HNOF :: Volume #12

#1190: Green Sky Dragon King, you cannot leave!

From the Heavenly Dao Virtuous Scripture third chapter of cultivate Lin Feng instruction, Two Complements Return To Origin Scripture, Wang Lin or Zhu Yi and the others, integrated understanding of oneself when cultivate to Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, thus evolves oneself Two Complements Path. 修练林锋传授的天道德经第三篇章,两仪归元真经,不论是汪林还是朱易等人,都在修练之时融入了自己天地大道的理解,从而演化出自己两仪之道 Accommodates in Heavenly Dao Virtuous Scripture, simultaneously unceasingly disperses derivation, unceasingly progresses, climbs toward one after another peak. 容于天道德经之内,同时又不断发散衍生,不断进步,向着一个又一个高峰攀登。 Wang Lin's Two Complements Path, is the unification of two Grand Dao Fate and Defying Fate this extreme opposition actually closely relates, after distinguishing clearly this path and having has understood at first, Wang Lin becomes in Lin Feng various disciples First takes the person of this path. 汪林的两仪之道,乃是宿命逆命这极端对立却又紧密联系的两条大道之统一,在辨明这道路并有了最初理解之后,汪林成为林锋诸弟子中第一个迈出这条道路的人。 Continues on this road, spirit refining Void Return Path, has shown in Wang Lin front. 在此路上继续前行,炼神返虚之道,已经在汪林面前展现。 But at this moment, in facing the layer upon layer urgent situation and in the situation of formidable enemy, Zhu Yi also starts to be clear about oneself Two Complements Path gradually thoroughly, path that has boundless prospects, already gradually clear. 而此刻,在面对重重紧迫局势和强大敌人的情况下,朱易也开始渐渐彻底明确自己两仪之道,前途无量的道路,已然渐渐清晰。 The Cause and Effect theory of in the past and Buddhism said that Wang Lin profits in a big way, but Zhu Yi also harvests significantly, but arrived at this moment, in also missed the last not previously thorough comprehend insightful truth in those days, no longer had it is difficult. 昔年佛门因果论道,汪林受益最大,而朱易也收获匪浅,而到了此刻,往日里还差最后一点不曾彻底参悟通透的道理,也已经不再有碍难。 Zhu Yi stands above Paramita Golden Bridge, changes to the human form also just flash, then on again appears oneself Divine Origin Avatar, changes to the Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram appearance once more. 朱易站在彼岸金桥之上,化作人形也只是一瞬间,然后就再次重新显化自己元神化身,化作文华太极图的模样。 The number dances in the air above Supreme Ultimate Diagram by Light and Darkness Writings of trillion ideas unceasingly float, these writing are Light and Darkness blend completely form, mysterious and unpredictable. 数以亿万计的光暗文字太极图上方不断飞舞悬浮,这些文字全部都是光暗交融而成,玄奥莫测 But at this moment, all Light and Darkness Writings disintegrate suddenly together, transform into hundred million Myriath Paths bright rays, with hundred million Myriath Paths gloomy heavy lines. 但这一刻,所有的光暗文字突然一起解体,化为亿万道明亮的光线,和亿万道晦暗的黑线。 As if immeasurable radiance. Corresponds with immeasurable Darkness. 仿佛无量光明。与无量黑暗相对应。 All rays gather in together, enlarge radiance immediately, illuminates Void. But all heavy lines also gather in together, immediately is similar to the bottomless trench, Devouring all luminous. 所有光线汇聚在一起,顿时放大光明,照亮虚空。而所有黑线也汇聚在一起,顿时如同无底深渊,吞噬一切光亮。 In this immeasurable radiance, is indistinct has Buddha Light Avatar to raise, the appearance seems, seems of Amitabha Tathagata Buddhism five side Tatha­gata. 在这无量光明之中,隐约间有一尊佛陀光影升起,模样看上去,似乎是佛门五方如来之一的无量光如来 But in that Darkness abyss, as if has one to wear Daoist robe Daoist Light Avatar to appear. The facial expression cloudy duck is gloomy, the present person looked that he felt extremely strange. But if Medieval Age person can recognizes, this person is one of the Medieval Era Devil Path Sect, Shadow Demon Path opening the mountain Sect Founder, Shadow Demon Venerable. 