HNOF :: Volume #12

#1189: Sublimation

In endless Void outside that Heaven Desolate Land, Kun Dragon King and other Dragon Clan Expert felt that the oneself heart jumps suddenly, raising agitated feeling, Extreme Teeth Dragon King True Spirit Divine Sense Imprint, as if tends in their Divine Consciousness vanishes. 在那天荒广陆之外的无尽虚空之中,坤龙王龙族强者都感到自己心头猛然一跳,升起烦躁感觉,绝牙龙王真灵神纹印记,在他们的神识中仿佛趋于消失。 After Flowing Flame Dragon King, another Flame Dragon Expert fallen! 流炎龙王之后,又一头炎龙强者陨落 Hou Ning Dragon King is chest cavity is dumbfounded: Has my Monster Strength to assist, will Extreme Teeth be been inadequate by that female Behead?” 后宁龙王更是膛目结舌:“有我的妖力相助,难道绝牙还会被那女子斩杀不成?” Kun Dragon King is the heart is more anxious, only felt that does not have the rim-fire to get up, he as if felt that the arrived distant place active from surges in his Blood Essence, this makes him further recall that since cut off the scene of Dragon Claw Dragon's Tail by Lin Feng in the past. 坤龙王更是心头焦躁,只感觉无边火起,他仿佛感觉到了远方有源自于他的精血涌动,这让他更进一步回想起当年被林锋斩断龙爪龙尾的场面。 The huge Primordial Heavenly Dragon face upwarding rave, plunges front Zhu Yi! 巨大的太古天龙仰天狂吼,扑向面前朱易 The Dragon Body of winding on Paramita Golden Bridge further shrinks tightly, Untidy-looking golden light and Heavenly Sword Star River non-stop vibrates. 缠绕在彼岸金桥上的龙身进一步缩紧,勒得金光天剑星河不停震动。 But another nearby Green Sky Dragon King, in roaring, emitting infinite black color brilliance, roll towards Immortal Dragon City. 而另一旁的碧空龙王,则在咆哮间,喷吐无穷墨色光华,卷向不朽龙城 During Immortal Dragon City falls into to be quiet at this moment, but itself foundation heavy, the main body under the Green Sky Dragon King Green Jade Dragon Flame attack, in short Time still stood erect, as if firm Indestructible. 不朽龙城此刻陷入沉寂之中,但其本身根底厚重,本体在碧空龙王碧玉龙炎侵袭之下,短时间内仍然屹立,仿佛坚固不坏 But Green Jade Dragon Flame most excels at the broken law, under that formidable Strength Domain, is in a side Thousand World must be disintegrated by eliminate, tends destroys. 碧玉龙炎最擅长破法,那强大力量意境之下,便是一方千世界也要被消融瓦解,趋于溃灭。 Magical Treasure Original Spirit completely quiet Immortal Dragon City by the black brilliance cling, the non-stop ups and downs, that firm City Wall surface, seemed started immediately becomes motley. 法宝元灵完全沉寂的不朽龙城被墨色光华卷住,顿时不停沉浮,那坚固的城墙表面,仿佛都开始变得斑驳。 Giant Great Wall city body suddenly strange flood radiance, is unexpectedly indistinct appears Dragon Form, two outward appearance shapes non-stop change between the Great Wall and huge Heavenly Dragon. 巨大的长城城体突然诡异的泛起光辉,竟然隐约间现出龙形,在长城和巨大天龙两种外观形态之间不停变化。 Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attack defend. Acts in harmony, supports the Kun Dragon King offensive. 朱易天罡剑尊一攻一守。配合默契,架住坤龙王的攻势。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu died, instead makes can of Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper in the strategic tactics even more freely. Also is no longer urgent, to fighting Kun Dragon King instead even more accomplishes a task with ease. 秦帝石羽已死,反而让朱易天罡剑尊在战略战术上可以变得更加自如。也不再急迫,对战坤龙王反而更加游刃有余。 Along with the passage of Time, coordinate even more of both sides is also tacit. 随着时间的推移,双方的配合也更加默契。 Before was broken through the Dragon Domain defense forcefully, made Kun Dragon King injure some Source Qi, under was in inverse proportion, originally was ominous fierce attack in his violent anger strikes, instead has gone against by Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper stiffly. 之前被强行攻破龙域防守,也让坤龙王伤了些元气,此消彼长之下,本是他暴怒中的凶猛攻击,反而被朱易天罡剑尊硬生生顶了回来。 