HTMS :: Volume #94

#9399: The city of desolate

Ling Xiao also felt the terrifying aura from flying swallow village deep place at this time. 凌霄此时也感觉到了来自飞燕村深处的恐怖气息。 That absolutely is the powerhouse of Great Emperor level. 那绝对是大帝级的强者。 Moreover, seems like complete level Mortal Emperor. 而且,似乎是圆满级人帝 How this possibly is an opponent. 这怎么可能是对手。 Withdraw!” “撤!” Ling Xiao knows, flying swallow village cannot treat. 凌霄知道,飞燕村是不能待了。 Fengming Shan martial artist that basically restored had thrown into Ancestral Dragon Tower that. 将那个已经基本恢复的凤鸣山武者扔进了祖龙塔之中。 Three people kill directly toward outside. 三个人直接朝着外面杀去。 So long as is not Great Emperor. 只要不是大帝 In the face of their three, collapses at the first blow radically. 在他们三个面前,根本不堪一击。 You dare to act, my slaughter village!” “你敢出手,我就屠村!” The Ling Xiao sound resounds through the entire flying swallow village. 凌霄的声音响彻整个飞燕村。 That Great Emperor has not acted eventually. 大帝终究是没有出手。 So long as Ling Xiao leaves flying swallow village, his being disinclined managed. 只要凌霄离开飞燕村,他就懒得管了。 Originally this plan, he does not approve. 本来这个计划,他就是不赞成的。 Now makes to this degree, he also can only protect oneself villagers. 如今闹到这个程度,他也只能保护好自己的村民了。 As for other matter, makes others worry. 至于别的事情,就让其他人去操心吧。 He could not have managed. 他已经管不过来了。 No one prevents, the Ling Xiao three people easily left flying swallow village very much. 没有人阻挡,凌霄三人很轻易就离开了飞燕村。 Arrived outside, found a safe place, stopped. 到了外面,找了一个安全的地方,才停了下来。 „Was these grasped person, where taken away?” “那些被抓的人,都被带去哪里了?” Bai Fengfeng inquired that survival Fengming Shan martial artist anxiously. 白凤凤焦急地询问那个幸存的凤鸣山武者 I don't know either, on that day, they launched the attack suddenly, did our unexpectedness. “我也不知道啊,那天,他们突然发动攻击,搞了我们一个猝不及防。 Many people were killed. 很多人被杀了。 Some people were grasped. 还有一些人被抓了。 But where caught specifically went, I really resulted in do not know. ” 但具体抓到了哪里去,我真得不知道啊。” I know!” “我知道!” Ling Xiao abandoned a corpse, said lightly: „ They went to the city of desolate, all grasped people, were taken away there. 凌霄扔下了一具尸体,淡淡道:“他们去荒古之城了,所有被抓的人,都被带去了那里。 Including Fengming Shan and martial artist of snow mountain spirit palace! ” 包括凤鸣山和雪山神宫的武者!” „But why this is, why do they want to do that?” “可这是为什么,他们为什么要这么做啊?” The snow lotus did not understand very much. 雪莲很不理解。 The desolate ancient battlefield opened is not a day two days, how suddenly so? 荒古战场开启也不是一天两天了,怎么突然间就如此了? Deep freezing Rome was not built in a day!” “冰冻三尺非一日之寒!” Ling Xiao shakes the head saying: „ We read their memory, knew that in these wild people have some quite extreme existence. 凌霄摇头道:“我方才读取了他们的记忆,才得知这些荒人之中有一些比较极端的存在。 They hate the outcomer to come the desolate ancient battlefield to fight for their resources. 他们痛恨外来者来荒古战场争夺他们的资源。 Even, but also kills their people. 甚至,还杀死他们的人。 Therefore, after they are in power, started to take revenge. 所以,当他们掌权之后,就开始复仇了。 They must clean up all outcomers, does not dare to send for till outside sect gate. ” 他们要清理所有外来者,直到外面的宗门不敢派人进来为止。” Desolate ancient battlefield itself/Ben is the place that True Martial Divine Province was separated, how to become their domain? “荒古战场本就是真武神洲被割裂出来的地方,怎么成了他们的地盘? The wild person who , who killed, looks, why can like this? 再说了,谁杀的荒人,找谁啊,为什么要这样? I am very usually good to the wild person, even has also saved them. 