HTMS :: Volume #94

#9395: The steamroll phoenix nine wolves meet!

You court death! Dares is not serious my words unexpectedly, kills!” “你找死!竟然敢不把我的话当回事儿,杀!” The phoenix nine were really the violent angers. 凰九真得是暴怒了。 Moreover, Ling Xiao actually said that twice he is anything. 而且,凌霄竟然两次说他算什么东西。 This is to his absolute insult. 这是对他绝对的侮辱。 His right hand changed to the terrifying phoenix claw, presents the blue color, the cold air is dense, the feeling is terrifying. 他的右手化作了恐怖的凤爪,呈现出蓝色,寒气森森,感觉非常恐怖。 The place visited, as if must be frozen general. 所过之处,都仿佛要被冻结一般。 Bai Fengfeng and snow lotus were blocked, is impossible to help. 白凤凤和雪莲被人拦住,根本不可能帮忙。 Others will not help. 其他人更不会帮忙。 Looks indifferently. 都是冷漠地看着。 Ling Xiao contemptuously looked at phoenix 91. 凌霄轻蔑地看了凰九一眼。 The sudden fist rumbled. 突然一拳轰了出去。 Meet the tough head-on with toughness! 硬碰硬! Contends by the mortal body purely! 单纯以肉身抗衡! This Ling Xiao feared that is not a lunatic, unexpectedly wants nine to contend with the phoenix by the mortal body attack?” “这凌霄怕不是个疯子吧,居然想要以肉身攻击跟凰九抗衡?” I look am a fool, the phoenix nine, but martial artist of phoenix clan, had the antiquity god beast bloodlines, the mortal body was intrepid. “我看是个傻子,凰九可是凤凰族的武者,拥有上古神兽血脉,肉身强悍无比。 Meets the tough head-on with toughness with such monster, really must court death! ” 跟这样的怪物硬碰硬,真得就是找死!” Right, does not know how to think, he was that movement just good, avoids well?” “没错,也不知道怎么想的,他刚刚那身法不错,躲开多好?” Possibly he thinks that oneself blocked an attack, felt oneself can with phoenix 91 games. “可能他以为自己挡住了一次攻击,就觉得自己能够与凰91战了吧。 As everyone knows the phoenix nine just now attacks were only too optional, not big might. ” 殊不知凰九方才的攻击只是太随意了而已,并没有多大的威力。” Many people are taunting taunt Ling Xiao. 很多人都在嘲讽挖苦凌霄 Thinks that Ling Xiao overreaches oneself. 认为凌霄不自量力。 However the next quarter, they were scared. 然而下一刻,他们都傻眼了。 A fist! 一拳! Ling Xiao has not drawn back! 凌霄未退! But the phoenix nine actually drew back 78 far continually. 但凰九却连退了七八步远。 Even the arm is still shivering unceasingly. 甚至手臂还在不断颤抖。 How possibly! 怎么可能! Everyone stares dumbfounded, cannot believe all these that simply oneself see real. 所有人都瞠目结舌,简直不敢相信自己看到的这一切是真的。 Ling Xiao not only blocked the phoenix nine attacks. 凌霄不仅挡住了凰九的攻击。 Even, but also nine repelled the phoenix. 甚至,还将凰九击退了。 Roar!” “吼!” In the throat of Ling Xiao exuded the low and deep shouting sound, he planned that nine makes that chicken that punishes one as a warning to others with the phoenix. 凌霄的嗓子里发出了低沉的嘶吼声,他打算用凰九来做杀鸡儆猴的那只鸡。 Quite makes others understand, offends him, no good end. 好让其他人明白,得罪他,没什么好下场。 His right hand changes to dragon claw suddenly, grasped to the phoenix nine. 他的右手突然化作龙爪,抓向了凰九。 The phoenix nine just came to a stop at this time. 凰九此时刚刚站稳。 Only can the double fist wave to resist. 只能双拳挥手抵挡。 Bang! 轰! This time, the phoenix nine are more distressed, draws back enough more than ten far. 这一次,凰九更加狼狈,退出去足足十几步远。 The corners of the mouth even seeped out the blood threads. 嘴角甚至渗出了血丝。 Again come!” “再来!” Ling Xiao bullies the body on. 凌霄欺身而上。 Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰! In an instant, ten moves passed. 转眼间,十招过去了。 Ling Xiao in the situation of pure use mortal body strength, suppressed the phoenix nine. 凌霄在单纯使用肉身力量的情况下,就压制了凰九。 Hits the phoenix in an extremely difficult situation nine. 打得凰九狼狈不堪。 