HNOF :: Volume #12

#1186: Never is the woman

Yellow Dragon Clan is famous for Monster Strength vigorously boundless, simultaneously Fleshly Body vitality Strength, in is also excellent with Cultivation Realm Monster Race. 黄龙一族妖力雄浑磅礴着称,同时肉身气血之力,在同境界妖族中亦属上乘。 Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Hou Ning Dragon King, at this moment appears oneself primary form True Body, erupts completely vigorous Monster Strength and formidable Fleshly Body Strength. 星魂合一境界后宁龙王,这一刻显化自己的原形真身,将一身雄浑妖力强大肉身力量全部爆发出来。 He opens mouth, has the starlight sparkle, many stars fluctuates, the stars great strength also in addition holds on Hou Ning Dragon King. 他张开嘴来,更有星光闪耀,多枚星辰在其中浮动,星辰巨力也同时加持在后宁龙王身上。 The huge body is big to be too many compared with Qin Emperor Shi Yu, as if difference between mountain ranges and ground gravel, but Hou Ning Dragon King pair of claws finds out at this moment, twists the space and time, as if two stream of light, simultaneously grasp in the Qin Emperor Shi Yu front. 庞大的躯体比起秦帝石羽来说大出太多,仿佛山峦和地面石子之间的差别,但后宁龙王这一刻双爪探出,扭曲时空,仿佛两道流光,一起抓在秦帝石羽胸前。 Wild Dragon Claw pierces the Shi Yu Divine Origin transformed into body directly! 狂暴的龙爪直接洞穿石羽元神所化的身躯! Also in resisting Green Sky Dragon King attack Shi Yu, has no time to attend to other things completely, can only helplessly looks at Hou Ning Dragon King pair of claws after piercing the his whole body, makes an effort to rip! 还在抵御碧空龙王攻击石羽,完全无暇他顾,只能眼睁睁看着后宁龙王的双爪在洞穿他的全身之后,用力一撕! Shi Yu transform into human form Divine Origin, immediately by Hou Ning Dragon King pair of claws tears forcefully! 石羽化为人形的元神,顿时被后宁龙王的双爪强行撕裂! In the long howl, Shi Yu Divine Origin transform into said stream of light, finally gathered in into five Dao Light magnificent, was divided into the scarlet, yellow, azure, white and black five colors, five colors brilliance changed to five light dragons, scattered in all directions is wanting to flee. 长啸声中,石羽元神化为道流光,最后汇聚成为五道光华,分为赤、黄、青、白、黑五色,五色光华化作五条光龙,四散着想要逃离。 But he had not died by Hou Ning Dragon King strike to kill, actually caused heavy losses , is incapable of supporting the another side Green Sky Dragon King inkstone offensive. 但他虽然没有被后宁龙王击杀死,却遭到重创,再也无力支撑另一边碧空龙王的墨海攻势。 Zhu Yi's Paramita Golden Bridge is refuting the Kun Dragon King pressure, still diligently absorbed with the inkstone, but Divine Origin of Shi Yu spallation, or was submerged by the inkstone instantaneously. 朱易的彼岸金桥硬顶着坤龙王的压力,仍然努力摄拿墨海,但是石羽散裂的元神,还是在瞬间被墨海淹没。 just one ups and downs of five light dragons in the inkstone, then one after another thorough quietly get down, is hit by the total destruction all. 五条光龙在墨海中只是一个沉浮,便相继彻底沉寂下去,尽数遭受灭顶之灾。 Last Black Water Light Dragon. The tuck dive in the inkstone struggles, personal appearance eliminate reduces unceasingly, gradually again transform into human form. precisely Qin Emperor Shi Yu. 最后一条黑水光龙。在墨海中翻腾挣扎之间,身形不断消融缩小,渐渐重新化为人形。正是秦帝石羽 On this moment face the color of startled anger vanishes gradually, the flat crown falls off from the top of the head, the chignon also scatters, on the face the facial expression, only endless is disappointed and anxious. 他此刻脸上惊怒之色渐渐消失,平天冠从头顶脱落,发髻也飘散开来,脸上神情,只有无尽怅然与忧虑。 Disappointed is because the leaving lofty ideal unrealized body predeceases. 怅然是因为壮志未酬身先死。 