HNOF :: Volume #12

#1191: Zhu Yi cuts the dragon!

Zhu Yi Divine Origin transformed into Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram, after Paramita Golden Bridge coincides, incarnation for huge golden light Giant. 朱易元神所化文华太极图,与彼岸金桥相合之后,化身为巨大的金光巨人 Among golden light Giant both palms, presents one group of mysterious graceful brilliance, flashes in in the wink of an eye non-stop birth and death, contained True Meaning of Instant Time. 金光巨人双掌之间,出现一团玄奥曼妙的光华,于瞬息之间不停闪动生灭,蕴含了刹那时间真意 The precisely inheritance from Lin Feng's Instant Radiance, a Zhu Yi both arms show, this radiance then such as the sand melts scatters toward 4 sides, as if changes to the river of time, fast changing. 正是传承自林锋的刹那光辉,朱易双臂一展,这光辉便如砂铄间向着四方散落,仿佛化作一条时光之河,瞬息万变。 Under the Zhu Yi's control, this long river ray, fall on that in Void is then receiving and instructing Green Sky Dragon King to leave this place in the Space crack. 朱易的控制下,这长河般的光芒,便落在虚空中正接引碧空龙王离开此地的空间裂缝上。 Originally non-stop turbulent Space crack, in this Instant suddenly static, then, then falls into during the even more fierce distortion. 本就不停动荡的空间裂缝,在这一刹那间忽然静止,接下来,便陷入更加剧烈的扭曲之中。 Profound Sea as if even more violent roaring in Light Avatar illusion, but also makes that Light Avatar illusion even more tend the collapse. 光影幻境中的玄海仿佛更加猛烈的咆哮,但也使得那光影幻境更加趋于崩溃。 The Green Sky Dragon King personal appearance stagnates in Void suddenly, he looks startled to accommodate, then looked that the Profound Sea picture of space and time distant place vanishes gradually, but illusion that the law of receiving and instructing forms, then twists the one black hole. 碧空龙王的身形猛然停滞于虚空之中,他面露惊容,然后就看时空远方的玄海景象渐渐消失,而接引之法所形成的幻境,则扭曲成一个黑洞。 Space non-stop was shattered, the black hole increases unceasingly, a lines after lines fierce terrifying fissure spreads toward surroundings in Void. 空间不停破碎,黑洞更不断变大,一道道狰狞恐怖的裂痕向着周围虚空中蔓延。 Jet black Cosmic World Starry Sky, as if shatter paper, is centered on the position that Green Sky Dragon King is at this moment, non-stop toward surrounding fold tearing. 漆黑宇宙星空,这一刻仿佛破碎的纸张般,以碧空龙王所在的方位为中心,不停向着外围褶皱撕裂。 In the Kun Dragon King long howl, rushed to Zhu Yi front once more unperturbed, Zhu Yi transformed into golden light Giant fearless, he gazes at Kun Dragon King, top of the head Change Daoist Diagram non-stop derivation is changing. 坤龙王长啸声中,已经再次冲到朱易面前,朱易所化金光巨人夷然无惧,他注视着坤龙王,头顶易道图不停衍生变化着。 In the Zhu Yi's Divine Consciousness thought that in Void as if presented lines after lines clear bright ray, but spreads across in this these, among chaotic rays. Then some massive slurred air masses flutter float. 朱易的神识意念之中,虚空里仿佛出现了一道道清晰明亮的光线,而在这这些纵横交错,杂乱无章的光线之间。则有大量模糊不清的气团飘荡悬浮。 Reluctantly, but is also somewhat enough at present.” A Zhu Yi body in Void suddenly revolution. That huge body, as if instantaneously changes to the one path slight indistinct flowing light. Immediately disappearing trace. “有些勉强,不过目前也足够了。”朱易身体在虚空中猛然一转。那庞大至极的身躯,仿佛瞬间化作一道细微缥缈的流光。立时不见了踪影。 In Zhu Yi oneself Divine Consciousness, he is along in Void these clear bright ray shuttles, goes through, ray able to move unhindered moving, actually sees bunch of slurred air masses to start to eliminate one after another. 朱易自己神识之中,他是在沿着虚空中那些清晰明亮的光线穿梭,穿行之间,光线纵横移动,却见一团团模糊不清的气团开始相继消除。 But fall on Kun Dragon King and in the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper eye, is actually Zhu Yi facing the Kun Dragon King terrifying offensive, whole body suddenly also shines lines after lines radiance. 