HPATST :: Volume #17

#1677: Welcome back

wizard(s) under Harry opposite stone column is carrying evil god statue, walks toward platform central dark witch. 哈利对面石柱下的巫师端着邪神雕像,向平台中央的黑女巫走去。 He is getting more and more near to the Harry's distance, the strange being out of sorts feeling becomes stronger and stronger, Harry has one not good premonition, who he wants to see clearly this dark wizard(s) is, but the flare or the magic power ray seems unable to pass through the shadow under opposite party cape, as if one group covers up dark on the dark wizard(s) face, has prevented the Harry's line of sight. 他离哈利的距离越来越近,奇怪的违和感变得越来越强,哈利有一种不好的预感,他想要看清楚这个黑巫师是谁,但无论是火把还是魔力的光芒似乎都无法穿过对方斗篷下的阴影,似乎有一团黑暗遮掩在黑巫师脸上,阻止了哈利的视线。 Quick, Harry gave up, his line of sight uncontrolled transfers to evil god statue in wizard(s) bosom. 很快,哈利就放弃了,他的视线不受控制的移到巫师怀中的邪神雕像上面。 This statue looks like ugly stump, the tentacle that it extends keeps is swaying from side to side, as if in swallowing surrounding magic power, soul as well as air all life essence, even including ray, because swallowing of statue had the distortion nearby it, Harry thought that his within the body had anything suction probably. 这个雕像就像是一个丑陋树桩,它伸展出的触手不停的扭动着,似乎在吞噬周围的魔力、灵魂以及空气中所有的生命精华,甚至连光线因为雕像的吞噬在它附近都发生了扭曲,哈利觉得他体内好像有什么东西被吸走了。 When this feeling like dementor(s) approaches, but dementor(s) suction joyfully, he does not know that the statue suction anything from oneself here. 这种感觉就像摄魂怪靠近时一样,但摄魂怪吸走了快乐,他不知道雕像从自己这里吸走了什么。 In fact, Harry did not determine that is own misconception, he probably became weaker. 事实上,哈利也不确定是不是自己的错觉,他好像变得更加虚弱了。 Only then scar on head in one by one is hurting, reminds matter that Harry this is being has, but is not a fearful nightmare. 只有脑袋上的伤疤在一下又一下的疼着,提醒着哈利这是真实发生的事情,而不是一个可怕的噩梦。 The matter that Harry can determine is this statue is connecting evil god(s), in the meantime, it is also Voldemort's Horcrux. 哈利能够确定的事情是这个雕像连接着邪神,同时,它也是伏地魔的魂器 In the statue has the Voldemort's soul fragment, therefore Harry can feel it, his scar will hurt. 雕像内有伏地魔的灵魂碎片,所以哈利才能感觉到它,他的伤疤才会疼。 When besides the Voldemort itself mood drastic fluctuation, every time contacts Horcrux, Harry's scar like this, but was different from past Horcrux, evil god statue itself had the formidable strength, it can absorb the strength of soul and flesh and blood. 除了伏地魔本身情绪剧烈波动外,每一次接触魂器时,哈利的伤疤都会这样,但不同于以往的魂器,邪神雕像本身就具有强大的力量,它可以吸收灵魂和血肉的力量。 This statue is extremely evil, the significance to Voldemort is out of the ordinary, was Voldemort conquers the symbol of death. 这个雕像极其邪恶,对伏地魔而言意义更是非比寻常,是伏地魔征服死亡的象征。 Harry has not thought that Voldemort has given dark witch this thing unexpectedly. 哈利没有想到,伏地魔居然将这件东西交给了黑女巫 Certainly was yesterday evening, Harry thinks that yesterday evening in the Malfoy manor, dark witch has looked for Voldemort. 一定是昨天晚上,哈利想到,昨天晚上在马尔福庄园,黑女巫去找过伏地魔 She went to there to seek the help, Voldemort has given her at that time evil god statue. 她去那里寻求帮助,伏地魔就在那时将邪神雕像给了她。 evil god statue can help the black female obtain strength, the witch defeats the Ravenclaw's ghost, helped her the gate of death secret, has been opened this door incantation. Sure enough, as dark witch received evil god statue, the statue starts to send out the weak red ray outward, the frequency that the above tentacle rocks became quicker. 