HS :: Volume #8

#470: Big marriage (First Part)

Chapter 470 第470章 Ye Wuchen rode a horse the Ye Family front door like many things around a center in various vision, this coming out, he knows that entire Heavenly Dragon City had the huge change because of his wedding. 叶无辰在各种目光之中如众星捧月般骑马出了叶家大门,这番出来,他才知道整个天龙城都因他的这场婚礼而发生了巨大的变化。 Red carpets of two long exaggeration take Ye Family as the beginning, has extended the Hua Family direction amid twists and turns, another connected to several li (0.5 km) far Imperial Palace unexpectedly. Ye Family and Hua Family, also Imperial Palace, although the distance cannot can be called remotely, but this shuttled back and forth the vast project of Heavenly Dragon City one after another lively street, through the ages perhaps is also the first time. But the surroundings of rug, every several other steps then stand a precious flower child, the hand is holding the red basket of flowers. Among the male and female young children leapfrogging opens, the height build all differs not in a big way, look all delicate person. The boys wear the pink ancient Wenshuang butterfly cloud Xing thousand water skirts, the girl wear pale blue peach blossom fog smoke Luo Shan, the head comb the small hair bun, the blue powder are separated, lining so tender and beautiful dazzling... These many children, is it possible that all looked for the entire Heavenly Dragon City almost big or small child! The packed like sardines street by red carpet incision forcefully, nobody is dared to move the red carpet. 两条长的夸张的红地毯以叶家为起点,一条一直在曲折中延伸到了花家的方向,另一条竟连接至了数里远的皇宫叶家花家,还有皇宫虽说距离并不能称得上遥远,但这穿梭了天龙城一道又一道繁华街道的浩大工程,古往今来或许也是第一次。而地毯的周围,每隔几步便站着一名花童,手执红色花篮。男女小童间隔站开,身高体形皆是相差不大,相貌皆清秀可人。男童身着粉色古纹双蝶云形千水裙,女童身着淡蓝色桃花云雾烟罗衫,头梳小髻,蓝粉相间隔,更衬得是如此的娇艳刺目。。。这么多的孩童,莫非是将整个天龙城差不多大小的孩童全都找来了!原本拥挤不堪的街道被红地毯硬生生的切开,没有一个人敢碰触到红地毯。 Ye Wuchen appears, entire city high and low a scene of jubilation, the tide of people surges immediately. Looks, whole city is decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, the happy expression soars to the heavens, everywhere is the shining red lanterns, big red carpet, on Capital City main road, extremely luxurious ritual car(riage) of decoration one after another, magnificent incomparable, looks from afar, the Heavenly Dragon City people or come from crowd gathering round of he just with huge crowds of people, lively is unable to describe with the language simply. The bonus is the Ye Wuchen heart is prepared, just when left the gate of Ye Family also eyeful stream of people that magnificent and cannot see the end dodging eye... Without a doubt, this is Heavenly Dragon Nation, and even entire Heavenly Star Continent is largest ever , the influence is biggest, is the most luxurious wedding, because handles this wedding not only then Ye Family and Heavenly Dragon imperial family, even has included Southern Emperor Sect, Northern Emperor Sect, Sunflower Water Nation and Azure Billows Nation Emperor, major prestige illustrious aristocratic families, they, lest Ye Wuchen will have, even if disaffection, in these have the joint effort of entire continent highest power and influence and under financial resource person, this wedding luxurious to has let the degree that the person does not dare believe. 