HNOF :: Volume #12

#1188: The cramp skins!

When the Extreme Teeth Dragon King transformed into red light entangles Yue Hongyan Fleshly Body, almost in same Time, a Yue Hongyan Divine Origin transformed into huge Supreme Ultimate Diagram then suddenly revolution, transform into one path cloud pillar, passes through, falls into her Fleshly Body top of the head. 绝牙龙王所化红光缠上岳红炎肉身,几乎在同一时间,岳红炎元神所化的巨大太极图便猛然间一转,化为一道云柱,直贯而下,落入她肉身的头顶之中。 Yue Hongyan Fleshly Body vibrated suddenly, as if suddenly from completely spiritless regains consciousness, then deeply inspired. 岳红炎肉身猛然震动了一下,仿佛突然从无知无觉之中苏醒,然后深深吸了一口气。 Along with the movement of this inspiration, her outside the body float many Heavenly Dragon Blood Essence and lightning and fire Strength, then together received her whole body major acupoints. 随着这个吸气的动作,她体外悬浮的诸多天龙精血雷火之力,便一起收入她周身各大穴窍之中。 Dragon Blood Strength is boundless, is Yue Hongyan now achievement Divine Origin , the just absorption part, the remaining parts store up temporarily, will practice in the process absorb to refine in the future again. 龙血之力磅礴,便是岳红炎现在成就元神,也只是吸收部分,剩下一部分暂时储存,在日后修炼过程中再行吸纳炼化。 But the bonus is so, has let her Fleshly Body Strength formidable to the one inconceivable level, Divine Origin and Fleshly Body coincides completely, whole body acupoints agitates, as if Cosmic World stars similar. 但饶是如此,已经让她的肉身力量强大一个不可思议的层次,元神肉身完全相合,周身穴窍鼓动间,仿佛宇宙星辰一般 But at this time, Extreme Teeth Dragon King Strength has also contracted arrived pinnacle. 而这时,绝牙龙王力量也已经收缩到了极致 But he felt obviously that along with the contraction of oneself, the Yue Hongyan body also as if instantaneously reduced. 但他明显感到,随着自己的收缩,岳红炎的身躯也仿佛瞬间缩小了。 This is not the Mystical Ability change, but is that formidable Fleshly Body Strength retractable is optional, tamper force with mercy, in the situation of even in ignorant not knowing, can adjust. 这并非神通变化,而是那强大肉身力量收放随意,刚柔并济,甚至在无知无识的情况下,也能自我进行调节。 When Yue Hongyan Divine Origin and Fleshly Body coincide thoroughly, in her both eyes the purple light removes, again restores clear understanding, Fleshly Body stops contracting immediately, instead a violent force outward brace! 而当岳红炎元神肉身彻底相合之时,她双目之中紫光褪去,重新恢复清明,肉身立刻停止收缩,反而猛力向外一撑! Extreme Teeth Dragon King felt thing that immediately oneself body winding bind rounds, Heaven-Supporting Pillar that is being indomitable spirit. 绝牙龙王顿时感觉自己身体缠绕箍住的东西,是一根顶天立地的擎天之柱 Then is place majestic Divine Mountain, was circled by the Extreme Teeth Dragon King body twists. Also was shattered, is at this moment his plate on Yue Hongyan, the opposite party has not actually vacillated. 便是座巍峨神山,被绝牙龙王身体一绕一绞。也要破碎,可是此刻他盘在岳红炎身上,对方却没有丝毫动摇。 The Extreme Teeth Dragon King moral nature sends coldly. A Yue Hongyan purple clothes at this moment, after Seven Killing Star Armor vanishes, does not have again to put on again, only depends on the oneself Fleshly Body tenacious intensity, then toughs it out strangling to death of Extreme Teeth Dragon King. 绝牙龙王心底发寒。