When he reigns, the Great Zhou Dynasty powerful rises, the national strength is indistinct exceeds oneself Great Qin Dynasty. Great Zhou Liang Pan and Zhu Hongwu rulers and ministers are high-spirited, but Shi Yu and Great Qin Dynasty experience personally Great Zhou, Mount Shu and Sect influence and aristocratic family influence to impede in every way. If trapped|sleepy bird cage. 在他在位期间,大周皇朝强势崛起,国力隐约间胜过自家大秦皇朝大周梁盘朱洪武君臣何等意气风发,而石羽大秦皇朝则身受大周蜀山宗门势力、世家势力多方掣肘。如困樊笼。 Until a several years ago Western Hill City war, Qin Emperor Shi Yu makes in recent years one of the most important decisions, finally had the opportunity of rallying. 直到十几年前的西陵城一战,秦帝石羽做出近些年来最重要的决定之一,才终于有了重振旗鼓的机会。 But under the Lin Feng assist, Immortal Dragon City finally succeeded. Makes clear hope that Great Qin Dynasty again is rising. 而在林锋襄助之下,不朽龙城终于成就。昭示着大秦皇朝重新崛起的希望。 Hereafter the struggle of Oceanic Sea with the war of Profound-extinguishing, then changes the overall pattern on Divine Great Land continuously, particularly between Great Qin Dynasty and Great Zhou Dynasty, the east wind blows fiercely for many years later, westerly wind again crushes the east wind finally, the Great Zhou rising trend suffers setbacks seriously, even there is the shape of decline, but the Great Qin Dynasty strength continually is increased. 此后瀛海之争和灭玄之战,则连续改变神州浩土上的整体格局,尤其是在大秦皇朝大周皇朝之间,在东风劲吹多年之后,西风终于重新压倒东风,大周上升势头严重受挫,甚至有了衰落之象,而大秦皇朝实力则不断提升。 But in the Great Qin Dynasty top of the head, still there is two great mountain stood erect. That is Supreme Void Temple and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect. 但在大秦皇朝头顶,仍然有两座大山屹立。那便是太虚观玄门天宗 Which Sovereign without lives under other people, is not only Zhou Emperor Liang Pan, Qin Emperor Shi Yu is also same. 没有哪个皇者安居他人之下,不仅是周帝梁盘,秦帝石羽也是同样。 Great Qin Dynasty high and low. Seeks any one to let they more further opportunity in the time, can let them the opportunity that continues to rise. 大秦皇朝上下。在时刻谋求着任何一个能让他们更进一步的机遇,能让他们继续崛起的机遇。 The just opportunity forever follows the risk, this point Qin Emperor Shi Yu already knows, when but arrives at this moment, in his mind or has been full of the regret. 只是机遇永远伴随着风险,这一点秦帝石羽早已知道,但当这一刻真的到来之时,他心中还是充满了遗憾。 Makes his anxious is the destiny that Great Qin Dynasty is then going to face. 更让他忧虑的则是大秦皇朝接下来将要面对的命运。 Golden Peng Great Saint with the fate of its subordinates influence, just likes learns from another's mistakes. At this moment still came clearly into view. 金鹏大圣与其麾下势力的下场,犹如前车之鉴。此刻仍然历历在目。 The Shi Yu final line of sight looks to Immortal Dragon City, there. This makes Great Qin Dynasty place the great expectations Good Fortune Magical Treasure, at this moment actually as if turns into a section of ordinary Great Wall, besides length astonishing, does not have any place specially again, Good Fortune Magical Treasure Original Spirit departs for the deep to fall into quietly, to Divine Consciousness thought not any response of Shi Yu. 石羽最后的视线望向不朽龙城,在那里。这座让大秦皇朝寄予厚望的造化法宝,此刻却仿佛变成一段普通的长城,除了长度惊人以外,再无任何特意之处,造化法宝元灵沉底陷入沉寂,对石羽神识意念没有任何回应。 Sacrifice still in carrying on, but after losing the Shi Yu stimulation of movement, can the sacrifice other happen change, all move toward any direction, Shi Yu was unable to control, was unforeseen. 祭礼仍然在进行着,而失去石羽催动之后,祭礼又会否发生别的变化,一切将走向什么方向,石羽也已经无法掌控,无法预料。 That young girl in sacrifice ritual , was still under the condition of ignorant not knowing similarly. 