邪神雕像可以帮助黑女获得力量,巫击败拉文克劳的鬼魂,帮助她得到死亡之门的秘密,得到打开这扇门的咒语。果不其然,随着黑女巫接过邪神雕像,雕像开始向外散发出微弱的红色光芒,上面的触手晃动的频率变得更快了。 Great master, I offers the soul of delicacy to you, displays your strength.” dark witch shouts greatly. “伟大的主人,我将美味的灵魂奉献给你,展现你的力量吧。”黑女巫大喊道。 Her voice just fell, the red ray that on statue sends out shoots up to the sky. 她的话音刚落,雕像上发出的红色光芒冲天而起。 It as if had formidable attraction, in the space all preparations has scattered in all directions soul all it that fled to absorb. 它似乎产生了强大的吸引力,空间内所有准备四散逃离的灵魂全都它吸收。 I must swallow, all essence!” The low and deep sound reverberates in the Harry mind directly. “我要吞噬,所有的精华!”低沉的声音直接在哈利脑海中回响。 Great master, lends me your strength, making the mortal submit before you.” dark witch shouts once more loudly. “伟大的主人,将你的力量借给我,让凡人在你面前屈服把。”黑女巫再次大声喊道。 She is surrounding evil god statue, another hand has held up wand(s) high. 她环抱着邪神雕像,另外一只手高高举起了魔杖 Soul, so delicacy!” The sound appears again, Harry thought that head soon blasted open. “灵魂,如此美味!”声音再次出现,哈利觉得脑袋快要炸裂了。 The ray on evil god statue starts to dark witch there gathering, then transforms the green magic energy. 邪神雕像上的光芒开始向黑女巫那里汇聚,进而转变成绿色的魔法能量。 At present is miserable the green magic power ray even becomes somewhat dazzling, Harry cannot bear narrow the eye, he noticed that dark witch has released the magic to the light group on stone column once again, this time, the light group on stone column washed out, revealed by the writing that they covered up, the gate of opening death incantation is appeared gradually 眼前惨绿色的魔力光芒甚至变得有些刺眼,哈利忍不住眯上眼睛,恍惚间,他看到黑女巫又一次向石柱上的光团释放了魔法,这一次,石柱上的光团被冲散了,露出被它们遮掩住的文字,开启死亡之门的咒语逐渐显现 In the sad melody, team is divided into two parts to protect the carriage to forward slowly, the high ground sail upstream that to the castle goes along a narrow path, the path surrounded the entire high ground to revolve, transfers the curve, Ivan has suddenly seen the light at present, he saw another side lake surface. 在悲伤的旋律中,队伍分成两部分护卫着马车缓缓地向前,沿着一条狭窄的道路向城堡所在的高地上驶去,道路环绕着整个高地旋转了一圈,转过弯道,艾文眼前豁然开朗,他看到另一侧的湖面。 The area of lake is very big, if it not dry, will be very definitely attractive. 湖的面积很大,如果它没有干涸,肯定会很漂亮。 Now how long however it dry does not know, only leaves behind a big hole, imitates such as the human purgatory, particularly looks in the night. 不过它现在干涸不知道多久了,只留下一个大坑,仿如人间炼狱,尤其是在夜晚看去。 Ivan leans in the windowsill of carriage, flanerie is looking at out of the window, at the same time is thinking tonight has the matter here. 艾文倚靠在马车的窗沿上,漫无目的地望着窗外,一边想着今天晚上发生在这里的事情。 This does not know the strange singing sound where resounds, has as if divulged many information 这不知道从哪里响起的古怪歌声,似乎透漏了不少信息 Looks in light of the information that he has, as if because of the reason of gate of death, this lands was cursed dark, wizard(s) and guard of armed forces and all residents Ravenclaw family were fettered here, turns ghost that was unable to be reincarnated, even if past millenniums was also imprisoned by the strength of magic here. 