HNOF :: Volume #12

#1187: Heavenly Lightning Earthly Fire builds up this body, is unprecedented I to work as first!

Yue Hongyan covers from top to bottom at this moment under First Level golden color radiance, but in golden light, corresponds Yue Hongyan whole body size acupoints, then some massive luminous spots flash in non-stop. 岳红炎浑身上下此刻都覆盖在一重金色光辉之下,而在金光中,对应岳红炎周身大小穴窍,则有大量光点在不停闪动。 As if has oneself Life, is the same in the breath, each acupoints together one volt, in each acupoints as if there is one formidable life to perch extremely. 仿佛拥有自己生命,在呼吸一样,每个穴窍都一起一伏,每个穴窍中都仿佛有一个极为强大的生灵栖息。 These luminous spots completely are scarlet red, imitates the Buddha Fire flame to be the same, but in the fiery red ray, royal purple electric light non-stop flashing jumps. 这些光点全部都是赤红色,仿佛火焰一样,而在火红光芒之中,还有蓝紫色的电光不停闪烁跳跃。 formidable Strength at this moment non-stop, in this seems like in the petite body surges. 强大力量这一刻不停在这个看似娇小的身躯中涌动。 But made Extreme Teeth Dragon King startled and matter of anger is, Yue Hongyan just now offered a sacrifice to that big golden color blood fog that practiced, impressively was pure Primordial Heavenly Dragon True Blood! 而令绝牙龙王又惊又怒的事情则是,岳红炎方才所祭练的那大蓬金色血雾,赫然是纯正的太古天龙真血 That is not other Dragon Clan flesh and blood, precisely at this moment with the flesh and blood of Kun Dragon King Zhu Yi, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and the others preyed on! 那不是别的龙族的血肉,正是此刻在与朱易天罡剑尊等人搏杀的坤龙王之血肉! Stemmed from the past years to be cut broken Dragon's Tail by Lin Feng, some Heavenly Dragon True Blood, Lin Feng bestowed oneself Disciple, Yue Hongyan as specializing in Martial Dao Cultivator, naturally obtains one. 源于当年被林锋斩碎的龙尾,其中部分天龙真血,林锋赐给自己门下弟子,岳红炎作为专修武道修士,自然得到一份。 Strength extremely formidable that in the just Kun Dragon King flesh and blood contains, even if Dragon's Tail already thorough shatter, its True Blood is not Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator can withstands. 只是坤龙王的血肉中蕴含的力量太过强大,哪怕龙尾已经彻底破碎,其真血也不是元婴期修士可以承受。 But Yue Hongyan under the Lin Feng direction, had already prepared arrangement, although has not expected to be today's aspect, but does not affect her to make the decision. 岳红炎早已在林锋指点之下,做好了安排准备,虽然未曾料到会是今天的局面,但并不影响她做出决定。 Risk naturally has, but Yue Hongyan is never person who fears the risks. 风险自然有,但岳红炎从来不是畏惧风险之人 Under temperance that in the thunder and fire interweave, the pure golden color Primordial Heavenly Dragon True Blood as if one Layer light membrane same covers in the Yue Hongyan body surface, then gradually by acupoints absorb that her whole body opens and closes. 在雷与火交织的锤炼之下,纯金色太古天龙真血仿佛一层光膜一样覆盖在岳红炎体表,然后渐渐被她周身开阖的穴窍吸纳 In Yue Hongyan both pupils. Has the purple light to emerge, body surrounding Void splits the slit unceasingly, several black holes appear together. Sweeps across all around Myriad Things. 岳红炎双瞳之中。有紫光涌现,身体周围虚空不断裂开缝隙,更有数个黑洞一起出现。席卷周遭万物 Own Heavenly Dao Virtuous Scripture foundation Dao Technique, in this moment by Yue Hongyan revolution arrived pinnacle. 自身天道德经的根基道法,在这一刻被岳红炎运转到了极致 Her body, during golden light sparkles, even starts to present the purple stripe, forms the draconic scales appearance gradually, appears and disappears. 她的身上,金光闪耀之间,甚至开始出现紫色条纹,渐渐形成龙鳞模样,忽隐忽现 draconic scales opens and closes, then some massive lightning and fire from there gush out. Then new Dragon Fire and Heavenly Lightning together absorb in, is similar to will form the one stable circulation. 