HPATST :: Volume #1

#72: Diagon Alley and Leaky Cauldron

Then, when summer vacation also the remaining two weeks, Ivan and Harry have been admitted to Leaky Cauldron. 就这样,在暑假还剩下两个星期的时候,艾文哈利住进了破釜酒吧 Compares is excited in Harry's, Ivan has more matters to do. 相比于哈利的兴奋,艾文则有更多的事情要做。 Following several days, he has almost visited Diagon Alley all magic stores. He convinced the business to have the advertisement in his newspaper, benefitted from the sales volume that 《Hogwarts Magic》 increased progressively gradually, many business are willing such to do, the advertizing cost of payment also compared at first on high many. 接下来几天,他几乎将对角巷所有魔法商店都拜访过。他说服商家们在自己的报纸上打广告,得益于《霍格沃茨魔法报》逐渐递增的销量,不少商家都愿意这么做,支付的广告费用也比最初高上不少。 This made Ivan have many savings, he has bought the lots for himself, for example went far beyond the normal young wizard(s) amount of use the medicament material. 这让艾文又有了不少积蓄,他给自己买了很多东西,比如远远超过正常小巫师使用量的药剂材料。 The previous semester prepares Polyjuice Potion time, he on the potion formula 《Most Potente Potions》 this book records, inside has practical potion, to sharpening the combat capability is very helpful. If must buy the end product, needs many gold Galleon(s), was inferior own refining is cost-effective. 上个学期准备复方汤剂的时候,他将《强力药剂》这本书上面魔药配方都记录下来,里面有很多实用的魔药,对提高战斗能力很有帮助。如果要买成品的话,需要很多金加隆,远不如自己熬制划算。 In addition, he has also bought an excellent activity constellation model. 除此之外,他还买了一个绝妙的活动星座模型。 Had it, later was not necessary on again the astronomy class. Ivan in day Venta that suffices each Wednesday evening to reach to the sky is suffered frozen, particularly considered that oneself also has the greatly strengthened acrophobia, this taste awful. 有了它,以后就可以不必再上天文学课了。艾文受够了每个星期三晚上都要去高耸入云的天文塔上挨冻,尤其是考虑到自己还有极强的恐高症,这种滋味更加的糟糕。 Then, he has also bought the thing on school goods detailed list with Harry. 接下来,他还和哈利一起去买了学校物品清单上的东西。 They went to Madam Malkin robe exclusive agency there to buy new robe first, two people just came out from the shop, saw that one group of people pushed before a shop. 他们先去摩金夫人长袍专卖店那里买了新的袍子,两个人刚刚从店里面出来,就看到一群人挤在一个店铺前。 They have collected curiously, Ivan notes this is a Quiddich high-quality goods exclusive agency, is placing manufacture fine broomstick in the shop display window. 他们好奇地凑了过去,艾文注意到这是一家魁地奇精品专卖店,在店铺橱窗里面摆放着一把制作精美的飞天扫帚 Firebolt, represents at present the broomstick highest technological level! The broom is with red ash lumber purification, assumes the streamline, fine incomparable, processes after hard such as the polishing paste of diamond, and has the handwork to carve the registration number......” 火弩箭,代表目前飞天扫帚最高工艺水平!帚把系用白蜡树木材精制而成,呈流线型,精美无比,经硬如钻石之擦光剂加以处理,并有手工镂刻之注册号码......” Ivan swept one then not to have the interest, however Harry actually nearly pasted on the face the glass display window. 艾文只是扫了一眼便没有了兴趣,但是身旁的哈利却差点儿将脸都贴到玻璃橱窗上面。 Walks, Harry! You had a very good broom, does not need to buy one.” Ivan thinks that the parents gave themselves last year the Christmas present, Nimbus 2001, then has been thrown probably after receiving under the school bed. “走吧,哈利!你已经有了一把很好的扫帚了,没有必要在买一把。”艾文想到父母去年送给自己圣诞礼物,一把光轮2001,好像从收到后便一直被扔在学校床底下。 But this is Firebolt, in world quickest broomstick.” “可这是火弩箭啊,世界上最快的飞天扫帚。” Similarly is also most expensive!” “同样也是最贵的!” Nod of Harry approval, he looked under the label, above writes the price to discuss in person, he is not willing to think that this Firebolt value how much money, a little can affirm, certainly is not the price that can undertake. 