HNOF :: Volume #12

#1178: Dragon soul sacrifice

Pays attention the Qin Emperor Shi Yu movement, Zhu Yi, Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King vision slightly concentrates. 留心到秦帝石羽的动作,朱易坤龙王碧空龙王目光都微微一凝。 In Kun Dragon King both eyes golden light flashes, as if congealment formed essence. 坤龙王双目之中金光闪动,仿佛凝结成了实质。 He stared at that to hold Shi Xingyun's light sphere, after flickering, complexion immediately changed: This Divine Soul fluctuation...... Is first ancestor closely related lineage/vein Soul Remnants reincarnation?!” 他盯着那容纳了石星云的光球,一瞬之后,脸色顿时变了:“这神魂波动……是始祖嫡脉残魂转生?!” Shi Xingyun opened eyes at this time, the look is tranquil, but places oneself in light sphere, her body definitely is unable to move, Magic Force all was also imprisoned. 石星云这时睁开眼来,神色平静,但置身光球之中,她的身体完全无法动弹,一身法力也尽数被禁锢住。 Holds her light sphere, slowly sinks to Immortal Dragon City City Wall. 容纳她的光球,缓缓沉入不朽龙城城墙里。 The Shi Xingyun ill feeling, by the Immortal Dragon City radiance package, had not been let her both familiar and strange. 石星云没有不适的感觉,被不朽龙城光辉包裹,让她既熟悉又陌生。 But in this slightly unusual feeling, the Shi Xingyun's body has not started to break up gradually, whole person turn into light, starts to lose the fixed physique. 但就在这种没有丝毫异样的感觉中,石星云的身体开始渐渐崩解,整个人光化,开始失去固定形体。 one seems young girl Light Avatar of 15 and six -year-old ages appears, when the five senses look precisely Shi Xingyun oneself 15 and six years old of age appearances, are actually her Nascent Soul. 一个看上去15、六岁年纪的少女光影出现,五官相貌正是石星云自己15、六岁年纪时的模样,却是她的元婴 Except for this, on one twines Giant of scarlet, azure, yellow, white and black five light dragons, that is Shi Xingyun cultivates Five Emperors True Dragon Secret Manual form Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol. 除此以外,还有一个身上缠绕赤、青、黄、白、黑五条光龙的巨人,那是石星云修炼五帝真龙秘书而成天地法相 But these are not the most noticeable things, what genuinely makes Zhu Yi, Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King care is Shi Xingyun Nascent Soul top of the head float one group of Light Avatar. 但这些都不是最引人注目的东西,真正朱易坤龙王碧空龙王在意的是石星云元婴头顶悬浮的一团光影 A clear and resounding dragon's roar sound gets up, appears in people front impressively is Dragon Soul. 一声清亮而又高亢的龙吟声响起,出现在众人面前的赫然是一条龙魂 On Dragon Soul has turn into light auspicious cloud to appear faintly, this dragon power auspicious cloud is the same with Dragon Soul, seems illusory, but is not real, but heavy dignified feeling of that bird's eye view All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Still was stirring. 龙魂上隐隐有光化祥云出现,这龙威祥云龙魂一样,看上去虚幻而不真实,但是那俯瞰诸天万界厚重威严感觉。却仍然震撼人心。 Different from Green Sky Dragon King and Flowing Flame Dragon King appears dragon power auspicious cloud, around this Dragon Soul flutters, is Kun Dragon King equally pure golden color auspicious cloud! 不同于碧空龙王流炎龙王显化龙威祥云,这条龙魂周围飘荡的,乃是和坤龙王一样纯金色祥云 Belongs to pure blood Primordial Heavenly Dragon dragon power auspicious cloud! 属于纯血太古天龙龙威祥云 Zhu Yi looks at this. Unemotionally: Resembles blue Dragon Clan, Flame Dragon Clan wait / etc. Dragon Clan, needs to ascend a height to get a broad view Realm of Dharma-Ending to be able achievement genuinely Primordial Heavenly Dragon Body, since the ancient times, without exception.” 朱易看着这一幕。面无表情:“似碧龙族炎龙族等等龙族,需要登临末法之境才能成就真正太古天龙之身,自古以来,无一例外。” Only peculiar circumstance, then only Primordial Era, Dragon Clan first ancestor, Origin Dragon Absolute and Wei Ancestral Dragon union. Bloodline under birth, a birth was Heavenly Dragon Body!” “唯一的特殊情况,便只有太古纪元,龙族始祖,始龙绝祖龙唯结合。