HNOF :: Volume #12

#1177: Slaughter flame dragon

Giant of Paramita Golden Bridge transformed into, among stand on Heaven and Earth, captures Flowing Flame Dragon King. 彼岸金桥所化巨人,立于天地之间,一把将流炎龙王擒拿住。 another side Green Sky Dragon King flies into a rage, opens mouth gush out leaves one path black ink Green brilliance, Giant lifts the arm to keep off before the oneself body, on that black ink Green brilliance fall on his arm, golden light is dim immediately, dark green brilliance turns into one group of dark green flame, the silent combustion, corrodes that Giant great body. 另一边碧空龙王勃然大怒,张口喷薄一道绿色光华,巨人抬起手臂挡在自己身前,那墨绿色光华落在他手臂上,金光顿时黯淡下去,墨绿光华变成一团墨绿火焰,无声燃烧,侵蚀那巨人的伟岸身躯。 Was held Flowing Flame Dragon King of body is non-stop struggles, wild scarlet-red Dragon Fire shoots up to the sky, in the on hand spread of Paramita Golden Bridge transformed into Giant. 被抓住身体的流炎龙王更是不停挣扎,狂暴的赤红龙火冲天而起,也在彼岸金桥所化巨人手上蔓延。 Firing lines extend on arrived golden light Giant, these firing lines spread across, dopes in together, gradually a transform into belt of fire. 一条条火线延伸到了金光巨人身上,这些火线纵横交错间,掺杂在一起,渐渐化为一张火网。 The belt of fire twists whirls around, then forms a side Domain gradually, a side fills the flame, Domain that completely comprised of Dragon Fire. 火网扭曲翻卷之间,则渐渐形成一方界域,一方充满火焰,完全由龙火组成的界域 Has that radiant bright stars, fluctuates in this side flame Domain, starlight and flame blend in the same place, causes flame surrounding, was covered one Layer blurred radiance. 有那璀璨明亮的星辰,在这方火焰界域之中起伏,星光和火焰融汇在一起,使得火焰外围,被镀上一层迷离光辉 This side Domain, compared with Fire Sea World that beforehand Flowing Flame Dragon King dragon power auspicious cloud forms, wants terrifying many, after is Flowing Flame Dragon King appears oneself primary form True Body, fully stimulation of movement own Monster Strength behavior. 这方界域,比起之前流炎龙王龙威祥云所形成的火海世界,要恐怖得多,乃是流炎龙王显化自己原形真身之后,全力催动自身妖力所为。 Wild flame World Devouring Heavens, as if opens Giant Beast of big mouth, must swallow down golden light Giant. 狂暴的火焰世界吞噬诸天,仿佛张开大嘴的巨兽,要将金光巨人吞下去。 Rune in Void that massively comprised of the flame dances in the air, gathers, imitates the barrier that the Buddha Fire flame composes, impregnable, indestructible. 大量由火焰组成的符文在虚空中飞舞,聚集在一起,仿佛火焰组成的壁垒,牢不可破,坚不可摧。 But whatever these furious volume upper bodies, golden light Giant had not responded, whatever as if the raging fire commits suicide by fire. 但任由这些光火卷上身,金光巨人也没有丝毫反应,仿佛任由烈火焚身。 Carefully looks. Can see that the Giant body surface lines after lines glow circulation is restless, isolates the raging fire outside completely, fundamental is unable to moisten the body. 仔细看去。就能看到巨人体表道道霞光流转不息,将烈火全部隔绝于外,根本无法真的沾身。 From the outside. The golden light Giant similar body seemed covered by the raging fire, but actually actually fundamental unobstructive. 从外界看。金光巨人一般身体仿佛都被烈火覆盖,但其实却根本无碍。 Flowing Flame Dragon King also knows that oneself can't beat Zhu Yi and Paramita Golden Bridge, he in must be diligently Green Sky Dragon King catches the opportunity, only has Green Sky Dragon King to save him. 流炎龙王也知道自己奈何不得朱易彼岸金桥,他是在努力要为碧空龙王争取机会,唯有碧空龙王才能救他。 Moreover Void at the same time, Green Sky Dragon King roared to emit path after path dark green brilliance, that brilliance color was getting more and more thick, arrived finally almost transform into black color. 另外一边的虚空之中,碧空龙王咆哮着喷吐出一道又一道墨绿光华,那光华色泽越来越浓,到了最后几乎完全化为墨色。 