HNOF :: Volume #12

#1175: Slaughters bloody

numerous Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator offers a sacrifice to flag by Secret Technique, the 12 surface purple flag flutters, forms the battle formation, temporarily maintains the that path crack not to continue to crack. 一众紫霄道修士秘法祭旗,十二面紫旗飘扬之间,结成阵势,暂时维持住那道裂缝不继续开裂。 But along with the oppression of Dragon Fire drifting clouds, the battle formation creakies, at any time possibly broken extinguishes. 但随着龙火流云的压迫,阵势摇摇欲坠,随时可能碎灭。 This Array Formation is the law of opposing the enemy, but in the present situation, numerous Purple Firmament Dao Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator is incapable with the Expert resistance of Dragon Clan achievement Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm completely, Formation also just strives for a slim chance of survival. 法阵本来是对敌之法,但现在的情况下,一众紫霄道元婴期修士完全无力和龙族成就原始真灵境界强者对抗,阵法只是争取一线生机。 This vitality, actually strives for other people. 这线生机,却是为其他人争取的。 The person of set up formation maintains that path crack gap, is not only the opening, brings up the rear, under those images and scenes, wants to return alive, the hope is quite uncertain. 布阵之人维持那道裂缝缺口,既是开路,也是断后,此情此景之下,想要生还,希望极为渺茫。 Li Kuiyin looks the filled with grief color, looks at as if changes to Gu Lei of one electricity person, Gu Lei the law of line, is Purple Firmament Secret Technique, squeezes oneself forcefully, afterward will have the extremely big side effect. 李葵音面露悲怆之色,看着仿佛化作一个电人的顾雷,顾雷所行之法,乃是紫霄秘法,强行压榨自身,事后会有极大的副作用。 Usually perhaps the just future trouble, have the means to think, but present situation, is the possibility that is doomed not to fortunately survive. 平时或许只是后患,还有办法可想,但眼下的情况,则是注定没有幸存的可能。 But he with the Secret Technique support, can actually with the one person by own strength activate two flags. 而他以秘法支撑,却能以一人之力祭起两面旗帜。 The five senses look changed to lightning lightning ray Gu Lei completely, looks at Li Kuiyin, the corners of the mouth pulls, slightly has smiled. 五官相貌已经完全化作闪电雷光顾雷,看着李葵音,嘴角扯动,微微笑了一下。 In the distant place, Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator also wants to withdraw through this slit, but they are the Dragon Clan main attack goals, under several Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Dragon Clan Expert leads, many Immortal Monster Soul Realm Dragon Clan, break in the Great Qin Dynasty camp together, launches the bloody murder. 在远方,大秦皇朝修士也想通过这道缝隙脱身,但他们是龙族的主要攻击目标,在几头原始真灵境界龙族强者率领下,更有不少不灭妖魂境界龙族,一起冲入大秦皇朝阵营中,展开血腥屠杀。 The situation is urgent, numerous Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator flushes away to the slit. 局势刻不容缓,一众紫霄道修士纷纷向缝隙外冲去。 fellow laughs in the face of death to strive for the hope of survival for them. Their this moment any hesitant entanglements, recollections are sad, does not mean their heavy sentiment. Only represents them not to divide light and heavy. 同门舍生忘死为他们争取到生存的希望。他们此刻任何犹豫纠缠,感怀忧伤,不意味着他们重感情。只代表他们不分轻重 Any indecisive, is wasting these to hold precious Time that the people of heart of life and death are striving. 任何犹豫不决,都是在浪费这些抱着决死之心的人们争取来的宝贵时间 If said that must live and die together, everybody gives up resisting to resign oneself to extinction together then. 若说要同生共死,那大家一起放弃抵抗束手待毙即可。 Ten die not fresh aspect, will be desperate, as long as the gleam of fresh hopes, Gu Lei and the others negatively will not pace back and forth. 十死无生的局面,会让人绝望,而但凡有一线生的希望,顾雷等人都不会消极彷徨。 