HNOF :: Volume #12

#1176: Yi Zi capture the Dragon!

Above the vault of heaven, broad Golden Bridge stretches across the horizon, the one purple clothes white robe youth student stands on Golden Bridge, the surface sinks like the water, precisely Zhu Yi. 苍穹之上,一座恢宏金桥横跨天际,一个紫衣白袍的青年书生站在金桥上,面沉如水,正是朱易 Then in just now, in his mind slightly palpitates, raises very ominous feeling. 便在方才,他心中微微悸动,升起非常不祥的感觉。 This moment breaks open fiery red auspicious cloud, pleasant location only was grasped Dao Venerable Blue Thunder in claw by Flowing Flame Dragon King, but does not see Purple Firmament Dao other people. 此刻破开火红祥云,入眼之处只有流炎龙王抓在爪中的蓝霆道尊,但不见紫霄道其他人 Although anything has not seen, but Zhu Yi heart or sank, before he has realized oneself, indistinctly palpitation reason. 虽然什么都没有看见,但朱易一颗心还是沉了下去,他隐约察觉了自己之前心悸的原因。 The Gu Lei husband and wife died. 顾雷夫妻遇难了。 Zhu Yi face upwards a deep sigh, layer upon layer racket of palm on Paramita Golden Bridge, vast Golden Bridge directly turns toward below Flowing Flame Dragon King to pound to fall! 朱易仰天一声长叹,手掌在彼岸金桥重重一拍,浩大的金桥就直接向着下方的流炎龙王砸落! Flowing Flame Dragon King complexion drastic change, if just Zhu Yi, he is liberal with a war, but faces Good Fortune Magical Treasure Paramita Golden Bridge, he is unable to resist. 流炎龙王脸色剧变,若只是朱易,他不吝一战,但面对造化法宝彼岸金桥,他无法抵挡。 Enormous and powerful golden light falls, by minute sea potential, breaks open fiery red dragon power auspicious cloud, Fire Sea turns toward around four to disperse in abundance, changes to sky-filling Rain of Fire. 浩荡金光落下,以分海之势,破开火红龙威祥云,火海纷纷向着四周围散开,化作漫天火雨 Flowing Flame Dragon King is forced to loosen Dao Venerable Blue Thunder, among the huge Dragon Body in the sky spatial transitions, changes makes a firing line, shuttle Void, flees toward the distant place rapidly. 流炎龙王被迫松开蓝霆道尊,巨大的龙身在天空转折之间,变作一条火线,穿梭虚空,飞速向着远方遁逃。 But that Paramita Golden Bridge horizontal frame Heaven and Earth, all over the sky golden brilliance unceasingly extends, no matter how Flowing Flame Dragon King runs away, throughout is under that golden color bridge, can only looks at Golden Bridge press helplessly, his town below. 但那彼岸金桥横框天地,满天金辉不断延伸,不管流炎龙王如何逃遁,都始终处在那金色桥梁之下,只能眼睁睁看着金桥压下来,将他镇在下面。 Distant place Void shakes suddenly, among Heaven and Earth was dyed a deep green color directly. 远方虚空猛然震荡,天地间直接被染成一片碧绿之色。 World seemed divided into two halves, is deep green of emerald similar, while is the normal shape, but is dark green colour that half World is prompting forward unceasingly. Embezzles original World, as if must change to Green entire Heaven and Earth. 世界仿佛被分成两半,一边是翡翠一般的碧绿,一边则是正常形态,而是碧绿色的那半边世界正在不断向前推进。侵吞原有世界,仿佛要将整个天地都化作绿色 In that deep green World, auspicious cloud fills the air. dragon power overflows, is actually Green Sky Dragon King realizes Zhu Yi and arrival of Paramita Golden Bridge, therefore has abandoned Qin Emperor Shi Yu and Immortal Dragon City temporarily, meets head-on Zhu Yi. 那碧绿世界之中,一朵祥云弥漫。龙威四溢,却是碧空龙王察觉到朱易彼岸金桥的到来,于是暂时舍了秦帝石羽不朽龙城,来迎战朱易 Immortal Dragon City facing the Kun Dragon King offensive, although can resists, but Time towed for a long time, was eventually disadvantageous. 不朽龙城面对坤龙王的攻势,虽然可以抵挡,但时间拖得久了,终究不利。 Although Green Sky Dragon King existence of hate deeply Great Qin Dynasty and Immortal Dragon City. But if let alone Zhu Yi and Paramita Golden Bridge no matter, Flowing Flame Dragon King and presents other Dragon Clan. Then almost does not have one to escape by luck, therefore he has to take action. 