HS :: Volume #8

#471: Big marriage (Middle Part)

Gradually, surrounding sound small, she made great strides forward one to have in the luxurious noble flavor hall. She has lifted the head secretly. Here, is the Ye Family central discussing official business hall, but for this wedding, inside underwent the decoration of huge scale, becomes changes beyond all recognition. The vision institute, carves beam Xiangqian the occidental topaz, four walls carve the picture Shuanglong play bead, above is inlaying certain rare and precious pearls, the big red carpet has passed through the hall midpoint, spreads to the dead ahead gold/metal step under straightly, the golden light is light, the decorated resplendent in gold and jade green hall will shine will be dazzling. 逐渐的,周围的声音小了下去,她迈进了一个有着奢华高贵味道的大厅之中。她偷偷抬起了头。这里,原是叶家的中心议事大厅,但为了这场婚礼,里面经过了巨大规模的装饰,变得面目全非。目光所及,雕梁镶嵌着黄水晶,四壁雕画双龙戏珠,之上嵌着若干颗珍稀明珠,大红地毯一直穿过大厅正中央,笔直蔓延到正前方的金阶下,金光淡淡,将被装饰的金碧辉煌的大厅照耀的更加璀璨夺目。 Here, became the palace of her wedding. 这里,成为了她婚礼的殿堂。 The roof of hall, is several decorated dazzling third contacts chairs, whole face light smile Ye Wei and Wang Wenshu that smiles grins with ear to ear took a seat, everywhere earnestly looks at their entering. Red sandalwood Xi An lives apart by the red blanket, about respectively three rows, early have been filled with the person, these people, are the honored guests in honored guest, any/random walks, is the people of big rich greatly expensive power the unusual person dares to annoy. 大厅的最高处,是几把被装饰的耀眼生光的椅子,满脸淡笑叶威和已经笑得合不拢嘴的王文姝已经落座,满目热切的看着他们的走进。紫檀席案分居红毯两侧,左右各三排,早已经坐满了人,这些人,都是贵客中的贵客,任意一个走出去,都是少有人敢惹的大富大贵大权之人。 Hua Shuirou with Ye Wuchen has stood abreast in row, was supported by the arm before by the maidservant small jade is moving toward, the hand that she has grabbed closely the hand of lower hem corner suddenly by warming worked quietly, grasps in palm, Hua Shuirou whole body stiffened, low of hanging, is sweated by soft and smooth that Ye Wuchen gripped quietly. 花水柔已经和叶无辰并排站在一起,被侍女小玉搀扶着走向前,她一直紧紧抓着衣角的手忽然被一只温暖的手悄悄抓起,握在了手心,花水柔全身一僵,头垂的更低,被叶无辰握住的柔夷已经悄然冒汗。 One step, two steps, three...... 一步,两步,三步…… The Hua Shuirou several oneself steps, are walking given Ye Wuchen forward, at this time, all her feelings centralized to by that hand that in Ye Wuchen gripped, near the ear clamoring sound seemed going far away, in the hall quickly was also peaceful, in process that they led the way, a clear and bright gentle sound has been reading aloud anything loud. That is the highest master in palace, big marriage that usually only will sponsor the sovereign Duke aristocrat, he was saying anything, Hua Shuirou is one is unable to hear clearly, one by one steps own footsteps. 花水柔数着自己的步子,在叶无辰的牵引下向前走着,此时,她所有的感觉都集中到了被叶无辰握住的那只手上,耳边的喧哗声似乎在远去,厅内也很快安静下来,在他们前行的过程中,一个清朗和缓的声音一直在高声念诵着什么。那是宫廷之中的最高司仪,平时只会主办皇公贵族的大婚,他在说着什么,花水柔已是一句都无法听清,一下一下的迈动着自己的脚步。 Shook her hand to tighten, drew her to stop, the sound of that reading aloud also stopped in this moment. She raised the head slightly, by the golden bead curtain, she Wang Wenshu liked vision with a smile to, quietly dangles to go. 