Has not bid goodbye, has not burst into tears. The Li Kuiyin personal appearance also turns toward outside the slit to flush away, but her body actually as if good-for-nothing similar. In the vision also the lost vigor, just crazily looks back to look at Gu Lei. 没有话别,没有流泪。李葵音的身形也向着缝隙之外冲去,但她身体却仿佛行尸走肉一般。目光中也失去了活力,只是痴痴回首望着顾雷 At Gu Lei stimulates to movement Secret Technique, the activate both sides purple flag time, his destiny then has been determined already. 顾雷催动秘法,祭起两面紫旗的时候,他的命运便已经注定 Gu Lei vision. By the strength, again became such as past similar is temperate, the looks at oneself wife, changed to the face of lightning ray all, reappeared indistinctly the one smiling face. 顾雷的目光。由刚才的强硬,重新变得如往日一般温和,看着自己的妻子,尽数化作雷光的面孔上,隐约浮现一个笑容。 My this anything matter depends on you for a lifetime, this matter is not good, you not must blame me.” “我这一辈子什么事都依你,就这件事不行,你莫要怪我啊。” Not saying a word sound, does not have Divine Consciousness thought communicate, but merely is the vision exchange of flash. Also makes Li Kuiyin understand Gu Lei this moment idea sufficiently. 没有言语声音,也没有神识意念沟通,但仅仅是一瞬间的目光交流。也足以让李葵音了解到顾雷此刻想法。 In the Li Kuiyin vision as if again presents appearance, restored past hale and hearty: Does a bit less, in the minor matter you always depend on me. At the important matter is I have actually been depending on you.” 李葵音目光中仿佛重新出现神采,也恢复往日的硬朗:“少来,小事上你从来依我。大事上却是我一直依着你的。” „? Is this?” The vision interlocks, Gu Lei can understand Li Kuiyin idea, the corners of the mouth smiling face be more obvious similarly, but his whole body Magic Force Aura, even more is unstable. “啊?是这样吗?”目光交错之间,顾雷同样能明白李葵音意思,嘴角笑容更明显,但他周身法力气息,却也更加不稳定。 In lightning ray, impressively obviously Gu Lei Nascent Soul. At this moment also greatly puts radiance, as if combustion up. 雷光之中,赫然可见顾雷元婴。此刻也大放光明,仿佛燃烧起来 You depend on my one time finally again.” “那你最后再依我一次吧。” Li Kuiyin wants to pause simply. She wants saying that according to you for a lifetime, this time is not good, but contacts Gu Lei that temperate vision, felt that oneself is hard to run counter to his final wish. 李葵音想要索性停步。她想说依了你一辈子,就这一次不行,但接触到顾雷那温和的目光,却感到自己难以违背他最后的意愿。 In that flash, has the tears to fall from the Li Kuiyin eye socket. 在那一瞬间,有泪水自李葵音眼眶中滑落。 Little the young acquaintance, before pay respects to join Purple Firmament Dao, then the friends from childhood, two sentiments liked each other, after being grown, achieved wishes became husband and wife, the mutual support has arrived at today, scenes in recollection all appears in Li Kuiyin in the mind. 少小相识,在拜入紫霄道之前,便已经青梅竹马,两情相悦,成年后如愿结为夫妻,相互扶持一直走到今天,回忆中的一幕幕场景全都在李葵音脑海中浮现。 The blazing flame on the tear stains evaporation the Li Kuiyin face is instantaneously clean, one path wild Dragon Fire from the distant place shoots, does not need the Purple Firmament Dao people to run out of the crack, then threw to their front. 炽热的火光瞬间将李葵音脸上泪痕蒸发干净,一道狂暴的龙火自远方射来,不待紫霄道众人冲出裂缝,便已经扑到他们面前 Gu Lei and Li Kuiyin and the others facial color simultaneously changes, when sees that is Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Flame Dragon with the Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator fight, gush out Dragon Fire was shunted by Great Qin Cultivator, then actually just right fall on Purple Firmament Dao people front. 顾雷李葵音等人面色齐齐一变,就见那是一头原始真灵境界炎龙正与大秦皇朝修士战斗时,喷薄龙火大秦修士躲开,然后却正好落在紫霄道众人面前 in the end still......” Gu Lei sighed, can only looks at, actually be helplessly incapable of preventing happen of matter. 