祭礼法仪中的那个少女,同样也仍然处于无知无识的状态下。 The decision that made, Qin Emperor Shi Yu will not regret that will not blame god and man, in the heart only has the deep regret. 已经做出的决定,秦帝石羽不会懊悔,不会怨天尤人,心中唯有深深的遗憾。 One step goes astray, goes astray step by step, but the sorrowful place lies, not opportunity that turns head to come again. 一步走错,步步走错,而悲哀之处在于,没有回头重来的机会。 Shi Yu Will is gradually lax, the Immortal Dragon City physique also gradually vanishes from his field of vision. 石羽意志渐渐涣散,不朽龙城的形体也渐渐从他视野之中消失。 Human Race influence Sovereign, in light of this fallen! 一位人族势力皇者,就此陨落 This War between Two Worlds carries on so far, Human Race Cultivation World presents First fallen leader rank Expert, Great Qin Dynasty ruler, Qin Emperor Shi Yu. 这次两界战争进行到目前为止,人族修真界出现第一个陨落的领袖级别强者,大秦皇朝主宰,秦帝石羽 In distant place Heaven Desolate Land Heaven and Earth, is trying to refine Yue Hongyan Extreme Teeth Dragon King by Dragon Fire forcefully, the look moves suddenly, as if obtains other people Magic Force sound transmission, shortly afterwards then face upwards to laugh wildly: That blasphemed Ancestral Dragon remains Human Race to court destruction eventually! But that so-called Immortal Dragon City, finally destruction!” 远方天荒广陆天地中,正以龙火试图强行炼化岳红炎绝牙龙王,突然间神色一动,似乎得到他人法力传音,紧接着便仰天狂笑:“那个亵渎祖龙遗骸的人族终究自取灭亡了!而那座所谓的不朽龙城,也终将覆灭!” Good! Good! Good! My clan from the biggest shame of Primordial time, will be scrubbed finally!” “好!好!好!我族自太古时代的最大耻辱,终于将得到洗刷!” The Extreme Teeth Dragon King facial expression, looks down happily to was stranded Yue Hongyan in Fire Sea, cried loud and long, non-stop turnover Dragon Fire, the massive flame Yue Hongyan surrounding, must refine thoroughly her. 绝牙龙王神情欢愉至极,低头看向被困在火海之中的岳红炎,长啸一声,又不停吞吐龙火,大量火焰将岳红炎包围,要将她彻底炼死。 Monster Strength Aura that Hou Ning Dragon King leaves behind, no matter to Extreme Teeth Dragon King, or to Yue Hongyan, is voluminous, as if endless, at this moment by the Dragon Fire ignition of Extreme Teeth Dragon King, was changed to one raging fire Underworld immediately. 后宁龙王留下的妖力气息,不管对绝牙龙王而言,还是岳红炎而言,都浩如烟海,仿佛无尽,此刻被绝牙龙王龙火引燃,顿时化作一片烈火地狱 But Yue Hongyan made Extreme Teeth Dragon King be startled again. 岳红炎再一次让绝牙龙王吃惊了。 Through beforehand fighting, looks like in Extreme Teeth Dragon King, Yue Hongyan is one can only hit opponent of running free weaponry. 通过之前的交手,在绝牙龙王看来,岳红炎一个只能打顺风仗的对手 This is not a derogatory meaning, because of the running free situation, is Yue Hongyan oneself spells, but her fight style, expands the running free superior aspect non-stop, as if makes a snowman same once started , it can hardly stop, therefore more hits more is suitable, more and more presses the opponent quick collapse. 这并非贬义,因为顺风的局势,都是岳红炎自己拼出来的,而她的战斗风格,将不停将顺风优势局面扩大,仿佛滚雪球一样一发不可收拾,于是越打越顺,压得对手越来越快的崩溃。 To pull the inferiority from Yue Hongyan on hand, regarding and opponent of her same level, is an incomparably difficult matter, so long as Yue Hongyan has the superiority, this superiority mostly only will be getting more and more distinct, but is hard to reverse. 想要从岳红炎手上将劣势扳回来,对于和她同层次的对手而言,是一件无比艰难的事情,只要岳红炎占据优势,这优势就多半只会越来越明显,而难以逆转。 But otherwise, if Yue Hongyan is in contrary wind, was pressed by opponent in leeward, her storm, is not good at not craving in the defense characteristics constantly, will cause she also similarly rapid being defeated. 可是反之,如果岳红炎处于逆风,被对手压在下风,那她一味强攻,不擅长也不热衷于防御的特点,就会导致她也同样迅速的落败。 