HNOF :: Volume #12

#1185: Return to heaven!

Kun Dragon King body golden light Dragon Domain, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Zhu Yi together obstruct, but Green Sky Dragon King turns toward Qin Emperor Shi Yu Magical Artifact tidal fierce attack on Immortal Dragon City. 坤龙王身化金光龙域,将天罡剑尊朱易一起阻住,而碧空龙王则向着不朽龙城上的秦帝石羽法器潮水般的猛攻 Immortal Dragon City gradually moves toward quietly, Strength non-stop slides to the weaken, Shi Yu facing Green Sky Dragon King, immediately has the feeling of lacking the ability to do what one would like. 不朽龙城一步步走向沉寂,力量不停下滑衰减,石羽面对碧空龙王,顿时有力不从心之感。 Green Jade Dragon Flame already above fall on Immortal Dragon City, Immortal Dragon City itself foundation heavy, even if Magical Treasure Original Spirit is quiet, the main body can also resist Green Sky Dragon King attack, is Qin Emperor Shi Yu on City Wall, actually not arrive Immortal Dragon City protects. 碧玉龙炎已经落在不朽龙城之上,不朽龙城本身根底厚重,即便法宝元灵沉寂,本体也能抵挡碧空龙王攻击,可是城墙上的秦帝石羽,却得不到不朽龙城护佑 Although he is also Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Expert, but faces Green Sky Dragon King like this from Realm of Dharma-Ending only one pace Great Monster , is actually not opponent. 他虽然也是合道境界强者,但面对碧空龙王这样距离末法之境只有一步之遥的大妖,却不是对手 The critical juncture, Shi Yu destroyed without enough time was still in progress the sacrifice, both hands Secret Technique non-stop fluctuates, lines after lines Magic Force sent out, in Void transform into one giant light group. 危急关头,石羽来不及破坏仍在进行中的祭礼,双手法诀不停变幻之间,一道道法力发出,在虚空中化为一个巨大的光团。 shortly afterwards, Shi Yu concise own Dragon Emperor True Fruit, the five colors light stream gathering changes to shining Dao Fruit, flies into that light group. 紧接着,石羽凝练自身龙帝真果,五色光流汇聚化作一枚枚金灿灿的道果,也飞入那光团之中。 The light group changes up immediately rapidly, appears many bizarre images unexpectedly, mountains, a piece by piece plain, is actually not the Heaven Desolate Land picture. 光团顿时飞速变化起来,其中竟然显现出许多光怪陆离的影像,一条条山川,一片片平原,却不是天荒广陆的景象。 That is observing calmly on Divine Great Land, is the Great Qin Dynasty area inside fertile soil, on the land has the massive Great Qin Country people numerous derivation breaths. 那是神州浩土上的静观,是大秦皇朝疆域内的沃土,土地上有大量大秦国民繁衍生息。 Has the innumerable [say / way] multi-colored Formless air current to raise from there, changes to the light dragon, precisely Great Qin Dynasty dragon vein destiny, these dragon vein destiny, toward the Great Qin Country Western Hill City non-stop gathering. 自那里有无数道五彩缤纷的无形气流升起,化作条条光龙,正是大秦皇朝的龙脉气运,这些龙脉气运,向着大秦国西陵城不停汇聚。 Western Hill City whole as if transform into huge Array Formation. Lives in seclusion myriad dragon vein destiny, forms netted the light stream vein, calmly flows. 西陵城整体仿佛化为一座巨大的法阵。隐居万千龙脉气运,形成网状的光流脉络,静静流淌。 But this Array Formation center. Situated in the Great Qin imperial palace main hall, here, is another small Array Formation, covers the entire imperial palace main hall. 而这法阵的中心处。则位于大秦皇宫正殿,在这里,是又一座较小型的法阵,笼罩整个皇宫正殿。 All dragon vein destiny were gathered in this, the Array Formation rapid revolution in imperial palace, gradually forms one huge light sphere above Array Formation, lives in seclusion numerous Qi of Dragon Veins. 所有龙脉气运都被聚集于此,皇宫中的法阵飞速运转,在法阵上方也渐渐形成一个巨大的光球,将众多龙脉之气隐居。 As if transcends infinite Void. These Qi of Dragon Veins were received and instructed arrived Qin Emperor Shi Yu front, passes Dragon Emperor True Fruit in that light sphere. in addition holds on Qin Emperor Shi Yu. 仿佛穿越无穷虚空。这些龙脉之气被接引到了秦帝石羽面前,通过那光球中的龙帝真果。加持到秦帝石羽身上。 