You are away from the Realm of Dharma-Ending only one pace. It is not the prestige of Dharma-Ending Calamity, your appears primary form True Body. May fully with my Human Race Realm of Dharma-Ending Expert war, to my this Good Fortune Magical Treasure Paramita Golden Bridge, who wins and who is defeated, must die to fight can know.” “你距离末法之境只有一步之遥。不算末法浩劫之威,你显化原形真身。足可与我人族末法之境强者一战,对上我这造化法宝彼岸金桥,谁胜谁负,也要死战到底才能知道。” Giant starts talking. The sound is steady, straight such as yellow bell great sound similar, shakes the echo in Heaven and Earth. 巨人开口说话。声音平稳恢宏,直如黄钟大吕一般,在天地间震荡回响。 But I must kill this Flame Dragon, you must save him, your actually impossible achieves, when most while I kill him, to my create injury.” “但我要杀这条炎龙,你要救他,你却不可能做到,最多趁我杀他之际,对我造成一点伤势。” Green Sky Dragon King both eyes ice-cold, gush out, but dark green brilliance gathers in together, as if Tsunami similar rushes Zhu Yi. Void turn into pieces collapse annihilation, in this stimulates to movement under the Green Jade Dragon Flame destruction of pinnacle, not only cultivates Daoist Mystical Ability Magic Force. Among all Source Qi and existences including Heaven and Earth, all destroy. 碧空龙王双目冰冷,所喷薄而出的墨绿光华汇聚在一起,仿佛海啸一般涌向朱易虚空成片塌陷湮灭,在这催动到极致碧玉龙炎破坏下,不仅仅是修道人神通法力。连天地之间的一切元气和存在,也都尽数破灭 A Zhu Yi thread of conversation revolution: But can you seizing the chance injure me, actually even more looks at some of your big skills.” 朱易话锋一转:“但你到底能不能趁机伤我,还要看你究竟有多大本事。” At the same time was saying, that palm that he empties, suddenly in Void writing, one huge easy character to appear. 一边说着,他空出来的那只手掌,突然在虚空中书写,一个巨大的“易”字出现。 Easy character to appear. Immediately the entire Heaven and Earth picture changes, Green Sky Dragon King cultivation base. The what kind eyesight, sees infinite Heaven and Earth Source Qi immediately, just likes rivers entering the sea similar, toward Zhu Yi and palm gathering of Giant of Paramita Golden Bridge transformed into. “易”字出现。顿时整个天地景象为之一变,碧空龙王修为。何等眼力,立刻就见无穷天地元气,犹如百川入海一般,朝着朱易彼岸金桥所化巨人的手掌汇聚。 Similar to the torrential humane situation, favored, heard the scenery, since. 如同滔滔人道大势,众望所归,闻风景从。 That golden light Giant pinches three law seal suddenly continuously, the grading makes, melting is a furnace, unites with the situation of this Heaven and Earth shaking, as if immeasurable Strength. 金光巨人突然之间连续捏动三个法印,次第打出,融为一炉,与这天地间震荡的大势合一,仿佛无量之力 The First method seal, the Giant palm locates one greatly character seal, motionless does not swing, Eternal is invariable, as if contains Myriad Laws, various line of fundamental. 第一个法印,巨人掌心处一个巨大的“卍”字印,不动不摇,永恒不变,仿佛蕴藏万法,诸行根本 The second law seal, among fingers and palms, top of the head Vault of Heaven breaks open, 20 eight Star Mansion shake once more together, is similar to Wind and Rain sways, massive starlight Strength were directed to gather. 第二个法印,指掌之间,头顶天穹再次破开,20八星宿一起震荡,如同风雨飘摇,大量星光之力被引聚。 The third law seal, a palm falls, Primordial Chaos breaks open, the dragon, phoenix, turtle and Qilin Four Spirits Light Avatar appears again, the Strength irrigation , the Earth, Water, Fire, Wind Four Symbols violent walks, infinite Strength non-stop manifestation, then collapsed and destroyed. 第三个法印,一掌落下,混沌破开,龙、凤、龟、麒麟四灵光影再次出现,力量灌注而下,地水火风四象暴走,无穷力量不停化生,然后崩灭 Zhu Yi True Body does not excel at Fleshly Body Martial Dao, but after his Divine Origin and Paramita Golden Bridge coincides, the incarnation for Giant that this is indomitable spirit, Paramita Golden Bridge this crosses myriad tribulations Good Fortune Magical Treasure is the his body! 