HNOF :: Volume #12

#1180: Hongyan roaring flame!

A Extreme Teeth Dragon King wild long and loud cry resounds, the whole body ignites the flaming roaring flame, during the flame beats, as if fire dragons, non-stop in Heaven and Earth soar. 绝牙龙王狂暴的一声长啸响起,周身燃起熊熊烈焰,火苗跳动之间,都仿佛一条条火龙,在天地不停飞腾。 He opposes the enemy the experience also from richly, just now short several rounds fighting, can had determined that Yue Hongyan grows perceptibly by Fleshly Body Martial Dao. 他对敌经验也自丰富,方才短短几个回合的交手,已经可以确定岳红炎是以肉身武道见长。 With such opponent confrontation, disperses Strength, is unwise, the fire dragon that therefore these dance in the air in Heaven and Earth, outside has not dispersed, but concentrates on arrived Extreme Teeth Dragon King oneself together, as if beside draconic scales, puts on the one Layer flame armor. 和这样的对手交锋,将力量分散,并不明智,所以那些在天地间飞舞的火龙,并没有外散,而是一起集中到了绝牙龙王自己身上,仿佛在龙鳞之外,又多披上一层火焰铠甲。 The Extreme Teeth Dragon King anger roar is firing into Yue Hongyan, Yue Hongyan does not dodge does not evade, the Seven Killing Star Armor Strength in addition holds, the body in airborne twists, then Army-Breaking King Halberd is howling the thorn to Extreme Teeth Dragon King. 绝牙龙王怒啸着冲向岳红炎,岳红炎不闪不避,七杀星铠之力加持,身躯在空中一拧,然后破军王戟就呼啸着刺向绝牙龙王 Lance point in Void has delimited, Space breaks immediately, as if combustion up. 枪尖在虚空中划过,空间顿时破碎开来,更仿佛燃烧起来 Both sides touch one strike hardly, the Extreme Teeth Dragon King body megascism, immediately feels that the before one's eyes this just Nascent Soul Late Stage female, vitality Strength is quite astonishing, is a worthy opponent unexpectedly sufficiently, even surmounts many achievement Divine Origin Cultivation Realm Human Race Martial Dao Expert. 双方硬碰一击,绝牙龙王身体剧震,立刻感觉到,眼前这个只是元婴后期的女子,气血之力极为惊人,竟然足以匹敌,甚至超越很多成就元神境界人族武道强者 That wild Strength, complete not like is Divine Origin following Cultivation Realm Cultivator can have, is Heaven Bearing Ant with Cultivation Realm and Primordial Black Tortoise and Heavenly Connection Demon Ape like this by Monster Race that Fleshly Body Strength grows perceptibly, not necessarily can is a worthy opponent. 那狂暴的力量,完全不像元神以下境界修士所能具有,便是同境界驮天蚁太古玄武通天魔猿这样以肉身之力见长的妖族,都未必可以匹敌。 Flame Dragon Clan in numerous Dragon Clan, Fleshly Body Strength was not already weak, but Extreme Teeth Dragon King self-examines oneself when Monster King Late Stage Cultivation Realm, Fleshly Body vitality Strength feared that was well below before one's eyes this seems like the slender female. 炎龙一族在众多龙族中,肉身力量已然不弱,但绝牙龙王自问自己妖王后期境界时,肉身气血之力怕是远远不如眼前这个看似纤细的女子。 Profound Gate's Master Direct Disciple, is really outstanding.” Although in the heart is full of resenting. But Extreme Teeth Dragon King still did not lose the calm judgment in fight: Profound Gate's Master Disciple Shi Tianhao, in the hearsay then once caused heavy losses to Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Monster Race when Nascent Soul Late Stage, now looks like. Fruit non- false rumor.” 玄门之主亲传弟子,果然不同凡响。”虽然心中充满愤恨。但绝牙龙王仍然不失战斗中的冷静判断:“玄门之主门下弟子石天昊,传闻之中在元婴后期时便曾经重创原始真灵境界妖族,现在看来。果非虚传。” In in the past Star Sea, still did not have cultivation base Yue Hongyan, the union similarly not to arrive at Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation base Li Yuanfang and Luo Qingwu now, Behead Immortal Monster Soul First Level Cultivation Realm Blood Mane Great Saint, the eyewitness were many, the news has disseminated in Heaven Desolate Land. 