碧空龙王虽然深恨大秦皇朝不朽龙城的存在。可是如果放任朱易彼岸金桥不管,流炎龙王和在场其他龙族。则几乎无一能幸免,所以他不得不出手 Green Jade Dragon Flame transformed into Treasure Light World, covers 4 sides Heaven and Earth directly, covers after Flowing Flame Dragon King. Flame flashes, then vanishes. 碧玉龙炎所化宝光世界,直接笼罩四方天地,将流炎龙王罩住之后。火光一闪,便即消失。 But on broad Paramita Golden Bridge fall on Treasure Light World, both sides immediately erupt the intense collision. 而恢宏的彼岸金桥落在宝光世界上,双方顿时爆发激烈碰撞。 The Paramita Golden Bridge golden light writings, in instantaneous transform into piece of golden light World, withstand deep green Treasure Light World, peripheral Void Heaven and Earth turns into flake gold Green immediately, is without making any mutual concessions. 彼岸金桥金光大作,于瞬间化为一片金光世界,将碧绿宝光世界顶住,周边虚空天地顿时变成一片金绿色,互不相让。 Sees before one's eyes World, takes Paramita Golden Bridge to be divided into two halves as the boundary, at the same time pure gold. At the same time deep green, as if two side entirely different World. 就见眼前世界,以彼岸金桥为分界线被分为两半,一边纯金。一边碧绿,仿佛两方截然不同的世界 Zhu Yi stands above Paramita Golden Bridge, the vision is gazing at deep green Treasure Light World. Line of sight in slowly moving. 朱易站在彼岸金桥之上,目光注视着碧绿宝光世界。视线在缓缓移动着。 Inside and outside deep green Treasure Light World clear, seems empty, but places Flowing Flame Dragon King in the heart to be imposing, because of the Zhu Yi's vision, precisely along with the his personal appearance, but moving. 碧绿宝光世界内外澄澈,似乎空无一物,但身处其中的流炎龙王心中凛然,因为朱易的目光,正是随着他的身形而移动 Is away from Blue Light World, Zhu Yi as if can also solidly lock the his position. 隔着碧光世界,朱易仿佛也能牢牢锁定他的位置。 Paramita Golden Bridge shakes suddenly. golden light is even more dazzling, non-stop oppresses deep green Treasure Light World. 彼岸金桥猛然一震。金光越发耀眼,不停压迫碧绿宝光世界 Before was this Treasure Light World embezzles Heaven and Earth. But at this moment actually under the Paramita Golden Bridge oppression, starts unceasingly retreat. 之前是这宝光世界侵吞天地。但此刻却在彼岸金桥压迫下,开始不断后退 The deep green ray was worn down little, breaks in Void. 碧绿光芒一点点被消磨,破碎于虚空之中。 This is only Green Dragon Clan Innate Talent Mystical Ability Green Jade Dragon Flame concise form, the place of Treasure Light World covering, is similar to piece of Forbidden Technique World, melts opponent Mystical Ability Magic Force in Formless, opponent Mystical Ability also without enough time starts, had been eradicated by deep green Treasure Light. 此光乃是碧龙一族天赋神通碧玉龙炎凝练而成,宝光世界笼罩之处,便如同一片禁法世界,将对手神通法力化解于无形,对手神通还来不及发动,就已经被碧绿宝光破除。 However at this moment in Paramita Golden Bridge under oppresses, instead is deep green Treasure Light dispels in non-stop, is difficult to sustain. 但是此刻在彼岸金桥的压迫之下,反而是碧绿宝光不停消解,难以为继。 That broad bridge as if must eagerly anticipate the Heaven and Earth all living things Transcendence sea of bitterness, arrives in Paramita, is cut off again, is unable the footsteps of sluggish this unceasing vanguard. 那恢宏桥梁仿佛要引领天地众生超脱苦海,抵达彼岸,再多阻隔,也无法迟滞这不断前行的脚步。 Green Sky Dragon King cried loud and long, he was Dragon Clan, the strength is greatly strengthened, but also missed from achievement Realm of Dharma-Ending after all the last step, facing Good Fortune Magical Treasure Paramita Golden Bridge, only own Mystical Ability Monster Strength, was eventually inferior. 碧空龙王长啸一声,他身为龙族,实力极强,但毕竟距离成就末法之境还差最后一步,面对造化法宝彼岸金桥,单凭自身神通妖力,终究逊色。 