落在坤龙王天罡剑尊眼中,却是朱易面对坤龙王恐怖攻势,全身上下突然也亮起道道光辉 Although was still golden color radiance, Strength Domain that but in this radiance contained, surmounted all except for Paramita Golden Bridge oneself. Eagerly anticipates all broad truth already beside, actually also left many other Strength Domain. 虽然仍旧是金色光辉,但这光辉中蕴含的力量意境,除了彼岸金桥自身超越一切。引领一切的恢宏道理已经之外,却还多出了许多其他力量意境 These Strength Domain, with Kun Dragon King are Primordial Heavenly Dragon, the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao highest good that Mystical Ability Monster Strength spreads is impressively similar. 那些力量意境,赫然与坤龙王身为太古天龙,神通妖力所流传出来的天地大道至理相似。 Time fluctuates, Reality and Illusion manifestation, blazing Dragon Fire, turbid wave sky-flooding... The Mystical Ability change that all sorts of Principle Domain, expedite, 1 by 1 on Zhu Yi is manifesting at this moment clearly. And is in sharp opposition with Kun Dragon King Mystical Ability Monster Strength fights. 时间变幻,虚实化生,炽热龙火,浊浪滔天…种种道理意境,催生出来的神通变化,此刻分明正在朱易身上也一一体现。并针锋相对与坤龙王神通妖力相斗。 Although is incomplete, by no means completely Heavenly Dragon Mystical Ability, although also had been purely inferior in the Strength level that was still pressed by Kun Dragon King in leeward. But has actually pulled closer the both sides strength disparity greatly. 虽然还不完整,并非全部天龙神通,虽然在纯粹力量层面还有所不如,仍然被坤龙王压在下风。但却大大拉近了双方实力差距。 The key is this sudden change, lets Kun Dragon King for it stunned. 关键是他这突如其来的变化,让坤龙王为之愕然 In Zhu Yi's Divine Consciousness, his front clear bright ray are getting more and more. But the slurred air mass are getting fewer and fewer, before revealing gradually, by thing that this layer upon layer dense fog covers up. 朱易的神识中,他面前清晰明亮的光线越来越多。而模糊不清的气团则越来越少,渐渐露出之前被这重重迷雾遮掩的事物。 That is a height does not know impressively little. As if floods Heavens Primordial Heavenly Dragon! 那赫然是一头身长不知几许。仿佛充斥诸天太古天龙 This Heavenly Dragon as if falls into to sink during the dormancy, is completely spiritless. Had not responded regarding his front Zhu Yi. 天龙仿佛陷入沉眠之中,无知无觉。对于他面前朱易没有丝毫反应。 On this Primordial Heavenly Dragon Body also many dense fog cover up, but covers up the air mass that sets out to be getting fewer and fewer, Heavenly Dragon Body starts to reveal gradually more and more in Zhu Yi front. 太古天龙身上还有诸多迷雾遮掩,但遮掩起身的气团越来越少,天龙之身渐渐开始在朱易面前显露得越来越多。 In Divine Consciousness sweeps clear the dense fog, in the reality, Zhu Yi is also dealing with the violent anger Kun Dragon King that as if violent storm similar offensive in non-stop. 神识之中清扫迷雾,现实之中,朱易也在不停应对着暴怒的坤龙王那仿佛狂风暴雨一般的攻势。 Principle Domain that in Heavenly Dragon Mystical Ability Monster Strength contains was extremely abstruse, I somewhat am also big with this Heavenly Dragon Kun cultivation base disparity, but has benefitted.” The Zhu Yi look is tranquil, the body besides specious incomplete Heavenly Dragon radiance, launches One Yuan Shadow Bodies Mystical Ability once more, at present the most effective method with the Kun Dragon King dogfight. 天龙神通妖力中所蕴含的一身道理意境太过深奥了,我与这天龙坤修为差距也有些大,不过已经获益匪浅。”朱易神色平静,身上除了似是而非的不完整天龙光辉以外,再次展开一元暗影身神通,以目前最有效的方法同坤龙王缠斗。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper also shocking looks at Zhu Yi, in the vision appears at this moment the complex color: He...” 天罡剑尊此刻也震惊的看着朱易,目光之中浮现复杂之色:“他到底…” but his or hits Mind, stimulates to movement Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper by own Sword Dao, attack to Kun Dragon King. 不过还是打起精神,以自身剑道催动古剑天罡,也攻向坤龙王 Kun Dragon King startled and anger, non-stop roared, but actually can't beat Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper collaborated. 坤龙王又惊又怒,不停咆哮,但是却奈何不得朱易天罡剑尊联手。 