HNOF :: Volume #12

#1193: Turns the passive situation into initiative

Before this, Lin Feng one person alone one person diverted Heavenly Connection Great Saint, Heavens Great Saint and Sky Demon Great Saint three Dharma End Great Monster in Spirit Abyss Mountain, but Supreme Void Temple diverted Dragon Clan in in Profound Sea, making Monster Race most Expert motions restricted, therefore other Human Race Expert moved on the convenience, the War between Two Worlds Early Stage superiority then so must come. 此前,林锋孤身一人灵渊山牵制住了通天大圣诸天大圣天魅大圣三名末法大妖,而太虚观则在玄海中牵制住了龙族,使得妖族绝大多数强者行动受限,于是人族其他强者就方便行动,两界战争前期的优势便是如此得来。 Later, although in Profound Sea suddenly fresh mutation, so long as top Monster Race this most unexpected one wave to counter-attack violently, although Human Race superiority no longer, but aspect also can placed the power balance. 之后,玄海中虽然突生异变,但只要顶过妖族这最猛烈最出人意料的一波反扑,虽然人族优势不再,但局面还可以维持在均势。 But revisits along with Nether Clan, the situation completely was different, if numerous Nether Expert arrive at Divine Great Land at this moment, without doubt will bring the total destruction to Human Race Cultivation World. 但随着幽都一族重临,情况就完全不同了,众多幽都强者如果降临此刻的神州浩土,无疑将对人族修真界带来灭顶之灾。 If Lin Feng leaves Spirit Abyss Mountain to turn back in order to help friendly forces Divine Great Land, the happiest person without doubt will be Primordial Demon Ape Clan and Sky Demon Great Saint. 林锋如果离开灵渊山回援神州浩土,最高兴的人无疑将是太古魔猿一族天魅大圣 The initiative from Nether Clan hand, will shift to their hands , the situation was quite still favorable for Monster Race. 主动权将由幽都一族之手,转移到他们手里,局势仍然对妖族极为有利。 When Lin Feng is Nether Clan diverts, their three Dharma End Cultivation Realm Great Monster , similarly will form terrifying Strength. 林锋幽都一族所牵制时,他们三个末法境界大妖,同样将形成一股恐怖力量 But this matter similarly also in Lin Feng consideration range, like this Primordial Demon Ape Clan and Sky Demon Great Saint lay down, no matter, oneself deals with Nether Clan, is no different robs peter to pay paul. 但此事同样也在林锋考虑范围内,就这样将太古魔猿一族天魅大圣放下不管,自己去应付幽都一族,无异于拆东墙补西墙。 This puts out a fire in all directions, regarding overall situation, does not have the big help, instead is leading by the nose by Monster Race, non-stop transfers. 这样四处救火,对于总体局势而言,没有多大帮助,反而是在被妖族牵着鼻子走,不停调动。 So passive seeing incurs to open to incur, is not Lin Feng is willing, to change the situation, even more oneself attacks on own initiative is good. 如此被动的见招拆招,并非林锋所愿,想要扭转局势,还要自己主动出击才行。 After knowing Nether revisits, response of Lin Feng first Time. Besides other news circular Human Race influences, is enters in Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land. 所以在得知幽都重临之后,林锋第一时间的反应。除了将消息通传人族其他势力以外,便是进入玄天宙光洞天之中。 Congratulations Host completes Main Quest 2.2!” 恭喜宿主完成主线任务2.2!” Main Quest special prize issue!” 主线任务特别奖励发布!” The looks at float in the front two light groups, the Lin Feng eye winked winking: This also is really a little stems from me to be unexpected. It seems like late hands over Quest, truly is worth.” 看着漂浮在面前的两个光团,林锋眼睛眨了眨:“这还真是有点出乎我预料之外。看来晚交任务,确实值得。” but, finally is encouraging surprise.” Lin Feng receives one light group, then points at gently a point another one light group, this light rolls then changes to stream of light, departs beside Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land. 不过,总算是令人可喜的意外。”林锋收起其中一个光团,然后手指轻轻一点另一个光团,这光团便化作一道流光,飞出玄天宙光洞天之外。 That light rolls to proliferate loudly in Heaven and Earth, transform into one spreads the top of the sky place. The extremely huge miraculous design, the Diagram appearance seems simple exceptionally is strange. Is hard-to-identify, is hard to distinguish meaning. 那光团在天地间轰然扩散开来,化为一个天盖地。极为巨大的灵光图案,图纹模样看上去简单却异常古怪。令人难以辨认,难以识别其中含义。 