诞下的血脉,一出生便是天龙之身!” Origin Dragon Absolute. Namely Origin Dragon Xuan Shang, in the later generation custom calls Absolute Sovereign Xuan Shang, but Wei Ancestral Dragon, is Xuan Shang wife. Dragon Clan another first ancestor, Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning. 始龙绝。即始龙玄殇,后世习惯上称之为绝皇玄殇,而祖龙唯,便是玄殇之妻龙族另一位始祖,祖龙仓宁 „After the Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning body falls, lives, but is Heavenly Dragon, then does not exist.” Zhu Yi is staring at Shi Xingyun transformed into Dragon Soul: This Dragon Soul foundation, although is strong, but is far from Realm of Dharma-Ending Dragon Clan, but is actually Primordial Heavenly Dragon, is really the in the past first ancestor two dragons Bloodline of birth, Monster Soul reincarnation form.” “自祖龙仓宁身陨之后,生而为天龙者,便不复存在。”朱易盯着石星云所化龙魂:“这龙魂根底虽强,但绝非末法之境龙族,可是却为太古天龙,果然是昔年始祖二龙所诞之血脉,妖魂转生而成。” Above past Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly, Zhu Yi then once with own eyes the soul of Shi Xingyun appears Primordial Heavenly Dragon. But at that time had not cared specially, after all Great Qin Dynasty occupied past Dragon Clan earliest inhabit region Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region, has Primordial Heavenly Dragon Soul Remnants. Although the probability is small, but is not absolutely impossible the matter. 早在当年荒海法会之上,朱易便曾亲眼石星云显化太古天龙之魂。但当时并没有特别在意,毕竟大秦皇朝占据了昔日龙族最早的聚居地天龙古域,其中存在太古天龙残魂。虽然概率较小,但并非绝无可能之事。 But today looked again that Dragon Soul analyzes thoroughly, actually obviously felt that arrived is different. 今日再看,龙魂彻底剖明,却明显感觉到了不同。 Although is Monster Soul reincarnation, but just Soul Remnants, is not complete Dragon Soul. however nourishes after these year of people, expanded gradually. 虽是妖魂转生,但只是残魂,并非完整龙魂只不过经过这些年人身滋养,已经渐渐壮大。 As Shi Xingyun Dragon Soul, Nascent Soul and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol coincide with Immortal Dragon City together. No matter her or Immortal Dragon City, gently is vibrating, Immortal Dragon City goes through many places, resembles a big dragon unexpectedly more and more. 随着石星云龙魂元婴天地法相一起同不朽龙城相合。不管是她还是不朽龙城,都在轻轻震动,不朽龙城辗转之间,竟然越来越似一条巨龙。 The bricks and stones as if change to draconic scales, non-stop sparkle of City Wall and Dragon Body in the ray, alternately appearance. 砖石仿佛化作龙鳞,城墙龙身在光芒中不停闪耀,交替出现。 In Immortal Dragon City spreads the resounding sound, as if True Dragon chants in a low voice in a soft voice. 不朽龙城中传出鸣响声,仿佛真龙轻声低吟。 Kun Dragon King exudes one to roar suddenly: „Are you Soul Remnants reincarnation of Jin King ancestor?!” 坤龙王猛然发出一声怒吼:“你是瑾王先祖的残魂转生?!” Jin Dragon King, also called Heavenly Dragon Jin, is Origin Dragon Xuan Shang and Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning final one child under birth, Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning also precisely, when breeds her, in being in labor, was encircled by the Human Race first generation of Saint Sovereign Beginning Sovereign lead audiences kills. 瑾龙王,又称天龙瑾,便是始龙玄殇祖龙仓宁所诞下的最后一个子嗣,祖龙仓宁正是在孕育她的时候,于临盆之际,被人族第一圣皇始皇率众围杀。 Before Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning just before the end, delivers to leave young girl Heavenly Dragon Jin, afterward under Absolute Sovereign Xuan Shang was angry, slaughters Mortal, Human Race first generation of Saint Sovereign Beginning Sovereign also fallen in his on hand. 祖龙仓宁临终前将幼女天龙瑾送离,后来绝皇玄殇大怒之下,屠戮苍生,人族第一圣皇始皇陨落他的手上 Reason that because Heavenly Dragon Jin prematurely delivers, physique is weak, all depending on the father Absolute Sovereign Xuan Shang care, but in later and Human Race war, is seriously injured fallen. 