HNOF :: Volume #13

#1203: Nine Heavens Absolute Beginning Sword Formation

Divine Great Land Southern Wasteland region, Zhu Yi, Shi Tianhao and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper at this moment also above gazing at the Great Qin Dynasty territory, suddenly becomes disorder Qi of Dragon Veins flows. 神州浩土南荒地带,朱易石天昊天罡剑尊此刻也在注视着大秦皇朝疆土之上,突然变得紊乱的龙脉之气流向。 The revolution accumulation of Qi of Dragon Veins, once short stagnated, but quick restores as usual. 龙脉之气的运转聚集,曾经短暂停滞,但很快又恢复如常。 Shi Tianhao and the others were perplexed, Zhu Yi crumb Sound Transmission Crystal Stone, the opposite broadcasts the Great Qin Dynasty Gunyang King Shi Zongmao sound. 石天昊等人不明所以,朱易捏碎一枚传音晶石,对面传来大秦皇朝衮阳王石宗茂的声音。 Was introducing that the matter after later, Shi Zongmao asks immediately: Sect Master Lin when does can arrive in White Cloud Mountain?” 在介绍完事情经过之后,石宗茂立刻问道:“林宗主何时可以抵达白云山?” His voice is dignified, the expression is bringing several points of bitterness and astringency: Where now my Great Qin does not need to worry Nether after breaking through White Cloud Mountain will choose.” 他声音凝重,语气带着几分苦涩:“现在我大秦是无需忧心幽都在攻破白云山之后会选择哪里了。” Western Hill City and White Cloud Mountain bind together at present completely, White Cloud Mountain, if were broken through by Nether, under the breath and pulse hauling, Western Hill City also will be affected immediately, at any time is possibly destroyed in a moment.” 西陵城白云山眼下是完全绑在一起,白云山如果被幽都攻破,气脉牵引之下,西陵城立刻也会受到波及,随时可能毁于一旦。” The Shi Zongmao sound is low and deep: Drew in the national common people in Western Hill City, we have sent for delivering to go out of town one after another, go to area Kunlun Mountains, I toward His Majesty should the Xiao Yan Fellow Daoist Xiao relation with honorable sect, the exhausted honorable sect help am taking care, my Great Qin is deeply grateful up and down.” 石宗茂的声音非常低沉:“原本被收拢于西陵城中的国民百姓,我们已经派人陆续送出城,前往昆仑山一带,我朝陛下应该正同贵派萧焱萧道友联系,劳烦贵派帮忙看顾,我大秦上下感激不尽。” „Before White Cloud Mountain broken, if Revered Master can rush, perhaps have laws to think, if White Cloud Mountain breaks first, Western Hill City was also destroyed, can preserves the general publics finally.” 白云山破之前,尊师若能赶到,或许还有法可想,若是白云山先破,西陵城亦被毁,总算可以保住普通民众。” Shi Zongmao after the Mana Projection dissipation of Western Hill City, he meets the communications of arrived Great Qin new emperor Shi Zongtang immediately, commanded him not to need to go to Western Hill City again. 石宗茂西陵城法力投影消散之后,他立刻就接到了大秦新帝石宗堂的通讯联系,谕令他不必再前往西陵城 Because of injury, catches up to return to the Western Hill City Shi Zongmao speed to be limited from the southern border, but he who at this moment receives the news. Actually simply does not need to return to Western Hill City. 因为受重伤,从南疆一带赶返西陵城石宗茂速度有限,而此刻接到消息的他。却是索性不必回西陵城了。 Not is only he, other Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator of accompanying, does not need to return to Western Hill City again. 不仅仅是他,随行的其他大秦皇朝修士,也都不必再回西陵城 But Shi Zongmao mood point very up. Because including new emperor Shi Zongtang, every remains behind Western Hill City Great Qin Dynasty high-level Expert, at this moment can only be forced to continue to be detained Western Hill City. 石宗茂的心情一点都好不起来。因为包括新帝石宗堂在内,凡留守西陵城大秦皇朝高层强者,此刻都只能被迫继续滞留西陵城 new emperor Shi Zongtang in person no doubt can not leave, other Divine Origin Cultivation Realm Expert must help to stimulate to movement Western Hill City Array Formation, otherwise the opposite pressure forcing comes, does not wait for White Cloud Mountain to be broken through, their here first broke down. 