HNOF :: Volume #12

#1196: Returns to Divine Great Land!

While Lin Feng fights with Sky Demon Great Saint, on under Spirit Abyss Mountain Range Monster Strength wells up crazily, Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint, although was affected by Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary, but does not leave the Spirit Abyss Mountain range, still had the formidable battle efficiency, under interdependence of two neighboring states, their naturally does not hope Sky Demon Great Saint in light of this fallen in Lin Feng on hand. 林锋天魅大圣交手的同时,下方灵渊山脉妖力狂涌,通天大圣朱厌大圣虽然受截天封界影响,但不离开灵渊山范围,仍然拥有强大的战斗力,唇亡齿寒之下,他们自然是不希望天魅大圣就此陨落林锋手上 Sky Demon Great Saint at this time fallen, them, without any profit. 天魅大圣此时陨落,于他们而言,没有任何益处。 The giant ape of Spirit Abyss Mountain Monster Strength transformed into, feels fuzzy roars low and deep, in Void spreads by far, stirring, both hands that the giant ape haunches upwardly, gradually are even picking up Jade Capital Mountain. 灵渊山妖力所化之巨猿,发沉低沉咆哮,在虚空中远远扩散出去,震撼人心,巨猿向上撑起的双手,甚至在将玉京山渐渐托起。 Lin Feng sees that the finger, 49 Two Complements Dust go to the whereabouts lightly, as if 49 side mustard seed full World in addition holds together on Jade Capital Mountain. 林锋见状,手指轻点,49枚两仪微尘向下落去,仿佛49方芥子化须弥世界一起加持在玉京山上。 again lives in Jade Capital Mountain and Twin Rites of Life-Death Array Formation stably at the same time, Lin Feng raises the head looks to Void, changes to the Heavenly Connection light beam breaks open space and time there Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, curls up Sky Demon Great Saint Monster Soul, at this moment vanished does not see, can only see the last trace. 重新稳定住玉京山两仪生灭阵的同时,林锋抬头望向虚空,在那里时转空轮妙华罗阵化作通天光柱破开时空,卷起天魅大圣妖魂,此刻已经消失不见,只能看到最后一点痕迹。 Lin Feng vision slightly flashes: If my beforehand guess is correct, she decides to give up immediately, scheme Future, withdraws from this War between Two Worlds, is what because her oneself does perceive arrived?” 林锋目光微微闪动:“如果我之前的猜测正确的话,她决定放弃当下,图谋未来,退出这次两界战争,是因为她自己觉察到了什么吗?” No, should is not, otherwise will not be now this response, perhaps merely a just intuition, the words then, the matter is very instead possible just like before me, such that guessed.” “不,应该不是,否则反而不会是现在这个反应,或许仅仅只是一种直觉,这么说来的话,事情很可能正如我之前所猜测的那样。” Shook the head, Lin Feng has not continued to think again, but received on hand this Gate of Star Sea first. 摇了摇头,林锋没有再继续多想,而是先收了手头这座星海之门 Built up to melt this Gate of Star Sea, Lin Feng nearly had then been equal to that has attained the majority Star Sea domination. Although is unable to operate Star Sea Strength, but the resources in Star Sea, to him and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect. Almost has demanded everything. 炼化了这座星海之门,林锋近乎便等于已经拿到一多半星海控制权。虽然无法操纵星海之力,但星海之中的资源,对他和玄门天宗来说。几乎已经是予取予求。 Also seizes including Sky Demon Great Saint Gate of Star Sea, the Gate of Star Sea quantity that Lin Feng has now then achieves four. 天魅大圣星海之门也夺到手,林锋现在所拥有的星海之门数量便达到四座。 Total six Gate of Star Sea, obtain then can has enter and exit Desolate Ancient Star Sea, but if Gate of Star Sea of somebody control are unilaterally more, the significance completely is different. 共计六座星海之门,得到其中一座便可以自有进出荒古星海,但如果某个人单方面掌控的星海之门越多,意义则完全不同。 Three Gate of Star Sea get together, then can positive closing other people another Gate of Star Sea. 有三座星海之门齐聚,便可以强制关闭其他人的另一座星海之门 If four Gate of Star Sea get together, then can opens Star Grave freely. from there harvests Star Skeleton. 