HNOF :: Volume #12

#1195: Irresistible!

Regarding Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster , between primary form True Body and Gate of Star Sea compare, former is eventually heavy in the latter. The latest chapter full text reading ↖↖ diǎn ↖ small said that. .o 对于一位末法之境大妖来说,原形真身和一座星海之门之间作比较,前者终究重于后者。最新章节全文阅读↖↖diǎn↖小↖说,..o No matter Heavenly Connection Great Saint or Golden Peng Great Saint, or initial White Tiger Great Saint, although they are not necessarily able in the situation that in oneself primary form True Body has not received the significant damage makes Lord move rupturing, even if has this skill, they also mostly rather discard Gate of Star Sea, must preserve oneself primary form True Body. 不管是通天大圣还是金鹏大圣,又或者当初的白虎大圣,虽然他们未必能在自己原形真身没有受到重大损伤的情况下使之主动爆裂,但即便有这个本事,他们也多半宁肯舍弃星海之门,也要保住自己的原形真身 Therefore Sky Demon Great Saint action at this moment, in the fall on Lin Feng eye, without doubt is the extremely unusual matter. 所以天魅大圣此刻的举动,落在林锋眼中,无疑是极为反常的事情。 Only if......” the Lin Feng vision flashed gently: „...... Only if there is means to remould oneself primary form True Body, otherwise which Dharma End Great Monster dares such to play?” “除非……”林锋目光轻轻闪动了一下:“……除非有办法重塑自己的原形真身,否则哪个末法大妖敢这么玩?” But even if Sky Demon Great Saint Innate Talent different reported that can other people unable, to remould oneself primary form True Body, by her current Cultivation Realm, absolutely is not a easy matter. 但即便天魅大圣天赋异禀,能他人所不能,重塑自己的原形真身,以她当前境界来说,也绝对不是一件容易的事情。 Primary form True Body self-exploding, will make similarly also her Source Qi damage severely, long Time is unable to get strength back. 原形真身自爆,同样也会让她元气大伤,长时间无法缓过劲来。 At present this grade of action, even if can withdraws successfully, in following War between Two Worlds, is doomed unable to stir up trouble again, can only seek closed-door cultivation to convalesce. 眼下她这等举措,就算可以成功脱身,接下来的两界战争之中,也注定无法再兴风作浪,只能觅地潜修静养了。 When Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster in oneself primary form True Body is in peak condition, generally speaking, is unable it to destroy. 末法之境大妖自己的原形真身处于巅峰状态时,一般来说,是无法将其自我摧毁的。 But if Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster , primary form True Body real self-exploding in peak condition comes, terrifying Strength that flash erupts, may be called destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth, in Thousand World collapsed and destroyed even more terrifying compared with a side. 但如果一头末法之境大妖,巅峰状态的原形真身真的自爆开来,那一瞬间爆发出来的恐怖力量,堪称毁天灭地,远比一方千世界崩灭还要恐怖 Each one Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster , its primary form True Body closely coincides with Great Thousand World, once collapsed and destroyed, Great Thousand World will receive to implicate the influence. 一个末法之境大妖,其原形真身都与大千世界紧密相合,一旦崩灭,大千世界都会受到牵连影响。 Sky Demon Great Saint primary form True Body this moment enter extinction. Makes Spirit Abyss Mountain nearby Heaven and Earth Void extinguish together broken, besides a region that Spirit Abyss Mountain and Jade Capital Mountain Strength respective radiation covers. Other Myriad Creations of Heaven and Earth, are at this moment stave in non-stop. Then reduction nihility. 天魅大圣的原形真身此刻入灭。就让灵渊山附近的天地虚空一起碎灭,除了灵渊山玉京山力量各自辐射笼罩的一片区域以外。其他天地万物,此刻都在不停破碎。然后化归虚无。 The earth annihilates all, actually inadequate bottomless trench, is not the deep gully, but is the whole completely belongs to does not have, as if piece of Primordial Chaos. 