新帝石宗堂本人固然不得离开,其他元神境界强者也都要帮忙催动西陵城法阵,否则对面的压力压过来,不等白云山被攻破,他们这里就先垮了。 Shi Zongtang ordered Shi Zongmao and the others not to need to come back explicitly. To give Great Qin Dynasty preserves final Source Qi. 石宗堂明确下令石宗茂等人不必回来。就是为了给大秦皇朝保存最后的一点元气 In Western Hill City cultivation base relatively low Great Qin Cultivator, then before being responsible for bringing, drew in this's people. Withdraws Western Hill City. 西陵城修为相对较低的大秦修士,则负责带着之前被收拢于此的民众。撤出西陵城 But including Shi Zongtang in inside high-level Cultivator, is unable to withdraw, can only make an all-out effort to support Array Formation, directs to gather Qi of Dragon Veins. Places hopes in White Cloud Mountain can top to Lin Feng returns. 而包括石宗堂内的高层修士,则无法脱身,只能拼力支撑法阵,引聚龙脉之气。寄希望于白云山可以顶到林锋返回。 If White Cloud Mountain breaks first, they then can only with the Western Hill City altogether life or death, want to run away not necessarily with enough time. 如果白云山先破,他们便只能与西陵城共存亡了,想逃都不一定来得及。 Since Great Qin new emperor Shi Zongtang, he is very likely to become Great Qin Dynasty to found a country now, reigns Time shortest Qin Emperor. 大秦新帝石宗堂,他如今很可能成为大秦皇朝开国以来,在位时间最短的秦帝 Zhu Yi said slowly: „Before Master, causes heavy losses to Sky Demon Great Saint in Heaven Desolate Land, and is stranded Heavenly Connection Great Saint and Zhuyan Great Saint in Spirit Abyss Mountain, in short Time can't come out, at this moment on rushing to the White Cloud Mountain road, at his speed. Quick then can rush.” 朱易徐徐说道:“家师之前在天荒广陆重创天魅大圣,并且将通天大圣朱厌大圣都困在灵渊山,短时间不得出,此刻已经在赶往白云山的路上,以他老人家的速度。很快便能赶到。” War between Two Worlds, destroys the foundation that a ordinary people survives, is a huge catastrophe. Life of common people general publics, should be safeguarded, my Eldest Senior Brother there wants to come to make the arrangement, Gunyang King does not need to worry properly.” 两界战争,毁去世俗中人生存的根基,已经是一场巨大灾难。平民百姓普通民众的生命,理应得到保障,我大师兄那里想来会做出妥善安排,衮阳王无需忧心。” Shi Zongmao sighed: Had work honorable sect.” 石宗茂叹息一声:“有劳贵派了。” After communication interrupt, Zhu Yi looks to Shi Tianhao and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, opposite two people looks dignified. 通讯中断之后,朱易看向石天昊天罡剑尊,对面两人都神情凝重。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper was silent. But the Divine Consciousness thought reverberates in Space: Nine Heavens Absolute Beginning Sword Formation will soon arrange appropriately, if successful. Although is of no help in the Western Hill City situation, but when here the can help copes with Heavenly Dragon Shen, but also needs some Time.” 天罡剑尊闭口不言。但神识意念在空间中回荡:“九天太初剑阵即将布置妥当,如果成功。虽然于西陵城局势无补,但当可以帮助这边对付天龙申,不过还需要一些时间。” Many years ago, Mount Shu jointly composes Nine Heavens Sword Union with other eight big sword sects, although internal bosom thoughts, but also is the one formidable unified body. 早在多年以前,蜀山与其他八大剑宗联合组成九天剑盟,虽然内部各怀心思,但也是一个强大的联合体。 Mount Shu has had since a mind to belong to under the command of oneself all Sword Dao Sect thoroughly , many thoughts, beside Great Immortal Myriad Forms Sword Formation and Six Lineage Immortal Sky Sword Formation, third Powerful Array Formation Arts arises at the historic moment, is Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation. 一直以来,蜀山都有心将所有剑道宗门彻底归于自己的统帅之下,其中也有不少心思,大仙天万象剑阵六脉仙天剑阵之外,第三种强大阵法应运而生,便是仙天太初剑阵 In the tentative plan, that is must be centered on Mount Shu, directs to gather Sword Qi Sword Intent of other eight big sword sects, unites concise, and further promotes Strength. 