昔年星海之中,尚没有现在修为岳红炎,联合同样没有到元婴后期修为李元放洛轻舞,斩杀不灭妖魂一重境界血鬣大圣,目击者不少,消息已经在天荒广陆有所传播。 But non- witnesses, the group monster still felt insufficiently directly. Insufficiently intense, now Extreme Teeth Dragon King personally and Yue Hongyan fight. Immediately had the clear cognition. 但非亲眼目睹,群妖仍然感受不够直接。不够强烈,现在绝牙龙王亲自岳红炎交手。顿时有了清楚认知。 His body shakes suddenly, body scale non-stop of that package under flame opens and closes, boundless vitality from there sends out, some massive scarlet-red Dragon Fire from there gush out. 他身体猛然一震,那包裹在火焰之下的身躯鳞片不停开阖,磅礴气血从中散发出来,更有大量赤红龙火从中涌出。 Originally piece of fiery red Dragon Body. At this moment is unexpectedly indistinct becomes somewhat transparent, the entire body as if comprised of the flame, under the flame, the skeleton vein visibles faintly. 本就一片火红的龙身。此刻竟然隐约间变得有些透明,整个身躯仿佛都由火焰组成,在火焰之下,骨骼脉络都隐约可见。 After a move tries the Yue Hongyan depth, Extreme Teeth Dragon King has treated as her instantaneously does not allow to despise, opponent of same level level, direct appears oneself primary form True Body. 一招试出岳红炎深浅之后,绝牙龙王瞬间已经将她当做不容轻视,同等层次的对手,直接显化自己的原形真身 appears primary form True Body, the Extreme Teeth Dragon King whole body imposing manner and Monster Strength fluctuation current craze rises, the boundless raging fire spreads top of the sky similar to curl toward Yue Hongyan. 显化原形真身,绝牙龙王周身气势和妖力波动顿时狂涨,无边烈火铺天盖一般向着岳红炎卷去。 But has these because just now Extreme Teeth Dragon King rushes. But keeps Dragon Clan of life under the Yue Hongyan spear|gun, then starts to fly to Fire Sea. 而有那些方才因为绝牙龙王赶到。而在岳红炎枪下留得性命的龙族,则开始向火海外面飞去。 In Yue Hongyan both eyes cold light flashes: Um?” 岳红炎双目之中寒光一闪:“嗯?” At present although these Dragon Clan were killed by her more than half, but Fang Shaolan and the others just left. At this time if were overtaken by them, consequence was still dreadful. 眼下这些龙族虽然被她杀伤过半,但方少岚等人刚刚离开。此时若是被他们追上,后果仍然不堪设想。 In the Yue Hongyan hand Army-Breaking King Halberd wields, Extreme Teeth Dragon King that welcomed to throwing, but her own under foot, then trod Void fully, suddenly. 岳红炎手中破军王戟一挥,迎向扑来的绝牙龙王,而她自身脚下,则足踏虚空,猛然一顿。 Among this. Then as if has infinite Strength to erupt in Yue Hongyan within the body. 这一顿之间。便仿佛有无穷力量岳红炎体内爆发出来。 But her spear|gun, above Dragon Claw that in Extreme Teeth Dragon King grasps. It seems like verve, in secret has actually hidden the consecutively several supple vigor, under as if tranquil sea level scary undercurrent similar. 可是她那一枪,点在绝牙龙王抓来的龙爪之上。看似刚猛,却暗中潜藏了连续数道柔劲,仿佛平静海面下骇人的暗流一般 But these undercurrents gather in the flash together, causes the Army-Breaking King Halberd of click above Extreme Teeth Dragon King Dragon Claw, has guided another side Extreme Teeth Dragon King Strength. 而这些暗流在一瞬间汇聚在一起,使得点击在绝牙龙王龙爪之上的破军王戟,将绝牙龙王力量导向了另一边 At this time, Strength of Yue Hongyan under foot also thoroughly erupted, her high and low acupoints opened and closed together gently, the whole person as if sent out the brilliance, just liked stars flashes. 这时,岳红炎脚下的力量也彻底爆发了出来,她上下穴窍一起轻轻开阖,整个人仿佛散发出光彩,犹如点点繁星闪动。 She instead draws support from Extreme Teeth Dragon King this one strike Strength, the whole person flies upside down, the sprint speed wanted the past quickly. 