而在那黑暗深渊中,也仿佛有一个身穿道袍道人光影出现。神情阴鹜而晦暗,现在的人看他已经感到极为陌生。但如果是中古年代的人则可以认出,此人乃是中古纪元魔道宗门之一,影魔道开山祖师,暗影魔尊 That person excavated Primordial Dark Sovereign to keep the vestige. Obtains some Dark Sovereign Dao Lineage, finally establishing a sect founded Shadow Demon Path. 其人发掘了太古暗皇所留遗迹。得到暗皇部分道统,最终开山立派创建了影魔道 These two Light Avatar relative and vertical, as if Light and Darkness Two Extremes, but in this moment, actually once more happen change. 这两尊光影相对而立,仿佛光暗两极,但在这一刻,却都再次发生了变化。 Amitabha Tathagata Light Avatar vanishes gradually, that immeasurable radiance, at this moment suddenly becomes no longer dazzling, instead is very clear, give people clearly discernible. Without the feeling of secret, as if anybody can understood, can cognition. can observation, can understand. 无量光如来光影渐渐消失,那无量光明,此刻突然变得不再刺眼,反而无比澄澈,给人一种清晰可见。没有秘密的感觉,仿佛任何人都可以理解,可以认知。可以观察,可以明白 But the Shadow Demon Venerable form also gradually disappears, that boundless Darkness similarly becomes the appearance, no longer is pure mysterious Darkness, but is a even more deep gloominess, incompetent. invisible, is unknowable. Indescribable, cannot say a word, making one be confused, is unreadable. 暗影魔尊的身影也渐渐消失,那无边黑暗同样变得模样,不再是单纯神秘的黑暗,而是一种更加深沉的晦暗,艰涩不可见,不可知。不可名状,不可言语,令人一头雾水,难以理解。 Two mysterious Domain oppositions, and melt gradually, seems like to be entirely different, the serious opposition, is actually as if mutually manifestation, closes mutually. 两种玄奥意境对立,而又渐渐相融,看似泾渭分明,严重对立,可是却又仿佛相互化生,相互弥合。 This bright and dark twofold Domain links, ultimately forms the one huge writing, seems clear, simple understand , seems bewildered, as deep as a well. 明晦两重意境结合在一起,最终形成一个巨大的文字,看上去一目了然,简单明白,却又仿佛莫名其妙,难以捉摸。 This writing, precisely one easy character, when forms with beforehand Light and Darkness Writings the appearance is entirely different. 这个文字,正是一个“易”字,但与之前光暗文字形成时的模样截然不同。 The same one character, as if contained the even more mysterious truth obviously at this moment. 明明相同的一个字,此刻却仿佛蕴含了更加玄奥的道理。 This easy character to reappear on Zhu Yi Divine Origin transformed into Supreme Ultimate Diagram, then gradually changed the appearance, is divided into eight, establishes separately eight sides. 这个“易”字浮现在朱易元神所化太极图上,然后又渐渐变了模样,一分为八,分立八方。 Zhu Yi clear and bright words sound in Void resounds. 朱易清朗的话语声在虚空中响起。 Day line is healthy, the gentleman to strive constantly for self-improvement.” “天行健,君子以自强不息。” Topography Kun, the gentleman carries the thing by thick virtue.” “地势坤,君子以厚德载物。” Xun trigram, the gentleman to give injunctions with the wind handles affairs.” “随风巽,君子以申命行事。” Gradually thunder clap, gentleman by frightened examine ones character.” “渐雷震,君子以恐惧修省。” Like the water, the gentleman to work to seek the beginning friendly.” “善如水,君子以作事谋始。” Fire with person, gentleman by kind clan Bian Wu.” “火同人,君子以类族辨物。” Step Ze treads on, the gentleman remembers by Bian Minan.” “步泽履,君子以辨民安志。” Genshan is modest, the gentleman to use a surplus to make up for a deficit.” “艮山谦,君子以裒多益寡。” That easy character, as if divides transform into eight groups of physical images, concentrates above stand on Supreme Ultimate Diagram, precisely Heaven and Earth Wind and Thunder after-tax Mountain and Lake this Eight Trigrams physical image. 那个“易”字,仿佛分化为八团物象,凝立于太极图之上,正是天地风雷税后山泽八卦物象。 But in after this, this Eight Trigrams physical image starts non-stop continuation derivation, is not derivation on Strength or Matter, but in the non-stop defined all kinds of truth, answers all kinds of questions. 