Lin Feng's Good Fortune Divine Light crystallization. Although is consuming rapidly, but still in addition held at this moment above Zhu Yi's Paramita Golden Bridge. 林锋的造化神光结晶。虽然在飞速消耗,但此刻仍然加持在朱易的彼岸金桥之上。 On Golden Bridge originally the illusory ninth Dao Light circle. At this moment vanished, but still there is eight colored ring of light shining. 金桥上本就虚幻的第九道光圈。此刻已经消失,但仍然有八道彩色光圈熠熠生辉 In broad golden light, as if there is big eight gods, simultaneously appears under Golden Bridge. Puts out a hand together, picks up Paramita Golden Bridge upwardly. 恢宏的金光之中,仿佛有高大的八尊神祗,同时出现在金桥下方。一起伸手,将彼岸金桥向上托起。 Was covered the golden color rainbow that wraps to span the horizon by black and white two color divine light in this moment, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper also in same Time Magic Force, Heavenly River of Sword Light transformed into, dazzling, ten thousand Dao Light splendors launch together. 黑白二色神光笼罩包裹的金色长虹在这一刻横亘天际,天罡剑尊也在同一时间法力,剑光所化天河,璀璨夺目,万道光辉一起展开。 Kun Dragon King of winding above Paramita Golden Bridge, that huge body finally by forcefully shake open. 缠绕在彼岸金桥之上的坤龙王,那巨大的身躯终于被强行震开 Does not need Kun Dragon King to have next movement, Zhu Yi Divine Origin transformed into Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram, loudly has launched. After shaking draws back Kun Dragon King, immediately with Paramita Golden Bridge coincides, the incarnation is one is indomitable spirit. As if Heavenly God descends to earth similar Giant. 不待坤龙王有下一步动作,朱易元神所化文华太极图,就已经轰然展开。震退坤龙王之后,立即与彼岸金桥相合,化身为一个顶天立地。仿佛天神下凡一般巨人 This Giant top of the head eight colored ring of light appear, whole body high and low gloriously radiant, the golden light edge has the black and white two color divine light sparkles, vibrates Heavens. 巨人头顶八道彩色光圈浮现,周身上下光芒万丈,金光边缘有黑白二色神光闪耀,震动诸天 He puts out a hand in Void to write one instantaneously easily character, directs to gather Heaven and Earth Source Qi to turn over to at one point all, then is the consecutively three law seal makes. Strength blends, changes to one as if to make the fist potential of Heaven and Earth destroy. Toward Kun Dragon King overhead knock down. 他伸手在虚空中瞬间书写一个“易”字,引聚天地元气尽数归于一点,然后便是连续三个法印打出。力量交融,化作一个仿佛要令天地破灭的拳势。朝着坤龙王当头打落 Under the black and white two color divine light in addition hold, this fist potential is so aggressive, is Kun Dragon King faces, has the soul-stirring feeling. 黑白二色神光加持之下,这拳势是如此生猛,便是坤龙王面对,都生出惊心动魄的感觉。 Huge Heavenly Dragon cried loud and long, appears oneself primary form True Body, the scale opened and closed from top to bottom, massive golden light projected, congeals heavy dragon power auspicious cloud. 巨大的天龙长啸一声,显化自己原形真身,浑身上下鳞片开阖之间,大量的金光射出,凝结成厚重龙威祥云 The his claw grasps outrageously, clashes with that type Fist Seal that Giant ejects in the same place. 他的手爪悍然抓出,与巨人击出的那一式拳印对撞在一起。 Darkness endless in Void, besides the black and white two colors, Time on remaining dazzling golden light, all around Void all will only illuminate. 黑暗的无尽虚空中,除了黑白二色以外,一时间就只剩下耀眼金光,将周遭虚空尽数照亮。 Void in the shake distortion of non-stop, has that to approach foreign land Space of battle place individually and Thousand World, even was shaken has appeared the outline, under golden light shines, non-stop rocks, just likes a one giant air bubble, the air bubble surface presents the crack, as if will burst therefore. 虚空不停的震荡扭曲,有那个别靠近交战地点的异域空间和中千世界,甚至都被震得现出了轮廓,在金光照耀下,不停晃动,犹如一个个巨大的气泡,气泡表面更出现裂纹,仿佛会因此而破裂。 