HNOF :: Volume #12

#1179: Dragon Clan Asura Domain

The top of the head sky suddenly becomes gloomy not luminous, in those days in auspicious cloud covered 4 sides, at this moment actually just liked the end. 头顶天空骤然变得晦暗没有光亮,往日里的祥云笼罩四方,此刻却恍若末日。 Long lines lower from the cloud layer, brings the bloody storm instantaneously. 一条条长龙自云层中降下,瞬间带来血腥风暴。 In several Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator that only saves, tall young girl clenches the teeth, gaze of hatred front formidable Dragon Clan Great Monster . 仅存的几名紫霄道修士中,一名个头高挑少女咬紧牙关,仇恨的注视着面前强大龙族大妖 Her only Golden Core Late Stage cultivation base, facing tying Dragon Clan of become a Monster infant, appears small and weak, but on the young girl face does not have the slight scared look: Master, Master's Wife, disciple in the end still has disappointed your sacrifice, but the disciple did not dread the death, only looked whether to drag a monster dragon to be buried along with the dead, after dying, can say one, has not lost face with you!” 只有金丹后期修为,面对结成妖婴的龙族,显得弱小,但少女脸上没有丝毫惧色:“师父,师母,弟子终究还是辜负了您们的牺牲,但弟子绝不畏惧死亡,只看能否拖一条妖龙陪葬,死后也能说一声,没跟您们丢脸!” one's thoughts arrived to this, on young girl erupts dazzling lightning ray suddenly, whole person as if turn into light, turns into one the person's shadow that is constituted by thunder & lightning. 一念至此,少女身上猛然爆发出耀眼雷光,整个人都仿佛光化,变成一个雷电构成的人影。 That Purple Firmament Dao Mystique Mystical Ability that precisely Gu Lei displays before this, Absolute Thunder Battle Body, the implication falls into the hopeless situation, gives self up to a war! 正是此前顾雷所施展的那门紫霄道秘传神通,绝雷战体,寓意身陷绝境,舍身一战! Displaying significantly will promote own Mystical Ability Magic Force in short Time, but has not injured the enemy to injure oneself first, to own create huge burden, even causes the body dead. 施展者会在短时间内大幅度提升自身神通法力,但是未伤敌先伤己,会对自身造成巨大负担,甚至导致身死。 Her side Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator, the vision also becomes firm and resolute, on these Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator that Time, only remains shines lightning ray, body turn into light, must with a opponent life and death war. 身旁的紫霄道修士,目光也变得坚毅,一时间,仅剩的这几名紫霄道修士身上都亮起雷光,身体光化,要与对手决死一战。 Their blood brave staunch air/Qi, has inspired side Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator. 他们的血勇刚烈之气,也鼓舞了身旁的大秦皇朝修士 Can practice Nascent Soul Realm or Golden Core Realm, the death cannot easily vacillate these Cultivator mind, not being able to see any prospect to be possible the word pure desperate, with by the unwillingness of Monster Race Devouring, is their heart maximum pressure. 能修炼到元婴期或者金丹期,死亡都不能轻易动摇这些修士的心神,看不见任何前景可言的纯粹绝望,和被妖族吞噬的不甘,才是他们心头最大的压力。 At this moment draws back does not have to draw back. numerous Human Race Cultivator was also stimulated making an all-out effort, does not consider to escape simply the matter, but launches the oneself complete ability and method. With Dragon Clan Great Monster dying war. 此刻退无可退。一众人族修士也都被激发了狠劲,索性不考虑逃生之事,而是展开自己全部能力与手段。同龙族大妖死战一场。 At this moment, Void suddenly opens wide, one path azure black light glow falls from the sky, as if Meteor falls down similar. 就在此刻,虚空突然洞开,一道黑光从天而降,仿佛流星坠地一般 black light has delimited the horizon, immediately sky-filling dragon power auspicious cloud tearing, falls into monster Dragon Qun, place visited. The blood spurts, has blood rain on the earth directly. 黑光划过天际,顿时将漫天龙威祥云撕裂,落入妖龙群中,所经之处。