握着她的那只手紧了一下,拉着她停下,那个念诵的声音也在这一刻停下。她微微抬头,透过黄金珠帘,她对上了王文姝欢喜含笑的目光,又悄悄的垂下头去。 Bows to heaven and earth!” “一拜天地!” Her hand was brought, Ye Wuchen is drawing her lightly, is having under her body tune, bows to heaven and earth. 她的手被带起,叶无辰轻拉着她,带着她的身体曲下,共拜天地。 Two pays respects parents!” “二拜父母!” The body had been transferred gently, similarly is Ye Wuchen is drawing her lightly, does obeisance to Ye Wei and Wang Wenshu direction gracefully. Ye Wei nods with a smile, Wang Wenshu lights up with pleasure, excited standing up half sat, in mouth unceasing read broken. 身体被轻轻转过,同样是叶无辰轻拉着她,对着叶威王文姝的方向盈盈一拜。叶威含笑点头,王文姝喜笑颜开,激动的站起一半又坐了回去,口中不断的碎碎念。 Husband and wife exchanges bows!” “夫妻交拜!” The body, by drawing to with his relative direction, along with it, that has been only drawn her hand also to loosen, she raised the head slightly, then moves the gentle vision that say/way has made her be enchanted by, this is first lets her sincere man, can accompany the lifetime man with her. 身体,被拉向了与他相对的方向,随之,那只一直拉着她的手也松开,她微微抬头,便碰触到了那道让她迷醉的柔和目光,这是第一个让她倾心的男人,也是会与她相伴一生的男人。 Looks at the eye of opposite party, two people bow to exchange bows, along with it, in the hall has resounded the warm incomparable clapping the hands sound, the big laughter and cheers. 看着对方的眼睛,两人弓身交拜,随之,厅内响起了热烈无比的拍掌声、大笑声、欢呼声。 Chen'er...... Finally got married.” Wang Wenshu has stood finally, hand is wiping corner of the eye joyful tears with brocade unceasingly, 辰儿……终于成家了。”王文姝终于站了起来,手拿锦帕不断抹着眼角喜悦的眼泪, The Ye Wei nod smiles: Chen'er, Rourou (soft) is the world difficult homing good wife, you may probably well to her.” 叶威点头而笑:“辰儿,柔柔是个天下难寻的好妻子,你可要好好的对她。” Ye Wuchen shows a faint smile, gently nod. 叶无辰微微一笑,轻轻点头。 Hua Zhentian that has stood on one side does not give a thought to situation, has stood all of a sudden, strains the big voice to exclaim: From now on, you may officially be my son-in-law. Although I know that your boy should not put in great inconvenience my daughter, but my this, when father-in-law's ruthless words must say...... If which day makes me know that my daughter received bullying, even if you are any Evil Emperor, I could not forgive you in the same old way!” 一直站在一边的花震天不顾场合,一下子站了出来,扯着大嗓门吼道:“从现在开始,你可就正式是我女婿了。虽然我知道你小子应该不会委屈了我女儿,但我这个当岳父的狠话还是要说……哪天要是让我知道我女儿受了欺负,就算你是什么邪帝,我照样饶不了你!” Evil Emperor two characters made the atmosphere suddenly austere, but immediately by well-meaning laughter cover passed/lived. Evil Sect, the also Southern Emperor Northern Emperor two people, most people in hall are the high-ranking officials in Heavenly Dragon Imperial Court, but Evil Emperor the weight/quantity of two characters are too really big, they continuously in desirably forgot that this status, but was only regarded Ye Family Young Master by oneself him, otherwise impossible to achieve to talk and laugh merrily in front of Evil Emperor. Therefore listened to a Hua Zhentian such saying, they suddenly, but saw Hua Zhentian to dare such to speak to Evil Emperor, Evil Emperor was also face respectful smiling, their hearts were also loose, the beforehand intense feeling also eliminated. 