龙鳞开阖之间,便有大量雷火从中涌出。然后又将新的龙火天雷一起吸纳其中,如同形成一个稳定的循环。 Yue Hongyan spear momentum more and more slow. Aura more and more formidable that but it reveals, as if in this violent dangerous situation, squeezes own within the body potential, as if handle peerless Divine Weapon. Whets after quenching once more, is even more sharp. 岳红炎枪势越来越缓。可是其流露出来的气息则越来越强大,仿佛在这极端的险境之中,将自身体内潜力压榨出来,又仿佛一柄绝世神兵。再次经过淬火磨砺,越发锋利。 pill suddenly appears, is similar to mist of one group of non-stop tumbling changes gathers form, precisely Thirty Three Heavens Good Fortune Immortal Pill! 一枚丹丸突然出现,如同一团不停翻滚变化的云气聚集而成,正是三十三天造化仙丹 Yue Hongyan opens mouth, Immortal Pill of that path mist appearance, was then swallowed down by her. 岳红炎一张嘴,那道云气模样的仙丹,便被她吞了下去。 Face upwards a clear long and loud cry, Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol that the Yue Hongyan originally and Fleshly Body coincide completely, in this moment finally appears. 仰天一声清亮的长啸,岳红炎原本与肉身完全相合的天地法相,在这一刻终于显化 The big body is indomitable spirit, eight arms mix Heaven and Earth Wind and Thunder Water and Fire Mountain and Lake the Eight Trigrams physical image. The body is throwing over the heavy armor, armor piece just likes draconic scales, the scale opens and closes. Massive lightning and fire surround this huge Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol. 高大的身躯顶天立地,八条手臂搅动天地风雷水火山泽八卦物象。身上披着厚重铠甲,甲片犹如龙鳞,鳞片开阖间。大量雷火环绕这巨大的天地法相 Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol is born with four heads, four faces, four face minutes make the different facial expressions, First wither like Astral Wind ice cold, second constrains like nimbus cloud gloomy, third looks angrily and fiercely at like the thunder. Finally one like lightning unpredictable. 天地法相生就四个头颅,四张面孔,四张面孔分作不同神情,第一个罡风凌冽肃杀,第二个如雨云般阴沉压抑,第三个如雷霆般横眉怒目。最后一个则如闪电般变幻莫测。 In this Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol on top side, as if also has Wind and Rain thunder & lightning. Fog snow ice frost and other celestial phenomena appear together. 在这天地法相顶上方,仿佛也有风雨雷电。雾雪冰霜等诸多天象一起浮现。 Above many celestial phenomena, piece of illusion, evolves Myriad Things destroy, Void cracks, all reduction nihilities, then again stands like a tripod, opens the Great Thousand picture. 诸多天象之上,更有一片幻境,演化万物破灭,虚空崩裂,一切化归虚无,然后重新鼎立,开辟大千的景象。 Yue Hongyan loosened Army-Breaking King Halberd directly, azure black great halberd in Void increases loudly, was grasped in in hand by this huge Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, then turns toward the before one's eyes Extreme Teeth Dragon King wild offensive to counter-attack outrageously. 岳红炎直接松开了破军王戟,青黑大戟在虚空中轰然变大,被这巨大的天地法相在手里,然后向着眼前绝牙龙王的狂暴攻势悍然反击。 One after another, to attack to attack, destroy Void, fights with before one's eyes sky-filling Dragon Fire, grasps the nettle, unprecedented. 一枪又一枪,以攻对攻,破灭虚空,与眼前漫天龙火争锋,迎难而上,一往无前。 The Yue Hongyan top of the head appears Light Avatar of one young girl appearance, is almost same as her own look, seems 15 and six years old, precisely her Nascent Soul. 岳红炎头顶现出一个少女模样的光影,与她自身相貌几乎完全相同,看上去15、六岁大,正是她的元婴 Along with Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol own Martial Dao non-stop deduction, Yue Hongyan vigor unceasingly is also increasing to the new altitude, her Fleshly Body also in unceasingly absorb lightning and fire and Dragon Blood Strength, even more formidable. 