鲜血飞洒,直接在大地上降下一场血雨。 Dragon Body wreckage of shatter draconic scales and break. The Dragon Claw Dragon's Tail, explodes together. 破碎的龙鳞和断裂的龙身残骸。龙爪龙尾,一起爆裂开来。 The sudden change, making all people shocked, Time as if stagnated in this moment. 突如其来的变化,令所有人震惊,时间仿佛在这一刻停滞下来。 in Void presents a magnificent and frigid picture. Dragon Blood spurts, sees the cutting off limb wreckage of numerous monster dragon to dance in the air in the blood rain. 虚空中呈现一幅瑰丽而又惨烈的画面。龙血飞洒之间,就见众多妖龙的断肢残骸在血雨中飞舞。 Flame Dragon is most pitiful, was hit by that path black light around the middle, the body was divided into two sections immediately, the blood flutters about. 一条炎龙最为凄惨,被那道黑光拦腰击中,身体顿时被分成两截,鲜血纷飞。 black light diverges, sees one to wear the Purple Clothes youth woman to appear in numerous monster dragons, palm azure black great halberd, the ominous offense is peerless, as if wants destroy all. 黑光散去,就见一个身着紫色劲装的青年女子出现在众多妖龙之中,掌心一杆青黑大戟,凶戾绝伦,仿佛要破灭一切。 The scarlet red long hair hangs loose. Flies upwards with the wind, imitates Buddha Fire flame similar, but under so scene. Actually as if moistened completely blood similar, made the person palpitation. 赤红色的长发披散开来。随风飞扬,仿佛火一般,但在如此情景下。却又仿佛沾满了鲜血一般,令人心悸。 Among the sky-filling blood rain, not being able to distinguish clearly is Dragon Blood color is brighter, the hair color of or this female is more dazzling. 漫天血雨之间,分不清是龙血色泽更为鲜艳,还是这女子的发色更为刺眼。 Human Race Cultivator also dull looks at this of survival, Time somewhat responded not able to. 幸存的人族修士也都呆呆看着这一幕,一时间有些反应不过来 Until that sends female personal appearance flashes scarlet, in the wink of an eye then transfers before another monster Dragon Body. In the hand pitch-black great halberd has delimited the one semicircle, chops to fall that monster dragon huge dragon head directly. The people whole body one startles. 直到那赤发女子身形一闪,瞬息之间便挪移到另一条妖龙身前。手中乌黑大戟划过一个半圆,直接将那妖龙巨大的龙首劈落。众人才浑身一个激灵。 View female Magic Force Aura, Divine Origin Cultivation Realm Expert does not coincide with a Heaven and Earth body equally, but also just Nascent Soul Realm cultivation base, but Behead ties Dragon Clan of become a Monster infant so to be unexpectedly relaxed, all people are surprised. 观这女子法力气息,不似元神境界强者一样与天地一体相合,还只是元婴期修为,但斩杀成妖婴的龙族竟然如此轻松,所有人都为之一惊。 The female speed is too fast, in Void shuttles back and forth, making person fundamental unable to see clearly her to act and look, but Great Qin Dynasty and Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator still is recognizes quickly, newcomer precisely under Profound Gate's Master's tutelage Fourth Disciple, Yue Hongyan! 那女子速度太快,在虚空中穿梭,令人根本看不清她动作和相貌,但大秦皇朝紫霄道修士还是很快认出来,来者正是玄门之主座下四弟子,岳红炎 Yue Hongyan specializes in Martial Dao, Fleshly Body vitality Strength erupts at this moment, as if the space Sun star arrives at ground similar, with Cultivation Realm is stronger compared with Dragon Clan Great Monster even more. 岳红炎专修武道,肉身气血之力此刻爆发出来,仿佛天上太阳星降临地面一般,比起同境界龙族大妖还要更强。 She is the female, the physique is cloudy, cultivate firm Martial Dao is inferior to the man to be convenient, but this moment Nascent Soul Late Stage Yue Hongyan, Fleshly Body Physique vitality, takes a broad view at Under the Heavens, below Divine Origin Cultivation Realm almost may the name be second to none. 她是女子,体质偏阴,修练阳刚武道不及男子便利,但此刻元婴后期岳红炎,肉身体魄气血之强,放眼天下,元神境界以下几乎可称首屈一指。 