HS :: Volume #8

#472: Big marriage (Last Part)

Long Huang'er was delivered to another nuptial chamber. She and Hua Shuirou nuptial chamber in the Ye Wuchen yard, was emptying two houses for serveral days decorated incomparable magnificent and expensive, but the Ye Wuchen housing had not actually moved, this should be the bridal chamber place, Ye Wuchen does not allow any to touch. Now, Ningxue and Tong Xin, also has lain on the window looks at Xiaomo of out of the window crazily in inside, had not exited. 龙凰儿被送至了另一间喜房。她和花水柔的喜房都在叶无辰的小院,原本空着的两间房子这些天被装饰的无比华贵,而叶无辰的住房却一直没有动过,这原本才该是新房的地方,叶无辰不允许任何触动。现在,凝雪瞳心,还有一直趴在窗户上痴痴看着窗外的小沫在里面,一直没有出去过。 Ye Wuchen naturally is remains in all directions to propose a toast to from guest...... At the scale and quantity of that exaggeration, respect one after another is impossible, otherwise respects tomorrow unable to complete. He starts from Ye Family, one after another is drinking. 叶无辰自然是留下来给来自四面八方的宾客敬酒……以那夸张的规模与数量,就算一桌一桌的敬都已经是不可能,否则敬到明天都完不成。他从叶家内部开始,一杯一杯的饮着。 Grandfather.” “外公。” Hehehehe, Chen'er, grandfather were not many says anything, had your such grandchild, the grandfather was sleeps frequently to smile. Later, but must as many and grandfather enjoys the picture as grandfather here, does to bestow on anything.” Wang Bo laughed was saying, he of extremely few drinking tosses down the liquor that Ye Wuchen respects. 呵呵呵呵,辰儿啊,外公就不多说什么了,有你这样的外孙,外公是睡觉都经常笑出来。以后啊,可要多到外公这里和外公赏赏画,作作赋什么的。”王博笑呵呵的说着,极少喝酒的他将叶无辰敬起的酒一饮而尽。 Un, I often will certainly go to grandfather there to consult to the grandfather.” Ye Wuchen respectful saying. “嗯,我一定会常去外公那里向外公请教的。”叶无辰恭敬的说道。 Wang Bo sits down with a smile, although he is Imperial Tutor, but consulting two characters, he may really not be at all in front of Ye Wuchen. 王博笑着坐下,他虽是帝师,但“请教”两个字,在叶无辰面前他可真是不敢当。 ............ ………… Sunflower emperor, the dark green emperor, is tired you to come from far away.” Before Ye Wuchen stands Sunflower Water Nation Kui Longji and Azure Billows Nation the Cang Xiaoyun table, pours out the liquor for them personally. “葵帝,苍帝,劳累你们远道而来。”叶无辰站到葵水国葵隆基沧澜国苍啸云桌前,亲自为他们斟上酒。 Emperor of two country raise glass, Cang Xiaoyun said with a smile: Young Master Ye, today is the time of your great happiness, some dark green mood also never had such happily. Some matters, are to mistakenly have become the mist, I and sunflower brother one talked over thoroughly, finally all thought the world because of having you, but peace and happiness, therefore this liquor you did not respect us, but was we respects you...... Celebrates you, is respects you to thank you.” 两个国之帝王举杯而起,苍啸云笑道:“叶公子,今日是你的大喜之期,苍某的心情也从来没这么舒畅过了。