Crossed Void, naturally cannot compare to place Western Hill City by far, but still makes the Qin Emperor Shi Yu whole body imposing manner well up crazily, surpasses in the past. Let him facing Green Sky Dragon King, can resist temporarily. 远渡虚空,自然远远比不得身处西陵城,但还是秦帝石羽周身气势狂涌,超出往常。让他面对碧空龙王,也能暂时抵挡。 Green Sky Dragon King roars, scale opens and closes from top to bottom, massive black ink Green brilliance flashes before, voluminous. 碧空龙王怒吼之间,浑身上下鳞片开阖,大量墨绿色光华闪现,浩如烟海。 In this dark green sea, obviously the stars unceasingly taking off and landing ups and downs, making the dark green sea even more clear, but color is also getting deeper and deeper, arrived draws close in pure black finally. As if a piece of inkstone. 在这墨绿海洋之中,可见星辰不断起降沉浮,使得墨绿海洋越发澄澈,但色泽也越来越深,到了最后趋近于纯黑色。仿佛一片墨海。 The wild tide sweeps across, immediately Qin Emperor Shi Yu and that light sphere together engulf. 狂暴浪潮席卷而下,顿时将秦帝石羽和那光球一起吞没 Around the Shi Yu body has the massive five colors light dragon to circle, but at this moment by black sea curl. Immediately starts torn to pieces. 石羽身体周围有大量五色光龙盘旋,但此刻被墨色海洋一卷。顿时开始支离破碎。 This black sea, is Green Sky Dragon King stimulates to movement the performance of pinnacle own Green Jade Dragon Flame, integrates stars Strength that the oneself sacrifice practices, the inkstone institute and place, Myriad Laws completely disappears, eradicates other people Mystical Ability Magic Force Strength. Compared with it deep green Treasure Light World even more formidable. 这墨色海洋,乃是碧空龙王将自身碧玉龙炎催动到极致的表现,更融入自己祭练的星辰之力,墨海所及之处,万法尽消,破除他人神通法力力量。比之碧绿宝光世界还要强悍 If Shi Yu does not have light sphere to receive and instruct the Divine Great Land Qi of Dragon Veins in addition to hold oneself, must meet with a disaster in first Time that the inkstone is imminent. 石羽若是没有光球接引神州浩土龙脉之气加持自身,在墨海临头的第一时间就要遭殃。 At this moment actually also can only strive to struggle. As if lonely ship in violent storm, at any time has the total destruction. 此刻却也只能勉力挣扎。仿佛狂风暴雨中的一叶孤舟,随时都有灭顶之灾。 Inkstone non-stop eliminate his Mystical Ability Magic Force, the speed fast, just likes boiling water cleaning the snow, must shortly his entire engulf. 墨海不停消融他的神通法力,速度飞快,犹如滚汤沃雪,眼看就要将他整个吞没 In Kun Dragon King transformed into golden light Domain, Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper also in aiming at the Dragon Domain Magical Artifact attack of before one's eyes, after one strike not, Zhu Yi by Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram Divine Origin Avatar, again becomes the human form, the vision is somewhat dignified, then points at the point to the oneself forehead. 坤龙王所化金光界域之中,朱易天罡剑尊也在针对眼前龙域法器进攻,一击不中之后,朱易文华太极图元神化身,重新变为人形,目光有些凝重,然后手指点向自己的额头。 Departs the one small luminous spot from Zhu Yi forehead suddenly. 朱易眉心处突然飞出一个小光点。 That luminous spot seems like common, first Time that but appeared, has caused Kun Dragon King and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper attention. 那光点看似不起眼,但在出现的第一时间,就引起了坤龙王天罡剑尊的注意力。 Kun Dragon King transformed into golden light Dragon Domain, entire shook. 坤龙王所化金光龙域,整个震荡了一下。 Among luminous spot flashing, the ray clears, the jade that transform into black and white blends, that jade in Void erupts the astonishing brilliance, immediately has the sky-filling light brume rosy cloud to emerge, black and white two color radiance sparkle alternately, shocks entire Void, Sun that as if round Yin-Yang blends is raising slowly! 光点闪烁之间,光芒散尽,化为一枚黑白交融的玉石,那玉石在虚空中爆发出惊人光彩,顿时有漫天光霭云霞涌现,黑白二色光辉交替闪耀,震撼整个虚空,仿佛一轮阴阳交融的太阳正在冉冉升起! radiance institute and place, innumerable mysterious Rune and in graph densely covered Void, turbulent a side Heaven and Earth. 