朱易本尊不擅肉身武道,但在他元神彼岸金桥相合之后,化身为这顶天立地的巨人,彼岸金桥横渡万千灾劫造化法宝就是他的身躯! At this moment, this golden light Giant stimulates to movement three big non- mensuration seal to unite, the fist that strikes loudly, Strength as if must hit to explode Heaven and Earth vigorously directly. 此刻,这个金光巨人催动三大无量法印合一,轰然击出的这一拳,力量雄浑仿佛要直接打爆天地 Then is Green Sky Dragon King such Monster Race top Great Monster , does not dare to take the Fleshly Body direct anti- this fist of oneself, otherwise is the bone breaks the fate that the muscle folds immediately! 便是碧空龙王这样的妖族顶尖大妖,也不敢拿自己肉身直接抗这一拳,否则立刻就是骨断筋折的下场! In Green Sky Dragon King both eyes flashes through the sky-flooding anger, under the his operation, that attack to Zhu Yi's dark green radiance big tide, has to the retraction condense, on the side of transform into rock black ink Green crystal. 碧空龙王双目之中闪过滔天怒火,在他的操纵下,那本来攻向朱易的墨绿光辉大潮,不得不回缩凝聚,化为岩石一边的墨绿色晶体。 That black ink Green crystal is so concise, just likes black hole similar, tows surrounding World to cave to its center together. 那墨绿色晶体是如此凝练,犹如黑洞一般,牵引周围世界一起向其中心塌陷。 In this center of crystallization place, has bright stars radiance to raise, according to crystallization inside and outside insightful, color that but that such as black ink resembles, even more is profound. 在这结晶中心处,有明亮星辰光辉升起,照得结晶内外通透,但那如墨似的色泽,却更加深邃。 As if black ink Green giant stars, arrive at Heaven Desolate Land World. 仿佛一颗墨绿色的巨大星辰,降临天荒广陆世界 This dark green stars, have blocked a fist of Zhu Yi this extreme terrifying for Green Sky Dragon King, but Green Sky Dragon King complexion actually even more gloomy. 这枚墨绿星辰,替碧空龙王挡住了朱易这极端恐怖的一拳,但碧空龙王脸色更加阴沉 The footsteps that because only he goes forward are Zhu Yi block, then cannot rescue Flowing Flame Dragon King! 只因为他前进的脚步为朱易所阻,便救不得流炎龙王 That golden light Giant other half body, was flashed starlight flame World engulf, but as if no to think, grasps the palm of Flowing Flame Dragon King body, Strength constantly strengthens. 金光巨人另外半边身体,被闪动星光的火焰世界吞没,但是却仿佛毫无所觉似的,抓紧流炎龙王身体的手掌,力量不断加强。 Huge Flame Dragon sends out intermittent miserable hum, transmits an intermittent low and deep dull thumping sound from top to bottom, the sound is not grating, actually as if resounds in all person hearts, vibrates Divine Soul. 巨大的炎龙发出阵阵惨哼声,浑身上下传来一阵阵低沉闷响,声音不刺耳,却仿佛在所有人心头响起,震动神魂 That sound, then as if stars by the Paramita Golden Bridge transformed into Giant stiffly crumb. 那声音,便仿佛一颗颗星辰被彼岸金桥所化巨人硬生生捏碎。 Stars destroy, Heaven and Earth shakes. 星辰破灭,天地震荡。 After a golden light Giant fist compels draws back Green Sky Dragon King, from top to bottom the golden light writings, the lines after lines rosy cloud air/Qi smoke cloud emerges, one Light and Darkness Writings fluctuates, in the huge body appears the purple fog. 金光巨人一拳迫退碧空龙王后,浑身上下金光大作,道道霞气烟云涌现,一个光暗文字浮动,巨大的身躯上更显出紫色云雾。 Roar!” Flowing Flame Dragon King sent out a painful low roar, roaring sound just resounded half. Has not risen the peak, as if forcefully had been stopped up. “吼!”流炎龙王发出一声痛苦至极的低吼,吼声刚刚响起一半。还没有升到巅峰,就仿佛被人强行堵了回去。 Huge Dragon Body explodes, changes to innumerable stream of fire and skeletons. Crashes toward below earth non-stop. 巨大的龙身爆裂开来,化作无数流火与尸骸。向着下方大地不停坠落。 The scorched earth ten thousand li (0.5km) Heaven Desolate Land earth, changed to the Fire Sea abyss at this moment completely, the heavy earth, the mountain range of fluctuating, pounds is been instantaneously destroyed by raging fire transform into. 本就已经焦土万里的天荒广陆大地,这一刻完全化作火海深渊,厚重的大地,起伏的山峦,都砸瞬间被烈火化为乌有。 