而在这之后,这八卦物象又开始不停的继续衍生,并非力量或者物质上的衍生,而是在不停明晰各种各样的道理,解答各种各样的疑问。 Above Supreme Ultimate Diagram, in process that in these myriad things evolve unceasingly, Kun Dragon King and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper on the scene are as for are received and instructed to leave this place by Profound Sea Strength Green Sky Dragon King, with Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Hou Ning Dragon King, in the heart simultaneously raises the one strange feeling. 太极图之上,就在这万千事物不断演化的过程中,在场的坤龙王天罡剑尊乃至于正被玄海之力接引要离开此地的碧空龙王,和星魂合一境界后宁龙王,心中同时升起一个奇怪的感觉。 As if on that Supreme Ultimate Diagram, the pair of eye is gazing at them, vision not sad is not happy, without any mood, a only fuzzy faith, one type finds out by secret inquiry all, clear(ly) distinguished all thoughts. 仿佛在那太极图上,有一对眼睛正在注视着他们,目光无悲无喜,没有任何情绪,只有一股模模糊糊的信念,一种探知一切,明辨一切的念头。 Is better besides Kun Dragon King and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, Green Sky Dragon King felt with Hou Ning Dragon King at this moment that oneself all, as if were seen through to the eye by that were the same. 除了坤龙王天罡剑尊稍好一些以外,碧空龙王后宁龙王此刻都感觉,自己的一切,仿佛都被那对眼睛看穿了一样。 Although Green Sky Dragon King at this moment weak, but he calmed down, the in the heart anxious feeling changed alleviated. 碧空龙王此刻虽然虚弱至极,但他定了定神,心中焦躁的感觉变缓解了许多。 But Hou Ning Dragon King actually felt that own all trends all expose under that vision, in his mind even raises the one hear of up somewhat absurd feelings, that is the opposite party knew about his that seems clearer than his oneself even more even more understand. 后宁龙王却感觉自身一切动向全都暴露在那目光之下,他心中甚至升起一个起来有些荒谬的感觉,那就是对方对他的了解,似乎比他自己还要更加明白清楚。 In Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram spreads the Zhu Yi tranquil sound at this moment: Profound Sea Strength, is truly mysterious, but Profound Sea at this moment, is extremely unstable, builds the law of receiving and instructing, there is a quite a lot oversight, does not have this oversight, Green Sky Dragon King you, when may retreat safely, but now, stays behind.” 文华太极图中此刻传出朱易平静的声音:“玄海之力,确实玄妙,不过此刻的玄海,却极不稳定,所营造之接引之法,也有颇多疏漏,无此疏漏,碧空龙王你当可安然退走,但现在,留下吧。” At the same time was saying, Supreme Ultimate Diagram and Paramita Golden Bridge coincides suddenly, then one path Golden Rainbow in Void flashes through, instantaneous between stretches across infinite Space, arrives at Green Sky Dragon King front. 一边说着,太极图彼岸金桥突然相合,然后一道金虹在虚空中闪过,瞬间之间横跨无穷空间,来到碧空龙王面前 Kun Dragon King gets angry in roaring sound, compels to draw back Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, a personal appearance revolution, plunges Zhu Yi. 坤龙王吼声中,逼退天罡剑尊,身形一转,也扑向朱易 Kun Dragon King, in the past is Master injures, the effect on your create is very big.” Zhu Yi was saying at the same time, Paramita Golden Bridge transformed into Golden Rainbow shakes suddenly, Supreme Ultimate Diagram and Golden Bridge coincide. Changes Giant that is indomitable spirit, top of the head seven colored ring of light sparkles, but that meant Change Daoist Diagram that is difficult to be bright. Also still in his top of the head float. 坤龙王,昔年家师所伤,对你造成的影响很大。”朱易一边说着,彼岸金桥所化金虹突然一震,太极图金桥相合。化作顶天立地的巨人,头顶七道彩色光圈闪耀,而那意味难明的易道图。也仍然在他头顶悬浮。 Among Zhu Yi personal appearance flashes, the incarnation myriad, that huge golden light Giant, is hard in instantaneous minute of transform into the massive person's shadows that suddenly suddenly unexpectedly counts. 