叶无辰出现,全城上下顿时一片欢腾,人潮涌动。一眼望去,满城张灯结彩,喜气冲天,到处都是明晃晃的红色灯笼,大红地毯,京城大道上,装饰的极其奢华的礼车一辆接着一辆,壮观无比,远远望去,天龙城民或者来自他方的人群里三层外三层的围着,热闹的简直无法用语言形容。饶是叶无辰心有准备,刚出叶家之门时也被满眼的华丽和看不见尽头的人流给闪了眼睛。。。毫无疑问,这是天龙国,乃至整个天辰大陆有史以来规模最大,影响最大,也是最奢华的婚礼,因为操办这婚礼的不仅仅只有叶家天龙皇室,甚至包括了南皇宗北帝宗葵水国沧澜国帝王,各大威名赫赫的世家,他们唯恐叶无辰会有哪怕一丝的不满,在这些具有全大陆最高权势、财力之人的合力之下,这场婚礼奢华到了让人不敢相信的程度。 Too has exaggerated a point.” Ye Wuchen looks at the front, moan in heart. “是不是太夸张了一点。”叶无辰看着前方,不由的在心中呻吟了一声。 Heavenly Dragon City Hua Family. 天龙城花家 Had been supported by the arm above the decorated sedan chair in anxious disturbed anxious uneasy whether sitting or standing morning Hua Shuirou by two happy mothers finally, then in anxious handshake has not seen clearly the apple that is who hands over, she has lowered the head, no one looked, even/including continuously smiles is looking her Ye Wuchen does not dare to poke head to look... But anxious at the same time, that continuously in rocking glances to flood almost must overflow the happiness that fully. Near the ear, the percussion instrument suona resounds through Capital City, the tide common happy sound transmits in each direction. After her today leaves Hua Family, later forever will be the person of Ye Family. She has not abandoned, what because two are separated is such near, she wants to come back, momentarily can come back. Her father, certainly frequent looks at her. 在紧张忐忑焦急中坐立不安了一上午的花水柔终于被两个喜娘搀扶到了花轿之上,然后紧张的握着手中没看清楚是谁递过来的苹果,她一直低着头,谁都不看,连一直微笑着看着她的叶无辰都没有敢探头看。。。但紧张的同时,那一直在晃动的眼波充斥着几乎要满满溢出的幸福。耳边,锣鼓唢呐响彻京城,浪潮一般的欢喜声音在各个方向传来。在她今日离开花家之后,以后就永是叶家之人。她没有不舍,因为两家相隔的是如此之近,她想回来,随时都可以回来。她的父亲,也一定会经常的去看她。 The today wedding has two brides, they bow to Heaven and Earth with Ye Wuchen by no means together, but comes in turn, namely after first does obeisance the hall, again meets second... Otherwise if two females bow to Heaven and Earth together, will appear extremely irritable. What make her joyful is, his first meets, is not Long Huang'er, but is she. 今日的婚礼有两个新娘,她们并非与叶无辰一起拜堂,而是依次而来,亦即与第一个拜完堂后,再去接第二个。。。否则若是两女一起拜堂,会显得太过别扭。让她欣喜的是,他第一个来接的,不是龙凰儿,而是她。 Hua Shuirou grips tightly is symbolizing the happy safe apple, in the heart is praying...... This is my happiness...... He is in the world is most perfect, will love my lifetime man, has him in the side, my happiness can forever, forever...... Finally. In one loud raises a sedan chair!” In the sound, she started to advance to the beginning of another life. 花水柔紧握着象征着幸福平安的苹果,心中祈祷着……这就是我的幸福……他是世界上最完美,会爱我一生的男人,有他在身边,我的幸福会永远,永远……终于。在一声大声的“起轿!”声中,她开始迈向了另一段人生的开端。 The decorated sedan chair gets up, Ye Wuchen rides a horse in the front, near the ear completely is all kinds of call and deafening sound percussion instrument. Too many people in the luxury of this wedding, want to witness Evil Emperor also amazed by two jade people who he marries passing through the gate..., 花轿起,叶无辰骑马走在前方,耳边尽是各种各样的呼声与喧天锣鼓。太多人惊诧于这场婚礼的奢华,更想亲眼目睹邪帝还有将被他娶进门的两位璧人。。。、 If the Ye Wuchen pupil on horseback deep deep pool, bright profound, the god meter is bright and beautiful, the demeanor lightly, a scarlet happy clothing/taking, the long hair flutters in his, sends out the breath of Emperor was already forming from top to bottom, on the face is having several points of serene smiling face. Does not know that seemed to be in a trance the general dumbfoundedness that many females look. 