black and white two color divine light when non-stop was consumed, the crystallization of Lin Feng Good Fortune Divine Light always has is exhausted. 黑白二色神光不停的被消耗,林锋造化神光的结晶总有被耗尽之时。 But in Kun Dragon King both eyes actually flashes before the color of startled angry occurring simultaneously, the vision looks to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 坤龙王双目之中却闪现惊怒交加之色,目光望向天罡剑尊 Sees Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper body Meteor, slides rapidly to the distant place, the goal points to Green Sky Dragon King! 就见天罡剑尊身化流星,迅速滑向远方,目标直指碧空龙王 Although Qin Emperor Shi Yu died, but the original plan was still the odds of success biggest plan, constrained Kun Dragon King while Zhu Yi, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper has not continued to collaborate attack, but took Green Sky Dragon King. 虽然秦帝石羽已死,但原先计划仍然是胜算最大的方案,趁着朱易拖住坤龙王,天罡剑尊并没有继续联手攻击,而是直取碧空龙王 Green Sky Dragon King is terrified and startled, he is also accurate regarding the situation judgment, is well aware regarding Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper what wants to do. 碧空龙王悚然而惊,他对于局势判断也非常准确,对于天罡剑尊意欲何为心知肚明。 At this time if he has suffered Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper one path Dharma-Ending Calamity, either dies immediately, either fell into the extremely feeble condition, is not only unable to cheer for Kun Dragon King, becomes the Kun Dragon King burden. 这种时候他若是挨了天罡剑尊一道末法浩劫,要么立刻就死,要么陷入极度衰弱状态,不仅无法助阵坤龙王,更会成为坤龙王的累赘。 Green Sky Dragon King also extremely has the person of resolution, cannot attend to continue destroy Immortal Dragon City, but is condenses black brilliance the first Immortal Dragon City cling, then on the forehead flashes immediately one strange Diagram, Diagram proliferates the whole body instantaneously, then sends out brilliantly. 碧空龙王也是极有决断之人,顾不得继续摧毁不朽龙城,而是凝聚墨色光华先将不朽龙城卷住,然后额头上立即闪动一个诡异图纹,图纹瞬间遍布全身,接着散发出夺目光彩。 In radiance, limitless, flashes the black ray, the sea water color is sea of pure gold, the wave light is clear. 光辉之中,无边无际,闪动黑色光芒,海水颜色却是一片纯金的大海,波光粼粼。 precisely Profound Sea, however this moment in Profound Sea difficult situation, wind rises and clouds bubble up, is at the one extremely wild condition, making Green Sky Dragon King breaks open the channel quite unstable, as if at any time will collapse. 正是玄海,只不过此刻玄海中惊涛骇浪,风起云涌,正处于一个极为狂暴的状态,使得碧空龙王破开的这个通道极为不稳定,仿佛随时都会崩溃。 Because Green Sky Dragon King establishes this channel, in Profound Sea Spiritual Qi flows also becomes even more seems to be chaotic, even more is unstable. 因为碧空龙王建立这条通道,玄海中灵气流向仿佛也变得更加混乱,更加不稳定。 Green Sky Dragon King wants to receive and instruct oneself to return to Profound Sea by Profound Sea Strength, but under the peculiar circumstance, the construction of channel compared with wanted at this moment in the past slowly. 碧空龙王欲以玄海之力接引自己返回玄海,但此刻特殊情况之下,通道的构建比往常要慢了一些。 But Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper is quite decisive, fundamental has not crossed several moves of idea with Green Sky Dragon King first, the coming up direct left hand index finger two fingers also exists side by side like the sword, goes toward the Green Sky Dragon King point! 天罡剑尊极为果断,根本没有和碧空龙王先过几招的意思,上来直接左手食指二指也并立如剑,向着碧空龙王点去! one path gloomy Black Qi, changes to straight heavy line, toward the Green Sky Dragon King lasing! 一道晦暗黑气,化作笔直黑线,朝着碧空龙王激射! Celestial Decay, Dharma-Ending Calamity! 