此刻的岳红炎一席紫衣,身上的七杀星铠消失之后再没有重新穿上,仅凭自己肉身的坚韧强度,便硬挺绝牙龙王的绞杀。 This compared with Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Armored Scale Black Dragon defense strength even more?!” Extreme Teeth Dragon King discovered with amazement that is not only he is unable to strangle to death Yue Hongyan, Strength that then, in the Yue Hongyan body erupts is getting stronger and stronger. Starts to twine gradually in red light opens! “这比原始真灵境界炼甲黑龙防御还要强了?!”绝牙龙王骇然发现,不仅仅是他无法绞杀岳红炎,接下来,岳红炎身体中爆发出来的力量越来越强。开始渐渐将缠绕在身上的红光撑开! Extreme Teeth Dragon King starts to feel the oneself body tear pain, as if under that formidable Strength. Wants cuns (2.5cm) break. 绝牙龙王开始感到自己的身躯撕裂般的痛楚,仿佛在那强大力量之下。要寸寸断裂似的。 During the Yue Hongyan look is tranquil, murderous aura overflows, the both arms start to catch up, fetter start unable to support in her red light. Expands unceasingly. 岳红炎神色平静之中,杀气四溢,双臂开始发力,束缚在她身上的红光开始支撑不住。不断扩张。 The Extreme Teeth Dragon King anger roar, the body loosens suddenly, no longer the winding on Yue Hongyan, changes to the flame to fly to escape, must spread out among with Yue Hongyan. 绝牙龙王怒啸一声,身体猛然松开,不再缠绕在岳红炎身上,化作火光飞遁,要拉开与岳红炎之间的距离。 Yue Hongyan under foot, treads Void fully, immediately turns toward Extreme Teeth Dragon King to pursue. 岳红炎脚下一顿,足踏虚空,立刻就向着绝牙龙王追去。 Actually sees to make a fleeing appearance Extreme Teeth Dragon King, suddenly looks back, has struck back one outrageously. The big mouth opens, the upper jaw reveals two extremely dazzling dragon teeth, that dragon tooth completely by flame congealment form. Gradually turn into light. 却见做出一副遁逃模样的绝牙龙王,突然回首,悍然杀了一个回马枪。大嘴张开,上颌露出两根极为耀眼的龙牙,那龙牙完全由火焰凝结而成。渐渐光化 Then, this flashes on two dragon teeth of radiance, projects the light beam separately. 接下来,这闪动光辉的两根龙牙上,分别射出光柱。 Dragon Fire sea that peripheral in Void is found, also by these two Dao Light column inspiring, all Dragon Fire was started to integrate these two Dao Light columns, transform into two split the Heaven and Earth giant column of flame. Hits toward Yue Hongyan that forward he pursues. 周边虚空中遍布的龙火海洋,也被这两道光柱引动,所有龙火都开始融入这两道光柱,化为两道分裂天地的巨大火柱。朝着正向他追来的岳红炎打去。 This surprise attack killing strike that is Extreme Teeth Dragon King plans to dump tray easily-to-use, but while he looks back on. in the heart jumps suddenly. 这本是绝牙龙王计划好用来翻盘的突袭杀招,但在他回首的同时。心中突然一跳。 As if there is steelyard weight to rap in the his heart, making his whole body shiver up, feels a feeling of being faced with imminent disaster. 仿佛有重锤敲击在他的心头,让他全身都颤抖起来,感受到一种大难临头的感觉。 Sees in Void to Yue Hongyan that he pursues, a tyrannical vitality and Martial Dao True Meaning blends in the same place, stimulates to movement arrived pinnacle, whole body acupoints vibrates, landslide Tsunami similar. 就见虚空中向他追来的岳红炎,一身强横气血和武道真意融汇在一起,催动到了极致,浑身穴窍震动,山崩海啸一般 Boundless vigorous, overbearing peerless Aura spews out, making the a side Heaven and Earth that Time two people places change color. 磅礴雄浑,霸道绝伦的气息喷涌而出,使得一时间两人身处的这一方天地为之变色。 