大地尽数湮灭,却不成无底深渊,也不是深深的沟壑,而是整体尽归于无,仿佛一片混沌 The ding blue sky vanishes similarly, diǎndiǎn was torn, then changes to Darkness Void completely. 头ding蓝色的天空同样消失,一diǎndiǎn被撕裂,然后完全化作黑暗虚空 Nearly just in instantaneous, Spirit Abyss Mountain Range and Jade Capital Mountain, as if float two giant isolated islands in Space outside the territory. But in their high and low 4 sides, completely is Primordial Chaos and nihility. 近乎只是在瞬间,灵渊山脉玉京山,就仿佛漂浮在域外空间中的两座巨大孤岛。而在他们上下四方,全部都是混沌与虚无。 The horizon also vanishes does not see, during the Space distortions, Spirit Abyss Mountain peripheral this Heaven Desolate Land Great Thousand World as if together annihilates along with Sky Demon Great Saint primary form True Body. 地平线也消失不见,空间扭曲之间,灵渊山周边这一块天荒广陆大千世界仿佛随着天魅大圣的原形真身一起湮灭。 Under the space and time turbulence, Spirit Abyss Mountain and Jade Capital Mountain as if completely have been separated from Heaven Desolate Land. 在时空动荡之下,灵渊山玉京山仿佛都已经完全脱离了天荒广陆 Only has under Spirit Abyss Mountain, extends one path black light stream, in Void as deep as a well, to turn toward the distant place to extend faintly. The latest chapter full text reading 唯有灵渊山下方,延伸出一道黑色光流,在虚空中难以捉摸,隐隐向着远方延伸。最新章节全文阅读 Beside that distant place endless Void, indistinct can feels Great Thousand World Domain Strength. 在那远方无尽虚空之外,隐约可以感受到大千世界界域之力 This black light stream is relation between Spirit Abyss Mountain and Great Thousand World. After is Primordial Demon Ape Clan Ancestral Land, Extreme Sovereign Shen Yuan in the past had managed Monster Race Divine Mountain. 这道黑色光流便是灵渊山大千世界之间的联系。毕竟是太古魔猿一族祖地,极皇神渊昔年曾经经营过的妖族神山 But the bonus is so, this terrifying power and influence or soul-stirring, Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint can feels. The region that on Heaven Desolate Land Spirit Abyss Mountain was, proliferates the Domain slit at this moment, wild and chaotic Domain Strength non-stop wreaks havoc. Also makes up for this Great Thousand World scar in non-stop. 但饶是如此,这恐怖威势还是让人惊心动魄,通天大圣朱厌大圣可以感觉到。天荒广陆灵渊山原先所在的区域,此刻遍布界域缝隙,狂暴而又纷乱的界域之力不停肆虐。也在不停弥补这大千世界的伤痕。 But in before one's eyes, Sky Demon Great Saint primary form True Body explodes. The storm of rolling up and pushing along alienation, is extinguishing Void in non-stop broken. 而在眼前,天魅大圣原形真身爆开。卷动狂乱的风暴,正在不停碎灭虚空 In Primordial Chaos has the new change. In instantaneously for the storm Destruction, then Creation, again Destruction, the non-stop circulation, Space definitely is actually not able to stabilize. 混沌之中生出新变化。却又在瞬间为风暴所毁灭,然后再创生,再毁灭,不停循环,空间完全无法稳定下来。 Was away from explodes the loose Monster Strength turbulent flow and layer upon layer Void, Lin Feng as if can still see Sky Demon Great Saint that to as if stars pupil. 隔着爆散的妖力乱流和重重虚空,林锋仿佛仍能看见天魅大圣那对仿佛星辰般的眸子。 two people static looking at each other, in Sky Demon Great Saint vision, although some there is regrets, but has not actually shamed the angry color, when is disappointed, what are more is tranquil. 两人静静对视,天魅大圣的目光中虽然有些遗憾,但却并没有羞恼之色,怅然之余,更多的是平静。 Retains Gate of Star Sea, has actually exploded oneself primary form True Body, means that must prepare several points of prospect to Future, but on own initiative makes concessions at present, indicated that oneself doesn't participate in this War between Two Worlds?” Lin Feng sees that chuckle: You truly made this Eminence somewhat be startled, but the matter developed, actually not necessarily can such as you hoped.” “保留星海之门,却爆了自己的原形真身,意味着要给未来多准备几分指望,而在目前则主动退让,表示自己再不参加这次两界战争吗?”