终究还是……”顾雷叹息一声,只能眼睁睁看着,却无力阻止事情的发生 Array Formation that 12 surface purple flag constitutes, the support crack was difficult, at this moment was being spurted by Dragon Fire, immediately collapses. 十二面紫旗所构成的法阵,支撑裂缝本就艰难,此刻在被龙火一喷,顿时崩溃。 Under the Strength function of formidable, Space twists, minority Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator instead therefore were sent out the crack, can escape alive. 强大力量作用下,空间扭曲,少数紫霄道修士反而因此被送出了裂缝,得以逃出生天 But most people, thoroughly were actually blocked in Fire Sea, but that crack twists again to close up. 但大部分人,却被彻底封死在火海之中,而那裂缝则扭曲着重新合拢。 Supports Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator of 12 surface purple flag, naturally is unable to escape by luck. 支撑十二面紫旗的紫霄道修士,自然都无法幸免。 Dragon Fire sky-filling, as if can be burnt through including Space, massive Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator under the flame attack, were broken through protected body lightning ray, then changes to a one fireball, fallen in Fire Sea. 龙火漫天,仿佛连空间都能被烧穿,大量紫霄道修士在火焰侵袭下,被攻破了护体雷光,然后化作一个个火球,陨落火海之中。 The looks at fellow massive tragic deaths, only remain the oneself few several people, had one Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator unable to repress, is struggling calling out: My Purple Firmament Dao and Immortal Dragon City not hinder!” 看着同门大量惨死,只剩自己寥寥数人,有一个紫霄道修士按捺不住,挣扎着叫道:“我紫霄道不朽龙城并无关碍!” That Flame Dragon was staring at Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator, at this time heard this turned the head: Purple Firmament Dao? I have almost forgotten, goodwill that in the rumor on Divine Great Land many Sect, the relations of you guys and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect are to know how things stand?” 那头炎龙本来在盯着大秦皇朝修士,这时闻言转过头来:“紫霄道?我差点忘了,传言中神州浩土上诸多宗门,你们玄门天宗的关系是有数的亲善?” „It is not good!” Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator of that struggling, on the face appears immediately the desperate color, mourns in one's heart, if dies, the thought that continues to resist instantaneously continually abates, quickly by raging fire Devouring. “不好!”那个挣扎的紫霄道修士,脸上顿时浮现绝望之色,心丧若死,瞬间连继续抵抗的意念都消退,很快被烈火吞噬 Between Great Qin Dynasty and Dragon Clan relate arrive at the extreme badly, but between Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and Dragon Clan, the relations are also bad. 大秦皇朝龙族之间关系恶劣到极点,而玄门天宗龙族之间,关系也非常恶劣。 Not to mention in the past Thunder Dragon Clan Scarlet Thunder Dragon King was built up Thunder Dragon Clone by Lin Feng, at this moment with Kun Dragon King of Immortal Dragon City battle, precisely was cutting off the right claw and Dragon's Tail by Profound Gate's Master Lin Feng in the past, Green Sky Dragon King also in that fights is damaged. 且不说昔年雷龙族赤霆龙王林锋炼成雷龙分身,此刻在和不朽龙城交战的坤龙王,当年正是玄门之主林锋砍断右爪和龙尾,碧空龙王也在那一战中受创。 Saying of this Flame Dragon coldly: Don't said that you guys Purple Firmament Dao Cultivator, is Profound Gate Heavenly Sect direct line, today fall on in my Extreme Teeth, kills without the amnesty.” 这头炎龙冷冷的说道:“莫说你们紫霄道修士了,便是玄门天宗嫡传,今天落在绝牙手里,也是杀无赦。” Profound Gate Cultivator wants to seek me to revenge, that then makes them come, they are strong, they have killed me, they are weak, I link them to kill together, each other war, dies.” 玄门修士欲寻我报仇,那便让他们来,他们强,他们杀了我,他们不够强,我连他们一起杀,彼此之战,至死方休。” Extreme Teeth Dragon King sends out wild roar, whole body Dragon Fire and Flowing Flame Dragon King dragon power auspicious cloud transformed into Fire Sea coincides, is even more wild. 