马背上的叶无辰眸若深潭,晶亮幽深,神仪明秀,风度翩然,一身大红喜服,长发飘扬在他的身后,浑身上下都散发着早已形成的帝王之息,脸上带着几分云淡风轻的笑容。不知将多少女子看的丢了魂一般的目瞪口呆。 Every time treads several steps on the red carpet, nearby boy girl will sprinkle the colorful news brief above him and decorated sedan chair, occasionally, will also scatter the water with the willow branch. Ye Family and Hua Family are distanced is not far, but the great distances of several streets, when turning around a corner, Ye Wuchen has looked the front vision has leaned slightly, because feels to tell him, has resembles together familiar, should not present the vision here to visit him. 每在红地毯上踏几步,旁边的男童女童就会在他和花轿之上洒下五颜六色的花絮,偶尔,还会用柳枝撒水。叶家花家相距的并不远,不过几道街的相隔,在拐过一个拐角时,叶无辰一直看着前方的目光稍稍侧了一下,因为感觉告诉他,有一道似熟悉,不该出现在这里的目光在看着他。 The vision institute, he saw look complex Yue Handong, daughter Yue Siqi that side him, is his gone home, Ye Wuchen bumps with her vision, slightly in consternation takes back, in the heart has doubts slightly: How they will come here... 目光所及,他看到了神色复杂的岳撼东,他身边,是他已经归家的女儿岳思琪,叶无辰与她的目光一碰,稍稍愕然后收回,心中微微疑惑:他们怎么会来到这里。。。 But Yue Siqi looks crazily when his vision with his vision touches immediately such as is receiving an electric shock general reclamation, heart beat faster, in the heart chaotic was shouting: He saw me...... He saw me...... 岳思琪原本痴看着他的目光在与他的目光相触时立即如触电一般的收回,心如鹿撞,心中混乱的喊着:他看到我了……他看到我了…… When Yue Siqi raised the head once more, the Ye Wuchen back went far away, her vision stays, in that is embroidering above the decorated sedan chair of dragon and phoenix rejoicing design, the look becomes low-spirited...... 岳思琪再次抬头时,叶无辰的背影已经远去,她的目光停留在那个绣着龙凤呈祥图案的花轿之上,神色变得黯然…… Yue Handong is observing daughter's look change silently, finally has left the face, sighed one silently... After Yue Siqi goes home, he knows her, not only has not received any injury, instead looked after meticulous, is not been suffering from injustice by the least bit. But the daughter after going home obviously changed, frequently scared witless looks at out of the window. Gradually, he knows is why. Facing Ye Wuchen such son, which has not to marry the female to be able not to move. But she initially was abducted by him, thus had occurring together with him, to his feelings, once produces, looks at other sons again, under the contrast, it is estimated that all such as muck...... After hearing him wants the news of big marriage, she begged him to lead her to go to the thousand li (500 km) to arrive at Heavenly Dragon City, her thoughts, this , when father how not to know. Her mother also can only keep sighing. 岳撼东默默的观察着女儿的神色变化,终于是别过脸去,默然的叹了一声。。。岳思琪归家后,他知道她非但没受到任何的伤害,反而被照顾的无微不至,没受半点委屈。但归家后的女儿明显变了,经常魂不守舍的看着窗外。逐渐的,他知道是为什么。面对叶无辰这样的男儿,有哪个未嫁女子会不动心。而她当初被他掳走,从而与他有了交集,对他的情愫一旦产生,再看其他男儿,对比之下,估计皆如粪土……在听闻他要大婚的消息后,她央求着他带她去远赴千里来到天龙城,她的心思,他这个当父亲的又怎么不知。她的母亲也只能长吁短叹。 ...... 只是…… During the Hua Shuirou disturbed waiting, the time has been similar slowly is very very slow, has not known how long, she felt the sedan chair stopped slowly, the ear makes noise as before, the corner/horn of curtain screen was lifted, her maidservant small jade said gently: Young lady...” 