HNOF :: Volume #12

#1182: Be captured!

Saw Yue Hongyan this spear, a Extreme Teeth Dragon King heart to sink immediately. 看见岳红炎这一枪,绝牙龙王一颗心顿时沉了下去。 He can feel indistinctly that oneself Dragon Fire Domain may very much by Yue Hongyan this spear crushing. 他能隐约感到,自己龙火界域很有可能被岳红炎这一枪击碎。 The Extreme Teeth Dragon King anger roar, was stimulated arrogance ominous, forehead True Spirit Divine Mark flashes, Dragon Fire Domain suddenly starts to contract to congeal gradually, no longer protects and sustains his oneself, but welcomed toward Yue Hongyan. 绝牙龙王怒啸一声,也被激发了傲气凶性,额头真灵神纹闪动之间,龙火界域突然开始渐渐收缩凝结,不再护持他自身,而是向着岳红炎迎去。 Meanwhile, Extreme Teeth Dragon King oneself opens mouth, the upper jaw reveals two extremely dazzling dragon teeth, that dragon tooth completely by flame congealment form, gradually turn into light. 与此同时,绝牙龙王自己张开嘴,上颌露出两根极为耀眼的龙牙,那龙牙完全由火焰凝结而成,渐渐光化 Then, this flashes on two dragon teeth of radiance, projects the light beam separately, above the red light group that fall on condenses the one full appearance gradually. 接下来,这闪动光辉的两根龙牙上,分别射出光柱,落在渐渐凝聚成一个全盘模样的红色光团之上。 Then on this red light group then also two thick furiously jump to shoot, will have sent, has aimed at Yue Hongyan. 然后这红色光团上便也有两道粗大光火迸射而出,将发未发,对准了岳红炎 That unprecedented burning hot Strength, is Extreme Teeth Dragon King strongest attack, this no longer considers own safety completely, must to attack to attack with Yue Hongyan, at the worst puts together a mutual wounds, even perishes together. 那前所未有的炙热力量,是绝牙龙王最强攻击,他这是完全不再考虑自身安危,也要和岳红炎以攻对攻,大不了拼个两败俱伤,甚至同归于尽。 Boom! 轰! At this moment, under both sides battle Void earth strenuous vibration up, the land suddenly is suddenly stave, the soil rock of disruption gathers in together, changes to a clay dragon, shoots up to the sky, prevents before Yue Hongyan attack to Extreme Teeth Dragon King Powerful Thunderbolt Divine Spear! 就在这时,双方交战虚空下方大地突然剧烈震动起来,土地骤然破碎,碎裂的泥土岩石汇聚在一起,化作条条土龙,冲天而起,阻挡在岳红炎攻向绝牙龙王雷霆万钧神枪之前! The massive clay dragons were punctured by the Yue Hongyan spear|gun front crush, but has more stone transformed into evil dragon non-stop to circle, layer upon layer prevents the Yue Hongyan spear|gun front. 大量土龙被岳红炎的枪锋刺得粉碎,但是却有更多土石所化恶龙不停盘旋,层层阻挡岳红炎的枪锋。 That stone transformed into evil dragon, lifelike, opens dragon eyes, coldly is gazing at Yue Hongyan. That formidable Monster Soul fluctuation, is shocking trim Heaven and Earth. 那土石所化恶龙,栩栩如生,纷纷睁开龙眼,冷冷注视着岳红炎。那强大妖魂波动,震撼着整片天地 Although does not have True Body to arrive, but that impressively is the formidable deterrent force that Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Dragon King can have. 虽然没有真身降临,但那赫然是一头星魂合一境界龙王才能拥有的强大威慑力。 These clay dragons block the Yue Hongyan spear|gun front. But Extreme Teeth Dragon King attack, changes to two blazing flame diving postures, by clay dragon let off, still straightly was actually hit to Yue Hongyan. 这些土龙挡住岳红炎的枪锋。而绝牙龙王攻击,化作两道炽热火光飞身而出,却被土龙放过,仍然笔直打向岳红炎 The Yue Hongyan both eyes pupil contracts suddenly, flame non-stop flashing in eye pupil, whole body vitality Strength promotes above the original limit once more. 岳红炎双眼瞳孔猛然收缩,眼瞳中的火光不停闪烁,周身气血之力在原有极限之上再次提升。 Her body inside Nascent Soul also fiercely trembles, even has the large scale loss. 她体内的元婴也剧烈震颤,甚至产生大幅度的损耗。 