朱易身形猛然一闪之间,突然化身万千,那巨大的金光巨人,竟然在瞬间分化为难以计数的大量人影。 Each Giant, the imposing manner is broad, whole body high and low golden light flashes, the top of the head seven Dao Light circles surround. Change Daoist Diagram in the above static rotation. 每个巨人,都气势恢宏,周身上下金光闪动,头顶七道光圈环绕。易道图在上方静静转动。 precisely Primordial Dark Sovereign gives up study impressively, afterward inherited Shadow Demon Path One Yuan Shadow Bodies. 赫然正是太古暗皇绝学,后来传承到影魔道一元暗影身 The Kun Dragon King vision more feels cold severely. Sends out just likes stuffy thunder same low and deep roaring, suddenly opens mouth emitting massive golden color Dragon Flame, Flame Dragon Clan Dragon Fire destructive power, Yellow Dragon Clan vast Magic Force and blue Dragon Clan Green Jade Dragon Flame broken method Mystical Ability collection in one. Sweeps away Void. 坤龙王目光越发冷厉。发出犹如闷雷一样的低沉咆哮,猛然张口喷吐大量金色龙炎,将炎龙族龙火破坏力,黄龙族浩瀚法力和碧龙族碧玉龙炎破法神通集于一身。横扫虚空 in the past Dark Sovereign, is fallen in Dragon Clan Absolute Sovereign Xuan Shang on hand, but before then, Dark Sovereign One Yuan Shadow Bodies once made numerous Monster Race Expert feel thorny, Absolute Sovereign Xuan Shang broke this technique, experiences naturally to be inherited by Dragon Clan. 昔年暗皇,便是陨落龙族绝皇玄殇手上,而在此之前,暗皇一元暗影身曾经让众多妖族强者感到棘手,绝皇玄殇破了此法,经验自然龙族传承下来。 But Kun Dragon King this moment facial expression actually relaxed not up, although his Dragon Flame sweeps Void, eliminates Zhu Yi's Shadow Clone massively, but the Zhu Yi personal appearance flashes. Clone seems to be infinite, by dragon flame damage is Clone, True Body is actually caught by Kun Dragon King. 坤龙王此刻神情却轻松不起来,虽然他的龙炎扫荡虚空,大量清除朱易的暗影分身,但朱易身形闪动之间。分身仿佛无限,被龙炎损毁的都是分身,真身却一直没有被坤龙王捕捉到。 Kun Dragon King. Your is oneself also well aware? Your strength should is can eradicated my One Yuan Shadow Bodies Mystical Ability, but present your actually beyond one's reach.” in Void as if a lot of Zhu Yi together start talking: what a pity I cannot see through this point before this, until comprehend present new Mystical Ability, just now can look through your several points of Reality and Illusion, found socializes the most appropriate method with you.” 坤龙王。你自己也心知肚明吧?本来你的实力应该可以破除我一元暗影身神通的,但现在的你却力有未逮。”虚空中仿佛千百个朱易一起开口说话:“可惜我此前看不穿这一点,直到参悟眼下的新神通,方才能看破你几分虚实,找到与你周旋最合适的方法。” During the speeches, sees, although there is majority of Shadow Clone was destroyed by Kun Dragon King. But still have numerous Clone in in the wink of an eye arrive at Green Sky Dragon King front: Your hidden danger, should continues this. but my this new Mystical Ability Magical Technique has not improved thoroughly, therefore also can only look through this point temporarily, I must win you, at present was still not good, but you actually could not preserve Green Sky Dragon King.” 说话之间,就见虽然有大部分暗影分身坤龙王所毁。但还是有众多分身于瞬息之间来到碧空龙王面前:“你的隐患,应该不止这一处。不过我这个新神通法术还未彻底完善,所以暂时还只能看破这一点,我要胜你,眼下仍然不行,但你却也保不住碧空龙王了。” In the Kun Dragon King attack Zhu Yi's time, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper also in attack Kun Dragon King, saw the before one's eyes scene, in his mind also raised several points of Enlightenment: Heavenly Dragon Kun now formidable, Monster Strength was still vast, Immense Divine Ability, is skilled in various Heaven and Earth Grand Dao highest good.” 