however her strong style, often also makes opponent dread, while their strike to kill Yue Hongyan, easy dying counter-attacked by Yue Hongyan very much, causing oneself also to pay the huge price. 只不过她强硬的风格,往往也让对手忌惮,在他们击杀岳红炎的同时,也很容易岳红炎垂死反扑,导致自身也付出巨大代价。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King was guarding against this point. 绝牙龙王本来就是在提防这一点。 But now, he sees Yue Hongyan to contract its spear momentum impressively unexpectedly, concentrates before the body, slowly wields. 但现在,他赫然看见岳红炎竟然将其枪势收缩,凝于身前,缓缓挥动。 It seems like slow, actually quick arrived extreme, the flaming Dragon Fire resistance outside, although still some massive Dragon Fire breakthrough wound and Yue Hongyan oneself, but the majority was blocked by her. 看似缓慢,其实快到了极点,将熊熊龙火抵御在外,虽然仍有大量龙火突破伤及岳红炎自身,但大部分都被她拦下。 As if forms one group of dark clouds in Yue Hongyan side, in the dark clouds contains the massive moisture, actually concentrates not to send, will give people by the heavy depressing feeling, but have been sending, contained extremely the terrifying explosive force, as if at any time will blast open. 岳红炎身边仿佛形成一团阴云,阴云之中蕴含大量水气,却凝而不发,给人厚重压抑的感觉,但在将发未发之间,却又蕴含了极为恐怖的爆发力,仿佛随时都会炸裂开来。 Always only meets Yue Hongyan of storm, at this moment is defending unexpectedly, moreover defends is watertight, under her current cultivation base Cultivation Realm, makes arrived pinnacle. 向来只会强攻的岳红炎,此刻竟然在防守,而且更守得滴水不漏,在她当前修为境界下,做到了极致 Dense Clouds Without Rain of Divine Spear Yue Hongyan Heavenly Law Four Forms Divine Spear! 岳红炎天法四象神枪密云不雨神枪 Among a move, the offense and defense has both, attacking does not attack, hidden does not send, actually forms to give dual attention to defense, wins by striking only after the enemy has struck, as if startling thunderclap rainstorm hidden above the Nine Heavens cloud layer. 一招之间,攻守兼备,攻是不攻,隐而不发,却又形成兼顾防御,后发制人,仿佛惊雷暴雨隐于九天云层之上。 Since this in type Martial Dao of Yue Hongyan passing fight style, as if also counteracts Martial Dao Will that she has implemented different, but on Yue Hongyan actually felt at this moment not arrive any does not cooperate, has not been forced defense depressed dejected, as if the hidden dragon in the deep pool, has formidable Strength to save similar. 这迥异于岳红炎过往战斗风格的一式武道,似乎也有悖于她一直以来贯彻的武道意志,但此刻在岳红炎身上却感觉不到任何不协,也没有被迫防御的沮丧颓然,却仿佛潜龙在渊,有更强大力量正在积蓄一般 The Yue Hongyan look is firm and resolute, Extreme Teeth Dragon King Dragon Fire receives the Hou Ning Dragon King Monster Strength addition, has far exceeded his passing strength limit, in Yue Hongyan Dense Clouds Without Rain Divine Spear, although smelted True Lunar Water Strength, but still there is massive Dragon Fire breakthrough came, on fall on Yue Hongyan. 岳红炎神色坚毅,绝牙龙王龙火受到后宁龙王妖力加成,已经远远超出他过往实力极限,岳红炎密云不雨神枪中虽然熔炼了太阴真水之力,但仍然有大量龙火突破进来,落在岳红炎身上。 During the Seven Killing Star Armor purple light sparkles, is Yue Hongyan keeps off majority of Dragon Fire, but still there is many Dragon Fire attacked her oneself. 七杀星铠紫光闪耀之间,为岳红炎挡下大部分龙火,但仍然有很多龙火侵袭她自身。 In Yue Hongyan both pupils, has flame to jump faintly, she to own Strength controlling to reach the one extremely subtle altitude, whole body acupoints opens and closes in non-stop at this moment, the speed and frequency fast and slow of each acupoints opening and closing vary, as if has ideological similar respectively. 