花水柔忐忑的等待之中,时间仿佛过的很慢很慢,不知过了多久,她感觉到轿子缓缓的停了下来,耳边喧闹依旧,帘子的一角被掀开,她的侍女小玉轻轻说道:“小姐,到了。。。” Then, a hand has extended, Hua Shuirou making contact with gently left the sedan chair with her. When she just left that moment of decorated sedan chair, near the ear sound was suddenly more peaceful, she as if heard all around the faint pumping air sound. She hangs the small head lightly, closely grabs the small jade the clothes. She has known oneself beauty, when she puts on the phoenix coronet cape or shawl worn by upper-class ladies in ancient times in the morning, after exchanging the bride installs, room maidservants dull visit him, including her by the mirror in beautiful may not the female of local products being shocked, this face, this body, is really...... Too beautiful! 然后,一只手伸了进来,花水柔轻轻的搭上跟着她出了轿子。而当她刚出花轿的那一刻,耳边的声音忽然安静了许多,她似乎听到了四周隐隐的抽气声。她轻垂螓首,紧紧抓着小玉的衣服。她一直都知道自己的美丽,当她早上穿上凤冠霞帔,换上新娘装之后,一屋子侍女都呆呆的看着他,连她自己也被镜子中美艳不可方物的女子给惊呆了,这张脸,这副身体,真的是……太美了! This is a specification must go far beyond the wedding of imperial family, the wedding cloth folk of Heavenly Dragon imperial family will not block from the facial features completely, but is pale gold/metal Zhulian covers the face, therefore under after Hua Shuirou sedan, appearance naturally exposition faintly before the people... The today sunlight is especially gentle, billowing date was sparkling her phoenix coronet cape or shawl worn by upper-class ladies in ancient times to be charming, lived the splendor proudly, the person who the bright flash punctured was dazzled. Her wears four screen phoenix coronets, on tall Wan cloud Ji is embellishing fine peerless gold hairpin, below is hanging several carving luan phoenix gold/metal Buyao, wears chats the wide sleeve Gold Phoenix mark scarlet formal clothes, the waist is the same color same mark wide brocade belt/bring, treads the gold thread shoes fully, lives the splendor step by step. The scarlet gold thread luan phoenix lid falls completely the tall and slender pearl tassels, blocks from ruby that in her forehead has hung down. Black eyebrow coloring eyebrow beautiful white skin, bright eyes jade lip, fine moving, that makes shy condition with pale gold/metal Zhulian who the will of the people pities is makes her charm multiply faintly, just like the day female exiles the dust, beautiful not world of mortals... 这是一场规格要远远超过皇家的婚礼,天龙皇室的喜帕不似民间会把面容全部遮住,而是一席淡金珠帘掩面,所以花水柔下轿之后,容颜自然半遮半掩的暴露于众人前。。。今日阳光格外柔和,潋滟日光映着她身上的凤冠霞帔妩媚明耀,傲然生辉,熠熠闪光刺的人眼花缭乱。她头佩四屏凤冠,高挽的云髻上点缀着精美绝伦的金簪子,下面垂着数条雕镂鸾凤金步摇,身穿大摆宽袖金凤纹大红礼服,腰系同色同纹宽锦带,足踏金丝履,步步生辉。大红的金丝鸾凤盖头坠满细长的明珠流苏,遮住了她眉心上低垂的红宝石。黛眉雪肤,明眸玉唇,精致动人,那让人心怜的羞怯之态与淡金珠帘的半遮半掩更是让她魅力倍增,犹如天女谪尘,美的不似凡间。。。 Today, is she this life the most beautiful time. Person who her beauty, all sees her with not to see her conquers instantaneously, does not know that many people have turned very quiet in the unconsciousness, visits her dull, how the vision is unable to put aside. 今天,是她今生最美丽的时刻。她的美丽,将所有见过她与没见过她的人瞬间征服,不知有多少人在无意识间屏住了呼吸,呆呆的看着她,目光怎么都无法移开。 