天龙瑾因为早产的缘故,体质虚弱,全凭父亲绝皇玄殇照料,但在之后与人族的大战中,也受重伤陨落 Besides Heavenly Dragon Jin, other first ancestor two Dragon blood relative Bloodline Dragon Clan, long years 1 by 1 fallen in Primordial and Ancient. 除了天龙瑾以外,其他始祖二龙嫡亲血脉龙族,也都在太古上古的漫长岁月中一一陨落 Because Jin Dragon King is the reason that Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning just before the end produces, she and relation most mysterious and unpredictable between Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning. 但因为瑾龙王祖龙仓宁临终所产的缘故,她与祖龙仓宁之间的联系最为玄奥莫测 just everyone not previously thinks that fallen many years of Jin Dragon King, unexpectedly also will already have Soul Remnants to preserve in Shi. 只是谁都不曾想到,早已陨落多年的瑾龙王,居然还会有残魂留存于世。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu tranquil looked at Zhu Yi an eye, faint said: Hundred years ago, I in foreign land Space discovered that this wisp of Soul Remnants, extracting, will prohibit by Secret Technique.” 秦帝石羽平静的看了朱易一眼,淡淡说道:“百年前,朕在一处异域空间中发现这缕残魂,将之起出,以秘法封禁。” Immortal Dragon City no longer is the Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning remains, practices no doubt the effect quite good by the Dragon Soul sacrifice, but if can make its reincarnation manner, then cultivate achievement Human Race Divine Origin, Human Race Nascent Soul and Dragon Soul coincide, the sacrifice practices again, then may gather the far ultra pure Dragon Soul effect.” 不朽龙城已经不再是祖龙仓宁的遗骸,以龙魂祭练固然效果颇佳,但若是能令其转生为人,然后修练成就人族元神,人族元婴龙魂相合,再行祭练,则可收取远超单纯龙魂的效果。” Therefore I erase its memory, its reincarnation manner cultivate, her oneself also only thinks that is pure Dragon Soul reincarnation, actually does not know it and relation of Immortal Dragon City.” Shi Yu looks at integrated Immortal Dragon City Shi Xingyun gradually: „The however Dragon Soul reincarnation manner, has after all quite a lot mysterious, I am unable to look through its Divine Soul subtle change completely.” “于是朕抹去其记忆,将其转生为人修练,她自己也只以为是单纯的龙魂转生,却不知其与不朽龙城的联系。”石羽看着已经渐渐融入不朽龙城石星云:“只不过龙魂转生为人,毕竟有颇多玄奥,以至于朕也无法完全看破其神魂细微变化。” Now looks like, Xingyun you only feared that already restored to remember?” “现在看来,星云你只怕早已恢复记忆?” The Primordial Heavenly Dragon mouth of that Light Avatar appearance spits the criticism: Not is quite long.” 光影模样的太古天龙口吐人言:“并不太久。” Shi Yu said: Thinks after your achievement Divine Origin, the sacrifice practices again, but the circumstance is now urgent, I have to carry on ahead of time, although the effect will be lower than anticipated, but can solve the before one's eyes crisis to be then good.” 石羽说道:“本想你成就元神之后,再行祭练,不过现在情势紧急,朕也只好提前进行了,虽然效果会低于预期,但能解眼前危局便好。” The Shi Xingyun look is gentle, when Shi Yu summons anxiously she comes Heaven Desolate Land, she then had the unlucky premonition, but Qin Emperor Shi Yu was early appropriate all arrangements, has Great Qin Dynasty Void Return Cultivation Realm Expert named to escort actually sends under custody, her oneself is incapable of revolting. 石星云神色平和,在石羽急召她前来天荒广陆的时候,她便已经有了不祥预感,但秦帝石羽早已经将一切安排妥当,有大秦皇朝返虚境界强者名为护送实为押送,她自身无力反抗。 Although the change on Divine Soul, Shi Yu is unable to completely understand her completely, but the external motion, her raises hand to step, from beginning to end during the control of Shi Yu. 虽然神魂上的变化,石羽也无法完全看透她,但外在行动,她的一举手一投足,从始至终都在石羽的掌控之中。 Present she, eventually also just one Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator, honored of status, originates from the Great Qin Imperial Family member status. 眼下的她,终究还只是一个元婴期修士,身份之尊贵,也来源于大秦皇室成员身份。 But at this moment, the unlucky premonition fulfills thoroughly. 而此刻,不祥的预感彻底应验。 