如果有四座星海之门齐聚,则可以自由开启星墓从中收获星骸 Before this Lin Feng separately from White Tiger Great Saint, Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Golden Peng Great Saint on hand obtained three Gate of Star Sea. Closes other people's Portal besides can, actually then also means that if not pass through him, other people was unable to open Star Grave. 此前林锋分别自白虎大圣,通天大圣金鹏大圣手上已经得到三座星海之门。除了可以关闭他人的门户以外,其实便也意味着,如果不经过他,其他人已经无法开启星墓 But now Lin Feng oneself controls four Gate of Star Sea on hand. Then means that his can opens Star Grave at will. 而现在林锋自己手头掌控四座星海之门。则意味着他本身可以随意开启星墓 Although after previous opening, in Star Grave wants to breed massive Star Skeleton, needs long Time, but regarding Lin Feng, the initiative completely grasped in the oneself hand. 虽然经过上次开启之后,星墓之中想要孕育大量星骸,需要较长时间,但对于林锋来说,主动权已经完全掌握在自己手中。 On Spirit Abyss Mountain, Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint stare at Lin Feng on hand Gate of Star Sea, in the vision were admiring completely. 灵渊山上,通天大圣朱厌大圣盯着林锋手上星海之门,目光中满是艳羡。 In the line of sight of Heavenly Connection Great Saint, has been full of resenting. 通天大圣的视线之中,更充满了愤恨。 Before Desolate Ancient Star Sea, then has been Lin Feng captures since his on hand has belonged to Primordial Demon Ape Clan that Gate of Star Sea. Broke Primordial Demon Ape Clan to enter the Desolate Ancient Star Sea method. 之前在荒古星海里,便是林锋从他手上夺取了一直以来属于太古魔猿一族的那座星海之门。以至于断了太古魔猿一族进入荒古星海的门路。 And the influence, is nothing less than big, making prestige of Heavenly Connection Great Saint in Primordial Demon Ape Clan seriously be damaged. If not his strength suffices, foundation is deep, even possibly really vacillates the position of his Clan Lord. 其中影响,不可谓不大,让通天大圣太古魔猿一族中威望严重受损。若非他实力够强,根基深厚,甚至可能真的动摇他族主之位。 For these years, Heavenly Connection Great Saint actually also had to seek for Sky Demon Great Saint and Golden Peng Great Saint, had the idea of their on hand Gate of Star Sea, because Sky Demon Great Saint and Golden Peng Great Saint hid away doesn't come out before War between Two Worlds most of the time. But does not have what harvest. 这几年里,通天大圣其实也有寻找天魅大圣金鹏大圣,打他们手上星海之门的主意,但因为天魅大圣金鹏大圣两界战争之前大多数时候都隐遁不出。而没有什么收获。 This moment Sky Demon Great Saint Gate of Star Sea in before one's eyes, is he actually can only eager looks at. But is unable to obtain. 此刻天魅大圣星海之门就在眼前,可是他却只能眼巴巴看着。而无法获得。 Depressed what lets choke with rage, this Gate of Star Sea new host, precisely Lin Feng. 更让郁闷窝火的是,这座星海之门的新主人,正是林锋 But he now experiences personally Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary to be stranded, even if wants to be ready for any sacrifice with Lin Feng to fight, is the spirit is willing but the strength is insufficient, has Spirit Abyss Mountain Ancestral Land , can only protect oneself. 而偏偏他现在身受截天封界所困,就算想要豁出去和林锋大战一场,也是心有余力不足,坐拥灵渊山祖地,也只能自保而已。 As if felt under arrived the Heavenly Connection Great Saint anger, Lin Feng looks down Spirit Abyss Mountain an eye, shook the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 似乎感受到了下方通天大圣的怒火,林锋低头看了灵渊山一眼,摇头失笑。 Sky Demon Great Saint self-exploding primary form True Body, create turbulence is quite fierce, because erupts instantaneously, therefore continues Time quite to be also short. 天魅大圣自爆原形真身,所造成的动荡极为剧烈,但因为是瞬间爆发,所以持续时间也较为短暂。 At present although Monster Strength Spiritual Qi was still chaotic, raises the intermittent raging tide, but already not just now that violent. 