Had Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper to help to share the pressure, Zhu Yi's True Body and between Shadow Clone the non-stop replace, his numerous Shadow Clone were surrounding Green Sky Dragon King, Kun Dragon King, although the there is intention protected, but by Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper the instance that collaborated attack to harass, Zhu Yi's True Body with the one Shadow Clone replace, has been far away from Kun Dragon King, before arriving at the Green Sky Dragon King body. 有了天罡剑尊帮忙分担压力,朱易的真身暗影分身之间不停替换,他众多暗影分身包围着碧空龙王,坤龙王然有心相护,但被朱易天罡剑尊联手攻击所扰的瞬间,朱易的真身已经与一个暗影分身替换,远离了坤龙王,来到碧空龙王身前。 Feeble Green Sky Dragon King in the heart one cold, before one's eyes Zhu Yi and Paramita Golden Bridge coincides transformed into Giant, a palm racket fell loudly. 衰弱的碧空龙王心中一寒,眼前朱易彼岸金桥相合所化巨人,已经轰然一掌拍落。 In that Myriath Paths golden light, is mixing with specious Heavenly Dragon radiance, making Green Sky Dragon King only feel the incomparable satire, is very absurd. 万道金光中,夹杂着似是而非的天龙光辉,让碧空龙王只感觉无比讽刺,无比荒谬。 Strength Domain that in this moment this radiance contains although is incomplete, and many are imperfect, but regarding Green Sky Dragon King, clearly is quite familiar. 此刻这光辉中蕴含的力量意境虽然不完整,且还有诸多不完善,但对于碧空龙王来说,却分明极为熟悉。 So long as obviously he restores from immediately weak time, then can genuinely ascends a height to get a broad view Realm of Dharma-Ending, achievement Primordial Heavenly Dragon Body, before one's eyes in attack to oneself radiance, in behind of his achievement Heavenly Dragon, his oneself will then have, and is more perfect, is more complete, because he is the Green Dragon family background, in the blue Jade Dragon jade eradicates on Myriad Laws Strength Domain, will exceed other same level Primordial Heavenly Dragon. 明明只要他从当下的虚弱期中恢复,便可以真正登临末法之境,成就太古天龙之身,眼前正在攻向自己光辉,在他成就天龙身后,他自己便将具有,并且更完善,更完整,因为他是碧龙出身,在碧玉龙玉破除万法力量意境上,更将胜过其他同层次的太古天龙 But at this moment, is actually one Human Race Cultivator, stimulates to movement this Strength, a palm his head crushing! 但此刻,却是一个人族修士,催动这力量,一掌将他的头颅击碎! In the Green Sky Dragon King Life last minute, is incapable of revolting, he who can only the looks at Zhu Yi palm racket fall helplessly, in the heart is the preposterous feeling. 碧空龙王生命中的最后一刻,无力反抗,只能眼睁睁看着朱易手掌拍落的他,心中全是荒谬绝伦的感觉。 Final one sound that his ear hears, is the Kun Dragon King violent anger actually the helpless rave. 他耳边听到的最后一个声音,是坤龙王暴怒却又无奈的狂吼。 Green Sky Dragon King, Green Dragon Clan Clan Lord, in profound Sea Dragon Clan, is next to Yuan Dragon King, Kun Dragon King and Shen Dragon King Dragon Clan No. 4 character, Mystical Ability Monster Strength, is away from the Realm of Dharma-Ending only bad one pace. 碧空龙王,碧龙一族族主,玄海龙族中,仅次于元龙王坤龙王申龙王龙族第四号人物,一身神通妖力之强,距离末法之境只差一步之遥。 Even in suffering Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper that blade Dharma-Ending Calamity did not have in the fallen situation, he nearly in ending Beginning Calamity, so long as restored from this last conclusion. Then achievement Primordial Heavenly Dragon Body, ascends a height to get a broad view Realm of Dharma-Ending. Becoming Dragon Clan immediately fourth achievement Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster . 甚至在挨了天罡剑尊那一刀末法浩劫而没有陨落的情况下,他已经近乎于完了初劫,只要从这最后一次结束中恢复。便成就太古天龙之身,登临末法之境。成为龙族当下第四个成就末法之境大妖 But today outside Void, by under Profound Gate's Master's tutelage Second Disciple Zhu Yi Behead! 今日于界外虚空之中,被玄门之主座下二弟子朱易斩杀 Hou Ning Dragon King dull looks at this of battlefield distant place. Only felt that in the heart raises deep chill in the air. 