But in instance that this miraculous design presents, Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Sky Demon Great Saint complexion changes on slightly, the memory deep place recalled immediately made they not happy recollection. 但在这个灵光图案出现的瞬间,通天大圣天魅大圣脸色就都微微一变,记忆深处立刻回想起一些令他们不愉快的回忆。 Zhuyan Great Saint same complexion changes. turn the head and looks to Heavenly Connection Great Saint: Is and Strength Aura of that seal is exactly the same?” 朱厌大圣同样脸色微变。转头看向通天大圣:“是不是和那枚印章的力量气息如出一辙?” He also consistent rampage has usually been used, also ascends a height to get a broad view successfully Realm of Dharma-Ending, him, in this world can make him have the thing of awe, was really too few. 他平时也一贯横行惯了,又成功登临末法之境,于他而言,这世上能让他生出敬畏之物,实在是太少了。 But this moment looks at top of the head that huge miraculous glow Diagram, Zhuyan Great Saint in the heart raises the extremely unlucky photograph, the intuition tells him, the farther the better to this Diagram. 但此刻看着头顶那巨大的灵光图纹,朱厌大圣心中升起极度不祥的玉照,直觉告诉他,离这图纹越远越好。 in the past Lin Feng goes to Heaven Desolate Land seeks Jin Chanzi the time, once coped with Kun Dragon King by Heaven Severing Seal. Let Kun Dragon King suffer a loss, makes the other Great Monster impressions at that time surrounding profound. 昔年林锋天荒广陆金蝉子的时候,曾以截天封印对付坤龙王。让坤龙王吃了个大亏,也让当时围观的其他大妖们印象深刻。 Heavenly Connection Great Saint after returning to Spirit Abyss Mountain, once specially to all ape clan Expert stressed that has described. Let including Zhuyan Great Saint in inside all same race vigilant be careful. 通天大圣在返回灵渊山之后,也曾专门向所有猿族强者强调描述过。让包括朱厌大圣内的所有同族警惕小心 In Desolate Ancient Star Sea, Lin Feng has not used Heaven Severing Seal, but at that time, the Heavenly Connection Great Saint actually continuously in the heart secret alert. 荒古星海里,林锋没有使用截天封印,但在当时,通天大圣其实一直在心中暗暗戒备。 Other thing Zhuyan Great Saint can doesn't care, but in looking at Heavenly Connection Great Saint turned round Light Avatar that carves to keep the mark after Monster Strength, naturally deeply will dread to Heaven Severing Seal. 别的东西朱厌大圣可以不在意,但在看了通天大圣利用妖力复刻的光影留痕之后,也自然会对截天封印深深忌惮。 Although initially on the scene had not witnessed. But at this moment he estimates Strength Domain that in top of the head that huge miraculous glow Diagram contains, immediately alerts. 虽然当初没有在场亲眼目睹。但此刻他揣摩头顶那巨大灵光图纹中蕴含的力量意境,立刻警醒。 good. Is exactly the same, Strength Aura was just the same as that time that seal!” Heavenly Connection Great Saint same complexion is pale: Moreover even more is thorny, that seal one time can only cope with the one goal, but this Diagram, actually as if covers Heaven and Earth.” 不错。如出一辙,力量气息同那时那枚印章一模一样!”通天大圣同样脸色铁青:“而且更加棘手,那枚印章一次只能对付一个目标,但这图纹,却仿佛涵盖天地。” Everything under its radiance illumination, its will be affected!” “凡是在其光辉照射之下,都会受其影响!” On miraculous glow Diagram the ray shines, forms one thickly, range broad special Domain, as if Diagram below Spirit Abyss Mountain prominent peak, isolates with Heaven Desolate Land Great Thousand World. 灵光图纹上光芒普照,形成一个粗大至极,范围广阔的特殊界域,仿佛将图纹下方的灵渊山主峰,与天荒广陆大千世界隔离开来。 In range that radiance proliferates, extremely surreptitious Strength sends excitedly, makes Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint on mountain, feels with above Sky Demon Great Saint extremely ill. 光辉遍布的范围之中,一股极为诡秘的力量勃然而发,令山上的通天大圣朱厌大圣,和上方的天魅大圣都感到极度不适。 Own Monster Soul and primary form True Body, as if must be shaken by strange Strength that this comes separates similar. 自身的妖魂和原形真身,仿佛要被这突然而至的古怪力量震得分离一般 In this moment, three Dharma End Great Monster , as if felt that must lose primary form True Body the control to its oneself. 在这一刻,三头末法大妖,仿佛感觉要失去对其自己的原形真身的控制。 