HNOF :: Volume #12

#1192: this Eminence walks, you guys cannot walk!

The Yuan Dragon King words, instead make Kun Dragon King fall into the anger: Previous time because of you in the facing Tribulation later recovery period, Shen has not ascended a height to get a broad view Dharma End, for my clan foundation continues, I have to draw back.” 元龙王的话,反而更让坤龙王陷入愤怒之中:“上次是因为你还在历劫之后的恢复期,申也没有登临末法,为了我族根基延续,我才不得不退。” Now you restored from weak time, Shen achievement Realm of Dharma-Ending, I do not have the extra worries again, Profound Gate's Master is strong, being insufficient makes me produce dreads, most dies.” “现在你已经自虚弱期中恢复,申也成就末法之境,我再无后顾之忧,玄门之主是强,也不足以让我产生畏惧,最多一死罢了。” With its timid retreating, I might as well fights dies here today!” “与其怯弱的退却,我还不如今天战死在这里!” The response of Kun Dragon King within the Yuan Dragon King expectation, his expression has not changed obviously, still calmly said: You continue the dogfight to get down now, whether is Green Sky to revenge, but also cannot know, but Human Race uses the Ancestral Dragon remains refinement that Immortal Dragon City, actually still safely existed.” 坤龙王的反应显然在元龙王预料之内,他语气没有没有丝毫变化,仍然平静说道:“你现在继续缠斗下去,能否为碧空报仇,还未可知,而人族利用祖龙遗骸炼制的那座不朽龙城,却仍安然存在。” Kun Dragon King look one stiff, in vision anger even more violent, reveals the color of deep humiliation, actually again does not stem from oneself and Green Sky Dragon King bitter experience, because Immortal Dragon City that entire Dragon Clan, has then spread until now great shame since Primordial Age. 坤龙王神色一僵,目光之中怒火更加暴烈,流露出深深的屈辱之色,却并非再源于自身和碧空龙王的遭遇,而是因为不朽龙城那个整个龙族,自太古年代以来便流传至今的奇耻大辱。 The sea that under the Yuan Dragon King tranquil expression, as if the undercurrent surges, from there may not suppress to reveal several points of spunk: Why don't forget you guys initially left Profound Sea.” 元龙王平静的语气之下,就仿佛暗潮涌动的海洋,从中也不可抑制流露出几分怒意:“别忘你们当初为什么出玄海。” So long as thinks that existence of Immortal Dragon City, is this present age Dragon Clan first Expert, cannot suppress the in the heart anger and resenting. 只要想到不朽龙城的存在,便是这位当世龙族第一强者,也压制不住心中怒火与愤恨。 The Kun Dragon King line of sight looks to Darkness Void, before , because Profound Sea receives and instructs the black hole that ritual destroy initiates, at this moment in the Magic Force function of Zhu Yi, Kun Dragon King and under Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, was still unstable, but the scale actually suddenly reduced, as if will subside. 坤龙王视线望向黑暗虚空,在之前因为玄海接引法仪破灭而引发的黑洞,此刻在朱易坤龙王天罡剑尊法力作用下,仍旧不稳定,但规模却已经急剧缩小,仿佛会平息下来。 But in that black hole deep place, visibles faintly the Immortal Dragon City form, vanishes in the black hole gradually. 而在那黑洞深处,隐约可见不朽龙城的身影,渐渐消失于黑洞中。 This loses the master to control, Magical Treasure Original Spirit falls into quiet completely Good Fortune Magical Treasure, at this moment then this gradually drains in Void. 这件失去主人驾驭,法宝元灵完全陷入沉寂中的造化法宝,此刻便这样渐渐流失于虚空之中。 Black hole Strength is unable to destroy it Devouring, Immortal Dragon City like this has been completely spiritless wanders in endless in Void, as if a leaf-like lonely boat. 黑洞之力无法将之吞噬摧毁,不朽龙城会一直这样无知无觉间在无尽虚空中漂流,仿佛一叶孤舟 Until Magical Treasure Original Spirit recovers from the dreariness once more, this endless drifting will stop. 直到法宝元灵再次从沉寂之中复苏,这无尽的漂泊才会停止。 The Zhu Yi's vision also looks to Immortal Dragon City, his top of the head Change Daoist Diagram non-stop disperses derivation. Shortly many situations about this time Immortal Dragon City, 1 by 1 on his heart Spirit Platform presents. 