In Green auspicious cloud in deep green Treasure Light World, the one huge form flashes, partly visible, vigorous Monster Strength and boundless vitality send out together, making deep green Treasure Light World concentrate suddenly, instantaneously becomes indestructible, blocks Paramita Golden Bridge. 碧绿宝光世界中的绿色祥云里,一个巨大的身影闪动,若隐若现,雄浑妖力和磅礴气血一起散发开来,使得碧绿宝光世界猛然一凝,瞬间变得坚不可摧,挡住彼岸金桥 This is actually Green Sky Dragon King appears oneself primary form True Body, with Zhu Yi and a Paramita Golden Bridge war. 这却是碧空龙王显化自己的原形真身,与朱易彼岸金桥一战。 His Green Dragon Clan does not grow perceptibly by Fleshly Body Strength, but appears primary form really behind, Mystical Ability Strength immediately rising suddenly of extremely big scope. 碧龙一族不以肉身之力见长,但显化原形真身后,神通之力顿时极大幅度的暴涨。 After withstanding step of Paramita Golden Bridge advance, deep green Treasure Light even starts to change from defensive to offensive, concise radiance, gradually becomes incisive, has been full of the attack nature. 在顶住彼岸金桥前进的步伐之后,碧绿宝光甚至开始反守为攻,凝练至极的光辉,渐渐变得尖锐,充满了攻击性。 Deep green Treasure Light World becomes twists, gradually overall turns into Dragon Form, was roaring roll towards Paramita Golden Bridge. 碧绿宝光世界变得扭曲,渐渐整体变成龙形,咆哮着卷向彼岸金桥 Zhu Yi looks at this, said calmly: Good, soon will end worthily Beginning Calamity Dragon Clan Great Monster , Golden Peng Great Saint fallen, after Zhuyan Great Saint and your clan Huang Shen Dragon King ascends a height to get a broad view Dharma End, takes a broad view at Heaven Desolate Land, in Realm of Dharma-Ending following Monster Race, perhaps only White Tiger Great Saint can fight with you.” 朱易看着这一幕,平静说道:“好,不愧是即将完了初劫龙族大妖,金鹏大圣陨落,朱厌大圣和你族黄绅龙王登临末法之后,放眼天荒广陆,末法之境以下的妖族中,恐怕只有白虎大圣才能与你一战。” just does not know in Nether Clan, Beginning Calamity Tribulation-Facing Stage Nether, compared with you, who is stronger and who is weaker?” 只是不知幽都一族中,初劫历劫期幽都,与你相比,孰强孰弱?” Zhu Yi was saying at the same time, under the hand silk not at all stops, both hands Secret Technique gathers, a lines after lines inexplicable radiance in addition holds above Paramita Golden Bridge. 朱易一边说着,手底下丝毫不停,双手法诀一合,一道道莫名光辉加持在彼岸金桥之上。 Sees on Paramita Golden Bridge, around golden light, suddenly flood intermittent purple mist. 就见彼岸金桥上,金光周围,突然泛起阵阵紫色云烟。 Huge Spirit Turtle, virtuous behavior Qilin, noble and pure Phoenix, as well as a dignified blue dragon, appears above Golden Bridge together. 巨大的灵龟,贤德的麒麟,高洁的凤凰,以及一条威严的苍龙,一起出现在金桥之上。 Sees that dragon image, the deep green Treasure Light World transformed into long line sends out to vibrate the Nine Heavens length to recite immediately. 看见那条龙影,碧绿宝光世界所化长龙顿时发出震动九天的长吟。 On the Zhu Yi face the expression has not changed, left hand strikes above Paramita Golden Bridge, but right hand averagely forward stretches out, the five fingers open. 朱易脸上表情没有丝毫变化,左手拍击在彼岸金桥之上,而右手则平平向前伸出,五指张开。 Four Spirits of Light Avatar Magic Force transformed into, changes makes four big giant light beams instantaneously, its in addition holds Paramita Golden Bridge, forms one giant Aura gradually, Heavenly Circulation complete True Meaning reveals without doubt. 光影法力所化四灵,瞬间变作四大巨大的光柱,其加持彼岸金桥,渐渐形成一个巨型光环,周天圆满之真意显露无疑。 Four Forms Great Heavenly Circulation stands like a tripod, the five fingers that Zhu Yi right hand opens, actually suddenly get hold. 四象大周天阵鼎立,朱易右手张开的五指,却猛然间握紧。 That shining Heavenly Circulation winds, with Paramita Golden Bridge the golden color ray coincides, then twists up suddenly. 熠熠生辉周天回环,与彼岸金桥的的金色光芒相合,然后猛然扭曲起来 Heavenly Circulation big collapsed and destroyed!” 