她反而借助绝牙龙王一击力量,整个人倒飞出去,冲刺速度更要快过以往。 Under the Yue Hongyan foot the steps, as if the foot steps on the stars to be the same, one step treads, the score are innumerable, just likes in myriad stars in star river flows rapidly together. 岳红炎足下踏步,就仿佛脚踩星辰一样,一步踏出,分数无数,犹如万千星辰一起在星河中奔流。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King saw with own eyes that oneself Strength instead is Yue Hongyan borrows, immediately shouted one not to be good darkly, caught up to pursue hastily to Yue Hongyan. 绝牙龙王眼见自己力量反为岳红炎所借,顿时暗叫一声不好,连忙发力向岳红炎追去。 But other source was blocked by Yue Hongyan that spear|gun, brunts fell, at this time must pursue again, unavoidably wants again to start, his Flame Dragon Clan did not grow perceptibly at the speed, but Yue Hongyan actually instead also borrowed his Strength, under is in inverse proportion, the distance was pulled open immediately. 但他方才被岳红炎那一枪所阻,冲势降了下来,这时候再要追击,难免要重新起步,他炎龙一族本就不是以速度见长,而岳红炎却反而还借了他的力量,此消彼长之下,距离顿时被拉开。 But Extreme Teeth Dragon King just Magic Force pursued at the same time, Yue Hongyan second took, myriad Clone false shades only remain 28 instantaneously, is similar to 20 eight Star Mansion circulations, Strength gathers together, immediately flings Extreme Teeth Dragon King thoroughly in behind. 绝牙龙王刚刚法力追赶的同时,岳红炎第二步已经迈出,万千分身假影瞬间只剩28个,如同20八星宿流转,力量共同汇聚,顿时将绝牙龙王彻底甩在身后 precisely Yue Hongyan Mercury Sovereign Martial Dao killing strike Move Stars - Change Constellations, after integrating own Martial Dao, expedites the formidable instantaneous explosive force. 正是岳红炎辰皇武道杀招移星易宿,融入自身武道之后,催生出强大的瞬间爆发力。 When her three steps takes, the person has flung the next section Extreme Teeth Dragon King, has stopped up these to Dragon Clan that outside Fire Sea flies. 当她第三步迈出的时候,人已经将绝牙龙王甩下一截,堵住了那些向火海外面飞去的龙族 In the Yue Hongyan hand Army-Breaking King Halberd wields, Move Stars - Change Constellations three steps formidable explosive force not only also altogether shifts above arrived this one strike. 岳红炎手中破军王戟挥出,移星易宿三步强大爆发力不仅仅也一并转移到了一击之上。 Is sending the young girl top of the head scarlet, one group of Light Avatar appear, as if Myriad Things destroy, Void cracks, all reduction nihilities, then again stands like a tripod, opens the Great Thousand picture. 在赤发少女头顶,有一团光影浮现,其中仿佛万物破灭,虚空崩裂,一切化归虚无,然后重新鼎立,开辟大千的景象。 Giant of that one four first eight arms visible faintly. 那其中一个四头八臂的巨人隐约可见。 This group of Light Avatar coincide with the Yue Hongyan body completely, this is she own Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol and performance of Fleshly Body close union, only hand powder shatter space Strength spread from her within the body. 这团光影岳红炎身体完全相合,这是她将自身天地法相肉身紧密结合的表现,只手粉碎虚空力量已经从她体内传出。 A bayonet leaves, inspires thousand on Myriath Paths Ninth Heaven Formless Astral Wind to run out together, changes to spear momentum of Astral Wind Passes Through the Heaven, spreads top of the sky attack to audiences Dragon Clan. 一枪刺出,更引动成千上万道九天无相罡风一起冲出,化作罡风经天枪势,铺天盖攻向龙族 Strength and speed of Martial Dao assassination in the incisiveness that this moment shows, Yue Hongyan tens of thousands of spear|guns puncture in a flash together, the spear|gun front and Ninth Heaven Formless Astral Wind coincide. 武道刺杀的力量与速度在这一刻展现的淋漓尽致,岳红炎转瞬之间成千上万枪一起刺出,枪锋与九天无相罡风相合。 