邪帝”两个字让气氛骤然肃了一下,但马上又被善意的哄笑声盖过。邪宗,还有南皇北帝两宗的人也就罢了,厅中的大部分人是天龙朝中的大员,而“邪帝”二字的分量实在太大,他们一直都在刻意的忘记这个身份,而让自己只把他当成叶家公子,否则绝不可能在邪帝面前做到谈笑风生。所以听花震天这么一说,他们心里突了一下,但见花震天都敢这么对邪帝说话,邪帝也是一脸恭敬的笑,他们的心也跟着松了下来,之前的紧张感也消去了很多。 Ye Wuchen nods hastily: What father-in-law Sir teaches is...... If which day of my son-in-law makes Rourou (soft) be wronged, does not need the father-in-law Sir to begin, my son-in-law will unable to forgive itself.” 叶无辰连忙点头:“岳父大人教训的是……如果哪天小婿让柔柔受了委屈,不需要岳父大人动手,小婿自己就会饶不了自己。” Hua Zhentian caresses must laugh: Good! Good! Worthily is my good son-in-law, you said that I put 100 hearts, Hahahaha, Hahahaha......” 花震天抚须大笑:“好!好!不愧是我的好女婿,你这么说我可是放100个心了,哈哈哈哈,哈哈哈哈……” Coming out that looks, his today's mood is extremely good. But in sour person to these hearts, he has blamed sadly today, the daughter has married Evil Emperor, his entire Hua Family also because of female and expensive...... How oneself daughter does not have this good fortune! 看的出来,他今天的心情极好。而对那些心中酸溜溜的人来说,他今天心情不好才是怪了,女儿嫁给了邪帝,他整个花家也是因女而贵……怎么自己的女儿就没这个造化呢! Envies the envy to hate Ah...... 羡慕嫉妒恨啊… Percussion instrument pleasant sound that ear-spittingly deafening sound still unceasingly winds around in the ear bank, after good the ritual of exchanging bows, Hua Shuirou then by the small jade supports by the arm Ye Wuchen the yard, was placed on the happy bed sits, nuptial chamber inside silence, can only hear the sound of footsteps that several walk gently indistinctly, as well as breathing, also heartbeat. When she was supported by the arm the nuptial chamber, he has been smiling is visiting her. She understands that look the meaning, he was saying: I......” 震耳喧天的锣鼓喜乐之声依然不断缭绕在耳畔,行过交拜之礼后,花水柔便被小玉搀扶到了叶无辰所住的小院,被安置在喜床上坐着,喜房里面一片寂静,只能隐约听见几个轻轻行走的脚步声,以及自己浅浅的呼吸声,还有心跳声。在她被搀到喜房时,他一直都在微笑着看着她。她懂那眼神的意思,他在说:“等我……” At present is bright red, the essence is embroidering the big red carpet of dragon and phoenix auspicious clouds as before, big double happiness character, full Shi red silk, red belt/bring \; On an intensely bright gold/metal stage two scarlet wedding candles live the splendor billowing, the candle body gold/metal carved lacquerware the flying in circles dragon and luan phoenix of soaring to the heavens \; The candlelight drags is insinuating the class gold/metal colored glaze curtain of almost simultaneous/uniform place, the color of full room dim illusion, isolates the nuptial chamber and outside, the person who the bright flash punctures is dazzled. 眼前依旧是一片一片的艳红,精绣着龙凤祥云的大红地毯,大的双喜字,满室的红绸,红带\;耀眼夺目的金盏台上两只大红喜烛潋滟生辉,烛身金漆雕着冲天的翔龙与鸾凤\;烛火摇曳的隐射着几乎齐地的流金琉璃帘,满室朦胧梦幻之色,将喜房与外界隔绝,熠熠闪光刺的人眼花缭乱。 Small jade, you in?” Hua Shuirou is still anxious, she summoned gently. “小玉,你在吗?”花水柔依然在紧张,她轻轻的呼唤道。 I, Young lady?” Defends in the small jade of bedside peacefully replies. “我在,小姐?”安静守在床边的小玉回答道。 This...... Has little heavy, can take?” Hua Shuirou with hand-held held the head to hang the phoenix coronet of Golden bead curtain, the phoenix coronet is somewhat heavy, she wore was very long, the nape of the neck started to feel that was sore. “这个……有一点点重,可以拿下来吗?”