眼下虽然妖力灵气仍然混乱不已,掀起阵阵狂澜,不过已经没有方才那么暴烈。 Spirit Abyss Mountain under that black light stream hauling, starts to twist the space and time gradually, again integrates Heaven Desolate Land Great Thousand World. 灵渊山在那黑色光流牵引之下,也开始渐渐扭曲时空,重新融入天荒广陆大千世界 This moment Heaven Desolate Land receives the place that affects, was still piece of Primordial Chaos is desolated, everywhere was the Domain slits of disruption, just liked entire Great Thousand World is torn up corner/horn. 此刻天荒广陆受到波及的地方,仍然是一片混沌荒芜,到处都是碎裂的界域缝隙,犹如整个大千世界被人扯破一角似的。 But along with the return of Spirit Abyss Mountain, all confusions starts to be controlled again, the dense and numerous Domain cracks start to accelerate to heal, again restores the day of bright path of rays original picture gradually. 但随着灵渊山的回归,一切混乱都开始再次得到控制,密密麻麻的界域裂缝开始加速愈合,渐渐重新恢复天焕光路原先的景象。 but just Heaven and Earth again is also stable, the destroy life, the earth mountains of disruption, are unable to restore, have a desolated picture. 不过只是天地重新稳定,破灭的生灵,碎裂的大地山川,都无法恢复,只得一片荒芜景象。 Spirit Abyss Mountain Range that Lin Feng looks at drops gradually, chuckle, person on again fall on Jade Capital Mountain, Twin Rites of Life-Death Array Formation together with Divine Land Cauldron, changes to the one small luminous spot together, takes back in the Lin Feng's forehead. 林锋看着渐渐回落的灵渊山脉,轻笑一声,人重新落在玉京山上,两仪生灭阵连同神州鼎,也一起化作一个小光点,收回林锋的眉心之中。 The majestic Immortal Mountain on top Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree branches and leaves drag to shiver, splits open space, big White Jade Celestial Mountain vanishes gradually. 巍峨仙山顶上玄天宝树枝叶摇曳颤抖,破开虚空,偌大的白玉仙山渐渐消失。 Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint cling to tenaciously Spirit Abyss Mountain can't come out, Lin Feng want to attack forcefully, first did not say whether to break, will not be short on Time, but now War between Two Worlds overall situation, fast changing, is beyond control he to continue to accompany these two ape clan Great Monster entanglements here. 通天大圣朱厌大圣死守灵渊山不得出,林锋想要强行攻打,先不说能否打破,在时间上都不会短,而现在两界战争的整体局势,瞬息万变,由不得他继续在这里陪这两头猿族大妖纠缠。 But under the function of Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary, in these two short Time be not thinking leaves while Lin Feng continues to go out to rebel. 而在截天封界的作用下,这两位短时间内也别想着趁林锋离开的时候继续外出作乱。 Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint looks at Lin Feng with the form that Jade Capital Mountain leaves, unemotionally, complexion is pale, but has no alternative unfortunately. 通天大圣朱厌大圣看着林锋玉京山离开的身影,都面无表情,脸色铁青,可是偏又无可奈何。 They will leave Spirit Abyss Mountain protects at this moment, Monster Soul and between primary form True Body will separate immediately, the strength greatly will also decrease, only under ability temper waiting. 他们此刻离开灵渊山护佑,妖魂和原形真身之间立刻就会分离,实力也大为减损,只能耐下性子等待。 Has a look, your this Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary, can be stranded this Clan Lord how long!” Heavenly Connection Great Saint bites the mandibular joint tightly, the incisive giant fang emits from the mouth, active volcano that whole person as if at any time can erupt. “就看看,你这截天封界,到底能困本族主多久!”通天大圣紧咬牙关,尖锐巨大的獠牙从口中冒出,整个人仿佛一座随时都会爆发的活火山。 But in his side Zhuyan Great Saint. Similarly, accumulated a lot of anger oppressed. 而在他身旁的朱厌大圣。同样憋闷不已,攒了一肚子的怒火。 