我平时对荒人可是很好的,甚至还救过他们。 How to say this? ” 怎么说这个?” Some Bai Fengfeng vitality/angry. 白凤凤有些生气。 You them told that these are useless, they have been brainwashed now. “你跟他们说这些是没用的,他们现在都已经被洗脑了。 Most wild people have become hostile toward the outcomer. 大部分的荒人已经变得非常仇视外来者。 Therefore, later meets, may really probably be careful! ” 所以,以后遇到,可真要小心了!” Ling Xiao says with emotion. 凌霄感慨道。 Perhaps Ling Xiao, must say goodbye, I must go to the city of life-saving desolate! In any event, cannot look helplessly the people in Fengming Shan were killed!” 凌霄,恐怕得告别了,我得去荒古之城救人!无论如何,都不能眼睁睁看着凤鸣山的人被杀!” Bai Fengfeng said. 白凤凤道。 I am also, the person in snow mountain spirit palace, I must be saved!” “我也是,雪山神宫的人,我必须得救!” The snow lotus also said. 雪莲也道。 „The city of desolate, is inevitably crisis-ridden, others the arrange/cloth had gotten down the trap, waits for you to drill toward inside, really must also to go?” “荒古之城,必然危机四伏,别人已经布下了陷阱,就等着你们往里边钻的,真得还要去吗?” Ling Xiao asked. 凌霄问道。 Naturally!” “当然!” Bai Fengfeng and snow lotus said with one voice. 白凤凤和雪莲异口同声地说道。 „, Making you two go, definitely brought death directly. “罢了,让你们两个去,肯定是直接送死了。 I with you together. ” 我跟你们一起吧。” Ling Xiao sighed: But, the entire rescue process, must listen my.” 凌霄叹了口气道:“不过,整个救援过程,都得听我的。” You?” “你?” Two females looked to Ling Xiao. 二女看向了凌霄 In their mind, the person of Ling Xiao not that warmheartedness. 在她们的印象中,凌霄并非那种热心肠的人。 Then does surprisedly, when my also favor.” “那么惊讶干什么,就当我还个人情吧。” Ling Xiao smiles. 凌霄笑了笑。 Regarding Bai Fengfeng , helping him repeatedly. 对于白凤凤,多次帮他。 Regarding snow lotus , is the same. 对于雪莲,也是一样。 Let alone, the snow mountain spirit palace allows him to enter the desolate ancient battlefield, he cannot see somebody in danger and do nothing. 更何况,雪山神宫让他进入荒古战场,他总不能见死不救吧。 Besides that snowy peak, others have no hatred. 除了那个雪峰之外,其余人还是没什么仇恨的。 Many thanks!” “多谢!” Two females bow to salute, is grateful to Ling Xiao. 二女躬身施礼,对凌霄非常感激。 Some Ling Xiao such powerhouses, this time go to the city of desolate, should be safer. 凌霄这样的强者在,此次前往荒古之城,应该会更加安全。 The chance of success will also be inevitably bigger. 成功的几率必然也会更大。 The city of desolate from here is quite far. 荒古之城距离这里还是比较远的。 Therefore Ling Xiao released own spaceship, three people go together, as for martial artist of another Fengming Shan, was left by the Bai Fengfeng arrangement. 所以凌霄释放了自己的飞船,三人一同前往,至于另外一个凤鸣山的武者,被白凤凤安排离开了。 Her strength was limited, went, perhaps will instead become the burden. 她的实力有限,去了,恐怕反而会成为累赘。 In three days of time, Ling Xiao swallowed two Mortal Emperor level white bones concise energy stones directly. 三天时间里,凌霄直接吞噬了两枚人帝级白骨凝练的能量石。 Promoted mid-graded half Great Emperor cultivation base. 修为提升到了中品半步大帝 However, world principle that at this time he grasps only then the world of desolate. 不过,此时他掌握的世界法则只有荒之世界。 The Heavenly Dao and life are also only the pinnacle domains. 天道和生命还都只是极致领域。 Needs the chance to promote. 需要机缘去提升。 However this already enough. 不过这已经够了。 The cultivation base promotion, his strength was also increased much. 修为提升,他的战力也算是提升了不少。 Deals with the enemy, will be more relaxed. 应对敌人,将会更加轻松。 Third day, is very near from the city of desolate. 第三天,距离荒古之城已经很近了。 Ling Xiao stopped the cultivation, suddenly felt that the spaceship was attacked. 凌霄停止了修炼,忽然间感觉到飞船被人攻击。 Therefore received the spaceship. 