Shi Yu said slowly: You, if the soul of Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning, such does to make you come back to life taking advantage of the corpse directly, but Heavenly Dragon Jin actually It is no bother, is away from one Layer.” 石羽徐徐说道:“你若是祖龙仓宁之魂,这么做或许会直接让你借尸还魂,但天龙瑾无妨了,到底是隔着一层。” Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King stares at Qin Emperor Shi Yu stubbornly, simultaneously is sending out to get angry roaring sound, wild dragon power sweeps across Void, the pressure to Qin Emperor Shi Yu. 坤龙王碧空龙王死死盯着秦帝石羽,齐齐发出怒吼声,狂暴的龙威席卷虚空,压向秦帝石羽 Shi Yu looks to them, the facial features are quiet: If not you guys compels, my this can lie doggo is completely mature, at that time handled affairs, the merit was just now complete, Immortal Dragon City will also surmount Supreme Imperial Palace, became the Human Sovereign first treasure, Future will have the development potential.” 石羽看向他们,面容沉静:“若非你们相迫,朕本可以静待时机完全成熟,那时行事,方才得功德圆满,不朽龙城也将超越太皇宫,成为人皇第一宝,未来也会有更多发展潜力。” Although now is imperfect, but copes at present the you guys create aspect, was enough.” “现在虽不完美,但应付眼下你们造成的局面,已经足够了。” The Shi Yu both hands Secret Technique change, during the Immortal Dragon City Secret Technique vibrations, massive Talisman change to the flowing light, integrates in the under foot Great Wall. 石羽双手法诀变化,不朽龙城法诀震动之间,大量的符箓化作流光,融入脚下长城之中。 dragon image vanishes gradually, but City Wall even more heavy, even more great formidable Strength Aura from there expands, entire Immortal Dragon City in shining. 龙影渐渐消失,而城墙则越发厚重,越发宏大强悍力量气息从中扩展开来,整座不朽龙城都在熠熠生辉 In motionless Immortal, Eternal Indestructible, protects beside all Strength Domain, left the wind of several points of broad Sovereign many, as if Heavens ruler similar. 在不动不朽,永恒不坏,守护一切的力量意境之外,更多出了几分恢宏皇者之风,仿佛诸天主宰一般 The Shi Yu line of sight no longer looks at Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King, instead looks to Zhu Yi, sees Zhu Yi and Paramita Golden Bridge coincides, incarnation form golden light Giant was also lowering the head, looks to Shi Yu. 石羽视线不再看坤龙王碧空龙王,反而望向朱易,就见朱易彼岸金桥相合,化身而成金光巨人也正低下头来,看向石羽 „The war of today, was hard to be friendly, only if made master Profound Gate's Master rush, otherwise victory and defeat difficult material.” Shi Yu slowly said: I know Zhu Yi you to relate significantly with Xingyun, but all these, when her reincarnation manner, are the fates, is institute of department my Great Qin Country transporting.” 今日之战,难以善了,除非令师玄门之主赶到,否则胜负难料。”石羽缓缓说道:“朕知朱易你同星云关系匪浅,但这一切,在她转生为人之时起,便已经是定数,亦是我大秦国运之所系。” She restores to remember that actually hidden did not send, except for situation continuously during I control outside, Xingyun she has not saved again to refine Immortal Dragon City, remoulded the self- plan its mother Ancestral Dragon Cang Ning Body, Ancestral Dragon Rebirth, the no small matter, Zhu Yi you usually the understand affair, when knew which is the lighter and which is the heavier.” “她恢复记忆,却一直隐而不发,除了事态一直在朕掌控之中外,星云她也未尝没有存了重新炼化不朽龙城,将其母祖龙仓宁之身重塑自我的打算,祖龙重生,非同小可,朱易你素来明白事理,当知孰轻孰重。” The Shi Yu word, then no longer said that all were decided by Zhu Yi oneself, but his both hands Secret Technique fluctuates, the five colors light dragon from the in Void gathering before the body, gradually the congealment is golden color Dao Fruit. 石羽言罢,便不再多说,一切由朱易自己决定,而他双手法诀变幻之间,五色光龙自虚空中汇聚于身前,渐渐凝结为一枚金色道果 This golden color Dao Fruit goes to the whereabouts, sinks to Immortal Dragon City. 金色道果向下落去,也沉入不朽龙城之中。 The Zhu Yi vision sinks to congeal, does not know that is thinking deeply about anything. 朱易目光沉凝,不知在思索些什么。 