A Yue Hongyan foot stamps in Void, step treads, body may straighten or bend, may open or close, looks at the appearance to be funny for the first time, speed slow looks like old bull broken car(riage). 岳红炎一脚跺在虚空中,步子一踏,身体或屈或直,或开或合,乍一看模样滑稽,速度慢的像老牛破车。 But takes a step along with Yue Hongyan, her speed is getting more and more fast, body appears and disappears, keeps Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Extreme Teeth Dragon King from seeing clearly her movement unexpectedly! 但随着岳红炎迈步,她的速度越来越快,身体忽隐忽现,竟然让原始真灵境界绝牙龙王无法看清她的动作! The speed quickly is on one hand, strength is also more and more getting more and more heavy, initially when the Yue Hongyan footsteps fall, the movement seems like verve, but Qingrou is incapable actually, the words on fall on land, do not fly including a piece of dust up. 速度越来越快是一方面,力道也越来越重,初时岳红炎脚步落下,动作看似刚猛,但其实轻柔无力,落在土地上的话,连一片灰尘都飞不起来 But arrived final, Yue Hongyan treads every time one step, Void disrupts surely, a foot falls, seems the one black hole appears. 到了最后,岳红炎每踏一步,虚空必定碎裂,一脚落下,就仿佛是一个黑洞出现。 The Space fissure tumbling explodes, is similar to huge Demon God is dashing about wildly, steps on Heaven and Earth, the movement is getting more and more heavy, as if lets the nihility the sky, like the earth earthquake similar fluctuating avalanche. 空间裂痕翻滚炸起,就如同一尊巨大魔神在狂奔,踩踏天地,动作越来越重,仿佛让虚无的天空,像大地地震一般起伏崩塌。 Yue Hongyan this moment facial expression, before actually not, withers callously, instead in the tranquility, contains the most sincere Zhi Zhen faith with being moved. 岳红炎此刻神情,却不似之前那么冷酷肃杀,反而在平静之中,蕴含着一种至诚至真的信念与感动。 But in her vision, actually forgives Heaven and Earth completely to grasp, has absolute power over somebody, saves overbearing and confidence wholeheartedly. 而在她的目光之中,却又包涵一种天地尽在掌握,生杀予夺,存乎一心的霸道自信 Dragon and Snake Raise the Land! 龙蛇起陆 Yue Hongyan after achievement Divine Origin, newly creation military Dao Divinity killing strike, Dragon and Snake Raise the Land! 岳红炎在成就元神之后,新创武道神杀招,龙蛇起陆 in the past Yue Hongyan wants when cultivate Mercury Sovereign Martial Dao wonderfully, Move Stars - Change Constellations, its master Lin Feng saw, once looked to smile, said: Heaven emits murderous intent, Move Stars - Change Constellations. Earth emits murderous intent, Dragon and Snake Raise the Land. Human emits murderous intent, Heaven And Earth Turn Over.” 昔年岳红炎修练辰皇武道妙要,移星易宿之时,其师林锋见了,曾经面露微笑,言道:“天发杀机,移星易宿地发杀机,龙蛇起陆人发杀机,天地反覆。” Lin Feng seems like speaks thoughtlessly, is actually directing the oneself disciple, at that time Yue Hongyan in the heart then indistinctly had feelings, now prove the Dao Divine Origin, cultivation base achieves mastery through a comprehensive study, finally had the essence harvest. 林锋看似随口而言,却是在指点自己的弟子,当时岳红炎心中便隐约有所感触,如今证道元神,一身修为融会贯通,终于有了实质收获。 Dragon and Snake Raise the Land, referred to the earth vibrating, the Myriad Things life completely all moves restlessly restlessly, has the omen of catastrophe. 龙蛇起陆,原指大地震动,万物生灵尽皆躁动不安,有大灾难的前兆。 