Black green great halberd vanishes does not see, original invisible and without shape Astral Wind at this moment actually becomes dazzling, as if one path stream of light. 黑青色的大戟消失不见,本来无形无相罡风这一刻却变得璀璨夺目,仿佛一道道流光 The sky-filling flowing light tore into shreds Extreme Teeth Dragon King appears Fire Sea Domain directly, the wind fire has rolled up and pushed along, presented all Dragon Clan to withstand this violent storm similar offensive. 漫天流光直接撕碎了绝牙龙王显化火海界域,风火卷动之间,在场所有龙族都承受这狂风暴雨一般的攻势。 Yue Hongyan the foothold, as if a transform into piece of death vortex, swept across the surrounding all lives. 岳红炎所立足之地,仿佛化为一片死亡漩涡,席卷周围一切生灵。 Then is formidable Dragon Clan, at this moment was involved in this death storm vortex, fate that also only meets a cruel death. 便是强大龙族,此刻被卷入这死亡风暴漩涡之中,也只有粉身碎骨的下场。 These Monster King Cultivation Realm Dragon Clan have not thought that while with Extreme Teeth Dragon King to war, Yue Hongyan can also do several things at the same time to intercept them unexpectedly, unexpected, banged into this death vortex massively, Time was either dead or wounded, has that not monster dragon, was cut cut and bruised, was hard to move. 这些妖王境界龙族没有想到,在与绝牙龙王对战的同时,岳红炎竟然还能分出身来拦截他们,猝不及防之下,大量撞入这死亡漩涡之中,一时间非死即伤,有那不似的妖龙,也被斩得遍体鳞伤,难以动弹。 Yue Hongyan spear momentum can put can also receive, after kills Dragonflight at first, storm spear momentum receives suddenly, complete Ninth Heaven Formless Astral Wind gathers in together, concentrates the transform into last spear|gun, Extreme Teeth Dragon King that welcomed to pursuing. 岳红炎枪势能放亦能收,在最初杀伤群龙之后,暴风般的枪势陡然一收,全部九天无相罡风都汇聚在一起,集中化为最后一枪,迎向追赶上来的绝牙龙王 Extreme Teeth Dragon King look gloomy, in long howl, does not fend to Yue Hongyan spear momentum, directly clashes on, the top of the head dragon corner/horn suddenly becomes thick, between two corner/horn some innumerable Dragon Fire gatherings, gradually transform into one scarlet red light sphere. 绝牙龙王神色阴沉,长啸声中,对岳红炎枪势也不闪避,直接强冲而上,头顶龙角突然间变得粗大,两角之间更有无数龙火汇聚,渐渐化为一个赤红色的光球 His then top of the head light sphere, directly hits to Yue Hongyan. 他便头顶这个光球,正面撞向岳红炎 Yue Hongyan naturally does not dread, enemy is strong, she only meets even more to be strong, with the opposite party powerful to bumping in the same place. 岳红炎对此自然不畏惧,敌人强硬,她只会更加强硬,和对方强势对碰在一起。 Among Heaven and Earth changes to a raging fire and strong winds World suddenly, Extreme Teeth Dragon King Fire Sea of dragon power auspicious cloud transformed into is thorough, an outside Divine Great Land Great Thousand World Void avalanche piece. 天地间陡然化作一片烈火与狂风的世界,绝牙龙王龙威祥云所化火海彻底破碎,连带着外界神州浩土大千世界虚空都崩塌一片。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King was hit body, but he stands firm the oneself personal appearance forcefully, opens mouth suddenly, immediately is the one path firing line spurts to Yue Hongyan. 绝牙龙王被撞得身体一顿,但他强行稳住自己的身形,猛然张开嘴,立刻就是一道火线喷向岳红炎 That Dragon Fire congeals for extremely slight one, compared with Extreme Teeth Dragon King that huge body, as if spider's silk similar. 龙火凝结为极为细微的一线,相较于绝牙龙王那巨大的身躯,就仿佛蛛丝一般 But this concise Dragon Fire makes Yue Hongyan in the heart raise intense great alarm. 但这道凝练至极的龙火却让岳红炎心中升起强烈的警兆 Was killed the oneself clansman by Yue Hongyan face to face, Extreme Teeth Dragon King becomes angry out of shame at the same time, even more attaches great importance to before one's eyes opponent, just now that one strike seems like simple, actually by far is above the incisiveness that Yue Hongyan actual combat Innate Talent of average man shows, seems like wild, is actually watertight, all details possibly most greatly give dual attention. 