在设想中,那是要以蜀山为核心,引聚其他八大剑宗的剑气剑意,凝练合一,并将力量进一步提升。 Different from Great Immortal Myriad Forms Sword Formation, although inspires Under the Heavens all sword, but needs to defend stubbornly Mount Shu, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation is can along with Immortal Sky Sword together moving. 不同于大仙天万象剑阵虽然引动天下诸剑,但需要固守蜀山,仙天太初剑阵可以仙天剑一起移动的。 but this has existed in tentative plan, because all a set up formation big key, Absolute Beginning Sword Stone has been missing. 不过此阵一直存在于设想之中,皆因为布阵的一大关键,太初剑石一直下落不明。 In the hearsay, Immortal Sky Sword thorough sacrificial refining has not succeeded, when or embryo, just appear, derivation leaves two Treasure Item, is before Immortal Sky Sword is more perfect. 传闻中,仙天剑尚未彻底祭炼成功,还是胚胎,刚刚出世时,衍生出两件宝物,更先于仙天剑完满。 Hereafter by these two Treasure Item, gives birth to three big Ancient Sword, is Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper, Ancient Sword Green Dark and Ancient Sword Supreme Clear. 此后又由这两件宝物,生出三大古剑,便是古剑天罡,古剑苍冥古剑太清 That two Treasure Item, its one can receive Under the Heavens all sword Return to Origin Scabbard, broke at the war of past Mount Shu, before this was Mount Shu Sword Sect is next to Immortal Sky Sword Treasure of Mountain Protection. 那两件宝物,其一便是可收天下诸剑的归宗剑鞘,破碎于当年的蜀山之战,此前一直是蜀山剑宗仅次于仙天剑镇山之宝 But another Treasure Item, is Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, this treasure is then same as Return to Origin Scabbard, does not have no attack strength, but Absolute Beginning Sword Stone actually can whets Under the Heavens myriad swords, making Sword Instrument Magical Treasure promote. 而另一件宝物,便是太初剑石,此宝归宗剑鞘一样,都没有什么攻击力,但太初剑石可以磨砺天下万剑,使得剑器法宝有所增进。 Even including Immortal Sky Sword, sharpens the sword by this treasure, under accumulates over a long period of time, will harvest. 甚至连仙天剑,以此宝磨剑,日积月累之下,都会有所收获。 But when was trampled broken Mountain Gate by Extreme Sovereign Shen Yuan in the past, Void disrupts, a confusion, this Absolute Beginning Sword Stone early at that time then lost. 但在当年被极皇神渊踹破山门的时候,虚空碎裂,一片混乱,这太初剑石早在那个时候便已经遗失。 Since the Mount Shu high and low many years have been seeking for Absolute Beginning Sword Stone attentively, but have not harvested throughout, the establishment of Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, stems from Mount Shu before this to estimation of Absolute Beginning Sword Stone mysterious Strength Domain. 蜀山上下多年以来一直在用心寻找太初剑石,可是始终没有收获,仙天太初剑阵的创立,源于蜀山此前对太初剑石玄奥力量意境的揣摩。 Although tries to seek for the substitute commodity, but has not succeeded eventually, although Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation establishes, but has stayed in the paper surface, is unable to become the reality, in society unusual person knows. 虽然试图寻找代替品,但终究没有成功,仙天太初剑阵虽然创立,但一直停留于纸面,无法变成现实,以至于世间少有人知。 But before the several years, has gone out to travel, traceless Mount Shu Sword Sect takes office the Sect Master Xin Longsheng suddenly startled great wild goose one presently, returns to Mountain Gate, again has brought back to Absolute Beginning Sword Stone unexpectedly. 但就在数年前,一直外出游历,踪影全无的蜀山剑宗上任宗主辛龙生突然惊鸿一现,返回山门,竟然重新带回了太初剑石 Although Xin Longsheng then once more leaves mountain quickly, missing, the message cuts off, but in the past supreme treasure can re-enter Mount Shu, or made Mount Shu people gloomy for a long time mood slightly brighter. 虽然辛龙生很快便再次离山,下落不明,音讯断绝,但昔年至宝能重回蜀山,还是蜀山众人灰暗已久的心情稍微明亮了一些。 