HTMS :: Volume #94

#9365: Lin Baoyu and Bai Fengfeng!

This fights soon continues to one hour of time. 这一战快要持续到一个小时的时候。 Bang! 轰! The breath runs out from the Ling Xiao body all at once. 一股气息从凌霄身体之中冲出。 cultivation base broke through! 修为突破了! Broke through was skilled in Quasi-Emperor to Ninth Layer/nine layers! 突破了到了九重精通准帝 These struggles hard, has not wasted finally. 这一番苦战,总算是没有白费。 Hahahaha, many thanks!” “哈哈哈哈,多谢了!” Ling Xiao said submissively. 凌霄拱手道。 Monster!” “怪物!” The black robe youth pants, the complexion is ugly. 黑袍青年气喘吁吁,脸色难看。 Ling Xiao this breakthrough, the strength is definitely stronger. 凌霄这一突破,战力肯定更强。 Continues, perhaps will have the accident. 继续下去,恐怕会有闪失。 The black robe youth turned around to jump down the arena, left. 黑袍青年转身跳下了擂台,离开了。 This war, he harvests is also many. 这一战,他收获也是不少。 Before was very proud, but today, Ling Xiao solid took a class to him. 以前很是骄傲,但今天,凌霄结结实实给他上了一课。 Let him understand in this world also has many monsters, you are unable to place on a par with them. 让他明白了这世上还有很多怪物,你根本就无法与他们相提并论。 Ling Xiao also left. 凌霄也离开了。 Did not plan to continue. 不打算继续了。 This fights him, although is seemingly relaxed, in fact forcefully suppressed strength. 这一战他虽然看似轻松,实际上强行压制实力。 Fights with the opposite party, was injured by the opposite party. 与对方一战,也被对方伤到了。 Must result to rest well. 必须得回去好好休息一番。 Returned to the courtyard. 回到了院子之中。 Ling Xiao entered under the mountains and rivers world Heavenly Dao bodhi. 凌霄进入了山河世界天道菩提之下。 Therapy, while is recalling just now fight, he must summarize well. 一边疗伤,一边回想着方才的战斗,他要好好总结一番。 Consolidates well. 好好巩固一番。 This war, he has been at the disadvantage. 这一战,他一直处在劣势。 Actually nearly caused heavy losses several times. 其实几次都险些被重创了。 But therefore, his potential will also erupt, cultivation base will break through. 但也因此,他的潜能才会爆发,修为才会突破。 After one day, his injury recovers. 一日之后,他伤势痊愈。 cultivation base also consolidated completely in Ninth Layer/nine layers was skilled in the Quasi-Emperor stage. 修为也完全巩固在了九重精通准帝阶段。 The fight with powerhouse, can indeed stimulate the potential, this point is real. 与强者的战斗,的确能够激发潜能,这一点非常真实啊。 Has a look again, can promote again!” “再去看看,能不能再次提升!” Ling Xiao smiles, using day of time to refine the compounded drug. 凌霄笑了笑,用了一天时间炼制丹药。 Then, rested one in the evening, went to the desolate to fight the stage. 而后,休息了一晚上,才前往了荒战台。 Ling Xiao now is a celebrity. 凌霄现在已经是名人了。 His arrival, immediately caused many people's discussions. 他的到来,立即引起了许多人的议论。 Even own fans. 甚至还有了自己的粉丝。 Un, did you also come?” “嗯,你们也来了?” Ling Xiao saw the light holds up, saw that black robe youth. 凌霄看到了光擎,也看到了那个黑袍青年。 I challenge you, fights with me!” “我来挑战你,与我一战!” The black robe youth, as if was also harvested for two days and two nights big, although cultivation base has not promoted, but felt that the strength should be increased much. 黑袍青年两天两夜的时间里,似乎也是收获不小,虽然修为没有提升,但感觉战力应该提升了不少。 Good!” “好啊!” Ling Xiao smiles. 凌霄笑了笑。 He can feel, the black robe youth two days ago fight has not used the full power. 他能感觉到,黑袍青年两天前的战斗没有用出全力。 Naturally, he does not have. 当然,他也没有。 Therefore this war, he anticipated very much. 所以这一战,他很期待。 To give up the location to them, fought on the stage the current fight to stop. 为了给他们让出场地,战台上正在进行的战斗都停了下来。 Being willing makes them come up. 心甘情愿让他们上去。 This war, hit for one hour. 这一战,又足足打了一个小时。 Finally, fighting previous time is more intense. 结果,战斗比上一次更加激烈。 