HNOF :: Volume #12

#1181: Without the end storm!

The Yue Hongyan body volume boundless raging fire, as if one fire person , to continue to fire into Extreme Teeth Dragon King. 岳红炎身卷无边烈火,仿佛一个火人似的,继续冲向绝牙龙王 How the Extreme Teeth Dragon King situation is not good, several blood holes, were all injured by Yue Hongyan Army-Breaking King Halberd, although Army-Breaking King Halberd is also Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure, but under Yue Hongyan military Dao Divinity stimulates to movement fully, is Extreme Teeth Dragon King is unable firmly resist. 绝牙龙王的情况也不如何好,身上十几个血洞,全是被岳红炎破军王戟所伤,破军王戟虽然也是孕灵级数法宝,但在岳红炎道神通全力催动之下,便是绝牙龙王也无法硬抗 Also a Yue Hongyan Starspeed Lightning Flash Divine Spear pursue speed round receives luckily, but Extreme Teeth Dragon King formerly specially had exerted the one Layer Dragon Fire armor in the oneself body surface, otherwise just now Yue Hongyan these several spear|guns, the spear|gun spear|gun punctures the his body to putting on. 也幸亏岳红炎星驰电掣神枪追求速度一发即收,而绝牙龙王先前又特意在自己体表施加了一层龙火铠甲,否则方才岳红炎这十几枪,枪枪都将他的身体刺得对穿。 At present although injury looks as if terrifying, but has not had a fracture, Extreme Teeth Dragon King stuffy snort|hum, in the wound also shines the flame unexpectedly. 眼下虽然伤势看起来恐怖,但还没有伤筋动骨,绝牙龙王闷哼一声,伤口上竟然也亮起火光。 These flames block from Extreme Teeth Dragon King wound all, is not serious because of the sole injury, therefore Extreme Teeth Dragon King by own Monster Strength, can restores the injury gradually. 这些火光将绝牙龙王身上的伤口尽数遮住,因为单一的伤势并不严重,所以绝牙龙王以自身妖力,可以渐渐恢复伤势。 The wound then stopped bleeding quickly, in less than long Time, on the can thorough restoration, so firstly, the Extreme Teeth Dragon King battle efficiency too greatly will not be affected. 伤口很快便已经止血,用不了多长时间,就可以彻底复原,如此一来,绝牙龙王的战斗力并不会受到太大影响。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King has not relaxed mind at this moment, just now the mutually wounded aspect, cannot make him satisfy, is oneself stops bleeding, while must continue to Yue Hongyan starts attack. 绝牙龙王此刻也没有放松心神,方才两败俱伤的局面,并不能令他满意,一边为自己止血,一边就要继续向岳红炎发动攻击 Yue Hongyan aggressive and strength, he had understood before this that knows opponent, although is the female, but the hale and hearty place wins the innumerable men. 岳红炎凶悍和强硬,他此前已经有所了解,知道对手虽然是女子,但硬朗之处更胜无数须眉。 Moreover Yue Hongyan excels at the storm extremely, typical attacking defends weakly, even only attacks does not defend. 而且岳红炎极为擅长强攻,典型的攻强守弱,甚至是只攻不守。 Is one Martial Dao Expert, the fight rhythm, if falls into during its control. That is topple the mountains and overturn the seas similar, the offensive that forever non-stop will rest, stops to become until strike to kill. 身为一个武道强者,战斗的节奏如果落入其掌控之中。那就是排山倒海一般,永不停歇的攻势,直到击杀方为止。 A Yue Hongyan dynasty was in the upper hand. Has suppressed opponent, even more hits the opposite party not to hit back Strength, can only resist reluctantly, until perishing. 岳红炎一朝占了上风。就会一直压制对手,打得对方越发没有还手之力,只能勉强招架,直到灭亡。 This is one seems to be inborn is attack fresh military. 这是一个仿佛天生为进攻而生的武者。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King thinks that oneself enough had known about Yue Hongyan, but the fact showed that his or has underestimated Yue Hongyan. 