林锋见状,轻笑一声:“你确实让本座有些吃惊了,但事情发展,却未必可以如你所愿。” Lin Feng face upwards to exude a clear howl, the Void Return Dharma Body deep place, True Spirit Divine Mark flashes, forms the strange great strength, making surrounding Darkness Void non-stop open wide. 林锋仰天发出一声清亮的啸声,返虚法体深处,真灵神纹闪动之间,形成诡异巨力,使得周围黑暗虚空不停洞开。 The Cosmic World group star, as if receives the vacillation of this strange great strength in this moment, since has been ancient then pasts the continuous stars path, in this moment happen change. 宇宙群星,在这一刻仿佛都受到这离奇巨力的动摇,亘古以来便流转不休的星辰轨迹,在这一刻发生变化。 This entire Starry Sky turbulent Strength, even if just tiny bit slight change, makes the infinite mighty force that one shocks. 这整个星天动荡的力量,哪怕只是一丝一毫的轻微变动,也是令人震撼的无穷伟力。 But this infinite mighty force comes under the Lin Feng Magic Force influence, then feeds back on arrived his. 而这无穷伟力受到林锋法力影响,则反馈到了他的身上。 Lin Feng Good Fortune Divine Light sparkles, infinite black and white two color brilliance turn into pieces emerge, as if the ocean waves same turn toward the surroundings to expand. 林锋身上造化神光闪耀,无穷黑白二色光华成片涌现,仿佛海浪一样向着周围扩张。 Entire Jade Capital Mountain above Void, as if completely covers in piece of black and white two color ocean of light. 整个玉京山上方的虚空,仿佛完全笼罩在一片黑白两色的光之海洋中。 In this black and white sea, there are said innumerably glow non-stop flashing, in Void everywhere is brilliance writing chart lu, in brand mark Void, then gradually vanishes. 在这片黑白海洋之中,有无数道霞光不停闪烁,虚空里到处都是光华文字图箓,烙印虚空之中,然后又渐渐消失。 But that shocks and great Strength Aura, even more is intense. 可是那震撼而又宏大的力量气息,却越发强烈。 Darkness endless in Void, really as if has a band of light to be partly visible at this moment, Grand Dao highest good as if must congeal are the brilliance entities, shakes All Heavens and Myriad Realms. 黑暗的无尽虚空中,这一刻竟然仿佛有条条光带若隐若现,一条条大道至理似乎要凝结为光华实体,撼动诸天万界 In Lin Feng stand on Void, whole body Good Fortune Divine Light surges, displays Big Dipper Turning Universe Mystical Ability Technique, the boundless great strength, Sky Demon Great Saint primary form True Body self-exploding, as if must sweep across unexpectedly stiffly ** the whole wide world wild air current blocks. 林锋立于虚空里,周身造化神光涌动,施展斗转乾坤神通法门,磅礴巨力,竟然硬生生将天魅大圣原形真身自爆,仿佛要席卷**八荒的狂暴气流挡住。 This astonishing fall on Heavenly Connection Great Saint and in the Zhuyan Great Saint eye, makes their moral nature send coldly. 这惊人的一幕落在通天大圣朱厌大圣眼中,更让他们心底发寒。 In Lin Feng both eyes, two pupils all have indistinct brilliance to depart, these brilliance fall in Void, changes to one after another Supreme Ultimate Diagram, black and white blends, Yin and Yang Mutual Aid, rapid rotation in Darkness Void, shining. 林锋双目之中,两眼瞳孔皆有缥缈的光华飞出,这些光华在虚空中,化作一个又一个太极图,黑白交融,阴阳相济,在黑暗虚空里飞速转动,熠熠生辉 Each Supreme Ultimate Diagram center, as if there is one form to sit well, both hands form law seal, numerous Supreme Ultimate Diagram, numerous forms, numerous Secret Technique stand side by side in Starry Sky, then together turn toward Cosmic World Star River to eject a palm together distantly, in unison drinks greatly: Ji! 每一幅太极图的中央,仿佛都有一个身影端坐,双手结成法印,众多太极图,众多身影,众多法诀一起在星天之间并列,然后一起向着宇宙星河遥遥击出一掌,齐声大喝:“疾! Trillion stars Heavenly River path overall happen reverse, the change is getting bigger and bigger, its implication boundless Strength also even more vigorous heavy. As if entire Great Thousand World vibrated, had oneself Will. Opens the eye in this moment gradually, bird's eye view all living things. 亿万星辰天河轨迹整体发生扭转,变化越来越大,其蕴含的磅礴力量也越发雄浑厚重。仿佛整个大千世界震动,有了自己意志。在这一刻渐渐睁开眼睛,俯瞰众生。 Lin Feng stretches out the left hand palm of oneself. The five fingers open stretch out forward, seems resisting some type of thing. 