周天崩灭!” As if must make complete Heavenly Circulation collapsed and destroyed formidable Strength erupt immediately, with Paramita Golden Bridge radiance links deep green light dragon that the no trace of politeness bang entangles toward oneself to that. 仿佛要让圆满周天崩灭强大力量顿时爆发出来,与彼岸金桥光辉结合在一起,毫不客气轰向那朝着自己缠上来的碧绿光龙。 Paramita Golden Bridge Aura suddenly changes, still eagerly anticipates Strength Domain of Heaven and Earth situation unceasing vanguard, but the style suddenly became overbearing, as if surging long river big tide, will stop to shatter to grind in oneself front all things! 彼岸金桥气息陡然一变,仍然是引领天地大势不断前行的力量意境,但风格猛然间变得霸道了许多,仿佛滚滚长河大潮,将阻拦在自己面前的一切事物都尽数冲垮碾碎! Vast boundless Strength, shakes deep green light dragon non-stop that is entangling to shiver, dissipation of lines after lines Green radiance in Heaven and Earth. 浩瀚无边的力量,震荡着缠上来的碧绿光龙不停颤抖,一道道绿色光辉天地间散逸。 Does not wait for Green Sky Dragon King to have the next movement, the Zhu Yi second wave of offensive topple the mountains and overturn the seas similar arrive to, the imposing manner further surged upward, suffocating! 不等碧空龙王有下一步动作,朱易第二波攻势就已经排山倒海一般杀到,气势进一步高涨,令人窒息! left hand still according to above Paramita Golden Bridge, Zhu Yi's right hand five fingers again opened, lifts up high to the day. 左手仍然按在彼岸金桥之上,朱易的右手五指则重新张开,高举向天。 Vault of Heaven entire vibrated, as if splits the one path illusory slit. 天穹整个震动了一下,仿佛裂开一道虚幻的缝隙。 In Darkness Cosmic World Starry Sky, the Metal Luminary - Venus star, Wood Luminary - Jupiter, Water Luminary - Mercury, the Fire Luminary - Mars star and Earth Luminary - Saturn, these five big stars flash together, the ray even more intensely bright, as if at any time can on the Yielding Heaven curtain fall. 黑暗宇宙星空中,金曜太白星,木曜岁星,水曜辰星,火曜荧惑星和土曜镇星,这五大星辰一起闪动,光芒越发耀眼夺目,仿佛随时都会从天幕上坠下来似的。 Similar to cuts the Heaven and Earth Sword Light similar white golden color thunder. 如同切割天地剑光一般的白金色雷霆。 The branches and leaves are luxuriant, Life Aura rich towering Willow Tree. 枝叶繁茂,生命气息浓郁的参天柳树 As if ices Underworld to be the same coldly, infinite ice cold cold air gathering. 仿佛寒冰地狱一样,无穷冰凛寒气汇聚。 Gathers at one point, non-stop revolving scarlet red Fire Wheel. 汇聚于一点,不停旋转的赤红色火轮 Black stone exposed, the cliff as if can support the heaven ruggedly extending Ancient Divine Mountain. 黑石裸露,峭壁嶙峋仿佛能支撑苍天的亘古神山 Five big physical images appear sky over the Zhu Yi right hand five fingers respectively, on five Luminary stars with Vault of Heaven coordinates with each other across a great distance, receives and instructs stars Strength to fall. 五大物象分别出现在朱易右手五指上空,与天穹上的五曜星辰遥相呼应,接引星辰之力落下。 This is actually Ancient Heaven Gate direct line Great Heaven Seven Luminaries True Law, now reappears in Zhu Yi on hand. 这却是上古天门嫡传大诸天七曜真法,如今在朱易手上重现。 Zhu Yi not by this attack Green Sky Dragon King, but directs to gather above together arrived Paramita Golden Bridge five Luminary stars great strength, obtains the broad stars Strength in addition to hold, Paramita Golden Bridge is even more great. 朱易并不以此攻击碧空龙王,而是将五曜星辰巨力一起引聚到了彼岸金桥之上,得到恢宏星辰力量的加持,彼岸金桥越发宏大。 Five Luminary stars Strength by Five Elements manifestation potential, continually the promote each other promote, as if endless. 五曜星辰之力更以五行化生之势,不断相互促进提升,仿佛无穷无尽 Although Zhu Yi Mystical Ability Magic Force far ultra common Divine Origin Avatar Cultivation Realm Cultivator, but his own load bearing stars great strength still had the limit after all, but Good Fortune Magical Treasure Paramita Golden Bridge receives and instructs stars Strength, as if has many to come many. 