody has excused me. ps:整理后续情节的大纲,这章更新晚了,大家见谅。
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