随着天地法相将自身武道不停演绎,岳红炎一身精气神也在不断攀升到新的高度,她的肉身也在不断吸纳雷火龙血力量,越发强悍 The visible essence, with Formless Mind, constantly is strengthened at this moment, in those days in also insufficiently insightful it is difficult, at this time is easily solved. 有形的实质,与无形精神,这一刻都在不断增强,往日里还不够通透的碍难,此时迎刃而解。 before one's eyes is similar piece of brand-new Heaven and Earth World, shows toward Yue Hongyan, making her heart Spirit Platform unprecedented clear only, this for her, a brand-new experience, oneself seems reborn, stands the one brand-new altitude. 眼前仿佛有一片全新的天地世界,向着岳红炎展现,让她心头灵台前所未有的澄净,这对她来说,一种全新的体验,自己仿佛脱胎换骨,站上一个全新的高度。 Once in Sea of Consciousness that partly visible big door, started in this moment gradually becomes clear. 曾经识海中那座若隐若现的大门,在这一刻开始逐渐变得清晰。 Along with the rush of Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, Yue Hongyan forwards step by step, opponent that at this moment she must defeat, as if no longer is before one's eyes Extreme Teeth Dragon King, but changed formed past oneself. 随着天地法相的冲杀,岳红炎一步步向前,此刻她要战胜的对手,仿佛已经不再是眼前绝牙龙王,而变成了过去的自己 Surmounts oneself, enters into brand-new Heaven and Earth. 超越自身,迈入全新的天地 The Extreme Teeth Dragon King vision feels cold, is gazing at Yue Hongyan, under boundless Dragon Fire attacks unceasingly, massively was actually blocked by that matter golden color light membrane, can penetrate the light membrane the raging fire, instead is actually helping the Yue Hongyan promotion strength. 绝牙龙王目光发冷,注视着岳红炎,磅礴的龙火不断侵袭之下,却大量被那层金色光膜所阻,能透过光膜的烈火,却反而在帮助岳红炎提升实力。 How he can look at doesn't come out, Yue Hongyan must here, break through the Celestial impediment at this moment unexpectedly at one fell swoop, achievement Divine Origin boundary! 他又如何能看不出,岳红炎此刻竟然是要借此机会,一举冲破天人阻隔,成就元神之境 Thinks that the oneself unexpectedly formed Yue Hongyan hone, the Extreme Teeth Dragon King in the heart anger and humiliation further rise, he is unable to endure patiently again, the entire body also good-fittingly jumps into Fire Sea, changes to the scarlet-red light dragon, fully attack to Yue Hongyan. 想到自己居然成了岳红炎的磨刀石,绝牙龙王心中的怒火与屈辱进一步上升,他再也无法忍耐,整个身体也合身扑入火海之中,化作赤红光龙,全力攻向岳红炎 Yue Hongyan Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, four faces send out the silent call together, actually mixes 4 sides Heaven and Earth, wind rises and clouds bubble up, thunder rolls and lightning flashes. 岳红炎天地法相,四张面孔一起发出无声呐喊,却搅动四方天地,风起云涌,电闪雷鸣 Her that both eyes closed, Fleshly Body that seems completely spiritless, is eating both hands, makes the holds the spear movement, then aims at an assassination of Extreme Teeth Dragon King type vicious. 她那双目闭合,仿佛无知无觉的肉身,吃着双手,做出持枪动作,然后对准绝牙龙王一式凶狠的刺杀。 But grasps Army-Breaking King Halberd Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, at this moment is also the same movement. 而手持破军王戟天地法相,这一刻也是相同的动作。 Wild Strength surges, golden color light membrane and sky-filling lightning and fire was also abandoned in addition to hold on this spear, Yue Hongyan makes since birth strongest one strike, clashes with Extreme Teeth Dragon King outrageously. 狂暴力量涌动,金色光膜和漫天雷火也被遗弃加持在这一枪上,岳红炎打出有生以来最强一击,和绝牙龙王悍然对撞。 After this one strike, Extreme Teeth Dragon King personal appearance, but Yue Hongyan Mind Will reaches most peak, opens the door of that path faintly recognizable Divine Origin loudly! 