有些事,是对是错已成云烟,我和葵兄一番深谈,最后皆以为天下因有你而升平,所以此酒非你敬我们,而是我们敬你……既是贺你,也是敬你谢你。” Kui Longji also smiles to nod, three cups bump, three people also toss down, looking at each other smiles, although has not had many spoken languages, but all already during did not say. Among the smart people spoke, to then. If no Evil Emperor, by Southern Emperor Sect and Northern Emperor Sect ambition, the world will be chaotic because of them sooner or later, Sunflower Water Nation has become the Northern Emperor Sect puppet dozens years ago, Azure Billows Nation, Heavenly Dragon Nation and Great Wind Nation cannot escape the substituted destiny sooner or later. But because of Evil Emperor, Southern Emperor Sect and Northern Emperor Sect was cleaned to subdue, the Great Wind Nation ambition pinched out, the war extinguishes. But facing them, Evil Emperor is with the transaction that they make to consent, never forces. After Great Wind extinguishes the country, they recall, suddenly feels to sob. The Evil Emperor will in the world, the world actually does not decide because of him. Also several people can know, is Evil Emperor, extinguishes huge turmoil that Heavenly Star Continent had inevitably. 葵隆基也微笑点头,三杯相碰,三人同时一饮而尽,对视而笑,虽未有过多言语,但一切已在不言之中。聪明人之间说话,点到即可。若无邪帝,以南皇宗北帝宗的野心,天下早晚因他们而乱,葵水国在数十年前已成北帝宗傀儡,沧澜国天龙国大风国也早晚摆脱不了被取代的命运。而因为邪帝,南皇宗北帝宗被清洗收服,大风国的野心被掐灭,战争消弭。而面对他们,邪帝一直都是在与他们做两厢情愿的交易,从未胁迫。大风灭国后,他们回想起来,顿觉唏嘘。邪帝的志并不在天下,天下却因他而定。又有几人能知道,是邪帝,消弭了一场天辰大陆必然发生的巨大动乱。 Therefore, they will obey Evil Emperor from now on, so long as has a clear conscience, wholly-absorbed is the people, does not need to fear him. 所以,他们今后会服从邪帝,但只要问心无愧,专心为民,就根本无须去惧怕他。 Old Gentleman.” Before Ye Wuchen arrived at Yan Tianwei one table. Yan Tianwei, Yan Gongluo, Yan Duancang, Yan Qiusha, Yan Gongyue and Yan Gongruo on, the next door table in Yan Qinghong, Yan Qingping and other sects the important person is sitting, in several other tables is one group of young people of flame, many that must live it up obviously, see Ye Wuchen to approach, is away from create a disturbance very much. 老爷子。”叶无辰来到了炎天威一桌前。炎天威炎弓洛炎断沧炎秋沙炎弓月炎弓若一家都在,隔壁桌上炎轻鸿炎轻萍等宗中重要之人全部在坐,另外几桌上都是炎氏的一群年轻之人,明显要热闹的多,一见叶无辰靠近,隔着很远就起哄起来。 Master, how we may work you pour out wine...... Yan Tianwei just about to speak to us, sees impediment that the Ye Wuchen action is thrown into confusion immediately. A Ye Wuchen swayed, said with a smile: Old Gentleman, today was the date of my big marriage, this Master does not need to call, worked as a younger generation to be good me.” 主人,我们怎可劳您给我们斟酒……”炎天威刚要说话,一见叶无辰的举动顿时手忙脚乱的阻止。叶无辰手一摆,微笑道:“老爷子,今日是我大婚之日,这主人就不必叫了,把我当一个晚辈就好。” This...... Hehe, good. Yeah, this nearly two years passed in a flash, our destinies change because of you...... Oh, these matters do not raise, the today big marriage, our entire sects high and low are very delighted, cannot withdraw the body, they wish one could everyone to fly. This liquor, I did for them.” Yan Tianwei takes the lead, raises glass to toss down. “这……呵呵,好。哎,这一晃已经快两年过去了,我们的命运都是因你而改变……唉,这些事都不提了,今日大婚,我们全宗上下都无比欢喜,要不是脱不开身,他们恨不得每个人都飞过来。这酒,我就替他们干了。”炎天威带头,举杯一饮而尽。 Ye Wuchen gets out of the way, had been pinched with the nail by Yan Gongruo secretly ruthlessly, then also lightly snorted don't face, Ye Wuchen pain has bared the tooth, can only helpless forced smile, not dare to annoy this quite not happy girl again, however smiles Yan Duancang in these income eyes lightly, said in a soft voice: Er Ya and Si Ya have also had reached adulthood......” 