The mouth spits the blood, looks deathly pale. 口吐鲜血,脸色惨白。 Others were scared. 其他人都傻眼了。 How can like this. 怎么会这样。 Ling Xiao how such. 凌霄怎么会如此之强。 both sides use the mortal body in the situation, Ling Xiao so will be unexpectedly powerful. 双方都用肉身的情况下,凌霄居然会如此强大。 Suppressed the phoenix completely nine. 完全压制了凰九。 „! I must kill you!” “啊啊啊啊!我要杀了你!” The phoenix nine were simply insane. 凰九简直要疯了。 This thinks the mortal body strength to be able steamroll Ling Xiao, but he was wrong. 本以为肉身力量就可以碾压凌霄,但是他错了。 He erupted the world principle embryonic form, used the strength of the world. 他爆发了世界法则雏形,使用了世界之力。 The empty shadow of phoenix of ice appears. 身后,冰之凤凰的虚影浮现。 That is the phenomenon, is martial soul. 那是异象,也是武魂 He is whooshing, killed to Ling Xiao, must kill Ling Xiao. 他嘶吼着,杀向了凌霄,要将凌霄杀死。 Ling Xiao sneers. 凌霄冷笑一声。 Releases the pinnacle Heavenly Dao domain directly! 直接释放极致的天道领域! Then treadonned. 而后一脚踏了出去。 Divine Thunder Skywalk Step. 神雷踏天步 Bang! 轰! Another fierce collision! 又一次的剧烈碰撞! The phoenix nine bodies shake, the complexion is ugly. 凰九身体一震,脸色难看无比。 Was suppressed. 被压制了。 His cold ice world principle embryonic form, unexpectedly by the pinnacle Heavenly Dao domain suppression of Ling Xiao. 他的寒冰世界法则雏形,居然被凌霄的极致天道领域压制了。 The Heavenly Dao domain transformed the flaming flame. 天道领域转化成了熊熊火焰。 Release high temperature. 释放出高温。 Made the cold ice melt unceasingly. 令寒冰不断熔化。 !” “噗!” The phoenix nine put out a blood, made own body stay in the midair reluctantly. 凰九吐出了一口鲜血,勉强让自己的身体停留在了半空之中。 However Ling Xiao came. 然而凌霄又来了。 Divine Thunder Skywalk Step, changes to the billowing hot thunder, rumbled. 神雷踏天步,化作滚滚火雷,轰了过来。 The phoenix nine appear the bloodlines true body directly. 凰九直接显出血脉真身。 Changed to phoenix of the giant ice. 化作了一只巨大的冰之凤凰。 The foot of claw and Ling Xiao hit in one. 爪子与凌霄的脚撞在了一起。 However, the phoenix nine drew back. 然而,凰九又退了。 Also spat blood! 又吐血了! How this can, how possibly!” “这怎么会,怎么可能!” The people were scared. 众人都傻眼了。 The Ling Xiao battle efficiency, is in so the degree unexpectedly powerful. 凌霄的战斗力,竟然强大到如此程度。 Insane! 疯了! „ Haven't you discovered? He is low-grade half Great Emperor. “你们没发现吗?他已经是下品半步大帝了。 But before, he was only peak Quasi-Emperor! ” 而之前,他只是巅峰准帝!” Some people reminded: He can easily solve mid-graded half Great Emperor before, now can solve high-grade half Great Emperor, is very normal.” 有人提醒道:“他之前都能轻易解决中品半步大帝,现在能解决上品半步大帝,也很正常。” Wolf meets, looks why to help quickly.” “狼逅,看着干什么快帮忙啊。” The phoenix nine are very painful. 凰九痛苦不堪。 Although is not willing to acknowledge. 虽然不愿意承认。 But he indeed is not the Ling Xiao opponent. 但他的确不是凌霄的对手。 He can only shout that the wolf meets the help. 他只能喊狼逅帮忙。 Bai Fengfeng wants to prevent the wolf to meet. 白凤凤想要阻挡狼逅。 However actually heard the Ling Xiao sound: Puts him to come, right, anyone of you thought on, can come, I accompanied!” 不过却听到了凌霄的声音:“放他过来,对了,你们谁想上,都可以过来,我奉陪!” The self-confident sound, lets Bai Fengfeng and snow lotus is the serious sending out bright. 自信的声音,让白凤凤和雪莲都是严重散发亮光。 Courts death!” “找死!” The wolf meets the direct incarnation day wolf, killed to Ling Xiao. 狼逅直接化身天狼,杀向了凌霄 He thought that Ling Xiao too insulted the person. 他觉得凌霄真的太侮辱人了。 Life domain principle, release!” “生命领域法则,释放!” The pinnacle Heavenly Dao domain, can significantly enhance the Ling Xiao striking power! 极致天道领域,可以大幅度提升凌霄的攻击力! The pinnacle life domain, can during the strengthened vitality, weakens the vitality of opposite party. 