Ling Xiao even used 24 Emperor Armament. 凌霄甚至用出了二十四把帝兵 The opposite party also exposed some cards in a hand. 对方也暴露了一些底牌。 But the result of fight is much the same. 但战斗的结果却基本一样。 Although Ling Xiao at disadvantage. 凌霄虽然处在劣势。 But still has not defeated. 可依然没有败。 both sides consume are very big. 双方消耗都很大。 Ling Xiao also broke through cultivation base finally. 凌霄最后还突破了修为 Ninth Layer/nine layers Quasi-Emperor accomplishment. 九重准帝大成。 Three days later, then fights!” “三天后,再战!” The black robe youth knits the brows. 黑袍青年皱了皱眉。 Although can feel that Ling Xiao regarded the sparring partner him. 虽然能感觉到凌霄将他当成了陪练。 But he also profits during the fight quite a lot. 但他也在战斗之中受益颇多。 The world principle embryonic form use is even more adept. 世界法则雏形使用越发娴熟。 Even had the sign that continues to promote. 甚至有了继续提升的迹象。 Before cultivation base was about to stagnate. 以前修为都快停滞了。 Currently really has sign that breaks through to high-grade half Great Emperor. 现在竟然有了突破到上品半步大帝的迹象。 This type the matter, how he will let off. 这种好事儿,他又怎么会放过。 Ling Xiao smiles, naturally cannot reject. 凌霄笑了笑,自然不会拒绝。 The surplus values of this black robe youth have not hollowed out. 这黑袍青年的剩余价值还没挖空呢。 Only holds up also wants to challenge Ling Xiao. 光擎本来还想挑战凌霄 May see that Ling Xiao and black robe youth fights, the whole person was ignorant. 可看到凌霄与黑袍青年一战,整个人都懵了。 Completely is not the opponent. 完全不是对手啊。 Only can go back to train hard. 只能回去苦练了。 Every day comes to see these two to fight, is the harvest are many. 每天来看这两人战斗,也是收获不少。 Three days later, Ling Xiao and black robe youth fights again. 三天后,凌霄与黑袍青年再战。 Situation as always. 情况一如既往。 However this time, Ling Xiao use 36 Emperor Armament. 不过这一次,凌霄用处了三十六把帝兵 It can be said that the Wanbao god technique used completely. 可以说是万宝神术全部用了出来。 This time , to promote is not cultivation base, but is the Heavenly Dao domain. 这一次,提升的不是修为,而是天道领域。 The Heavenly Dao domain promoted nine levels of peaks. 天道领域晋升到了九级巅峰。 But Ling Xiao discovered that the promotion was quite slow. 凌霄发现提升比较慢了。 Because in the combat process, he can feel, the black robe youth did not have to kill intent to him. 因为战斗过程中,他能感觉到,黑袍青年对他没了杀意。 The feeling looks like two friends to compare notes general. 感觉就像是两个朋友在切磋一般。 This is not the life-and-death fight. 这不是生死之战。 Such fight, although is meaningful, but does not have the life-and-death fight is so intense. 这样的战斗,虽然有意义,但却没有生死之战那么强烈。 I called the black sickle, what's your name ? “我叫黑镰,你怎么称呼?” The black robe youth finishes, has not left, but asked. 黑袍青年战罢,并未离开,而是问道。 Ling Xiao!” 凌霄!” Ling Xiao said. 凌霄道。 Two people hit are hitting, unexpectedly made the sentiment to come, a hero pitied the feeling of hero. 两人打着打着,居然打出感情来了,有一种英雄惜英雄的感觉。 Ling Xiao? You really must be too strong, every fights with me one time, can promote so many, according to this rhythm, I sooner or later is not your opponent!” 凌霄?你真得太强了,每一次跟我战斗,都能提升那么多,照着这个节奏,我迟早不是你的对手!” The black sickle shakes the head to say. 黑镰摇了摇头道。 We hit not to have the significance again.” “咱们再这么打下去也没意义了。” Ling Xiao sighed: I must seperately look for the opponent.” 凌霄叹了口气道:“我得另外找对手了。” „Do you look down upon me?” “你瞧不起我?” Black sickle complexion big change. 黑镰脸色大变。 You misunderstood, I said, is because fights above stage, I cannot feel your killing intent. “你误会了,我之所以这么说,是因为战台之上,我感受不到你的杀意。 But I also under cruel methods to you. 而我也对你下不了狠手。 So fight, although is beneficial, but is not I wants. 