HNOF :: Volume #12

#1194: From exploding!

Heaven Punishment Sword Qi of Lin Feng ominous offense cuts to 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array, among the huge monster brilliance circulations, resisted this sword. 林锋凶戾的诛天剑炁斩向十二圣天妙华罗阵,巨大的妖阵光华流转之间,抵御住了这一剑。 Sky Demon Great Saint own condition is in the extremely disadvantageous situation at this moment, at this time she also had no interest to continue with Lin Feng to fight, but is stimulates to movement 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array to change to Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, cares to retreat. 天魅大圣自身状态此刻处于极为不利的情况,这个时候她也无心继续同林锋战斗,而是催动十二圣天妙华罗阵化作时转空轮妙华罗阵,意欲退走。 But above Lin Feng left hand suddenly presents the First Level Primordial Chaos dim brilliance, affects toward the peripheral non-stop spread, all things become dim, Primordial Chaos is unclear, as if only remaining dim grayish white. 林锋左手之上突然出现一重混沌朦胧的光彩,向着周边不停蔓延波及,一切事物都变得朦胧,混沌不清,仿佛只剩下黯淡的灰白。 But in his both pupils, vision tranquil like water, time long river that as if passes. 而他双瞳之中,目光平静如水,仿佛流逝的时光长河 That Primordial Chaos dim brilliance, precisely Divine Eternal Light, by the Lin Feng's Divine Eternal Light cling, the revolution of Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array also becomes detention up, in Void suddenly. 混沌朦胧的光彩,正是天极宙光,被林锋的天极宙光卷住,时转空轮妙华罗阵的运转也变得滞涩起来,在虚空中猛然一顿。 The dim honored institute and place, among Heaven and Earth all things as if fall into static, becomes the static state by the trend, is similar to painting scroll. 朦胧光彩所及之处,天地间一切事物仿佛都陷入静止之中,由动态变为静态,如同一幅画卷 Although lifelike, but does not have vigor, seems a give people not real feeling. 虽然栩栩如生,但却没有活力,看上去给人一种不真实的感觉。 Only has Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, but also in continue revolve, must work loose from this radiance, in monster contains formidable and profound Time Strength Domain similarly, although is Lin Feng's Divine Eternal Light harasses, but still affected in the display. 唯有时转空轮妙华罗阵,还在继续运转,要从这光辉之中挣脱,妖阵中同样蕴含强大而又精深的时间力量意境,虽然为林锋的天极宙光所扰,但仍然在发挥作用。 But on Lin Feng the lines after lines seven color Aura sparkles, then follow Divine Eternal Light to spread to Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array above immediately together. 林锋身上立刻又有一道道七彩光环闪耀,然后顺着天极宙光一起蔓延到时转空轮妙华罗阵之上。 By that seven color Aura covers, Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array revolution even more was been difficult, was held by Lin Feng's Magic Force firmly, is hard to flee. 被那七彩光环一罩,时转空轮妙华罗阵的运转更加艰难,被林锋的法力牢牢吸住,难以遁走。 Impressively the method of precisely Profound Gate Flying Heaven. Has both many Strength Principle Domain, mysterious and unpredictable, among the rhythm even makes monster does not stabilize up. 赫然正是玄门天遁之法。兼备多种力量道理意境,玄奥莫测,律动间甚至让妖阵变得不稳定起来 Sky Demon Great Saint own strength damages greatly. But such critical moment, or hits Mind, 天魅大圣自身实力大损。但此等关键时刻,还是打起精神, She low and deep hoarse voice resounds in Heaven and Earth, the syllable is strange, is not a language. 她低沉沙哑的声音在天地间响起,音节古怪,并非人语。 Collapse Rites Extinguish Dao Wonderful Magnificent Net Array!” 崩仪灭道妙华罗阵!” The Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array happen change of in Void, the giant light beam splits suddenly once more, again transform into 12 light beam. In four light beams that originally brightest Primordial Heavenly Dragon and Golden Winged Great Peng bird, Extreme Spirit Divine Monkey and Chaos place, the light beam that the Golden Winged Great Peng bird is at becomes gets down dimly. 