Wild angry roaring sound suddenly in distant place resounds, golden color auspicious cloud then has covered suddenly Heaven and Earth 4 sides. Actually is Kun Dragon King by own dragon power auspicious cloud, entire transfers a space and time. Is curling that piece of Space Domain and Immortal Dragon City, rushes to here together. 狂暴的怒吼声突然在远方响起,瞬息之间,一朵金色祥云便已经笼罩天地四方。却是坤龙王以自身龙威祥云,整个挪移一片时空。卷着那片空间界域不朽龙城,一起赶到这边。 He in got the absolute initiative and winning side with the fight of Immortal Dragon City, is hits is walks depending on his oneself regard, Qin Emperor Shi Yu is all incapable of stopping. 他在与不朽龙城的战斗中占据了绝对的主动权和上风,是打是走全凭他自己心意,秦帝石羽无力阻拦。 But on road eventually slightly delaying a while time. When he rushes, Flowing Flame Dragon King had been used Paramita Golden Bridge stiffly crush to death by Zhu Yi! 但路上终究稍微耽搁一会儿功夫。待他赶到,流炎龙王已经被朱易彼岸金桥硬生生镇死 The wild dragon's roar sound resounds through the horizon, Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King simultaneously sends out to roar, Vault of Heaven opens wide thoroughly, myriad stars flashing, as if must change to the star rain to crash. 狂暴的龙吟声响彻天际,坤龙王碧空龙王齐齐发出怒吼,天穹彻底洞开,万千星辰闪烁,仿佛要化作星雨坠落。 After Ancestral Alligator Great Saint, this is Dragon Clan second Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Dragon King fallen in Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Cultivator on hand, Dragon Clan Expert of second Clan Lord rank! 祖鳄大圣之后,这已经是龙族第二位星魂合一境界龙王陨落玄门天宗修士手上,第二位一族之主级别的龙族强者 Among golden light Giant stand on Heaven and Earth, visual front spreads the top of the sky place golden color auspicious cloud and deep green auspicious cloud. Looks dignified, but does not lose tranquilly. 金光巨人立于天地之间,目视面前天盖地的金色祥云和碧绿祥云。神情凝重,但不失平静。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu stands on Immortal Dragon City, similarly the look feels fuzzy. His Great Qin Dynasty this loss is quite serious, although there is Zhu Yi helps, but the before one's eyes war situation was still not optimistic. 秦帝石羽站在不朽龙城上,同样神色发沉。他大秦皇朝这一次损失极为惨重,而虽然有朱易来援,但眼前战局形势仍然不乐观。 Zhu Yi forestalls opponent by a show of strength, just rushed, forcefully was going against Green Sky Dragon King attack crush to death Flowing Flame Dragon King, bordered on the fast collapse situation to contain Human Race. 朱易先声夺人,刚刚赶到,就强行顶着碧空龙王的进攻镇死流炎龙王,将人族濒临奔溃的局势遏制。 But Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King collaborates. Still extremely formidable, let Immortal Dragon City and Paramita Golden Bridge also being hard word victory. 坤龙王碧空龙王联手。仍然极为强大,让不朽龙城彼岸金桥也难以言胜。 Especially what makes Qin Emperor Shi Yu with a heavy heart is. In the experience initial anger, after waiting is cool-headed, Dragon Clan Expert will be hostile toward Zhu Yi or he, is matter that very difficult said. 尤其让秦帝石羽心情沉重的是。在经历最初的怒火,等头脑冷静下来之后,龙族强者会更仇视朱易还是他,是一件很难说的事情。 Regarding Dragon Clan, Immortal Dragon City always has the moment, makes their Monster Soul feel shame stabbing pain. 对于龙族而言,不朽龙城每多存在一刻,都让他们的妖魂感到耻辱至极的刺痛。 Zhu Yi takes Paramita Golden Bridge as the body, transformed into golden light Giant opens the mouth saying: Qin Emperor His Majesty, offended.” 朱易彼岸金桥为身躯,所化金光巨人开口说道:“秦帝陛下,得罪了。” finished speaking, golden light Giant jumps to leap, has mounted Immortal Dragon City. 说罢,金光巨人纵身一跃,已经登上不朽龙城 Shi Yu not polite, between both hands Secret Technique changes, lines after lines scarlet, black, white, azure and yellow five colors radiance falls, as if light dragons, interweave Golden Dragon Light Avatar, in addition hold Immortal Dragon City. 