叶无辰走开的时候,被炎弓若偷偷用指甲狠狠的掐了一下,然后还轻哼一声别过脸去,叶无辰痛的龇了一下牙,只能无奈的苦笑一声,没敢再去惹这个相当不高兴的丫头,将这些收入眼中的炎断沧轻然一笑,轻声说道:“二丫四丫也已经老大不小了……” Yan Tianwei and Yan Duancang have belonged to new Northern Emperor Sect, but the Yan Gongluo still body is Evil Sect. If by the intelligence capability, is Evil Sect is still strongest. In the past is based on buried treasure that Heavenly Dragon Nation Great Ancestor Emperor left behind the intelligence network that builds covers the world. But just had been cleaned Northern Emperor Sect and Southern Emperor Sect also need a long time conformity improvement, therefore, the main frame is Evil Sect of Yan Clan person has not belonged to Northern Emperor Sect, but still mysterious existence, is the eye of Evil Emperor, with sharp sword that in his hand destroys the hardest defenses. 炎天威炎断沧已经归于新的北帝宗,而炎弓洛依然身属邪宗。若论情报能力,依然是邪宗最强。以当年天龙国太祖皇帝留下的宝藏为基础筑造的情报网覆盖天下。而刚刚被清洗过的北帝宗南皇宗还需要很长一段时间的整合整治,所以,主架为炎氏族人的邪宗并没有归入到北帝宗之中,而是依然神秘的存在着,是邪帝的眼睛,和他手中无坚不摧的利剑。 ............ ………… Ye Wuchen moves toward next table of times, an important goods child person has stood, Black Bear pushes to the front, the big mouth was saying: Main......” a character exits, had been swallowed by him, his present status needs of hidden, trades to do with very small sound said: Master, a day marries two wives, my Black Bear has grown in experience today......” 叶无辰走向下一桌的时候,一大帮子人已经呼啦啦的站了起来,黑熊一马当先,咧着大嘴道:“主……”一个字出口,又被他咽了下去,他现在的身份还是有隐藏的必要,换做用很小的声音道:“主人,一天娶俩媳妇,俺黑熊今天可是长见识了……” „The Wa! two new brides are both same as Fairy, my saliva crash that looks at!” 哇!两个新娘子都跟仙女一样,看的我口水都哗啦啦!” Tie Wa'zi closes your foul-mouthed, the Master wife you dares the flower mouth.” 铁娃子闭上你的臭嘴,主人的媳妇你都敢花花嘴。” Your dead donkey, the Master wife was the same with Fairy, I also have not spoken incorrectly.” “你个死驴子,主人的媳妇本来就跟仙女一样,我又没说错。” Ye Wuchen has sized up Black Bear a while with, bears say with a smile: Black Bear...... Your this also a little too......” 叶无辰拿眼打量了黑熊一会儿,忍住笑道:“黑熊……你这也有点太……” Hey! Master, let alone you, we, when just saw him has not recognized, after recognizing, had a scare...... Life in palace is really comfortable enviable, eats this, later do not call Black Bear, called the black pig, Hahahaha!” “嘿!主人,别说你了,就连我们在刚见到他的时候都没认出来,认出来后又吓了一跳……宫里的生活果然是舒坦的让人羡慕啊,吃成这样,以后别叫黑熊了,叫黑猪吧,哈哈哈哈!” This time Black Bear and several months ago Black Bear compare acts like a different person simply. When just extinguished Lin Family, Ye Wuchen has also seen Black Bear, that time his not anything too big change. But these months get down...... His stature was almost unexpectedly sturdy one time, before now such as thick iron pole is then ordinary then the sturdy body. The outline on his face also in as well as with Tie Wa'zi San Lu'zi one group of person sat same tables on, Ye Wuchen almost cannot recognize. 此时的黑熊和几个月前的黑熊相比简直判若两人。在刚灭了林家的时候,叶无辰还见过黑熊,那时的他并没有什么太大的变化。而这几个月下来……他的身材竟差不多粗壮了一倍,以前就粗壮的身体现在便如一个粗大的铁柱子一般。要不是他脸上的轮廓还在以及和铁娃子三驴子一帮人坐在同一桌上,叶无辰几乎没能认出来。 Hey.” Black Bear somewhat embarrassed finding the clue make, mumbled: Also must be careful with former that nonsense emperor side, eats cannot have a good sleep well, but this small Empress......, It is not the mistress, usually is all right resting of eating were many a point, therefore......” “嘿。”