But now Yue Hongyan these steps tread, Extreme Teeth Dragon King has disaster is imminent immediately, the omen of withstanding great pressure, dangerous feeling that as if the World end, oneself Destruction nears. 而现在岳红炎这几步踏出,绝牙龙王立刻就有一种大祸临头,泰山压顶的预兆,仿佛世界末日,自己毁灭在即的危险感。 Army-Breaking King Halberd again appears in the Yue Hongyan hand , to promote by Dragon and Snake Raise the Land potential, incomparable aggressive spear|gun in Void sweeps away outrageously, hits to collapse directly a piece Void, and two flames that attacks Extreme Teeth Dragon King sweep all. 破军王戟重新出现在岳红炎手中,以龙蛇起陆之势推动,无比凶悍的一枪在虚空中悍然横扫,直接将虚空打塌一片,并且将绝牙龙王攻来的两道火光尽数扫荡。 The column of flame explodes to disperse, but also Future and changes to the boundless raging fire, then completely has annihilated in the Void slit. 火柱爆散开来,还未来得及化作无边烈火,便已经全部湮灭在虚空缝隙之中。 Before Yue Hongyan, to potential non-stop , to continue to rush ahead forward, takes a step, already direct arrived Extreme Teeth Dragon King front. 岳红炎前冲之势不停,继续向前冲杀,迈步之间,已经直接到了绝牙龙王面前 Extreme Teeth Dragon King at this moment was thoroughly certainly the hope. But he cried loud and long, still fired into Yue Hongyan, died to fight. 绝牙龙王这一刻算是彻底绝了希望。但他长啸之间,仍然冲向岳红炎,死战到底。 Among Yue Hongyan body one side. Has let Extreme Teeth Dragon King, one hand holds the spear, another hand separates to empty to Extreme Teeth Dragon King ejects the number palm continuously, in Space only hears an intermittent sad sound to link turn into pieces. 岳红炎身体一侧之间。已经让过绝牙龙王,一手持枪,另一只手隔空冲着绝牙龙王连续击出数掌,空间中就只听见一阵阵沉闷的响声连成片 Space collapsing, pushes a fiery red big dragon in the middle directly, but Yue Hongyan then is a bayonet leaves. 空间垮塌,直接将一条火红巨龙挤在中间,而岳红炎接下来便是一枪刺出。 The Extreme Teeth Dragon King rave, forehead True Spirit Divine Mark non-stop is flashing. Puts together the trying body to move forward, Dragon's Tail of but still by a Yue Hongyan bayonet. Nails fast him firmly. 绝牙龙王狂吼着,额头真灵神纹不停闪动。拼尽全力身体向前一挪,但还是岳红炎一枪刺中龙尾。将他牢牢钉住。 He had making an all-out effort, wants to cut tail to seek livehood simply, but the Yue Hongyan speed is faster than him, one hand holds the spear. Hand that another empties will grasp directly in the Extreme Teeth Dragon King Dragon's Tail wound. 他起了狠劲,想要索性断尾求生,但岳红炎速度比他更快,一手持枪。另外一只空出来的手直接将抓在绝牙龙王的龙尾伤口上。 You!” A Extreme Teeth Dragon King pitiful yell, sees the hand of Yue Hongyan to grasp into under the his flesh and blood, presses firmly between the fingers thick dragon tendon directly, then the violent force rips! “你!”绝牙龙王一声惨叫,就见岳红炎的手抓入他的血肉之下,直接捏住一根粗大的龙筋,然后猛力一撕! That dragon tendon is very huge, tenacious degree is above the imagination, will then be Army-Breaking King Halberd is not necessarily able one strike the interruption. 龙筋无比巨大,坚韧程度超乎想象,便是破军王戟都未必能一击将之截断。 But the Yue Hongyan palm acts bashful Void at this moment, grasps in that thick dragon tendon in hand unexpectedly, then fierce twitches. 岳红炎手掌此刻拿捏虚空,竟然将那粗大的龙筋在手里,然后凶猛的抽动。 