But what makes them smile bitterly, although Absolute Beginning Sword Stone returns to Mountain Gate, Immortal Sky Sword Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation three big keys actually destroy in the war of Mount Shu. 但让他们苦笑的是,太初剑石虽然重归山门,仙天太初剑阵三大关键之一的仙天剑却在蜀山之战中破灭 but Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper finally after seriously ponders, has made the improvement to Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, gave up Mount Shu Sword Sect by the absolute control power of Immortal Sky Sword to Sword Formation, turns Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation into Nine Heavens Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, although the might is more inferior, but finally becomes the reality from the tentative plan. 不过天罡剑尊最终在认真思考之后,对仙天太初剑阵做出了改良,放弃了蜀山剑宗凭借仙天剑剑阵的绝对控制权,化仙天太初剑阵九天太初剑阵,虽然威力逊色一些,但终于从设想变为现实。 As Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper commander large quantities of Mount Shu Expert join in War between Two Worlds, but Nether Clan revisits the Heaven Primal World news to transmit, Heavenly Connection Sword Sect, Thunderbolt Sword Sect and other eight big sword sects, after unceasingly consultation, in the end still temporarily lay down because of Immortal Sky Sword, but the hatred to Mount Shu, collaborates set up formation with Mount Shu Sword Sect. 随着天罡剑尊统帅大批蜀山强者投身两界战争,而幽都一族重临天元大世界的消息传来,通天剑宗霹雳剑宗等其他八大剑宗,在不断协商之后,终究还是暂时放下了因为仙天剑而对蜀山的痛恨,与蜀山剑宗联手布阵 At least, in this War between Two Worlds, several big Sword Dao Holy Land or decisions temporarily gives up the past animosity cooperation, concentrates Strength as far as possible. 至少,在这次两界战争之中,几大剑道圣地还是决定暂时放弃前嫌合作,尽量集中力量 They do not need to place oneself the battlefield directly, only need jointly stimulate to movement Nine Heavens Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, rushes to rescue by long-distance attack then, under but unites in every way, Sword Formation is also initially formed, but also needs to coordinate unceasingly, just now can play the role, at present still in the mounting phase, but reached the last act, soon can investment actual combat. 他们不需要直接置身战场,只需联合催动九天太初剑阵,以远程攻击驰援即可,不过多方联合之下,剑阵也是初成,还需要不断协调,方才能发挥作用,目前还在筹备阶段,不过已经进入尾声,即将可以投入实战。 Zhu Yi and Shi Tianhao after are returning to Divine Great Land successively, then also knew this news. 朱易石天昊在先后返回神州浩土之后,便也已经知道了这个消息。 Zhu Yi looks to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper: honorable sect participates in the set up formation candidate, is honorable sect present Sect Master?” 朱易看向天罡剑尊:“贵派参与布阵的人选,是贵派现在的宗主?” After Xin Longsheng abdicates, Mount Shu Sword Sect present age Sect Master, was once Sword Venerable Lesser Yang. 辛龙生退位之后,蜀山剑宗当代宗主,便是曾经的少阳剑尊 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper replied: good.” 天罡剑尊答道:“不错。” Zhu Yi asked: I spoke frankly that honorable sect cultivation base Cultivation Realm is next to Your Excellency Green Dark Sword Venerable......” 朱易问道:“恕我直言,贵派修为境界仅次于阁下苍冥剑尊……” Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper shook the head: Green Dark choke-out has closed, misses mostly this War between Two Worlds, only if my Mount Shu thorough destroy, otherwise he realizes the matter of not arrive outside happen.” 天罡剑尊摇了摇头:“苍冥闭死关了,多半赶不及这次两界战争,除非我蜀山彻底破灭,否则他察觉不到外界发生之事。” Zhu Yi and Shi Tianhao nodded, again has not said anything. 朱易石天昊点了点头,没有再多说什么。 Shi Tianhao's Magic Force sound transmission falls into the Zhu Yi ear: My completely quickest speed will rush to Western Hill City.” 