如此战斗,虽然有益,但并不是我想要的。 What I want is the life-and-death fight! ” 我想要的是生死之战!” Ling Xiao is thinking, oneself is this/should finds the Shadow Blade Gate person on own initiative. 凌霄在想,自己是不是该主动去找影刀门的人啊。 The Shadow Blade Gate killer, can let killing intent that he feels truly. 影刀门的杀手,是真正能让他感受的杀意的。 Black sickle suddenly. 黑镰恍然。 Smiled bitterly, actually he also has this feeling. 苦笑了一声,其实他也有这种感觉。 Fight several times, two people are from an exchange of blows friendship grows, although has not been considered as the friend, but must under the killer to the opposite party, but also real being able to get down hand. 几次战斗下来,两人算是不打不相识,虽然还不算是朋友,但要对对方下杀手,还真下不去手啊。 Outside village had the expert to hit!” “村庄外面有高手打起来了!” Suddenly, some people shouted: Bai Fengfeng of Lin Baoyu and Fengming Shan of Wanbao god sect!” 忽然,有人喊了起来:“万宝神宗的林宝玉和凤鸣山的白凤凤!” Unexpectedly is they?” “居然是他们?” The people are one startled, obviously knows that who these two are. 众人都是一惊,显然都知道这两人是谁。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, outside the village transmits huge thundering. 突然,村庄之外传来一声巨大的轰鸣。 Ling Xiao and black sickle look toward outside. 凌霄和黑镰都朝着外面看去。 During the distant place, is void, seems like has two person's shadows. 远处,虚空之中,似乎是有两道人影。 We have a look!” “我们也去看看!” In the village fights the stage not to permit the fight besides the desolate. 村庄之内除了荒战台之外不允许战斗。 This is the rule. 这是规则。 Even the evildoer/monstrous talent of these half Great Emperor ranks, do not dare easily to touch this mildew head. 即便是这些半步大帝级别的妖孽,也不敢轻易去触这个霉头。 With Great Emperor for the enemy, does a thankless job. 大帝为敌,吃力不讨好。 Moreover, the wild person also unites specially. 而且,荒人还特别团结。 Once offended them, in the future you will not be welcome to where. 一旦得罪了他们,将来你到哪里都不会被欢迎的。 Even if they do not fear Great Emperor, does not want to provoke. 所以就算他们不怕大帝,也不想招惹。 In the sky, two forms frequent each other. 天空中,两道身影你来我往。 Hits very bustling. 打得非常热火朝天。 Two people as if have the day of level true body. 两人似乎都拥有天级真身。 Although is only the low-grade day level true body, but still has the day to fall the phenomenon. 虽然只是下品天级真身,但依然有天降异象。 One of them's phenomenon is the Qilin god cauldron. 其中一人的异象是麒麟神鼎。 The ancient times Qilin god cauldron empty shadow, was huge. 远古的麒麟神鼎虚影,非常巨大。 Lin Baoyu of Wanbao god sect. 正是万宝神宗的林宝玉。 Another person of phenomenon unexpectedly is one of the paradise 12 immortal beasts sacred phoenix. 另外一人的异象竟然是仙界十二仙兽之一的“神圣凤凰”。 This is the lunar shadow tells Ling Xiao. 这是月影告诉凌霄的。 Ling Xiao are certainly impossible to know. 凌霄自己当然不可能知道。 Perhaps pitifully, sacred phoenix that fellow did not have Undying Spider Queen, King of Dreamland and simultaneous/uniform day Great Saint is like that lucky, should fall from the sky. “可惜了,神圣凤凰那家伙恐怕没有不死蛛后梦境之王和齐天大圣那般幸运,应该是已经陨落了。 After falling from the sky, then changes to the strength of bloodlines, integrated in the body of that Bai Fengfeng. ” 陨落之后,便化作血脉之力,融入到了那个白凤凤的身体之中。” The lunar shadow sighed. 月影叹了口气。 After all is the immortal beast that she once created. 毕竟是她曾经创造出来的仙兽。 Many is somewhat moved. 多少有些伤感啊。 Bai Fengfeng is a very holy woman. 白凤凤是一个非常圣洁的女人。 A white clothing. 一身白衣。 The appearance is also the peony. 长相也是国色天香。 During the fight, various stances are also very beautiful. 战斗之中,各种姿态也是十分优美。 Is fighting, is rather dancing. 与其说是在战斗,倒不如说是在跳舞。 Really is enjoyment. 真得是一种享受。
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