一击之后,绝牙龙王身形一顿,而岳红炎精神意志则达到最巅峰,轰然将那道飘渺的元神之门推开! When childhood, ignorant, sees only flames of war, the war, the family member and compatriot fly in the oneself front blood horizontally, in the memory that is snow gleams white all year long, beautiful tranquil Mist Mountain, in the blood and fire, no longer saves again. 幼年之时,懵懂之间,只见烽火连天,金戈铁马,亲人与同胞在自己面前鲜血横飞,记忆中那终年白雪皑皑,美丽宁静的岚山,在血与火之中,再不复存。 Since then steps the runaway life that drifts about destitute, has barely escaping, has suffering hunger and cold, a companion one sacrifice, one reduced. 从此踏上颠沛流离的逃亡生活,有过险死还生,有过饥寒交迫,同伴一个个牺牲,一个个减少。 Then grows up in such environment, to protect the oneself compatriot, but non-stop fights bravely. 便在这样的环境中长大成人,为了守护自己的同胞,而不停奋战。 In the end, the person who because actually that once most trusted, loses all. 到头来,却因为那个曾经最信任的人,失去一切。 By Long Spring Mountain meets present Master Lin Feng again at that moment, all matters are not as if same. 直到在长春山重遇现在的师父林锋那一刻起,所有事情仿佛才再不相同。 The Jade Capital Mountain top, under Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree, that post in her forehead , helping her to set up the Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree leaf of Grade 1 Spirit Platform, leading her to move toward piece of brand-new World. 玉京山顶,玄天宝树下,那一枚贴在她眉心,助她立起一品灵台玄天宝树叶,带她走向一片全新的世界 from then on, she is tenacious! 从此以后,她矢志不移! Yue Hongyan Fleshly Body opens eye at this moment suddenly, in both eyes the purple ray wells up crazily, but her Nascent Soul changes to stream of light, integrates in her Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, huge Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, unites with Nascent Soul thoroughly, breaks in big door that opens together. 岳红炎肉身此刻忽然睁开眼睛,双目之中紫色光芒狂涌,而她的元婴则化作一道流光,融入她的天地法相之中,庞大的天地法相,与元婴彻底合一,一起冲入那打开的大门 Across Void big door, accepts the Heaven and Earth big Dao Technique baptism, the Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol disintegration of Yue Hongyan, changes to Talisman seeds, each seed coincides with Heaven and Earth, flashes the dazzling brilliance. 穿过虚空大门,接受天地道法则洗礼,岳红炎天地法相崩解,化作一颗颗符箓种子,每一颗种子都与天地相合,闪动耀眼的光彩。 next moment these Talisman seed then in Void transform into huge Supreme Ultimate Diagram, half black half white, two-level blends, slowly rotation. 下一刻这些符箓种子便在虚空中化为一幅巨大的太极图,半黑半白,两级交融,徐徐转动。 Sky over Supreme Ultimate Diagram, appears Yue Hongyan Martial Dao Will Light Avatar illusion, is even more clear, Void non-stop birth and death, the Myriad Things Good Fortune change, exhausts the wonder of Heaven and Earth, reveals extremely aggressive, fills air/Qi of destruction murdering formidable Strength. 太极图上空,显化岳红炎武道意志光影幻境,越发清晰,虚空不停生灭,万物造化变迁,穷尽天地之妙,又流露出极度凶悍,充满破坏杀伐之气的强大力量 Earth of a clear singing sound in Heaven Desolate Land reverberates. 一阵清亮歌声在天荒广陆周围大地之间回响。 Mist Mountain beacon-fire snow day after day, under the Profound Heaven tree hears the true words. Heavenly Lightning Earthly Fire refining up this body, unprecedented I am the first!” 岚山烽火雪连天,玄天树下聆真言。天雷地火炼此身,一往无前我当先!” under Profound Gate's Master's tutelage Fourth Disciple, Profound Mist True Monarch Yue Hongyan, in today prove the Dao Divine Origin! 玄门之主座下四弟子,玄岚真君岳红炎,于今日证道元神 Army-Breaking King Halberd integrated in this giant Supreme Ultimate Diagram, except for this, a blood red spheroid, as if dark red as blood gem, as if a rogue eyeball, falls into Yue Hongyan Divine Origin transformed into Supreme Ultimate Diagram. 破军王戟已经融入这幅巨型太极图中,除此以外,还有一枚血红球体,仿佛殷红如血的宝石,又仿佛一只凶恶的眼珠,也落入岳红炎元神所化太极图中。 