天人五衰,末法浩劫 The Black Qi place visited, as if perfect square Heaven and Earth in together the failure, welcomed the next life end, the irreversible trend perished finally. 黑气所经之处,仿佛整方天地都在一起衰竭,迎来世界末日,不可逆转的走向最终灭亡。 Green Sky Dragon King is unable to move aside, immediately can only firmly resist this Dharma-Ending Calamity, just like in the emerald body, immediately the lost gloss, whole body as if moistens full stain, sends out to make the person want compared with Blood River True Water even more to vomit to the nose, unendurable contamination ozone. 碧空龙王无法躲闪,顿时只能硬抗这道末法浩劫,犹如翡翠般的身躯上,顿时失去了光泽,全身上下仿佛都沾满污迹似的,散发出比血河真水还要令人冲鼻欲呕,难以忍受的污秽臭气。 All along is proud, breathing one's last of Sovereign reveals, as if Heaven and Earth ruler Dragon Clan, this moment body presents the stain, draconic scales falls off massively, vast Monster Strength fluctuation and boundless fearful dragon power vanish into thin air immediately, just likes falls into the sludge bog from the keeping aloof clouds, the day dye paper noble descent, turns into the dishevelled hair and dirty face, beggar in rags instantaneously. 一贯骄傲,皇者之气尽显,仿佛天地主宰龙族,此刻身上出现污迹,龙鳞大量脱落,浩瀚的妖力波动和磅礴慑人的龙威顿时烟消云散,犹如从高高在上的云端跌入污泥沼泽之中,天潢贵胄,瞬间变成蓬头垢面,衣衫褴褛的乞丐。 Green Sky Dragon King sends out unwilling low roaring sound, no matter Monster Strength or meat god Strength, or Monster Soul fluctuation, all falls into most trough in the flash. 碧空龙王发出一声不甘的低吼声,不管是妖力还是肉神之力,又或者妖魂波动,全部在一瞬间陷入最低谷之中。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper unemotionally looks at this: what a pity, he eventually was anti- this Waning Tribulation.” 天罡剑尊面无表情看着这一幕:“可惜,他终究是抗下了这道衰劫。” The Green Sky Dragon King strength is strong, because although ponders not to have enough assurance, therefore had not taken that last achievement Realm of Dharma-Ending like Huang Shen Dragon King, but saves was quite deep, at this moment is forced crossing the Tribulation because of Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, in the end still does not have fallen under Waning Tribulation, success resists whatever comes. 碧空龙王实力到底强劲,虽然因为自忖没有足够把握,所以一直没有像黄绅龙王一样迈出那最后一步成就末法之境,但积蓄已经极为深厚,此刻因为天罡剑尊而被迫渡劫,终究还是没有陨落衰劫之下,成功抗了过来 Although this moment appearance is miserable, so long as he restores from this feeble time, then precisely ascends a height to get a broad view Realm of Dharma-Ending, and achievement Primordial Heavenly Dragon Body! 此刻模样虽然凄凉,但只要他从这衰弱期中恢复,便正是登临末法之境,并成就太古天龙之身 But that all, wanted waiting for him to be able before one's eyes this to close said again. 但那一切,都要等他能过了眼前这一关再说。 Although Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper oneself also withstands one path Dharma-Ending Calamity, but has not arrived to withstand the limit to him, although the strength was also damaged, but copes with Green Sky Dragon King at this moment, conveniently one strike then can Behead. 天罡剑尊自己虽然也承受一道末法浩劫,但对他而言还远没有到承受极限,虽然实力也受损伤,但对付此刻的碧空龙王,随手一击便可以斩杀 Profound Sea Strength is turbulent in non-stop, the strange channel takes shape finally gradually, must receive and instruct Green Sky Dragon King. 玄海之力不停动荡,诡异通道终于渐渐成型,要将碧空龙王接引回去。 But beforehand that cling Immortal Dragon City black brilliance actually tends the collapse, huge Immortal Dragon City once more appears the physique, is hard to enter Profound Sea along with Green Sky Dragon King together, instead in the shatter in Void non-stop ups and downs. 但之前那卷住不朽龙城的墨色光华却趋于崩溃,巨大的不朽龙城再次现出形体,难以随碧空龙王一起进入玄海,反而在破碎的虚空中不停沉浮。