石羽也没有客气,双手法诀变化之间,一道道赤、黑、白、青、黄五色光辉落下,仿佛一条条光龙,交织成一头金龙光影,加持不朽龙城 radiance that on Immortal Dragon City that not measures gracefully, extends on arrived Zhu Yi transformed into golden light Giant, making the great body even more mysterious vastly. 不朽龙城上那曼妙而莫测的光辉,延伸到了朱易所化金光巨人身上,使得本就宏大的身躯越发玄妙浩瀚。 Zhu Yi in the heart moves: Remembers that Qin Emperor His Majesty in the past also obtained Monster Race Nine Luminaries Heaven-collapsing Array Formation remnant, does not know whether to offer a sacrifice to practice in Immortal Dragon City?” 朱易心中一动:“记得秦帝陛下昔年也曾经得到过妖族九曜崩天阵之残篇,不知有否祭练到不朽龙城中?” Shi Yu has not spoken, the hand pinches Secret Technique, above City Wall a little selects the ray to flash immediately, inspires in Cosmic World Starry Sky, radiance of Heavens Nine Luminaries . 石羽没有说话,手捏法诀,城墙之上顿时有点点光芒闪动,引动宇宙星空之中,诸天九曜光辉 In in the past Cloud Forest Realm a war, Qin Emperor Shi Yu also snatches some broken Nine Luminaries Heaven-collapsing Array Formation Array Formation Blueprint, he practiced into the Array Formation Blueprint remnant sacrifice Immortal Dragon City, although is unable to resemble Nine Luminaries Heaven-collapsing Array Formation to be equally thorough turbulent Vault of Heaven Nine Luminaries , but also can received and instructed the star strength to enter the body, became one of the Immortal Dragon City powers. 昔年云林界中一战,秦帝石羽也抢到部分残破的九曜崩天阵阵图,他将阵图残篇祭练入了不朽龙城之内,虽然无法似九曜崩天阵一样彻底动荡天穹九曜,但也可以接引星力入体,成为不朽龙城的动力之一。 Zhu Yi sees that the golden light Giant palm stretches out toward the top of the head, Starry Sky shakes, the Metal Luminary - Venus star, Wood Luminary - Jupiter, Water Luminary - Mercury, the Fire Luminary - Mars stars and Earth Luminary - Saturn these five Luminary stars are even more dazzling. 朱易见状,金光巨人手掌向着头顶伸出,星空震荡,金曜太白星,木曜岁星,水曜辰星,火曜荧惑星和土曜镇星这五曜星越发璀璨夺目。 But also five Luminary Light Avatar on Immortal Dragon City appears, both sides arouse the intense resonance, stars Strength to be received and instructed to fall large scale, strengthen Paramita Golden Bridge and Immortal Dragon City Strength, resists Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King. 而在不朽龙城上也有五曜光影浮现,双方引发强烈共鸣,星辰之力以更大幅度被接引落下,增强彼岸金桥不朽龙城力量,对抗坤龙王碧空龙王 Both sides are separated from Heaven Desolate Land Heaven and Earth thoroughly, in Void start the war, hits the stars annihilation, Primordial Chaos was shattered. 双方彻底脱离天荒广陆天地,在虚空中掀起大战,打得星辰湮灭,混沌破碎。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu vision non-stop flashes, palm in Void searches suddenly, the ray flashes, one light sphere appears in his palm, in light sphere one yellow-robed girl sits cross-legged to sit, both eyes closed, as if no to think to the outside thing. 秦帝石羽目光不停闪动,手掌突然在虚空中一探,光芒闪动间,一个光球出现在他掌心,光球一个黄衫女子盘膝而坐,双目闭合,对外界事物仿佛一无所觉。 precisely Shi Xingyun. 正是石星云 Shi Yu unemotionally, the hand wields, that package Shi Xingyun's light sphere, on fall on Immortal Dragon City above, is integrating in City Wall. ( to be continued ) 石羽面无表情,手一挥,那包裹着石星云的光球,就落在不朽龙城之上,融入城墙中。(未完待续) ps: Thank the 10,000 coins of book friend dot empress to hit to enjoy! ps:感谢书友丶女皇的10000点币打赏! Thank other to hit to enjoy this book, subscribed this book, throws friends who the monthly ticket gave this book, thank you! 感谢其他每一位打赏本书,订阅本书,投月票给本书的朋友们,谢谢大家! Guaranteeing a minimum monthly ticket of early August, but also asked everybody to throw to this book much. 八月初的保底月票,还请大家多多投给本书。 Thanks! 谢谢!
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