岳红炎当面杀伤自己的族人,绝牙龙王恼羞成怒的同时,对眼前对手也越发重视,方才那一击看似简单,却将岳红炎远远超乎常人的实战天赋展现的淋漓尽致,看似狂放,其实滴水不漏,所有细节都最大可能兼顾。 Facing such one opponent, Extreme Teeth Dragon King also put out 12 to divide the skill. 面对这样一个对手,绝牙龙王也拿出了十二分本事。 The collision with Yue Hongyan lets his vitality tuck dive, Monster Soul is not steady, under even if so, his or restrains by force ill , to continue attack, must seize offensive. 岳红炎的碰撞让他气血翻腾,妖魂不稳,但即便如此,他还是强压下不适,继续攻击,要抢占先手。 But Yue Hongyan what kind type person? Facing Extreme Teeth Dragon King attack, her response is you assaults, I also assault, to attack to attack! 岳红炎何等样人?面对绝牙龙王攻击,她的反应是你抢攻,我也抢攻,以攻对攻! Similarly suppresses the oneself tuck dive forcefully the vitality, in Heavenly Law Four Forms Divine Spear speed quickest Starspeed Lightning Flash Divine Spear, just likes aurora similar, punctures instantaneously! 同样强行压制住自己翻腾的气血,天法四象神枪中速度最快的星驰电掣神枪,犹如极光一般,瞬间刺出! After a spear|gun, immediately follows a spear|gun, then with a spear|gun! 一枪之后,立刻跟上一枪,然后再跟一枪! The Yue Hongyan attack speed, is unexpectedly getting more and more fast, series spear|gun, as if series lightning similar. 岳红炎攻击的速度,竟然越来越快,连环出枪,仿佛连环闪电一般 Extreme Teeth Dragon King is terrified and startled, because of Yue Hongyan Army-Breaking King Halberd, after impressively, sends first, must puncture to his on first. 绝牙龙王悚然而惊,因为岳红炎破军王戟,赫然后发先至,要先刺到他的身上。 Roar!” Extreme Teeth Dragon King also had making an all-out effort, facing Yue Hongyan Army-Breaking King Halberd, does not dodge similarly does not evade, urges round of oneself Dragon Fire urgently, the bang to Yue Hongyan. “吼!”绝牙龙王也起了狠劲,面对岳红炎破军王戟,同样不闪不避,加急催发自己龙火,轰向岳红炎 In the sky resounds series crack, almost the just flash, Yue Hongyan Army-Breaking King Halberd continuously holds on Extreme Teeth Dragon King ten several blood holes. 天空中响起连环炸响,几乎只是一瞬间,岳红炎破军王戟就在绝牙龙王身上连续捅出十数个血窟窿。 But the Extreme Teeth Dragon King firing line also loudly erupts on Yue Hongyan. 绝牙龙王的火线也在岳红炎身上轰然爆发开来。 The careful firing line explodes instantaneously, changes to boundless Fire Sea, directly Yue Hongyan engulf. 细细的火线瞬间爆炸,化作无边火海,直接将岳红炎吞没 Seven Killing Star Armor purple light non-stop flashing, as if point together scatters in all directions, prevents injury of Dragon Fire to Yue Hongyan in person, but this treasure after all or Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure, Yue Hongyan itself also not completed Divine Origin, although coincides with the Yue Hongyan vitality, but gradually was actually suppressed by Dragon Fire, starts the wound and Yue Hongyan itself. 七杀星铠紫光不停闪烁,仿佛针芒一起四散,阻挡龙火岳红炎本人的伤害,但是此宝毕竟还是孕灵级数法宝,岳红炎本身也未成元神,虽然与岳红炎气血相合,但是却渐渐被龙火压制,开始伤及岳红炎本身。 But Yue Hongyan pair of Red Eyebrows raise up, as if completely had not felt regarding raging fire that the under foot catches up, whole person one fire person seems to be same, draws close to Extreme Teeth Dragon King, then in the hand Army-Breaking King Halberd punctures once more! ( to be continued ) 岳红炎一对赤眉竖起,对于身上烈火仿佛完全没有感觉,脚下发力,整个人仿佛一个火人一样,贴近绝牙龙王,然后手中破军王戟再次刺出!(未完待续)
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