朱易的目光也望向不朽龙城,他头顶易道图不停发散衍生。顷刻之间关于此时不朽龙城的诸多情况,在他心头灵台一一呈现。 The information is chaotic, most useless, but actually perhaps concise trick. Let Zhu Yi instead turn be to present in all people, grasps the clearest person to this moment Immortal Dragon City situation. 信息杂乱无章,多数无用,但却也许多精要诀窍。让朱易反而成为在场所有人中,对此刻不朽龙城情况掌握最为清晰的人。 In his vision slightly reveals the color of understanding clearly: That sacrifice will have the so huge change unexpectedly, is really unexpected...” 他目光中微微露出了然之色:“那祭礼竟然会产生如此巨大的变化,实在出人预料…” Kun Dragon King uses own Monster Strength suddenly Hou Ning Dragon King swept, then plunges Immortal Dragon City, Zhu Yi sees that also immediately begins. Obstruction. 坤龙王突然用自身妖力后宁龙王卷了,然后扑向不朽龙城,朱易见状也立刻动手。将之阻截。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper visual Immortal Dragon City, vision same slightly flashes, joins in the regiment. 天罡剑尊目视不朽龙城,目光同样微微闪动,也加入战团中来。 Dogfights between three big Expert, shake Void, making that black hole thorough collapsed and destroyed, Immortal Dragon City sink to gradually thoroughly. 三大强者之间的缠斗,震荡虚空,使得那黑洞渐渐彻底崩灭,不朽龙城彻底沉入其中。 Kun Dragon King face upwards happen to roar, displays Dragon Sovereign Heavenly Sound, the congealment is a lines after lines golden light ripple sound wave expands toward four periphery non-stop, the ripple institute and place, Void disrupts once more. again reveals Immortal Dragon City, on golden light ripple fall on Immortal Dragon City, Immortal Dragon City seemed covered one Layer golden brilliance immediately. 坤龙王仰天发生一声怒吼,施展龙皇天音,凝结为一道道金光波纹的声波向着四周围不停扩展,波纹所及之处,虚空再次碎裂。重新露出不朽龙城,金光波纹落在不朽龙城上,不朽龙城顿时仿佛被镀上一层金辉 But Zhu Yi after slightly silent one next , the opens mouth sends out a long and loud cry suddenly, not only as if contains Dragon Clan to roar, and as if scholar long Time cultivates vital energy, in the chest overwhelming Righteous Qi thrives. 朱易稍微沉默了一下之后,也猛然张口发出一阵长啸,其中既仿佛蕴含龙族咆哮,又仿佛读书人长时间养气,胸中一口浩然正气勃发。 The his howl as if also congealment is essence, changes to one path to flash the golden light white clouds, shoots up to the sky, just likes the sharp knife blade cuts the Kun Dragon King howl transformed into golden light ripple equally. 他的啸声仿佛也凝结为实质,化作一道闪动金光的白气,冲天而起,犹如利刃一样将坤龙王啸声所化金光波纹裁开。 Although not like Kun Dragon King Dragon Sovereign Heavenly Sound same proliferates 4 sides Cosmic World. But Strength is finally centralized, in the partial resistance, can disturbs Kun Dragon King. 虽然不像坤龙王龙皇天音一样遍布四方宇宙。但总算力量集中,在局部对抗中,可以干扰坤龙王 Was such interrupted by him, although Dragon Sovereign Heavenly Sound transformed into golden light ripple immediately again condensation. White clouds breaks open, but Immortal Dragon City actually again sank to Darkness. 被他这么一打岔,龙皇天音所化金光波纹虽然又立刻重新凝聚。将白气破开,但是不朽龙城却已经重新沉入黑暗之中。 But Zhu Yi oneself was also swept by the golden light ripple, the personal appearance flies to draw back, but he holds one's ground quickly, welcomes again to Kun Dragon King. 朱易自己也被金光波纹扫到,身形飞退,不过他很快又稳住阵脚,再次迎向坤龙王 Kun Dragon King turns the head suddenly, a pair of ice-cold eye pupil is fixing the eyes on Zhu Yi. killing intent and spunk in vision almost let the trim Void coagulation. 坤龙王霍然转头,一对冰冷的眼眸紧盯着朱易。目光中的杀意和怒意几乎让整片虚空凝固。 He decides looked at Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper an eye, the huge dragon head slightly chin moves, has not said anything again, the personal appearance suddenly becomes indistinct, changes to one path golden light, in Void goes far away instantaneously. 他定定的看了朱易天罡剑尊一眼,巨大的龙首微微颔动,却没再说什么,身形陡然之间变得缥缈,化作一道金光,在虚空中瞬间远去。 