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper could not attend to managing Immortal Dragon City at this moment, but is shortly afterwards sword Heavenly River, cuts toward Green Sky Dragon King, tries to seize the final opportunity. 天罡剑尊此刻已经顾不上去管不朽龙城,而是紧接着剑化天河,朝着碧空龙王斩去,试图抓住最后时机。 But another side Kun Dragon King Heaven-shaking gets angry in roaring sound again, was putting together firmly resist a Zhu Yi fist, transform into stream of light, escaping broken Space, pursued to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper behind instantaneously, a vicious claw grasps. 另一边坤龙王震天吼声中,拼着硬抗朱易一拳,化为道流光,瞬间遁破空间,追到天罡剑尊身后,凶狠一爪抓来。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper is helpless, Sword Light transformed into Star River can only in Void one turn over, cuts on the Kun Dragon King claw. 天罡剑尊无奈,剑光所化星河只能在虚空中一个翻转,斩在坤龙王手爪上。 On the Kun Dragon King claw erupts the dazzling brilliance immediately, but Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper stuffy snort|hum, Heavenly Sword Star River shatter comes, reveals the oneself main body, grasps Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper right hand non-stop to shiver, in Void has the white flowing light to spurt, as if the wound of person splashes the blood, is actually Grand Dao Essence that Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper damages. 坤龙王手爪上顿时爆发出耀眼光彩,而天罡剑尊则闷哼一声,天剑星河破碎开来,露出自己本体,握着古剑天罡右手不停颤抖,虚空中白色的流光飞洒,仿佛人的伤口飞溅出鲜血,却是天罡剑尊破损的大道精华 But Zhu Yi follows close on Kun Dragon King behind, in the Kun Dragon King long howl, seemed as if short violent force of a section of Dragon's Tail in Cosmic World has pulled out, sweeps the broken stars to be innumerable, bumped one strike with Zhu Yi again hardly. 朱易则紧跟在坤龙王身后,坤龙王长啸声中,看上去仿佛短了一截的龙尾在宇宙间猛力一抽,扫碎星辰无数,和朱易再硬碰一击 golden light of Giant Paramita Golden Bridge transformed into, body black and white two color radiance, have exhausted at this moment gradually, including eighth colored ring of light of top of the head, gradually fuzzily vanishes. 彼岸金桥所化金光巨人,身上黑白二色光辉,此刻已经渐渐耗尽,连头顶的第八道彩色光圈,也逐渐模糊消失。 A golden light Giant personal appearance revolution, again changes meets day Golden Bridge, Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram from airborne falls, again changes makes the purple clothes student appearance the human form. 金光巨人身形一转,重新化作接天金桥,文华太极图从空中落下,重新变作紫衣书生模样的人形。 Zhu Yi stands above Golden Bridge, vision gazes at front Kun Dragon King, with distant place as if put through Profound Sea Void, with escaping into Green Sky Dragon King, as well as that ups and downs in shatter Space, as if must sink to sea of boundless Space Immortal Dragon City. 朱易站在金桥之上,目光注视面前坤龙王,和远方仿佛被接通的玄海虚空,与遁入其中的碧空龙王,以及那座在破碎空间之中沉浮,仿佛要沉入无边空间之海的不朽龙城 The formidable strength that Immortal Dragon City Dragon Soul sacrifice unexpected out-of-control, Kun Dragon King is as deep as a well, Profound Sea mysterious mysterious Strength, at this moment that non- steady state, as well as Immortal Dragon City falls at this time the unknown change and chaotic situation of in void, all as if cover under the dense fog, making one not look clearly, was hard to grasp the control. 不朽龙城龙魂祭礼出乎意料的失控,坤龙王高深莫测的强大实力,玄海神秘玄奥的力量,和此刻那不稳定的状态,以及不朽龙城此时陷于虚空中的未知变化和混乱局势,一切仿佛笼罩在迷雾之下,令人看不真切,难以把握掌控。 But Zhu Yi this moment vision is getting more and more bright, heart Spirit Platform instead more and more clear understanding. ( to be continued ) 朱易这一刻的目光却越来越明亮,心头灵台反而越来越清明。(未完待续)
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