黑熊有些不好意思的摸摸头,嘟囔道:“跟以前那个狗屁皇上身边还得事事小心,吃不好睡不好,而这个小女皇帝……啊不是不是,是主母,平时没事就吃的睡的多了一点,所以就……” Ye Wuchen could not bear smile finally, the people who stirred up the entire table burst out laughing to smile. Ye Wuchen stops to smile, said: Tomorrow afternoon looks for my, I could help you lose weight.” 叶无辰终于是忍不住笑了起来,惹得整个桌的人都跟着捧腹而笑。叶无辰止住笑,说道:“明天下午来找我一趟,我或许能帮你减减肥。” Black Bear is overjoyed immediately, said excitedly: „? Really? Is...... Master said can then certain energy...... The mother, including my parents quickly not to dare to recognize me now.” 黑熊顿时大喜过望,激动道:“啊?真的?是是……主人说能就一定能的……娘啊,现在连我爹娘都快不敢认我了。” A table is one laughs immediately. 一桌子顿时又是一阵哄笑。 ............ ………… Big Brother Chu.” 楚大哥。” oh oh!” Was wolfing down to eat thing Chu Jingtian to stand hastily, swallowed diligently mouth Middle East west saying that while made excuses: Leaf...... Brother Ye, congratulations, Hehe, what my Chu Jingtian also finally was sees the marriage is. Early knows that should ask the grandfather to come.” 哦哦!”正狼吞虎咽吃着东西的楚惊天连忙站了起来,一边努力将口中东西咽下去一边支支吾吾的说道:“叶……叶老弟,恭喜恭喜,嘿嘿,我楚惊天也总算是见到结婚是啥样了。早知道该叫爷爷过来的。” Ye Wuchen shows a faint smile, he once specially returned to northern one to look for Chu Cangming, wants to ask him to attend own big marriage, after all in the past his life was he rescued, the result such as he expected, the thoughts the clearance, has not wanted to step in this mortal world to smile the rejection, then asked his called Xiao Ruo female, making him know beginning Xiao Ruo when the place that presented was he 13 years ago when presented here the same place. 叶无辰微微一笑,他曾特意回到北方一趟去找楚沧溟,想请他参加自己的大婚,毕竟当年他的命是他所救,结果如他所料,心思已净空,不想涉足尘世的他微笑拒绝,然后问了他一个叫“萧若”的女子,让他知道萧若初来之时出现的地方是和他13年前出现在这里时的同一个地方。 Leng Ya stands up, wine glass with him, as soon as bumps, clean agile tossing down, on face continuously icy not any expression. His entire one day is this faint facial expression, is incompatible with the surrounding lively atmosphere, Ye Wuchen thinks little, but the innermost feelings are ease sigh. The Ping'er death makes the string of his final sentiment be ripped, if henceforth the heart the dying embers, are again untender. Does not know that has any means that can call that seems like indifferent, actually incomparably treasures each sentimental Leng Ya. 冷崖站起身来,将酒杯与他一碰,干净利索的一饮而尽,脸上一直冷冰冰的没有任何表情。他整整一天都是这个淡漠的神情,与周围热闹的气氛格格不入,叶无辰不以为意,不过内心却是悠然一叹。屏儿的死让他最后的感情之弦被撕断,从此心若死灰,再无感情。不知有什么办法,能唤回那个看似冷漠,其实无比珍重每一段感情的冷崖 Sir Liu......” “刘大人……” Sir Shi......” 史大人……” Sir Gongsun......” “公孙大人……” Uncle Liu......” “柳伯伯……” From hall to hall outside, these with Ye Wuchen non- friendship royal government high-ranking official by Ye Wuchen one by one accurate incomparable called the name, felt extremely flattered completely, nervous constantly raised one's wine cup to respect, movement and look cautiously. But several glasses of liquor get into the stomach, in addition Ye Wuchen amiable with atmosphere lively harmonious, they also finally let loose the heart, starts to create a disturbance is proposing a toast one after