Kun Dragon King achievement Primordial Heavenly Dragon Body, concurs many Grand Dao highest good in one, ocean Dragon Clan transfers changes Strength of Void, naturally also forgives, causes of his Escape Technique, far ultra common Monster Race. 坤龙王成就太古天龙之身,身兼多种大道至理于一身,其中溟龙族挪移变化虚空之力,自然也包涵其中,使得他遁法之强,也远超寻常妖族 He fights Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper by one enemy two pairs, the victory and defeat difficult material, but if does not fight, wholeheartedly wants to walk, the Zhu Yi two people are also hard to retain him. 他以一敌二对战朱易天罡剑尊,胜负难料,但若是不战,一心想走,朱易二人也难以留住他。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper gazes after Kun Dragon King to go far away, eyelid slightly whole, received Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper, looked down the body of oneself, knew how things stand a sad and shrill scar, in the scar the white luminous spot scattered, as if the person was bleeding similar. 天罡剑尊目送坤龙王远去,眼皮微微一阖,收了古剑天罡,低头看了看自己的身体,有数道凄厉伤痕,伤痕中白色光点飘散,仿佛人在流血一般 Qin Emperor Shi Yu fallen, Great Qin Dynasty does not know that can have the ample force to take back Immortal Dragon City?” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper lip closed, has not made noise, but Divine Consciousness thought in this piece of in Void fluctuation. 秦帝石羽陨落,大秦皇朝不知可还有余力收回不朽龙城?”天罡剑尊嘴唇闭合,并未出声,但神识意念在这片虚空中波动 Zhu Yi and Paramita Golden Bridge coincides Giant of transformed into, in Void transform into stream of light, again reveals Golden Bridge and Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram appearance. 朱易彼岸金桥相合所化巨人,也在虚空中化为道流光,重新露出金桥文华太极图的模样。 Change Daoist Diagram vanishes, Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram in airborne curl, again changes to the human form, Zhu Yi stands above Paramita Golden Bridge said: very difficult, the Shi Yu Magic Force mark because of the sudden change of that sacrifice, was wiped to disappear from Immortal Dragon City, Immortal Dragon City falls to the enemy in Void now, Great Qin Dynasty wants to find this treasure is very difficult.” 易道图消失,文华太极图在空中一卷,重新化作人形,朱易站在彼岸金桥之上说道:“很难,石羽法力印记因为那祭礼的突然变化,从不朽龙城上被抹消了,不朽龙城现在失陷于虚空之中,大秦皇朝想找到此宝都很困难。” He looked at Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper an eye: Is Dragon Clan, Kun Dragon King beforehand Dragon Sovereign Heavenly Sound vibrates Immortal Dragon City on the contrary, has left behind several points of oneself Monster Strength mark above, he must look for Immortal Dragon City, although is also very difficult, but there is a clue, instead compared with Great Qin Dynasty even more easy many.” 他看了天罡剑尊一眼:“反倒是龙族,坤龙王之前的龙皇天音震动不朽龙城,在上面留下了几分自己妖力印记,他要找不朽龙城虽然也很困难,但有了线索,反而比大秦皇朝还要容易许多。” When Immortal Dragon City mutation at this moment stabilizes thoroughly, after Spiritual Qi moves toward no longer the disorder, Kun Dragon King then might find Immortal Dragon City according to the mark.” “当不朽龙城此刻的异变彻底安定下来,灵气走向不再紊乱之后,坤龙王便有可能依据印记找到不朽龙城。” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper same turn the head and looks to Zhu Yi, but has not said anything again. 天罡剑尊同样转头看向朱易,但是却没有再说什么。 Zhu Yi also no longer continues to discuss on this topic similarly, but said to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper: In any event, this time wants thanked Your Excellency sentiment of helping hand.” 朱易同样也不再继续就这个话题多谈,而是向天罡剑尊说道:“不论如何,这次都要谢过阁下援手之情。” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper is silent, Divine Consciousness fluctuation in Void reverberation: Was polite.” 