虚空中时转空轮妙华罗阵突然发生变化,巨大光柱再次分裂,重新化为十二根光柱。原本最为明亮的太古天龙金翅大鹏鸟、灵极神猴浑沌身处的四根光柱中,金翅大鹏鸟所在的光柱变得黯淡下去。 Displacing. Then is another light beam, including appearance is really the strange unusual animals, the build is not big, among height 1 or 2 zhang (3.33 m). The appearance looks at and dog class from afar is similar. 取而代之者。则是另外一根光柱,其中有一头模样甚是古怪的异兽,体型不大,身长一二丈之间。样子远远望去与犬类相似。 But carefully observes, discovery this unusual animals horns like a deer, head like a camel, ears like a cat, eyes like a shrimp, mouth like a donkey, hair like a lion, neck like a snake, belly like a clam. scales like a Koi Carp, front paws like an eagle's claws and rear paws like a tiger, bends at the waist very buttocks and formidable might imposing. The lead leg erectness, about the hind leg squats to sit separatedly, holds up the head to roar. 但仔细观察,就发现这头异兽角似鹿,头似驼,耳似猫,眼似虾,嘴似驴,发似狮,颈似蛇,腹似蜃鳞似鲤,前爪似鹰后爪似虎,弓腰挺臀、威武轩昂。前腿直立,后腿左右分开蹲坐,昂首怒吼。 precisely hou, moreover is pure blood True Hou, also called Wangtian Hou! 正是一头犼,而且是纯血真犼,又称望天犼 True Hou, Primordial Heavenly Dragon. The light beam that Extreme Spirit Divine Monkey and Chaos these four big Monster Race place becomes extremely dazzling, other eight light beams vanish gradually. But these four light beam transform into bodies, again turns into an extremely thick light beam. 真犼,太古天龙灵极神猴浑沌这四大妖族身处的光柱变得极为耀眼,其他八根光柱渐渐消失。而这四根光柱则化为一体,重新变成一根极为粗大的光柱。 But Strength Domain that contains, Domain and Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array are entirely different. 而其中蕴含的力量意境,意境时转空轮妙华罗阵截然不同。 Lin Feng can from there felt clearly that collapse Heavenly Rites, destroy Myriath Paths mysterious Strength, this light beam institute and place, as if can destroy Myriad Laws, dispels Grand Dao similar. 林锋可以从中清楚感到,那崩乱天仪,破灭万道的玄奥力量,这光柱所及之处,仿佛可以破灭万法,消解大道一般 No matter Primordial Heavenly Dragon, Extreme Spirit Divine Monkey or Primordial Chaos, besides Time Space Strength already, conceals broken law Strength of Dao Extinction to measure Domain, but True Hou Innate Talent Mystical Ability, is prohibits Primordial Chaos manifestation, the principle of destroy Good Fortune, Strength of these four big Monster Race in this aspect linked, forms one immediately seems like light, but actually terrifying Strength. 不管是太古天龙,灵极神猴还是混沌,除了时间空间力量已经之外,也都隐含破法灭道之力意境,而真犼天赋神通,更是封禁混沌化生,破灭造化之理,这四大妖族在这方面的力量已经结合在一起,顿时形成一股看似平淡,但其实恐怖至极的力量 Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, in in the wink of an eye changes to Collapse Rites Extinguish Dao Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, immediately lets entangle Divine Eternal Light and Profound Gate Flying Heaven radiance above Array Formation, was vacillated. 时转空轮妙华罗阵,于瞬息之间化作崩仪灭道妙华罗阵,顿时让缠在法阵之上的天极宙光玄门天遁光辉,也遭到动摇。 Seven color ring of light non-stop flashing that Profound Gate Flying Heaven produces, maintained Divine Eternal Light not to be disintegrated continuously. 玄门天遁所生成的七彩光圈连续不停闪烁,维持住了天极宙光不被瓦解。 But 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array is bringing Sky Demon Great Saint, had the opportunity of this respite, immediately wants again again to change Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, then flees, leaves this place. 十二圣天妙华罗阵带着天魅大圣,有了这喘息之机,顿时就要重新再变回时转空轮妙华罗阵,然后遁走,离开此地。 The Lin Feng look is invariable, in both eyes fine light sparkle: Has easy that to walk?” 