林锋伸出自己左手掌。五指张开向前伸出,仿佛在推拒某样东西。 His this move Big Dipper Turning Universe Mystical Ability Technique, was erupting to surpass past formidable Strength at this moment, the Space turbulent flow that Sky Demon Great Saint built, forcefully obstruct. 这一式斗转乾坤神通法门,在此刻爆发出远超以往的强大力量,将天魅大圣营造的空间乱流,强行阻住 Meanwhile, Lin Feng right hand finger diǎn, one after another tiny light diǎn departs, is very tiny, as if grain of another grain of Dust. 与此同时,林锋右手手指一diǎn,一个又一个细小光diǎn飞出,无比渺小,仿佛一粒又一粒微尘 Altogether 7749 Dust appear in Heaven and Earth. Turnover huge Strength, expands loudly, changes to the infinite ray, as if one after another real World. 一共7749枚微尘天地间浮现。轰然间吞吐巨大力量,扩张开来,化作无穷光芒,仿佛一个又一个真实的世界 Actually is Lin Feng's Two Complements Dust Mystical Ability, 49 granulation mustard seeds are full, expands together in this moment by Dust load bearing Heaven and Earth Two Complements Dust, still crazily wreaked havoc front with Big Dipper Turning Universe Mystical Ability together, just likes the tide strikes against the dike same Monster Qi raging tide anchorage. 却是林锋的两仪微尘神通,49粒化芥子为须弥,以微尘承载天地两仪微尘在这一刻一起扩张开来,与斗转乾坤神通一同将面前仍然疯狂肆虐,犹如潮水拍击堤坝一样的妖气狂澜定住。 shortly afterwards, Lin Feng right hand holds up high. Rogue Sword Intent Sword Qi, changes to terrifying peerless Heaven Punishment Sword Formation once more. 紧接着,林锋右手高高举起。凶恶的剑意剑气,再次化作恐怖绝伦的诛天剑阵 his right hand Index and Middle fingers exists side by side like the sword, chops toward a that raging tide sword. 他的右手食中二指并立如剑,向着那狂澜一剑劈下。 By Big Dipper Turning Universe and Two Complements Dust obstruct Monster Qi raging tide violent stream, in that to ominous to severe Sword of Dao Extinction attack under. Also starts to annihilate gradually. 斗转乾坤两仪微尘阻住妖气狂澜暴流,在那至凶至厉的灭道之剑攻击下。也开始渐渐湮灭。 Heaven Punishment Sword Formation attack just likes Splitting the Heaven divides sea similar, powerful breaks open that raging tide, cuts toward Sky Demon Great Saint Monster Soul that 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array protects! 诛天剑阵攻击犹如开天分海一般,强势破开那狂澜,朝着十二圣天妙华罗阵护住的天魅大圣妖魂斩去! Behind that raging tide. 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array still affected in the display, however also receives the disturbance of Sky Demon Great Saint self-exploding primary form True Body. Temporarily also becomes low. 在那狂澜背后。十二圣天妙华罗阵仍然在发挥作用,只不过也受到天魅大圣自爆原形真身的干扰。暂时也变得低落。 In Array Formation, before the blasted open dark cloud still gathered in again at this moment. In the dark cloud has the Light Avatar indistinct fluctuation. 法阵中,之前被炸裂的乌云此刻还在重新聚拢。乌云中有光影隐约浮动。 self-exploding primary form True Body, regarding Sky Demon Great Saint, besides losing primary form True Body, Immortal Monster Soul was damaged similarly. 自爆原形真身,对于天魅大圣来说,除了失去原形真身以外,不灭妖魂同样受到损伤。 At this moment she is stimulating to movement 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array to change to Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array reluctantly, must escape to this place, but Lin Feng has actually risen to challenges, overruns to her front once more. 此刻她正勉强催动十二圣天妙华罗阵化作时转空轮妙华罗阵,要遁离此地,但林峰却已经披荆斩棘,再次攻到她的面前 Lin Feng is gazing at Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, in both eyes radiance suddenly changes, changes to Divine Eternal Light, two vision just like Time long river similar, above fall on Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array. 林锋注视着时转空轮妙华罗阵,双目之中光辉猛然一变,又化作天极宙光,两道目光犹如时间长河一般,落在时转空轮妙华罗阵之上。 