战场远方的后宁龙王呆呆的看着这一幕。只感觉心中升起深深的寒意。 Before this in Profound Sea engages in fierce battle with Supreme Void Temple, Supreme Void Temple's Clear Sky Mirror suddenly does not appear steadily, was suppressed by Dragon Clan, falls into the comprehensive defensive. 此前玄海之中与太虚观鏖战,太虚观的昊天镜突然出现不稳,以至于被龙族压制,陷入全面守势。 numerous Dragon Clan Expert feels proud and elated finally, come out Profound Sea, routs Great Qin Dynasty and Immortal Dragon City finally, Behead Qin Emperor Shi Yu, and eye looks at then can thoroughly destroys Immortal Dragon City this since the Primordial time, then makes all previous Dragon Clan Expert always remember the in the heart great shame. 一众龙族强者终于扬眉吐气,杀出玄海,更将大秦皇朝不朽龙城最终击溃,斩杀秦帝石羽,并眼看着便可以彻底摧毁不朽龙城这个自太古时代起,便让历代龙族强者铭记于心的奇耻大辱。 At that time Green Sky Dragon King. Hou Ning Dragon King and other Human Race Expert, how regardless of not to think, situation unexpectedly towering developing rapidly after a sudden turn. 彼时的碧空龙王后宁龙王人族强者,无论如何也不会想到,局势竟然会突兀的急转直下。 By Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper that suddenly come out Kun Dragon King surrounds, had been injured Green Sky Dragon King by Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper by Dharma-Ending Calamity, thinks that can retreat depending on the law of Profound Sea receiving and instructing safely, who knows is explained to receive and instruct ritual by Zhu Yi unexpectedly stiffly, is going against the Kun Dragon King pressure Green Sky Dragon King thorough Behead in this. 坤龙王困住的朱易天罡剑尊突然杀出,更被天罡剑尊末法浩劫伤了碧空龙王,原以为能凭玄海接引之法安然退走,谁知竟然被朱易硬生生破解接引法仪,更强顶着坤龙王的压力将碧空龙王彻底斩杀于此。 When the recollection initially just left the Profound Sea high-spiritedness, Hou Ning Dragon King only felt that this moment in the heart full is bitter and astringent. 回想当初刚出玄海时的意气风发,后宁龙王只感觉此刻心中满是苦涩。 In addition before , then Flowing Flame Dragon King of fallen in Zhu Yi hand, Dragon Clan this time from Profound Sea. Without doubt the loss is serious, may be called after previous War between Two Worlds had finished, the most serious loss, lets the entire Dragon Clan painful penetrating heart spleen. 再加上之前便陨落朱易手中的流炎龙王,龙族这次自玄海而出。无疑损失惨重,堪称自上次两界战争结束后,最为严重的损失,让整个龙族痛彻心脾。 Those who make the Hou Ning Dragon King heart startled is. The promotion of Zhu Yi strength, does not have indication, strange is stranger. Baffling. 更让后宁龙王心惊的是。朱易实力的提升,全无征兆,更诡异离奇。令人莫名其妙。 Cultivation Realm Zhu Yi was still Divine Origin Avatar boundary, Paramita Golden Bridge after Lin Feng's Good Fortune Divine Light vanished. Still only seven colored ring of light surrounded. 境界上来说朱易仍然是元神化身之境,彼岸金桥林锋的造化神光消失殆尽之后。仍然只有七道彩色光圈环绕。 But during this moment Zhu Yi top of the head that Change Daoist Diagram rotations, as if contained strange Strength that is hard to speak. 但此刻朱易头顶那易道图转动之间,却仿佛蕴含了难以言说的奇异力量 This sudden change. Directly changed has lost the Green Sky Dragon King life. 这突如其来的变化。直接变送了碧空龙王的性命。 Zhu Yi, under Lin Feng's tutelage Second Disciple, because has Good Fortune Magical Treasure Paramita Golden Bridge, before this is regarded as strongest in under Lin Feng's tutelage various disciple, by Monster Race Expert is thought is in Lin Feng various disciples only one has the person who the ability involves the Realm of Dharma-Ending Expert fight. 朱易,林锋座下二弟子,因为身怀造化法宝彼岸金桥,此前一直被视为林锋座下诸弟子中的最强者,也被妖族强者们认为是林锋诸弟子中唯一一个有能力介入末法之境强者战斗的人。 But can involve the fight, has ability Behead Green Sky Dragon King such Expert with genuinely, is completely different two matters. 但能介入战斗,和真正有能力斩杀碧空龙王这样的强者,是完全不同的两回事。 