Sends young girl to say scarlet slowly: You know that although Senior Sister Li the manner is hale and hearty. But actually outside just in supple, the heart is kindhearted, is the person of warmheartedness. In the past when my Golden Core Realm cultivate needed several types of materials, the Kunlun Mountains area looks for not arrive, this has not sought help from Senior Sister Li, but she knew the news after intent, the or help took care, had in Thousand World to look for arrived from Purple Firmament Dao. Sends to me.” 赤发少女徐徐说道:“你知道吗,李师姐虽然为人硬朗。但其实外刚内柔,心地良善,是个热心肠的人。当年我金丹期修练时需要几样材料,昆仑山一带找不到,本没有向李师姐求助,但她无意中知道消息后,还是帮忙张罗,从紫霄道所拥有的中千世界里找到了。给我送来。” When she delivers to my front, I have not even responded.” “在她送到我面前的时候,我甚至都没有反应过来。” Extreme Teeth Dragon King this moment fundamental answered her issue busily. That several thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge Dragon Body, the bow of flash pain the sun-dried shelled shrimp appearance, the whole body scale opens, each inch flesh fiercely is twitching. 绝牙龙王此刻根本无暇回答她的问题。那数千丈长的巨大龙身,一瞬间痛苦的弓成虾米模样,全身鳞片张开,每一寸肌肤都在剧烈抽搐。 Under the pain of death, Extreme Teeth Dragon King went all out to struggle, looks back to nip toward Yue Hongyan. 死亡的痛苦之下,绝牙龙王拼命挣扎,回首朝着岳红炎咬去。 A Yue Hongyan foot steps the Extreme Teeth Dragon King Dragon's Tail, Void as if coagulates, sews the Extreme Teeth Dragon King end in spacious in Void firmly, without any material object support, but Extreme Teeth Dragon King tail is actually not able moving, the scene to seem extremely strange. 岳红炎一脚踩住绝牙龙王的龙尾,虚空仿佛凝固,将绝牙龙王的尾部牢牢钉在空旷的虚空中,没有任何实物支撑,但绝牙龙王尾巴却无法移动,场面看上去极为诡异 Steps Extreme Teeth Dragon King dragon power, Yue Hongyan draws out Army-Breaking King Halberd, then is a lightning spear|gun, cracks open the Extreme Teeth Dragon King giant head. 踩住绝牙龙王龙威,岳红炎破军王戟拔出,然后便是闪电一枪,将绝牙龙王巨大的头颅磕开。 Meanwhile her seems like the slender pure white palm, under the hand continues to catch up, tenacious dragon tendon stretches immediately straightly, non-stop shivers to sway. 同时她那看似纤细的洁白手掌,手底下继续发力,坚韧的龙筋立刻绷得笔直,不停颤抖摇晃。 Yue Hongyan vision ice-cold, expression Qingrou is gentle: „The Senior Brother Gu words are not many, always smiles temperately, likes in nearby static looks at Senior Sister Li, but I know that his temper and Senior Sister Li polarity, outside and in just, had the idea very much, brave fearless.” 岳红炎目光冰冷,语气却轻柔平和:“顾师兄话不多,总是温和微笑,喜欢在一旁静静看着李师姐,但我知道,他性子和李师姐正相反,外和内刚,很有主意,勇敢无畏。” I can look that he liked checking Senior Sister Li, was until death faithful.” “我能看出来,他爱刹了李师姐,至死不渝。” Strength of Extreme Teeth Dragon King whole body as if must be found time, wants to struggle, actually does not beat Yue Hongyan formidable Strength, by her then fierce pulls out, that dragon tendon had pulled out from the Extreme Teeth Dragon King body directly forcefully! 绝牙龙王全身的力量仿佛都要被抽空,想要挣扎,却不敌岳红炎强大力量,被她接下来猛的一抽,那龙筋直接从绝牙龙王身体中被强行抽了出来! The Dragon Body brought flesh and blood flying in all directions, tears, Yue Hongyan received dragon tendon, temporarily loosens including Army-Breaking King Halberd, both hands grasp above breaks open draconic scales, makes an effort to rip once more, that Flame Dragon draconic scales and epidermis forcefully were also stripped from the flesh and blood! 