天罡剑尊沉默不语,神识波动在虚空中回荡:“客气了。” Green Sky Dragon King and Flowing Flame Dragon King were cut, Kun Dragon King and Hou Ning Dragon King flees, on Heaven Desolate Land other Dragon Clan, is forced to evacuate together, lets relax with Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator that they battle. 碧空龙王流炎龙王被斩,坤龙王后宁龙王遁走,天荒广陆上其他龙族,也被迫一起撤离,让正与他们激战的大秦皇朝修士松了一口气。 Before collaborated to cause heavy losses by Hou Ning Dragon King and Ya Yu Great Saint, hereafter faced the Ya Yu Great Saint pressure only to contract to resist reluctantly, is incapable of Gunyang King Shi Zongmao that counterattacked also delivering the one breath, gazed after Ya Yu Great Saint and Dragon Clan Expert leaves together. 之前被后宁龙王猰貐大圣联手重创,此后面对猰貐大圣的压力只能勉强收缩抵挡,无力还击的衮阳王石宗茂也送了一口气,目送猰貐大圣龙族强者一起离开。 Then sees the direction that Ya Yu Great Saint retreats, with Dragon Clan impressively is not, this lets he chokes with rage depressed at the same time, the in the heart doubts are also getting more and more. 然后就见猰貐大圣退走的方向,与龙族赫然不是一路,这让他郁闷窝火的同时,心中疑惑也越来越多。 He racks brains not to think up, Ya Yu and Dragon Clan has any relations, has what Yuanxi with Great Qin. 他绞尽脑汁都想不起来,猰貐到底和龙族有什么关系,又与自家大秦有何怨隙。 But regarding Shi Zongmao at this moment, the most anxious matter is actually not Ya Yu Great Saint and Dragon Clan, but one after another sad news. 但对于此刻的石宗茂来说,最忧虑之事却不是猰貐大圣龙族,而是接二连三的噩耗。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu is Dragon Clan Behead, died in battle fallen, Immortal Dragon City loses does not know the trace, the Great Qin Dynasty day collapsed instantaneously the half, if properly does not deal, even thoroughly collapsing day. 秦帝石羽龙族斩杀,战死陨落,不朽龙城失落不知所踪,大秦皇朝的天瞬间塌了半边,如果不妥善应对,甚至会彻底塌天。 Regarding Great Qin Dynasty at this moment, has stood one to concern the important moment that the country blesses to last, has slightly carelessly, then possibly drops the abyss. 对于此刻的大秦皇朝而言,已经站上一个关乎国祚存续的要紧关头,稍有不慎,便可能跌落深渊。 Shi Zongmao oneself is also seriously injured, is incapable of fighting again, the urgent matter regarding him is Great Qin Cultivator that commander other go to battle with, returns to Divine Great Land as soon as possible, Great Qin Country Western Hill City. 石宗茂自己也身受重伤,无力再战,对于他来说当务之急便是统帅其余出征的大秦修士,尽快返回神州浩土,大秦国西陵城 Assumes personal command to remain behind Western Hill City Southern Bright King Shi Zongtang, has dispatched other Great Qin Cultivator to come Southern Wasteland Domain channel entrance to locate support they. 坐镇留守西陵城南明王石宗堂,已经派遣了其他大秦修士南荒界域通道入口接应他们。 Soon before , awe-inspiring, expels Monster Race to enter Heaven Desolate Land Great Qin Dynasty, at this moment presents Wind and Rain sways impressively, dangerous situation that the building will lean. 不久之前还威风八面,撵着妖族杀入天荒广陆大秦皇朝,此刻赫然呈现风雨飘摇,大厦将倾的危险局面。 Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper have not advanced recklessly, but draws in Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and Mount Shu Cultivator together, temporarily also returns Divine Great Land through the Domain channel, keeps area Southern Wasteland the exit, monitors the opposite Heaven Desolate Land situation to change. 朱易天罡剑尊则也没有冒进,而是一起收拢玄门天宗蜀山修士,暂时也通过界域通道退回神州浩土,留在南荒一带出口处,监视对面天荒广陆的局势变化。 Those who keep them from being relaxed, although Kun Dragon King retreats, but another Primordial Heavenly Dragon, previous Huang Shen Dragon King, present Shen Dragon King, then left Profound Sea, arrives at Heaven Desolate Land. 