光辉所及之处,无数神秘的符文和图形密布虚空之中,动荡一方天地 next moment, this black and white two color radiance then transform into heaven shaking rainbows, span Void, as if divides into two golden light Domain overall from there. 下一刻,这黑白二色光辉便化为惊天长虹,横亘虚空,仿佛将金光界域整体从中一分为二。 In that brilliance, there is all over the sky Gods and Buddhas to chant together, the lingering on faintly, innumerable Gods and Buddhas Light Avatar transform into essence, stands together on brilliance. 在那光华之中,有满天神佛一起咏唱,不绝于耳,无数神佛光影化为实质,一起站立在光华上。 Profound Gate's Master's Good Fortune Divine Light? Is that the crystallization of his Good Fortune Divine Light?” Kun Dragon King and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Lin Feng has fought, immediately recognizes before one's eyes this to make their heart live to shock the feeling black and white two color radiance, precisely Lin Feng's Good Fortune Divine Light. 玄门之主的造化神光?那是他造化神光的结晶?”坤龙王天罡剑尊都和林锋交手过,顿时认出眼前这道让他们都心生震撼感觉的黑白二色光辉,正是林锋的造化神光 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper deeply inspires: So boundless Strength, how many divine light did he condense transform into this kind of crystal? Then is his oneself True Body stimulates to movement, is the eruption of flash also not necessarily able to be so strong?” 天罡剑尊深吸一口气:“如此磅礴之力,他到底凝聚了多少神光化为这样一颗结晶?便是他自己真身来催动,一瞬间的爆发也未必能有这么强吧?” The Zhu Yi look is quiet, immediately stimulates to movement Paramita Golden Bridge and that path broad radiance coincides, between both sides Strength coincides, the Paramita Golden Bridge momentum immediately becomes even more formidable. 朱易神色沉静,当即催动彼岸金桥那道恢宏光辉相合,双方之间力量相合,彼岸金桥的声势顿时变得更加强大 Above original seven colored ring of light, are many eighth Dao Light circle, even was indistinct left the ninth Dao Light circle since birth the appearance! 原有七道彩色光圈之上,又多出第八道光圈,甚至隐约间有生出第九道光圈的模样! Before this is his proceeding toward Purple Mist Sea, Lin Feng gives the his thing, to prevent the Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster midway intercepts him. 这是他之前赴紫岚海前,林锋交给他的东西,为的是防止有末法之境大妖中途截杀他。 Lin Feng had condensed before this also the crystallization of own Good Fortune Divine Light, but actually the not previously expenditure such big time, Zhu Yi activate this crystal, coincides with Paramita Golden Bridge, then meets Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster , can gets out of trouble. 林锋此前也曾经凝聚过自身造化神光的结晶,但却都不曾花费这么大的功夫,朱易祭起这枚结晶,与彼岸金桥相合,便是遇上末法之境大妖,也可以脱困。 From Zhu Yi itself, he does not rigidly adhere to the person, in accordance with the situation decides, Strength that should use as circumstances permit will then utilize, borrows Master Lin Feng's Strength not to have any psychological burden. 朱易本身来说,他不是拘泥不化之人,视情况而定,该用的力量便会因地制宜的运用,借用师父林锋的力量更不会有任何心理负担。 But is the same with Wang Lin, if the issue that oneself can solve, he or hope can throughout the oneself solution, but does not alarm Lin Feng. 但和汪林一样,如果是自己能解决的问题,他始终还是希望能自己解决,而不惊扰林锋 but this moment situation the arrived critical moment, Zhu Yi could not attend to that many again. 不过此刻局势已经到了关键时刻,朱易也再顾不得那许多。 Under the Lin Feng's Good Fortune Divine Light in addition holds, Paramita Golden Bridge by Transcendence, surmounts all formidable tendencies, crosses golden light Dragon Domain, the lines after lines light dragon all will break. 林锋的造化神光加持之下,彼岸金桥超脱,超越一切的强大势头,横贯金光龙域,将其中道道光龙尽数破碎。