林锋神色不变,双目之中精光闪耀:“有那么容易走吗?” On his forehead the one Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark appears, Yin-Yang blends, non-stop rotation, in the his Void Return Dharma Body deep place, True Spirit Divine Mark shining. 他额头上一个太极图纹浮现,阴阳交融,不停转动,在他的返虚法体深处,一枚真灵神纹熠熠生辉 Lin Feng both palms gather, Two Complements Return To Origin Wonderful Law World Mystical Ability displays, immediately covers monster. 林锋双掌一合,两仪归元妙法界神通施展开来,顿时罩住妖阵。 Sky Demon Great Saint immediately in first Time detection issue: „His Mystical Ability, as if must make Myriad Things return to origin, the Heaven and Earth again normalizing, restrains the change of 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array unexpectedly faintly!” 天魅大圣立刻在第一时间察觉问题:“他这神通,仿佛要令万物归元,天地重新归一,竟然隐隐克制十二圣天妙华罗阵的变化!” In the past witnessed this technique in Heaven Desolate Land, Sky Demon in the heart on hidden has a feeling, now personally experiences the experience, immediately confirmed the beforehand suspicion. 当年在天荒广陆目睹此法,天魅心中就隐有所感,如今亲身经历体会,顿时验证之前猜想。 But before oneself, suspects correctly, regarding Sky Demon Great Saint, without doubt is the one bad news. 自己之前猜想正确,对于天魅大圣来说,无疑是一个坏消息。 Was blocked by Two Complements Return To Origin Wonderful Law World, 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array revolution once more detention, but the Lin Feng stamp refers, immediately one path is slurred, ominous offense fearful Heaven Punishment Sword Qi departs, pares a piece radiance of 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array sending out. 两仪归元妙法界所阻,十二圣天妙华罗阵的运转再次滞涩,而林锋戳指一点,顿时一道模糊不清,凶戾慑人的诛天剑炁飞出,将十二圣天妙华罗阵散发的光辉削去一片。 Sky Demon Great Saint is helpless, is hard to flee in first Time, 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array can only change makes Collapse Rites Extinguish Dao Wonderful Magnificent Net Array once more, matches Lin Feng's Two Complements Return To Origin Wonderful Law World Mystical Ability. 天魅大圣无奈,难以在第一时间遁走,十二圣天妙华罗阵只能再次变作崩仪灭道妙华罗阵,敌住林锋的两仪归元妙法界神通 This process Sky Demon Great Saint many years of management, collects all kinds of treasuring materials, went to the extremely profound situation, even though Sky Demon Great Saint in person this moment condition is unsatisfactory, is unable to control to stimulate to movement Array Formation fully, displayed the astonishing power and influence. 此阵经过天魅大圣多年经营,收集各种各样的珍惜材料,已经达到极为高深的地步,纵使天魅大圣本人此刻状态不佳,无法全力驾驭催动法阵,也表现出了惊人威势。 Um, compared with material condition limited Nine Luminaries Heaven-collapsing Array Formation must immediately.” Lin Feng slightly smiles, acting silk not at all is under slow, right hand lifts, Index and Middle fingers exists side by side like the sword. “嗯,比当下材料条件有限的九曜崩天阵要强多了。”林锋微微一笑,手下动作丝毫不慢,右手抬起,食中二指并立如剑。 In his fingertip, the terrifying of sword glow Heaven Punishment Sword Qi transformed into concentrates not to send, lines after lines black light starts to proliferate toward four periphery non-stop. 在他指尖,诛天剑炁所化恐怖剑芒凝而不发,一道道黑光则开始向着四周围不停扩散。 The one path thick blood red air column, the direct impact horizon, rips open above Vault of Heaven, pierces Void, myriad black Light Sword surround in its surroundings, trillion complex marks take shape gradually, black light sparkles, transform into ominous offense unlucky giant Sword Formation. 一道粗大的血红气柱,直冲天际,将上方天穹撕开,洞贯虚空,万千黑色光剑在其周围环绕,亿万个复杂阵纹渐渐成型,乌光闪闪,化为一座凶戾不祥的巨型剑阵 precisely Lin Feng by own Magic Force transformed into Heaven Punishment Sword Formation! 