让他们无法轻松的是,坤龙王虽然退走,但另一头太古天龙,此前的黄绅龙王,现在的申龙王,则出了玄海,降临天荒广陆 Although the whereabouts is uncertain, has not approached Domain channel entrance specially, the news that but spreads once for a while, actually indicated that this monster is clearly staring at this Domain channel. 虽然行踪不定,也没有特意靠近界域通道入口,但时不时传出的消息,却表明此妖分明在盯着这一处界域通道。 Obviously Kun Dragon King returns the Profound Sea training temporarily, but Dragon Clan another Realm of Dharma-Ending Expert, then has replaced him. 显然坤龙王暂时退回玄海修养,而龙族另一名末法之境强者,则接替了他。 compared with short temper staunch Kun Dragon King, the Shen Dragon King personality is obviously calmer, but as if the earth mountain is the same, give people does not bring intensely, actually the serious constriction. 相较于脾气暴躁刚烈的坤龙王,申龙王的性情明显沉稳许多,但却仿佛大地高山一样,给人带来不激烈,却沉重的压迫感。 Although Shen Dragon King does not have any substantial action, even is unpredictable including the whereabouts, but shows to have the feeling once for a while, lets Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper is unable to leave lightly, both sides Time falls into the aspect that confronts to refuse to compromise. 申龙王虽然没有任何实质性的行动,甚至连行踪都变幻莫测,但时不时彰显一下存在感,也让朱易天罡剑尊无法轻离,双方一时间陷入对峙僵持的局面。 When Zhu Yi, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Great Qin Dynasty engage in fierce battle with Dragon Clan before this, Lin Feng on Spirit Abyss Mountain Range, started to have the movement. 而在朱易天罡剑尊大秦皇朝此前与龙族鏖战的时候,灵渊山脉上的林锋,也开始有了动作。 This time Lin Feng, also not in Jade Capital Mountain summit, but in summit of Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land, so long as does not fall into unable non- reading closes up in the cultivate condition, here his also can freely deals with the change of outside. 此时的林锋,并不在玉京山山顶,而是在玄天宝树之巅的玄天宙光洞天中,只要不是陷入无法无念的闭关修练状态中,在这里他也可以自如应对外界的变化。 He sits well on Celestials Dwelling inside small Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree, both eyes divine light is deep, in the heart is thinking deeply about the present situation in non-stop. 他端坐于洞天内的小型玄天宝树上,双目神光湛然,心中不停思索着眼下的局势。 Nether Clan again arrives at Heaven Primal World, this regarding Human Race Cultivation World, without doubt is the huge sad news. 幽都一族重新降临天元大世界,这对于人族修真界而言,无疑是巨大的噩耗。 Presently under the situation, Lin Feng is not good to continue in Spirit Abyss Mountain Range to assume personal command, must return to Divine Great Land, otherwise Nether Clan can hit earth-shakingly present Divine Great Land. 当前局势下,林锋也不好继续在灵渊山脉坐镇,必须返回神州浩土,否则幽都一族能将眼下的神州浩土打得天翻地覆。 Heavenly Connection Great Saint, Sky Demon Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint are also clear to situation naturally, therefore they not stop idea that Lin Feng leaves, not for Nether Clan but dies to spell with Lin Feng. 通天大圣天魅大圣朱厌大圣对局势自然也非常清楚,所以他们并无阻拦林锋离开的意思,也不会为了幽都一族而和林锋死拼。 Lin Feng turns back in order to help friendly forces Divine Great Land to cope with Nether Clan, their then nobody diverts, can free activity. 林锋回援神州浩土对付幽都一族,他们便无人牵制,可以自由活动。 When Heavenly Connection Great Saint and other Great Monster ponder like this, on Jade Capital Mountain broadcasts the Lin Feng's sound suddenly: you guys as if very happy appearance?” 就在通天大圣大妖这样思考的时候,玉京山上突然传来林锋的声音:“你们似乎很高兴的样子?” Has nothing happily to you guys, this Eminence really is must leave this place, but this Eminence walks, you guys cannot walk.” “对你们来说没什么可高兴的,本座确实是要离开此地了,但本座走得,你们走不得。” finished speaking, stream of light departs from Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land suddenly, sky over Jade Capital Mountain sparkling. 说罢,一道流光突然从玄天宙光洞天中飞出,在玉京山上空闪闪发光。
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