绝牙龙王以为自己岳红炎已经足够了解,但事实证明,他还是低估了岳红炎 fundamental paid no attention still in burning fiercely, even already breakthrough Seven Killing Star Armor defense. Wound and raging fire, Yue Hongyan once more has attacked. 根本不理身上仍然在熊熊燃烧,甚至已经突破七杀星铠防御。伤及本身的烈火,岳红炎就已经再次攻上。 To her. Receives in exchange for the further initiative by certain injury, is really one does not need the hesitant matter completely! 对她而言。以一定伤势来换取进一步的主动权,实在是一件完全不需要犹豫的事情! Extreme Teeth Dragon King neglects for a while, finally or makes Yue Hongyan snatch thoroughly offensive. 绝牙龙王一时疏忽,终于还是岳红炎彻底抢到先手。 Time, wild offensive gust of wind sudden downpour similar pressure to Extreme Teeth Dragon King. The crowdedness of offensive, is almost suffocating. 时间,狂暴的攻势疾风骤雨一般压向绝牙龙王。攻势之密集,几乎要令人窒息。 Heavenly Law Four Forms Divine Spear, most excel at strong assault Powerful Thunderbolt Divine Spear and Astral Wind Passes Through the Heaven Divine Spear, series were put forth by Yue Hongyan, as if Wind and Thunder howls, presses Extreme Teeth Dragon King is being crazily attacks. 天法四象神枪,最善于强攻雷霆万钧神枪罡风经天神枪,被岳红炎连环使出,仿佛风雷呼啸,压着绝牙龙王就是一阵狂攻。 That imposing manner together attacks on as if the mighty force, tramples earth similar. 那气势就仿佛千军万马一起突袭,践踏大地一般 The bonus is Extreme Teeth Dragon King is Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Great Monster , at this moment is also caught off guard, feeling of being unable to make ends meet. Was pressed in leeward, can only passive defense. 饶是绝牙龙王乃是原始真灵境界大妖,这一刻也有措手不及,左支右绌的感觉。被压在下风,只能被动防御 in his mind, non-stop tries to counter-attack aggrievedly. Wants again to recapture the initiative. 他心中憋屈至极,不停试图反攻。想要重新夺回主动权。 But the Yue Hongyan offensive anxious and is not chaotic, between Powerful Thunderbolt Divine Spear and Astral Wind Passes Through the Heaven Divine Spear, but also is mixing with Starspeed Lightning Flash Divine Spear, firmly grasps the rhythm and initiative in the oneself hand. 岳红炎的攻势急而不乱,雷霆万钧神枪罡风经天神枪之间,还夹杂着星驰电掣神枪,牢牢将节奏和主动权把握在自己手中。 She fights the style to like the storm, but she lies in this aspect also truly excels. 她战斗风格喜好强攻,而她在于这方面也确实擅长。 attack initiative and rhythm, once falls into during her control, only if the opposite party strength exceeds her to be too many. Otherwise no one want to snatch the winning side from her spear|gun easily. 攻击主动权和节奏一旦落入她的掌控之中,除非对方实力胜过她太多。否则谁也别想轻易从她枪下抢回上风。 Regarding Yue Hongyan, by attacking the attack that she most does not fear. opponent that most likes is good at defense opponent. 对于岳红炎来说,她最不怕的就是以攻对攻。最喜欢的对手则是善于防御对手 The hard iron walnut, she has the means to break open forcefully. 再硬的铁核桃,她都有办法强行砸开。 The Yue Hongyan style is strong, but the skill is changeable, may just be possible to soften, regarding various types opponent that is good at defense, can always find the law of explaining. 岳红炎风格强硬,但是技巧多变,可刚可柔,对于各种善于防御对手,总能找到破解之法。 Once the situation falls into during her control, the fates of most enemies, by the Yue Hongyan one after another violent storm attack storm to dying. 所以一旦局势落入她的掌控之中,绝大多数敌人的下场的,就是被岳红炎一轮又一轮狂风暴雨似的攻击强攻到死。 Even though some special methods, force Mystical Ability, actually under the Yue Hongyan offensive, without enough time displays, aggrieved was killed. 纵使有些特殊手段,强力神通,却在岳红炎的攻势之下,来不及施展,就憋屈的被杀死。 This moment Extreme Teeth Dragon King, is feeling this depressed feeling. 