Yue Hongyan does not block Space, but the formidable Fleshly Body Strength instantaneous explosive force, causes her short distance sprint speed is many Divine Origin Expert is not then able to be a worthy opponent. 岳红炎也不封锁空间,但是强大肉身力量的瞬间爆发力,使得她短程冲刺速度便是许多元神强者也无法匹敌。 One step treads, on splits open space, arrives at monster dragon front instantaneously, the speed quickly to letting these ties the become a Monster infant, similarly thoroughly understands the Space change Dragon Clan Great Monster to flee to fend completely without enough time, can only face directly the Yue Hongyan aggressive offensive. 一步踏出,就破开虚空,瞬间来到一头妖龙面前,速度快到让这些结成妖婴,同样通晓空间变化的龙族大妖完全来不及遁走闪避,只能直面岳红炎凶悍攻势。 In the hand Army-Breaking King Halberd implements Yue Hongyan Martial Dao True Meaning, under wields, Splitting the Heaven divides the sea, sweeps away all obstacles. 手中破军王戟贯彻岳红炎一身武道真意,一挥之下,开天分海,所向披靡。 Dragon Clan Great Monster soon will launch the slaughter in view of Human Race Cultivator the piece of Heaven and Earth, at this moment actually changes formed Dragon Clan oneself Asura Domain, the field littered with corpses. 原本龙族大妖针对人族修士即将展开屠杀的这片天地,此刻却变成了龙族自己修罗场,尸横遍野。 Among Yue Hongyan personal appearance flashes, Army-Breaking King Halberd breaks out Void, chops directly Yellow Dragon huge body from there. 岳红炎身形一闪之间,破军王戟劈开虚空,直接将一头黄龙巨大的身躯从中劈断。 She does not receive to snatch, left hand turns, a palm falls, racket to Thunder Dragon. 她也不收抢,左手一翻,一掌落下,拍向一头雷龙 That Thunder Dragon roared whips on Eight Desolate Divine Lightning attack to Yue Hongyan, the Yue Hongyan eyebrow did not lift, whatever on thunder fall on oneself, whole body acupoints opened and closed, as if the stars flashed, directly these thunder lightning transform into thunder & lightning essence, absorbs unexpectedly. 雷龙咆哮间驱策八荒神雷攻向岳红炎,岳红炎眉毛都不抬一下,任由雷霆落在自己身上,周身穴窍开阖之间,仿佛星辰闪动,竟然直接将那些雷霆闪电化为雷电精气,予以吸收。 But her seems like does not have the Strength feeling, the white jade palm, actually collapsing day potential falls, pats that Thunder Dragon head directly broken! 而她那看似全无力量感,白玉般的手掌,却以塌天之势落下,直接将那雷龙头颅拍碎! The Yue Hongyan withdrawing palm, on the flesh is not stained with the least bit blood, the whole body high and low does not dye slightly the bloodstain, but that ice cold malevolent aura, or makes all people be startled for it heart. 岳红炎抽回手掌,肌肤上不沾半点鲜血,周身上下也不染丝毫血迹,但那凌冽煞气,还是让所有人为之心惊。 Then is numerous Human Race Cultivator, although knew perfectly well that one's own side has been out of danger to be saved actually, one intermittent fearful and apprehensive. 便是一众人族修士,虽然明知己方其实已经脱险得救了,也一阵阵心惊肉跳。 before one's eyes this sends the female scarlet, really compares Dragon Clan Great Monster even more aggressive terrifying. 眼前这个赤发女子,实在是比龙族大妖还要凶悍恐怖 When the Yue Hongyan line of sight has swept the Purple Firmament Dao people, the vision after that but Golden Core Realm cultivation base young girl, cannot help but slightly: Is Shaolan?” 岳红炎视线扫过紫霄道众人,目光经过那不过金丹期修为少女时,不由得微微一顿:“是少岚吗?” On that young girl lightning ray diverges gradually, reveals the original appearance, complexion pale does not see scarlet, Aura is feeble, actually displays the Absolute Thunder Battle Body repercussions. 少女身上雷光渐渐散去,露出原来模样,脸色苍白不见一丝血色,气息衰弱,却是施展绝雷战体的后遗症。 Her looks at Yue Hongyan, has been tying tight the heartstrings were finally looser, the firm and resolute color retreated from the face, in eye tears not restrainable outflow: Mountain...... Martial Uncle Yue, Master also has Master's Wife, they have been murdered......” 