HNOF :: Volume #12

#1184: Renouncing of Mount Shu

During Immortal Dragon City falls into to be quiet step by step, whole body radiance gradually is also gloomy, as if sinks the dormancy. 不朽龙城一步步陷入沉寂之中,周身光辉也渐渐暗淡下去,仿佛沉眠。 Before then, Immortal Dragon City withstood Kun Dragon King major part attack, the incisiveness that its formidable defense shows, does not have Immortal Dragon City to resist Kun Dragon King at this moment, Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper felt immediately the pressure increased suddenly. 在此之前,不朽龙城承受了坤龙王绝大部分攻击,其强悍防御展现的淋漓尽致,此刻没了不朽龙城抵挡坤龙王,朱易天罡剑尊立刻感到压力急剧增大。 but Kun Dragon King essential target at this moment, or points to Qin Emperor Shi Yu and Immortal Dragon City, another side Green Sky Dragon King , is the same. 不过坤龙王此刻的主要目标,还是直指秦帝石羽不朽龙城,另一边碧空龙王,也是同样。 The Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper look is dignified, vision non-stop flashes. 天罡剑尊神色凝重,目光不停闪动。 Human Race Cultivator on the scene, is different between Qin Emperor Shi Yu and Dragon Clan is the bitter enemy, was different from Zhu Yi just Behead Flowing Flame Dragon King new hated, between his Mount Shu Sword Cultivator and Dragon Clan did not have what bitter hatred. 在场人族修士之中,不同于秦帝石羽龙族之间是世仇,也不同于朱易刚刚斩杀流炎龙王的新恨,他蜀山剑修龙族之间并没有什么深仇大恨。 This time enters the war to make Dragon Clan unhappy, but if he immediately retreats now, Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King will turn a blind eye mostly, does not pay attention to him, but the attention still completely will place on Shi Yu and Zhu Yi, these two bigger foe strike to kill. 此次参战或许会让龙族不喜,但如果他现在立刻退走,坤龙王碧空龙王多半会睁一只眼闭一只眼,不理会他,而将注意力仍然全部放在石羽朱易身上,也将这两个更大的仇敌击杀 If Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper remains to help Shi Yu and Zhu Yi continues dead to fight with Dragon Clan, the result is inconceivable. 如果天罡剑尊留下来为了帮助石羽朱易继续同龙族死战到底,结果不堪设想。 Besides Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, really also has other Mount Shu Sword Sect Cultivator, has joined this War between Two Worlds, shows fighting spirit and formidable that battle efficiency thrives spiritedly. 除了天罡剑尊以外,确实还有其他蜀山剑宗修士,也加入了这次两界战争,展现出昂扬勃发的斗志和强大的战斗力。 But the only Mount Shu oneself talented person is clear, this time to Mount Shu Sword Cultivator that the mountain enters the war, is the Mount Shu Sword Sect high and low completely available person. 只有蜀山自己人才清楚,这次离山参战的蜀山剑修,已经是蜀山剑宗上下全部可用之人了。 Mount Shu Sword Sect at this moment, presents the entirely different two styles, some people remould sword heart, thrives spiritedly, some people actually were still in the chaotic contradiction to be hard to extricate oneself. 此刻的蜀山剑宗内部,呈现截然不同的两种风貌,有些人重塑剑心,昂扬勃发,有些人却仍然处于混乱矛盾之中难以自拔。 These. Including another Supreme Elder, Green Dark Sword Venerable. 这其中。更包括另一位太上长老,苍冥剑尊 Before Mount Shu, generation of Sect Master Xin Longsheng still travelled far has not turned over, cuts off including the message. Can come the Heaven Desolate Land participation along with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Mount Shu Sword Cultivator, only new Sect Master, once Sword Venerable Lesser Yang, as well as Fierce Hexagram Fire Sword Instrument Lineage Sword Lord, Sword Venerable Li Xiong. 蜀山前代宗主辛龙生仍然远游未归,连音讯都断绝。能随天罡剑尊前来天荒广陆参展的蜀山剑修,只有新一任宗主,曾经的少阳剑尊,以及离凶剑器一脉剑主,离凶剑尊 Except for this, is present or Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm new Lesser Yang Sword Instrument Lineage Sword Lord, once Sword Venerable Sky Lift. With some similarly is Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm big sword cultivator, as well as Divine Origin following Cultivation Realm Mount Shu Cultivator. 