By that radiance curl, Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array immediately is, but Heaven Punishment Sword Formation terrifying attack, has truncated above monster, immediately shatter light stream sky-filling dances in the air. 被那光辉一卷,时转空轮妙华罗阵当即便是一顿,而诛天剑阵恐怖攻击,已经削在妖阵之上,顿时破碎的光流漫天飞舞。 Light Avatar in that dark cloud exudes one to sigh lightly: „The Profound Gate's Master good method, is actually your in the past has retained, or said you in so short Time, strength such large scale progressing by leaps and bounds?” 那乌云中的光影发出一声轻叹:“玄门之主好手段,究竟是你昔年一直有所保留,还是说你在如此短暂的时间中,实力这样大幅度的突飞猛进?” Along with Sky Demon Great Saint this sigh, dark cloud in the process there is strange Portal from there appears. 随着天魅大圣这一声叹息,乌云中突然有一座古怪门户从中浮现。 big door opens, in the gate Light Avatar flashes, starlight is bright, as if to that melodious Desolate Ancient Star Sea. 大门开启,门内光影闪动,星光熠熠,仿佛通向那悠扬的荒古星海 Actually is that Gate of Star Sea that Sky Demon Great Saint grasps. 却是天魅大圣所掌握的那座星海之门 Although was grasped three Gate of Star Sea by Lin Feng, Monster Race has been determined already is unable to open Star Grave, but can at any time enter Star Sea cultivate, regarding Monster Race was still the giant chance and capital. 虽然被林锋掌握了三座星海之门,妖族已经注定无法开启星墓,但能随时进入星海修练,对于妖族来说仍然是巨大的机缘和资本。 Sky Demon Great Saint has exploded oneself primary form True Body, but retains Gate of Star Sea, on one hand lies in her Innate Talent different reported that on the other hand lies in Gate of Star Sea and Monster Race cultivate truly is important. 天魅大圣爆了自己的原形真身,而保留星海之门,一方面在于她天赋异禀,另一方面则在于星海之门妖族修练而言确实重要。 These years the Sky Demon Great Saint subordinates gather massive Monster Race Expert, and strength has grown, Gate of Star Sea boosts quite a lot. 这些年来天魅大圣麾下聚集大量妖族强者,并且实力一直增长,星海之门助力颇多。 Not long, she witnessed Golden Peng Great Saint to fall his control Gate of Star Sea on own initiative, thus sought from Lin Feng on hand withdraws, actually not previously thinks that such quickly then was also one's turn her. 曾几何时,她亲眼目睹金鹏大圣主动落了其自身掌控的星海之门,从而谋求从林锋手上脱身,却不曾想到,这么快便也轮到她了。 Wants initially the Lin Feng method to harness Spirit Abyss Mountain, the initial goal is to attract her and Golden Peng Great Saint comes, then captures their Gate of Star Sea. 想当初林锋法驾灵渊山,最初目的便是为了吸引她和金鹏大圣现身,然后夺取他们的星海之门 But at this moment, Sky Demon Great Saint also can only , but sighed, similarly fell oneself Gate of Star Sea on own initiative. 但此时此刻,天魅大圣也只能无奈叹息,同样主动落了自己星海之门 Under the Sky Demon Great Saint stimulation of movement, in huge Portal has massive starlight to gush out, is not attack to Lin Feng, but wraps up Gate of Star Sea oneself, this Portal then gradually transform into phantom. 天魅大圣催动下,巨大门户中有大量星光涌出,并非攻向林锋,而是将星海之门自身包裹起来,这门户接下来便渐渐化为虚影 formidable Strength expands, helped Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array shake open Lin Feng's Divine Eternal Light, then Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array revolved immediately pinnacle, changed to the Heavenly Connection light beam to curl up Sky Demon Great Saint, vanished in Void. 一股强大力量扩展开来,帮助时转空轮妙华罗阵震开林锋的天极宙光,然后时转空轮妙华罗阵立即运转到极致,化作通天光柱卷起天魅大圣,消失在虚空之中。 The Lin Feng look is tranquil, the right hand palm spreads out, changes to the big door again congealment of phantom is the entity, falls into the his palm. 林锋神色平静,右手手掌摊开,化作虚影大门重新凝结为实体,落入他的掌中。 This is fourth Gate of Star Sea that Lin Feng controls!( To be continued..) >\; 这是林锋所掌控的第四座星海之门!(未完待续。。)>\;
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