此刻绝牙龙王,就在感受这种令人郁闷的感觉。 The humans affair has owes full, to has full, Extreme Teeth Dragon King believes that Yue Hongyan offensive impossible continues infinitely, impossible is getting more and more stronger, as if no raising of end similar. 世事有盈有亏,冲盈有度,绝牙龙王坚信岳红炎的攻势不可能无限持续,更不可能越来越强,仿佛没有尽头一般的拔高。 Therefore although he fall on leeward, but is not urgent, he believes the Yue Hongyan offensive always has dropping time, at that time was his again grab winning side opportunity, because Yue Hongyan non-stop assaulted before this, the Magic Force physical exertion inevitably was huge. 所以他虽然落在下风,但却也并不急迫,他相信岳红炎的攻势总有回落的时候,那时就是他重新抢占上风的机会,而岳红炎因为此前不停抢攻,法力体力消耗都必然非常巨大。 arrived at that time, once lost offensive, Yue Hongyan was also incapable of again snatching the initiative. 到了那个时候,一旦失了先手,岳红炎也就在无力重新抢回主动权了。 But regarding Yue Hongyan this fight style, once loses the initiative, instead was being pressed hitting by the enemy, the speed of her rout, will be more rapid than her opponent even more. 而对于岳红炎这种战斗风格来说,一旦失去主动权,反而被对方压着打,那她溃败的速度,将会比她的对手更加迅速。 However the fact has given Extreme Teeth Dragon King heartless one strike once more, the Yue Hongyan offensive, like is not the volcano, after erupting violently, again is then low. 但是事实再次给了绝牙龙王无情一击,岳红炎的攻势,并非像是火山一样,猛烈爆发之后,便重新低落。 But as if the ocean waves equally are continuous, the tide has among the ebb tides is the rhythm adjustment of her oneself, throughout in her own control range, does not give the Extreme Teeth Dragon King opportunity. 而是仿佛海浪一样连绵不绝,潮起潮落之间是她自己的节奏调整,始终都在她自身掌控范围之内,不给绝牙龙王机会。 It seems like the ebb tide, but when Extreme Teeth Dragon King wants to draw the offensive time, greets his is the new round even more violent ocean waves. 看似落潮,但等到绝牙龙王想要扳回先手的时候,迎接他的便是新一轮更加猛烈的海浪。 Yue Hongyan offensive, not only verve violent, extends lastingly, making Extreme Teeth Dragon King have to suspect that before the Yue Hongyan Strength failure, can be he further causes heavy losses first. 岳红炎的攻势,不仅刚猛暴烈,更延绵持久,让绝牙龙王不得不怀疑,在岳红炎力量衰竭之前,会是他先被进一步重创。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King resists a Yue Hongyan wave higher than wave the offensive, while is staring at her stubbornly, sees on her also to have Dragon Fire to spread. 绝牙龙王一边抵御岳红炎一浪高过一浪的攻势,一边死死盯着她,就见她身上还有龙火蔓延。 These Dragon Fire, to Yue Hongyan create the injury, Extreme Teeth Dragon King has believed that these injuries definitely will affect the Yue Hongyan strength, causes her imposing manner quicker depreciation. 这些龙火,也对岳红炎造成了伤害,绝牙龙王相信,这些伤势必然会影响岳红炎的实力,使她气势更快的跌落。 This is by no means pure Will to overcome, but is the issue of objective existence. 这并非单纯意志所能克服,而是客观存在的问题。 But quick, Extreme Teeth Dragon King then complexion slightly change, because on Yue Hongyan emerges the deep green current of water suddenly, Supreme Yin to pure, starts to extinguish her Dragon Fire unexpectedly unceasingly. 但很快,绝牙龙王便脸色微微变化,因为岳红炎身上突然涌现出碧绿水流,至阴至纯,竟然开始不断熄灭她身上的龙火 True Lunar Water!” The Extreme Teeth Dragon King vision concentrates, immediately recognizes on Yue Hongyan among fluent precisely Heaven and Earth one of the Six Great True Waters True Lunar Water. 太阴真水!”绝牙龙王目光一凝,立刻认出岳红炎身上水流正是天地六大真水之一太阴真水 Before Yue Hongyan, must take the favorable position, rather bears the pain that the raging fire commits suicide by fire, does not pay attention to injury, assaults outrageously. 