除此以外,便是如今还是元神化身境界的新任少阳剑器一脉剑主,曾经的擎天剑尊。和一些同样是元神化身境界的大剑修,以及元神以下境界蜀山修士 Sword Venerable Greater Yin, Sword Venerable Shaoze, Sword Venerable Guan Chong as well as new Sword Venerable Shao Shang. Like Green Dark Sword Venerable, is detained Mount Shu. 太阴剑尊少则剑尊关冲剑尊以及新任的少商剑尊。都和苍冥剑尊一样,滞留蜀山 Mount Shu this time can fight Strength, can says turns out in full strength, native place there deceives the enemy by concealing one's weakness completely. 蜀山这次能战之力,可以说是倾巢而出,老家那里完全是唱空城计。 Some significance. Mount Shu Sword Sect this time is to also set at the deathtrap then lives, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and the others manifested one type not to know for the bystander, however frigid renouncing and resolutely. 某种意义上来说。蜀山剑宗这次也是置之死地而后生,天罡剑尊等人体现出了一种不为外人所知,但是惨烈的决绝和毅然。 Does not know the trace in Xin Longsheng, in the situation in Green Dark Sword Venerable exhausted bird cage, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper almost can said that is Mount Shu Sword Sect immediately the only backbone, if he fallen in this, the Mount Shu Sword Sect following day will be sad, once internal Reality and Illusion is known, even there is a thorough destruction danger. 辛龙生不知所踪,苍冥剑尊困顿樊笼的情况下,天罡剑尊几乎可以说是蜀山剑宗当下唯一的顶梁柱,他若是陨落于此,蜀山剑宗接下来的日子会非常难过,一旦内部虚实为人所知,甚至有彻底覆灭的危险。 Especially. Enemy who this moment help Great Qin Dynasty, faces is before this and Dragon Clan of Mount Shu not too many connection, but since non- Mount Shu continuously also in vigilant old enemy Primordial Demon Ape Clan. 尤其是。此刻援助大秦皇朝,面对的敌人是此前和蜀山并无太多瓜葛的龙族,而非蜀山一直以来也在警惕的宿敌太古魔猿一族 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper fights dies here. Regarding Mount Shu Sword Sect, hundred harm not to have an advantage. 天罡剑尊死在这里。对于蜀山剑宗来说,百害而无一利。 But this silent big sword cultivator, does not have the meaning of retreating, decides to lead to catch up with since him Heaven Desolate Land this moment, has been psychologically prepared all. 但这位沉默的大剑修,却没有退却之意,或者,从他决定带队赶来天荒广陆的这一刻起,就已经做好了所有心理准备。 Facing tremendous pressure that Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King creates. The Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper vision is firm and resolute, whole body Magic Force fluctuation at the same time. A disaster tribulation is unlucky, Myriad Things Doomsday terrifying Aura emerges on him suddenly. 面对坤龙王碧空龙王带来的巨大压力。天罡剑尊目光坚毅,周身法力波动的同时。一股灾劫不祥,万物终焉恐怖气息在他身上骤然涌现。 Dharma-Ending Calamity Aura! 末法浩劫气息 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper has then obtained enlightenment in Medieval Era, the life preying experience is rich, almost in the flash, he had only found the complete plan biggest fight strategy. 天罡剑尊中古纪元便已经得道,一生搏杀经验何等丰富,几乎只在一瞬间,他就已经找到成算最大的战斗策略。 formidable of Kun Dragon King strength, the excelling by far audience without a doubt, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper does not have Immortal Sky Sword in hand, one-to-one completely is not its opponent, but even if presently Zhu Yi under Cultivation Realm has Paramita Golden Bridge along is also so. 坤龙王实力之强大,毋庸置疑的冠绝全场,天罡剑尊没有仙天剑在手,一对一完全不是其对手,而当前境界下的朱易即便有彼岸金桥随身也是如此。 The Green Sky Dragon King distance ended Beginning Calamity thoroughly, only misses the one pace, although does not have achievement Realm of Dharma-Ending, but of Mystical Ability Monster Strength, if launches its primary form True Body, sufficiently and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper or Paramita Golden Bridge one fight. 碧空龙王距离彻底完了初劫,只差一步之遥,虽然没有成就末法之境,但一身神通妖力之强,如果展开其原形真身,也足以和天罡剑尊或者彼岸金桥一斗。 