花水柔用手扶了扶头上挂着金色珠帘的凤冠,凤冠有些沉重,她戴了很久,脖颈已经开始感觉到酸痛。 Cannot not.” The small jade goes forward to put out a hand to help her hastily correct the phoenix coronet: This wants Young Master Ye to pick, if will pick off will be very inauspicious.” “不可以不可以。”小玉连忙上前伸手帮她端正凤冠:“这个是要叶公子才可以摘下来的,如果拿掉了会很不吉利。” Un.” Hua Shuirou has complied low voice, has put the hand, no longer moves the phoenix coronet. After a while, she also asked: He...... When will come?” “嗯。”花水柔小声的应了一下,就将手放了下来,不再去碰触凤冠。过了一会,她又问道:“他……什么时候会来?” This...... Young Master Ye must meet Empress, must for a long time...... Ended must also propose a toast happy drinks to very late...... Possibly, possibly wants to come in the evening.” Small jade hesitant saying. “这个……叶公子还要去接女皇,要好久……完了还要敬酒欢饮到很晚……可能,可能要晚上才过来。”小玉犹犹豫豫的说道。 In the evening...... Now just now passed noon. 晚上……现在才刚过了中午而已。 I was a little thirsty, wants to drink water.” “我有点渴了,想喝水。” „...... Young lady, before Young Master Ye comes to here, best not to eat the thing, otherwise, will be inauspicious.” The small jade said gently. “……小姐,叶公子来这里之前,最好是不吃东西的,否则,可能会不吉利。”小玉轻轻说道。 Un.” She does not have any resistance once more accordingly, static is waiting. “嗯。”她再次没有任何抗拒的应声,静静的等候着。 The Ye Family going to bride's home to escort her to the wedding team treads the Ye Family front door once more, the line has approached the Imperial Palace direction. Long Huang'er not own getting married place located in own resting palace, but is in Flying Phoenix Palace that she initially occupied, because initially was here, his first time hugged her, she was also from that moment on, started a heart secretly is on his body, and was tighter in the department. 叶家的迎亲队伍再次踏出叶家大门,行向了皇宫的方向。龙凰儿没有将自己的出嫁地点设在自己的寝宫,而是她当初所居住的飞凰宫之内,因为当初就是在这里,他第一次抱起了她,她也是从那一刻起,开始将一颗心偷偷系在他的身上,并在不知不觉间越系越紧。 Multi-colored of entire Imperial Palace high and low similar decoration, the today Empress big marriage, the whole nation joyfully celebrates, the entire Heavenly Dragon Nation pardon, treating of many extremely few going out marry the female to come from far away, only in order to moistens the honored Empress happy expression, comes to look for a good home to return to by oneself earlier. 整个皇宫上下同样装饰的五彩缤纷,今日女皇大婚,举国欢庆,全天龙国大赦,不少极少出门的待嫁女子远道而来,只为了能沾一沾尊贵女皇的喜气,来让自己早点找一个好的归宿。 today Long Huang'er has not made the appearance of Empress, coiling of shiny black long hair Rourou (soft) after behind, wears is the straight front scarlet happy robe that four happy pleasant cloud pattern brocades hammer to make, the waist ties similarly, forces the willow waist to be slender, the waist wears the exquisite jade belt, the jade belt is sagging the careful pearl tassels, that beautiful and noble face brilliance of like that during this scarlet jubilation. On that this fine face preserves slightly makes the people think immaturely suddenly. She...... Becoming Heavenly Dragon Nation first Empress Long Huang'er, this year is only 16 years old. 