岳红炎之前要抢占先机,宁肯忍受烈火焚身的痛苦,也不理会身上伤势,悍然抢攻。 Now after she gets the winning side finally, just now stimulates to movement True Lunar Water, extinguishes Dragon Fire, and alleviates the injury. 现在她终于占据上风之后,方才催动太阴真水,熄灭身上龙火,并缓解伤势。 Although injury impossible eliminates immediately, to her physical strength still able to create influence, in situation that but in the injury does not continue to worsen, Yue Hongyan has the confidence a spear|gun to hold first dead Extreme Teeth Dragon King. 虽然伤势不可能立刻消除,对她的体力还是会造成影响,但在伤势不继续恶化的情况下,岳红炎有信心先一枪捅死绝牙龙王 Extreme Teeth Dragon King sees that vision even more ice-cold, but in the heart actually the miraculous glow flashes through: She, although cultivates formed True Lunar Water Mystical Ability, actually also cannot and oneself Martial Dao melts is a furnace, therefore can only extinguish her oneself flame with this True Lunar Water, but is unable to stimulate to movement this water to come to my create effective injury.” 绝牙龙王见状,目光越发冰冷,但心中却又灵光闪过:“她虽然修成了太阴真水神通,却还没能自己武道融为一炉,所以只能用这太阴真水来熄灭她自己身上的火焰,而无法催动此水来对我造成有效伤害。” The both sides Cultivation Realm disparity exists after all, if cannot True Lunar Water and own military Dao Divinity, as well as Army-Breaking King Halberd and Seven Killing Star Armor two Magical Treasure coincides, that Yue Hongyan True Lunar Water, cannot have the restraint in fact to Extreme Teeth Dragon King whole body Dragon Fire. 双方境界差距毕竟存在,如果不能将太阴真水和自身武道神通,以及破军王戟七杀星铠两件法宝相合,那岳红炎太阴真水,并不能对绝牙龙王周身龙火产生实质上的克制。 After realizing this point, on the Extreme Teeth Dragon King forehead, appears suddenly a strange design coat of arms! 意识到这一点之后,绝牙龙王的额头上,突然浮现一枚古怪的图案纹章! precisely his Flame Dragon Clan True Spirit Divine Mark! 正是炎龙一族真灵神纹 This True Spirit Divine Mark flashes, Extreme Teeth Dragon King sends out a low roar, the blowout lines after lines firing line, the mutual independent, the subordination, but in this moment, actually did not start to gather, happen interlocks gradually. 这枚真灵神纹闪动之间,绝牙龙王发出一声低吼,原本喷出的道道火线,相互独立,不相统属,但在这一刻,却开始汇聚,渐渐发生交错。 Firing line able to move unhindered interweaves constitution belt of fire at the same time, among the belt of fire curls one group, entire protects Extreme Teeth Dragon King in inside. 纵横的火线交织构成一面火网,火网卷曲之间一团,将绝牙龙王整个护在里面。 Fire light stream moves, the belt of fire also goes through many places to transfer in non-stop, stops the Yue Hongyan spear|gun front from each direction all-around. 光流动之间,火网也在不停辗转挪移,从各个方向全方位阻拦岳红炎的枪锋。 In Yue Hongyan both eyes as if there is flame to burn, she is gazing at Extreme Teeth Dragon King, spear momentum suddenly changes, changes to Starspeed Lightning Flash Divine Spear, at the maximum speed strikes the point to kill in the belt of fire surface non-stop thorn. 岳红炎双目之中仿佛有火焰在燃烧,她注视着绝牙龙王,枪势猛然一变,改用星驰电掣神枪,以最快的速度在火网表面不停刺击点杀。 At once, in the sky sees only the innumerable [say / way] black black light glow non-stop circulation, as if assassinates regarding the one giant silkworm cocoon same fiery red spheroid. 一时之间,天空中就只见无数道乌黑光不停流转,围绕着一个巨大的仿佛蚕茧一样的火红球体进行刺杀。 However emits Dragon Fire along with Extreme Teeth Dragon King non-stop, the grid similar belt of fire gradually changed the appearance, starts to turn into a complete light membrane, does not have any slit again. 