哈利赞同的点了点头,他看了下标签,上面写着价格面议,他不愿意去想这把火弩箭值多少钱,有一点可以肯定,一定不是自己能够承担得起的价格。 Ivan spent very big vigor to carry off Harry, otherwise he can certainly stand here one all day, such silly stared at broomstick to look. 艾文费了很大的劲才将哈利拉走,要不然他一定可以在这里站上一整天,就这么傻傻的盯着一把飞天扫帚看。 After leaving the Quiddich store, they went to Flourish and Blotts to buy the new textbook. 离开魁地奇商店之后,他们去了丽痕书店买新的教科书。 Ivan needs to buy the new Defense Against the Dark Arts books, Harry increased two new curricula, namely Care of Magical Creatures and divining. 艾文需要买新的黑魔法防御课书籍,哈利则增加了两门新课程,即保护神奇生物和占卜术。 However they just entered Flourish and Blotts to have a scare, bookstore inside chaotic piece, these bound the fine incantation book to disappear, what replaces it is several big iron basket, inside thinks of probably has about more than 200 《Monster Book of Monsters》. 不过他们刚刚进入丽痕书店就被吓了一跳,书店里面乱糟糟一片,原本那些装订精美的咒语书不见了,取而代之的是几个大铁笼子,里面大概装着约有200多本《妖怪们的妖怪书》 These books close in the same place, is carrying on the test of strength competition wildly with rage, warlike bites and fights fiercely, the shatter page flies upwards everywhere. 这些书关在一起,狂怒地进行着角力竞赛,好战成性地猛咬、打斗,破碎的书页到处飞扬。 Is Hogwarts? Is buys the new book?” A manager face did not welcome patiently, when he saw Ivan, on the face pushes a smile, „, is you, Mr. Mason, what book do you need to buy?” “是霍格沃茨的吗?是来买新书的吗?”经理一脸不耐烦的迎了出来,当他看到了艾文,脸上才挤出来一丝微笑,“哦,原来是你啊,梅森先生,你需要买什么书?” Short one year, Ivan has bought more than 200 magic book(s) in Flourish and Blotts, this makes him almost the Flourish and Blotts most popular customer. 短短一年时间,艾文丽痕书店买了200多本魔法书籍,这让他几乎成为丽痕书店最受欢迎的顾客。 Volume, what matter are these books?” Ivan has referred to the iron basket. “额,这些书是什么回事?”艾文指了指铁笼子。 Not to mention, these 《Monster Book of Monsters》 are my this whole life has seen the most awful book simply, «Invisible Book of Invisibility» is worse than before has entered, they make are heavily engaged. Is hard to imagine, I had been nipped this morning five times.” “别提了,这些《妖怪们的妖怪书》简直是我这辈子见过最糟糕的书了,比以前进过的《隐形术的隐形书》还要糟,它们闹得不可开交。难以想象,我今天早晨已经被咬了五次。” His voice just fell, in basket broadcasts a resounding tearing sound suddenly, two 《Monster Book of Monsters》 held the third book, must rip the powder it with joint forces. 他的话音刚落,笼子里面忽然传来一阵响亮的撕扯声音,两本《妖怪们的妖怪书》抓住了第三本,合力要把它撕散。 No! Stop, stops quickly!” The manager has extended from the iron bars the walking stick, opens these books, he was shouting loudly, I did not store up these books, never! Simply is field nightmare, if makes me know that is which idiot assigns this type of book for the teaching material, I must kill him.” “不!住手,快住手!”经理将手杖从铁条之间伸了进去,把这几本书打开,他大声叫嚷着,“我再也不储存这些书了,永远不!简直是场噩梦,如果让我知道是哪个白痴把这种书指定为教材,我一定要杀了他。” Hears his words, Harry has turned the head hurriedly. 听到他的话,哈利急忙转过头。 Hagrid was giving him couple days ago 《Monster Book of Monsters》, this makes him have strange uneasy, the intuition tells Harry, certainly is Hagrid assigns these books for the teaching material. Besides Hagrid, which faculty without likes a book of biting. 海格在前几天送给他一本《妖怪们的妖怪书》,这让他有一种奇怪的不安感,直觉告诉哈利,一定是海格将这些书指定为教材的。除了海格之外,没有哪个教授会喜欢一本咬人的书。 Must cope with these books, is actually very easy.” Ivan saw that the opposite party is so pitiful, decided told him the know-how, he said gently, you, so long as stroked the back gently, their quiet will get down!” “要对付这些书,其实很容易。”艾文看到对方这么可怜,决定将窍门告诉他,他轻轻地说道,“你只要轻轻抚摸一下书脊,它们就会安静下来!” What?!” The manager is surprised the different way. “什么?!”经理诧异道。 