正是林锋以自身法力所化诛天剑阵 As he waves, under this ominous offense Formation inspiring, entire Heaven and Earth as if changes to handle ominous offense Giant Sword, cuts toward Collapse Rites Extinguish Dao Wonderful Magnificent Net Array! 随着他一挥手,在这凶戾阵法引动下,整个天地仿佛化作一柄凶戾巨剑,朝着崩仪灭道妙华罗阵斩去! sword tip institute and place, as if all things Myriad Things all steps to dead end, Good Fortune Doomsday, reduction nihility, in its front, all things Myriad Things Destruction, all things Myriad Things destiny completely, all with turning over to Annihilation! 剑锋所及之处,似乎万事万物都将一切步向末路,造化终焉,化归虚无,在其面前,万事万物都将毁灭,万事万物都气数已尽,一切同归寂灭 That compared with Collapse Rites Extinguish Dao Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, even more even more seems to be gloomy, even more profound Strength of Dao Extinction! 那仿佛是比崩仪灭道妙华罗阵,还要更加晦暗,更加深刻的灭道之力 In Sky Demon Great Saint front, entire Great Thousand World as if changes to handle scarlet sword tip, chops to fall toward her and 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array overhead. 天魅大圣面前,整个大千世界都仿佛化作一柄血色剑锋,向着她和十二圣天妙华罗阵当头劈落。 What even more terrifying is, in that scarlet sword tip edge, emerges one Layer black and white two color Good Fortune Divine Light, Time in soaring to the heavens malevolent aura, as if also has Heavens Immortal Buddha to praise the sound of singing, making this sword might even more wild, similar cuts the monster transformed into giant light beam with irresistible force! 更加恐怖的是,在那血色剑锋边缘,涌现出一层黑白二色的造化神光,一时间在冲天煞气之间,仿佛还有诸天仙佛颂唱之声,使得此剑威力更加狂暴,势如破竹一般斩开妖阵所化的巨大光柱! can makes the ritual collapse, eradicates Myriad Laws Myriath Paths Collapse Rites Extinguish Dao Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, at this moment impressively by another Strength of Dao Extinction breaks open! 可以使得仪轨崩坏,破除万法万道崩仪灭道妙华罗阵,此刻赫然被另一种灭道之力破开 The Array Formation center, in one group of area immense dark cloud, as if there is shadow that one not knows ignorantly calmly float, but in this shadow side, then there is a lines after lines brilliance non-stop circulation. 法阵中心处,一团面积广大的乌云中,仿佛有一个无知无识的影子静静悬浮着,而在这影子身边,则有道道光华不停流转。 These brilliance suddenly static, gathers one Light Avatar, in this Light Avatar sends out a one strange syllable, strange Magic Force fluctuation also from there spreads. 这些光华猛然静止下来,汇聚成一个光影,这个光影中发出一个个古怪的音节,一阵奇异的法力波动从中传出。 Lin Feng slightly raises the eyebrow, he knows that is Sky Demon Great Saint Monster Soul, was limited by Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary, this Great Monster Monster Soul and primary form True Body separates, primary form True Body loses control completely, but Monster Soul Strength was also affected. 林锋微微扬眉,他知道那是天魅大圣妖魂,受截天封界所限,这大妖妖魂与原形真身分离,原形真身完全失控,而妖魂之力也受到影响。 The Monster Soul still can stimulated to movement Mystical Ability Monster Strength, such as past Kun Dragon King was the same. 妖魂仍然可以催动神通妖力,就如当年的坤龙王一样。 Kun Dragon King in the past to process the Heaven Severing Seal of brand mark on its right front claw, then exercises the method of brave warrior cuts off the wrist, with Green Sky Dragon King together attack True Body right claw of his oneself. 坤龙王当年为了处理烙印在其右前爪上的截天封印,便是行使壮士断腕之法,和碧空龙王一起攻击自己真身右爪。 