于是收起了飞船。 Outside, is terrifying giant white bones. 外面,是一个恐怖的巨大白骨。 Mortal Emperor level basic strength. 人帝级入门战力。 Courts death!” “找死!” Ling Xiao killed directly. 凌霄直接杀了过去。 By a person of strength, within five minutes, its solution. 凭借一人之力,五分钟之内,就将其解决了。 Really after cultivation base promotion, combat capability improvement of Ling Xiao. 果然修为提升之后,凌霄的战力提升了许多。 Has been able to hunt and kill entry-level Mortal Emperor alone. 已经能够单独猎杀入门级人帝了。 Swallows!” “吞噬!” Ling Xiao swallowed the energy essence of white bones, condenses for the energy stone. 凌霄吞噬了白骨的能量精华,凝聚为能量石。 Bang! 轰! Not far away, a fight. 不远处,还有一场战斗。 Side is a black-clothed person. 一边是一个黑衣人。 Is skilled in level Mortal Emperor. 精通级人帝 Another is thunder clap. 另外一个则是雷震子。 Crazy thunder crack. 狂雷炸响。 Thunder clap child struggle black-clothed person. 雷震子苦战黑衣人。 If entry-level Mortal Emperor, thunder clap may also win. 如果是入门级人帝,雷震子还有可能取胜。 But is skilled in level Mortal Emperor, but on difficult office. 但精通级人帝,可就难办了。 Seemed like the thunder clap injury to be very heavy at this time. 看起来此时雷震子的伤势已经很重了。 But he is still fighting tenaciously. 但他还在顽强战斗。 Retreating fighting. 且战且退。 Ha, the outcomer, you must die today without doubt, do not want to run away!” “哈哈哈,外来者,你今天必死无疑,别想逃走!” Is skilled in the level Mortal Emperor strength to be nothing less. 精通级人帝的战力不可谓不强。 In the hand a sharp sword, the might is powerful. 手中一把利剑,威力强悍无比。 Killing thunder clap is in an extremely difficult situation. 杀得雷震子狼狈不堪。 However, thunder clap is also enough tenacious. 不过,雷震子也是够顽强的。 Actually with being skilled in level Quasi-Emperor hit such a long time, has not died. 竟然跟精通级准帝打了这么长时间,还没有死。 Life-saving!” “救人!” Ling Xiao knits the brows, before thunder clap this person, has had collaboration with them, if this time must enter the city of desolate to fight, such helper, must have. 凌霄皱了皱眉,雷震子这个人之前与他们有过联手,如果这一次要进入荒古之城战斗的话,这样的帮手,必须得有。 Un!” “嗯!” Three people killed. 三人杀了过去。 I block that fellow, you rescue thunder clap!” “我挡住那家伙,你们救走雷震子!” The word, Ling Xiao put out the spear/gun of saint, 36 light balls appear in his behind. 言罢,凌霄拿出了圣者之枪,三十六个光球浮现在他的身后。 The Wanbao god technique erupts directly. 万宝神术直接爆发。 12 dragon spear/gun changed to 12 dragon shades to kill to that was skilled in level Mortal Emperor. 十二龙枪化作十二道龙影杀向了那精通级人帝 The world of desolate opens. 荒之世界开启。 Entire direct within, true yuan and life of enemy are drying up unceasingly. 整个直接之内,敌人的真元和生命都在不断枯竭。 This is the wild fearful place. 这就是荒的可怕之处。 Is skilled in level Mortal Emperor to chase down thunder clap, dangerous aura raids suddenly. 精通级人帝本来正在追杀雷震子,突然间一股危险的气息袭来。 He has to turn round to resist. 他不得不回身抵挡。 Because of the attack of Ling Xiao, making him feel the threat of death. 因为凌霄的攻击,让他感受到了死亡的威胁。 Bang ka! 轰咔! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! 12 dragon shades are coercing the strength of the world of desolate, rumbled. 十二道龙影裹挟着荒之世界的力量,轰了下去。 Is skilled in level Mortal Emperor to go all out to block. 精通级人帝拼命挡住。 But the figure actually retrocedes again and again. 但身形却连连后退。 The Ling Xiao present battle efficiency, striking to kill ordinary entry-level Mortal Emperor to be very relaxed. 凌霄现在的战斗力,击杀普通入门级人帝很轻松。 Meets to be skilled in level Mortal Emperor, can have some advantages. 遇上精通级人帝,也能占据一些优势。
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