极致生命领域,可以在强化生命力的同时,削弱对方的生命力。 In the Ling Xiao hand appears a long spear/gun. 凌霄手中浮现一杆长枪。 The spear/gun of saint. 圣者之枪。 Then Wanbao god technique release. 而后万宝神术释放。 Killed. 杀了出去。 12 dragon spear/gun, go away!” “十二龙枪,滚!” 12 dragon shadow releases. 十二道龙影释放。 The giant day wolf is unable to dodge. 巨大的天狼根本无从闪避。 Only can resist. 只能抵挡。 Finally was rumbled again and again retrocedes. 结果被轰得连连后退。 In the mouth seeped out the blood threads. 口中渗出了血丝。 You are lying to me!” “你就给我趴着!” Repels the wolf to meet, Ling Xiao was Divine Thunder Skywalk Step foot treads in the phoenix nine top of the heads. 击退狼逅,凌霄又是神雷踏天步一脚踏在了凰九的头顶。 Phoenix nine, although goes all out to resist, but lay on the ground. 凰九尽管拼命抵挡,但还是趴在了地上。 This shocked. 这太震撼了。 Without the use soul technique, has not let that the infant helps, Ling Xiao can actually a pair two, suppress the wolf to meet with the phoenix 92 peak Heaven's Chosen steadily. 在没有使用魂术,没有让毛毛帮忙的情况下,凌霄却能够一对二,稳稳压制狼逅和凰九两尊顶尖天骄。 Two people are in an extremely difficult situation. 两人狼狈不堪。 After 78 rounds . 七八个回合之后。 Has panted, the whole body is the wound. 都已经气喘吁吁,浑身是伤。 Ling Xiao sudden incarnation ancestral dragon, huge dragon claw caught the day wolf and ice phoenix. 凌霄突然化身祖龙,巨大的龙爪一把将天狼和冰之凤凰抓了起来。 Hit ruthlessly in one. 狠狠地撞击在了一起。 ! 咔嚓! Does not know that many broke with the bone. 不知道多少跟骨头断裂了。 Two people threw down on the ground. 两人摔倒在了地上。 Turned into person. 都变成了人型。 Ling Xiao also restored person, occupies a commanding position, the right hand brandishes downward. 凌霄也恢复了人型,居高临下,右手向下挥舞。 The Heavenly Dao judgement of ten tenths might rumbled directly. 十成威力的天道裁决直接轰了下来。 Because Ling Xiao wants to examine, oneself present stage Heavenly Dao judgement in a big way is actually strenuous. 因为凌霄想要检测一下,自己现阶段天道裁决的费力究竟有多大。 Quick help!” “快帮忙啊!” The wolf meets is bellowing panic-stricken. 狼逅惊恐地大吼着。 Thereupon, the phoenix clan and several martial artist of day wolf group flushed. 于是乎,凤凰族和天狼组的几个武者都冲了过来。 Resists the Heavenly Dao judgement with two people together full power. 与两人一起全力对抗天道裁决。 Finally is, others were all rumbled to kill. 结果就是,其他人全被轰杀。 Altogether eight people, eight mid-graded half Great Emperor. 一共八个人啊,八个中品半步大帝 Died. 就那么死了。 Even if the phoenix nine and wolf meets, still has collapsed on the ground, the gearing cannot move., 即便是凰九和狼逅,也已经瘫倒在了地上,连动都不能动弹了。、 They, look at Ling Xiao panic-stricken, as if saw the devil simply. 他们惊恐不已,看着凌霄,简直就是仿佛看到了魔鬼。 Others also show the expression that not believed illegally. 其他人也是透出了无违法置信的表情。 Cracks a joke, this was also too fearful. 开什么玩笑啊,这也太可怕了吧。 By an enemy two. 以一敌二。 No, a person resists ten people. 不,一个人对抗十个人。 And two high-grade half Great Emperor. 其中两个还是上品半步大帝 Superior unexpectedly such big. 优势居然如此之大。 Without that eight cannon fodders, perhaps the phoenix nine and wolf met is rumbled to kill. 如果没有那八个炮灰,恐怕凰九和狼逅都被轰杀了吧。 battle strength powerful of Ling Xiao, they know. 凌霄的战力强大,他们是知道的。 Initially they knew in flying swallow village. 当初在飞燕村他们就知道了。 Normally, after Ling Xiao breakthrough, can defeat the phoenix nine, should be natural. 正常情况下,凌霄突破之后,能击败凰九,应该理所应当。 But is not today this complete overwhelming scene. 可也不是今天这种完全压倒性的场面啊。 This is teaches the grandson to be the same simply. 这简直就是教训孙子一样。 Too fearful. 太可怕了。 Too domineering! 太强势了!
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