岳红炎双瞳之中,隐隐有火光跳跃,她对自身力量的把控达到一个极为精微的高度,全身上下穴窍这一刻都在不停开阖,每个穴窍翕动的速度与频率都快慢不一,仿佛各自拥有思想一般 Dragon Fire of attack, is dispelled by acupoints non-stop that the Yue Hongyan whole body beats, after splitting up absorb, carries on to refine, then again emits, making these Dragon Fire unable to own create extremely serious injury. 侵袭的龙火,被岳红炎周身跳动的穴窍不停消解,分化吸纳之后进行炼化,然后再重新喷吐出来,让这些龙火无法对自身造成太过严重的伤势。 But the bonus is so, Dragon Fire adds the pain of body, is far from the average man can endure. 但饶是如此,龙火加身的痛苦,也远非常人所能忍受。 Endless pain! Endless suffering! 无尽的痛苦!无尽的折磨! The whole body vitality almost as if must be burnt boils similar, the whole body 48,000 pores has been twitching together the ache, seems sending out to whin together, sends out the pitiful yell. 浑身气血几乎都仿佛要被烧沸了一般,全身上下48000个毛孔一起抽动着疼痛,仿佛在一起发出哀嚎,发出惨叫。 Yue Hongyan in person does not utter a word, vision tenacious such as beginning. 岳红炎本人则一声不吭,目光坚韧如初。 But tumbling Dragon Fire were getting more and more, breaks through Dense Clouds Without Rain spear momentum fire intensity to be also getting bigger and bigger, all as if are sliding to the irretrievable abyss. 但翻滚的龙火已经越来越多,冲破密云不雨枪势火势也越来越大,一切仿佛都在滑向不可挽回的深渊。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King stares at Yue Hongyan, cold sound was saying: That Qin courts destruction, he and his Immortal Dragon City soon destruction, your fellow, is doomed unable to rescue you.” 绝牙龙王盯着岳红炎,冷声说道:“那个秦人自取灭亡,他和他那座不朽龙城即将覆灭,你的同门,也注定无法来救助你。” Woman, you dies today, even though there are your other fellow also to catch up to come to here, I also before they will arrive, your strike to kill, you and other not arrive they rescued you!” “女人,你今天死定了,纵使有你其他同门也赶来这里,我也会在他们到来之前,将你击杀,你等不到他们来救你了!” Extreme Teeth Dragon King coldly said with a smile: „Do you have the lover? If your some words, before now at the point of death, misses him, you were doomed also to see not arrive again he, hated him, let your lonely dies here.” 绝牙龙王冷冷笑道:“你有爱人吗?如果你有的话,现在临死前思念他吧,你注定再也见不到他了,怨恨他吧,让你孤独死在这里。” Yue Hongyan heard this, the look is invariable, vision ice-cold, looks to Extreme Teeth Dragon King: Who is stipulated that does the female, want the waiting for him person to rescue?” 岳红炎闻言,神色不变,目光冰冷,看向绝牙龙王:“是谁规定,女子,就一定要等他人来救?” Her vision is getting more and more bright, even makes Extreme Teeth Dragon King feel gradually dazzling. 她的目光越来越明亮,甚至让绝牙龙王渐渐感到刺眼。 In the sky, the thunder falls outrageously, is actually not attack to Extreme Teeth Dragon King, but also body of fall on Yue Hongyan! 天空中,雷霆悍然落下,却不是攻向绝牙龙王,而是也落在岳红炎的身上! Beside Dragon Fire, massive thunder & lightning essence, pours into Yue Hongyan whole body acupoints, the non-stop of innumerable thunder sparks on her walk randomly, as if thousands of strip electricity snake flees together. 龙火之外,海量雷电精气,也灌入岳红炎周身穴窍之中,无数雷霆火花在她身上不停游走,仿佛千万条电蛇一起窜动。 The Yue Hongyan opens mouth puts out stream of light, in ray is actually the massive golden color blood fog, these blood fog fill the air, covers on Yue Hongyan, fuses with Dragon Fire and thunder & lightning together, as if gives her whole body to cover one Layer golden brilliance. 岳红炎张口吐出一道流光,光芒中却是大量金色血雾,这些血雾弥漫开来,也覆盖在岳红炎身上,与龙火雷电一起融合,仿佛给她全身镀上一层金辉 Sends young girl vitality Strength scarlet, even more boundless vigorous! ( to be continued ) 赤发少女一身气血之力,越发磅礴雄浑!(未完待续)
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