But during Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King fell into to be wild with rage completely, attacks toward Zhu Yi and Shi Yu! 坤龙王碧空龙王已经完全陷入狂怒之中,向着朱易石羽攻来! Both sides battled to be separated from Heaven Desolate Land, hit take action in endless Void greatly, but Heaven Desolate Land above at this moment, then there is lines after lines auspicious cloud to delimit the horizon. 双方交战脱离了天荒广陆,在无尽虚空之中大打出手,而此刻的天荒广陆之上,则有道道祥云划过天际。 These auspicious cloud, some full are the raging fire, some, then thunder & lightning overflows, seems like like the clouds in the sky spatial float, but the speed is extremely actually fast, as if flowing light similar. 那些祥云,有的满是烈火,有的则雷电四溢,看似如云朵般在天空漂浮,但其实速度极快,仿佛流光一般 In the ground has just now minority Human Race Cultivator that escapes from the Flowing Flame Dragon King auspicious cloud transformed into Fire Sea World crack, toward leading to the Divine Great Land Domain channel place flees dashes. 地面上有方才少数从流炎龙王祥云所化火海世界裂缝中逃出的人族修士,正在朝着通往神州浩土界域通道处亡命飞奔。 These Cultivator also mostly are Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator, can breaks open Space shuttles back and forth, but compares these already achievement Immortal Monster Soul even Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Dragon Clan Expert, appeared the speed is very slow. 这些修士也大多是元婴期修士,可以破开空间穿梭,但相比起那些已经成就不灭妖魂甚至原始真灵境界龙族强者,就显得速度很慢了。 A lines after lines auspicious cloud Yielding Heaven border has flown, jumps over arrived their front, that covering the sky and blocking the Sun dragon power auspicious cloud, belongs to Dragon Clan Expert of Dragon King level. 道道祥云从天际飞过,越到了他们的前方,那遮天蔽日龙威祥云,都属于龙王层次的龙族强者 but these Dragon King have not paused, but continues, rushes to the Domain channel entrance place between Two Worlds, there, Dragon Clan Hou Ning Dragon King with Great Qin Dynasty Gunyang King Shi Zongmao, as well as guards the Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator fierce combat of Domain channel entrance place. 不过这些龙王没有停步,而是继续前行,赶往两界之间的界域通道入口处,在那里,龙族后宁龙王正在和大秦皇朝衮阳王石宗茂,以及镇守界域通道入口处的大秦皇朝修士激战。 behind transmits makes Magic Force fluctuation that one shocks, making Extreme Teeth Dragon King and other Dragon Clan Expert also the uneasy, indistinct detection has the Human Race Expert support to arrive, moreover is exceeds the Dao Fusion level top Expert. 身后传来令人震撼的法力波动,让绝牙龙王龙族强者也感到不安,隐约察觉有人族强者支援来到,而且是超过合道层次的顶尖强者 Extreme Teeth Dragon King and the others, although in the heart is anxious, but has not turned head, but continues the battlefield that rushes to Hou Ning Dragon King to be, there is they plays the role the place. 绝牙龙王等人虽然心中忧虑,但没有回头,而是继续赶往后宁龙王所在的战场,那里是他们发挥作用的地方。 But Human Race Cultivator that waits for these to escape death by a hair's breadth does not relax, has the knot become a Monster infant, Monster King Cultivation Realm Dragon Clan Expert stays behind, obstruct their ways. 但不等这些幸免于难的人族修士松一口气,有结成妖婴,妖王境界龙族强者留下,阻住他们的去路。 Different is tired out from the press from these, just Human Race Cultivator that escapes from a narrow escape dangerous situation by luck, these Dragon Clan Expert conserve strength completely, and quantity is numerous. 不同于这些疲于奔命,刚刚从九死一生险境中侥幸逃脱的人族修士,这些龙族强者完全是养精蓄锐,而且数量众多。 Facing such opponent, even if no Dragon King of Immortal Monster Soul level, during Human Race Cultivator also once more fall into to despair. 面对这样的对手,即便没有不灭妖魂层次的龙王,人族修士们也再次陷入绝望之中。 Heaven-shaking dragon's roar resounds through the horizon, as if makes clear to the start that is slaughtering once again bloody. ( to be continued ) 震天龙吟响彻天际,仿佛昭示着又一次血腥杀戮的开始。(未完待续)
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