Ivan hints the opposite party to take out 《Monster Book of Monsters》 from the basket, this book struggles is wanting to bite, but the Ivan's index finger slides in the back from top to bottom, this book has trembled, then opened, settles quiet geostationary to lie down in his hand. 艾文示意对方从笼子里面取出一本《妖怪们的妖怪书》,这本书挣扎着想要咬人,但艾文的食指在书脊上从上到下一滑,这本书就发抖了,然后打开了,安安静静地躺在他手上。 good heavens, Mr. Mason, inconceivable!” The manager calls out in alarm one, you helped me be busy simply!” 天啊,梅森先生,不可思议!”经理惊呼一声,“你简直帮了我大忙了!” He directs several sales clerks to take out 《Monster Book of Monsters》 in turn, lets after the Ivan's method they are tranquil, immediately takes a string them to tie up. 他指挥几个店员依次将《妖怪们的妖怪书》取出,按照艾文的方法让它们平静下来后,立刻拿一根绳子把它们绑上。 Bundles them on, this is processes these books the correct ways!” The manager puffs to say. “把它们捆上,这才是处理这些书的正确方式!”经理喘着粗气说。 Because Ivan's suggested that he and Harry obtains the lowest discount. 由于艾文的建议,他和哈利获得最低的折扣。 Ivan very impolite took several books, he has thought that also increased the curriculum the teaching material to take a book the third grade in turn. 艾文很不客气的拿了几本书,他想了一下,又把三年级新增课程的教材依次拿了一本。 The curriculum of second grade is completely same as the first grade, the inside majority of contents, Ivan has studied independently to complete. Attends class again completely is waste time, he decided that audits third-grade the recently added several classes, when the last semester end of the period, Professor McGonagall agreed with this request. 二年级的课程设置和一年级完全一样,里面大部分内容,艾文都已经自学完成。再去上课完全是浪费时间,他决定去旁听一下三年级的新增加的几门课,在上学期期末的时候,麦格教授已经同意他这个请求。 Harry has bought «Intermediate transfiguration» and 《The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3》, Cassandra Vablatsky 《Unfogging the Future》, this is Divination assigns the basic teaching material, inside to looking at palm reading, crystal ball, birds internal organs and other contents, has strong characteristics. 哈利则买了《中级变形术》和《标准咒语,三级》,还有一本卡桑德拉瓦布拉斯基著的《拨开迷雾看未来》,这是占卜课指定入门教材,里面对看手相、水晶球、鸟类内脏等内容,都具备很强的指导作用。 However Harry has not actually read own new book, his vision light fell in another book, that places «Death Omen» on small table, above writes with the red large character: When you know the worst matter forthcoming time, what to do should you? 但是哈利却没有看自己的新书,他的目光光落到了另外一本书上,那是放在小桌子上的一本《死亡预兆》,上面用红色的大字写着:当你知道最坏的事即将到来的时侯,你该怎么办? „, I, if you, I do not read such book.” The sales clerk in bookstore noticed that the Harry's vision falls in that book, said with ease that you read this book, will see that the omen of death was ubiquitous, this entertainers'guild was scary.” “哦,我要是你,我可不看这样的书。”书店的店员看到哈利的目光落在那本书上,轻松地说,“你看了这本书,就会看到死亡的预兆无处不在,这本书会吓死人的。” However Harry was still staring the title page of that book: In the title page has a dog, has almost the bear to be so big, two illumination. This dog seems looks familiar extraordinarily...... 但是哈利仍然瞪着那本书的封面:封面上有一条狗,差不多有熊那么大,两眼发光。这条狗看上去出奇地眼熟...... Harry has drawn Ivan, hints him to read this title page. 哈利拉了拉艾文,示意他去看这个封面。 Ivan took a look at one, the black dog and Sirius Black that this represented the death omen truly a little looked like, no wonder Harry very much felt restlessly. 艾文瞅了一眼,这个代表死亡预兆的黑狗和小天狼星布莱克确实有点像,难怪哈利很感觉到不安。 Ivan, you said that night was......” 艾文,你说那天晚上是不是......” Do not think blindly that is a stray dog!” Ivan thinks oneself were pursued by the opposite party has been running several streets, he clenches teeth to add, right, a very repugnant stray dog.” “别瞎想,那不过是一个流浪狗罢了!”艾文想到自己被对方追着跑过好几条街,他咬牙补充道,“没错,一条非常讨厌的流浪狗。”
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