This moment beside him solid there is Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper such Expert fights side-by-side, opponent that but he faces besides Green Sky Dragon King, has Kun Dragon King this to exceed Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper unparalleled Great Monster steadily. 此刻他身旁然有天罡剑尊这样的强者并肩作战,但他面对的对手除了碧空龙王以外,更有坤龙王这稳稳胜过天罡剑尊的盖世大妖 After today fights, the Zhu Yi's name will also resound through entire Heaven Primal World, because not only he is the Profound Gate's Master under Lin Feng's tutelage disciple, because not only he has Good Fortune Magical Treasure Paramita Golden Bridge, because he started to sublimate own potential to make the common people into it surprised terrifying influence thoroughly. 今日一战过后,朱易的名字也将响彻整个天元大世界,不仅仅因为他是玄门之主林锋座下弟子,不仅仅因为他身怀造化法宝彼岸金桥,而是因为他已经开始彻底将自身潜力升华为令世人为之侧目恐怖势力。 After Wang Lin, Zhu Yi also from after being on this in society biggest stage, starts to make great strides forward toward the stage center by the stage edge. 汪林之后,朱易也从在登上这世间最大舞台之后,由舞台边缘开始向着舞台中心迈进。 Although Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper at this moment still collaborates to match Kun Dragon King in pain Zhu Yi, but his also thoughts constantly welling up, has mixed feelings at this moment. 天罡剑尊此刻虽然还在痛朱易联手敌住坤龙王,但他此刻也思绪万千,心情复杂。 To him, if pure one-to-one preying, must kill Green Sky Dragon King not to be difficult. 对他而言,如果是纯粹的一对一搏杀,要杀死碧空龙王并不困难。 Let alone Zhu Yi Behead Green Sky Dragon King time, Green Sky Dragon King has suffered his one path Dharma-Ending Calamity first, oneself because of facing Tribulation, but is extremely feeble, facing having Paramita Golden Bridge Zhu Yi along does not hit back Strength. 更别说朱易斩杀碧空龙王的时候,碧空龙王已经先挨了他一道末法浩劫,自身因为历劫而极度衰弱,面对拥有彼岸金桥随身的朱易毫无还手之力 But must, in Profound Sea receives and instructs the dual protections of ritual and under Kun Dragon King strike to kill, then harder than ascending to heaven. 但要在玄海接引法仪坤龙王的双重保护之下将之击杀,便难于登天 At least Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper self-examined that in that Instant that Profound Sea ritual starts thoroughly, he cut off the Behead Green Sky Dragon King thoughts. 至少天罡剑尊自问,在玄海法仪彻底发动的那一刹那,他已经断绝了斩杀碧空龙王的心思。 But the later happen all, making him be also caught off guard, stunned by right, this moment looks at Zhu Yi and Paramita Golden Bridge, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper in the heart with complex feelings: Profound Gate Heavenly Sect...” 而之后发生的一切,让他也措手不及,愕然以对,此刻看着朱易彼岸金桥,天罡剑尊心中五味杂陈:“玄门天宗…” Kun Dragon King closely was also staring at Zhu Yi at this time, in both eyes ice-cold not any mood, only boundless killing intent. 坤龙王这时也正紧紧盯着朱易,双目之中冰冷得没有任何情绪,只有无边杀意 But his ear suddenly resounds the one sound: Kun, fast draws back.” 但他耳边突然响起一个声音:“坤,速退。” That is the Yuan Dragon King sound, the Kun Dragon King brow concentrates impressively the one knot: I have not defeated! today I am putting together own severe wound, wants before one's eyes this brat Behead!” 那赫然是元龙王的声音,坤龙王眉头凝成一个结:“我还没有败!今日我拼着自身重伤,也要把眼前这个小子斩杀!” The Yuan Dragon King sound is tranquil and low and deep: „The matter of Green Sky I knew, but I have not been able to leave Profound Sea at this moment, Profound Gate's Master Lin Feng has intended to leave Spirit Abyss Mountain, Xuan Gang Heavenly Connection will not block him desperately.” 元龙王声音平静而又低沉:“碧空之事我已经知晓,但我此刻还不能出玄海,玄门之主林锋已经有意离开灵渊山,玄罡通天不会死命拦他。” He, although for Nether of again present world, but you, if continues to stay there, he first will possibly look for you.” “他虽然是为了重新现世的幽都,但你若继续留在那里,他很可能会先去找你。”
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