HTMS :: Volume #94

#9397: Prominent tight encirclement!

At this time, must collaborate, otherwise must by dire straits here. 这个时候,必须联手,否则就得被困死在这里了。 Good!” “好!” The people gathered at the Ling Xiao side, killed toward the opposite party strength quite weak place. 众人聚集在了凌霄的身旁,朝着对方战力比较薄弱的地方杀了出去。 Ling Xiao, Bai Fengfeng, snow lotus, red clothes female and other high-grade half Great Emperor, were ordinary like the spear head, went into the crowd. 凌霄白凤凤、雪莲、红衣女子等上品半步大帝,如同枪头一般,扎进了人群之中。 Other martial artist also all-out attacks, assistance they. 其余武者也全力攻击,协助他们。 Roar! Roar!...... 吼!吼!...... The giant white bones exuded the heavy shouting sound, blocked their way, in the hand the giant incomparable sword cut. 巨大的白骨发出了沉重的嘶吼声,挡住了他们的去路,手中巨大无比的战刀砍了下来。 This is a Mortal Emperor level basic monster. 这是一个人帝级入门的怪物。 Ling Xiao had confidence that blocks him. 凌霄有把握拦住他。 He exclaimed: I block, all your -out attack!” 他吼道:“我来挡住,你们全力攻击!” At once, in the hand the spear pierces of saint leaves. 旋即,手中圣者之枪刺出。 36 rays integrate completely. 三十六道光芒全部融入其中。 12 dragon shape spear/gun shades roared to depart. 十二道龙形枪影咆哮飞出。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound! 一声巨响! Giant white bones body caster. 巨大的白骨身体后倾。 Ling Xiao also slightly. 凌霄也微微一顿。 In the strength, Ling Xiao compares this white bones to unexpectedly. 在力量,凌霄竟然比这个白骨要更强一些。 This but actually also normal. 这倒也正常。 Ling Xiao has the steamroll phoenix nine and the others the battle efficiencies. 凌霄已经拥有了碾压凰九等人的战斗力。 The phoenix nine can achieve this point. 凰九都可以做到这一点。 He naturally, moreover does is better. 他自然也可以,而且做的更好。 The next quarter, the innumerable attacks fell on the body of that white bones. 下一刻,无数的攻击落在了那白骨的身上。 Produced the results. 全部都产生了效果。 Dozens terrifying attacks, submerge that white bones directly. 数十道恐怖的攻击,直接将那白骨淹没。 White bones were rumbled pulpy!” “白骨被轰得稀烂!” These white bones, eventually are not martial artist, they are inferior to these black-clothed person. 这些白骨,终究不是武者,他们不如那些黑衣人。 Therefore, was defeated, is very easy. 所以,被击败,也很容易。 After all these people, may be half Great Emperor of evildoer/monstrous talent level. 毕竟这些人,可都是妖孽级的半步大帝 The might that strikes with joint forces, ordinary Mortal Emperor may be unable to withstand. 合力一击的威力,普通的人帝可承受不了。 Walks!” “走!” Strikes to work, Ling Xiao does not dare to have any stay. 一击得逞,凌霄不敢有任何停留。 Swallows without enough time, condenses the energy stone its energy essence directly, preserved. 来不及吞噬,直接将其能量精华凝聚成能量石,保存了起来。 When later uses. 等到之后再用。 Blocks them!” “拦住他们!” A black person roared, then more black-clothed person flushed. 一个黑人咆哮了起来,而后更多的黑衣人冲了过来。 Three white bones. 还有三具白骨。 But they prioritize eventually, is unable also to rush. 但他们终究是有先有后,无法同时赶到。 This gave Ling Xiao their opportunity. 这就给了凌霄他们机会。 With just now, you gathers the strength attack!” “跟方才一样,你们蓄力攻击!” Ling Xiao said that grasps the spear/gun of saint, pours into the terrifying the strength, punctured. 凌霄说了一声,手持圣者之枪,灌注恐怖的力量,刺了出去。 Heavenly Dao domain and life domain, even a stronger wild domain erupts completely. 天道领域、生命领域,甚至还有更强的荒之领域全部爆发。 At this time, does not have any allowed the leeway of hand. 这个时候,没有任何留手的余地。 This time, the Ling Xiao advantage was bigger. 这一次,凌霄的优势更大了。 The direct spear/gun not only destroyed the attack of white bones, even the long spear/gun pierced the body of white bones. 直接一枪不仅摧毁了白骨的攻击,甚至长枪更是洞穿了白骨的身体。 