But Sky Demon Great Saint this moment situation is different, before was illuminated by Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary radiance, is the primary form True Body whole body is affected, wants brave warrior cuts off the wrist, that must destroy together the oneself entire body, but such firstly, was then meaningless. 天魅大圣此刻情况却不一样,之前被截天封界光辉照到,是原形真身全身都受到影响,要壮士断腕,那就要把自己整个身躯一起毁去,可那样一来,便也毫无意义了。 If Monster Race lost oneself primary form True Body thoroughly, still can survival, even other can Body Possession Fleshly Body, but wants to continue to progress, the hope is uncertain. 妖族如果彻底失了自己的原形真身,仍可以存活,甚至可以夺舍其他肉身,但想要继续进步,却希望渺茫。 Simultaneously even if other Body Possession Fleshly Body, even if the same race, is inferior to oneself primary form True Body eventually. 同时即便夺舍其他肉身,哪怕是同一种族,也终究远不如自己的原形真身 May then this, make Lin Feng feel the slightly surprise, Sky Demon Great Saint Monster Soul transformed into Light Avatar gradually tends to be static, but in the dark cloud another one seemed ignorant not knows, stands rigidly the motionless shadow, actually starts to shake up fiercely, the vibration scope is getting more and more obvious! 可接下来这一幕,却让林锋感到微微诧异,天魅大圣妖魂所化光影渐渐趋于静止,而乌云中另一个原本仿佛无知无识,僵立不动的影子,却开始剧烈震荡起来,震动幅度越来越明显! Lin Feng naturally knows, that is Sky Demon Great Saint primary form True Body, but looks at before one's eyes this appearance, Sky Demon Great Saint must destroy oneself Fleshly Body unexpectedly. 林锋自然识得,那是天魅大圣的原形真身,可是看眼前这模样,天魅大圣居然是真的要毁去自己肉身 The dark cloud blasts open loudly, infinite vitality and boundless Monster Strength, blast open completely in this moment! 乌云轰然之间炸裂,无穷气血与磅礴妖力,在这一刻完全炸裂开来! one Dharma End Great Monster primary form True Body, explodes the powder in this moment loudly, implication complete Strength, erupts in the flash! 一个末法大妖的原形真身,在这一刻轰然爆散,其中蕴含的全部力量,于一瞬间爆发出来! Then is Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint on Spirit Abyss Mountain Range sees this, is dumbfounded, heart with amazement. 便是灵渊山脉上的通天大圣朱厌大圣看见这一幕,都目瞪口呆,心头骇然。 Cultivation Realm is higher, primary form True Body is stronger, is firmer, let alone Sky Demon Great Saint achievement Dharma End, even if is Tribulation-Facing Stage is as for Astral Soul Union Monster Race, very difficult oneself operation primary form True Body rupturing.” Lin Feng looks at this, eyes flashes moves: Only if before primary form True Body, received the huge damage, but such firstly, even if explodes, impossible had the formidable might such, how did she achieve?” 境界越高,原形真身越强,也越坚固,别说天魅大圣已经成就末法,就算历劫期乃至于星魂合一妖族,也很难自己操纵原形真身爆裂。”林锋看着这一幕,目光闪动:“除非原形真身之前已经受了巨大损伤,但那样一来,就算爆裂,也不可能有这么强大的威力了,她是怎么做到的?” Is it possible that......” the Lin Feng eye has narrowed up gradually: „Is this actually then one of her Innate Talent race Mystical Ability?” “莫非……”林锋眼睛渐渐眯了起来:“这其实便是她的天赋种族神通之一?” one Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster primary form True Body self-exploding, in wild Strength that the flash raises, has to sweep across Heaven and Earth potential seriously, no matter under Lin Feng or Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint on Spirit Abyss Mountain, can feel that at this moment, entire Heaven Desolate Land as if in turbulence. 一个末法之境大妖原形真身自爆,在一瞬间掀起的狂暴力量,当真有席卷天地之势,不管是林锋还是下方灵渊山上的通天大圣朱厌大圣,都能感觉到,这一刻,整个天荒广陆仿佛都在动荡。 The Lin Feng vision sends coldly, is staring at Sky Demon Great Saint: Rather has abandoned primary form True Body, can actually keep Gate of Star Sea?” ( to be continued ) 林锋目光发寒,盯着天魅大圣:“宁肯舍了原形真身,却要留着星海之门?”(未完待续)
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