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper hesitated in this time also not at all, stimulated to movement oneself once more fully, showed a Sword Dao Sword Intent essence all, changed to Sword Light congealed on Star River far away once more, with Zhu Yi's Paramita Golden Bridge linked, three big Strength Domain united, shelled the wall barrier that Kun Dragon King supposed together. 天罡剑尊在这时也毫不迟疑,再次催动自己全力,将一身剑道剑意精髓尽数展现,再次化作剑光所凝就的迢迢星河,与朱易的彼岸金桥结合在一起,三大力量意境合一,一起轰击坤龙王设下的壁障。 Kun Dragon King gives out unwilling roaring, Dragon Sovereign Heavenly Sound resounds through entire Void, clear golden light Dragon Domain becomes the pollution could not withstand immediately, non-stop staggered turbulence of Source Qi and Monster Strength in Domain, form disintegration potential, as if Great Thousand World genuinely moves toward destroy. 坤龙王发出一声不甘的怒吼,龙皇天音响彻整个虚空,原本澄澈的金光龙域顿时变得浑浊不堪,元气妖力界域不停交错动荡,形成崩解之势,仿佛大千世界真正走向破灭 golden light Dragon Domain starts the avalanche, toward middle Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper extrusion in the past, that terrifying Strength, has surpassed in a side the Thousand World destroy might. 金光龙域开始崩塌,向着中间的朱易天罡剑尊挤压过去,那恐怖力量,已经远超过一方千世界破灭的威力。 But Golden Bridge and Star River under Black and White Radiance surrounding, still by Transcendence destroy, arrived in Paramita formidable Strength already, shouldered this golden light Dragon Domain avalanche stiffly. 但在黑白光辉包围下的金桥星河,仍然以超脱破灭,抵达彼岸强大力量已经,硬生生扛住了这金光龙域的崩塌。 Finally, Paramita Golden Bridge forcefully from starting shatter golden light Dragon Domain runs out! 终于,彼岸金桥强行从开始破碎的金光龙域之中冲出! The Kun Dragon King long howl is lingering on faintly, golden light Dragon Domain in Void of avalanche fluctuates, changes to the [gold/metal] scale Primordial Heavenly Dragon appearance instantaneously. 坤龙王的长啸声不绝于耳,崩塌的金光龙域在虚空中变幻,瞬间又化作金鳞太古天龙的模样。 Was broken through oneself defense forcefully, Kun Dragon King also a little injures Source Qi, what makes his mood awful is, contacts with that Black and White Radiance, lets the Dragon Claw wound that he breaks, as if again pains. 被强行攻破自己防御,坤龙王也有点伤元气,但更让他心情糟糕的是,与那黑白光辉接触,让他断去的龙爪伤口,仿佛重新隐隐作痛。 In the past that cut the purple clothes youth of his Dragon Claw Dragon's Tail, his face as if once more reappeared in Kun Dragon King before one's eyes, making him be in an uncontrollable rage. 当年那个斩去他龙爪龙尾的紫衣青年,其面庞仿佛再次在坤龙王眼前浮现,让他怒不可遏。 Among nearly thorough wild Kun Dragon King body revolution, huge body entire plate above Paramita Golden Bridge, the Paramita Golden Bridge stubbornly cling. 近乎彻底狂暴的坤龙王身体一转之间,巨大的身躯整个盘在了彼岸金桥之上,将彼岸金桥死死卷住。 Coincides with Paramita Golden Bridge, Heavenly Sword Star River of Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper person and sword unites transformed into, by the Kun Dragon King together cling. 彼岸金桥相合,天罡剑尊人剑合一所化天剑星河,也被坤龙王一起卷住。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper maintains total silence, under the his stimulation of movement, Heavenly Sword Star River raises the difficult situation suddenly, innumerable radiant Sword Star ups and downs, then changes to sky-flooding Sword Light, attacks the body of Kun Dragon King. 天罡剑尊一语不发,在他的催动下,天剑星河突然掀起惊涛骇浪,无数颗璀璨剑星在其中沉浮,然后化作滔天剑光,冲击坤龙王的身体。 Kun Dragon King whole body high and low golden color draconic scales non-stop opens and closes, from there emerges innumerable golden light auspicious cloud, dispels Sword Light in view of oneself attack. 坤龙王周身上下金色龙鳞不停开阖,从中涌现无数金光祥云,消解剑光针对自己攻击 He opens mouth suddenly, attracts with Heavenly Sword Star River that Golden Bridge relies on one another toward that. 他猛然张开嘴,朝着那与金桥相依的天剑星河一吸。 