In the Immortal Dragon City quiet situation, this moment aspect, Dragon Clan had the overwhelming superiority suddenly impressively. 不朽龙城突然沉寂的情况下,此刻局面,龙族赫然占据了压倒性的优势。 In this case, the only breakout method, is Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper oneself spells is withstanding one path Dharma-Ending Calamity, then by Dharma-Ending Calamity Strength, attack Green Sky Dragon King! 这种情况下,唯一破局的方法,就是天罡剑尊自己拼着承受一道末法浩劫,然后以末法浩劫之力,攻击碧空龙王 After Green Sky Dragon King appears primary form True Body, on Mystical Ability Monster Strength, although can with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper one fight, but his cannot ended Beginning Calamity eventually thoroughly. 碧空龙王显化原形真身之后,在神通妖力上虽然可以天罡剑尊一斗,但他终究没能彻底完了初劫 At this time once has suffered Dharma-Ending Calamity, will immediately start new facing Tribulation. 这时候一旦挨了末法浩劫,立刻就会开始新一次历劫 If there is not shouldered, Green Sky Dragon King even has possibility direct fallen, is Kun Dragon King again Immense Divine Ability, is unable by the body the generation. 若是没扛住,碧空龙王甚至有可能直接陨落,便是坤龙王神通广大,也无法以身相代。 even if Green Sky Dragon King withstood this Dharma-Ending Calamity, did not have fallen, even therefore thoroughly ended Beginning Calamity, he will also fall into the serious weak time, needed the restoration of long Time. 就算碧空龙王承受住了这道末法浩劫,没有陨落,甚至因此彻底完了初劫,他也会陷入严重的虚弱期中,需要长时间的恢复。 After this tribulation end Dharma-Ending Calamity weak time thoroughly restores finally, Green Sky Dragon King is genuinely ascends a height to get a broad view Realm of Dharma-Ending. 在这最后完劫的一次末法浩劫虚弱期彻底恢复以后,碧空龙王才算是真正登临末法之境 But before restoring, his battle efficiency damages inevitably greatly, even may the forced withdrawal from combat. 但在恢复以前,他战斗力必然大损,甚至有可能被迫退出战斗。 Although the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper strength will also be damaged, but one path Dharma-Ending Calamity, in his withstanding range, collaborated with Zhu Yi's Paramita Golden Bridge completely at this time again, to fighting Kun Dragon King, no longer so is then strenuous. 虽然天罡剑尊的实力也会受损,但一道末法浩劫,完全在他承受范围内,这时候再与朱易的彼岸金桥联手,对战坤龙王,便不再那么吃力。 Zhu Yi and Shi Yu see Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper so to be unexpectedly resolute, some surprise. 朱易石羽天罡剑尊竟然如此果决,也都有些意外 The before one's eyes situation they can also see breakout Path, but has not actually thought that Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper so will abandon unexpectedly the life dying war. 眼前的局势他们也能看出破局之道,但却没有想到,天罡剑尊竟然会如此舍命死战。 But Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper that disaster hardship unlucky big Destruction Aura, or makes Qin Emperor Shi Yu in the heart give birth for several points to hope. 天罡剑尊身上那灾厄不祥的大破灭气息,还是秦帝石羽心中生出几分希望。 The issue that but, they can note, Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King naturally also pays attention to arrived, in the wink of an eye, overall plan of their then also understand Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 不过,他们能注意到的问题,坤龙王碧空龙王自然也都注意到了,瞬息之间,他们便也明白天罡剑尊的通盘计划。 Kun Dragon King cold snort|hum: Mount Shu?” 坤龙王冷哼一声:“蜀山?” His whole body scale opens and closes, golden light wells up crazily, huge body in Void one circles, is divided into nine unexpectedly, changes to Nine Paths golden light. 他全身鳞片开阖之间,金光狂涌,巨大的身躯在虚空中一个盘旋,竟然一分为九,化作九道金光 Nine Paths golden light becomes coiling dragon potential, separates unexpectedly completely Void, surrounds Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper completely, separates them and Immortal Dragon City, Green Sky Dragon King. 