When at a crucial moment. Yue Hongyan reverses own spear momentum forcefully, Powerful Thunderbolt Divine Spear changes to Starspeed Lightning Flash Divine Spear. Similar to two electric lights, in Void flashes, the distinction point has killed above that two flames that in Extreme Teeth Dragon King emits. 千钧一发之际。岳红炎强行扭转自身枪势,雷霆万钧神枪化作星驰电掣神枪。如同两道电光,在虚空中一闪而过,分别点杀在绝牙龙王放射出的那两道火光之上。 Flame tendency slightly, but has not actually terminated. Also has not blasted open, but continues to hit to Yue Hongyan! 火光势头微微一顿,但是却没有终止。也没有炸裂,而是继续打向岳红炎 Hasty under changes incurs to deal, instead is Yue Hongyan is shaken the spear|gun front to shake, in the hand Army-Breaking King Halberd was swung by the great strength. 仓促之下变招应对,反而是岳红炎被震得枪锋一抖,手中破军王戟被巨力荡开。 But the Yue Hongyan under foot wrong step, the sinking body twists the waist, the body along with the direction that Army-Breaking King Halberd was swung, in Void one large scale circling, Army-Breaking King Halberd has drawn the one path huge arc suddenly, as if a round crescent moon rolls in the nighttime sky. Falls toward the horizon. 岳红炎脚下错步,沉身拧腰,身体随着破军王戟被荡开的方向,在虚空中猛然一个大幅度的盘旋,破军王戟划过一道巨大弧线,仿佛一轮弯月在夜空中滚动。朝着地平线落下。 Of Falling Moon precisely Yue Hongyan Seamless Killing Technique - Three Divine Spears! 正是岳红炎无间杀法三式神枪之一的落月 Although this department of pediatrics not by the Seamless Astral Fiend stimulation of movement, but also mysterious graceful, under True Lunar Water contrasts as if a round deep green moonlight to delimit the horizon. 此儿科虽然不以无间罡煞催动,但也玄奥曼妙,在太阴真水烘托下仿佛一轮碧绿月光划过天际。 This round moonlight passes through the one path arc. The grading hits that two flames that Extreme Teeth Dragon King attacks, these two flames this time finally by the obstruct tendency, loudly blasting open. 这轮月光走过一道弧线。次第击中绝牙龙王攻来的那两道火光,这两道火光这次终于被阻住势头,轰然炸裂。 But Extreme Teeth Dragon King attack has not stopped, the flame explodes, is no longer concise, flaming Dragon Fire that but it spreads. Still swept across Heaven and Earth by sky-flooding potential, Yue Hongyan surrounding. 绝牙龙王攻击并没有停止,火光爆裂,不再凝练,但其散布开来的熊熊龙火。仍然以滔天之势席卷天地,将岳红炎包围在其中。 Above the Yue Hongyan cheeks reveals not normal dark red. She deeply inspires, on the next moment face the shape of vitality tuck dive vanishes, becomes pale like the paper. 岳红炎脸颊之上显露出不正常的殷红。她深吸一口气,下一刻脸上气血翻腾之状消失,变得苍白如纸。 But in her hand Army-Breaking King Halberd launches Astral Wind Passes Through the Heaven Divine Spear, the spear|gun shade appears surely, proliferates 4 sides, curls up Ninth Heaven Formless Astral Wind, plunges raging fire tearing of oneself front! 而她手中破军王戟则展开罡风经天神枪,千万枪影出现,遍布四方,卷起九天无相罡风,将面前扑向自己的烈火撕裂! The Extreme Teeth Dragon King eye that this looks at hides one to jump madly. 这一幕看的绝牙龙王眼皮子都一阵乱跳。 Just now situation, was equal to that both sides respectively by the oneself strongest attack attack, is very likely mutually wounded is as for the aspect of perishing together. 方才的局势,等于是双方各以自己最强攻击对攻,很有可能是两败俱伤乃至于同归于尽的局面。 However suddenly the clay dragon of involvement, actually helped Extreme Teeth Dragon King block Yue Hongyan attack, but Extreme Teeth Dragon King strongest attack actually still attack to Yue Hongyan! 但是突然介入的土龙,却帮助绝牙龙王挡住了岳红炎攻击,而绝牙龙王最强攻击却仍然攻向岳红炎 Extreme Teeth Dragon King was safe, Yue Hongyan actually falls into one to die the dangerous situation of bureau regarding most people. 绝牙龙王安全了,岳红炎却陷入一个对于绝大多数人来说都是必死之局的险境。 