In dragon mouth seems the one black hole, from there erupts the terrifying suction, Heavenly River of Sword Star transformed into does not stabilize up, massive Sword Light Sword Qi were then swallowed by Kun Dragon King big mouth direct absorb, as if to him is unable create any injury, that tendency to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper altogether Devouring. 龙嘴之中仿佛是一个黑洞,从中爆发出恐怖的吸力,剑星所化天河也不稳定起来,大量剑光剑气坤龙王大嘴直接吸纳然后吞下,仿佛对他无法造成任何伤害,那势头更要将天罡剑尊一并吞噬 Divine Consciousness in Void strenuous vibration of Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, his achievement Realm of Dharma-Ending, even if Kun Dragon King wants like direct Devouring he, appears extremely insolent. 天罡剑尊神识在虚空中剧烈震动,他成就末法之境,即便是坤龙王想要像这样直接吞噬他,也显得太过张狂。 But in long years rich fight experience, making him still maintain calm, knows that Kun Dragon King this was makes him enter the jar specially, to prevent him to cope with Green Sky Dragon King, supported Qin Emperor Shi Yu. 但漫长岁月中丰富的战斗经验,让他仍然保持冷静,知道坤龙王这是特意引他入瓮,以阻止他去对付碧空龙王,支援秦帝石羽 Heavenly Sword Star River was still immediately tight regarding in the side of Paramita Golden Bridge, not by the Kun Dragon King method of goading somebody into action. 天剑星河当即仍然紧紧围绕在彼岸金桥之侧,不受坤龙王的激将法。 But the Kun Dragon King body entangles tight Paramita Golden Bridge, copes with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper at the same time, left front claw also turned toward Zhu Yi on Paramita Golden Bridge to grasp maliciously! 坤龙王身躯缠紧彼岸金桥,对付天罡剑尊的同时,左前爪也向着彼岸金桥上的朱易狠狠抓了下去! If this claw seizes firmly, can directly crumb Zhu Yi's Divine Origin. 这一爪若是抓实,直接就能捏碎朱易的元神 The Zhu Yi facial expression as before, under foot Paramita Golden Bridge holds to erupt astonishing Strength in the black and white two color Good Fortune Divine Light in addition calmly, during the sky-filling golden color ray sparkles, supports Kun Dragon King this claw forcefully, simultaneously broad Golden Bridge non-stop extends forward, instantaneous transcends endless Void, arrives at the Green Sky Dragon King body side. 朱易神情沉着依旧,脚下彼岸金桥黑白二色的造化神光加持下爆发出惊人的力量,漫天金色光芒闪耀之间,强行架住坤龙王这一爪,同时恢宏金桥不停向前延伸,瞬间穿越无尽虚空,来到碧空龙王身侧。 Zhu Yi launches oneself Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram Divine Origin Avatar, Golden Bridge radiance reverses suddenly, forms the one reverse huge suction, is towing backing up the inkstone of Green Sky Dragon King Monster Strength transformed into unexpectedly. 朱易自己文华太极图元神化身展开,金桥光辉陡然逆转,形成一个反向的巨大吸力,竟然将碧空龙王妖力所化之墨海牵引着倒退。 Had been surrounded by perils, being on the verge of death Qin Emperor Shi Yu, the pressure reduces at this moment finally, he stimulates to movement own Mystical Ability Magic Force, the lines after lines light dragon dances in the air, matches the inkstone that Strength weakens, then seeks the opportunity of withdrawing. 本已险象环生,危在旦夕的秦帝石羽,这一刻压力终于减轻,他催动自身神通法力,道道光龙飞舞,将力量减弱的墨海敌住,然后谋求脱身之机。 But in this flash, inkstone suddenly separates, from there runs out of huge Yellow Dragon, pair of claws together grab towards Qin Emperor Shi Yu! 但就在这一瞬间,墨海突然分开,从中冲出一条巨大黄龙,双爪一起抓向秦帝石羽 precisely Hou Ning Dragon King! 正是后宁龙王 The resistance inkstone, has no time Clone Qin Emperor Shi Yu, can only looks at Hou Ning Dragon King appears primary form True Body, complete Strength erupt in this flash helplessly, pair of claws simultaneously grasps on the his chest! ( to be continued ) 抵御墨海,无暇分身秦帝石羽,只能眼睁睁看着后宁龙王显化原形真身,全部力量在这一瞬间爆发,双爪一起抓在他的胸口上!(未完待续)
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