石天昊的法力传音落入朱易耳中:“我会尽最快速度赶往西陵城。” Zhu Yi slightly silent: „Do you have the big assurance? If cannot succeed, finally no helps, your oneself might also even encounter the danger.” 朱易稍微沉默了一下:“你有多大把握?如果不能成功,结果于事无补,你自己甚至也有可能会遇到危险。” Less than 50%.” On the Shi Tianhao face did not have to be laughing and playing in those days the color, said seriously: That gadget I just started, sometimes spirit sometimes does not work, I do not dare to say the too big assurance.” “不足五成。”石天昊脸上没有往日嬉笑之色,郑重说道:“那玩意我刚刚入手,时灵时不灵,我也不敢说有太大把握。” Although has not witnessed, but this moment Heaven and Earth phenomenon occurred one after another, Spiritual Qi flowing shakes unceasingly, Nether attacks White Cloud Mountain, perhaps has had the overwhelming superiority, has Great Zhou and Great Qin Qi of Dragon Veins helps one another, can support how long is also unknown.” “虽然没有亲眼目睹,但此刻天地异象环生,灵气流动不断震荡,幽都攻打白云山,恐怕是占了绝对优势,有大周大秦龙脉之气相助,能支撑多久也是未知。” If White Cloud Mountain really before Master returns was broken through, that Western Hill City with together will then meet with a disaster.” “如果白云山真的在师父返回前就被攻破,那西陵城便会跟着一同遭殃。” Shi Tianhao said: I may not save Western Hill City City, but if succeeds, could help Great Qin Cultivator run away.” 石天昊说道:“我不一定能挽救西陵城城池,但如果成功,或许能帮助大秦修士们逃出来。” His turn the head and looks to southern Domain channel: If the just life-saving, naturally is Second Senior Brother your Paramita Golden Bridge is more convenient, but Heavenly Dragon Shen also here, he is Realm of Dharma-Ending Great Monster , needs Good Fortune Magical Treasure Second Senior Brother you and with is Realm of Dharma-Ending Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper copes.” 转头看向南方的界域通道:“若只是救人,自然二师兄你的彼岸金桥更为方便,但天龙申还在这里,他是末法之境大妖,需要身怀造化法宝二师兄你和同为末法之境天罡剑尊来对付。” I, although wishes one could to skin these snake cramps, but copes with this Realm of Dharma-Ending opponent, still have some inconvenient.” “我虽然恨不得将那些长虫抽筋剥皮,但对付这末法之境对手,还是有些不便。” That gadget, if worked, can keep off Great Monster Mystical Ability Magic Force, actually cannot keep off Dharma-Ending Calamity.” Shi Tianhao continues saying: Therefore or I go to Western Hill City there, happen to can Nether before Master comes back breaks through White Cloud Mountain, this is the border line, when with my this time spirit does not work, calculates the match.” “那玩意如果灵了,能挡大妖神通法力,却挡不得末法浩劫。”石天昊继续说道:“所以还是我去西陵城那里吧,正好幽都能不能在师父回来前攻破白云山,本也是两可之间,和我这时灵时不灵,也算匹配。” Zhu Yi heard this, knows that Shi Tianhao said is true, Western Hill City that if he went to with Paramita Golden Bridge, opposite Shen Dragon King then likely had the change. 朱易闻言,知道石天昊所言属实,若是他携彼岸金桥前往的西陵城,对面的申龙王便很可能有异动。 Shi Tianhao and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper collaborate, to Shen Dragon King, how not to say finally first when the fighting method, before Shen Dragon King then completely can turns round carves Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, confronts Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King method. 石天昊天罡剑尊联手,对上申龙王,结果如何先不说,在打法上,申龙王便完全可以复刻天罡剑尊之前对阵坤龙王碧空龙王时的方法。 Although they have been planning to ambush Shen Dragon King, but opposite party disposition different in Ciqian has met Kun Dragon King, is calm simply does not have the Dragon Clan consistent arrogance to say. ( to be continued ) 虽然他们一直在计划着伏击申龙王,但对方性格迥异于此前遇到过的坤龙王,沉稳得简直全无龙族一贯的傲慢可言。(未完待续)
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