In this case, even if facing sudden mutation, Yue Hongyan, although startled is not chaotic, showed the formidable strength once more, with actual combat Innate Talent of far supernormal person, has explained the Extreme Teeth Dragon King offensive unexpectedly stiffly. 这种情况下,即便面对突如其来的异变,岳红炎虽惊不乱,再次展现出了强大的实力,和远超常人的实战天赋,竟然硬生生破解了绝牙龙王的攻势。 Moreover, even if so the dangerous situation, Yue Hongyan does not have the passive defense, but still to attack to attack, forcefully is a oneself come out way out! 而且,即便如此险境,岳红炎也没有被动防守,而是仍然以攻对攻,强行为自己杀出一条生路! So the aggressive strong doing faction, inundates the Longevity hit in Extreme Teeth Dragon King, is the first time meets. 如此凶悍强硬的做派,在绝牙龙王长生命中,都是头一次遇到。 But these clay dragons that front presents, let Extreme Teeth Dragon King while relaxing, felt that is extremely ashamed and ashamed. 面前出现的这些土龙,让绝牙龙王在松一口气的同时,却也感到极度的惭愧与羞耻。 His naturally can recognizes, these clay dragons, are Hou Ning Dragon King Monster Strength appears! 自然可以认得,这些土龙,乃是后宁龙王妖力显化 Copes with one only Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation base Human Race, by opponent was forced so the predicament, even more Hou Ning Dragon King take action to assist unexpectedly, immediately makes Extreme Teeth Dragon King Time want ashamed. 对付一个只有元婴后期修为人族,竟然被对手逼迫到如此窘境,还要后宁龙王出手相助,顿时让绝牙龙王时间羞愧欲死。 Today this lesson, you, when keeps firmly in mind! Flowing Flame fallen, therefore I help your this time, you must progress in the future are good, otherwise your Flame Dragon Clan future is worrying.” “今天这个教训,你当牢记!流炎陨落了,所以我帮你这次,你日后必须长进才行,否则你炎龙族前程堪忧。” one heavy is vigorous, the enormous and powerful boundless sound resounds in the Extreme Teeth Dragon King ear, making Extreme Teeth Dragon King terrified and startled: Flowing Flame Royal Uncle he......” 一个厚重雄浑,浩荡无边的声音在绝牙龙王耳边响起,让绝牙龙王悚然而惊:“流炎王叔他……” Void breaks open, conditions is quite huge, height ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Yellow Dragon from there departs, has not paid attention to Extreme Teeth Dragon King, is putting out one path earthly yellow color Aura to Yue Hongyan suddenly. 虚空破开,一条体型极为巨大,身长万丈的黄龙从中飞出,没有理会绝牙龙王,对着岳红炎猛然吐出一道土黄颜色的气息 That Aura is very great, Monster Strength as if endless. 气息无比宏大,其中妖力仿佛无穷无尽 Yue Hongyan brow tight wrinkle, this is the one present stage her Life one strike not necessarily can wound and opponent, but her eye does not have the scared look, still the spear|gun welcomed. 岳红炎眉头紧皱,这是一个现阶段她生命一击都未必可以伤及的对手,但是她目无惧色,仍然挺枪迎上。 That that just Hou Ning Dragon King spits rolls Aura just likes sea similar is great, just likes earth similar heavy, overlapping, does not have the end, making Yue Hongyan capture, is actually not able to break through. 只是后宁龙王所吐的那团气息犹如海洋一般博大,犹如大地一般厚重,层层叠叠,没有尽头,使得岳红炎攻入其中,却无法冲破。 Hou Ning Dragon King coldly looked at Yue Hongyan an eye, has not actually continued to stay, the personal appearance rocks, actually escaping broken Space, flies toward endless jet black Void, direction precisely Kun Dragon King and Green Sky Dragon King and Zhu Yi and position of Shi Yu fierce combat. 后宁龙王冷冷看了岳红炎一眼,却没有继续停留,身形晃动间,却遁破空间,向着无尽漆黑虚空飞去,方向正是坤龙王碧空龙王朱易石羽激战的位置。 This female gave you, I also rushed to Kun King their there.” Hou Ning Dragon King was saying vanished does not see. “此女交给你了,我也赶往坤王他们那里。”后宁龙王说着已经消失不见。