九道金光成盘龙之势,竟然将虚空完全分隔开来,把朱易天罡剑尊完全困住,同时也将他们和不朽龙城碧空龙王隔开。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Qin Emperor Shi Yu complexion immediately changed, Kun Dragon King coldly said: Green Sky, butchered that Qin, this Mount Shu Sword Cultivator can't beat you.” 天罡剑尊秦帝石羽脸色顿时变了,坤龙王冷冷说道:“碧空,宰了那个秦人,这蜀山剑修奈何不得你。” Carefully looked to surround oneself and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper golden light Domain, the Zhu Yi's brow also wrinkles, Kun Dragon King this temporarily gave up attack unexpectedly, but changed to comprehensive defense! 仔细看了看困住自己天罡剑尊金光界域,朱易的眉头也皱起,坤龙王这竟然是暂时放弃了攻击,而改为全面防御 Let this Primordial Heavenly Dragon give up own proud, instead takes the pure defensive under the superior aspect, to guarantee the war moves toward firmly grasps in the oneself hand, it to resenting of Immortal Dragon City and Great Qin Dynasty, really achieves pinnacle. 让这头太古天龙放弃自身骄傲,在优势局面下反而采取纯粹守势,就是为了确保战局走向牢牢掌握在自己手中,其对不朽龙城大秦皇朝的愤恨,实在是达到极致了。 Kun Dragon King took the defensive completely, formidable Mystical Ability Monster Strength has isolated Void directly, caused in golden light appearance same twofold World, no matter Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper or Zhu Yi, if cannot breakthrough this piece of Dragon Domain, fundamental contact not arrive Green Sky Dragon King and Immortal Dragon City. 坤龙王完全采取守势,强大神通妖力直接隔绝了虚空,使得金光外形同两重世界,不管是天罡剑尊还是朱易,若是不能突破这片龙域,根本接触不到碧空龙王不朽龙城 But at this moment beside golden light Dragon Domain, Green Sky Dragon King rubbish, roared is firing into Shi Yu and Immortal Dragon City. 而此刻在金光龙域之外,碧空龙王也不废话,已经咆哮着冲向石羽不朽龙城 The Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper original plan collapses in midway, but he is firm and resolute, has not suffered setbacks dejected, but inspires in the palm Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper, attack to before one's eyes Kun Dragon King transformed into golden light Domain, must fully it breaks open. 天罡剑尊原定的计划崩于中途,但他性格坚毅,没有受挫颓然,而是一振掌中古剑天罡,全力攻向眼前坤龙王所化金光界域,要将之破开 Does not need any exchange, almost in same Time, Zhu Yi also immediately stimulates to movement Paramita Golden Bridge, turns toward Kun Dragon King to attack together! 无需任何交流,几乎在同一时间,朱易也立刻催动彼岸金桥,一起向着坤龙王攻去! Even though both sides have the gratitude and grudges, does not hinder them to collaborate to oppose the enemy in this moment, before this has never coordinated, even has not fought two people, in this moment based on own accomplishment, showed the astonishing tacit understanding immediately. 双方纵使有恩怨,也不妨碍他们在这一刻联手对敌,此前从未配合过,甚至没有交手过的两人,在这一刻基于自身素养,立即展现出了惊人的默契。 Zhu Yi and Paramita Golden Bridge coincides transformed into golden light Giant top of the head seven colored ring of light non-stop to flash, under ring of light covers, again changed to Paramita Golden Bridge, but Zhu Yi Divine Origin transformed into Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram circles sky over Paramita Golden Bridge. 朱易彼岸金桥相合所化金光巨人头顶七道彩色光圈不停闪动,光圈笼罩之下,已经重新化作彼岸金桥,而朱易元神所化文华太极图盘旋于彼岸金桥上空。 Under Golden Bridge in seven Dao Light circles cover, the imposing manner is even more broad vastly, as if stretches across the natural moat, to Paramita, non-stop shuttle vanguard in Kun Dragon King transformed into Domain. 金桥在七道光圈笼罩下,气势越发恢宏浩大,仿佛横跨天堑,通向彼岸,在坤龙王所化界域之中不停穿梭前行。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper facing with is Realm of Dharma-Ending Kun Dragon King, naturally will not stimulate to movement Dharma-Ending Calamity, but he also stimulates to movement arrived pinnacle oneself Sword Dao cultivation base. 