Was same as past Heavenly Dragon Kun at that time!” Sky Demon Great Saint heart also slightly feels fuzzy, her as if under dense fog slurred, the body that Primordial Chaos is difficult to be bright starts becomes even more is fuzzy, partly visible. “和当年天龙坤那个时候一样!”天魅大圣心头也微微发沉,她那仿佛在迷雾之下模糊不清,混沌难明的身躯开始变得更加模糊,若隐若现。 Monster Race and Human Race Dao Cultivation is entirely different, monster cultivates Dao Technique, is Heaven-obeying behavior, pursues fuse with Heaven and Earth, receives and instructs Heaven and Earth to enter oneself body, finally takes Heaven and Earth, but generation it, I am Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Earth is I. 妖族人族修道截然不同,妖修道法,是顺天而行,追求融于天地,接引天地入己身,最后取天地而代之,我即天地,天地即我。 No matter Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Sky Demon Great Saint or Zhuyan Great Saint, it with close of Heaven and Earth contact, is the extremely profound degree, when they are in own heyday, wants to separate relation between them and Great Thousand World, separates their Monster Soul and relation between primary form True Body, sadly ascends to heaven. 不管是通天大圣天魅大圣还是朱厌大圣,其与天地联系之紧密,都达到极为高深的程度,当他们处于自身全盛时期的时候,想要割裂他们与大千世界之间的联系,割裂他们妖魂与原形真身之间的联系,都难过登天。 However under at this moment in that giant Rune radiance covers, three Dharma End Great Monster , produce a body no longer to belong to the strange feeling of oneself at this moment. 但是此刻在那巨型符纹光辉笼罩之下,三名末法大妖,此刻都产生一种身体不再属于自己的离奇感觉。 That Rune, the precisely Lin Feng in the past obtained Heaven Severing Seal promotion version, may affect in the wide scope, Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary of multi-objective! 符纹,正是林锋昔年所得截天封印的升级版,可作用于大范围,多目标的截天封界 Although in aiming at the intensity of individual is consistent with Heaven Severing Seal, but actually can covers a huge range, places this range inside goal, will receive the function of Sealed Domain Strength. 虽然在针对个体的强度上与截天封印一致,但是却可以笼罩一片巨大范围,身处此范围内的目标,都会受到封界之力的作用。 Lin Feng left Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land, stands in the Jade Capital Mountain top, overlooks the Spirit Abyss Mountain Range prominent peak under mountain, both palms Secret Technique gathers gently, then huge Jade Capital Mountain goes to the whereabouts, presses above Spirit Abyss Mountain Range. 林锋出了玄天宙光洞天,站在玉京山顶,俯视山下的灵渊山脉主峰,双掌法诀轻轻一合,然后巨大的玉京山就向下落去,压在灵渊山脉之上。 Heavenly Connection Great Saint gives out unwilling roaring, on Spirit Abyss Mountain myriad monster monkey Light Avatar together roar towards the sky, the endless monster atmosphere soars to the heavens. 通天大圣发出一声不甘的怒吼,灵渊山上万千妖猴光影一起仰天长啸,无尽妖氛冲天。 These Monster Qi and Light Avatar. Forms the one extremely giant apes and monkeys appearance in Heaven and Earth gradually, after appears primary form True Body is indomitable spirit huge Heavenly Connection Great Saint even more to be huge. 这些妖气光影。渐渐在天地间形成一个极为巨大的猿猴模样,比起显化原形真身之后顶天立地般庞大的通天大圣还要巨大。 That apes and monkeys presents the place, the Void position twists. Under stand on Jade Capital Mountain, both palms lifts upwardly, is going against Jade Capital Mountain forcefully. 那猿猴出现之处,虚空位置扭曲。立于玉京山下,双掌向上抬起,强行顶着玉京山 On the giant ape has the massive white rays to flash, formidable Strength makes Lin Feng press Jade Capital Mountain unable to continue to fall. 巨猿身上有大量白色光芒闪动,强大力量林锋压着玉京山也无法继续下落。 Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint angry looks at above Lin Feng, Heavenly Connection Great Saint roars, Diagram that giant ape of then claw grab towards Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary Spirit Abyss Mountain Monster Strength transformed into forms. 