坤龙王攻击朱易的时候,天罡剑尊也在攻击坤龙王,见了眼前场景,他心中也升起几分明悟:“天龙坤现在仍旧强大,妖力浩瀚无边,神通广大,精通各种天地大道至理。” Fights the protracted war, his Magic Force is vigorous, does not fear completely, fully stimulation of movement own Strength time, instantaneous explosive force also still extremely formidable.” “打持久战,他法力雄浑,完全不惧,全力催动自身力量的时候,瞬间爆发力也仍然极为强悍。” But after one time erupts violently, the his Monster Strength revolution actually meets the slightly detention, is hard to achieve the completely uninterrupted full eruption.” “但在一次猛烈爆发之后,他的妖力运转却会微微滞涩,难以做到完全不间断的全力爆发。” Must break One Yuan Shadow Bodies, must depend on the Strength superiority, unfolded by range attack has hit, True Body Clone swept together, appointed otherwise no one will be able to attend to one thing without losing track of another thing unavoidably. 要破一元暗影身,就要靠力量优势,以范围攻击铺开了强打,真身分身一起扫,否则任谁都难免会顾此失彼。 Because Clone while destroyed, Zhu Yi also gives birth to new Shadow Clone in non-stop, therefore Kun Dragon King attack, in guaranteeing a large area of situation, even more gives dual attention in view of the independent individual enough formidable attack strength as well as enough endurance. 因为分身在被摧毁的同时,朱易也在不停生出新的暗影分身,所以坤龙王攻击,在保证大面积的情况下,还要兼顾针对单独个体足够强大攻击力以及足够的持续性。 Before having traded Lin Feng injures, this to Kun Dragon King is actually not the issue, but slightly had several points to lack the ability to do what one would like at this moment. 换了被林锋所伤之前,这对坤龙王来说其实不是问题,但此刻却微微有了几分力不从心。 His own hidden danger, his oneself is actually clearest, and has concealed is very good, lets Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper as well as Shi Yu, before throughout was unobservable. 他自身隐患,他自己其实最清楚,并且一直掩饰的很好,让朱易天罡剑尊以及石羽,之前始终难以察觉。 But now, was actually looked through this issue by Zhu Yi, adopts measure that has most aimed. 但现在,却被朱易看破了这个问题,采取了最针对的措施。 In fact, to Kun Dragon King enough Time, he still can explained One Yuan Shadow Bodies, after all regarding Zhu Yi, displays One Yuan Shadow Bodies, if has been broken Shadow Clone, the consumption is also very big. 事实上,给坤龙王足够时间,他仍然可以破解一元暗影身,毕竟对于朱易来说,施展一元暗影身,如果一直被破去暗影分身,消耗也很大。 But now, Zhu Yi does not seek to defeat Kun Dragon King, has nearby Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper to divert, he has cast off Kun Dragon King forcefully, before arriving at the Green Sky Dragon King body. 但现在,朱易并不谋求战胜坤龙王,有天罡剑尊一旁牵制,他强行甩开了坤龙王,来到碧空龙王身前。 All in in the wink of an eye, Profound Sea Strength are curling only up Green Sky Dragon King, immediately must vanish in Void. 一切都只在瞬息之间,玄海之力正卷起碧空龙王,马上就要消失在虚空中 Zhu Yi sees that actually slightly to smile: Really, seems like is Space is unstable, Domain channel as if at any time will twist the avalanche, but the genuinely reason was on Time Domain had the change, create this law of oversight receiving and instructing at this moment.” 朱易见状却微微一笑:“果然,看似是空间不稳定,界域通道仿佛随时都会扭曲崩塌,但真正原因是时间意境上出现了变化,造成了这接引之法此刻的疏漏。” Opportunity is fleeting, if my law of explaining is not just right, the opportunity then also lost, but Green Sky Dragon King, you are doomed unable to leave today.” golden light Giant both palms gather of Zhu Yi transformed into body, then the palm expands to the two sides, the center is graceful brilliance, is written in water, shines in a flash, among non-stop birth and death, is making clear to the Time Instant change, mysterious Principle Domain that the twinkling passes. ( to be continued ) “时机稍纵即逝,我的破解之法如果不对症,机会便也丢了,但碧空龙王,你今天注定走不掉了。”朱易所化身的金光巨人双掌一合,然后掌心向两边扩展开来,中央是一蓬曼妙的光华,转瞬即逝,转瞬亮起,不停生灭间,昭示着时间刹那改变,瞬息流逝的玄奥道理意境。(未完待续)
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