The strength and Heavenly Dao strength of desolate wreak havoc crazily. 荒之力和天道之力疯狂肆虐。 That white bones exuded the painful roar unexpectedly. 那白骨竟然发出了痛苦的吼声。 At this time, another white bones. 此时,另外一具白骨到了。 Thunder clap angrily roars, blocked him. 雷震子怒吼一声,拦住了他。 The wild thunder rumbles. 狂暴的雷霆轰出。 Resists the Mortal Emperor level basic powerhouse sufficiently. 足以抵挡人帝级入门强者。 Others collaborate, gets rid of the white bones that Ling Xiao pierces again. 其余人联手,将凌霄洞穿的白骨再次干掉。 Thunder clap, do not prolong contact, walks!” “雷震子,不要恋战,走!” Ling Xiao roared, the blood sword departed together, penetrated the head of that white bones. 凌霄吼了一声,一道血剑飞出,穿透了那白骨的头颅。 Then, the people continue to go forward. 而后,众人继续前进。 Young fellow, some skills, but today, you cannot get away!” “好小子,有些本事,但今天,你们走不了!” Bang! 轰! A terrifying incomparable strength raids. 一股恐怖无比的力量袭来。 The black sword light, blocked Ling Xiao and the others together directly the ways. 一道黑色的剑光,直接拦住了凌霄等人的去路。 Damn, is the Mortal Emperor accomplishment!” “该死,是人帝大成!” The people complexion is ugly. 众人脸色难看。 The Mortal Emperor basic powerhouse, they have the ability with a it war. 人帝入门强者,他们还有能力与之一战。 But does this Mortal Emperor accomplishment level powerhouse, how want to cope? 可这人帝大成级强者,要怎么对付? Is impossible. 根本不可能啊。 These wild people, were actually how. 这些荒人,究竟是怎么了。 In the past did not have such matter. 以往也没有这样的事情啊。 No, perhaps has, but is no one knows. 不,或许不是没有,而是没有人知道而已。 Because was attacked by them, has died. 因为被他们攻击的,都已经死了。 Dies not verifies. 死无对证啊。 Mortal Emperor, is divided to cross the threshold and be skilled, accomplishment, peak and complete boundary! 人帝,分为入门、精通、大成、巅峰和圆满境界! Each stage, is more powerful than the previous stage. 每一个阶段,都比前一个阶段要强大很多。 That disparity cannot imagine. 那差距是不可想象的。 Mortal Emperor of accomplishment level, does not know terrifying many compared with entry-level Mortal Emperor. 大成级的人帝,比入门级的人帝不知道恐怖多少。 Is impossible to run away. 根本不可能逃走啊。 Many are terrified, even was somewhat discouraged. 很多人内心惶恐,甚至有些气馁了。 How accomplishment level Mortal Emperor, eventually is also only Mortal Emperor, we collaborate, have a bloody road!” “大成级人帝又如何,终究也只是人帝,我们联手,杀出一条血路!” The Ling Xiao anger exclaimed. 凌霄怒吼道。 Three big domain releases. 三大领域释放。 Void , a temple appears. 虚空之中,一座神殿浮现。 The Heavenly Dao judgement of ten tenths might starts to condense. 十成威力的天道裁决开始凝聚。 At this time, was absolutely impossible to flinch. 这个时候,绝对不可能退缩。 Flinched died. 退缩就是死亡。 Bang! 轰隆! The Heavenly Dao judgement falls. 天道裁决落下。 Even Mortal Emperor of that accomplishment level knits the brows, has to resist. 连那大成级的人帝都皱了皱眉,不得不去抵挡。 The might was too strong. 威力实在太强了。 While this opportunity, Ling Xiao put out the Yin-Yang mirror, to that accomplishment level Great Emperor is a photo. 趁着这个机会,凌霄拿出了阴阳镜,冲着那大成级大帝就是一照。 Clearly, the accomplishment level Mortal Emperor vitality passed much. 很明显,大成级人帝的生命力流逝了不少。 But this Yin-Yang mirror Saint soldier. 这阴阳镜可是圣兵。 Is nine assigns/life the treasure that Martial Saint once used. 是九命武圣曾经用的宝物。 Might natural terrifying. 威力自然恐怖。 Even if Ling Xiao is unable to display to vent anger now the complete might. 就算凌霄现在无法发挥出气全部威力。 But was also enough. 但也足够了。 Still can make that accomplishment level Mortal Emperor be damaged. 依然可以让那大成级人帝受创。 Adjudicates the Heavenly Dao absolutely is more terrifying. 绝对比天道裁决更加恐怖。 