Hua Shuirou has not walked several steps, a brazier appeared before the foot, she leisurely careful bridged over the brazier under supporting by the arm of small jade, moment, the apple in her hand was taken away, a gold/metal saved the vase to place in her hand...... Before the custom in marriage her, already bearing in mind firmly, but in clean that this time forgot unexpectedly, took the vase in hand to feel helpless, succeeded in obtaining the jar to vibrate several to accompany the ear was transmitting ding-dong several resounding, why she remembered must take this vase...... 花水柔没走几步,一只火盆出现在了脚边,她轻缓小心的在小玉的搀扶下跨过了火盆,须臾,她手中的苹果被拿走,一个金撙花瓶放在了她手中……婚中的规矩她之前已经牢牢的记在心里,而在这时竟又忘记的一干二净,拿着手中的花瓶不知所措,直到手中的瓶子震动了几下伴着耳边传来“当当”的几声脆响,她才想起为什么要拿这个花瓶…… Along with it, the surroundings have heard the big piece noise applauding sound, the jar in her hand was taken up, a red silk fabric has placed in her hand, got hold of by her secretly. Under the leadership of red silk, her lotus steps move lightly, follows close on slowly, she knows certainly that department, is being her Husband Ye Wuchen. 随之,周围传来了大片喧闹的叫好声,她手中的瓶子被拿起,一条红绸子放在了她的手中,被她偷偷握紧。在红绸的带领之下,她莲步轻移,缓缓紧跟,她当然知道,那一头系着的,是她的夫君——叶无辰 Finally, bridges over that not to calculate that the high threshold, she stepped into the Ye Family front door, originally continuously if still deer Zhuang Xin'er is peng peng beat. 终于,跨过那不算高的门槛,她踏进了叶家的大门,原本就一直犹若鹿撞的心儿更是“砰砰”的跳动起来。 But can enter in the guest to Ye Family, is the incomparably honored person. They already were stood on tiptoes the tip of the toe, waited, when Ye Wuchen and Hua Shuirou crossed the threshold, the breath that one could not constrain intermittently overlapped in together, had the male to have the female, today Hua Shuirou was similar to Fairy that went out of the picture, the beautiful letting person cannot move to the eye...... 而能进到叶家之内的宾客,无一不是无比尊贵的人。他们早已是踮起脚尖,翘首以待,当叶无辰花水柔入门之时,一阵阵压抑不住的呼吸交叠在一起,有男有女,今日花水柔如同一个从画中走出的仙女,绝美的让人移不开眼睛…… Also only has Evil Emperor, female who can be joined to the so beautiful unreasoning passion, only then such female, can be joined, regardless of each aspect stands in Heavenly Star Continent most apex Evil Emperor. 也只有邪帝,才能配得上这般美丽痴情的女子,也只有这样的女子,才配得上无论各个方面都站在天辰大陆最顶点的邪帝 Hua Shuirou looks at own tip of the toe, Rourou (soft) timid along with was grasped the red silk in hand to take a step by her forward. Since entered the Ye Family gate, her train of thought does not know that flew to where, from his meet, to him to her conquering forcefully, again to three years racked one's brains sadly...... Slowly, has thought future lifelong accompanies together with him, all these all, suddenly then such as lively dream, happy was hard to find the third dimension. In obtaining three years after his death news, she never dares to expect that can have happiness of this day. 花水柔看着自己的脚尖,柔柔怯怯的随着被她握在手中的红绸向前迈步。自从进了叶家的门,她的思绪就不知飞向了何处,从与他的相遇,到他对她的强行征服,再到三年的悲戚苦思……缓缓的,又想到了将来的与他终身厮守,这一切一切,恍然就如繁华一梦,幸福的难以找到真实感。在得到他死讯后的三年里,她从来不敢奢望会有这一天的幸福。 ( This chapter of code four hours, did not say.) (这一章码了四个小时,嘛都不说了。) ( To this chapter only beautiful name, finally to scratch and tear head very much a very much, finally suppresses two characters, behind again with the parentheses......) (原本很想给这章起个很唯美的名字,最终抓破脑袋,终于憋出俩字来,后面再跟个括弧……)
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