看着岳红炎,一直紧绷着的心弦终于松了一些,坚毅之色从脸上退去,眼中泪水不可抑制的流出:“岳……岳师叔,师父还有师母,他们都遇害了……” young girl precisely Gu Lei disciple Fang Shaolan, Yue Hongyan has seen before this then him. 少女正是顾雷的弟子方少岚,岳红炎此前便见过他。 Gu Lei and Mr. and Mrs. Li Kuiyin, Yue Hongyan through Zhu Yi and Shi Tianhao, already was acquainted, has a friendship, especially gets to know each other well with Li Kuiyin, both sides intersect the sworn friend. 顾雷李葵音夫妇,岳红炎通过朱易石天昊,也是早就相识,自有一份交情在,尤其与李葵音相熟,双方相交莫逆。 Her vision has swept the Purple Firmament Dao people time, has not seen Gu Lei and Li Kuiyin, in the heart suddenly sank, at this moment obtains news truly from the Fang Shaolan place, before one's eyes also cannot help but slightly one black. 她目光扫过紫霄道众人的时候,没看见顾雷李葵音,心中就已经陡然一沉,此刻从方少岚处得到确实消息,眼前也不由得微微一黑。 In a flash, in Yue Hongyan both pupils then as if raises the sky-flooding fire, a pair of scarlet-red long eyebrow raises up, as if drops blood thin sword similar. 转瞬之后,岳红炎双瞳之中便仿佛掀起滔天大火,一对赤红长眉竖起,仿佛滴血细剑一般 Among Heaven and Earth that the people place, immediately is silent, sky-flooding killing intent deters all people to keep silent. 众人身处的天地之间,顿时寂静无声,滔天杀意震慑得所有人噤若寒蝉。 Monster dragon that the Yue Hongyan line of sight has not actually looked at these surviving, but suddenly turn the head and looks to distant place horizon. 岳红炎视线却没有看那些残存的妖龙,而是霍然转头看向远方天际。 In there, Void opens wide suddenly, some massive raging fire emerge, proliferates the half sky instantaneously, Heaven and Earth transform into Fire Sea, fiery red auspicious cloud presents from Fire Sea, sends out heavy to be dignified. 在那里,虚空突然洞开,有大量烈火涌现,瞬间遍布半边天空,将天地化为火海,一朵火红祥云火海中出现,散发厚重威严。 In fiery red dragon power auspicious cloud, there is a scarlet-red long line to be partly visible, see the head of the divine dragon but not its tail. 火红龙威祥云之中,有一条赤红长龙若隐若现,神龙见首不见尾 Yue Hongyan vision ice-cold: Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Flame Dragon?” 岳红炎目光冰冷:“原始真灵境界炎龙?” In fiery red auspicious cloud spreads the sound: You dare so to slaughter my clansman, today gave up any idea of that lives to this place!” 火红祥云之中传出声音:“你敢如此屠戮我的族人,今天休想生离此地!” newcomer precisely Extreme Teeth Dragon King, he has not paid attention to here Fang Shaolan and the others with other Dragon King before this, but forwards, rushes to rescue with Hou Ning Dragon King that the Great Qin reinforcements of Shi Zongmao command fight. 来者正是绝牙龙王,他此前和其他龙王没有理会这里的方少岚等人,而是一路向前,去驰援与石宗茂统帅的大秦援军战斗的后宁龙王 But realized that behind suddenly presents intense Magic Force fluctuation, felt after oneself same race is in danger, Extreme Teeth Dragon King returns to the body to hurry back immediately, happen to comes face to face with an adversary with Yue Hongyan. 但察觉身后突然出现强烈的法力波动,感到自己同族遇险之后,绝牙龙王立刻返身赶了回来,正好与岳红炎狭路相逢。 Huge red dragon head finds out from fiery red auspicious cloud, coldly is gazing at Yue Hongyan: I know you, you are Profound Gate's Master's Direct Disciple.” 巨大的赤色龙首从火红祥云之中探出,冷冷注视着岳红炎:“我识得你,你是玄门之主的亲传弟子。” Your Master refining up Clone my good friend Scarlet Thunder, injures my clan Kun King and Green Sky king, but you also wantonly slaughter my same race, today then first offers a sacrifice to my same race by your flesh and blood.” “你师父将我挚友赤霆炼成分身,伤我族坤王碧空王,而你也大肆屠戮我的同族,今天便先以你的血肉祭我同族。” You, just one starts!” “你,只是一个开始!” Extreme Teeth Dragon King roars, the fiery red dragon power auspicious cloud rapid expansion, Sky-filling Fire Sea covers together Yue Hongyan and the others. 