Escapes!” “逃!” Ling Xiao has not been thinking kills the opposite party, he quickly transfers the direction, leading the people to kill in another weak direction. 凌霄可没想着杀死对方,他急忙调转方向,带着众人朝着另外一处薄弱方向杀去。 Damn!” “该死啊!” That accomplishment level Mortal Emperor is angry. 那大成级人帝愤怒无比。 Was simply crazy. 简直要疯狂了。 He was injured unexpectedly. 他居然被伤到了。 This is simply unsupportable. 这简直不能忍受。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” The black sword glow raids together again. 一道黑色的剑芒再度袭来。 The people joint effort, routs that sword light. 众人合力,将那剑光击溃。 Then continues to run away. 然后继续逃走。 Ling Xiao opens the space gate continuously, leads the people and enemies spreads out. 凌霄连续开启空间门,带着众人与敌人拉开距离。 But a person is pursuing them throughout stubbornly. 可是还有一人始终死死追着他们。 Is that accomplishment level Mortal Emperor. 就是那个大成级人帝 This fellow was too hard to deal with. 这家伙太难缠了。 In hot pursuit simply. 简直就是穷追不舍。 „ It is not good, such goal was too big, to finally, anyone cannot get away! “不行,这样目标太大了,到最后,谁也走不了! I attract him, you strove for fortunately! ” 我来吸引他,你们自求多福吧!” Ling Xiao wants to run away, is very easy, but led this large crowd is quite troublesome. 凌霄想要逃走,很容易,但带着这一大群人就比较麻烦了。 He was also makes contribution now. 他现在也算是尽力了。 Helps these people constrain this accomplishment level Mortal Emperor. 帮助这些人拖住这个大成级人帝 Many thanks!” “多谢!” The thunder clap child roared: Left, with me!” 雷震子吼了一声:“左边的,跟我一路!” The red clothes female also shouted one: Right, with me!” 红衣女子也喊了一声:“右边的,跟我一路!” Most people following thunder clap, the red clothes female and others left. 大部分人都跟着雷震子、红衣女子等离开了。 However Bai Fengfeng and snow lotus remained. 不过白凤凤和雪莲还是留了下来。 They with Ling Xiao is a squad, cannot Ling Xiao to take the risk. 她们跟凌霄是一个小队的,不能让凌霄一个人承担风险。 You pursue others, these, give me!” “你们去追其他人,这几个,交给我!” Obviously, this accomplishment level Mortal Emperor is the leader of this group of wild people. 显然,这个大成级人帝是这群荒人的首领。 He recognized Ling Xiao, killed directly. 他认准了凌霄,直接杀了过来。 Ling Xiao let Bai Fengfeng and snow lotus hid in Ancestral Dragon Tower. 凌霄白凤凤和雪莲躲进了祖龙塔之中。 Then the use escapes spatial and space gate spans the space continuously. 而后利用遁空和空间门连续跨越空间。 Coordinates Divine Thunder Skywalk Step to run away again. 再配合神雷踏天步逃走。 Pursues escapes, suddenly, had departed over ten thousand li (0.5 km) road. 一追一逃,眨眼间,已经飞出了上万里的路。 Ling Xiao has to escape spatial and space gate, possibly had been caught up. 要不是凌霄有遁空和空间门,可能早就被追上了。 The speed of opposite party compared with him quickly. 对方的速度比他快多了。 Even he by the flying sword flight, cannot compare. 即便他以飞剑飞行,也是比不上。 Without the means that the cultivation base disparity is too big. 没办法,修为差距太大。 The present situation was much better. 现在的情况就好多了。 With the promotion of Ling Xiao cultivation base, he displayed to escape the spatial distance also to lengthen. 随着凌霄修为的提升,他施展遁空的距离也变长了很多。 In addition space gate. 再加上空间门。 Flew enough one day of time. 飞了足足一天时间。 Finally was gives that accomplishment level Mortal Emperor regardless thoroughly. 终于是彻底将那个大成级人帝给抛开了。 Ling Xiao relaxes. 凌霄松了口气。 It seems like, with the promotion of cultivation base, even the space and time principle has not promoted, the space and time ancestral dragon magical powers ability will be increased. 看起来,随着修为的提升,即便时空法则没有提升,时空祖龙的神通能力还是会提升的。 Ok, did not have the danger temporarily!” “好了,暂时没危险了!” Ling Xiao put Bai Fengfeng and snow lotus. 凌霄白凤凤和雪莲放了出来。
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