通天大圣朱厌大圣都愤怒的看着上方的林锋,通天大圣怒吼一声,灵渊山妖力所化之巨猿便一爪抓向截天封界形成的图纹 But this claw actually directly gets nothing for one's effort, as if passes through the air running water to be the same. Has delimited from that Diagram, no matter how the great big hand claw mixes. Although Diagram thinks that in the water the inverted image was stirred equally broken, but next moment then immediately again returns to the original condition. 但这一爪却直接抓空,仿佛穿过空气流水一样。从那图纹上划过,不管巨大手爪如何搅动。图纹虽然想水中倒影一样被搅碎,但是下一刻便立即重新恢复原状。 Heavenly Connection Great Saint in the heart sinks: Contacts not arrive......” 通天大圣心中一沉:“接触不到……” The function of Sealed Domain becomes effective immediately, even if Heavenly Connection Great Saint and other Monster Race to the open seal coverage scope, the function still will also continue. 封界的作用即时生效,即便通天大圣妖族开封界覆盖范围,作用也会仍然延续。 Was different vanishes after activation from initial Heaven Severing Seal immediately. Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary function Time, stems from that strange Diagram own lasting Time. 不同于当初的截天封印在生效之后立即消失。截天封界的作用时间,源于那古怪图纹自身的存续时间 Lin Feng looks at below Spirit Abyss Mountain Range, said calmly: Worthily is Primordial Demon Ape Clan Ancestral Land, in the past was managed when by Extreme Sovereign Shen Yuan are many, if not for by Nether Sovereign Tian Hai is broken one time, wants to come to be stronger than present even more.” 林锋看着下方的灵渊山脉,平静说道:“不愧是太古魔猿一族祖地,当年被极皇神渊经营多时,若不是曾经被幽皇天海打破过一次,想来比现在还要更强。” Under Spirit Abyss Mountain Monster Strength blesses, Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint, although the strength was affected, but or stands firm oneself Soul finally forcefully, Immortal Monster Soul and primary form True Body has not separated. 灵渊山妖力庇佑之下,通天大圣朱厌大圣虽然实力受到影响,但总算还是强行稳住自己魂魄,不灭妖魂和原形真身没有真的分离。 But two ape clan Great Monster leaders. At this time the heart sinks the valley, their can feels clearly, once oneself leaves the Spirit Abyss Mountain boundary. Heaven Severing Seal Strength will have immediately the function. 但两头猿族大妖领袖。此时心都沉到谷底,他们可以清楚感觉到,自己一旦离开灵渊山地界。截天封印力量立刻就会产生作用。 Before they have not relieved the function of Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary, their Immortal Monster Soul and primary form True Body separates directly, Mystical Ability Monster Strength significantly will also reduce, even if leaves Spirit Abyss Mountain, as limited, perhaps still only a small number of talented people may with it being a worthy opponent. But is actually hard to affect overall general situation. 在他们没有解除截天封界的作用以前,他们不灭妖魂与原形真身直接分离,神通妖力也会大幅度降低,即便离开灵渊山,也作为有限,或许仍然只有少数人才可与之匹敌。但却难以影响到整体大局。 Even, after if at this moment they dare to follow closely Lin Feng, leaves Spirit Abyss Mountain Range. Lin Feng wheels around and strikes at the pursuer suddenly, their at the scene possibly direct fallen. 甚至,此刻如果他们敢紧随林锋之后离开灵渊山脉林锋突然杀个回马枪,他们当场就可能直接陨落 Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary transformed into strange Diagram indestructibly, two ape clan Great Monster can only treat honestly area Spirit Abyss Mountain Range, the patience waited for that Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary affected Time to finish, this can have enough energy to go out. 截天封界所化之古怪图纹无法破坏,两头猿族大妖就只能老老实实待在灵渊山脉一带,耐心等待截天封界作用时间结束,这才能有足够底气外出。 Those who make two Great Monster agitated is, no one knows when Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary Strength will consume completely. 让两头大妖烦躁的是,谁也不知道截天封界力量什么时候才会消耗殆尽。 But compared with at least also has Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint that Spirit Abyss Mountain Range protects oneself, Sky Demon Great Saint at this moment, besets with a crisis in bigger without doubt. 相较于至少还有灵渊山脉护身的通天大圣朱厌大圣来说,此刻的天魅大圣,无疑陷入更大的危机之中。 She was shaken Immortal Monster Soul and primary form True Body at this moment seriously each other separates, primary form True Body falls into the out of control condition. 