Moreover, on Seven Killing Star Armor including her Fleshly Body, suddenly is also separated at this moment, integrates in Supreme Ultimate Diagram. 不仅如此,连她肉身上的七杀星铠,这一刻也骤然脱离,融入太极图中。 That Supreme Ultimate Diagram Strength fills the air, making Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Extreme Teeth Dragon King, in the heart even faintly have the frightened feeling: How such easily, such quickly on the breakthrough mountain pass, achievement Divine Origin boundary? Human Race achievement Divine Origin, the difficulty is similar to my clan achievement Immortal Monster Soul, possibly so to be how neat?!” 太极图力量弥漫开来,让原始真灵境界绝牙龙王,心中甚至隐隐生出恐惧的感觉:“怎么会这么轻易,这么快就突破关隘,成就元神之境人族成就元神,难度与我族成就不灭妖魂相若,怎么可能如此干脆利落?!” He also thought Yue Hongyan to act recklessly, dares to be in front of his to attack Divine Origin boundary unexpectedly. 他本来还觉得岳红炎不知死活,竟然敢当着他的面冲击元神之境 If other people clan Cultivator, even if can exercises Divine Origin successfully, but in facing the situation of Extreme Teeth Dragon King this grade of archenemy, is no different than hands over in arrived Extreme Teeth Dragon King the oneself life, in flushing will close, was taken the life. 若是其他人修士,哪怕可以成功练就元神,但在面对绝牙龙王这等大敌的情况下,无异于将自己性命交到了绝牙龙王手里,会在冲关之时,被取了性命。 Sometimes, perhaps Extreme Teeth Dragon King fundamental disdains in taking advantage of the opposite party when flushing closes attacks, but he knows at this moment when Yue Hongyan Nascent Soul Late Stage strength, is he same level this time opponent, naturally will not regard, if commonplace. 某些时候,绝牙龙王或许根本不屑于趁对方在冲关之时袭击,但他此刻已经知道岳红炎元婴后期时的实力,就已经是他同等此次的对手,自然不会视若等闲。 But after at first one strike, from Yue Hongyan starts attacks reopens the door of Divine Origin officially the time, that golden color light membrane suddenly congealing reality, sparkle lightning and fire, the Extreme Teeth Dragon King impediment outside. 可是在最初一击之后,自岳红炎开始冲击正式重开元神之门的时候,那金色光膜就猛然凝实,闪耀雷火,将绝牙龙王阻隔于外。 To Extreme Teeth Dragon King enough Time, his eventually can breakthrough, but Yue Hongyan to closing the successful speed, surpasses him to be unexpected. 绝牙龙王足够时间,他终究可以将之突破,但岳红炎冲关成功的速度,远超出他预料之外。 When he breaks in that golden color light membrane finally, Yue Hongyan also impressively already achievement own Divine Origin! 在他终于冲入那金色光膜中的时候,岳红炎也赫然已经成就自身元神 Extreme Teeth Dragon King clenches the teeth, proud and keeps him from choosing angrily to retreat, instead stimulated ominous to make an all-out effort, wants to say wickedly: No matter war of result today how, even if your achievement Divine Origin, I must destroy your Fleshly Body!” 绝牙龙王咬紧牙关,骄傲与愤怒让他无法选择退却,反而更激发了凶性狠劲,恶狠狠想道:“不管今日之战结果如何,哪怕你成就元神,我也要毁去你的肉身!” You are Martial Dao Cultivator, was destroyed Fleshly Body, Divine Origin Strength is strong, the strength must fall short greatly, whether to seek enough satisfied Fleshly Body again, is unknown!” “你是武道修士,被毁了肉身,元神之力再强,实力也要大打折扣,能否再寻到足够满意的肉身,也是未知!” one's thoughts arrived to this, the Extreme Teeth Dragon King rave is changing to the one path red light, twines under Supreme Ultimate Diagram, above Yue Hongyan oneself Fleshly Body, then suddenly tightens, must take advantage that Yue Hongyan Divine Origin with the opportunity of Fleshly Body coinciding, has not twisted Yue Hongyan Fleshly Body directly broken! ( to be continued ) 一念至此,绝牙龙王狂吼着化作一道红光,缠绕在太极图下方,岳红炎自己肉身之上,然后骤然收紧,要趁岳红炎元神还未与肉身相合之机,将岳红炎肉身直接绞碎!(未完待续)
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