今日龙凰儿没有作女皇的打扮,黑亮的长发柔柔的绾于身后,身着同样是四喜如意云纹锦锻所制的直裾式大红喜袍,腰身束起,勒出柳腰纤纤,腰间佩带着玲珑玉带,玉带之下垂着细细的珍珠流苏,那绝美而高贵的面孔在这大红的喜庆之中那般的光彩夺目。那这种精致的脸上存留的些微稚嫩让人们忽然想到。她……成为天龙国第一个女皇帝龙凰儿,今年才只有16岁。 She was lifted Imperial Palace, arrived at Ye Family following the red carpet, under was supported by the arm the sedan, bridges over the brazier, then, bringing the delighted smiling face to make great strides forward the Ye Family front door. Her disposition not like Hua Shuirou like that inborn delicate, compares in the shyness, what she is bigger is infinite liking. Today, is not just one day that she has a dream wait for...... First what Ye Wuchen gets married is Hua Shuirou, she is not angry little, instead thought that this should be, because Hua Shuirou is engaged with him first, the age is also older than her. Although she is Empress, but in Ye Family, later, she can be her Elder Sister, all matters, naturally are Elder Sister first. 她被抬出了皇宫,顺着红地毯来到了叶家,被搀扶下轿,跨过火盆,然后,带着欢欣的笑颜迈进了叶家的大门。她的性格不像花水柔那般天生柔弱,相比于羞怯,她更大的是无限的欢喜。今天,不正是她做梦都在等待的一天吗……叶无辰先迎娶的是花水柔,她一点点都不生气,一点都不,反而觉得这是应该的,因为花水柔与他最先定亲,年纪也比她大。她虽然是女皇,但在叶家,以后,她会是她的姐姐,一切事情,当然是姐姐优先。 If, she is three years ago that stubbornly disobedient Flying Phoenix Princess, then she does not cry today greatly noisily, can put in great inconvenience is digging the lip. But that three years makes her disposition change because of it sadly, when he comes back, she knew oneself heart, has strengthened own heart...... So long as can side him, watch his is well, marries him to be his wife...... Other, are unimportant. 如果,她还是三年前那个顽劣的飞凰公主,那么她今天就算不大哭大闹,也会委屈的一路撅着嘴唇。而那三年的悲伤让她性格因之改变,在他回来之时,她更是知道了自己的心,也更坚定了自己的心……只要能在他身边,看他平安无事,嫁给他做他的妻子……其他的,一点都不重要。 With Long Huang'er accompanying not only and is one team of palace maids, there is still one by far hangs in following Black Bear, his half responsibility is responsible for the Long Huang'er security, enters after Long Huang'er to the Ye Family front door, he who already could not endure patiently cried out strangely to turn the wall to enter Ye Family immediately, went to stir with his brothers elders of few meeting about. 龙凰儿随行的并不仅仅是一队宫女,还有一个远远吊在后面的黑熊,他的一半职责是负责龙凰儿安全,直到龙凰儿进到叶家大门后,早就忍耐不住的他立即怪叫一声翻墙进了叶家,去和他那些很少碰面的兄弟长辈们搅合去了。 Ye Wuchen holds the hand of Long Huang'er to tread the red carpet to move toward the front once more. Long Huang'er secretly has been visiting him, often reveals happy smiling, is also backhanded his hand to grip by the hand that he holds. In the reading aloud sound of master, they the bowing to heaven and earth parents of under the vision and testimony of people, henceforth become the husbands and wives. Heavenly Dragon Nation only Empress, has married Evil Emperor in her 16 that year, her son of heaven. 叶无辰牵着龙凰儿的手再次踏着红地毯走向前方。龙凰儿一直都在偷偷看着他,不时露出开心的笑,被他牵住的手也反手过来将他的手握住。在司仪的念诵声中,他们在众人的目光和见证之下拜了天地父母,从此成为夫妻。天龙国的唯一女皇,在她16那年嫁给了邪帝,她的真命天子。 In the city din of gongs and drums, sings and dances, is joyfully celebrating this pair of good combination. 城中锣鼓喧天,载歌载舞,欢庆着这对天作之合。
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