Thinks that Nether revisits definitely will force Lin Feng to turn back in order to help friendly forces, oneself then can stops at nothing to leave Spirit Abyss Mountain. Seeks the trouble of Mount Shu, who knows that result or was stranded in Spirit Abyss Mountain unexpectedly can not go out. 原以为幽都重临必然会逼迫林锋回援,自己便可以无所顾忌离开灵渊山。去寻蜀山的麻烦,谁知道结果竟然还是被困在灵渊山不得外出。 Leaves behind two depressed ape clan Great Monster , Lin Feng whips on Jade Capital Mountain, transfers Void, returns to Divine Great Land Human Race World. 留下两个郁闷不已的猿族大妖,林锋则驱策玉京山,挪移虚空,返回神州浩土人族世界 His look is quiet, front in Void float four huge Portal, above Portal are having faint starlight flashing. 他神色沉静,面前虚空中悬浮着四座巨大门户,门户之上都有淡淡星光闪烁 This War between Two Worlds just started. Lin Feng's preliminary strategic target, is tries to gather Golden Peng Great Saint and Sky Demon Great Saint on hand Gate of Star Sea. When to today, this preliminary goal achieves successfully. 此次两界战争刚刚开始的时候。林锋的初步战略目标,便是设法收取金鹏大圣天魅大圣手上星海之门。时至今日,这个初步目标成功达成。 But so far, one after another strange change, makes Lin Feng be hard to relax the mind. 但到目前为止,接二连三的诡异变化,却让林锋难以放松心神。 If birth of Future Star Glaze Buddha Lord. In current also not the words that uses to care about specially, in Profound Sea the Supreme Void Temple suddenly fresh mutation, revisits the world with Nether Clan, without doubt is the urgent matters of before one's eyes. 如果说未来星宿琉璃佛主的降生。在当前还不用特别在意的话,玄海之中太虚观突生异变,和幽都一族重临人世,无疑都是眼前的燃眉之急。 On returning to the Divine Great Land road, the bad news has come one after another. 就在返回神州浩土的路上,坏消息已经接二连三传来。 First is Nether Clan after the Heaven Desolate Land present world, then goes to base of Supreme Void Temple on this piece of Monster Race World, Supreme Flower Mountain. 首先便是幽都一族天荒广陆现世之后,便即前往太虚观在这片妖族世界上的根据地,太华山 Guards Supreme Flower Mountain Supreme Void Temple Ancient Elder Profound One Dao Venerable, after the careful balance, finally chooses gives up Supreme Flower Mountain directly. All Supreme Void Temple Cultivator return White Cloud Mountain directly. 驻守太华山太虚观宿老玄一道尊,在仔细权衡之后,最终选择直接放弃太华山。所有太虚观修士直接退回白云山 Disparity on these two places in defending imperial Strength are giant, although gives up Supreme Flower Mountain extremely what a pity, but Profound One Dao Venerable or rapidly makes the resolution. 这两处地方在守御力量上的差距非常巨大,虽然放弃太华山极为可惜,但玄一道尊还是迅速做出决断。 Between White Cloud Mountain and Supreme Flower Mountain have the Domain channel to be directly connected. Under the Profound One Dao Venerable management, Supreme Void Temple resorts to the last resort, has annihilated this small Domain channel forcefully. 白云山太华山之间有界域通道直接相连。在玄一道尊主持下,太虚观动用最后手段,强行湮灭了这处小型界域通道。 After previous War between Two Worlds, is Supreme Flower Mountain paradise that Supreme Void Temple has occupied, hence is solved thoroughly. 自上次两界战争之后,为太虚观一直占据的太华山福地,至此彻底告破。 But no matter Lin Feng or other people, does not have what objection. Although the choice of Profound One Dao Venerable seems like weak, lost completely oneself power and prestige. But actually is actually the most sane decision currently speaking. 但不管是林锋还是其他人,对此都没有什么异议。玄一道尊的选择虽然看似软弱,丢尽了自家威风。但其实却是目前来说最为理智的决定。 Wants the imperial enemy beyond the entrance, the idea is good, but actually must have enough strength support. 想要御敌于国门之外,想法是好的,但却必须有足够的实力支撑。 In Supreme Void Temple most Expert and Clear Sky Mirror understand in the Profound Sea can't come out situation together, Supreme Void Temple also has to evade the Nether Clan point temporarily. 太虚观大多数强者昊天镜一起进入玄海不得出的情况下,太虚观也不得不暂避幽都一族的锋芒。 