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King for it stunned, he knows, Hou Ning Dragon King before this should is with the Great Qin Dynasty Gunyang King Shi Zongmao battle. 绝牙龙王为之愕然,就他所知,后宁龙王此前应该是在和大秦皇朝衮阳王石宗茂交战。 Although detests Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator extremely, but Extreme Teeth Dragon King also knows that Shi Zongmao is Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Expert, has Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure High Dragon Rapier in hand, may be called evenly matched with Hou Ning Dragon King, the concrete victory and defeat must hit has known. 虽然极度憎恶大秦皇朝修士,但绝牙龙王也知道,石宗茂合道境界强者,更有大乘级数法宝亢龙锏在手,与后宁龙王堪称势均力敌,具体胜负要打过才知道。 Even if Hou Ning Dragon King can wins, very difficult does not pay any price, but just now saw Hou Ning Dragon King, clearly does not have the slight injury in the body. 即便后宁龙王可以获胜,也很难不付出任何代价,但方才见了后宁龙王,分明没有丝毫伤势在身。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King in the heart is puzzled, but under hand a point is not slow, immediately appears layer upon layer Fire Sea, has enclosed by Yue Hongyan that Hou Ning Dragon King Monster Strength surrounds. 绝牙龙王心中困惑,但手底下一点的都不慢,立刻显化重重火海,围上了被后宁龙王妖力所困住的岳红炎 Flaming Dragon Fire lit that to roll Monster Strength, both sides have not produced the contradiction, instead the perfect integration, Hou Ning Dragon King that rolled Monster Strength to again to purely, great boundless, seemed Extreme Teeth Dragon King Dragon Fire has provided the endless fuel, making the stimulation of movement Dragon Fire go far beyond the Extreme Teeth Dragon King proper strength limit in this moment. 熊熊龙火点燃了那团妖力,双方没有产生矛盾,反而完美融合,后宁龙王那团妖力至重至纯,宏大无边,仿佛为绝牙龙王龙火提供了无尽的燃料,使得催动的龙火在这一刻远远超过了绝牙龙王应有的实力极限。 Yue Hongyan facing this wild Dragon Fire, Time also felt that is similar to places oneself Purgatory similar, Seven Killing Star Armor non-stop flashing, purple is luminous, duplicate disappears, appears under the Dragon Fire attack is unable to withstand the load. 岳红炎面对这狂暴的龙火,一时间也感觉如同置身炼狱一般,身上的七杀星铠不停闪烁,紫光亮起,复又泯灭,在龙火侵袭下显得不堪重负。 Extreme Teeth Dragon King occupies completely the winning side at this moment, on the face does not have what happy expression and arrogance: today wins you, is Hou Ning Royal Uncle, although I win you, is actually not my glory, but I will not show mercy.” 绝牙龙王此刻占尽上风,脸上却也没有什么喜色与得意之情:“今日胜你者,是后宁王叔,我虽胜你,却不是我的荣耀,但我不会手下留情。” arrived at this moment, Extreme Teeth Dragon King has the leisure to relate other to go to follow Hou Ning Dragon King Dragon Clan Expert, was informed, there is unusual formidable Ya Yu comes suddenly, attack Shi Zongmao and High Dragon Rapier. 到了这一刻,绝牙龙王才有余暇联系其他原本前去追随后宁龙王龙族强者,被告知,突然有一头异常强大猰貐现身,攻击石宗茂亢龙锏 Ya Yu, also called Ya Yu(ugly), likes eating the person, appearance like a tiger, the tiger claw, the Escape Technique speed may call the apex in beasts Monster Race. 猰貐,又称窫窳,爱吃人,外形像貙,虎爪,遁法速度在兽类妖族中可称顶尖。 In recent years Ya Yu Clan strongest, was Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Ya Yu Great Saint, just this monster usually not going out from hidden world, the whereabouts secret, was the Heaven Desolate Land group monster does not know its concrete trend, Sky Demon Great Saint and Golden Peng Great Saint once the moving thought must it subduing, but before this War between Two Worlds, cannot find its accurate whereabouts. 