天罡剑尊面对同为末法之境坤龙王,自然不会催动末法浩劫,但他也将自己剑道修为催动到了极致 In the hand Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper holds up high, Immortal Sky Star River Dao Fruit emerges, nearly does not have end boundless Immortal Sky Sword Qi and Heavenly Dipper Sword Intent gathers together. 手中古剑天罡高高举起,仙天星河道果涌现,近乎没有尽头的磅礴仙天剑炁天罡剑意一起汇聚。 Myriad Sword Qi Sword Aura Sword Light Sword Formation, transform into terrifying Heavenly Dipper Sword Star, but this time is not just Sword Star, but is countless Heavenly Dipper Sword Star gathers in the same place, changes to one path Heavenly Sword Star River! 万千剑气剑罡剑光剑阵,化为恐怖天罡剑星,而这次并非只是一颗剑星,而是数不尽的天罡剑星聚拢在一起,化作一道天剑星河 Is gathered form terrifying Star River by Sword Light Sword Intent completely! 完全由剑光剑意汇聚而成恐怖星河 This radiant Heavenly River flies straight, fires into Kun Dragon King, but during this process, Star River and Paramita Golden Bridge Strength blends in the same place. 这道璀璨天河飞流直下,冲向坤龙王,而在此过程中,星河彼岸金桥力量融汇在一起。 The bridge and river, unify in this moment unexpectedly perfectly, form one static picture, the picture as if coagulate in this moment, seems actually erupting astonishing Strength. 桥与河,在这一刻竟然完美结合,形成一幅似动似静的景象,画面仿佛在这一刻凝固,却又似乎在爆发出惊人的力量 So one strike, is Kun Dragon King cannot treat lightly. 如此一击,便是坤龙王也不能等闲视之。 In golden light Dragon Domain resounds the sky-filling dragon's roar sound, golden color light dragons circle to dance in the air in this World together, the wild Strength shake results in Paramita Golden Bridge and Heavenly Sword Star River nearly must separate in light of this, again divides into two. 金光龙域中响起漫天龙吟声,一条条金色光龙在这个世界内一起盘旋飞舞,狂暴的力量震荡得彼岸金桥天剑星河近乎要就此分离,重新一分为二。 Although acts in harmony, but Paramita Golden Bridge after is not Magical Treasure that Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper controls, both sides collaborate, still had the disappointment, in fall on Kun Dragon King such top Expert eye, naturally will not look at not arrive. 虽然配合默契,但彼岸金桥毕竟不是天罡剑尊所掌控的法宝,双方联手,仍然存在缺憾,落在坤龙王这样的顶尖强者眼中,自然不会看不到 But the bonus is so, this is certainly strong one strike also to hit Dragon Clan Monster Strength transformed into golden light Domain non-stop to shiver. 但饶是如此,这绝强一击也打得龙族妖力所化金光界域不停颤抖。 But Dharma End Heavenly Dragon fully defense, solid formidable, is Zhu Yi and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper collaborates, is still unable to break through. 可是一头末法天龙全力防御,实在强悍,便是朱易天罡剑尊联手,仍然无法攻破。 But golden light Domain beside at this moment, Green Sky Dragon King plunged Qin Emperor Shi Yu and Immortal Dragon City outrageously! 而此刻的金光界域之外,碧空龙王已经悍然扑向秦帝石羽不朽龙城 Immortal Dragon City gradually is moving toward quietly, Qin Emperor Shi Yu can only stimulate to movement Strength and Green Sky that Dragon King Immortal Dragon City only saves fully socializes, but this Strength also slides in non-stop. 不朽龙城在一步步走向沉寂,秦帝石羽只能全力催动不朽龙城仅存的力量碧空龙王周旋,但这力量也在不停下滑。 He wants the sacrifice that destroys oneself to suppose, is at this moment under the Green Sky Dragon King create pressure, Clone can not, only be able the looks at sacrifice to continue unexpectedly helplessly, but Immortal Dragon City Strength also continues to decline. ( to be continued ) 他想要破坏自己设下的祭礼,可是此刻在碧空龙王造成的压力之下,竟然分身不得,只能眼睁睁看着祭礼继续进行,而不朽龙城力量也继续衰落。(未完待续) ps: Thank the 10,000 coins of book friend dot empress to hit to enjoy, thanked other to hit to enjoy this book, subscribed this book, throws friends who the monthly ticket gave this book, thank you! ps:感谢书友丶女皇的10000点币打赏,也感谢其他每一位打赏本书,订阅本书,投月票给本书的朋友们,谢谢大家!
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