龙身更被带的血肉横飞,撕裂开来,岳红炎收了龙筋,连破军王戟都暂时松开,双手抓在破开龙鳞之上,再次用力一撕,那炎龙龙鳞和表皮也被强行从血肉之上剥离! Extreme Teeth Dragon King non-stop roars, actually does not help matters, and felt clearly oneself Dragon Body starts becomes weak. 绝牙龙王不停怒吼,却无济于事,并清楚感到自己龙身开始变得软弱。 True Spirit Divine Mark and his of Monster Soul his forehead coincides, must be separated from Dragon Body, discards oneself Fleshly Body, without doubt lets the Extreme Teeth Dragon King heart drop blood, but does not have the means in means. 他额头的真灵神纹他的妖魂相合,就要脱离龙身,舍弃自己肉身,无疑让绝牙龙王心头滴血,但却是没办法中的办法。 But on Yue Hongyan surges immediately such as fog such as the wind similar red light mist, the ominous offense is incomparable, precisely Seamless Astral Fiend. 岳红炎身上立刻涌动如雾如风一般的红色光岚,凶戾无比,正是无间罡煞 Seamless Astral Fiend covers Extreme Teeth Dragon King Dragon Body instantaneously, sweeps across peripheral broad Heaven and Earth, making Heaven Desolate Land this corner/horn be covered in the red light fog of howling. 无间罡煞瞬间将绝牙龙王龙身覆盖,更席卷周边广阔天地,使得天荒广陆这一角都被笼罩在呼啸的红色光雾里。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King discovered with amazement that oneself Monster Soul actually was also held by Yue Hongyan, is hard to withdraw. 绝牙龙王骇然发现,自己妖魂竟然也被岳红炎吸住,难以脱身。 Senior Sister Li had said that this whole life biggest fear, is oneself Innate Talent weak in Senior Brother Gu, she worried that oneself cannot become Divine Origin, after 3600 , when the life comes to the end, possibly is unable to continue to accompany Senior Brother Gu to walk the following life.” 李师姐曾经说过,她这辈子最大的恐惧,便是自己天赋弱于顾师兄,她担心自己成不得元神,3600年后寿元走到尽头时,可能无法继续陪伴顾师兄走完后面的人生。” In the Yue Hongyan vision appears sad appearance: I then at heart secretly pledged at that time that must obtain Thirty Three Heavens Good Fortune Immortal Pill for her to the teacher, even if gives her my oneself medicinal pill also becomes.” 岳红炎目光中浮现悲色:“我当时便在心里暗暗发誓,要为她向师尊求得一枚三十三天造化仙丹,哪怕将我自己丹药让给她也成。” Cannot be contemporaneous, but altogether dies, perhaps Senior Sister Li and Senior Brother Gu in the heart must comfort, but if can live, who is willing dead?” “不能同生,但得共死,李师姐顾师兄或许心中也得安慰,但若能生,谁愿意死?” „Before Shaolan just before leaving, told me, was you have killed Senior Sister Li and Senior Brother Gu, I butchered you now, consoled their soul in heaven!” Sends the young girl facial expression scarlet becomes withers, builds Army-Breaking King Halberd once more, is a vicious bayonet! 少岚临走前告诉我,便是你杀死了李师姐顾师兄,我现在就宰了你,告慰他们在天之灵!”赤发少女神情变得肃杀,再次架起破军王戟,便是凶狠的一枪刺来! Among Heaven and Earth resounds Extreme Teeth Dragon King desperate anger roaring sound immediately! 天地间顿时响起绝牙龙王绝望的怒吼声 formidable Dragon Soul, was crushed by a Yue Hongyan spear|gun directly! ( to be continued ) 强大龙魂,直接被岳红炎一枪击碎!(未完待续)
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