绝牙龙王怒吼间,火红龙威祥云飞速扩展,漫天火海岳红炎等人一起罩住。 Fang Shaolan is fixing the eyes on Extreme Teeth Dragon King, although just such one movement, makes her Divine Soul as if want thoroughly shatter, passed away, but her or don't agree puts aside the vision, called out: Martial Uncle Yue, was this Flame Dragon has killed Master and Master's Wife!” 方少岚紧盯着绝牙龙王,虽然只是这样一个动作,就让她神魂仿佛要彻底破碎,一命呜呼,但她还是不肯移开目光,叫道:“岳师叔,就是这头炎龙杀了师父师母!” Yue Hongyan coldly looked at Extreme Teeth Dragon King an eye, without the speech, in the hand Army-Breaking King Halberd wields, is type Astral Wind Passes Through the Heaven Divine Spear, wild spear momentum curls up swift and fierce Ninth Heaven Formless Astral Wind, forcefully Fire Sea tearing. 岳红炎冷冷看了绝牙龙王一眼,没有说话,手中破军王戟一挥之间,便是一式罡风经天神枪,狂暴的枪势卷起凌厉至极的九天无相罡风,强行将火海撕裂。 Shaolan, you guys leaves in advance.” Yue Hongyan sends out a Dao Technique strength, Fang Shaolan and other survival of Human Race Cultivator swept, sends out the Fire Sea range together, flutters by far. 少岚,你们先行离开。”岳红炎发出一道法力,将方少岚等幸存的人族修士一起卷了,送出火海范围,远远飘走。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King cried loud and long, then gush out left the one path firing line, hit straightly toward Yue Hongyan. 绝牙龙王长啸一声,便喷薄一道火线,笔直朝着岳红炎打来。 Yue Hongyan sends off Fang Shaolan and the others, spear momentum is one revolution, Astral Wind Passes Through the Heaven changes to Powerful Thunderbolt, among Heaven and Earth thunder sounds, as if splits open space Primordial Chaos, wild Strength welcomed directly to the firing line that Extreme Teeth Dragon King emitted, the thunder that blasted open was also stave the firing line. 岳红炎送走方少岚等人,枪势便是一转,罡风经天化作雷霆万钧,天地间一声雷响,仿佛破开虚空混沌,狂暴的力量正面迎向绝牙龙王喷吐的火线,炸裂开来的雷霆也将火线破碎。 The firing line disrupts, massive stream of fire disperse, even if just these dissipations Dragon Fire, far from common Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator can withstands. 火线碎裂,大量流火飞散,哪怕只是这些散逸的龙火,也远非寻常元婴期修士可以承受。 But Yue Hongyan absolutely does not have defense idea, verve Army-Breaking King Halberd in Void shakes, spear momentum suddenly becomes agile, changes to myriad spear|gun shades, the continual point in Instant kills thousands of times, bunch of raging fire will crush completely. 岳红炎完全没有防御意思,刚猛的破军王戟在虚空中一抖,枪势突然变得轻灵,化作万千枪影,于刹那之间连续点杀千万次,将一团团烈火全部击碎。 But at this moment, in the Heaven-shaking dragon's roar sound, Extreme Teeth Dragon King whole body ignites the flame, clashes to the Yue Hongyan front surface. 而此刻,震天龙吟声中,绝牙龙王通体燃起火焰,向岳红炎迎面冲来。 Yue Hongyan purple light flashing, an armor appears on her, innumerable [say / way] ominous offense cold fierce Rune Sigil appears in the armor surface, wild murderous aura fills four wildly. 岳红炎身上紫光闪烁,一件铠甲出现在她身上,无数道凶戾凛烈的符文咒印在铠甲表面浮现,狂暴的杀气弥漫四野。 Vault of Heaven opens wide, Seven Kills Star and Army-Breaking Star are especially bright in this moment, the cruel stars Strength in addition holds on Yue Hongyan, making Yue Hongyan whole body malevolent aura even more strong. 天穹洞开,七杀星破军星在这一刻格外明亮,暴戾的星辰之力加持在岳红炎身上,让岳红炎周身煞气更加浓烈。 Her long gun|spear inspires, idea that has not given way to traffic, foot pedal series, breaks through the Space impediment instantaneously, attacks on own initiative toward Extreme Teeth Dragon King! ( to be continued ) 她长枪一振,没有丝毫避让的意思,脚踏连环,瞬间冲破空间阻隔,向着绝牙龙王主动攻去!(未完待续)
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