但是随着绝牙龙王不停喷吐龙火,网格一般的火网渐渐变了模样,开始变成一张完整的光膜,再没有任何缝隙。 Inside and outside light membrane, then as if twofold completely different World, Yue Hongyan the isolation of attack outside. 光膜里外,便仿佛两重完全不同的世界,把岳红炎攻击的隔绝于外。 Regarding Extreme Teeth Dragon King, this is he temporarily completely gives up snatching the plan of winning side, but completely Strength as centralized as defense. 对于绝牙龙王来说,这是他暂时完全放弃抢回上风的打算,而将全部力量都集中到防守上了。 Let this usually proud Flame Dragon, clings to tenaciously like black withdrawing shell, for him, without doubt is the biggest shame. 让这头素来骄傲的炎龙,像乌龟缩壳一样死守,对他来说,无疑是最大的耻辱。 But Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Extreme Teeth Dragon King wipes the face not to want thoroughly, fully the defense, is excel at strong assault Yue Hongyan, wants breakthrough, does not accommodate Change. 原始真灵境界绝牙龙王彻底抹开面子不要,全力防守,便是善于强攻岳红炎,想要突破,也不容易。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King unemotionally, in the vision is the deep humiliation and anger, but more is ice-cold killing intent, maintains Dragon Fire Domain at the same time, he while fully is also replying own injury. 绝牙龙王面无表情,目光中是深深屈辱和怒火,但更多的则是冰冷的杀意,一边维持龙火界域的同时,他一边也在全力回复自身伤势。 Has shouldered Yue Hongyan this round offensive, then was really one's turn him to counter-attack. 扛过岳红炎这一轮攻势,接下来便真的轮到他反击了。 Yue Hongyan facing this defense, receives the spear|gun to stand suddenly, coldly is gazing at before one's eyes Dragon Fire Domain. 岳红炎面对这防御,猛然收枪而立,冷冷注视着眼前龙火界域 Her Army-Breaking King Halberd suddenly strength, next moment massive True Lunar Water start to gather in the lance point place on hand, a lines after lines deep green current of water circles regarding the lance point, forms the one giant vortex gradually. 她手头破军王戟突然一力,下一刻大量的太阴真水开始在枪尖处汇聚,一道道碧绿水流围绕着枪尖盘旋,渐渐形成一个巨大的漩涡。 The current of water is unstable, even also in non-stop sprinkles toward the under ground. 水流并不稳定,甚至还在不停的向着下方地面洒落。 The deep green fluent vortex disintegrates continuously twice, then trembling again condensation. 碧绿水流漩涡更是连续两次解体,然后才又颤颤巍巍的重新凝聚。 But the Extreme Teeth Dragon King actually look changes: „Her is uses me to take to her pressure, seeks the further promotion on Martial Dao, must also integrate in own Martial Dao True Lunar Water Mystical Ability!” 可是绝牙龙王却神色微变:“她这是利用我带给她的压力,谋求武道上的进一步提升,要将太阴真水神通也融入自身武道之中!” That True Lunar Water transformed into vortex is even more stable, during lines after lines current of water non-stop revolving, some massive thunder & lightning beat in the water. 太阴真水所化漩涡越发稳定,道道水流不停旋转之间,更有大量雷电在水中跳动。 In Void overcast sky, sees non-stop of innumerable bluish violet lightning ray in the cloud layer to flow, has the Thunderbolt sound series crack, is turned toward in the cloud layer of Extreme Teeth Dragon King top of the head to gather in all directions. 虚空之中阴云密布,就见无数蓝紫雷光在云层之中不停流动,带起霹雳声连环炸响,由四面八方向着绝牙龙王头顶的云层中汇聚。 next moment, this has stimulated to movement True Lunar Water Powerful Thunderbolt Divine Spear, condenses form Dragon Fire Domain to attack to go toward Extreme Teeth Dragon King crazily! ( to be continued ) 下一刻,这催动了太阴真水雷霆万钧神枪,就朝着绝牙龙王凝聚而成龙火界域狂攻而去!(未完待续)
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