绝牙龙王发出一声狂吼,周身龙火流炎龙王龙威祥云所化火海相合,越发狂暴。 Gu Lei electric light transformed into body, under the roaring flame roasts roasts, the dissipation speed fast, he smiles bitterly looks at oneself front Li Kuiyin: in the end still cannot delivers you.” 顾雷电光所化的身躯,在烈焰炙烤之下,消散速度飞快,他苦笑看着自己面前李葵音:“终究还是没能把你送出去。” Li Kuiyin places in the raging fire similarly, slightly smiles, extend the hand pulls the palm of Gu Lei. 李葵音同样身处烈火之中,微微一笑,伸出手牵起顾雷的手掌。 Although she also studies Purple Firmament Dao Dao Technique, but direct contact Gu Lei changes to the thunder & lightning body, by the thunder & lightning non-stop burn, but the Li Kuiyin look is tranquil, opened mouth to say anything, but arrived final, countless words only remaining a few words: „...... This.” 虽然她也是修习紫霄道道法,但直接接触顾雷化作雷电的身躯,也被雷电不停灼伤,但李葵音神色宁静,张了张嘴想说什么,但到了最后,千言万语只剩下一句话:“……就这样吧。” On the Gu Lei face reappears the temperate happy expression: Also can only so......” 顾雷脸上重现温和笑意:“也只能如此了……” The body of couple, by boundless Fire Sea engulf, no longer was seen gradually again. 夫妻二人的身躯,渐渐被无边火海吞没,再不复见。 But Great Qin Dynasty numerous Cultivator, was put to death by Dragon Clan Expert successively, or falls into the raging fire, finally transform into ashes. 大秦皇朝一众修士,也先后被龙族强者诛杀,或者身陷烈火之中,最终化为灰烬。 But the horizons in Fire Sea, the Flowing Flame Dragon King length recited the sound to resound through Heaven and Earth, prolonged unceasingly. 而在火海上方天际之间,流炎龙王的长吟声响彻天地,经久不绝。 During boundless raging fire burning down, was pinched Anliang King Shi Zongyue and Dao Venerable Blue Thunder in in hand claw by him, at this moment Divine Origin was badly-damaged, even definitely is unable to maintain the human form. 无边烈火焚烧之间,被他捏在手爪中的安良王石宗岳蓝霆道尊,此刻都已经元神残破不堪,甚至完全无法维持人形。 Shi Zongyue Void Return Dharma Body already thorough shatter, only remains Divine Origin Avatar, but Void Return Dharma Body of Dao Venerable Blue Thunder thunder clouds appearance, gradually is at this moment split up. 石宗岳返虚法体已经彻底破碎,只剩元神化身,而蓝霆道尊雷云模样的返虚法体,此刻也渐渐四分五裂。 The indistinct Formless thunder clouds, as if congeal at this moment the entity, above covers entirely the fissure slit, in the slit, some massive lightning ray sparkles. 缥缈无形的雷云,此刻仿佛凝结成实体,上面布满裂痕缝隙,缝隙之中,有大量雷光闪耀。 Under the thrust augmentation along with the Flowing Flame Dragon King claw, Dao Venerable Blue Thunder Void Return Dharma Body loudly is also stave, was destroyed stiffly by Flowing Flame Dragon King. 随着流炎龙王爪下加力,蓝霆道尊返虚法体也轰然破碎,被流炎龙王硬生生毁去。 Hidden Dragon Pot and Green Lightning Destroying Evil Sabre two manifestation grade Magical Treasure, border on under the heavy pressure at this moment shatter. 藏龙壶碧雷破邪刀两件化生级数法宝,此刻也是在重压之下濒临破碎。 That terrifying Dragon Fire fires unceasingly, causes the knife edge that Green Lightning Destroying Evil Sabre that is repeatedly tempered, starts to twist unexpectedly gradually. 恐怖龙火不断灼烧,使得碧雷破邪刀那千锤百炼的刀刃,竟然开始逐渐扭曲。 But Hidden Dragon Pot surface, has crack, has lit a fire like one, has abandoned gradually chinaware. 藏龙壶表面,也出现裂缝,就像一个烧过火,渐渐废了的瓷器。 Flowing Flame Dragon King coldly said: Hidden Dragon Pot? but including the place of fake dragon occupying the snake was inferior, conceal has resulted in True Dragon?” 流炎龙王冷冷说道:“藏龙壶不过是连蛇都不如的假龙盘踞之地,藏得了真龙吗?” During the speeches, the light dragons of flame formations, break in the Hidden Dragon Pot Hukou forcefully, Shi Zongyue eye socket wants looks at this of crack, is actually incapable of preventing. 说话间,一条条火焰形成的光龙,强行冲入藏龙壶壶口之中,石宗岳目眦欲裂的看着这一幕,却无力阻止。 