结合他所掌握的信息看,似乎是因为死亡之门的缘故,这片土地受到了黑暗的诅咒,拉文克劳家族的巫师、护卫军和所有居民们都被束缚在这里,变成了无法超生的鬼魂,哪怕过去千年的也被魔法的力量囚禁在此处。 Gate of death strength, evil god(s) magic?! 死亡之门的力量,邪神的魔法吗?! At this moment, Ivan notes to wipe the green to appear in the central location of lake. 就在这时,艾文注意到一抹绿色在湖的中央位置出现。 dark magic? 黑魔法 At this time can also discharge here, definitely was dark witch, what did she plan to make?! 这个时候还能在这里施放的,肯定是黑女巫了,她打算做什么?! Harry and Ron should there, in the dark magic green brilliance, Ivan as if see wipe the garnet. 哈利罗恩应该在那里吧,在黑魔法的绿色光耀中,艾文似乎看到一抹暗红色。 What has this represented?! 这又代表了什么?! The color of which black witchcraft without is the garnet, is the neutral magic arts or other certain is only thinks to let the person very not happy magic?! 没有哪个黑巫术的颜色是暗红色,那么就是中性的法术或者其它某些光是想想就让人很不愉快的魔法?! Ivan has not adopted any movement, under the function of Ravenclaw royal crown, he does not have the sentiment now, therefore is not worried to Harry and Ron's safely, although intellectually said that this is the matter that should be worried about, because did not have the sentiment, this matter becomes no longer so is instead important. 艾文没有采取什么动作,在拉文克劳冠冕的作用下,他现在没有感情,所以也不会对哈利罗恩的安全感到担心,虽然在理智上说,这是应该担心的事情,但因为没有了感情,这种事情反而变得不再那么重要。 Now what Ivan considers is how he should move, dark witch is carrying on any danger dark magic in the construction of lake center obviously, he such passes does not help matters, he definitely is not dark witch and that many Claw of the Raven dark wizard's matches. 艾文现在考虑的是他应该如何行动,黑女巫显然在湖中心的建筑内进行着什么危险的黑魔法,他就这么过去也无济于事,他一个人不肯定是黑女巫和那么多渡鸦之爪黑巫师的对手。 Compares in the risk, might as well seeks for the breach on these ghosts of Ravenclaw family, made clear this lands exactly to have anything. 相比于冒险,还不如在拉文克劳家族的这些鬼魂身上寻找突破口,搞清楚这片土地曾经到底发生过什么。 The carriage has not stopped because of sudden dark magic , to continue drives to the front door place of summit castle. 马车也没有因为突然出现的黑魔法而停顿,继续向山顶城堡的大门处驶去。 Crossed the outer wall of castle, guard has dispersed the security in carriage nearby soldiers to all around. 过了城堡的外墙,护卫在马车旁边的士兵们向四周散开警戒。 After several minutes, the carriage stays outside the castle front door slowly. 几分钟后,马车缓缓地停留在城堡大门外。 Wear Ravenclaw family symbol an old man ghost of robe in out of the door, he goes forward to open the vehicle door. 一个穿着拉文克劳家族徽记的长袍的老者鬼魂正等在门外,他上前打开车门。 Welcome to come back, master.” He said that bowed to Ivan. “欢迎回来,主人。”他说,向艾文鞠了一躬。 „Are you person of Ravenclaw family? I am not your master, you have admitted mistakes the person.” Ivan said that occupies a commanding position to size up the ghost outside car(riage). “你是拉文克劳家族的人?我不是你的主人,你认错了人。”艾文说,居高临下打量着车外的鬼魂。 No, my master, I will not admit mistakes your head royal crown, that is the symbol of Ravenclaw family, the crown of wisdom, only then the main talented person of most intelligent wizard(s) as well as this lands can have it.” The old man said that for this moment, I waited for in 1000, welcome you to return to the castle of Ravenclaw family.” “不,我的主人,我可不会认错您头上的冠冕,那是拉文克劳家族的象征,智慧之冠,只有最聪明的巫师以及这片土地的主人才能够拥有它。”老头说道,“为了这一刻,我已经等了1000年,欢迎您回到拉文克劳家族的城堡。” .
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