近些年来猰貐一族最强者,乃是一头星魂合一境界猰貐大圣,只是此妖素来隐世不出,行踪隐秘,便是天荒广陆群妖也不知其具体动向,天魅大圣金鹏大圣都曾动过心思想要将之收服,但到这次两界战争之前,都未能找到其确切行踪。 This moment attack Shi Zongmao Ya Yu, precisely that Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Ya Yu Great Saint. 此刻攻击石宗茂猰貐,正是那头星魂合一境界猰貐大圣 This made also to feel the surprise and surprise including Hou Ning Dragon King in inside numerous Dragon Clan. 这一幕令包括后宁龙王内的一众龙族也感到诧异和惊奇。 but regarding this sudden help, Hou Ning Dragon King retains one point of alert besides the moral nature, then joyfully kindly accepted. 不过对于这突然的帮助,后宁龙王除了心底保留一分戒备之外,便欣然笑纳了。 Copes with Great Qin Dynasty this special opponent, Hou Ning Dragon King only wants to eliminate it to be then quick, did not mind that collaborates besieging with the person, two Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Great Monster , hits Shi Zongmao and High Dragon Rapier immediately is utterly routed. 对付大秦皇朝这个特殊的对手,后宁龙王只欲除之而后快,并不介意与人联手围攻,两头星魂合一境界大妖,顿时打得石宗茂亢龙锏溃不成军。 After causing heavy losses to Shi Zongmao, learns Zhu Yi to enter the war from Green Sky Dragon King there, Hou Ning Dragon King of Flowing Flame Dragon King fallen news, returns to the body to rush to rescue immediately toward Immortal Dragon City here battlefield. 在重创石宗茂之后,从碧空龙王那里得知朱易参战,流炎龙王陨落消息的后宁龙王,当即返身向着不朽龙城这边的战场驰援过来。 arrived at this time, Extreme Teeth Dragon King understand Hou Ning Dragon King why can such quickly left, but the old question just disappeared, in his mind also has the new question to give birth. 到了这时,绝牙龙王明白后宁龙王为什么可以这么快抽身,但旧的疑问刚消,他心中又有新的疑问生出。 Ya Yu Great Saint why suddenly take action attack Great Qin Dynasty Cultivator? 猰貐大圣为什么突然出手攻击大秦皇朝修士 Their Dragon Clan, with Ya Yu Clan any friendship, had not heard before this Great Qin Dynasty and Ya Yu have a grudge, entering the war of opposite party, is really bewildered. 他们龙族,和猰貐一族并没有任何交情,此前也没听说过大秦皇朝猰貐有仇,对方的参战,实在是莫名其妙。 Depresses the in the heart doubts temporarily, Extreme Teeth Dragon King attention again places on front Yue Hongyan. 心中疑惑暂时压下,绝牙龙王的注意力重新放在面前岳红炎身上。 Glory fine, shame fine, I cannot let off any one Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Cultivator.” “荣耀也罢,耻辱也罢,我都不会放过任何一个玄门天宗修士。” His vision ice-cold gaze Yue Hongyan: Your Master refining up his Clone Scarlet Thunder, I refine my Clone you today!” 他目光冰冷的注视着岳红炎:“你师父赤霆炼成他的分身,我今天就将你炼成我的分身!” Extreme Teeth Dragon King must refine Yue Hongyan by Dragon Fire, but before this leaves this place Hou Ning Dragon King, then rushes to Void that Immortal Dragon City is at wholeheartedly, regarding this huge shame, he hates. 绝牙龙王要以龙火炼化岳红炎,而此前离开此地的后宁龙王,则一心赶往不朽龙城所在的虚空,对于这个巨大耻辱,他憎恨之极。 But in this time, a Darkness in Void suddenly there is Dao Light magnificent flashes through, lets Hou Ning Dragon King in the heart in great surprise. 但就在此时,黑暗虚空中然有道光华闪过,让后宁龙王心中大惊。 That is radiant stars, all real stars even more in Heavenly River Cosmic World is huger , the even more dazzling stars, completely the stars comprised of Sword Qi Sword Intent, has filled unmatched imposing manner Sword Star! 那是一颗璀璨星辰,一颗比天河宇宙中所有真实星辰还要庞大,还要耀眼的星辰,一颗完全由剑气剑意组成的星辰,一颗充满了无可匹敌气势的剑星 That stars are holding the long tail flame, as if cuts Darkness Void, the goal aims at the position that Zhu Yi, Kun Dragon King and the others are at similarly! ( to be continued ) 那星辰托着长长的尾焰,仿佛将黑暗虚空切割开来似的,目标同样指向朱易坤龙王等人所在的方位!(未完待续)
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