她此刻是当真被震得不灭妖魂和原形真身彼此分离,原形真身陷入失控状态。 In 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array, then sees one group of dark clouds to roll up and push along in non-stop, visibles faintly the one shadow, simultaneously brilliance flashing. 十二圣天妙华罗阵里,便见一团乌云在不停卷动,其中隐约可见一个影子,同时又光华闪烁 Was made by Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary, Sky Demon Great Saint was not only banned primary form True Body, was also affected including other Mystical Ability Monster Strength, the strength drops, 截天封界所制,天魅大圣不仅仅是被禁了原形真身,连其他神通妖力也受到影响,实力下降, In the dark cloud, as if a little selects starlight to shine, brilliance non-stop flashes, but 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array Formation Strength also stimulates to movement arrived pinnacle. 在乌云中,仿佛有点点星光亮起,光华不停闪动,而十二圣天妙华罗阵阵法之力也催动到了极致 Twin Rites of Life-Death Array Formation that but Divine Land Cauldron assumes launches loudly, changes to the lines after lines light screen, the 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array cling, can not withdraw. 神州鼎坐镇的两仪生灭阵轰然展开,化作道道光幕,将十二圣天妙华罗阵卷住,不得脱身。 Heavenly Connection Great Saint complexion is pale, although he at this moment is confined the realm of sorrow, because of the Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary reason, was broken from being stranded in Spirit Abyss Mountain, so long as does not leave Spirit Abyss Mountain, although the his strength was affected, but still can stimulated to movement Spirit Abyss Mountain Strength to start attack. 通天大圣脸色铁青,他此刻虽然坐困愁城,因为截天封界缘故,被破自困于灵渊山,但只要不离开灵渊山,他的实力虽然受到影响,但仍然可以催动灵渊山之力发动攻击 No matter stems from angrily, or stemming from the consideration of interdependence of two neighboring states, Heavenly Connection Great Saint has to the force stimulate to movement Spirit Abyss Mountain Monster Strength at this moment, attacks toward Lin Feng. 不管是出于愤怒,还是出于唇亡齿寒的考虑,通天大圣此刻都不得不强力催动灵渊山妖力,向着林锋攻去。 But nearby Zhuyan Great Saint similar facial expression is hot tempered, four trample fully, the Void fierce distortion, produces the boundless great strength, is similar to the vortex. 而一旁的朱厌大圣同样神情暴躁,四足践踏之间,虚空剧烈扭曲,生成磅礴巨力,如同漩涡。 The giant ape palm of this vortex fall on that Spirit Abyss Mountain Monster Strength transformed into, the giant ape puts out a hand then to turn toward Jade Capital Mountain to grasp. 这漩涡落在灵渊山妖力所化的巨猿掌心,巨猿伸手便向着玉京山抓去。 But Lin Feng early is prepared, Divine Land Cauldron suppression Twin Rites of Life-Death Array Formation, the transformed into lines after lines light screen reverses in Heaven and Earth suddenly, arrives under Jade Capital Mountain, suppresses the palm that giant ape grasps with Jade Capital Mountain. 林锋早有准备,神州鼎镇压两仪生灭阵,所化道道光幕在天地间骤然反转,来到玉京山下方,和玉京山一起压住那巨猿抓来的手掌。 Above 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array gets out of trouble suddenly, immediately appears Primordial Heavenly Dragon, Primordial Chaos, the Golden Winged Great Peng bird and Extreme Spirit Divine Monkey Light Avatar, changes to Time Wheel Space Disk Wonderful Magnificent Net Array, then must protect Sky Demon Great Saint to leave. 上空的十二圣天妙华罗阵骤然脱困,立刻显化太古天龙,混沌,金翅大鹏鸟和灵极神猴光影,化作时转空轮妙华罗阵,便要护着天魅大圣离开。 However the Lin Feng in person full point top a point in Jade Capital Mountain, before next moment arrived at monster, gently. 但是林锋本人足尖在玉京山顶轻轻一点,下一刻已经来到妖阵之前。 Then is one path ominous offense Heaven Punishment Sword Qi, by minute day potential, tucks in upwardly, cuts toward 12 Saints Heavenly Wonders Magnificent Net Array! ( to be continued ) 然后便是一道凶戾的诛天剑炁,以分天之势,向上撩起,朝着十二圣天妙华罗阵斩去!(未完待续)
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