another, greatly some meaning that Ye Wuchen gets drunk, but immediately, has not experienced person simultaneously of Ye Wuchen alcohol capacity to be dumbfounded, Ye Wuchen respected each table of Ye Family yard, he who on others respects all comes are welcome, the people visit him drinking dozens cups helplessly, is the surface does not have the flushed unexpectedly, the footsteps are steady, eye pupil clear, does not have the sign of least bit alcoholic intoxication. 从厅内到厅外,那些与叶无辰几无交情的朝廷大员被叶无辰一个个的准确无比的喊出名字,全部是受宠若惊,慌不迭的把酒相敬,动作、眼神都小心翼翼。但几杯酒下肚,再加上叶无辰的随和与气氛的热闹融洽,他们也终于放开心来,开始起哄着轮番敬酒,大有将叶无辰灌醉的意味,但马上,没见识过叶无辰酒量的人齐齐傻眼,叶无辰叶家大院的每个桌都敬了一遍,别人上敬的他是来者不拒,众人眼睁睁的看着他连饮几十杯,竟是面无红潮,脚步平稳,眼眸清亮,根本没半点醉酒的迹象。 Let alone the liquor, is dozens water, the average person cannot fill. The people in being flabbergasted, secretly thought worthily are Evil Emperor, really cannot by common sense it, pinch out the idea that he gets drunk directly. 别说酒,就是几十杯水,普通人也根本灌不下去。众人在咋舌间,暗道不愧是邪帝,果然不能以常理度之,将他灌醉的想法直接被掐灭。 Ye Wuchen can achieve truly thousand cups without being drunk, because of the alcohol just the entrance, can be given the decomposition by his Wuchen Power, the unnecessary moisture content will directly also turn into the vapor platoon to exit by Water Power by him, let alone dozens cups, are thousand cups of ten thousand cups, regardless of will drink how much liquor not to make him have to feel any illness. 叶无辰可以做到真正的“千杯不醉”,因为酒精刚刚入口,就可以被他的无辰之力给分解,多余的水分也会被他以水之力直接化成蒸气排出去,别说几十杯,就是千杯万杯无论喝多少酒都不会让他有感觉到什么不适。 From Ye Family to Ye Family beside, has drunk the night to approach from afternoon, the Ye Wuchen alcohol capacity is to let all people seriously frightens one. 叶家之内到叶家之外,从下午一直喝到夜晚临近,叶无辰的酒量当真是让所有人吓得一愣一愣。 But one all day, Ye Shuiyao treats in own fragrant boudoir, where has not gone, she is peaceful from time to time, from time to time silent smiles, does not know that is thinking, is recalling anything. 而一整天,叶水瑶都待在自己的香闺中,哪里也没有去,她时而安静,时而无声而笑,不知在想着,回忆着什么。 The curtain of night initially falls, Heavenly Dragon City is still the colored lantern sways with Ye Family up and down, that continued day of noise to start divergence slowly, but the aftermath of wedding without doubt was a huge project. After the guests send off, Ye Family finally was peaceful. Wang Wenshu starts hurrying to tidy up courtyard, simultaneously lets the congratulatory gift that the person reorganization and inventory receive today. The fools also know, congratulatory gift that today receives surely as many as a scary degree. 夜幕初降,天龙城上下与叶家依然是彩灯飘摇,那持续了一天的喧闹开始缓缓的散去,但婚礼的善后工作无疑是一个庞大的工程。宾客送走后,叶家总算是安宁了下来。王文姝开始赶忙让人收拾家院,同时让人整理和清点今天收到的贺礼。傻子也知道,今天收到的贺礼必定会多到一个吓死人的程度。 Finally obtained getting rid Ye Wuchen not to make anybody support by the arm to follow, returned to own yard, his footsteps put lightly, has not had a sound, he has already not arrived at the Hua Shuirou nuptial chamber, has not gone to the Long Huang'er nuptial chamber, but quietly returned to own room. 终于得到摆脱的叶无辰没有让任何人搀扶跟随,回到了自己的小院中,他脚步放轻,没有带起一丝声音,他既没有到花水柔的喜房,也没有去龙凰儿的喜房,而是悄然返回了自己的房中。
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