In Hidden Dragon Pot spreads stuffy hum unceasingly, in the pot in Space, the Magical Treasure Original Spirit transformed into length must old man, the quilt strip fire dragon be encumbered, the whole body burns up and down up, the mouth and nose torching, transform into will be shortly destroyed. 藏龙壶中不断传出闷哼声,壶内空间里,法宝元灵所化的长须老者,被条条火龙缠身,周身上下都燃烧起来,口鼻喷火,顷刻间化为乌有。 Bang makes a sound entire life, fire dragons run out from Hidden Dragon Pot directly forcefully, being split up that the pot body entire clashes, thorough transform into fragment. “轰”的一生响,一条条火龙直接从藏龙壶内部强行冲出,将壶身整个冲的四分五裂,彻底化为碎片。 Flowing Flame Dragon King vision ice-cold: Tolerated the fake dragon, actually could not accommodate True Dragon.” 流炎龙王目光冰冷:“能容得了假龙,却到底容不下真龙。” Saying, under his claw makes an effort, directly the Shi Zongyue Divine Origin thorough crumb! 说着,他爪下用力,直接将石宗岳元神彻底捏碎! Great Qin Dynasty previous generation Ancient Elder, Qin Emperor Shi Yu Imperial Uncle, Anliang King Shi Zongyue, falls from the sky in light of this! 大秦皇朝上一代宿老,秦帝石羽皇叔,安良王石宗岳,就此陨灭! Flowing Flame Dragon King opens mouth attracts, after Shi Zongyue Divine Origin was shattered, transformed into stream of fire, then gathers the one path flame, was swallowed into the abdomen by him directly! 流炎龙王张开嘴一吸,石宗岳元神破碎后所化流火,便聚拢成一道火光,被他直接吞入腹中! But next moment, his Dragon Claw makes an effort once more, Dao Venerable Blue Thunder and Green Lightning Destroying Evil Sabre also simultaneously shakes, is unable to withstand the load. 下一刻,他龙爪再次用力,蓝霆道尊碧雷破邪刀齐齐震荡,不堪重负。 Flowing Flame Dragon King Monster Strength moves, Dao Venerable Blue Thunder was still pinched in in hand by him, Green Lightning Destroying Evil Sabre emptied, but has not waited for this manifestation grade Magical Treasure to have what movement, Flowing Flame Dragon King opens the big mouth, will have bitten to swallow. 流炎龙王妖力一动,蓝霆道尊仍然被他捏在手中,碧雷破邪刀则空了出来,但还不等这件化生级数法宝有何动作,流炎龙王张开大嘴,已经将之咬住吞下。 flashing of lightning ray in the Flowing Flame Dragon King mouth, often has electric spark from there to jump out, but Flowing Flame Dragon King actually as if doesn't care, such forcefully Green Lightning Destroying Evil Sabre Devouring. 雷光流炎龙王口中闪烁,不时有电火花从中窜出,但流炎龙王却仿佛毫不在意,就这么强行将碧雷破邪刀吞噬 On Dao Venerable Blue Thunder that next moment, his vision then fall on also suffocated. 下一刻,他的目光便落在也已经奄奄一息的蓝霆道尊身上。 At this moment, the Flowing Flame Dragon King look moves suddenly, sees distant place Void breaks open, one path broad golden light spans among Heaven and Earth, shuttle horizon, direct stamp crushing fiery red dragon power auspicious cloud. 就在这时,流炎龙王神色突然一动,就见远方虚空破开,一道恢宏金光横亘天地之间,穿梭天际,直接捣碎了火红龙威祥云 golden light congealing reality, changes to one path atmosphere myriad grand Golden Bridge, innumerable give an exaggerated account of things, a rainbow falls, precisely Zhu Yi's Paramita Golden Bridge. 金光凝实,化作一道气象万千的宏伟金桥,无数天花乱坠,条条彩虹落下,正是朱易的彼岸金桥 Broad Golden Bridge has not fallen, just Magic Force Aura shakes, then compels Flowing Flame Dragon King to loosen Dao Venerable Blue Thunder. ( to be continued ) 恢宏金桥尚未落下,只是法力气息一震,便迫得流炎龙王不得不松开蓝霆道尊。(未完待续) ps: Third! ps:第三更到! Right, you guys has not guessed wrong, I am ask the monthly ticket, sells to sprout, asks a ticket, sleeps to think happily! 没错,你们没猜错,我就是来求月票的,卖个萌,求个票,开开心心睡觉觉! ...... Um, now can sleep to think that is quite pitiful, asking everybody to throw to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket. ……嗯,现在才能睡觉觉,好可怜的,请大家投一下保底月票。 Thank you! 谢谢大家!
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