Simultaneously Supreme Void Temple also transmits the valuable information, these time revisits Great Thousand World Nether Clan Expert, except for new generation Clan Lord Nether. 12. Outside Huan Ri, at least also has two Realm of Dharma-Ending Nether Great Monster colleagues. 同时太虚观也传来有价值的情报,这一次重临大千世界幽都一族强者,除了新一代族主幽都.十二.幻日以外,至少还有两名末法之境幽都大妖同行。 Such lineup, is Profound One Dao Venerable defends stubbornly White Cloud Mountain, the pressure is serious, say nothing of met the enemy in Supreme Flower Mountain. 这样的阵容,便是玄一道尊固守白云山,都压力沉重,更不用说是在太华山迎敌了。 But moves in Supreme Void Temple's Master gives up Supreme Flower Mountain, after retreating Divine Great Land, Nether Clan Expert also really directly soars Divine Great Land. 而在太虚观主动放弃太华山,退守神州浩土之后,幽都一族强者也果然直奔神州浩土 In, besides is in Human Race on their line of march to be extinguished along the way easily kills, other are being battled, Human Race Cultivator that dodges, Nether Clan fundamental has not paid attention. 沿途之中,除了正好处于他们行进路线上的人族被轻易灭杀以外,其他正在交战中,躲闪不及的人族修士,幽都一族根本没有理会。 After entering Divine Great Land, their goals, precisely Supreme Void Temple's Mountain Gate is, White Cloud Mountain. 进入神州浩土之后,他们的目标,正是太虚观的山门所在,白云山 Nether Clan revisits, Supreme Void Temple lost Supreme Flower Mountain, but currently speaking, but also does not have the create extremely serious personnel casualty. 幽都一族重临,太虚观丢了太华山,但从目前来说,还没有造成太过严重的人员伤亡。 But another one news, is the sad news of being worthy of the reputation, Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King leads numerous Dragon Clan Expert, has killed from in Profound Sea unexpectedly on own initiative, Great Qin Dynasty in Heaven Desolate Land. 而另一个消息,则是名副其实的噩耗,坤龙王碧空龙王率领一众龙族强者,竟然主动从玄海中杀了出来,将大秦皇朝堵在天荒广陆 Although Zhu Yi and Mount Shu Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper rushes to rescue together, but Qin Emperor Shi Yu or fallen, loses including Immortal Dragon City at the scene in Void. 虽然朱易蜀山天罡剑尊一起驰援,但秦帝石羽还是当场陨落,连不朽龙城都遗失在虚空之中。 Great Qin Dynasty withdraws from this War between Two Worlds, almost has succeded foregone conclusion. 大秦皇朝退出此次两界战争,几乎已成定局。 but relatively speaking, calculates the give-and-take, Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, are going against the Kun Dragon King pressure, killed Green Sky Dragon King, the name has shaken Heaven Primal, making Lin Feng also be the oneself disciple feels joyful. 不过相对而言,也算有来有往,朱易天罡剑尊,顶着坤龙王的压力,强杀了碧空龙王,名震天元,让林锋也为自己的弟子感到欣喜。 well, known and unknown between opposition...... Little Yi also really went out is the road of his Two Complements.” Lin Feng sits well on Jade Capital Mountain, both eyes closed, Heavenly Dao Virtuous Scripture Dao Technique revolves, as if coincides with Heavens Grand Dao, feels is stemming from the feedback of Dao Technique: „Different from my Two Complements Path, is also different from Little Lin Defying Fate and Dao of Fate, but similarly is splendid, good! Very good!” 唔,已知与未知之间的对立……小易也果然走出属于他的两仪之路了。”林锋端坐玉京山上,双目闭合,天道德经道法运转,仿佛与诸天大道相合,感受着源于道法的反馈:“与我的两仪之道不同,与小林子逆命宿命之道也不同,但却同样精彩,好!非常好!” When Lin Feng in the heart is gratified, Great Qin Dynasty sudden accident, makes him knit the brows: Shi Yu fallen did not say that also lost including Immortal Dragon City, so firstly, the situation on Divine Great Land, perhaps meets the happen change......” ( to be continued ) 林锋心中欣慰之余,大秦皇朝的突然变故,也让他皱眉:“石羽陨落不说,连不朽龙城也丢了,如此一来,神州浩土上的局势,恐怕会发生变化啊……”(未完待续)
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