朱易虽然神通法力远超寻常元神化身境界修士,但他自身承载星辰巨力毕竟仍有极限,可是造化法宝彼岸金桥接引星辰之力,却仿佛是有多少来多少。 A flashing all colors starlight Paramita Golden Bridge in the sky airborne revolution, overbearing Strength will entangle suddenly directly above deep green light dragon shakes broken becomes several! 闪动五彩星光彼岸金桥在天空中猛然一转,霸道力量直接将缠在其上的碧绿光龙震得碎成几段! radiance clears, in deep green auspicious cloud, Green Sky Dragon King stuffy snort|hum, searches the take action claw suddenly, is not grab towards Paramita Golden Bridge, but is grab towards Flowing Flame Dragon King. 光辉散尽,碧绿祥云之中,碧空龙王闷哼一声,猛然探出手爪,并非抓向彼岸金桥,而是抓向流炎龙王 The deep green light dragon breaks, changes to the flowing light gradually, reveals beforehand hides Flowing Flame Dragon King, but Paramita Golden Bridge third catching up, turns toward Flowing Flame Dragon King to flush away immediately. 碧绿光龙断裂开来,渐渐化作流光,露出之前隐藏其中的流炎龙王,而彼岸金桥立刻第三次发力,就向着流炎龙王冲去。 Green Sky Dragon King and on the Flowing Flame Dragon King face also changes color, in the Green Sky Dragon King long howl, huge dragon head finds out from deep green auspicious cloud, opens the big mouth, leaves the strong green light toward Paramita Golden Bridge gush out, the color nearly black color! 碧空龙王流炎龙王脸上同时变色,碧空龙王长啸声中,巨大的龙首从碧绿祥云之中探出,张开大嘴,朝着彼岸金桥喷薄出浓烈绿光,颜色近乎墨色! Flowing Flame Dragon King also appears primary form True Body, changes to a firing line to fast flee. 流炎龙王显化原形真身,化作一条火线要飞快遁逃。 Where runs?” Zhu Yi both palms gather, Divine Origin escaped human form, changes to covering the sky and blocking the Sun Literature Supreme Ultimate Diagram, infinite Light and Darkness Writings surges, finally composes the one gigantic and mysterious writing above Supreme Ultimate Diagram together. “哪里跑?”朱易双掌一合,元神脱了人形,化作一副遮天蔽日文华太极图,无穷光暗文字涌动,最后在太极图上方共同组成一个硕大而又玄奥的文字。 Change! 易! Above Supreme Ultimate Diagram fall on Paramita Golden Bridge, broad Golden Bridge however changed in infinite golden light in the process the appearance, changes to Giant that one is indomitable spirit unexpectedly, the foot pedal earth, the top of the head dashes Vault of Heaven, tears Void. 太极图落在彼岸金桥之上,恢宏金桥在无穷金光中突然变了模样,竟然化作一个顶天立地的巨人,脚踏大地,头顶撞破天穹,撕裂虚空 This Giant look and Zhu Yi have five points of similar, great just vast, the front piece flutters broadly, the whole body covers, in the rosy cloud air/Qi in golden light, just likes Heavenly God descends to earth, top of the head seven Dao Light encircle flashing, shines Heaven and Earth, great incomparable. 巨人相貌与朱易有五分相似,宏正浩大,衣襟宽广飘荡,浑身笼罩在霞气金光之中,犹如天神下凡,头顶七道光闪烁,照耀天地,宏大无匹。 Giant lifts an arm, keeps off before the oneself body, black ink Green brilliance that obstruct Green Sky Dragon King spurts, but another hand directly captures Flowing Flame Dragon King. 巨人抬起一条手臂,挡在自己身前,阻住碧空龙王喷来的墨绿色光华,而另一只手则直接擒拿住流炎龙王 Overwhelming power Flame Dragon, was held by this Giant at this time, as if a grass snake! 威猛的炎龙,此时被这巨人抓住,仿佛一条草蛇! Green Sky Dragon King and Flowing Flame Dragon King simultaneously roars, that golden color Giant look is indifferent, the mouth spits the criticism, the precisely Zhu Yi's sound: „When True Dragon, may be possible to be small greatly, is big above ascension Nine Heavens, hour hideaway in inside a cave.” 碧空龙王流炎龙王齐齐怒吼,那金色巨人则神色淡然,口吐人言,正是朱易的声音:“真龙,可大可小,大时升腾九天之上,小时隐藏于鳅穴之中。” But is grasped by me now, can you also be able to soar the change?” ( to be continued ) “但现在被我拿住,你可还能飞腾变化?”(未完待续)
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